absence epilepsy, 135
abstract ideas, 142
affective circumplex, 98–9
American flag, 117–18
Anderson, J. A., 234
Aron, A., 102–34
artificial intelligence, 26–8, 30, 35, 127, 178, 203, 217–19
arts, 34
attentional focus, 60
attention as interpretation, 140
automatic mental processes, 146
autonomic nervous system, 156
back door to the mind, 152
background processing, 138, 159
Bartlett, F., 235
behavioural economics, 122
benzene ring, 166
big data, 219
billiard ball model of gases, 216
Boer, E., 169
bottleneck of attention, 134
boundary of consciousness, 175, 185
brain-style modelling, 11
brain surgery, 131
bridge-crossing experiment, 102
Broadbent, D. E., 236
broad vs narrow gambles, 121
building-blocks of knowledge, 30
Capablanca, J. R., 192–3, 195, 202, 242
Carlsen, M., 2002
Cathode Ray Tube model of imagery, 231
central processor, 130
character, 201
characters of our own creation, 10
charades, 210
Chater, N., 120, 171, 225–8, 233, 242
choice blindness, 112–16
choosing vs rejecting, 118–21
Christiansen, M. H., 226, 228, 242
Churchland, P. M., 225–6
Churchland, P. S., 225–6
{s}theories, 25–7
{s}psychology, 14
{s}physics, 28
computation, 14
computer chess, 193
cone cells, 40
connectionism, 11–12
conscious attention, 131
conscious awareness, 180
conscious experience, 143
conscious mind, 166
conscious vs unconscious thought, 185–6
consciousness, 141, 173, 175, 186
construction grammar, 227–8
contradiction, 1, 24, 31–4, 37–8, 52, 201
in perception, 38, 76, 80–82, 84–5
cooperative computation, 12, 35, 128–30, 132, 140, 156, 163, 165, 176, 178, 187
core affect, 99
corpus callosum, 109–12
cortex, 140
Cover, T., 242
creative struggle, 168
creatures of habit, 202
Crompton, R., 22
cross-over wiring of the brain, 110
cube, 77–82
Culicover, P. W., 227
culture as shared canon of precedent, 221
cycle of thought, 9, 127–45, 153, 156, 158, 172, 175, 180–81, 186, 191, 208, 237–8
dalmatian image, 162, 166, 180
Dayan, P., 240
Debussy, C., 218
deep brain structures, 134, 137
deep neural networks, 12
Dennett, D., 1, 13, 225, 226, 229–30, 231
disengaging attention, 48, 70–71
disruption of consciousness, 133, 181
Ditchburn, R. W., 47
dividing the brain, 156
Don Quixote, Picasso’s image of, 200
Dreyfus, H., 225
driving, 168–171
Dürer, A., 62–3
Dutton, D., 102–3
economics, 32
effort after meaning, 235
elastic imagination, 217
electical stimulation of the brain, 134
emotion, 91–106
engaging attention, 70
engine of improvisation, 9, 35, 220
engine of precedent, 201
entrainment, 132
equilibrium, 216
Ericsson, K. A., 241
evolution by natural selection, 212
extinction effect, 42
eye tracker, 68
gaze-contingent, 44–6
E–Z Reader model of reading
false feedback, 117
feel of a physical object, 53
fiction, 2, 4, 6, 9, 21–4, 31, 37, 86, 184, 226
figure/ground, 62
Fischer, R., 202
flash of inspiration, 173
flash of suspicion, 173–4
flight simulator, 149–50
flow of consciousness, 6, 187 see also stream of consciousness
found faces, 195–6, 207–8, 215
fovea, 40
fragments of sensory information, 60
Frege, G., 31
Freud, S., 3, 8, 87–9, 106, 185, 187, 228, 231
generative grammar, 32
geometric inferences, 177
Gibson, J. J., 225
Goldberg, A., 227
Gormenghast (M. Peake), 21, 24, 31–3, 35, 51–2
‘grabbiness’ of perception, 235
Graf, H., 86–9
grand illusion, 52–3, 59, 70–71, 74, 100, 143, 153–4, 168, 182, 190
grouping see perceptual grouping
Haines, R., 149–50
handwriting recognition, 207
Hart, P., 242
Hayes, P. J., 226–7
heads-up display, 150–51
head vs heart, 99–100
Hebrew, 45
Helmholtz, see von Helmholtz, H.
hemispheres of the brain, 109–12, 140
higher forms of consciousness, 183–4
Hindemith, P., 160, 164, 167, 238–9
Hitchcock, A., 92
Hofstadter, D. R., 241
Hopfield, J. J., 238
Huang, L., 61–7
humanities, 34
iceberg, 185–6
of mental depth, 7, 30–31, 34, 82, 123
of richness of the visual field, 52–3, 67
imageless thought controversy, 235
imagery, see mental imagery
imaginative jumps, 208
imposing meaning, 219
impossible objects, 38–9, 52, 85, 228
improvising mind, 7, 9–10, 75–6, 82, 145, 220
inattentional blindness, 147–51, 236
inattentional deafness, 236
incoherence, 29
incubation in problem solving, 238
information processing, 14
inner copy, 74–6
inner self, 183
inner world, 6, 8–9, 30, 51, 81
intelligence, 211–15
intelligent machines, 217
intelligence test, 213–15
intensifier, 96
interference, 128–9
intermediate steps, 188
interpretation of emotion, 100–101
interpretation of sensory information, 141, 144
irony, 101
Jackendoff, R., 227–8
James, H., 97
Jasper, H. H., 234
Johansson, P., 112–16, 232, 233
Johnson, M., 243
Joyce, J., 188
judgement and decision making, 122
knowledge vs consciousness, 184
Kolodner, J., 242
Kosslyn, S. M., 231
Kuleshov effect, 91–5, 98, 104, 180, 207
Külpe, O., 235
Lakoff, G., 243
late-selection theory of attention, 236
layers of precedent, 221
left-brain interpreter, 111–12
level of arousal, 99
levels of consciousness, 185
like–dislike dimension, 99
limited visual window, 42
locking on to perceptual information, 48, 55, 70, 150, 181
Logan, G. D., 242
logical structure, 31
love, 102–6
machine learning, 15, 27, 234, 242
machine vision, 178
Mack, A., 147–8
magic, 53–4
mask see visual mask
mathematical abstractions, 183
McCarthy, J., 226
McClelland, J. L., 234
McCulloch, W., 234
meaning of life, 106–8, 189–91
meaningful units, 49
memory search, 172
mental archive, 171
mental bedrock, 108
mental cul-de-sac, 165
mental elasticity, 218
mental focus, 146
mental imagery, 73–86, 142, 144
mental leaps, 212
mental rotation, 60–63
mental surface, 31
Mercier, H., 225
Merker, B., 134–5, 139–40, 142, 234–5
microprojector, 47
mirror of nature, 39
misdirection, 53
mobile phone, 170
Mooney, C., 205
Moray, N., 236
motor system, 137
multiple constraints, 178
multiple decision-making systems, 185
multiple systems cognitive theories, 228
multitasking, 169
myth of unconscious thought, 160–74, 187–8
narrow channel of consciousness, 146
neural network, 234
Newell, B., 241
Ninio, J., 42
nodding, 101
Oaksford, M., 225–5
object of perception, 60
Olduvai Gorge, 218
one colour at a time, 64–7
one object at a time, 70–71
one perceptual organization at a time, 50
one problem at a time, 139
one word at a time, 45
open-endedness, 204
overflow and perceptual awareness, 46
Paley, W., 210
parallel distributed processing, 234
Pashler, H., 61–7, 169–70, 230, 239
pattern finding, 190
Penfield, W., 131–6, 139–40, 142, 234–5
Penrose, L., 228
Penrose, R., 228
Penrose triangle, 228
perception–memory resonance, 195–201
perceptual and action, 136–7
perceptual grouping, 60–62
perceptual inference, 179
perceptual problem, 166
perceptual psychology, 178
personality, 10
petit mal epilepsy, 135
philosophy, 25
physical attraction, 102
physics, 25
Picasso, P., 200
pinwheel, 65–7
hexagonal, 80
Pitts, W., 234
placebo, 95
Plato, 99
pocket calculator, 175
political revolutions, 223
Poincaré, H., 160, 164–5, 171, 238
pop out, 162
precedent, 10, 192, 202–4, 221, 223
principles, 192
purpose of perception, 59
Pylyshyn, Z. W., 231
Rachman, S., 231
reason, 26
reason-based choice, 119–23
reason-based explanation, 12
reflective thought, 189
reinvention of the self, 222–3
relativism, 222
religious conversion, 223
Rensink, R., 230
retinal stabilization, 48–50, 64
Riggs, L. 47
risk-averse vs risk-seeking, 121–2
Rock, I., 147–8
rod cells, 40
Rorty, R., 228
Rumelhart, D. E., Russell, B., 31, 104–5, 232
Ryle, G., 225
saccade, 57
Schachter, S., 95–8
science-fiction glasses, 57–8
scintillating image, 43
search for meaning, 190
secret of intelligence, 205
sense of perceptual potential, 59
sensory experience, 37
sequential flow of thought, 138, 143, 153
sequential nature of action, 137
shadowing, 157
Shanks, D. R., 241
shrink-wrapping in attention, 230
sight-reading, 157
simultagnosia, 70–71
Singer, J., 95–8
sleep, 164
sleep vs waking, 134–5
smell of burnt toast, 134
smooth pursuit eye movements, 181–2
social cognition, 122
of knowledge, 29
of sensory experience, 39, 76, 81
spatial location, 66–7
speech recognition, 207
Sperber, D., 225
stabilized images, 47, 50, 55, 64 retinal stabilization
stream of consciousness, 31, 52, 181, 188
sub-cortical brain structures, 134–5, 140, 142, 235, 242
subliminal perception, 8
successive vs simultaneous presentation, 66–67
super-rational agents, 32
suspecting vs finding, 173
symbolic computation, 35
symbolic explanations, 35
symbolic language of mathematics, 166
tactile perception, 54–5
tangrams, 200
theories, 26
Titchener, E., 235
tradition, 11
Tolkein, J. R. R., 21–2
Tolstoy, L., 1–2, 4–5, 14, 22–4
traditions, 201
transcendental meaning, 191
transformation of past memories, 197–8, 209, 211
transformation of past precedents, 221
Treisman, A., 237
Turner, J. M. W., 218
Turvey, M. T., 225
typing, 157
unattended information, 152
unconscious activation of memories, 171
unconscious influences of decision making, 241
unconscious thought, 131, 159, 160, 164, 241
under-specified knowledge, 28
vision as touch, 55–6
visual acuity, 41
visual field, 40
visual mask, 147
visual perception, 10
visual world, 143
vividness, 75
waves, 210
web of inferences, 178
window of text, 44
Wittgenstein, L., 31
Wolpe, J., 231
Woolf, V., 187
Wundt, W., 225
Yarbus, A., 56