2.1: Map of the Eastern Desert, and northern end of the Red Sea.
2.2: View of Egypt's Red Sea coast.
2.3: Cross-section of the Nile Valley and the Red Sea area.
2.4: Multi-hued granite mountains in the Eastern Desert.
3.1: Via Nova Hadriana near Antinoopolis.
3.2: Remains at Makhareg east of Antinoopolis.
3.3: Early Roman fort in Wadi Safaga, southwest of Safaga.
3.4: Reconstruction of Gebel Zeit, south of Ras Gharib.
4.1: Manzal al-Seyl in the Eastern Desert.
4.2: Mons Claudianus and Mons Porphyrites.
4.3: Quarries at Mons Porphyrites.
4.4: Mons Porphyrites bathtub or sarcophagus in Northwest Village.
4.5: Ramp connecting Lykabettus quarries to wadi floor below.
4.6: Serapis temple at Mons Porphyrites.
4.7: Well-preserved praesidium at Umm Balad.
4.8: Quarry complex at Mons Claudianus.
4.9: Unfinished tub or basin in quarry at Mons Claudianus
4.10: Large fort at Mons Claudianus.
4.11: Small fort and tower near Mons Claudianus.
4.12: Quarry settlement at Umm Huyut.
4.13: Possible shrine or administrative building at Umm Huyut.
4.15: Deir al-Atrash: gate with flanking towers made of mud brick.
4.16: Deir al-Atrash: corner tower made of stacked stone.
4.17: Al-Heita fort with mud-brick superstructure; unfinished fort above.
4.18: Signal tower on the Quseir–Nile road.
4.19: Reconstruction of a signal tower on the Quseir–Nile road.
4.21: Interior stairway in the praesidium at al-Zarqa (ancient Maximianon).
6.1: Temple at al-Kanaïs, built by Seti I of the Nineteenth Dynasty.
6.2: Drawing of the temple at al-Kanaïs.
6.3: Bedouin guides at the Ptolemaic-era temple at Bir Abu Safa.
6.4: Drawing by F. Cailliaud of the larger rock-cut temple at Sikait.
6.5: Drawing by F. Cailliaud of the smaller rock-cut temple at Sikait.
6.6: Rock-cut temple, Roman beryl/emerald mining community, Sikait.
6.7: Interior of the large rock-cut temple at Sikait with broken column.
6.8: Fragment Greek inscription over entrance of small rock-cut temple, Sikait.
6.9: Berenike, inscribed stone slab carved during Nero's reign.
6.10: Bronze statue set on an inscribed stone base.
6.11: Textile cross found in the principia/church at Abu Sha'r.
6.12: Inscription from the north gate of the fort at Abu Sha'r.
6.13: Oil lamps and cross-shaped handle found in Berenike.
7.2: Berenike and surroundings.
7.3: Red Sea port of Myos Hormos.
7.4: Berenike, large round-bottomed clay jars made in India.
7.5: Peppercorns found in Indian-made jar at Serapis Temple, Berenike.
7.8: Bead from Jatim, Eastern Java, found at Berenike.
7.6: Warehouse in Berenike with amphorae from about AD 400.
7.7: Fifth century AD cotton resist-dyed Indian textile found at Berenike.
7.10: Fragments of terra sigillata bowls with makers’ marks.
7.9: Stamped plaster amphora stopper found at Berenike.
7.11: First-century Tamil-Brahmi graffito on Roman amphora fragment.
7.12: Ostraca found at Berenike in the early Roman trash dump.
7.13: Ostracon, inkwell, and reed writing pen found at Berenike.
7.14: Papyrus bill of sale, Berenike.
8.1: Skeleton missing its head, Ptolemaic industrial area, Berenike.
8.2: Grave in the large cemetery at Taw al-Kefare.
9.1: Large circular ore-grinding facilities at the site of Daghbag.
9.2: Large circular ore-grinding facilities at the site of Daghbag.
10.1: Reconstruction of buildings at goldmining area, Bir Umm Fawakhir.
10.2: Well-preserved structure at Sikait.
10.3: Barracks blocks in the late Roman fort at Abu Sha'r.
10.4: Interior of late Roman fort looking northwest, Abu Sha‘r.
10.5: Reconstruction of two late Roman houses, Berenike.
10.6: Reconstruction of house near Serapis temple, Berenike.
11.1: Building the ‘Ababda abode.
11.2: Jabana: jug with handle and serving cups.
11.3: ‘Ababda woman making coffee in jabana.
11.5: ‘Ababda man traveling with long stick, the mahjani al-jamal.
11.6: A mahjani al-jamal hanging in an acacia tree.
11.7: Camels on their way to market.
11.8: The use of swords and shields on special occasions.
11.9: ‘Ababda women in colorful dresses and shawls.
11.10: Loza, decorated container to keep perfumed sheep's fat.
11.11: ‘Ababda woman with gold jewelry in nose and on her forehead.
12.1: Interior of the Administration Building at Sikait.
12.2: Structure at Roman-era beryl/emerald mining settlement, Nugrus.
12.3: Fayyum mummy portrait c. AD 100.
13.1: Qalt near Umm Disi, west of Hurghada.
13.2: Ptolemaic-Roman praesidium at al-Kanaïs.
13.3: Large praesidium in Wadi Kalalat, with well to right.
13.4: Reconstruction of the large praesidium in Wadi Kalalat.
13.5: Water tank at the extensive hydraulic facilities at al-Saqqia.
13.6: Tethering lines/accommodations for animals at Bab al-Mukhenig.
14.1: Samut station on the Berenike–Apollinopolis Magna road.
14.4: Vetus Hydreuma when very dry and with abundant vegetation.
15.1: Overview of the Ptolemaic-early Roman fortress at Abraq.
15.2: Aerial view of the hilltop fort of Abraq.
15.3: Small fort in Wadi Kalalat, northeast of the larger praesidium.
15.4: Figurine of a Roman soldier found in the early Roman trash dump at Berenike.
15.5: Inscription block from the praesidium at Siket in situ in the gate, just after excavation.
15.6: Artist's reconstruction of the small praesidium at Siket.
15.7: Artist's reconstruction of the gate at Siket.
15.8: View of the late Roman-era settlement in Wadi Shenshef.
15.9: Reconstruction of the late Roman-era settlement in Wadi Shenshef.
15.10: Ruins of first century BC–first century AD fort, Shenshef.