7.m1 General Taylor and Colonel John J. Hardin in Texas and Mexico
10.m1 Scott’s Advance to Mexico City
13.m1 Annexing Mexico
1.1 Henry Clay, 1844
1.2 Whig campaign ribbon, 1844
2.1 James K. Polk, 1845
2.2 Sarah Polk, 1829
2.3 “Matty Meeting the Texas Question”
3.1 John J. Hardin
3.2 The United States of Mexico in 1847
4.1 Polk’s cabinet in 1846
4.2 Sarah and James Polk
4.3 Ashland
5.1 Nicholas Trist in 1835 by John Neagle
5.2 Zachary Taylor
5.3 John Quincy Adams
6.1 Richard Caton Woodville, War News from Mexico
6.2 Lieutenant Colonel Henry Clay Jr.
6.3 Heroic Defense of the City of Monterey
6.4 General Wool and staff
6.5 Congressman-elect Abraham Lincoln
7.1 Major General Winfield Scott
7.2 General Antonio López de Santa Anna
7.3 Group of Mexicans with a soldier, 1847
7.4 Samuel Chamberlain, Rackensackers on the Rampage
7.5 Nathaniel Currier, Battle of Buena Vista
8.1 Nathaniel Currier, Death of Col. John J. Hardin
8.2 Butler and Lewis, Death of Lieut. Col. Henry Clay, Jr.
8.3 E. B. and E. C. Kellogg, Scene in Vera Cruz During the Bombardment
9.1 Ellen Hardin
9.2 Yankee Doodle, “Going to and Returning from Mexico”
10.1 “Capture of Gen. Santa Anna’s Private Carriage at Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 18, 1847”
10.2 Carl Nebel, “General Scott Entering Mexico City, 1851”
11.1 Rejon the Ranchero
11.2 James Knox Polk
12.1 “Mexican Family”
13.1 Nicholas P. Trist, 1855–65
13.2 Henry Clay, ca. 1850
epl.1 Ellen Hardin Walworth, 1899