
Page numbers in italics refer to



achocha 158

alfalfa 143, 144, 145, 146, 147

Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii SEE leek, Babington; A. sativum SEE garlic

A. schoenoprasum SEE chives

almond 144, 147

amaranth, vegetable 24, 53

Anethum graveolens SEE dill;

A.g. var. sowa SEE dill, Indian

angeliki SEE Pittosporum tobira

ant 131, 132, 14043; black a. 132; red a. 132; yellow meadow a. 132, 133, 140, 141

antery 131, 132, 14043

apple ‘Braeburn’ 142;a. ‘Gala’ 142

aquatic plants 57, 97; fixed-floating a.p. 57;free-floaters 57

Aristotle 21

arrowhead 56

artichoke, Japanese 10

artichoke, Jerusalem 96, 97, 108, 114; J.a. salad 124

ash, wood 102

asparagus 16

aubergine 4, 23, 27, 85, 106, 114, 130; ‘Slim Jim’ a. 45


bacteria, root 103

bamboos 144

Barbarea verna SEE cress, American land

barley 144

barometers 127

basil 12, 23, 27, 28, 43, 78, 108, 137, 138, 139;b. ‘Anise’ 138; bush b. 34, 50, 106, 114, 138; b.b. ‘Greek’ 13839; b. butter 107; b. ‘Cinnamon’ (‘Mexican’) 139;b. ‘Dark Opal’ 138; b. ‘Fino Verde’ 138; b. ‘Genovese’ 138; b. ‘Green Globe’ 138; b. ‘Green Ruffles’ 138; holy b. (sacred ka prao, purple tulsi) 13839; Horapha b. 139;b. ‘Lemon’ 138; lettuce-leaved b. 138; b. ‘Lime’ 139;b. ‘Liquorice’ 139;b. ‘Mrs Burns’ 139;b. ‘Napolitano’ (‘Mammoth’) 138; New Guinea b. 139;purple b. 138; b. ‘Purple Ruffles’ 138; b. ‘Red Rubin’ 138; b. ‘Spicy Globe’ 139;sweet b. 34, 50, 106, 114, 138; Thai b. 13939; tree b. 139

Battersea Park Horticultural Therapy SEE Thrive

bats 16, 105

bean 43, 59, 78, 108; azuki b. 143, 144; Beijing b. 83, 105, 114, 119; blackeyed b. 144; broad b. 143; b.b. ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ 135; climbing French b. ‘Cherokee Trail of Tears’ 158; dwarf French b. 4, 23, 42, 49, 53, 65, 71, 85, 130; d.F.b. ‘Sprite’ 53, 65, 105; French haricot b. 143; lima b. 144; mung b. 143, 144, 145, 146; runner b. 23, 27, 49, 52, 59, 68, 74, 85, 86, 105; r.b. germination 11520; r.b. ‘Scarlet Emperor’

53, 116; soya b. 143, 144; b. sprouts 143

bedding, animals’ 103

bees 16;bumblebees 16

beetles 166; darkling or flour b. SEE mealworms

beetroot 84, 96, 97, 114, 130; b. ‘Detroit 2-Tardel’ 23, 62, 92

Belloc, Hilaire 48

Beta vulgaris SEE beetroot; B.v. Cicla Group SEE chard, Swiss

birds 2833; bird feeders 29, 32, 36

blackbird 29, 30, 31

blackfly 87

blue tit 16, 29, 33

borecole, cavolo nero 135

bougainvillea 82

bouillabaisse 114

box 50

brandy bottle 56

Brassica oleracea Acephala Group SEE borecole

Brassica rapa Chinensis Group SEE cabbage, Chinese

bread, Roman 34

broccoli 144

Browne, Sir Thomas 143

buckwheat 143, 144, 148

bugle 56

burdock 144

busy Lizzie 34

butterflies 17; cabbage white b. 9396; b. chrysalis 94, 95; b. eggs 87, 92, 93; b.

imago 95; b. larva 93, 94;b. pupa 94


cabbage 144; Chinese c. 23, 144; C.c. ‘Tah Tsai’ 92; c. ‘Primo’ 149

Cape gooseberry 45 Capsicum annuum Grossum Group SEE pepper, sweet

cardamom 113

Carroll, Lewis 164

carrot 84; c. ‘Amsterdam Forcing 3’

cat 33, 149

caterpillars 134

cavolo nero SEE borecole, c.n.

celeriac 4, 84

chaffinch 29

champignon SEE mushroom

chard, Swiss 4, 24, 43, 46, 70, 71, 101, 107, 114, 130, 135, 137; ‘Bright Lights’ c. (‘Jacob’s Coat’, ‘Rainbow’ c.) 45, 46

Chelsea Flower Show 91

Chelsea Physic Garden 82

cherry 57, 96, 97

chia, Mexican 144

chicken consommé 54

chicory 23; c. ‘Sugar Loaf ’ 71, 92, 106

chives 23, 47, 108, 130;garlic c. 4, 23, 34, 114, 130

chrysanthemum greens 144

Cichorium intybus SEE chicory

claytonia SEE purslane, winter

Clematis montana 26

cloche, plastic 12

clover, red 143, 144

coir bricks 120

Colchicum autumnale SEE saffron, meadow

compost 11, 3942, 58, 102, 161;c. activators 58; Bokashi composting 162, 163; c. heap 10, 43; John Innes No. 3 c. 42; seed-sowing c. 6, 8; tumbler c.-maker 161

Compost-a-Cube 40

containers, supermarket 6, 7, 8, 49, 57

cooking 70

corn salad SEE lamb’s lettuce

cornflower 16

cotton grass 56

courgette 78

creeping Jenny 56

cress, American land (Belle Isle c., early winter c., upland c.) 23, 39, 53, 101, 114

‘crocers’ 109, 110

Crocus sativus SEE saffron;

C. speciosus 26

crossness 67

crowfoot, water 56

cucumber (Cucumis sativa) 23, 27, 78, 85, 96, 108, 114; c. ‘Marketmore’ 115 c.

‘Simpson’s Sweet Success’ 53

cut-and-come-again vegetables/salad 24, 68, 88

Cyclanthera pedata SEE achocha


daisy 16, 88

dandelion 88

Darwin, Charles 19, 152

Darwin, Erasmus 94

Daucus carota SEE carrot

David, Elizabeth 106, 130, 151

dibber 65

dill 23, 53, 78, 107, 114, 139, 140;d. ‘Dukat’ 140;d. ‘Fernleaf ’ 140;Indian d. 140;d. ‘Mammut’ 140;d. ‘Vierling’ 140

dragonflies 97

Dryden, John 95

ducks 166


earthworms 1922, 152, 154; common e. 21

Effective Micro-organisms (EMs) 162

eggshells 44, 103, 128

Eisenia andrei SEE worm, red; E. fetida SEE worm, tiger

Elodea crispa 98

Elyot, Sir Thomas 126, 134

endive, frizzy 4, 58

Epicurus 167

Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa SEE rocket


fairy moss 56

feed, liquid 85

fennel 84

fenugreek 143, 144

fig 74, 78; f. ‘Brown Turkey’ 25, 123

fleece 129

floating heart, yellow, or water fringe 56

formicary SEE antery

fountains 55

Franchi seeds 84

freesia 26

frogs 16

frogbit 56

Fuller, Thomas 39

fungi 126


garden 74

Garden Organic 157

garlic 23, 129, 135; Chinese single-clove g. 10, 129; elephant g. 158; Greek g. 83; g.

‘Moraluz’ 135;g. ‘Sprint’ 135

gayfeather 56

geranium 80; g. seed 105

Gilbert, Samuel 112

ginger, root 166

gnats 96

goldfinch 29

greenfly 87

greengrocers 10


hair, animal 103

hanging baskets 50, 57

hedgehog 16, 166

Heritage Seed Library 157

Higa, Professor Teruo 158

Hippocrates 113

Homer 113

honeydew 134

honeysuckle 74

Horticultural Therapy SEE Thrive

hoverflies 96, 97

humble plantsee sensitive plant

hyacinth 134


ice cream, clotted cream and saffron 80

Impatiens 27; I. walleriana SEE busy Lizzie

Innes, E.A. & G.M. 123

insect theatre 17

Ipomoea batatas SEE sweet potato


jasmine 26, 74, 80

Jefferson, Thomas 158

Joe Pye weed 56


kale 144; SEE also borecole

Keats, John 127

Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens 82

komatsuna 23, 53, 92, 101, 107


La Mancha, Spain 109

labels 7, 9

lacewing 17

Lactuca sativa SEE lettuce

ladybird 16, 165

lamb’s lettuce 4, 23, 39, 101, 107, 129, 130, 135; l.l.

‘Dante’ 124; l.l. ‘Suttons’ Large

Leaved’ 124

Lasius flavus SEE ant, yellow meadow; L. niger SEE ant, black

Lathyrus odoratus SEE sweet pea

lavender 26, 106

lawns 87

leaf salad 78

leaves 128

leek 144; Babington l. 158

lemon 82

lemongrass 10, 166

lentil 143, 144

lettuce 42, 43; l. ‘Black Seeded Simpson’ 23, 53, 135; l. ‘Catalogna’ 62, 65; Indian l. SEE purslane, winter; l. ‘Loos Tennis Ball’ 158; l. Mesclun 135; miner’s l. SEE purslane, winter; l. ‘Red Salad Bowl. 45; l. ‘Rougette de Montpellier’ 135; l. ‘Salad Bowl’ 4, 23, 24, 45, 58, 60, 65, 137; l. ‘Tom Thumb’ 24

lightning 103

lilac, Persian 26

Lilium regale 26, 65, 114

logs, newspaper 66, 103, 137;

L. Maker 66

Lumbricus terrestris 21, 152, 154

lupin, Arctic 8


mâche SEE lamb’s lettuce

Maclean, Donald 123

maintenance-free plants 130

maize 144

mangetout SEE pea

manure, chicken 85

marginals 57

Martinson, Harry Edmund 20

Matthiola longipetala subsp. bicornis SEE stock, night-scented

mealworm 36; life cycle 37

melon 44, 71

mercury 127

metamorphosis 93

mice 32

mignonette 23, 27, 45

millet 144

Mimosa pudica SEE sensitive plant

mint 78, 144

mitsuba 4, 23, 39, 62, 101, 144

mizuna 23, 62, 92, 101

monkey flower 56

moths 17

mushroom 124, 12528, 150, 155, 156, 158, 166; m. boxes 92; m. compost 151; inorganic m. 125, 127; lion’s mane m. 155;organic m. 125, 126, 127; oyster m. 63, 155, 159, 166; shiitake m. 155;m. spores 156; tree oyster m. 155

mustard 144; Abyssinian m. 22, 62, 92, 101, 107, 114; Chinese m. ‘Green in Snow’ 135; potherb m. SEE mizuna; m. spinach SEE komatsuna

mycelium 126, 128, 155

Mycetophila fungorum 96

Myrmica SEE ant, red


nasturtium 8, 23, 27, 45, 47, 87, 93, 96, 97, 137

nectar 95

Nero 113

nitrogen 103

nyjer seed 29



oak, evergreen 82

oats 144

Ocimum basilicum SEE basil, green; O.b. var. purpurascens SEE basil, purple; O. gratissimum SEE basil, tree; O. minimum SEE basil, bush

onion 144; spring o. 84

orange bush 26, 108

orchards 25, 57

organic, definition 6

owl, tawny 16

oxygenators 57


paella 114

pak choi 4, 23, 27, 70, 90; p.c. ‘Joi Choi’ F1 71, 101;p.c. ‘Canton Dwarf ’ 71, 101

parrot’s feather 56

parsley 9, 22, 23, 26, 27, 34, 38, 44, 51, 52, 130; curly-leaved p. 4, 130; fried p. 18;

Italian flat-leaved 8, 18, 28, 108, 114, 130, 166; seed sowing 7

parsley, Japanese SEE mitsuba

pea 23, 28; green p. 144; mangetout p. 23; m.p. ‘Sugar Dwarf Sweet Green’ 135;

salad p. 69; sugar snap p. 23; yellow p. 144

pear 57, 96; p. ‘Conference’ 25, 78, 142;p. ‘Doyenné du Comice’ (‘Comice’) 25, 97, 140, 142

penicillium 126, 128

pepper, sweet 24

Pereira, Jonathan 113

Petroselinum crispum SEE parsley

Phaseolus coccineus SEE bean, runner; P. vulgaris SEE bean, dwarf French, b.

climbing French

Philemon 163

Physalis edulis SEE Cape gooseberry

pigeon 29, 30, 74, 78

pine-nut soup 167

Pisum sativum SEE pea

Pittosporum tobira 62

planting plan 59

plants as presents 81

plum 78, 96; p. ‘Victoria’ 25, 78, 97

pond skater bug 97

ponds 55, 97, 128

poppy 16; Iceland p. 53

potato 1416, 24, 26, 47, 51, 53, 57, 81, 96, 139; p. blight 126; p. ‘Edgcote Purple’ (‘Gloucester Flukes’ or ‘Port Wine Kidney’) 122;p. ‘Etoile du Nord’ 122;p. ‘International Kidney’ (Jersey Royal®) 135; p. ‘King Edward’ 122;p. ‘Magnum Bonum’ 122;p. for making rösti 81; Maori p. 15, 78, 81; p. markets, Indian 82; p. museum, Lima, Peru 82; p. ‘Pink Fir Apple’ 15; purple p. 15, 81; p. ‘Purple Congo’ 122;p. ‘Salad Blue’ 122;p. ‘Salad Red’ 122;Scottish p. 78; p. ‘Sefton Wonder’ 122;p. ‘Shetland Black’ 122

pots 42, 50

pricking out 13

procrastination 67

propagator, electric 7, 9, 11, 22

pruning 25

pumpkin seeds 144

pumps 56

purslane, winter 4, 24, 39, 99, 114, 129, 130

Pyrus communis SEE pear


quinoa 144


radish 24, 144; r. ‘China Rose’ 135; r. ‘Red Meat’ 101, 107, 124; r. salad 62

raisins 29, 31

rape, salad 144;r. seed 144

Raphanus sativus SEE radish

raspberry 140; r. ‘Autumn Bliss’


rats 166

red spider mite 87

redcurrant 140

rice 144

risotto alla Milanese 114, 136

robin 29

rocket 4, 24, 27, 39, 42, 53, 58, 89, 90, 114, 130, 137; rucola coltivata 84

roof garden 74, 78

Rosa ‘Zéphirine Drouhin’ 26

Royal Horticultural Society 82

Rumex acetosa SEE sorrel

rush, zebra 56


saffron 24, 26, 63, 64, 71, 80, 82, 108114, 135, 136

saffron, meadow 111

salad flowers 80

saladini, oriental 23, 53

scale insects 87

scarole 24; s. ‘Cornet de Bordeaux 71

scented plants 26, 27

seed 45, 124, 125, 135; s. germination 105; heirloom s. 157; organic s. 10; s. catalogues 22; s.-sowing 7, 42, 43, 88; s. second sowings 60; sprouting seeds 143, 144, 166; terminator-gene s. 10; s. tray 7

seedlings 51

sensitive plant 129, 130, 166

sesame seed 144

Shakespeare, William 48, 104, 112, 164

Shaw, George Bernard, Shaw’s Corner, Herts. 127

shrew 166

sieve 7

Simpson, Matt 135

Simpson’s Seeds 135

siskin 29

skunk cabbage 56

slugs 165

snails 96, 16366

soap, insecticidal 87

Solanum tuberosum SEE potato; S. melongena SEE aubergine

Solomon, Song of 109

sorrel 158

sparrow 16

spinach 24, 43, 78

spinach, New Zealand 45, 46, 101

spinach, perpetual 4, 23, 45, 70, 114, 130, 137

Spinacia oleracea SEE spinach

sterilization 7

stock, night-scented 23, 27, 45, 59; Virginia s. 8, 27, 45, 114

strawberry 78; alpine s. 22, 34, 50, 58, 86, 96; a.s. Jersey ice cream 101; s. propagation 52; wild s. 4, 28, 105

sunflower hearts 29; s. seeds 29, 144, 148, 149

supermarkets 10

sweet flag 56

sweet pea 18, 27

sweet potato 1, 166

sweetcorn 78


Tenebrio moltior SEE mealworm

Tetragonia tetragonioides SEE spinach, New Zealand

Texsel greens SEE mustard, Abyssinian

thermometers 127

Thomson, J. Arthur 133

Thrive 83, 159; Battersea Park T. centre 160

thyme, lemon 107, 130

tiredness 68

toad lily 56

Toledo, Spain 109111

tomato 1014, 34, 42, 43, 47, 57, 65, 74, 78, 85, 96, 97, 98, 108, 137, 139; t. ‘Brandywine’ 100, 106; t. ‘Estonian Yellow Mini Cherry’ 158; t. ‘Gardener’s Delight’ 14, 18, 90, 100, 106, 123, 137; t. ‘Marmande’ 14

Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de 113

Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Japonicum’ 26, 80

Tropaeolum majus SEE nasturtium

tubs 50

tulip 82

turnip 84; t. seeds 144

turtlehead 56


Valerianella locusta SEE lamb’s lettuce

vanilla 113

vegetables, feeding 85; miniature root v. 84; v. flowers 89

Viburnum × burkwoodii 26, 86

Vicia fava SEE bean, broad


wasps 97; common w. 96

water boatman 97

water soldier 56

watercress 144

waterfalls 55

watering 65

waterlily 56; pygmy w. 98

weeds 131

wheat 144, 147

wheatgrass 149

whitefly 87

Whitman, Walt 38

wildlife 16,17

window boxes 42, 50, 121

Wisteria sinensis 26

woollen clothing 102

woodlice 96

worms 1922, 43, 44, 47, 48, 104, 120, 121, 128, 15255; SEE also earthworms; W. Digest 104; red w. 21, 43, 152; tiger w. 21, 43, 152; Tiger Worm Compost Bin 21

wormeries 10, 19, 20, 21, 43, 47, 102, 103, 104, 120, 121, 15255; Can-O-Worms w. 104

wren 16