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Abbott Pass Viewpoint: 266
Aberdeen Centre: 53
Aberdeen Station: 54
Abkhazi Garden: 107
accessibility: 439
accommodations: 440-441
Afternoon Concerts in the Park: 105
afternoon tea: Banff and Lake Louise 246, 271; Victoria and Vancouver Island 113
Ainsworth Hot Springs: 350
Alberta Ballet: 415
Alberta Theatre Projects: 414
alcohol: 438
Alibi Room: 60
Alpha Lake: 164
Al’s Habrich Ridge Trail: 151
Alta Lake: 164
Ancient Cedars Loop: 140
Ancient Cedars Trail: 163
Angry Hen Brewing: 351
aquariums: Vancouver 35; Vancouver Island 109-110, 140
Araxi Longtable Series: 166
Art Gallery of Alberta: 307
Art Gallery of Golden: 207
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria: 107-108
Artisan Sake Maker: 45
Artist Loop: 140
Arts Club Theatre Company: 60
Arts Station, The: 331
Arts Whistler: 166
Ascension Route: 210
Asulkan Valley Trail: 204
auto travel: 430, 432, 433-436, 443
Avalanche Crest Trail: 204
Avatar Grove: 122
Averill Creek Vineyard: 122
Aylmer Lookout Trail: 236
Backcountry Brewing: 153
Backroads Brewing: 345
Bad Tattoo Brewing: 382
Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery: 341
Bald Hills Trail: 295
Ballet BC: 61
Balsam Lake: 194
Banff and Lake Louise: 223-275; map 224-225
Banff Christmas Market: 249
Banff East Gate: 231
Banff Gondola: 16, 244-245, 248
Banff Legacy Trail: 236
Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival: 249
Banff National Park: 21, 231-241; map 232-233
Banff Summer Arts Festival: 248
Banff, town of: 16, 241-257; maps 235, 242
Banff Upper Hot Springs: 16, 243-244, 246
Banff Visitor Information Centre: 231
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival: 61
Bastion, The: 124
Bau-Xi Gallery: 49
B.C. Lions (Canadian football): 59
B.C. Parliament Building: 101
BC Tree Fruits Cider Co.: 370
B.C. Wildlife Park: 183-184, 270
beaches: Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 182; Okanagan 372, 380, 391; Vancouver 34-35, 55; Vancouver Island 123, 124, 129, 133
Beacon Hill Children’s Farm: 105
Beacon Hill Park: 105
Beakerhead: 415
Bear Creek Falls Trail: 203
bears/bear-watching: general discussion 270, 443; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 210; Vancouver Island 132, 133
Beaty Biodiversity Museum: 47
beer/breweries: Banff and Lake Louise 258; Calgary 414; Jasper 305, 307; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 185-186, 207; Kootenays 331, 345, 351; Okanagan 368, 370, 374, 380, 382-383; Vancouver 45, 49-50, 52, 60; Vancouver Island 106; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 152-153
bicycling: Banff and Lake Louise 236, 248; Calgary 412, 413; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 189, 198, 210-211, 217; Kootenays 328, 329, 333, 334, 344, 355; Okanagan 372, 382, 391-392; Vancouver 31, 57-58; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 157, 159-160, 162-163, 166
Biera: 307
Big Beehive: 265
Big Tree Trail: 133
Big White Ski Resort: 373
Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art: 18, 38-39
birds/bird-watching: Kootenays 326, 341; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 152
Birds in Motion: 50
Black Hills Estate Winery: 386
Blasted Church Vineyards: 390
Bloedel Conservatory: 49
Blue Grouse Estate Winery: 121
BNA Brewing: 368
botanical gardens/arboretums: Vancouver 46-47, 49; Vancouver Island 129, 131
Bottlescrew Bill’s: 414
Boundary Museum and Interpretive Centre: 357
Bow Lake: 283-284
Bow River Pathway: 413
Bow Summit: 284
Bow Valley Parkway (Route 1A): 14, 16, 21, 239-240
Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park: 152
Brassneck Brewery: 49
Brewloops Festival: 186
Bridgeport Station: 53
Brilliant Suspension Bridge: 354
Britannia Mine Museum: 148-149
Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site: 54
British Columbia Wine Institute: 121
Brockton Point: 31
Buffalo Nations Luxton Museum: 243
Burrowing Owl Estate Winery: 386
Caesar, the: 415
Calgary: 21, 399-427; maps 400, 408-409
Calgary Flames (hockey): 413
Calgary Folk Music Fest: 415
Calgary Opera: 414
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra: 414
Calgary Stampede: 415
Calgary Stampeders (Canadian football): 413
Calgary Tower: 406
Calgary Zoo: 410-411
Cameron Bandshell: 105
camping: Banff and Lake Louise 240-241, 274; Jasper 289-290, 297-298; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 196, 205, 209, 215-216, 221; Kootenays 324-325, 330, 336, 338, 344; Okanagan 378, 397; Vancouver Island 119, 129, 133, 141; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 174
Canada Day (Vancouver): 62
Canada Olympic Park: 411-412, 413
Canada Place: 35
Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame: 412
Canadian Badlands: 425
Canadian Concert Series: 390
Canadian Trail: 35
Canmore Fall Music Festival: 258
cannabis: 438-439
Cannery Brewing: 380
canoeing: see paddle sports
Capilano Suspension Bridge: 50-51
Capitol Theatre: 345
Carmelis Goat Cheese: 372
Carousel Theatre for Young People: 61
Carter-Ryan Gallery and Live Art Venue: 258
car travel: 430, 432, 433-436, 443
Cascade Gardens: 243
Castle Lookout: 240
Castle Mountain: 240
Castle Mountain Internment Camp: 240
Cathedral Grove: 126
Cave and Basin National Historic Site: 16, 241, 243
caves/caverns: 355
CedarCreek Estate Winery: 366
Celebration of Light: 62
Celeste Lake: 220
Chan Centre for the Performing Arts: 61
Cheakamus River: 154
CheckMate Artisanal Winery: 389
Chesterman Beach: 133
children, traveling with: 439-440
China Beach: 123
Chinatown (Vancouver): 13, 39-41
Chinatown (Victoria): 105
Chocolate Project: 116
Church and State Wines (Oliver): 386
Church and State Wines (Victoria): 110
Clearwater: 282
Cliffwalk: 51
climbing: Banff and Lake Louise 237-239, 258; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 210; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 150-151, 153, 158-159
Clos du Soleil Winery: 389
Cloudbreaker Skybridge: 157-158
Coastal Peoples Fine Arts Gallery: 40
Cold Garden Beverage Company: 414
Columbia Basin Culture Tour: 346
Columbia Icefield: 16, 284-286; map 286
Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre: 285
Commodore Ballroom: 59
consulates: 437
Continental Divide: 320
Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park: 392
Coquihalla Highway (Hwy. 5): 29, 178, 227, 316, 362, 403, 430
Cornucopia Festival: 166
Cottonwood Beach: 391
Covert Farms: 390
Cowichan Bay: 122
Cowichan Valley: 121-122
Cox Bay Beach: 133
CPR Water Tower: 219
Crafthouse: 45
Craigdarroch Castle: 107
Cranbrook: 338-341
Crankworx Freeride Mountain Bike Festival: 166
Crawford Bay: 346
Creston: 341-342
Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area: 341
Cross River Wilderness Centre: 18, 324
Crowsnest Vineyards: 389
customs regulations: 437-438
Cypress Mountain: 58
DanceHouse: 61
Dark Sky Festival: 304
David Foster Harbour Pathway: 105
Desert Centre, The: 391
Diamond Head: 153
Dine Out Vancouver: 63
dinosaurs: 425
disabilities, access for travelers with: 439
Discovery Route: 210
distilleries: Banff and Lake Louise 250; Calgary 414; Kootenays 326, 332; Okanagan 370, 380, 390; Vancouver 45; Vancouver Island 110-111, 123; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 153
Dog Lake: 323
Douglas Reynolds Gallery: 48
Doukhobor cemetery: 357
Doukhobor Discovery Centre: 19, 354
Doukhobors: 354
Downtown Vancouver: 35, 38-39; map 32-33
Downtown Victoria: 97, 100-106; map 102-103
driving directions: to Banff and Lake Louise 227-230; to the B.C. Rockies 180-181; to Calgary 402-403; to Fernie 314-315, 316; to Jasper 280-281; to Kamloops 178, 180; to Kelowna 362, 363; to Kootenay National Park 314, 315-316; to Nanaimo 92-93; to Naramata 362; to Nelson 315, 316; to Osoyoos 362-363; to Penticton 362; to Tofino 93-94; to Ucluelet 93-94; to Vancouver 27-29; to Victoria 91-92; to Whistler 146
driving regulations: 433-435
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden: 13, 40-41
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park: 41
Dubh Glas Distillery: 390
Dumpling Trail: 52
Eagle Run Park: 152
Eagle’s Eye Restaurant: 15, 211
Eagle Spirit Gallery: 45
East Kootenays: 326-341
Eastside Culture Crawl: 63
East Side Vancouver: 49-50
EAT! Vancouver Food + Cooking Festival: 62
Ecology Centre: 51
Edmonton: 307
Eiffel Lake Trail: 268
Elaho-Squamish River: 154
Elephant Mountain Literary Festival: 345
Elevation Place: 258
Elfin Lakes: 153
Elk Island National Park: 307
embassies and consulates: 437
Emerald Lake Trail: 217
emergencies: see medical services
Emily Carr House: 105
essentials: 429-446
Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel: 245-247
Fairmont Empress Hotel: 13, 97, 113, 118
Fairmont Hot Springs: 329-330
Fairview Lookout Trail: 264
Fall Music Lounge: 345
False Creek: 41-42
Fan Tan Alley: 105
Feast Tofino: 135
Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery: 45
Fernie: 16, 331-336, 338; map 332
Fernie Aerial Park: 333
Fernie Alpine Resort: 16, 332-334
Fernie Brewing Company: 331
Fernie Distillers: 332
Fernival: 334
Festival of Lights: 63
Festival of the Grape: 393
Fiasco Gelato Factory and Coffee Bar: 411
Fifth Bridge: 291
50th Parallel Estate: 368
Firehall Arts Centre: 61
Firetower Trail: 195
First Footsteps Trail: 195
First Peak: 153
Fisherman’s Wharf: 104-105
flightseeing: 152
Floe Lake: 323
FlyOver Canada: 35
Folk Music Evening Series: 105
“Food Street”: 52
Forbidden Fruit Winery: 389
Forefield Trail: 286
Fort Berens Estate Winery: 185
Fort Calgary: 406-407
Fort Hide ‘n’ Seek Trail: 328
Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site: 111
Fort Steele Heritage Town: 16, 339
Fort Steele Steam Railway: 339
Fraser Canyon: 396
Garibaldi Lake: 154
Garibaldi Provincial Park: 153-154
Gasoline Alley Museum: 410
Gassy Jack statue: 39
Gastown: 39-41
Gastown Steam Clock: 40
Gate of Harmonious Interest: 105
gay and lesbian travelers: 440
Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery: 370-371
Gelato Academy: 411
Giant Cedars Boardwalk Trail: 15, 196
Gillespie’s Distillery: 153
Glacier National Park: 15, 21, 202-205
Glacier National Park Visitor Centre: 202
Glacier Skywalk: 285
Glass House, The: 346
Glenbow Museum: 406
goat stampede: 105
God’s Mountain: 383
Goldcorp Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre: 60-61
Golden: 15, 21, 205-209; map 206
Golden Eagle Express Gondola: 210
Golden Museum: 207
Golden Visitor Centre: 214
golf: 325
Gordon MacMillan Southam Observatory: 47
Grand Forks: 357
Grand Forks Doukhobor Heritage Mill: 357
Granville Island: 13, 43-45, 55, 56, 58
Granville Island Brewing: 45
Granville Island Broom Co.: 45
Granville Island Public Market: 44
Granville Island Stage: 60
Grassi Lakes Trail: 258
Grass Root Dairies: 190
Great Northern Rail Trail: 344
Greenheart TreeWalk: 46
Green Lake: 164
Green Leaf Brewing: 52
Greenwood: 356
Greenwood Museum and Visitor Centre: 356
Grey Monk Estate Winery: 368
Griz Days Winter Festival: 334
Grizzly Bear Interpretive Centre at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort: 210, 270
Grizzly Paw Brewing Company: 258
Grouse Grind: 57
Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife: 50, 270
Grouse Mountain Skyride: 50, 57
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site: 54
Gyro Beach: 391
Habitat Island: 44
Half-Corked Marathon: 393
Harmony Lake Trail and Loop: 159
Harmony Meadows Trail: 159
Harper’s Trail Winery: 184
Harris Creek Spruce: 122
Hatley Park National Historic Site: 111-112
Headbanger Festival: 325
health and safety: 441-444
Heather Lake Trail: 195
heat illnesses: 444
Heiwa Teien Peace Garden: 353
Hell’s Gate Airtram: 396
Helmcken Falls: 282
Helmcken House: 100
Here’s the Thing Vineyards: 388
Heritage Park Historical Village: 407, 410
Hester Creek: 388
Highline Trail: 266
Highway 5 (Coquihalla Hwy.): 29, 178, 227, 316, 362, 403, 430
Highway 5 (Yellowhead Hwy.): 29, 280
Highway 99 (Sea-to-Sky Hwy.): 13, 14, 21, 28, 146, 150; map 144
Highway 97: 146, 180, 229, 281, 315, 316, 362, 363, 369, 388-397, 403
Highway 93 (Icefields Parkway): 14, 16, 21, 29, 181, 227, 280, 281, 283-290, 403; map 278
Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Hwy.): 29, 178, 180, 181, 227, 229, 230, 280, 281, 396, 402, 403
Highway 17/17A: 13, 28, 92, 94
Highway 16: 280, 281, 403, 430
Highway 16 (Yellowhead Hwy.): 29, 181
Highway 3: 16, 19, 29, 178, 227, 228, 280, 281, 314-316, 356, 362, 363, 389, 392, 402, 430
Highway 3A: 14, 228, 315, 316, 346
hiking: general discussion 15, 443; Banff and Lake Louise 236, 239-240, 245, 247-248, 258, 264-266, 268, 270; Calgary 425; Jasper 284, 286, 291, 294-295, 296, 298, 300-301; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 183, 188-189, 190, 193-194, 195-196, 197, 198, 203-204, 210, 215, 217, 218, 219-220; Kootenays 320-321, 322-324, 328, 333, 336, 344, 355; Okanagan 390, 391-392; Vancouver 50, 51, 56-57; Vancouver Island 124, 128, 129, 133, 134-135, 140; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 149, 150, 151, 153-154, 157, 159, 162-163
Historic Theatre: 61
Hoodoos Trail: 219
horseback riding: Banff and Lake Louise 266; Jasper 303; Okanagan 392-393
Horseshoe Bay: 150
Horseshoe Canyon: 425
Horsethief Canyon: 425
hot springs: Banff and Lake Louise 243-244, 246; Jasper 296; Kootenays 321, 329-330, 350; Vancouver Island 132
Hot Springs Cove: 132
Hot Springs Highway: 326
Howe Sound Inn & Brewing Company: 152
H.R. MacMillan Space Centre: 47
Icefields Parkway (Hwy. 93): 14, 16, 21, 29, 181, 227, 280, 281, 283-290, 403; map 278
Indigenous Cultural Festival: 112
indigenous culture: 18
Indigenous World Winery: 368
Ink Pots Trail: 239
insurance, auto: 434
insurance, health: 441-442
International Hike and Bike Trail: 391
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver: 40
Iron Road Brewing: 186
itineraries: general discussion 13-21; Banff 234; B.C. National Parks 193; Calgary 405; Jasper 291; Kootenay National Park 319; Lake Louise 262; Okanagan 369; Vancouver 34; Victoria 101; West Coast Vancouver Island 132; Whistler 157
Jack Singer Concert Hall: 414
Jade Lakes Trail: 195
Japanese tea ceremony: 46
Jasper and the Icefields Parkway: 277-309; map 278
Jasper Brewing Company: 305
Jasper Discovery Trail: 301
Jasper Information Centre: 282, 290, 295
Jasper National Park: 21, 290-298; map 292-293
Jasper, town of: 298-309; map 299
Jasper-Yellowhead Museum: 16, 298, 302
Jericho Beach: 55
Johnston Canyon: 15, 16, 239-240
Johnston Canyon Lower Falls Trail: 239
Johnston Canyon Upper Falls Trail: 239
Joie Farm: 380
Joy Road Catering: 383
Juan de Fuca Provincial Park: 123
Juniper/Sinclair Canyon: 323
Kamloops: 14, 182-192; map 183
Kamloops Art Gallery: 182
Kamloops Courthouse Gallery: 182
Kamloops Heritage Railway: 182
Kamloops International Buskers Festival: 186
Kamloops to the B.C. Rockies: 177-221; map 178
Kaslo: 350-352
Kaslo Jazz Festival: 351
kayaking: see paddle sports; rafting
Kelowna: 21, 366-368, 370-379; map 367
Kelowna Art Gallery: 371
Kelowna City Park: 372
Kelowna Paddle Trail: 372
Kenna Cartwright Park: 183
Ken Spencer Science Park: 43
Kettle River Brewing Co.: 370
Kettle Valley Railway: 371, 382
Kicking Horse-Amiskwi Trail: 217
Kicking Horse Culture: 207
Kicking Horse Mountain Activity Centre: 210
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort: 15, 209-212
Kicking Horse-Otterhead Trail: 217
Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge: 205
Kicking Horse Viewpoint: 270
Kids Market: 44-45
Kimberley: 338-341
Kimberley Alpine Resort: 339
Kinsmen Park: 326
Kitsilano: 45-49
Kitsilano Pool: 55
Kohan Reflection Garden: 353
Kokanee Creek Nature Centre: 344
Kokanee Creek Provincial Park: 344
Kootenay-Columbia Discovery Centre: 341
Kootenay-Columbia Trail: 355
Kootenay Gateway: 355
Kootenay Lake: 346
Kootenay National Park: 16, 317-326; map 318
Kootenay River: 325
Kootenay Valley Viewpoint: 321
Ktunaxa Interpretive Centre: 16, 339
Kwisitis Visitor Centre: 128
Lake Agnes Teahouse: 265
Lake Annette: 302
Lake Annette Loop Trail: 302
Lake Edith: 302
Lake Louise: 15, 21, 262-275; maps 263, 264
Lake Louise Lakeshore Trail: 264
Lake Louise Ski Resort: 238, 270
Lake Louise Visitor Information Centre: 234, 268
Lake Oesa Trail: 215
Lake O’Hara: 215-216
Lake O’Hara Shoreline Trail: 215
Lake Village Bakery, The: 19, 394
Lake Windermere Whiteway: 326
Larch Valley/Minnestimma Lakes Trail: 268
Last Best Brewing and Distilling: 414
Last Spike Visitor Centre: 198
Legend Distilling: 380
lesbian and gay travelers: 440
Liberty Distilling: 45
Lighthouse Loop: 140
Liquidity Winery Bistro Gallery: 390
Little Beehive: 265
Locarno Beach: 55
Lock and Worth: 379
Lonsdale Quay: 52
Lost Lake Park: 163
Lower Spiral Tunnel Viewpoint: 218
Lumberjack Show: 50
Lunar New Year (Vancouver): 63
Lunchbox Theatre: 414
Lussier Hot Springs: 330
Lynn Canyon Park: 51
Lynx Loop: 328
MacKenzie Beach: 133
MacMillan Provincial Park: 126
Maiden Lake: 332
Main Street Brewing Company: 49
Main Street, Vancouver: 49-50
Maligne Canyon: 15, 16, 291, 294
Maligne Canyon Trail: 291
maps and tourist information: 435-436
Maquinna Marine Provincial Park: 132
Marble Canyon to Paint Pots Trail: 321
marijuana: 438-439
Marina Way Park: 380
Marine Peace Park at Salmon Arm Wharf: 190
Marmot Basin Ski Resort: 238, 303
Martha Cohen Theatre: 414
Mary Schaffer Loop: 294
Maverick Estate Wines: 388
McIntyre Bluff: 390
McLeod Meadows: 323
Meadow Park Sports Centre: 164
Meadows in the Sky Parkway: 14, 193-194
medical services: general discussion 441; Banff 255; Calgary 424; Canmore 261; Fernie 338; Golden 209; Jasper 309; Kamloops 188; Kelowna 378; Lake Louise 274; Nelson 349; Oliver 397; Osoyoos 397; Penticton 385; Revelstoke 201; Tofino 139; Vancouver 81; Victoria 119; Whistler 174-175
Medicine Lake: 295-296
Merridale Ciderworks: 121
Midland Provincial Park: 425
Miette Hot Springs: 16, 246, 296
Millennium Gate: 40
Miller Lake: 195
Mission Hill Family Estate: 366, 373
Monroe, Marilyn: 302
Monte Creek Ranch Estate Winery: 184
Moon Cursor Vineyards: 386
Moon Under Water Brewery and Pub: 106
Moose Lake Loop: 295
Moraine Lake Lakeshore Trail: 268
mountain cross carts: 189
Mount Edith Cavell: 296-297
Mount Fernie Provincial Park: 336
Mount Norquay: 236-239
Mount Norquay Via Ferrata: 16, 237-239
Mount Revelstoke National Park: 14, 21, 192-196
Mount Seymour: 58
Mount Stephen Fossil Bed: 218
Museum of Anthropology: 13, 18, 45-46
Museum of Vancouver: 47-48
Music in the Park: 183
Muttart Conservatory: 307
Myra Canyon: 371-372
Myra Canyon Adventure Park: 372-373
Nanaimo: 124-126
Nanaimo bar trail: 125
Nanaimo Museum: 124
Naramata Bench: 379
Nat Bailey Stadium: 59
National Music Centre: 406
national parks: Banff 231-241; Elk Island 307; Glacier 202-205; Jasper 290-298; Kootenay 317-326; Mount Revelstoke 192-196; Pacific Rim 127-129; Yoho 212-221
Nels’ Knickers Trail: 195
Nelson: 19, 342-350; maps 343, 350
Nelson Brewing Company: 345
Net Loft: 44
Newcastle Island Provincial Park: 124
New Denver: 352-353
Nikkei Internment Memorial Centre: 19, 352-353
Nitobe Japanese Garden: 46
Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre: 18, 19, 390-391
Noble Pig Brewhouse: 185
Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre: 206-207
North Shore Vancouver: 50-52
Northyards Cider Co.: 153
Nuu-chah-nulth Trail: 129
Okanagan, the: 359-397; map 360
Okanagan Falls: 390
Okanagan Lake Beach: 380
Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery: 370
Okanagan Symphony: 373
Okanagan Wine Festivals: 373
Old Fort Point Trail: 301
Old Order Distilling Co.: 380
Old Strathcona Farmers Market: 307
Olympic Cauldron (Vancouver): 35, 38
Olympic Oval (Calgary): 413
Olympic Village (Vancouver): 42
Opabin Plateau Circuit: 215
Opal Hills Loop: 295
Opera in the Village: 414
Orofino Winery: 389
Orpheum Theatre: 61
Othello Tunnels: 392
Pacific Marine Circle Route: 121-123
Pacific Rim National Park: 127-129
Pacific Rim Whale Festival: 135
Pacific Spirit Regional Park: 56
paddle sports: Banff and Lake Louise 248, 266, 268; Jasper 294, 302-303; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 190, 206, 217; Kootenays 336, 339, 345, 351; Okanagan 372, 380, 382; Vancouver 55-56; Vancouver Island 105, 133, 134; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 164, see also rafting
Panorama Mountain Resort: 328-329
Panorama Nordic Centre: 329
Panorama Springs Pool: 328
Panorama Summit Trail (Panorama Mountain Resort): 328
Panorama Trail (Squamish): 151
paragliding: 50
Park Distillery: 250
Parks Alive!: 373
parks and gardens: Banff and Lake Louise 243; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 182-183; Kootenays 326, 353; Okanagan 370, 372, 380; Vancouver 31, 34-35, 40-41, 44, 46, 49, 51, 56; Vancouver Island 105, 107, 108-109, 111-112
passports: 437
Path of the Glacier Trail: 296
Peace Arch Crossing: 27
Peak Chalet: 50
Peak Weather Observatory: 245
Penticton Peach Festival: 382
Phillips Brewing & Malting Co.: 106
Pioneer Route: 210
Plain of Six Glaciers Trail: 15, 266
planning tips: 8-12
Platinum Bench Estate Winery & Artisan Bread Co.: 386
Platzl, The: 338
Point Artist-Run Centre, The: 166
poison ivy: 442
Polar Bear Swim: 63
Polygon Gallery: 52
Porteau Cove Provincial Park: 150
Port Renfrew: 122-123
Pride Calgary: 415
Privato Vineyard & Winery: 185
Prospera Place: 373
provincial parks: Calgary 425; Jasper 282; Kootenays 330, 336, 344; Okanagan 380, 391, 392; Vancouver Island 123, 124, 126, 132; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 149, 150, 152, 153-154
Ptarmigan Valley Viewpoint: 270
Pyramid Island: 301
Pyramid Lake: 303
Quails’ Gate Winery: 366
Queen Elizabeth Park: 49
Queen Elizabeth Theatre: 61
Radium Hot Springs: 16, 246, 321-322
Radium Hot Springs, town of: 325-326
Radium Hot Springs Visitor Centre: 319, 324, 325
rafting: Jasper 301-302; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 205-206; Kootenays 325, 339, 345; Okanagan 396; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 154
Rattenbury, Francis Mawson: 104
Red Bird Brewing: 370
Red Collar Brewing: 186
Redstreak Restoration: 323
Rennie Collection at Wing Sang: 41
rental cars: 433
reservations: 440-441
resources, internet: 445-446
Revelstoke: 14, 196-201; map 197
Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre: 197
Revelstoke Greenbelt Trails: 197
Revelstoke Mountain Resort: 198-199
Revelstoke Museum: 196
Revelstoke Railway Museum: 15, 196
Revelstoke Visitor Information Centre: 192
Richmond: 52-54
Richmond-Brighouse Station: 54
Richmond Night Market: 53
Richmond Olympic Oval: 58
Ridgewalker Route: 238
Riverside Park: 182-183
roadside assistance: 436
Road 13 Vineyards: 389
Robert Bateman Centre: 101, 104
Robson Square Ice Rink: 58
Rockbound Lake: 240
Rock Garden Trail: 203
Rockwall: 323-324
Rocky Mountain Legacy Trail: 248
Rogers Arena: 59
Rogers Pass: 203
Rogers Pass Discovery Centre: 15, 202, 203
Rope Runner Aerial Park: 155
ropes courses: 50
Ross Bay Cemetery: 108
Rossland: 355-357
Rotary Beach Park: 372
Rotary Centre for the Arts: 373
Route 1A (Bow Valley Parkway): 14, 16, 21, 239-240
Roxy, The: 59
Royal Alberta Museum: 307
Royal British Columbia Museum: 13, 100
Royal Tyrrell Museum: 425
Roy Henry Vickers Gallery: 131
RV rentals: 433
Saanich Peninsula: 108-111
safety: 441-444
Sagewood Winery: 185
sailing: Vancouver Island 124; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 154-155
Salmon Arm: 190
Salmon Arm Arts Centre: 190
Salt West: 123
Sandhill Wines: 366
Santa Claus Parade of Lights: 249
Savoy Brewery: 345
Saysutshun: 124
Scandinave Spa Whistler: 161-162
scenic drives: general discussion 14; Banff and Lake Louise 236; Jasper 283-290; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 193-194; Kootenays 346; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 150
Scenic Sip Trail: 368
Schooner Cove Trail: 135
Science World: 42-43
Scotiabank Saddledome: 413
scuba diving/snorkeling: 304
Sea Cider Farm & Ciderhouse: 110
Sea-to-Sky Gondola: 13, 149-152
Sea-to-Sky Highway (Hwy. 99): 13, 14, 21, 28, 146, 150; map 144
Sea-to-Summit Trail: 151
Second Peak: 153
Secwepemc Museum and Heritage Park: 182
See Ya Later Ranch: 390
senior travelers: 440
Seven Stones Winery: 389
Seven Summits Trail: 355
Seven Wonders of the Badlands: 425
Shakespeare by the Bow: 414
Shambhala Music Festival: 346
Shannon Basin Loop Trail: 151
Shannon Falls Provincial Park: 149
Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea: 109-110
Sheringham Distillery: 123
Shorepine Bog Trail: 129
Silk Weaving Studio: 45
Silvery Slocan Museum: 353
Similkameen Valley: 389
Sinclair Canyon: 322
Siwash Rock: 34
Skaha Lake Park: 380
skiing/snowboarding: Banff and Lake Louise 238, 239, 270; Calgary 412; Jasper 303-304; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 188, 190-191, 198, 211; Kootenays 328, 333-334, 339, 345, 355; Okanagan 373; Vancouver 50, 58; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 157, 160
Skimmerhorn Winery & Vineyard: 341
Skunk Cabbage Boardwalk Trail: 15, 196
Skyline Ridge Trail (Squamish): 151
Skyline Route (Norquay Via Ferrata): 238
Sky Pilot Suspension Bridge: 150
Slocan Valley Rail Trail: 344
Sombrio Beach: 123
Sooke: 123
Source of the Springs Trail: 296
South Beach Trail: 129
Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium: 414, 415
South Granville Street: 48-49
Spahats Creek Falls: 282
Spanish Banks Beach: 55
spectator sports: Calgary 413; Vancouver 58-59
Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub: 106
Spiral Tunnels: 217-218
Spirit Trail: 151
Spotted Lake: 391
Spray River Trail West: 238
Sproat Lake: 128
Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival: 155
Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre: 13, 18, 150, 160-161
SS Moyle National Historic Site: 351
stand-up paddleboarding: see paddle sports
Stanley Glacier: 322-323
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage: 60
Stanley Park: 13, 31, 34-35; map 36-37
Stanley Park Nature House: 35
Stawamus Chief Provincial Park: 153
St. Eugene Resort: 16, 18, 337, 339, 340
Steveston: 54
Stewart Canyon Trail: 236
Storm Mountain Viewpoint: 240
Studio Bell: 406
Sulphur Mountain Boardwalk: 245
Sulphur Mountain Trail: 245, 248
Summerhill Pyramid Winery: 366
Summiteer Route: 239
Sunday Alfresco Vineyard Dining: 383
Sun-Oka Beach Provincial Park: 380
Sun Peaks Bike Park: 189
Sun Peaks Resort: 188-192
Sunset Beach: 55
Sunset Trail: 183
Sunshine Village: 238
Sunwapta Falls: 287
Surprise Corner: 247
Surprise Corner to Hoodoos Trail: 238, 248
Swans Brewpub: 106
Sẁiẁs Provincial Park: 391
Tangle Falls: 286
Taylor Meadows: 154
Taynton Bay Spirits: 326
Teahouse at Abkhazi Garden: 107
Telus Spark Science Centre: 410
Terry Fox Memorial: 43
Theatre Calgary: 414
Theatre in the Sky: 50
Theatre Under the Stars: 61
Therapy Vineyards: 380
Third Peak: 153
30 Foot Pool: 51
33 Acres Brewing: 49
Three Mile Beach: 380
Thunderbird Park: 100
ticks: 442
Time Winery: 379
time zones: 441
Tinhorn Creek: 390
tobacco: 438
Toby Creek: 325
Toe of the Athabasca Glacier Trail: 286
Tofino: 21, 129-140; maps 127, 130
Tofino Botanical Gardens: 129, 131
Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum: 131
Tofino Food and Wine Festival: 135
Tonquin Beach: 133
Tonquin Trail: 134
Tool Shed Brewing Company: 414
Torchlight Brewing Company: 345
totem poles: Vancouver 31; Vancouver Island 100, 105
Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art and History: 19, 342, 344
Trans-Canada Highway (Hwy. 1): 29, 178, 180, 181, 227, 229, 230, 280, 281, 396, 402, 403
transportation: 430-436
Tree Brewing Beer Institute: 368
treetop adventures: 163
Treetops Adventure: 51
Trolley 5 Brewpub: 414
Truck 59 Ciderhouse: 370
Tumbleweed Spirits: 390
Tunnel Mountain Drive: 238
Tunnel Mountain Trail: 247
Twin Falls (Vancouver): 51
Twin Falls (Yoho): 219
UBC Botanical Garden: 46-47
Ucluelet Aquarium: 140
Unsworth Vineyards: 121
Upper Branch Winery & Creamery: 379
Upper Spiral Tunnel Viewpoint: 218
Upper Summit Trail: 194
Urban Aboriginal Fair Trade Gallery: 40
Urban Distilleries: 370
Vallea Lumina: 161
Valley of the Five Lakes Trail: 300-301
Valley Trail (Panorama Mountain Resort): 328
Valley Trail (Whistler): 162
Vancity Culture Lab: 61
Vancouver: 21, 23-85; maps 24-25, 32-33, 36-37
Vancouver and Canadian Rockies, map of: 2-3
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre: 35
Vancouver Aquatic Centre: 55
Vancouver Art Gallery: 39
Vancouver Canadians (baseball): 59
Vancouver Canucks (hockey): 58
Vancouver Central Library: 39
Vancouver East Cultural Centre: 61
Vancouver Folk Festival: 62
Vancouver Fringe Fest: 62
Vancouver International Children’s Festival: 62
Vancouver International Film Festival: 62
Vancouver Island: 87-141; map 88-89
Vancouver Island Brewing Co.: 106
Vancouver Lookout: 38
Vancouver Maritime Museum: 48
Vancouver Opera: 61
Vancouver Police Museum: 41
Vancouver Pride Festival: 62
Vancouver Sun Run: 62
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra: 61
Vancouver Theatre Sports League: 61
Vancouver Whitecaps (soccer): 59
Vancouver Writers Fest: 62
VanDusen Botanical Garden: 49
Venturi-Schulze Vineyards: 121
Vermillion Lakes: 36
Vertigo Theatre: 414
Via Ferrata: 13, 150, 158-159, 210
Vice & Virtue Brewing Co.: 370, 374
Victoria: 13, 21, 97-121; maps 98-99, 102-103
Victoria and Vancouver Island: 87-141
Victoria Bug Zoo: 104
Victoria Butterfly Gardens: 109
Victoria Day: 112
Victoria Distillers: 110
Victoria Fringe Fest: 112
Victoria Public Market: 116
Victoria Symphony Splash: 112
visas: 437
Walcott Quarry: 218
Wanderlust Whistler: 166
Wapiti Music Festival: 334
Wapta Falls: 219
waterfalls: Banff and Lake Louise 239, 266; Jasper 282, 286-287, 298; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 203, 217, 219; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 149
Waterfront Boardwalk: 370
Waterfront Station: 40
water sports: Banff and Lake Louise 258; Jasper 302-303; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 182; Kootenays 328, 344-345; Okanagan 372, 380, 382; Vancouver 35, 55-56; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 164-165, see also specific activity
Wells Gray Provincial Park: 282
West Coast Trail: 128
West Coast, Vancouver Island: 127-141
West Edmonton Mall: 307
Westholme Tea Farm: 122
West Kootenays: 341-357
West Side Vancouver: 45-49
whales/whale-watching: Vancouver 54-55; Vancouver Island 112, 132, 133, 135
Whistler: 13, 21, 150, 156-175; maps 145, 158
Whistler Children’s Festival: 166
Whistler Film Festival: 166
Whistler Museum: 161
Whistler Olympic Park: 165
Whistler Olympic Plaza: 161
Whistler Pride and Ski Festival: 166
Whistler Sky Walk: 159
Whistler Visitor Centre: 159, 163
Whistler Writers Festival: 166
Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park: 330
Whitetooth Brewing: 207
Whitewater Ski Resort: 345
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies: 16, 247
Wild Flour Artisan Bakery: 16, 252
Wildhorse Theatre: 339
Wildlife Interpretive Centre: 269, 270
wildlife refuge: 50
wildlife/wildlife-watching: Jasper 298, 300; Kootenays 325, 341; Vancouver Island 131, 132, see also bears/bear-watching; birds/bird-watching; whales/whale-watching
Wild Pacific Trail: 140
Wild Rose Brewing: 414
Winemaker Dinners: 383
wine/wineries: Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 184-185; Kootenays 341-342; Okanagan 365, 366, 368, 373-374, 379-380, 382, 383, 385-386, 388-390, 393-394; Vancouver Island 110, 121-122, 135
Wings over the Rockies Festival: 326
winter sports: Banff and Lake Louise 238; Calgary 412, 413; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 199, 217; Kootenays 326, 328-329, 332, 333-334, 336; Vancouver 58; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 152, 163-164, 165, see also skiing/snowboarding
winter travel safety: 444
women travelers: 440
Wonderland Trail: 151
World’s Largest Dinosaur: 425
WOW! Wednesday on the Wharf: 190
Wynnwood Cellars: 342
Yale Historic Site: 396
Yellowhead Highway (Hwy. 5): 29, 280
Yellowhead Highway (Hwy. 16): 29, 181
yoga: 328
Yoho National Park: 15, 21, 212-221; map 213
Yoho National Park Visitor Centre: 214, 218
York Theatre: 61
Yuk Yuk’s Vancouver Comedy Club: 61
zip lining: Calgary 412; Kootenays 345; Okanagan 373; Vancouver 50; Whistler and the Sea-to-Sky Highway 157, 163
zoos and animal parks: Calgary 410-411; Kamloops and the B.C. Rockies 183-184; Vancouver Island 104, 105