adolescents, computer use and, 201
looking at details, 42
losing interest, 210
relaxation and, 201
vision compared to kids, 58
affirmation, positive, 158
cataracts and, 139
hyperopia (farsightedness) and, 94
corrective lenses and, 216
farsightedness and, 94
vision improvement and, 13–14
amblyopia. See cross sightedness (amblyopia, strabismus)
amblyopic eye. See lazy eye (amblyopic eye)
anti-squinting exercise, 28–29
aphakic eye, 199
arms, stretching, 67–69
The Art of Seeing (Huxley), 8
astigmatism, correcting, 108–12
Australian Aborigines, 214
Bascom Palmer, 141
Bates Method, 5–7
beads on a string exercise, 123–25
beak glasses exercise. See two-color exercise (beak glasses)
beauty, enjoying, 38–39, 44–45
bilateral vision, 128
bleeding, retinal, 140, 145, 152
detached retina and, 182
glaucoma and, 155
Schneider’s early life of, 1–5
vitreous detachment and, 186–87
blind spot
development of, 186
finding, 191
in retina, 150
children and, 61
for cross-sightedness, 115
in darkness, 61–62
exercise, 60–63
inflamed, burning, and itchy eyes and, 78
one eye for presbyopia, 199
retinal detachment and, 183
sleep and, 59
blinking lights, for detached retina, 184
blocking strong eye exercise
cheap sunglasses, 54–57
for glaucoma, 163
how to do, 52–54
looking at details one more time, 57–59
blood flow
body and eye health and, 63
eye nourishment and, 15
to eyes and blinking, 60
to the head, increasing, 66–67
massage and, 31
optic nerve and, 160–61
rubbing hands to increase, 36
sunning and, 27
using warm towel to increase, 60
visual system and, 145–46
eye coordination and, 15
bounce and catch exercise, 143, 144–45
bouncing the ball exercise
for myopia, 87
for presbyopia, 99
connecting to macula, 44
developing with curiosity, 208
plasticity of, 113
exercise and, 59
power of, 65
burning, in eyes, 78
card game exercise, 133–34
beginning of, 142
bounce and catch exercise, 144–45
children of Schneider and, 11
and diabetes, 152
exercise program for, 143–44
looking into the distance to prevent, 22
looking into the distance with, 141–42
presbyopia and, 107
Schneider and, 1
central vision
cheap sunglasses and, 54
on eye strain, 23
facing the mirror and, 116
looking at details and, 55
retinitis pigmentosa and, 192, 195–97
using the computers and, 76
blinking and, 61
body power to heal, 204–5
with cataracts, 11–12
computer use and, 201
curiosity and developing brain, 208
eye glasses and, 207
hyperopia and, 94
plasticity of brain in, 114
working with, 200–212
ciliary muscles
controlled stress on, for strength, 101–7
relaxation of, 19
city lights, eye health and, 63–64
cold towel, applying
blinking and, 60
for correcting optic nerve damage, 178, 181
for fatigued eyes, 65
glaucoma and, 172
object and line, 133
collateral circulation, 145
comprehension problems, with weaker eye, 52
computer use
relieving built-up fatigue and, 75–79
computer vision syndrome (CVS), 103–4
congenital disorders, nystagmus and, 135
contact lenses, 216
cornea, keratoconus and, 153
corrective lenses
dangers of, 216–22
myopia and, 83–85
removing, 22
cost, of vision problems, 219–22
cross-legged body rotations, 169, 170
cross sightedness (amblyopia, strabismus)
beads on a string exercise, 123–25
card game exercise, 133–34
correcting, 113–14
exercise program for, 114–16
holding double exercise, 125–26
Melissa exercise, 118–21
mirror images exercise, 116–18
object and line exercise, 129–33
red and green glasses exercise, 128–29
rotating the eyes, and looking into darkness, 115–16
two-color exercise (beak glasses) exercise, 126–28
about details, 44
developing brain with, 208
Melissa exercise and, 210
vision and, 58
CVS. See computer vision syndrome (CVS)
blinking in, 61–62
glow in the dark exercise, 109, 111–12
and light exercise, for detached retina, 184–86
for optic neuritis, 177
resting the eyes completely, 63–65
for sleep, 30
See also night walking
death and loss, glaucoma and, 159–60
dependency, on corrective lenses, 216–18
detached retinas
correcting, 182–83
reasons for, 182
details, looking at, 15
in beautiful scenery, 71–72
blinking and, 61
importance of, 57–59
practice of, 6
to stimulate the macula, 11
See also shifting exercise
blind spots in retina and, 150
cataracts and, 152
correcting, 145
exercises for, 148–50
laser treatments, 152
patching the strong eye, 150
physical exercises for, 151–52
tapping exercise, 149–50
waving exercise, 150
distance, looking into, 15. See also looking into the distance exercise
dominant eye, discovering, 21
dreaming, eye relaxation and, 30–31
dry eyes, blinking and, 60
ears, relaxing while palming, 36
emotional loss, glaucoma and, 159–60
emotional state
retinal detachment and, 183
vision and, 160
of the beautiful view, 71–73
of breath of fresh air, 22
of sun and dark, 213
for astigmatism, 109–12
blinking, 60–63
blocking the strong eye, 52–57
body, 9
breathing and, 59
for cataracts, correcting, 143–44
corrective lenses and, 83–85
for cross sightedness (amblyopia, strabismus), 114–16
for diabetes, 148–50
fo retinitis pigementosa, 193–98
for glaucoma, correcting, 163–74
for hyperopia, correcting, 95–98
for hyperopia (farsightedness), 95–98, 109–11
long swing, 16–19
looking into the distance, 19–22
macular puckers and holes, correcting, 189–91
for myopia, correcting, 87–93
night walking, 29–30
for nystagmus, 136–37
optic neuritis, correcting, 176–77
periphery, 23–25
for presbyopia, 99–108
for retinal detachment, 184–86
retinitis pigementosa, correcting, 191–93
suggestions for, 82–83
sunning and skying, 25–29
vitreous detachment, correcting, 186–89
See also palming; shifting exercise; small pieces of paper exercise; steps to better vision
exploring the periphery exercise
looking into the distance exercise, 23
small pieces of paper exercise, 24–25
See also peripheral vision
extension movements, 68–69
for hyperopia, 95–98
eyebright tea, 171
eye charts
blocking the strong eye and using, 54–56
balanced use of, 15
dominant, discovering, 21
fatigue, computer use and, 75–79
function, changing, 13–14
muscles of, corrective lenses and, 216
paying attention to, 59
resting, 63–65
sore, 60
stretching muscles of, 69–71
teaming, 206
See also cold towel, applying; eye fatigue; eye strain; pupils of the eyes; strong eye; warm towel, applying; weak eye
eye fatigue
cold or hot towels for, 65
computer use and, 75–78
eye glasses, children and, 207
eye-hand coordination, 71
eye pressure, elevated, 12. See also glaucoma
eyes rotation
for cross-sightedness, 115–16
for presbyopia, 99
eye strain
on central vision, 23
city lights and, 63–64
invisible, 75
to look far, 218
using both eyes together, 53
farsightedness. See hyperopia (farsightedness)
as danger to eyes, 158
glaucoma and, 162
feeling, and not looking, 10–11
fine print, reading, 45–49
fingertips, preparing for palming, 32
fitness, walking correctly and, 63
flexibility, long swing exercise and, 16
fovea centralis, and foveola, 217
fusion tests with paper, 204
cataracts and, 1
retinitis pigmentosa and, 192
beak (two-color exercise), 126–28
reading, 98
See also eye glasses; pinhole glasses; sunglasses
cause of, 23
correcting, 154–63
exercises for, 163–74
low-tension, 155–56
palming with, 163
physical exercise for, 164–74
reduction of pressure, 156–58
vision and, 13
glow in the dark exercise
for glaucoma, 167–68
group practice
details, looking at, 42
night walking, 29
The Handbook of Self-Healing (Schneider), 16
hands, palming and, 31–32, 33–34
happiness, 221
Happy (movie), 118
bringing blood flow to, 12, 66, 67, 93
lowering below knees, 17
moving in rotating movement, 11, 61
moving to the side, 6
headlines exercise
for astigmatism, 109–11
for glaucoma, 164
good thoughts and good prayer for, 164
true, 81
herbal tea soaked towels, 114, 171
high ocular hypertension, 161
high pressures in the eye. See glaucoma
holding double exercise, 125–26
hormones, sun exposure and, 215
Huxley, Aldous, 8
hyperopia (farsightedness)
age and, 94
astigmatism and, 108
blocking strong eye exercise and, 52–59
exercises for, 95–98
headline exercise, 109–11
presbyopia and, 98–99
preventing, 94–95
improvement, two ways to, 9
inclusion, concept of, 2
infants, development of vision in, 217
Injections, to stop bleeding, 152
ink is black and the page is white exercise, 49–52
insomnia, 26
insulin, function of, 145
integrative exercise, 16, 18–19
internal changes, importance of, 220
iris of the eye, 212
itchy eyes, 78
keratoconus, 153–54
laser treatments, for diabetes, 152
LASIK surgery
complications from, 155
keratoconus and, 153–54
lazy eye (amblyopic eye), 114, 119, 205, 207–8. See also cross sightedness (amblyopia, strabismus)
lenses. See contact lenses; corrective lenses; plus lenses (magnification) for hyperopia
lens problems. See cataracts
life improvement, glaucoma and, 165
light frequencies, adjusting to, 15
long swing exercise
computer use and, 76–77
for cross sightedness, 115
how to do, 16–19
as integrative exercise, 16, 18–19
for macular puckers and holes, 189
into darkness, for foresightedness, 115–16
at details, 15, 16, 18, 143, 184
into the distance, 66, 95, 201
feeling and not, 10–11
looking into the distance exercise, 23
for cataracts, 143–44
discovering strong eye, 21
eye strain and computer use, 19
face massage and blink, 20
preventing cataracts, 22
look near, look far, for presbyopia, 100–101
loss, glaucoma and, 159–60
low-tension glaucoma, 155–56, 162
cones in retina, 24
connecting brain to, 44
ink is black and page is white exercise, 48–49
macular puckers and hoes, correcting, 189–91
stimulation of, 11
sunning exercise and, 27
using weaker eye to strengthen, 56
utilizing, 46–47
waking up with shifting, 38, 40
macular degeneration, 44
macular puckers and holes, correcting, 189–91
marching in place exercise, 167
Mask of Zorro exercise, 195–96
around eyes for presbyopia, 100
combining with palming, 32, 33
for detached retina, 183
for diabetes, 148
the face, and eyebrows, 20, 38, 166
keratoconus and, 154
palm, for glaucoma, 167
relaxation and, 166
tapotement, 146
tapping and, 149–50
treatments, 12
maturity in life, 221
meditation, art of, 31
melanin pigment, 214–15
Melissa exercise
attracting curiosity, 210
computer use and, 77
for cross-sightedness, 118–21
curiosity and, 210
how to do, 69–70
for hyperopia, 95
for presbyopia, 100
variations of, 71
The Melissinia” Exercise, 121–23, 173, 174, 210
mirror images exercise, 116–18
multiple sclerosis, palming and, 37
muscles of the eyes, corrective lenses and, 216
myopia (near-sightedness)
astigmatism and, 108
correcting, 85–98
exercise for, 87–93
extending the point of focus, 218
glasses for, 83–85
note about, 93
using computers and, 78
near looking, eye strain and, 20
near-sightedness. See myopia (near-sightedness)
neck, loosening
exercises for, 167–69
glaucoma patients and, 165
retinal detachment and, 169
techniques for, 66–69
neurological problems, vision and, 174–76
night walking
clear vision and, 64
for correcting myopia, 86
exercise, 29–30
relaxation and, 64
for retinitis pigmentosa, 193–95
See also darkness
nystagmus (involuntary rapid eye movement), 18, 134–37
object and line exercise, 129–33
obstruction glasses
over strong eye, bouncing the ball exercise, 87–93
for strengthening weak eyes, 54–57
obstructive lens, seeing and, 88
optic disk, 155–56
optic nerve
blood flow and, 160–61
correcting damage of, 177–82
glaucoma and, 160–61
inflammation of, 176
weakness, glaucoma and, 155
optic neuritis, correcting, 176–77
orientation, sense of, long swinging exercise and, 19
for astigmatism, 109
benefits and duration of, 36, 37
breathing during, 35–36
for cataracts, 143
combining with other exercises, 37–38
computer use and, 77
for cross sightedness, 115
ears relaxing during, 36
with glaucoma, 163
how to palm, 34–35
for hyperopia, 95
for macular puckers and holes, 189
for nystagmus, 136–37
preparing to, 31–34
for retinal detachment, 184
for retinitis pigmentosa, 193
Schneider’s early use of, 6, 7, 10, 11
short, 30
shoulders relaxation and, 59
for sore or dry eyes, 60
visualization during, 35
palm massage, 167
parents, working with children, 201–2
partners, exercising with
ball throwing, for retinitis pigmentosa, 194
card game exercise, 133–34
dark and light exercise, for detached retina, 184–86
headlines exercise, 109
night walking, 29–30
walking backwards, 115
Peppard, Harold, 8
peripheral chart, 173
peripheral exercise
for glaucoma, 163
for hyperopia, 95
note about, 198
for presbyopia, 99
peripheral vision
blinking and, 62
exercise, using the computer and, 76
long swinging exercise and, 19
research study assessing, 203
waving lights in the dark exercise, 197–98
computer use and paying attention to, 77
exercises, 23–25
expanding, 15
exploring (See exploring the periphery)
permeable contact lenses, 216. See also corrective lenses
physical exercises
for diabetes, 151–52
research study assessing, 203–4
pigments, in the eye, 135, 214, 215
pinhole glasses
for macular puckers and holes, 189, 190–91
plus lenses (magnification) for hyperopia, 94
positive affirmation, eye health and, 158
astigmatism and, 108
computer vision syndrome and, 103
controlled stress on the ciliary muscle, 101–3
exercise program for, 99–108
unfreezing, 107–8
prescription lenses. See corrective lenses
pressure in the eye, high. See glaucoma
fine, reading, 45–49
large and small, 104–7
“large and small,” 93, 98, 104–5, 106, 109
professions, changing, 220
proteins, cataracts and, 139
psychotherapy, glaucoma and, 165
puckers, correcting macular, 189–91
pupils of the eyes
breathing and, 38
expansion and contraction, 6
light and, 212
muscles of, 64
relaxation and, 60
strengthening of, 27
sunglasses and, 27
sunning and, 10
computer use and, 77–79
in dim light, for presbyopia, 100
fine print, 45–49
with pinhole glasses, 84–86
reading glasses, 98
retention, the weaker eye and, 52
red and green glasses exercises, 128–29, 136
refraction errors, improving and correcting
astigmatism, correcting, 108–12
corrective lenses role, 83–85
healing, understanding, 81
hyperopia, correcting, 94–98
nearsightedness and farsightedness, 85–98
presbyopia, correcting, 94, 98–108
relationships, glaucoma and, 160, 165
activity and, 67
adults and, 201
computer use and, 78
dreaming and, 30–31
eye strain and, 204
facial, 53
glaucoma and, 166
night walking and, 64
resting your eyes, 63–65
research study, assessing visual and physical exercise, 203–4
retention, weaker eye and, 52
blind spots in, and diabetes, 150
developing, with shifting exercise, 38
laser treatments and, 152
melanin in, 214
retinal puckers, 187
sunglasses, danger of, 213–15
See also detached retinas; retinitis pigmentosa
retinal cells, losing, 58–59
blinking and, 183
exercises for, 184–86
retinal pucker, 187
retinal tears, correcting, 182–83
retinitis pigmentosa
correcting, 191–93
exercises for, 193–98
rubeosis, laser treatments and, 152
Schneider, Meir
Bates Method, discovery of, 5–7
beginning of healing, 6–7
children of, 11–12, 43–44, 199
early family life, 1–5
early use of palming, 6, 7, 10, 11
The Handbook of Self-Healing, 16
seeing the light, 7–14
strabismus, 117
teaching others, 11
working with children, 199–212
Yoga for your Eyes, 188
School for Self-Healing, 83, 119, 123, 178, 191, 200, 204
scotomas, 122
self-acceptance, happiness and, 221
self-healing, faith in, 9
shifting exercise
details, looking at, 42–44
for diabetes, 148
fine print reading, 45–49
ink is black and the page is white exercise, 49–52
for myopia, 87
practicing, 40–42
purpose of, 38–40
reading the fine print, 45–49
for retinitis pigmentosa, 193–95
weaker eye, comprehension problems with, 52
short palming exercise, 30
shoulders, relaxing in preparation for palming, 31–32, 59
Sight Without Glasses (Peppard), 8
exercise, 28–29
for macular puckers and holes, 189
adults and, 201
blinking and, 59
darkness for, 30
rest for the eyes and, 26
See also insomnia
small pieces of paper exercise, 24–25
social services, dependence on, 3
sore eyes, blinking and, 60
glaucoma and, 166
necessity to stop, 73
palming, benefits of, 37
skying exercise, 28–29
steps to better vision
step1: The Long Swing, 15–19
step 2: Looking into the Distance, 19–22
step 3: Exploring the Periphery, 22–25
step 4: Sunning and Skying, 25–29
step 5: Night Walking, 29–30
step 6: Palming, 30–38
step 7: Shifting, 38–52
step 8: Blocking the Strong Eye, 52–59
step 9: Blink, 60–62
step 10: Vision and Body, 63–73
strabismus. See cross sightedness (amblyopia, strabismus)
on the ciliary muscle, for strength, 101–7
releasing in preparation for palming, 31–32, 35
retinitis pigmentosa and, 192
vision loss and, 192
strong eye
blocking, 55–59
blocking exercise, 52–59
discovering, 21
patching, diabetes and, 150
cheap, blocking the eye with, 54–57
danger of, 213–15
pupils of the eyes and, 27
for astigmatism, 109
blood flow and, 27
for cross sightedness, 115
for hyperopia, 95
for macular puckers and holes, 189
nystagmus and, 136
for retinitis pigmentosa, 193
performed on Schneider’s eyes, 1–2
reattachment, 183
See also LASIK surgery
tapotement massage, 146
for diabetes, 149–50
teachers reactions, Schneider and, 6
teaching others, Schneider and, 11
three-dimensional vision, 128
toxoplasmosis, 206
trampoline for exercise, 70, 93, 120, 121, 144, 178, 205
two-color exercise (beak glasses), 126–28
unfreezing eye and body exercise, 107–8
universe, paying attention to, 50, 59
views, enjoying, 71–73
curiosity and, 58
debate about, 59
emotional state and, 160
glaucoma and, 13
integration of, 37
loss, glaucoma and, 162
neurological problems and, 174–76
problems, cost of, 219–22
See also peripheral vision; vision improvement
vision improvement
difficulties in, 10–13
plus lenses and, 94
practicing, 216
visual acuity, 203
visual exercises, research study assessing, 203–4
during the ink is black and the page is white exercise, 49–52
inner rhythm and, 72
in the long swing vision improvement, 6, 8, 10, 13
during palming, 35
during sunning, 26
visual problems, causes of, 204
vitreous detachment, correcting, 186–89
walking, correct, 63
walking backward, for cross sightedness, 115
warm towel, applying
glaucoma and, 172
to increase blinking, 60
using computers and, 171
waving exercise, 150
waving lights in the dark exercise, 197–98
weak eye
brains attention to, 48
comprehension problems with, 52
reading with, 53
retention and, 52
Yoga for your Eyes (DVD), 188