Abbott, Mr Justice 58, 91, 95, 146, 150, 155, 162

Act of Union (Ireland) 39, 53, 67, 71

Adams, Robert 121, 125, 129-130, 134, 143, 147-148, 150-151, 153, 155, 157-160, 162

Addington, Henry – see Sidmouth

Adkins, Governor 145

Adolphus, Barrister 148, 150-151, 158-159

Artillery Ground 8, 128

Ashton, John 109

Ashworth, Joseph 109

Ashworth, Thomas 109

Baker, John 109

Baldwin’s Gardens 119, 124, 177

Bamford, Samuel 23, 32, 60, 83, 100, 101-103, 107-109, 110111, 114

Barnes, Thomas 65, 115

Bartholomew Fair 114-115

Basey, Pte James 136-137

Bastille, The 25-27, 29, 43-46, 52, 65, 85-86, 102, 178

Bathurst, Henry 73, 139

Bayley, Mr Justice 91

Bellingham, John 62-64, 164

Best (Barrister) 47

Binns, John 33-34, 36

Birley, Capt. Hugh 106-107

Birmingham 29, 35

Birnie, Richard 134, 136-138, 140, 143, 148

Bishop, Daniel 138, 143

Bissex, Charles 4-5, 151

Blanketeers 92

Bolland, Barrister 139, 151, 159

Bonaparte, Napoleon 11, 13, 17, 18, 20-22, 27, 37, 39, 53, 57, 63, 67, 69, 81

Botting, James 165-169

Bow Street Runners 15, 46, 50, 133-134, 136-137, 142-143, 148-149, 176

Bow Street 46, 84, 137, 138

Bradburn, Amelia 148

Bradburn, Richard 5, 15, 124, 137, 141, 146-147, 160, 162

Bradshaw, William 109

Brandreth, Ann 97

Brandreth, Jeremiah 948, 126, 149, 150, 163, 173

Broderick, Barrister 148, 160

Brookes, William 136, 142

Broughton, Thomas 46, 50

Brunskill, William 50-52, 64

Brunt, John 2-3, 7, 11-12, 1201, 125, 128 130, 134, 145-147, 149, 151, 153-154, 1589, 162-163, 166-169, 174-175, 177

Brunt, Mary 1201, 148, 171

Buckley, Thomas 109

Burdett, Sir Francis 23, 32, 445, 60, 65, 84 85, 89, 93, 114, 118

Burke, Edmund 25, 27-29, 31, 33, 69, 76

Butterworth, William 109

Byng, Major General John 94, 102, 105, 115, 117

Canning, George 66-6870, 89, 139

Carlile, Richard 58-59, 105, 114-115, 120, 159

Carlton House 4, 31, 85, 127

Caroline of Brunswick 1278, 172

Cartwright, Major John 59, 60, 102, 103, 114

Castle, John 86, 8993, 96-97, 125-126

Castlereagh, Lord 1, 2, 7, 8, 1718, 65-66, 69, 702, 89, 96, 127, 130, 139, 142, 144, 152, 154, 160, 161-162, 175-177

Catholic Emancipation 49, 62, 67, 69, 71

Cato Street 3, 7-8, 12, 50, 124, 129-130, 134, 137, 139, 142-143, 145, 151-153, 157, 160, 162, 172, 177

Chambers, Thomas 158

Cheapside 85-86, 89

Christian Polity, the Salvation of the Empire 78

Cobbett, William 12, 21-23, 30, 32, 57, 59-60, 74, 83-84, 93, 98, 100, 102, 11718, 144, 178

Coleman, Catherine 109

Coleridge, Samuel 44, 51, 64

Committee of Two Hundred 116, 176-177 Commonsense 28

Conant, Sir Nathaniel 84, 85

Cook (conspirator) 128, 134, 158

Cooper, Charles 5, 15, 124, 137-138, 142, 146-147, 160, 162

Corn Laws 22-23, 72, 87, 100, 102

Cotton, Reverend 163, 166-167

Crompton, James 109

Cross, Barrister 96-97

Cruikshank, George 87, 89, 97, 133

Curtis, Pte William 137

Curtius, Dr Phillipe 52

Curwood, Barrister 125, 148, 150, 152-155, 157-158

Dallas, Mr Justice Robert 95, 150, 157

Davidson, Sarah 124, 148, 171, 174

Davidson, William 2-3, 5-7, 15, 25, 41-42, 57, 72, 75, 1214, 132, 134-138, 143, 145 147, 149, 151-152, 159 163, 166-169, 174

Dawson, William 109

de Launay, Bernard 26,46

Denman, Barrister 96, 97

Dennison, Henry 109

Despard, Catherine 42, 44, 45, 49, 52, 67

Despard, Edward 4155, 57, 59-60, 64, 77, 82-83, 86, 88, 93, 119, 122, 129, 159, 163

Despard, James 42

Dwyer, Thomas 153-155, 161, 175

Edgware Road 12, 129, 136

Edwards, George 2, 4-6, 8, 24, 119-120, 125 126, 134, 138, 150, 152-156, 158-161, 165, 168, 174, 176

Eldon, Lord 4, 45, 65, 70, 139, 175, 177

Ellenborough, Lord 48, 53, 58, 91, 116

Ellis, James 134-137, 142

Elrington, Capt. J H 145

Equiano, Olaudah 423

Erskine, Thomas 40-41

Ethelston, Reverend Charles 100, 102

Evans, Thomas Jnr 78, 82, 90

Evans, Thomas Snr 78, 82, 90

Fildes, Ann 106

Fildes, Mrs 105-106

Fildes, William 106, 109

Firth, William 132, 145-146, 172

Fitzclarence, Capt. 135-137, 141, 148

Fox Court 125, 129-130, 151, 177

Fox, Charles James 27, 28, 30, 32, 58, 62, 93

Foxen, James 165, 168-169

Francis, John 467, 50-51, 53

Friends of the People 40

Furnival’s Inn 36, 43, 151

Gee’s Court 43, 152, 177

George III 27, 31, 34, 40, 66-67, 70-71, 92, 127, 133

George IV (Prince Regent) 31, 70, 84-85, 89, 92, 102, 110, 114, 127, 147, 157, 167, 172

George, Robert 146-147, 172

Gerald, Joseph 32-33

Gilchrist, James 5, 15, 124, 137, 142, 146 147, 160, 162, 172

Gill (Bow Street Runner) 147

Gilray, James 35, 87

Goldworthy, George 160, 161

Goodwin, Margaret 109

Gordon Riots 43, 46, 54, 55

Graham, Arthur 46, 50

Gray’s Inn Lane 152

Grosvenor Square 8, 72, 116, 125, 127, 129, 132, 139, 151-152, 159, 160, 177

Gurney (Barrister) 47

Hadfield, James 39, 40-41, 133

Hall, Abel 124-125, 134, 143, 146-147, 172

Hampden Clubs 59, 60, 95, 100

Hanson, Sgt Edward 19

Hardy, Capt. Thomas 35

Hardy, Thomas 31-33, 40

Harmer, James 109, 148, 176

Harrison, Caroline 148

Harrison, William 7, 127-130, 132, 134, 145-147, 160, 165

Harrowby, Lord 1-9, 22, 63, 65, 68-70, 72, 125, 127, 129, 132, 138-139, 152, 154, 157, 163, 172, 174-175, 177

Hay, Reverend William 100

Hayle, Joseph 121, 125, 151

Hazard, William 172

Healey, Dr Joseph 60, 101, 104, 109

Heys, Mary 109

Hobhouse, John Cam 116, 144, 153, 176

Holborn 36, 43, 54, 76, 124, 128, 149

Hole-in-the-Wall Passage 3, 19, 119, 125, 129, 177

Holroyd, Mr Justice 91, 95

Hone, William 58-59, 97

Hooper, John 79, 85, 91

Hucklestone, Edward 13, 154

Hulton, William 107

Hunt, Henry 3, 83-86, 89, 90, 93, 98, 101-105, 107, 109-110, 113-115, 117, 119, 158, 178

Huskisson, William 66, 73, 144

Hyden, Thomas 13, 150, 152-153, 155, 157-158, 161

Ings, Celia 171, 173

Ings, James 3, 58, 12, 15, 19, 24, 34, 72, 11920, 124-125, 129-130, 132, 134-1378, 142, 145-147, 149-150, 157-158, 161-163, 166-169, 1734

Ings, William 174

Jenkinson, Robert – see Liverpool

Jervis, Mary 109

John Street 130, 132, 135, 160

Johnson, Joseph 60, 101, 107

Jolliffe, Lt Hylton 108

Jones, Dr John 78, 116-117

Jones, Sarah 109

Kaylock, George 130

Keats, John 58, 113

Keynes, John 79

King’s Bench, Court of 91, 114

Knight, John 60, 100, 105

L’Estrange, Lt Col Guy 106-107

Lander, Despard conspirator 49

Lavender, John 138

Lees, John 109

Legge, Sergeant 136, 142

Litchfield, Treasury Solicitor 90

Littledale, Barrister 151

Liverpool, Lord 5-7, 14, 22, 24, 656, 68-69, 73-74, 92, 127, 138, 175

London Corresponding Society (LCS) 33 34, 43-44, 75, 82

Londonderry, Marquess of – see Castlereagh Louis XVI 25-26, 30, 34, 52, 66

Luddites 18-19, 21, 58, 62-64, 89

Ludlam, Isaac 94-96

Mansion House 8, 128, 158

Marie Antoinette 30, 52

Marx, Karl 15, 17

McNamara, John 46, 50-51

Meagher, Trumpeter Edward 107, 114

Ministry of All the Talents 62, 68, 71

Mitchell, Andrew 154

Mitchell, Joseph 92, 93

Monday, Richard 132

Monument, John 5, 15, 124, 132, 137, 142, 145-147, 153, 155, 159

Monument, Thomas 157

Morris, John 151

Moy, Giles 136, 142

Muddock, Pte John 137

Muir, Thomas 30, 32

Nadin, Joseph 1001, 103, 105, 107, 109

National Assembly 26

National Convention 28, 32

Nelson, Horatio 35, 478, 49, 58 Newgate Calendar 47, 53

Newman Despard conspirator 49


Anti-Jacobin 68

Black Dwarf 58, 94, 103, 115, 158

Cap of Liberty 117

Gorgon 97

Independent Whig 91

Lancet 171

Leeds Intelligencer 173

Leeds Mercury 96, 101

London Gazette 139

Manchester Mercury 104

Manchester Observer 101, 104, 106, 110, 114-115

Medusa 117, 158

Morning Chronicle 77

New Annual Register 77

New Times 1, 129, 154

Observer 49, 58

Political Register 100

Republican 117

The Times 11, 58, 65, 105, 115

Twopenny Trash or Weekly Political Register 22-23, 57-58, 115, 144

Nodder, Governor 145

Norris, James 100, 103, 113

Norwich 31, 34

O’Neill, Arthur 109

Old Bailey, Sessions House 33, 125, 148-149, 156, 160, 164, 177

Oliver the Spy – see Richards, W J Oxford Street 43, 76, 120, 124, 152

Paine, Thomas 26, 28-30, 40, 43, 48, 59, 60, 76-77, 102, 118, 159-160

Palin, John 8, 124, 128, 134, 138, 143, 151, 158, 164

Parker, Tom 171

Parkins, Sheriff 165

Partington, Martha 109

Peace of Amiens 52, 82

Peel, Robert 23, 33, 66, 144

Perceval, Spencer 57, 62-66, 68-69, 71

Peterloo 19, 21, 23, 72, 99111, 113, 117, 150, 161, 165

Pig’s Meat 76

Pitt, William 18, 20, 22-23, 25, 27, 30, 32-36, 39, 45, 49, 62, 65-69, 71, 73, 80, 88

Place, Francis 32, 34, 60, 76, 78

Portland, Duke of 66, 69, 71, 78

Portman Street 8, 134, 142, 151

Potter (conspirator) 134

Preston, Ann 144

Preston, Charlotte 148

Preston, Thomas 79, 84, 91, 113-114, 117, 144-146, 148, 166, 172


Coldbath Fields 44, 101, 139, 145-148

Fleet 93

Gatehouse 46

Horsemonger Lane (Surrey County Gaol) 50

King’s Bench 43, 116

Marshalsea 157

New (Clerkenwell) 46

New Gaol (Borough) 49

Newgate 21, 46, 64, 76, 86, 148-150, 163-164, 171-173, 177-178

Tothill Fields 46, 144-146

Public Houses Bell 31

Black Horse 59

Bleeding Heart 59

Brown Bear 59

Coach and Horses 59

Cock 85, 92

Flying Horse 47, 59

Ham and Windmill 59

Horse and Groom 2, 3, 132, 136-137, 141, 152, 160

Merlin’s Cave 84

Mulberry Tree 85

Oakley Arms 46

Tiger 47

Two Bells 59

White Hart 120, 125

White Lion 2-3, 117

Ranelagh Place 125

Real Rights of Man 76

Reeves, James 31, 33

Reflections on the Revolution in France 27

Regiments (in order of seniority)

Life Guards 50, 97, 114, 127-128, 148, 151, 164-165, 167, 172

Blues (Royal Horse Guards) 11, 12, 114, 121, 143

7th Hussars 102

15th Hussars 94, 106-108

23rd Light Dragoons 22

Royal Artillery 19

Royal Horse Artillery 106, 164

Coldstream Guards 36, 134-135, 140, 143, 164

Grenadier Guards 54

31st Foot 106

88th Foot 106

Cheshire Yeomanry 106

Manchester and Salford Yeomanry 106 107, 109-110, 114, 130

London Light Horse Volunteers 128, 164

Restorer of Society to its Natural State 75, 77

Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times 32

Revel, Pte John 137

Richards, Lord Chief Baron 95, 150, 159

Richards, W J 89, 938, 126

Richardson, Mr Justice 150

Rights of Man 28-29, 77

Robespierre, Maximilien 27, 31, 39, 52, 80-81

Robinson, Frederick 66, 734

Rothwell, Sheriff 164-165

Royal Exchange 86, 128

Ruthven, George 132, 134-135, 138, 141-142, 144, 146, 148

Salmon (Bow Street Runner) 138, 146

Sampson, Henry 94

Sarnon, William (John Sermon?) 142

Saxton, John 101, 105, 114

Scott, John – see Eldon

Shaw, Alderman 86

Shaw, John 5, 15, 124, 134, 137, 141, 146 147, 160, 162

Shaw, Mary 148

Sheffield 29, 31, 34

Shelley, Percy 70-72, 98, 127

Shelmerdine, Pte Thomas 108

Sidmouth, Lord 3, 8, 35, 49, 62, 64-67, 70, 73, 84, 89-90, 93, 96, 101-102, 110, 113, 116, 130, 139-140, 142, 144, 150, 153-154, 158, 160, 162, 164, 171, 174-176

Simmons, William 172

Simpson, Cpl Major Edward 151

Six Acts, The 3, 72, 115-117

Smart, Thomas 1, 4, 151

Smithers, Richard 133-135, 137-144, 147

Smithfield 103, 114, 156, 158, 166

Snow Hill 86, 166

Southey, Robert 44, 51

Spa Fields 21, 78, 836, 90-92, 101, 113, 117, 125, 129, 139, 144, 149-150, 153, 156

Spence, Thomas 758

Spenceans 32

Spitalfields 34, 114, 149

St Peter’s Fields, Manchester – see Peterloo

St Vincent, Earl of, Admiral 58

Stafford, John 86, 138, 176

Stanhope Street 138

Stewart, Robert – see Castlereagh Take Your Choice 59

Tatton, Thomas 105

Thelwall, John 32-33, 114

Thistlewood, Arthur 1-2, 4, 5-8, 13-14, 16, 19, 50, 60, 62, 67, 7982, 84-86, 90-93, 95, 101-102, 104, 111, 113 114, 116-118, 125, 127-130, 132-135, 138-145, 147-151, 153-158, 160-169, 172, 173, 175, 177-178

Thistlewood, James 82

Thistlewood, Susan 116, 146, 148, 163, 171

Tidd, Ann 119, 148

Tidd, Mary (Barker) 3, 119, 125, 171

Tidd, Richard 3-5, 15, 19, 57, 11819, 124-125, 129, 132, 134-137, 141-142, 145-147, 149, 15960, 162-163, 166-167, 168-169, 173, 177

Tone, Theobald Wolfe 35-36, 39, 43-44, 71

Tooke, John Horne 33, 40, 93

Tower of London 45-46, 85, 86, 93, 95, 102, 128, 145-148

Townshend, Viscount Charles 14

Trafford, Major 106

Truelock, Bannister 41

Turner, William 94-96

Tussaud, Marie 523, 173

Tyndall (Despard conspirator) 49

United Englishmen 36, 43-45

United Irishmen 36, 44

Vansittart, Nicholas 723, 139, 175

Vindication of the Rights of Women 29

Waddington, Samuel 117, 144

Wakley, Dr Thomas 171

Walford, Barrister 148, 160

Walker, Eleanor 151

Waterloo, Battle of 3, 11, 17, 21, 98, 108, 109, 172, 175

Watson, Dr James 78, 85, 90-93, 95, 96, 101 102, 113-117, 125-126, 153

Watson, Jem 78, 85-86, 90-91

Weightman, George 94, 95, 96

Wellington, Duke of 2-3, 7, 1112, 21, 65 66, 69, 121, 127, 138, 175-177

Westall, Elizabeth 132

Westcott, William 135, 142

Westmoreland, Lord 4, 139, 145

Wetherell, Barrister 91-92

Whitbread, Samuel 65, 89

White Street 138

Wilberforce, William 23, 29, 67

Wilson, James 5, 15, 124, 132, 134, 141, 145 147, 150, 152, 160, 162, 165

Windsor, Thomas 47

Winkworth, William 51

Wood, Alderman 163-165, 176

Wood, John 46-47, 50, 54

Wooler, Thomas 58, 97, 103

Wordsworth, William 28

Wratten, James 46, 50

Wyville, Christopher 29, 32