Chapter 2. Creating Styles and Style Sheets

Even the most complex and beautiful websites, like the one in Figure 2-1, start with a single CSS style. As you add multiple styles and style sheets, you can develop fully formed websites that inspire designers and amaze visitors. Whether you're a CSS novice or a Style Sheet Samurai, you need to obey a few basic rules about how to create styles and style sheets. In this chapter you'll start at square one, learning the basics of creating and using styles and style sheets.


Some people learn better by doing rather than reading. If you'd like to try your hand at creating styles and style sheets first and then come back here to read up on what you just did, then turn to Creating an Inline Style for a hands-on tutorial.

A single style defining the look of one element on a page is a pretty basic beast. It's essentially just a rule that tells a web browser how to format something on a web page—turn a headline blue, draw a red border around a photo, or create a 150-pixel-wide sidebar box to hold a list of links. If a style could talk it would say something like, "Hey Browser, make this look like that." A style is, in fact, made up of two elements: the web page element that the browser formats (the selector) and the actual formatting instructions (the declaration block). For example, a selector can be a headline, a paragraph of text, a photo, and so on. Declaration blocks can turn that text blue, add a red border around a paragraph, position the photo in the center of the page—the possibilities are endless.

Of course, CSS styles can't communicate in nice clear English like the previous paragraph. They have their own language. For example, to set a standard font color and font size for all paragraphs on a web page, you'd write the following:

p { color: red; font-size: 1.5em; }

This style simply says, "Make the text in all paragraphs—marked with <p> tags—red and 1.5 ems tall." (An em is a unit of measurement that's based on a browser's normal text size. More on that in Chapter 6.) As Figure 2-2 illustrates, even a simple style like this example contains several elements:

You don't need to write a style on a single line, as pictured in Figure 2-2. Many styles have multiple formatting properties, so you can make them easier to read by breaking them up into multiple lines. For example, you may want to put the selector and opening brace on the first line, each declaration on its own line, and the closing brace by itself on the last line, like so:

p {
    color: red;
    font-size: 1.5em;

Web browsers ignore spaces and tabs, so feel free to add them to make your CSS more readable. For example, it's helpful to indent properties, with either a tab or a couple of spaces, to visibly separate the selector from the declarations, making it easy to tell which is which. In addition, putting one space between the colon and the property value is optional but adds to the readability of the style. In fact, you can put as much white space between the two as you want. For example, color:red, color: red, and color: red all work.