Intuition and the
Sixth Chakra
This chapter provides an explanation of the intuitive information flowing through the sixth chakra, which is also known as the brow chakra, third eye, or Ajna. This energy center is located in the center of your forehead. It allows you to tune in to nonphysical reality, see the energy of spirit, and observe light beings and energy frequencies, such as electro-magnetic energy in the auric fields of people, plants, animals, and objects. It helps you see your truth in a clear light and validate what is real. You can use it to communicate with your higher self, source energy, and other beings.
Your sixth chakra channels information on abilities that let you perceive colors, shapes, vibrations, and energy frequencies in this reality and multidimensionally. It helps you see what is with neutrality, clarity, and acceptance. When you don’t own your sixth chakra, you can lack clarity or be drawn into mental, emotional, or physical dramas. You may lack your own perspective and be fooled into seeing things through the eyes of others. Sometimes we avoid seeing our truth because we want to pretend everything is alright when it isn’t or we are not ready to change. Your clairvoyance helps you discover and validate your own truth, and communicate through the language of light and frequency. Your abstract intuition helps you translate the formulas and symbols into meaning.
For me, these are my superhero powers. Imagine seeing into a person’s physical body like a human CAT scanner or observing their aura and chakras for healing purposes. Imagine looking at your past lives, subpersonalities, and guides. It is better than any movie or TV show and is available for you to develop. Whether you use it to help others, for yourself, or to see this reality or other realities is your choice.
The spiritual abilities covered in this chapter are Clairvoyance, Abstract Intuition, and Precognition.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly. It includes seeing nonphysical beings such as spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, saints, deceased loved ones, and ghosts, as well as energy vibrations, auras, chakras, pictures, and symbols. Remote viewing is a specific type of clairvoyance, where the viewer seeks impressions about a distant and unseen person, object, or target, usually in real time, or to see a past event. The most common time people begin to experience their clairvoyance is before sleeping, on waking, or during meditation, as much else can distract you during the day. Below are some signs that you’re starting to experience clairvoyance:
• colors (energy vibrations) behind your forehead
• faces coming and going as you drop off to sleep
• fleeting visions remaining with you on waking
• waking visions of deceased loved ones or guides
• easily visualizing a relaxing scene during meditation
• remembering texts you have read visually
• seeing memories in your mind’s eye
The intellect is the main block in developing clairvoyance. Most people are trained to focus on their intellect from an early age. Unfortunately, it slows down the flow of intuitive signals or causes people to ignore them entirely. By developing your clairvoyance, you can see clearly about yourself, those around you, and the situations you are in. You can take an intuitive perspective rather than a physical one. You see clearly regardless of the ego’s projections.
Your clairvoyance gives you the neutrality you need to let go of your limits. It can help you get clear about how someone else’s beliefs are influencing you, as well as being neutral and nonjudgmental about what you see. Electromagnetic energy waves are visible to a clairvoyant as color vibrations. The human energy field or aura is seen as color. Color has meaning and can be translated into language. Experiences, beliefs, and attitudes are also recorded in the energy field. These units of structured energy are visible to a clairvoyant as symbols, pictures, formulas, and vignettes. They contain much information that can be understood and translated.
My First Experiences Seeing Energy
I have always seen spiritual phenomena. For me, the world is alive with vibrant energy in motion. As a child, I saw multicolored lights blinking against the backdrop of darkness in my room at night. During the day, I see lights in the sky and trees. At first when I realized other people didn’t see what I saw it didn’t bother me too much. I shrugged my shoulders and adapted to the world as they saw it, but there were times when I questioned my sanity.
I left home for the first time to do a one-year work placement while I was studying to earn my bachelor’s degree. I was twenty years old and shared a house with three other people. I remember sitting in the living room looking at the furniture, clearly seeing that it was not real. I was in a kind of virtual reality. Objects were not solid and I could make the furniture appear to float. In my mind, I repeated, “This chair isn’t real, this table isn’t real.” I could see it wasn’t. This was before home computers, the Matrix movies, or virtual reality computer games, and I wasn’t on drugs. I had a choice: pull myself together or spiral into what I thought must be madness. I chose the former. Imagine my surprise years later, when I read the opening pages of A Course in Miracles. The first teaching is to appreciate that everything you see is not real. Or when I read Seth Dreams and Projections of Consciousness by Jane Roberts about how reality is a projection of our consciousness.
Nowadays, I do not question my clairvoyance. It is my strongest ability and I can flip between nonphysical and physical reality instantly or see both simultaneously. I see energy, auras, chakras, and guides, and I spend my days using my gift to help others.19 One of the most profound experiences I had since validating my ability was actually seeing nothing. I was on a hike through Othello Tunnels near Hope, British Columbia, Canada. There was a group of hikers and I had buddied up with two fast-walking strangers. We were in the midst of a tunnel side by side when suddenly everything disappeared. We were suspended in space. Energy rushed past us—under our feet, over our heads, and all around. It felt like we were being shot through space.
At first, I didn’t say anything, thinking it was just me and my psychic abilities, but when both women shrieked I realized it was a shared experience. We couldn’t believe what was happening. We still had our bodies but nothing else existed besides the speeding energy. We reached the tunnel exit and normal reality resumed. Retracing our steps did not re-create the experience. We waited for the other hikers, and when they arrived they reported that their hike was ordinary. Once the hike was over, I never saw those women again. We had created the experience together to validate we are spirit and there is more to this reality than meets the physical eyes.
It’s common for people to doubt their intuition when it doesn’t match preconceived ideas of reality, or to invalidate it for fear of being accused of madness. But if you can accept and embrace it, life becomes even more vibrant and rich.
Discovering Your Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance can be difficult for people to validate, because they doubt it and think it’s just their imagination. Or they expect it to be crystal clear and so if the images are not as clear as with their eyesight they don’t believe they are doing it right. Usually, all it takes is to have an experienced clairvoyant validate you are having genuine experiences and give guidance on how to best harness your gift. These are clues that you are already using your clairvoyance, even though you might not have been calling it that.
We can use clairvoyance to recall past events, people, and objects as images. Though we might call this memory, not everyone recalls memories as images. We can use it to picture future plans in our minds. We call this visualization, but it is essentially the same as clairvoyance. We are projecting a thought form onto a visual image screen in both cases. If you picture someone you are having a phone conversation with in your mind’s eye or see the characters in your imagination when you read a book, you are using your clairvoyance to have a multisensory experience.
I once had a boss who asked me if I had a photographic memory. I was stumped at the time because it was before I took training in clairvoyance, but when I look back now this was a sign that I didn’t see things the same way others did. Other early clues that you might identify with are having an invisible friend as a child; seeing colors or faces when you go to sleep; or noticing colors around people, animals, plants, or inanimate objects.
Other signs of clairvoyance include using commonly used phrases such as “seeing red,” “feeling blue,” or “cowardly custard,” or if colors affect your mood and you can read people by the colors they wear. Of course, if you have ever seen a ghost, had a vision of someone who was dead, or seen incidents from other people’s lives that they did not tell you about, these are all big clues that your clairvoyance was at play.
Christina Overcomes Self-Doubt
Christina is an engineer with an interest in intuition, yoga, and hypnotherapy. She had some unexplained, intuitive experiences and wanted to learn more about them. I mentored Christina using a framework of tools so she could consciously access her intuition. She was a gifted clairvoyant who quickly learned to use her sixth chakra. Despite the fact that she was able to follow my guidance and see images using her clairvoyance, she remained blocked by her intense self-doubt. Christina was always questioning whether her faculties were real and needed lots of encouragement and support. She also needed help to let go of past experiences where people put her down. It took time, but now Christina does believe she is intuitive and is freeing herself from limits to using it. She loves her intuition and now uses her inner guidance for life decisions. While she doesn’t want to be a full-time intuitive, she is planning on studying energy medicine and using her clairvoyance to see the energetic reality of people she assists.
Abstract Intuition
Humans have learned to communicate through language, be it verbal, sign, or body language. Spirit communicates using light, symbols, formulae, geometry, equations, and other vibrations, which convey more information than language ever could. Plus, they can be understood via the sixth chakra without using the intellect. If you knew the answer to questions in math class without having to work them out, you might have been using your abstract intuition. This is the ability of child prodigies,20 including musicians (Amadeus Mozart, Franz Liszt), artists (Pablo Picasso, Akiane Kramarik), physicists (Wolfgang Pauli, Enrico Fermi), mathematicians (Ruth Lawrence), and writers (Alexander Pope, H. P. Lovecraft). It is a form of intuition that allows you to access answers without going through all the mental steps.
This ability can be a big issue for gifted kids in school as the teacher invariably wants an explanation of how they arrived at the answer. So they might be accused of cheating! Psychics use it to unlock meaning in abstract thought forms or to decode the structured packets of electromagnetic energy you have stored your information in. People with abstract intuition can have an affinity for music, numbers, formulae, sacred geometry, and spatial relationships—sometimes to the degree that they can listen to a musical score and re-create it or rearrange it without using the intellect; solve equations in their mind as symbols or numbers literally jump off the page and rearrange themselves; or conceive an architectural plan or new décor for their home as a vision without needing to draw it.
Imagine an apple. When you see an apple in your mind’s eye, you are projecting the image energetically and observing it clairvoyantly. You might glean information from this symbol depending what it looks like. If it was held by a witch, it might be poisoned and represent danger. If it was bitten to the core, it might mean being out of options; or if it was very big, New York. So you see, the symbol of an apple can convey a lot of information. The idea of this apple could also be contained in a formula with precise information. That would let you unlock the apple’s secrets and see how you might interact with it.
This is like what Nikola Tesla did in his mind laboratory.21 He conducted experiments using his abstract intuition before doing them in physical reality. It was the key to his success as a scientist. If you have this ability, you are more than likely aware of it already, unless you shut it down when you were young for fear of being teased and rejected because you were different.
Unlocking My Abstract Intuition
My abstract intuition is strongest when it comes to interpreting multidimensional symbols. My earliest memories of playing with this ability include seeing images in the clouds or the patterns of leaves in trees. Nowadays, I use it to read the energy of my clients.
I also express my abstract intuition through my art, which is colorful, whimsical, semi-abstract, and full of meaning. I am not a trained artist and so my paintings are childlike, but they are imbued with messages about spiritual awakening. My paintings pack much more meaning into a smaller space than I could express through writing. They are automatic drawings, in that I do not plan the composition with my intellect. I simply sit down and draw with no thoughts or preconceived ideas. When I do my art, I am operating at the interface between higher consciousness, which communicates multidimensionally, and physical reality.
These paintings started during a six-year period, when I was attending a modern-day mystery school, doing deep self-healing, intense energy practices, and emerging as an awakened human. I believe my paintings depict our journey of spiritual unfolding. They stimulate healing and spiritual growth and awareness within the viewer, because they bypass the intellect and speak to you as spirit. I have hundreds of these paintings. You can see some of them on my website gallery and on the Portico Soul Essence card deck.
Discovering Your Abstract Intuition
You could be experiencing some of the challenges associated with abstract intuition if you feel alone and it’s difficult to meet others who can relate on “your level”; if you find everyday human interactions mundane, like they barely scratch the surface; if you see signs and synchronicities everywhere and link them together in ways other people wouldn’t think of; or if you are intrigued by symbols because you can sense their meaning. Abstract intuition can be expressed in many ways; below are some more clues that this might be a psychic ability you have been using all along.
Sometimes a child with this ability is labeled as being gifted, or different. If your parents and teachers called you a child prodigy or wondered if you had autism, it’s possible that your reality was being experienced through your abstract intuition. Even if you were not flagged as being different, but you won the competition to guess the number of beans in the jar, or were caught for cheating in class when you didn’t do it, you may have been using this ability.
Perhaps you are someone with an uncanny knack for numbers, such as being able to easily remember strings of numbers, understand formulae, or solve complex equations with no effort. Or you love abstract representations of ideas, and surreal and symbolic art has deep meaning for you. Or reading, playing, and composing music comes easily to you. Maybe spatial relations and geometry are second nature, or you can see the underlying patterns in the natural world. All of these examples can be signs that your abstract intuition is at play.
Finally, if you enjoy playing with intuition cards, but don’t need to memorize the instruction manual to interpret them, then you are using your abstract intuition to read the cards. Tarot decks can be a great way to train your intuition because they help you bypass the intellect. They are replete with symbolic information that can be unpackaged using your abstract intuition.
Gabriel Uses His Intuition at Work
Gabriel was having relationship difficulties. He couldn’t connect emotionally with his partner and they could not agree about finances. They were locked into a pattern of passive-aggressive behavior. He was dissatisfied with his accounting career; he wanted to help people and felt there must be a better way than working for a corporate institution. He wanted to discover a higher purpose for his life.
Gabriel always knew he was different when it came to numbers. Ever since childhood, numbers would jump off the page and rearrange themselves into different patterns in front of his eyes. His highly developed abstract intuition is what made him succeed at his job, as he could instantly comprehend financial reports and investment portfolios in ways that confounded his colleagues.
As it turned out, Gabriel’s purpose was related to everything bothering him. His relationship with his partner was teaching him about the emotional relationship people have with money. His job was teaching him about the financial system and its shortfalls. His abstract intuition gave him a perspective on finance that transcended logic and emotions.
This gave Gabriel a unique perspective that could be directed to assist people with their finances. Gabriel hatched a plan to teach money management. He would become an independent consultant, operating from sound financial principles and a desire to help shift the current financial paradigm and raise the vibration of our financial system.
When most people think about psychics they imagine a fortune teller who can tell the future, which is either far-fetched or special, depending on their perspective. Yet this is an accessible skill that involves the sixth and seventh chakras. If you have ever had the experience of knowing what was going to happen before it did, you may have felt a sense of shock and awe. You also experienced a spiritual ability called precognition that allows you to intuit future events. The information you receive through this ability is known as a premonition. Premonitions can occur in waking reality or through your dreams. They involve information from the brow and crown chakras, helping you perceive future probabilities.
There is a long tradition of seers telling the future through dreams as well as other creative ways, from observing the flight patterns of birds to examining the entrails of animals. Famous seers include Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, and the priestesses at the Delphic Oracle. In actuality, precognition is the most scientifically studied of all intuitive abilities. It is also the most practiced, with more than three hundred forms of augury (telling fortunes or the future through different types of creatures, practices, or object) recorded in the annals of history.
Studies have shown that many precognitive experiences occur in dreams and happen within a few days before a future event, although some occur months to years ahead of time. Most involve unhappy events, such as death, illness, accidents, and natural disasters. Intimacy is important as most precognitive experiences involve a spouse, family member, or friend. The rest involve disasters such as crashes or earthquakes and their victims.
If you are open to the idea that your larger consciousness is unlimited by time and space, then you may naturally be open to accessing future events from your waking consciousness. From our perspective in time and space, the future is a quantum field of possibilities. We navigate the moments of our life journey by making choices and using free will. So we can change what we see in a premonition.
Some psychics specialize in telling the future. They can be right when they tune in to the most likely probable outcome of a current situation. However, things can change, which is why they are sometimes wrong. They can also affect the outcome by causing their client to focus on specific scenarios, as you create your reality based on your beliefs, preferences, intentions and overall energy signature.
Precognition is actually an ability that is governed by the sixth and seventh chakras working together in unison. Future events can also be intuited in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, and sudden insights, and can be induced by trance, meditation, channeling, mediumship, and divination.
Visions of the Future
Years ago, I saw a plane crash in the Netherlands a few days before it happened.22 I knew where it was because two friends who lived there were in the foreground watching the flames. I also saw a head-on collision between two fighter jets at an air show two days beforehand.23 In both examples, I could not have guessed they would be real events; nor could I have foretold when they would take place. It was only in retrospect that I said, “Ah that is what that was.”
I have also been introduced to new people who enter my life in dreams before I meet them, traveled to new places before I go there, and seen events from my own life played out in dreams before I experienced them in my waking life. There have been other dreams of crashes that never happened, other meetings that never transpired, and visits to astral realities that do not exist on the physical plane.
Many years ago, my parents were on holiday when my father’s mother became ill. She was near death but hanging on. It had been impossible to get ahold of my dad to tell him. Yet when he walked in the door he said, “It’s my mother, isn’t it?” He explained that whenever a family member was close to death, he dreams he loses a tooth. I was amazed because I had the same dream. He said this was an old family dream from way back.
In general, I find it easier to recognize when there is a precognitive element in a personal dream than for mass events dreams. This is probably because I am closer to, and have greater control over, my personal reality and only observe or contribute as one of many in a mass event.
Your Precognitive Experiences
If you have ever had a déjà vu experience, where you felt you were experiencing something again that you had already experienced before, then you have had a glimpse into precognition. Déjà vu is a special case of precognition, which can be explained by the living out of an event that was first practiced in the out-of-body state. As the astral plane is unlimited by time and space, we sometimes try out different versions of things there before we manifest them physically. We will cover more about out-of-body experiences in Chapter 12.
The most common way people experience future time reality is through precognitive dreams. If you ever dreamed of a world event that later happened for real; dreamed about an illness (yours or someone else’s) that was unknown at the time but later diagnosed; had a recurring dream that warned you of a future event; or met a person for the first time in a dream and then actually met them in real life, then you have experienced dream precognition.
You may have been tapping into this ability through your waking consciousness if you ever had a waking vision of the future; a premonition of an occurrence in your own life before it happened; the feeling you would bump into a friend and then did; had a premonition that someone was about to die or be in an accident and they were; believed you would be promoted or get a specific new job and then you did; or even knew in advance that someone would be visiting.
Other signs that you have precognition include scoring high in a PSI test where you had to predict what would come next, playing with tarot cards or similar intuitive tool and successfully predicting the future, having a body sensation that is a reliable predictor of something good or bad, doing something differently to avoid a possible future outcome, or even having the same premonition as someone else that was close to you. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but hopefully it is enough to give you some pointers in how to recognize this ability within yourself.
Elle Tunes in to Terror
One evening I was attending a party at a friend’s house when I was introduced to an amazing woman. She had recently retired from being an investigator at an intelligence agency. This afforded her a lot of time to focus on herself and her inner world, and she told me her astounding story.
Elle had had premonitions for as long as she could remember. They usually came to her in her dreams. Now that she had more time, she was having them on a daily basis. She was keeping a dream journal and a record of what came true. She told me that, at first, she thought it was her imagination. Those she confided in were skeptical. But the investigator in her came out and she started sharing her impressions ahead of time with select family and friends. They were amazed to see stories in the news hours and days after Elle had reported the event. Here are a few of the many examples Elle told me about:
Elle saw a train derailment 24 on the TV news before bed on October 8, 1995. It was so vivid she told her ex-husband at 11 p.m. there might be work implications. The following day, the incident was reported in the news. The accident (considered sabotage) happened at 1:35 am on October 9. Elle witnessed it approximately two hours before it happened. Her ex-husband was the first verifiable witness to one of her premonitions.
Six weeks before the shooting on Parliament Hill in Canada on October 22, 2014,25 Elle dreamed about the events in detail over several nights. She saw the gunman shootings and injuries and knew there would be an act of violence on Canadian soil because she saw a flagpole with the Canadian flag on a hill.
On March 7, eleven days before the terrorist attacks in Tunis on March 18, 2015,26 Elle was sound asleep in her bed yet a part of her consciousness was transported to Bardo Museum in Tunis. She sat inside the bodies of various characters as the events unfolded. Later, when she watched footage on the internet, her experiences were played back to her; told by those same people whose bodies she had temporarily inhabited.
I asked Elle why she thought she was having these experiences. She told me that she was being opened up to different aspects of reality. It wasn’t that she was supposed to (and couldn’t) prevent disasters from happening. She didn’t want to become a celebrity. It was more that she was supposed to teach people how interconnected we are through space and time. That we should value the lives we have now and approach experiences from spiritual values such as acceptance and forgiveness. We are all versions of each other, projections of the same source energy, playing out a vast drama to expand consciousness.
20. Wikipedia contributors. List of child prodigies. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Accessed April 30, 2019.
21. Wikipedia contributors. Nikola Tesla. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Accessed April 30, 2019.
22. BBC. 1992: El Al jumbo crashes in Amsterdam. Accessed April 2019.
23. Connet, David. 1993. RAF investigates jet collision at airshow: Organizers defend safety rules after fighters crash in mid-air. Accessed April 2019.
24. Wikipedia contributors. Lac-Mégantic rail disaster. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Accessed October 1, 2019.
25. Wikipedia contributors. 2014 shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,,_Ottawa&oldid=893300217. Accessed April 30, 2019.
26. Wikipedia contributors. Bardo National Museum attack,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Accessed April 30, 2019.