Adams, Jacob, 136
Allen, William W., 88, 99–100, 299
Allison, James N., 24–25, 293, 301
Allison, William, 9
American Horse, 247–248, 250, 252, 260, 277, 389n66
Andrews Creek, 233
Apaches, 62, 114, 178, 217, 268, 331, 335
Arapahoes, 1, 16, 32, 52, 60, 149, 270, 277, 280–281, 284–286, 289–291, 301, 306, 313, 347–348n3, 396n39
Archambeau, Louis, 32
Arikara Indians, 115, 127, 212, 228, 232
Armstrong, Robert G., 4
Army of the Yellowstone
description of Reno and, 189
Little Big Horn affair and, 192
marching up the Rosebud and, 194, 196
numbers of officers and men, 196
O'Kelly's initial impression of Benteen and, 191
Reno's feud with Rosser and, 190, 196–198
review of Little Big Horn battle and, 199–204
rumor of Custer's men captured alive and, 188
struggling with the intense heat and, 195
suicide of Lewis Thompson and, 187
survivors of the Seventh Cavalry and, 194
Terry-Gibbon column and, 196
Arnold, Ben, 184
Artillery and Engineer School of Berlin, 252
Ayers, Lorenzo E., 51
Ayres, George E., 43
Baird, James, 294, 301, 397n74
Baldwin, Frank, 318
Barrows, Samuel J., 157
battle of Slim Buttes, 239–253, 256, 262, 277, 333, 387n30
battle of the Bear Paw, 338, 340
battle of the Butte, 318
battle of the Little Big Horn
accurate count of warriors and, 74
Black Bear and, 277
Charles Windolph and, 342
Crow Reservation and, 3
Jacob Horner and, 343
John Martin and, 336
Little Buck Elk and, 145
Mark Kellogg and, 330
New York Herald and, 112–118, 120, 122–123, 125, 127, 131, 139, 143–144, 147–152, 154–156, 162, 164, 199–203
Reno's official report and, 368–369n81
Sioux as best irregular cavalry in the world and, 185
Tom Custer and, 299
William E. Morris and, 339–340
Wooden Leg's account and, 368n80, 372n129
battle of the Rosebud
butchering the troops and, 88–89
chase of Indians at the close of the battle and, 363n27
Crow warriors still living in 1928 and, 363n40
George Crook and, 170
New York Daily Graphic and, 92–101
waste of ammunition and, 84
Weekly Rocky Mountain News and, 79–85
battle of Wolf Mountains, 318, 320
Bear Nose, 250
Becker, John, 170
Beecher, Henry Ward, 176
Belknap, William W., 115, 347n1, 364n9
Bell, Alexander Graham, 114
Belle Fourche River, 35, 237, 254–258, 303, 307–308, 310, 312–314
Bennett, James Gordon, 222
Bennett, Richard, 109
Benteen, Frederick W.
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 134, 147, 202–203
biography of, 343
fighting order of command and, 130
O'Kelly's initial impression of, 191
photograph of, 131
senior officers after Custer and, 114
valley hunting episode and, 377n31
Berry, Ken, 344
Big Horn Mountains, 2–4, 13, 17–19, 21, 34, 44, 58, 77, 167, 169, 183, 284, 286, 289, 303, 310, 313
Big Horn River, 3–4, 13, 18, 29, 58–59, 63–64, 66, 113, 118, 122, 124, 126, 147, 170, 177, 186, 191, 265, 340, 348n11, 366n56, 371n113, 372n153, 377n15, 401n10
Bingham, H. W., 31
Bismarck Tribune, George Armstrong Custer and, 117
Black Bear, 153, 250, 277, 390n83
Black Crow, 32
Black Hills
constructing new military post in, 347n1
George Crook and, 1–2, 4, 11–12, 16, 18–20, 23, 26–28
New York Times article and, 12–16
safety and, 349n27, 391–392n45
Black Hills Tribune, engagement between Crook's army and Sioux, 260
Black Wolf, 248
Boise Basin Mountains, 66
Boston Transcript, battle of the Little Big Horn and, 162
Boucher, Frank C., 245
Bourke, John G.
arrival at Fort Fetterman and, 350n44
battle of the Rosebud and, 108
bridle rein was shot out of his hand and, 353n44
Crook's aide-de-camp and, 74, 277, 352n31, 381–382n14
Crook's forty-eighth birthday and, 388n45
Crook wounding one buffalo and, 353n37
Davenport as a “whipped cur” and, 104
Dull Knife Fight and, 293
fresh supplies and, 259
George Crook and, 169, 293, 331–332
Heap ponies' and, 287
manifest destiny of white race and, 109
Many Beaver Dams and, 285
march to Andrews Creek and, 385n9
orders to attack and, 290
replenishment of Commissariat and, 258
Roche's hunting exploit and, 309
Terry's July 9 dispatch and, 177
weather and, 308
Boyd, W. C., 29
Bozeman Trail, 33, 35, 62, 347n3, 351n53
Bradley, James H., 120, 122, 138, 140
Brisbin, James S., 124–125, 133, 138–141, 147, 185, 194, 213–214, 366n55–56
Brockmeyer, William E. “Yank”, 192–193
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 154, 162
Black Hills and, 6
death of John Martin and, 336
Indian Wars and, 74
Brotherton, David H., 332
Brown, John, 334
Bruguier, John, 323
Brule Sioux, 26, 152–154, 176, 240, 248, 250, 274, 277, 347n4, 367n74, 389n66
Bryan, William C., 43, 52, 353n44, 353n47
Bubb, John W., 238, 241, 256–257, 387n34
Buffalo Chips, 246. 250, 251, 388n58
Burke, Daniel W., 325
Burt, Andrew, 169
Butler, Edmund, 319
Byrne, Patrick Edward, 113
Café Brunswick, 209
Campaigning with Crook (King), 182
Campbell, Dave, 192
Camp Cloud Peak, 79, 109–110, 167, 170–171, 175, 375n32
Camp Douglas, 110
Camp Harney, 2
Camp Robinson, 22, 61, 253, 269, 311, 321–323, 389n70
Cantonment Reno, 277, 283–285, 306–307, 310, 396n33
Carnahan, John M., 341
Carroll, 186, 188, 193, 226, 377n15
Carty, Tobias, 100
Casey, James S., 319
Castle Creek, 20
Chambers, Alexander, 62, 81, 208
Chambers, William F., “Persimmon Bill” and, 8
Chandler, Zachariah, 30
Charging Crow, 245
Chase, George F., 256
Cheyenne Daily Leader
arrival of Colonel Merritt's command and, 263–264
battle of Slim Buttes and, 252–253
Black Bear and, 250
Brothers Von Luettwitz and, 252–253
Crazy Horse and, 316
Davenport as “asinine” and, 105
“General Sherman's Views” and, 268
George Crook and, 273
Indian estimates and, 103
infantry versus cavalry firearms and, 360n26
intertribal warfare and, 289
interview with “Buffalo Bill” Cody and, 264–265
new troop replacements and, 269
Powder River expedition and, 277
Shoshones make brave stand and, 360n31
Sitting Bull and, 316
superhuman indian warriors and, 153
Cheyenne Indians
appearance of, 316
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 149
bravest warriors and, 303
camping places of, 210
Crazy Horse and, 55, 59, 248, 284–286, 303, 305, 307, 398n13
Dull Knife Fight and, 291–294, 298–302, 304–305, 312–313
expert horsemen and, 178
General Merritt's charge and, 180, 263
George Crook and, 56–57, 59, 62, 75, 167, 172, 178, 250, 266, 285–286, 309, 321, 354n11
growing number of warriors and, 59
intertribal warfare and, 289
Jerry Roche and, 288, 291, 310
Many Beaver Dams and, 285
military operations against and, 7
New York Herald article and, 60
Northern Cheyennes and, 269, 303, 347–348n4, 354n2
numbers of first class fighting braves and, 32, 59
Old Bear and, 55
Ranald Mackenzie and, 276, 285, 301–304, 306, 312, 318, 322, 354n4
recapturing their horses and, 57
Red Cloud Agency and, 180, 263, 285
romantic version of the Indian and, 60
Short Buffalo and, 305
Sibley's misadventure with, 176
Sioux Treaty of 1868 and, 347n3
Sitting Bear and, 285
Sitting Bull and, 55, 59, 206, 301
Sun Dance and, 211
tactics of, 106
“unceded territory” and, 7
war dances and, 289
Weekly Rocky Mountain News and, 182
White Antelope and, 172
White Bull and, 324
William Cody and, 206
winter village of Crazy Horse and, 55
Wooden Leg and, 4, 305, 353n46, 354n1, 362n21
Yellow Hand and, 181
Cheyenne River, 17–18, 22, 27, 31, 33, 63, 180, 254, 270, 272, 320
Cheyenne Sun, skirmish at Warbonnet Creek and, 182
Chicago Inter-Ocean, trail discovery and, 209
Chicago Journal, Black Hills and, 9
Chicago Times, severity of conditions on troops and, 237
Chief Washakie, 70, 176, 211, 289, 358n6
Clark, Charles, 61
Clark, William Philo, 245–246, 277, 289–291, 297, 322, 325–327, 329, 353n39
Clements, Bennett A., 249
Clifford, Walter, 187, 363n40, 375n25
Cody, William F. “Buffalo Bill”, 180–181, 206–207, 211, 213, 222, 225, 264–265, 332, 379n6, 388n58
Cold Springs Canyon, 26
Collins, Harry G., 175
Colorado Miner
battle of the Rosebud and, 102
Indian scouts and, 74
skirmish at Tongue River Heights, 70–72
Colorado Springs Gazette
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 154
Colorado Transcript, Custer's practical joke and, 344
Cooper, James Fenimore, 345
Cooper, Tom, 71
Cornwell, Oscar R., 175
Cosgrove, Thomas, 85, 89, 206, 291, 358n6, 361n32
Crawford, “Captain Jack”, 8, 255
Crawford, Emmet, 62–63, 93, 238, 240–244, 246, 356n43
Crazy Horse
battle of Powder River and, 46–53
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 323
Belle Fourche River and, 256
Black Bear and, 250
Black Wolf and, 248
Cheyenne Daily Leader and, 316
Cheyennes and, 55, 59, 248, 284–286, 303–305, 307, 398n13
Crook's scouts searching for and, 282, 307–308
death of, 325
description of, 327
end of Powder River Expedition and, 312–314
George Crook and, 105–106, 276, 398n13
growing number of warriors and, 59
New York Herald and, 303
New York Tribune and, 277, 306
Northern Indians and, 262
reinforcements from, 250
rumor of Sitting Bull's surrender and, 283
Sitting Bear and, 285
surprise of Crook and, 105–106
taking long-range shots at the troops and, 254
winter village of, 55
Crazy Woman's Creek, 66, 284–286
Crazy Woman's Fork, 18, 34, 284, 286, 291, 294–295, 306
Crescent Mountain, 13
Crofton, Robert E. A., 154
Crook, George
advance along the Rosebud and, 205–213
advance into the Black Hills and, 227
advance toward Powder River and, 35
artillery and, 167
backtracking up the Powder River and, 225
battle of Powder River and, 41–44
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 168
battle of the Rosebud and, 90, 94, 96–98, 102–105, 107–111, 170
Black Hills and, 1–2, 4, 11–12, 16, 18–20, 23, 26–28, 30
breakdown of command and, 276–277
calmness under fire and, 34
Cheyennes and, 56–57, 59, 62, 75, 167, 172, 178, 250, 266, 285–286, 303, 309, 321, 354n11
contrast between the two commands and, 220
council with Crows and Shoshones, 76
courts-martial charges and, 57
crack shot and, 40
Crazy Woman's Creek and, 284
crossing Goose Creek and, 78
Crow scouts and, 359n12, 359n17
decision to return to Fort Fetterman and, 310–311
departing Fort Fetterman and, 33
Department of the Platte and, 1
description of, 262
ending of Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition, 274–275
end of Powder River Expedition and, 309, 312–315
forty-eighth birthday and, 388n45
funeral procession in search of Sitting Bull and, 219
Indian scouts and, 355–356n34, 395n18
John G. Bourke and, 74, 169, 293, 331–332
John H. Walker on, 160
late Indian campaign and, 18
letter to Baron Von Luettwitz and, 253
living like Indians and, 217
Merritt's cavalry reinforcements and, 269
newspaper attacks on, 214
New York Times interview and, 266–267
order to destroy village and, 91
personality of, 32
readiness of army and, 31
relentless pursuit and, 231–236, 252
reported movements of, 16
response to Davenport and, 217–218
response to Terry and, 178
return to Fort Fetterman and, 56, 314
safety of scouts families and, 281
scattered trails south of the Yellowstone and, 232
scouts conference with, 282–283
scouts searching for Crazy Horse's village and, 307–308
Sheridan redirecting Merritt's cavalry and, 180
Sioux campaign on the Yellowstone and, 264
skirmish at Tongue River Heights, 64–73
soldiers as army of skeletonized ragamuffins, 258
surrender of Crazy Horse and, 326
tactics and, 221
Terry's July 9 dispatch and, 177
Thaddeus H. Stanton and, 334
turning down Deadwood's request and, 260–261
warning from Red Cloud and, 61
winter months and, 161
Crow Foot, 332
Crow Indians
Alfred H. Terry and, 219, 363n40
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 128, 131, 138, 140, 147
battle of the Rosebud and, 79, 82–83, 85–87, 90–93, 98, 100, 107–109, 187, 359n12, 359n17
bravery of, 219
Cantonment Reno and, 310
Curly and, 336
description of, 187
George Crook and, 61, 67–68, 75–79, 187, 359n12, 359n17
George M. Randall and, 315
horse stealing expedition against the Sioux and, 10
making medicine and, 29
New York Herald and, 59
scouts and, 63, 75–79, 128, 187, 212, 219, 356–357n55, 358n7, 363n40, 383n33
Terry-Gibbon camp and, 187
Crow Treaty of 1868, 3
Curly (Crow guide), 336
Cushing, Harry C., 262
Custer Battlefield, national cemetery and, 329
Custer City
as ‘dead duck’ and, 27
bands of hostile Sioux and, 24
daily stage lines and, 21
diggings and, 20
distance to Deadwood and, 350n45
frontier justice and, 261
gambling outfits and, 22
living in constant terror and, 60
population losses and, 26
regular frontier city and, 19
want of paying ground and, 66
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, 144, 338–339
Custer, George Armstrong
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 135–137, 140–149, 153–155, 160, 162–164, 199
Black Hills Expedition of 1874 and, 2, 28, 157
“Buffalo Bill” Cody and, 181
condition of body and, 144
“cut loose” from Terry and, 125
description of, 126
Edward S. Godfrey and, 338
expectations of fighting and, 365n32
feeling the sting of the president's anger and, 128
fighting order of command and, 130
finale to Reno-Rosser feud and, 196–198
Grant's replacing with Terry and, 115
honor of the attack to, 124
James Brisbin and, 185
John Hobart Walker on, 160–162
New York Daily Graphic and, 112
Northern Pacific Railroad and, 10
practical joke and, 344
Reno deviating from orders and, 123
Rosser's letter and, 189
Sitting Bull and, 112–113, 118–119, 124, 143, 155, 162, 164
success as a guide and, 121
Terry's written orders to, 126–127
urgent message from, 134
waiting for Reno and, 122
Daily Alta California
Alfred H. Terry and, 215
battle of the Rosebud and, 102
Crook reinforced by the Fifth Cavalry and, 222
Crook's artillery and, 167
Crook's dispatches and, 234
Crook starting on the war path and, 179
Sitting Bull and, 268
skirmish at Tongue River Heights, 64–69
Terry cutting loose from his elegant wagon camp and, 218–219
Daily Colorado Chieftain
Custer's memory and, 156
dress of officers and Sioux, 214
repeating Winchester rifles and, 183
stripping of Custer's men and, 345
“A Titled British Ass” and, 163
“Who Killed Custer?” editorial, 1
Davenport, Reuben Briggs
advance along the Rosebud and, 211–213
advance mission to the Black Hills and, 257
battle of the Rosebud and, 85–92, 107–108
“blood encrusted trophies” and, 59
citizen volunteers and, 208
contents of the lodges and, 244–245
contrast between the two commands and, 220
Crook's experience fighting Apaches and, 178
Crook's tactics and, 221
Crook's winter campaign and, 356n53
cutting off heads of dead Sioux and, 254
description of Crook's men and, 258
desecration of graves and, 210–211
discovery of Shoshone and Ute scouts, 176
dispatch from Crook's camp and, 206
fighting at Slim Buttes and, 241–251
Frank Grouard and, 245
George Crook and, 167–168, 217–218
large Sioux trail and, 373n160
minor scuffle with a small party of Sioux and, 232–233
privations of the field and, 238–239
Red Cloud and, 61
result of another reconnaissance and, 231–232
Royall's battalion and, 104
saving an old Sioux woman and a baby, 246–247
scattering of Sioux into small parties and, 183
sight of Cloud Peak and, 169–170
Sioux raising neighboring bands to their assistance and, 242–243
skirmish at Glendive Creek and, 225
steadfastness of the troops and, 207
subsistence of Indians and, 210
superiority of white humanity and, 355n29
surrender of warriors and, 247–249
uneasiness of Captain Mills and, 243
view of Crook's verdict and, 234
William Philo Clark and, 246
Deadwood, South Dakota
Crook turning down request and, 260–261
distance to Custer City and, 350n45
miners and, 7
newest “diggings” and, 19
Reuben Briggs Davenport and, 208
Dean, Martin, 26
Delmonico's, 209
DeRudio, Charles, 131, 135, 212, 369n89
Deseret News
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 155
champion of Indian rights and, 163
defeat of Sitting Bull and, 345
jokes about Indian Wars and, 345–346
Dodge City Times, Reno's death and, 343
Dodge, Richard Irving, 276, 307, 309, 311, 349n14, 397–398n2
Dorman, Isaiah, 141
Doylestown Democrat, Grant's replacing Custer and, 115
Droege, John, 43
Drum, Richard, 179
Dull Knife, 293, 302–303, 305, 321–322, 354n4
Dull Knife Fight
attack on the daring Cheyennes and, 312–313
Frank J. North and, 330
Northern Cheyennes and, 303
seeking refuge with Crazy Horse and, 304
Short Buffalo and, 305
Durfee, 188
Ecoffee, Jules, 32
Eighteenth Infantry, 127
Evans, Andrew W., 81
Far West, 120–122, 127, 152, 186, 192–194, 212, 216, 221
Fifth Cavalry, 62, 70, 179–183, 205, 207, 222, 250–251, 256, 263, 269, 274, 276–277, 292, 294, 301, 384n54, 388n55, 390n92, 392n62
Fifth Infantry, 188, 196, 213, 216, 228, 229, 316–318
Finerty, John F., 78, 105, 107–108, 169–170, 174–175, 234, 256, 258, 260, 335, 359n20, 359n22, 362n16, 389n68
Finerty, Vera, 335
Fire Thunder, 270
Flynn, Eugene, 100
Fort Abercrombie, 268
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 58, 114, 117–119, 140, 152, 186, 199, 229, 234–235, 342, 385n9
Fort Benton, 17
Fort Buford, 18, 228–229, 332, 351n47, 384n54
Fort C. F. Smith, 171
Fort Ellis, 58, 221, 228, 366n56
Fort Fetterman, 13, 16, 18, 26, 30–33, 35–36, 40, 52, 56, 58, 60–64, 69, 74, 102, 105, 110, 175, 179, 184, 205, 222, 234, 263, 276, 278–281, 283, 310–312, 314, 350n44, 350n46, 351n52, 357n71, 379n6, 392n62, 399n32–33
Fort Laramie, 4, 11, 17–18, 22–23, 31, 34–35, 57, 61, 180, 215, 222, 259–260, 262, 276, 278, 281, 312, 327, 347n3, 348n9, 349n28, 350n44, 351n48, 351n53, 356n53, 361n32, 362n19, 391n35
Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, 34, 347n3, 348n9, 351n53
Fort Logan, 333
Fort Phil Kearney, 23, 36, 112
Fort Pierre, 13, 15, 17, 27, 391n28
Fort Randall, 15
Fort Riley, 338
Fort Russell, 4
Fort Shaw, 58
Fort Smith, 29
Fort Smith-Yellowtail Dam, 3
Fort Snelling, 268
Fort Stambaugh, 67
Fort Sully, 17
Fort Walsh, 332
Foster, James E. H., 65, 79, 87, 92, 94–96, 98–100, 103, 132, 369n82
Fourteenth Infantry, 160, 179, 208, 277, 325, 375n35, 381–382n14
Fourth Artillery, 261–262, 276
Fourth Infantry, 32, 35, 37, 62, 81
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
battle of the Butte, 318
Crazy Horse and, 319
French, Thomas, 201
F Troop, 344
Furey, John V., 109, 209, 277, 314, 335, 386n20
Furey, Robert, 335
Ganzio, Herman, 8
Garlington, Ernest A., 195
Garnier, Baptiste “Little Bat”, 32, 47, 351n51
Geronimo, 331
Gibbon, John, 57–59, 75, 120–122, 124–127, 133, 137–141, 148–151, 153, 155, 158, 177, 186–187, 194, 196, 206, 214, 225, 228–229, 340, 355n15, 355n24, 358n7, 365n36, 367n69, 373n165, 382n19
Gibson, Francis M., 129
Gingras, Louis, 47
Glass, Edward, 244
Glendive Creek, 106, 115, 120, 225–226, 228–229, 232, 316
Godfrey, Edward S., 128, 337–338, 381n10
Goes Ahead, 138
Golden, John, 26
Good Heart, 85
Goose Creek, 18, 29, 69, 75, 77–78, 85, 92, 99, 103, 167–168, 171, 175, 180, 184, 188, 205, 220–221, 235, 239, 254, 259, 262–263, 266, 279, 357n71, 379n6, 386n20, 392n62
Gouget, Theodore, 52
Grant, Ulysses
Black Hills and, 5
cartoon and, 3
Custer's massacre and, 156
furnishing provisions to Indians and, 349n25
George Armstrong Custer and, 116–117
meeting with General Sherman and, 7
Quaker policy and, 25
Sheridan's influence with, 151
Sitting Bull and, 73
Terry replacing Custer and, 115
Graves, John H., 66
Gray Head, 302
Gray, John Morrissey, 335
Great Popoagie, 109
Great Sioux Reservation
Anson Mills and, 238
Fast Thunder and, 282
Northern Cheyennes and, 348
reporting to reservations and, 31
Sheridan's strategy and, 58, 114, 120
Sioux Treaty of 1868 and, 393n8
Sitting Bull and, 332
Great Sioux War, Wooden Leg and, 4
Grimes, Robert B., 182
Groesch, Andrew, 100
Grouard, Frank, 32, 39–40, 45–47, 63, 75, 109, 170–175, 206, 226, 231–232, 238, 244–245, 256, 298, 301, 327, 352n34, 355n20, 359n17, 380n17, 381–382n14, 387n34
Gwin, L. R., 23
Haight, Allen, 26
Hairy Moccasin, 138
Halley, James, 273
Hamilton, John B., 343
Hare, Luther, 141
Harper's Weekly
Custer's memory and, 156
survivors of Custer's battle and, 345
Harrington, Thomas, 113, 163–164
Hartford Daily Times, Grant's replacing Custer with Terry and, 115
Hartsuff, Albert, 83
Hastings, James, 182, 355–356n34, 392n1
Heart River, 114, 117, 235, 252
Helena Herald, rumors of Custer's men captured alive and, 188
Henry, Guy V., 64, 83, 86, 88–89, 94, 96, 100, 104
Herendeen, George, 127–130, 132, 135–136, 150, 187, 367n69–70, 367n72, 369n92, 370n93, 372n146
Hickok, James Butler “Wild Bill”, 364n1
Hilton, Jim, 261
Hi-no-ton-ka (Big Crow), 319–320
Howard, E. A., 245
Howe, Timothy O., 9
Hudson Bay Company, 159
Hull, Alfred, 159
Hump (Cheyenne warrior), 303–305, 323, 360n31, 398n3
Hunter, Billy, 298
Hunton, Jack, 18
Hunton, James, 24
Indian warfare, accurate count of warriors and, 74
Iron Star, 324
Jackson, Henry, 194
Jackson, Robert, 324
Jacobs, Joshua W., 140
Jerome, Lovell H., 323, 340–341
John M. Chambers, 229
Johnson, Alfred, 146
Johnson, Andrew, 151
Jordan, William H., 270
Caesar, Julius, 129
Kanipe, Daniel A., 134, 192, 369n86, 370n96
Kansas City Times, indian attack and, 8
Keller, Alexander, 301
Kellogg, Mark, 117–118, 125, 330
Kelly, John, 26
Kinzie, Frank X., 121
Kiowa Indians, 57, 165, 269, 348n9
Kirkwood, John A., 242–244, 387n30, 390n92
Lajeunesse, Edouard, 32
Lame Deer, 320–321, 324–325, 340
Lame Deer Creek, 323
Langston, William, 28
Larned, Charles W., 194, 378n39
Lazelle, Henry M., 324
Leib, Edward, 256
Lincoln, Abraham, 337
Little Big Horn River, 3, 113, 147, 170, 191, 340, 401n10
Little Big Man, 327
Little Buck Elk, 145
Little Goose Creek, 175
Little Muddy Creek, 323
Little Wolf, 293, 299, 302, 305, 322, 398n10
Lodgepole River, 37
Losciborski, John, 100
Mackenzie, Ranald, 269, 272, 276, 285–287, 290–294, 296–297, 299–301, 303–304, 306, 312, 318, 322, 325, 354n4, 397n62
Maginnis, Martin, 329
Many Beaver Dams, 285
Manypenny Commission, 270
Marshall, David, 100
Marty, Abbot Martin, 73
Mason, Julius W., 181, 250, 256, 311, 313, 399n31
Massacre Hill, 66
McClernand, Edward J., 125
McDonald, Robert, 319
McDougall, Thomas, 130, 146–147, 201
McFarland, Alexander, 294, 301
McIntosh, Donald, 133, 140–141, 159, 195, 299, 368–369n81
McKinney, John A., 292, 296, 301–302
McMahon, Michael, 101
McReynolds, Andrew T., 155
Medicine Cloud, 230
Medicine Crow, 85
Meinhold, Charles, 87, 94, 104
Menges, Joseph, 301
Merritt, Wesley, 179–183, 198, 206, 208, 260, 263–265, 269, 274, 330, 379n6
Miles, Nelson, 188, 193–194, 331
Milk River, 58
Mills, Anson, 5, 42, 48, 50, 53, 67, 70–71, 81, 86, 90–91, 93, 98, 169, 211, 238–245, 250, 256–258, 360n28, 362n7, 387n34
Mills, Cuthbert
amputation of Von Luettwitz's leg and, 249
Army of the Yellowstone and, 208–209
battle of the Rosebud and, 102
Black Hills and, 254, 391–392n45
“Buffalo Bill” Cody and, 221–222
Carr's marksmanship and, 392n62
catching an Indian in his own country and, 231
continuous fusillade from the soldiers and, 246
cries of the wounded and, 255
death of, 334
fighting at Slim Buttes and, 249–252
George Crook and, 268
hardships of the campaign and, 259
The Horsemeat March and, 380n28
long-time isolation from friends and family, 263
officers and men on equal footing and, 381–382n14
over-eating and, 260
performance of infantry and, 391n32
rabbit hunting with Crook's command and, 233
reinforcements from Crazy Horse and, 250
scorched-earth policy of the Sioux and, 232
Sioux scattering toward the Black Hills and, 235–236
Sitting Bull and, 205
starvation and, 237
surrender of warriors and, 247
Milwaukee Commercial Times, George Armstrong Custer and, 116
Minneconjou Sioux, 16, 32, 54, 56, 250, 320–321, 347n4, 367n74–75
Missouri River, 2, 17, 35, 44, 54, 66, 118–119, 215, 218, 225, 231–232, 234, 250, 270–271, 365n32, 365n36, 401n10
Mix, John, 5
Moll, Van, 100
Monroe, James, 327
Moore, Alex, 42–45, 48, 50, 53, 57
Moore, Orlando H., 115, 120, 192, 213, 228–229
Moore, Thomas, 83
Morgan, George W., 193
Mountain Feather, 75
Moylan, Myles, 121
Munn, Charles E., 38
Munson, Samuel, 67–68, 246, 389n61
Murphy, Jeremiah J., 52
Neukirchen, Antoine, 100
New London Telegram, George Armstrong Custer and, 116
Newson, T. M., 273
New York Central Lines, 335
New York Daily Graphic
battle of the Rosebud and, 92–101
Crook's advance Toward Tongue River Heights and, 65
George Armstrong Custer and, 112
Indian estimates and, 103
John Hobart Walker interview and, 159–162
“The Tactics of the Sioux” and, 185
Tongue River heights and, 55
New York Daily Herald, Marcus A. Reno and, 112
New York Evening Post, remembering Custer, Reno, and Benteen, 129
New York Herald
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 112–118, 120, 122–123, 125, 127, 131–132, 139, 143–144, 147–152, 154–156, 162, 164, 168, 199–204
battle of the Rosebud and, 85–92, 102
Black Hills and, 4–5, 9, 25–26
blow given to Cheyennes by Mackenzie and, 276
bravery of Captain Benteen and, 185
Cheyennes and, 316
Crazy Horse and, 303
criticism of Grant and, 116
Custer's scouting party and, 120
cutting off heads of dead Sioux and, 254
Davenport's escape from the left of the line and, 104
end of Powder River Expedition and, 312–315
finale to Reno-Rosser feud and, 196–197
forty-two mile pursuit of Sioux and, 317
George Crook and, 215, 361–362n5
Grant's replacing Custer with Terry and, 115
grounds surrounding Fort Lincoln and, 117
“The Hostile Sioux” editorial and, 55
idleness in camp and, 169
“The Indian Question” editorial, 1
Indian estimates and, 103
Indians being broken into small bands and, 263
interview with Sheridan and, 152
James J. O'Kelly and, 336
Jerome B. Stillson and, 330
Jerry Roche and, 278
meeting with the Crows and, 59
Miles decisive victory and, 318–319
O'Kelly's findings on Little Big Horn affair, 192
O'Kelly's views on Indians and Indian policy, 193
operations against the Sioux and, 212
Powder River Expedition and, 312–313
Reno deviating from orders and, 123
Reno's response to Rosser and, 190
Rosser's letter and, 189
Samuel D. Sturgis and, 164–166
severity of conditions on troops and, 237
Sioux campaign on the Yellowstone and, 264
Sioux understanding of treaty and, 4
Sitting Bull and, 113
Sitting Bull's description of Custer's Last Stand and, 143
skirmish at Tongue River Heights, 69–70
skirmish at Warbonnet Creek and, 180–184
starvation and, 236
sufferings of Colonel Miles' command and, 316
surrender of hostiles and, 320–321
victory of the Sioux and, 186
New York Herald Tribune, John M. Carnahan and, 341–342
New York Sun, Frederick W. Benteen and, 343–344
New York Times
anxiousness of the scouts and, 290
battle of Powder River and, 53–54
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 113, 145, 154, 159, 162, 164
battle of the Rosebud and, 102
Black Hills and, 5, 12–21, 254
bracing sounds of battle and, 290–291
building shelter before the severe storms close in, 228
capture of Cheyenne brave and, 284–285
catching an Indian in his own country and, 231
Charles A. Varnum and, 341
Charles Windolph and, 342
Cheyennes and, 303
Cuthbert Mills obituary and, 334
Edward S. Godfrey obituary and, 337–338
fighting from horseback and, 106
General Crook interview and, 266–267
George Armstrong Custer and, 113
George Crook and, 268
Indian estimates and, 103
Indians at Standing Rock and, 272
Indian war and, 30
infantrymen riding mules and, 77
Jacob Horner and, 343
James J. O'Kelly obituary and, 336
Jerome B. Stillson and, 330
John A. Kirkwood and, 243
John V. Furey obituary and, 335
jokes about Indian Wars and, 346
Lovell H. Jerome obituary and, 340–341
night march and, 288
President Truman paying Sioux Indians for ponies and, 328
rabbit hunting with Crook's command and, 233
Samuel D. Sturgis and, 164
severity of conditions on troops and, 237
Sitting Bull and, 205
Terry's orders to Custer and, 149–150
Thaddeus H. Stanton and, 334
trunk of a Herculean Sioux and, 109
William E. Morris and, 339–340
New York Tribune
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 144–147
battle of the Rosebud and, 110
Big Horn expedition and, 36–46
blow given to Cheyennes by Mackenzie and, 276
Crazy Horse and, 277, 306–308, 312
Crook returning to Fort Fetterman and, 311–312
Crook's dispatches and, 234
Crook's virtues and, 205
Crow territory and, 4
defeat of Cheyennes and, 303
“End of the Campaign” editorial and, 55
having another fight with the Sioux and, 207
hostile Sioux encampment and, 122
Indian estimates and, 103
John F. Finerty obituary and, 335
“Major Reno's Race For Life” and, 133
on Custer's memory and, 157–159
Powder River and, 96
severity of conditions on troops and, 237
Sioux as best irregular cavalry in the world and, 185
Sioux as vagabonds and, 231
skirmish at Tongue River Heights, 68–69
superfluity of brigadiers and, 215
surrender of Crazy Horse and, 325–327
Terry's camp and, 186
Terry's written orders to Custer and, 126–127
Thaddeus H. Stanton and, 334
whereabouts of hostiles and, 182–183
New York World
Grant's replacing Custer with Terry and, 115
Indian scouts and, 219
innumerable and contradictory rumors and, 214
Jerome B. Stillson and, 330
Nez Perces tribe, 161, 338, 340
Ninth Infantry, 62–63, 67–68, 81, 89, 97, 208–209, 221, 246,
Ninth Infantry, 62–63, 67, 81, 89, 97, 208–209, 221, 246, 269–270, 277, 284, 290, 383n33, 390n92
Northern Pacific Railroad, 10, 157, 159, 330
North Platte River, 2, 4, 21, 35
Noyes, Henry E., 41–43, 48, 51, 53, 57, 81, 86, 90–91, 98
O'Fallon's Creek, 120, 225–226, 353n35
O'Grady, Gerald, 100
O'Kelly, James J.
camp gossip and, 212
command numbers and, 196
Crook's command reaching Beaver Creek and, 228
death of, 336
expedition to the north bank of the Yellowstone and, 226
initial impression of Benteen and, 191
James Brisbin on Custer and, 185
look of the men at the bivouac and, 188
on Reno's appearance and, 189
operations against the Sioux and, 212
plan of the new campaign and, 195
reinforcements from the Twenty-second Infantry and, 377n15
romance of Yellowstone region and, 186
salvaging the predominately ineffective campaign and, 222–223
skirmish at Glendive Creek and, 225
spirit of the Sioux nation and, 272
succession of abandoned Indian camps and, 212
survivors of the Seventh Cavalry and, 378n38
talk among the Seventh's officers and, 194
Weir's mounted skirmish line and, 213
Old Fort Reno, 18–19, 34, 36, 44, 56, 63–64, 67, 234, 283–284, 313, 315, 386n20
Old Washakie, 211
O'Leary, Andrew J., 63
Omaha Daily Bee, Red Cloud and, 273–274
Omaha Herald, Red Cloud and, 274
Osborn, Charles, Custer's practical joke and, 344
Otis, Elwell, 188, 194, 213, 228, 316–317
Otter Creek, 40–41, 46, 353n36
Owl Creek Mountains, 13
Patzki, Julius H., 84
Pawnees, 277, 279–281, 290–291, 294, 298, 301, 313, 394n20, 395n8
Peace Commission, 327
Pennington, John L., 15
Piney Creek, 37
Piney Fork River, 38
Pollock, Edwin, 284
Pope, James W., 317
Porter, Henry R., 146
Pourier, Baptiste “Big Bat”, 32, 47, 63, 170–171, 247, 298, 351n51
Powder River
Crazy Woman's Fork and, 18, 34, 284, 286, 291, 294–295, 306
Crook's advance toward and, 11, 16, 35
description of, 65
march to the encampment and, 36–37
prospecting trip to, 10, 13, 18–19
Powder River Expedition
camp on Crazy Woman's Fork and, 306
Dull Knife Fight and, 291–302, 291
end of the line for, 310
Weekly Rocky Mountain News and, 28
Prairie Dog Creek, 38, 63–64, 67
Pryor Creek, 29
Pullman Company, 332
Randall, George M., 83, 208, 310, 315, 332
Rawhide Creek, 180
Rawolle, William C., 42–43, 48, 98, 175, 333–334
Raymond, E. W., 271
Red Cañon massacre, 24, 351n50
Red Cloud
Crazy Horse and, 326
defenders and, 274
faithfulness to the government and, 393n15, 394n19
Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 and, 347n3
George Crook and, 272–273, 282, 355–356n34, 394n19
harsh treatment of, 282
head men at the agency and, 283
Omaha Herald and, 274
photograph of, 271
treaty and, 271
warning to Crook and, 61
Red Cloud Agency, 11, 25, 32, 35–36, 42–44, 54, 60, 66–67, 70, 168, 180–182, 193, 223, 237, 261–264, 268–274, 279–280, 282–283, 285, 299, 303, 305–306, 308, 310–313, 316, 321–322, 325–327, 349n25, 367n75, 396n29, 397n2
Red Dog, 271
Red Horse, 135, 149, 320–321, 367n75, 379n62
Red Shirt, 288
Redwater Creek, 318
Reno, Marcus A.
appearance and, 189
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 112, 127, 132–134, 136, 146–147, 200–204
court of inquiry and, 198
Custer's oerders to, 131
Daily Colorado Chieftain and, 156
death of, 343
deviating from orders and, 123
fighting order of command and, 130
finale to Reno-Rosser feud and, 196–197
Indians in his front and, 200–201
news of Indians at Powder River and, 193
official report and, 368–369n81
reaching the Yellowstone and, 122
response to Rosser and, 190
scouting along the Powder River and, 121
scouting the north bank of the Yellowstone and, 226, 229
senior officers after Custer and, 114
Terry's written orders to Custer and, 126
violation of orders and, 366n55
Reynolds, Bainbridge, 42
Reynolds, Charley, 120, 128, 130, 132, 141
Reynolds, Joseph J., 32–34, 40–42, 45, 47–48, 50–51, 53–54, 56–57, 96
Richard, Louis, 32, 39–40, 63, 66, 75, 175, 184, 206, 231, 233, 356n53
Riley, James, 100
Roche, Jerry
capture of Cheyenne brave and, 285
Crazy Horse and, 303
Crazy Horse's camp and, 284
Crook's decision to return to Fort Fetterman and, 310–311
disappeared into history and, 344
end of Powder River Expedition and, 312–315
intertribal warfare and, 289
location of Crazy Horse's village and, 308
marksmanship of soldiers and, 279
Pawnees and, 281
report on the weather and, 278, 281
riding boldly with the advance and, 291
rumor of Sitting Bull's surrender and, 283
scouts conference with Crook and, 282
warning of Indian scouts and, 286
well-equipped soldiers and, 284
would-be “Buffalo Bills” and, 278
Rock Creek, 66
Rocky Bear, 61
Roman Nose, 240, 250, 260, 293, 299, 302, 321, 389n66
Rosebud Creek, 39
Rosser, Thomas L., 155–157, 189–190, 196–197, 373–374n180, 377n24
Rowe, Gilbert, 100
Royall, William B., 62, 69, 81–82, 86–91, 93–98, 103–104, 169, 175, 362n7
Russell, D. A., 55
Russell, Jack “Buckskin Jack”, 32, 47
Ryan, Patrick F., 292, 298, 301
Sacramento Record-Union, battle of the Little Big Horn and, 163
Sanders, Jim, 26
Sans Arcs, 56, 320–321, 347–348n4
Schreiber, Edmund, 250, 390n92
Schuyler, Walter, 169, 277, 290–291, 295
Schwatka, Frederick, 209, 211, 238–244, 246, 256, 259, 375n19, 380n11, 387n25, 387n28, 387n34, 389n66
Second Cavalry, 5, 24, 32, 41–45, 48, 51, 57, 62, 81, 90–91, 93, 98, 122, 124–125, 133, 139, 170, 175, 187, 194–196, 213, 245, 276–277, 279, 293, 298, 323–325, 333, 340, 353n38, 362n7, 366n55–56, 373n160, 388n55
Second Dragoons, 97
Second Kansas Volunteers, 166
Seventeenth Infantry, 114, 196
Seventh Cavalry, 3, 31, 112–114, 119, 122, 125, 128–129, 131, 134, 138, 140–142, 146, 149, 152, 158, 160, 164, 175, 185, 188–189, 194, 196, 199–201, 212–213, 226, 228–229, 244, 247, 249, 293, 299, 324, 337–338, 341–343, 368–369n81, 371n118, 378n38
Seventh Infantry, 58, 113, 120, 140, 146, 153, 163, 187, 196, 332, 375n25, 376–377n13
Sharp Nose, 280, 288, 290, 395n22
Sharrow, William H., 191
Sheridan, Philip H.
Alfred H. Terry and, 141, 177, 226, 349n15
Big Horn country and, 19
control of Indian agencies and, 193
Crook on Merritt's arrival and, 182
Crook's report to, 35
Custer's judgment and, 151
denial of Custer story and, 341–342
dispatch to Crook and, 259
establishing posts on the Yellowstone and, 161
failure of three officers and, 195
George Crook and, 103–104, 108, 177, 272, 331–332
Indians reporting to reservations and, 31
meeting with President Grant and, 7
military control of the Sioux agencies and, 268
New York Herald interview and, 152
on Custer's death and, 114
plans for winter conquest and, 57
redirecting Merritt's cavalry and, 180
Sioux campaign on the Yellowstone and, 264
strategy of, 58
survivors of the Seventh Cavalry and, 378n38
telegram about Powder River battle and, 54
Terry's orders to Custer and, 149–150
Terry's report and, 119
Wyoming Column's inconclusive results and, 263
Sherman, William T., 7–8, 57–58, 105, 116, 146–147, 151–152, 264, 268, 303, 308, 392n61
Shields, Dennis, 225
Shoshones, 61, 70, 75–76, 85, 98, 100, 108–109, 176–177, 209–210, 219, 277, 281, 289–291, 294–295, 301, 306, 358n6, 359n22, 360n31, 361n32, 368n80, 396n25
Shrenger, Charles, 324
Sibley, Frederick W., 42, 45, 170–171, 173–176, 178, 251, 260, 333, 335, 374n17
Sierra Mountains, 177
Sioux Indians
as best irregular cavalry in the world and, 185
ascendancy in the Powder River and, 304
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 114, 118, 120–123, 130–132, 135, 138, 142, 146–147, 149, 151–153, 155–156, 162
battle of the Rosebud and, 80–93, 96–98, 100
Colonel Miles and, 316–318, 320, 323–325
Crow scouts and, 78
Custer Battlefield as National Cemetery and, 329–330
Custer City and, 24
Daily Colorado Chieftain article and, 10–12
disturbances with Pawnees and, 281
fighting at Slim Buttes and, 241–252
Fort Phil Kearney massacre and, 112
Frederick W. Sibley and, 172, 174–175
growing number of warriors and, 59
howl of the prairie wolf and, 396n51
late night “visits” from, 178
Marcus A. Reno and, 131
military operations against and, 7
Minneconjou Sioux and, 16, 32, 54, 56, 250, 320–321, 347n4, 367n74–75
New York Herald article and, 60
Northern Pacific Railroad and, 10
Ogalalla Sioux and, 43, 61, 153, 274, 305
raising neighboring bands to their assistance and, 242–243
Red Horse and, 135, 149, 320–321, 367n75, 379n62
relations with the government and, 62
relentless pursuit of, 235
rumors of Custer's men captured alive and, 188
Sans Arcs and, 56, 320–321, 347–348n4
scorched-earth policy of, 232
skirmish at Tongue River Heights, 70
Standing Bear and, 277
subsistence of, 210
Three Bears and, 279–280, 283, 294, 301
understanding of treaty and, 4
Zachariah Chandler and, 30
Sioux Pass, 286
Sioux Treaty of 1868, 2, 4, 21, 328, 347n3, 348n5, 393n8
Sitting Bear, 285
Sitting Bull
Alfred H. Terry and, 332
as military genius and, 164
battle losses of, 84
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 113, 118–119, 124, 143, 155, 162
battle of the Rosebud and, 93, 98
believed location of, 54
Black Bear and, 250
Black Hills and, 8
Cheyenne Daily Leader and, 273, 316
Cheyennes attempting to join and, 206
Crook's last expedition against, 63
Custer Battlefield as National Cemetery and, 329–330
Cuthbert Mills and, 209
Daily Alta California and, 268
death of, 333
description of Custer's Last Stand and, 143
Deseret News and, 345
“End of the Campaign” editorial and, 55
escape into Canada and, 318, 325
false impressions of fighting strength and, 119
funeral procession in search of, 219
George Armstrong Custer and, 113
George Crook and, 11, 112, 168
gone across the Yellowstone and, 248
growing number of warriors and, 59
in his own words and, 72
location of Sibley and, 171
New York Times and, 205
Northern Indians and, 262
number of warriors and, 118
photograph of, 72
policy of disarming the agency Indians and, 222
Powder River and, 56
reporting to reservations and, 31
rumor of surrender and, 283
sketches and, 301
surrender of, 332
Ulysses Grant and, 73
Sixth Infantry, 114–115, 145, 185, 196, 213, 225, 228–229
Slim Buttes, fighting at, 243, 248–249
Smith, A. J., 166
Smith, E. W., 127
Smith, Francis, 100
Smith, John Q., 31
Smith, John W., 149
Smith, William, 334
Snake Indians, 67–68, 76, 85, 89–90, 93, 107–108, 160, 183, 206, 211, 219, 361n32
Snow, Elmer, 100
Soap Creek, 29
Society of Indian Wars, 340
Spear Fish Creek, 27
Spotted Elk, 321
Spotted Tail, 26, 176, 245, 270–273, 321, 393n13, 393n15, 396n29
Spotted Tail Agency, 11, 35–36, 54, 66, 193, 223, 245, 250, 269–274, 280, 313, 321–322, 361n3
Stagner, Speed, 32
Standing Bear, 277
Standing Rock Agency, 149, 193, 222, 250, 268, 270, 272
Standing Rock Reservation, 333
Stanley, Charles St. George, 70–72, 102, 109, 344, 357n60
Stanley, David S., 157
Stanton, Thaddeus H., 32, 35–36, 42, 44–46, 48, 50–51, 56, 208, 334, 353n39, 354n7, 394n19
starvation march
Baptiste Pourier and, 247
George Crook and, 237, 243–245, 247–248
killing horses and, 237
Reuben Briggs Davenport and, 238, 241–248
William Philo Clark and, 245–246
Stephens, Charles R., 84
Stephenson, John, 344
Stewart, Charles W., 100
Stillson, Jerome B., 143, 330, 332
St. Paul Pioneer Press, extreme heat and, 195
Strahorn, Robert E.
adequate corps of competent scouts and, 109
arrival of the Crows and Shoshones, 75–76
battle of Powder River and, 42
battle of the Rosebud and, 79–85, 107–108
Black Crow and, 32
critical comments and, 56
Crook's advance toward Powder River and, 35
Crook's Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition and, 110
Crook's early advance and, 33
Crook's “suddenly organized expedition” and, 30
Crook's summer operations and, 62–63
exercising horses and, 168
gallantry of, 43
number of Sioux and Cheyenne warriors, 32
overall style of fighting and, 106
Stuart, Charles, 95
Sturgis, Samuel D., 151, 164–166, 333
Suicide Creek, 320
Sumner, Samuel S., 255
Sweetwater River, 67
Talbot, James Joseph, 214, 219
Tarbox, Byron L., 340
Terry, Alfred H.
advance along the Rosebud and, 211–212
advance into the Black Hills and, 227
battle of the Little Big Horn and, 204
camp on the Yellowstone and, 177
contrast between the two commands and, 220
Custer's Seventh Cavalry and, 31
Custer waiting on Gibbon's support and, 158
dispatch from Gibbon and, 120
Far West and, 122
funeral procession in search of Sitting Bull and, 219
General Field Order No. 5, 376–377n13
George Armstrong Custer and, 116, 121
George Crook and, 215
gratitude of troops and, 141
James J. O'Kelly and, 186
Little Big Horn battlefield and, 145–146
location of Sioux and, 222
major error in his strategy and, 216
news of Indians at Powder River and, 193
newspaper attacks on, 214
petitioned Grant to reinstate Custer and, 178
reflection upon Custer and, 373n168
reinforcements from the Twenty-second Infantry and, 377n15
Reno deviating from orders and, 123–124, 366n55
reports of Little Big Horn battle and, 138–139
report to Sheridan and, 119
rumors of Custer's men captured alive and, 188
Sioux campaign on the Yellowstone and, 264
Sitting Bull and, 332
skirmish at Glendive Creek and, 225
twelve companies of the Seventh Cavalry and, 114
written orders to Custer and, 126–127
Thayer, John M., 7
Third Cavalry, 32, 42–43, 45, 48, 50–52, 61–64, 67, 69–70, 74, 79, 81, 83, 86–90, 93, 96–100, 104, 106, 109, 132, 208, 209, 238, 243, 250, 252–253, 256, 276–277, 299, 311, 350n44, 352n31, 353n38, 353n46, 360n31, 390n92
Three Bears, 279–280, 283, 294, 301
Tongue River, 19, 29, 36, 38–40
Tongue River Heights
as training exercise for troops and, 74
Treaty of Laramie of 1868, 64
Troy Times, Grant's replacing Custer with Terry and, 115
Truman, Harry, paying Sioux Indians for ponies and, 328
Tullock's Fork, 127–128, 367n69
Twenty-second Infantry, 188, 196, 228–229, 323, 377n15
Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry Volunteers, 166
Twenty-third Infantry, 159, 208
Two Kettles, 320
Union Pacific Railroad, 10, 16, 64, 67, 342
University of Chicago, 335
Upham, John J., 256
Utes, 114, 160, 176, 209, 219, 335
Van Vliet, Frederick, 62–63, 90–93
Varnum, Charles A., 341
Von Luettwitz, Adolphus, 238, 241–243, 249, 251–253, 255, 387n30, 390n92
Voss, Henry, 191
Warbonnet Creek, 35, 180–184, 263
War Eagle, 162
Wasson, Joe
amputations and, 255
bonfires and, 249
boredom and, 169
Crook escapes trap and, 102
death of, 330
Crook meeting up with Terry and, 382n20
description of Terry and, 215, 218–219
diminishing rations and, 385n14
dissimilarity between the two commands and, 220
equestrian skills of soldiers and, 107
George Crook and, 110, 205, 208, 222, 234
Indian casualties at Slim Buttes and, 251
Indians burning the grass east of Powder River and, 232
Indians leaving the reservation and, 269–270
Merritt's July diversion and, 263
military jurisdictions and, 381n1
newspapers represented by, 357n59
picket firing of Captain Mason's battalion and, 250
pursuit extending east of their burned belt of grass and, 385n6
reflection on the past few weeks and, 255–256
Sheridan departing Fort Laramie and, 262
skirmish at Tongue River Heights and, 64–69
Sioux as vagabonds and, 231
Sioux village at the confluence of Ash Creek and, 206, 222
Spartan principles and, 209
starvation and, 237
superfluity of brigadiers and, 215
supposed whereabouts of the hostiles and, 182–183
Terry's message of dread and, 179
Terry's unhurried method of campaigning and, 235
third substantial encounter with the Sioux and, 241–242
tragic surrender scene and, 247
weather and, 256
Watertown (NY) Herald, Custer Battlefield as National Cemetery and, 329–330
Watkin, Edward, 163
Watkins, Erwin C., 10
Weekly Colorado Chieftain
Andrews-Wharton party and, 4
Black Hills and, 6
Weekly Rocky Mountain News
battle of Powder River and, 46–53
battle of the Rosebudand, 79–85
chase of Indians at the close of the battle and, 363n27
Crook's “suddenly organized expedition” and, 30
Custer's memory and, 156
Indian estimates and, 103
keeping prospectors out of Black Hills and, 4
military control of the Sioux agencies and, 268
mismanagement of the officers and, 214
newspaper attacks on Terry and Crook, 214
on Custer's memory and, 157
Powder River Expedition and, 28–29
skirmish at Warbonnet Creek and, 182
Weir, Thomas B., 198–199, 201, 213, 370n93, 384n48
West Point, 157, 189, 194–195, 215, 337–338, 340–341, 373–374n180, 378n39
White Antelope, 172–173, 176, 374n17
White Bull, 324
White Earth River, 17
White, Jonathan (aka Buffalo Chips and Buffalo White), 246, 250, 251, 388n58
White Man Runs Him, 138
Whitewood Canyon, 257
Whittaker, Frederick, 198
Williams, Robert, 332
Windolph, Charles, 342
Wind River, 13, 18–19, 66, 312, 348n10
Wolf Mountains, 79, 85, 318–320
Wooden Leg, 4, 304–306, 320, 348n10, 353n46, 354n1, 362n21, 368n80, 372n129
Wright, Jim, 33
W. S. Lawson & Co., 334
Yates, George W., 121, 144–145, 148, 159, 372n143
Yellow Hand, 181
Yellowstone Expedition of 1873, 157
Yellowstone River, 3–4, 18, 21, 31, 75, 92, 106, 119, 177, 193, 214, 219, 226, 328–329, 351n47, 353n35, 364n8, 365n32, 365n38, 367n69, 381n1, 381n35, 400n31