

free-market environmentalism, 10912, 12223

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 18283

real-world environmental policy, 12829, 153n2

Absentee ownership, 8485

Aggregate output, 78

Agricultural preserves, 137, 13839

Albert, M., 87

American Power Act, 152

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Smith), 34, 5455

Apollo Alliance, 99

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), 25

Arrhenius, Svante, 159

Arsenic standards, 18

Australia, 162, 163

Automobile industry, 58, 59f


contingent valuation (CV) surveys, 2627

endogenous preferences model, 8791

Black swans, 3132, 33n8

Boyce, J., 239

British Petroleum (BP), 39, 232

Brundtland Commission. See United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development

Bull in the China closet economy, 76, 100n1

Bush, George H.W., 96

Bush, George W., 163, 17677

Callendar, Guy Stewart, 159

Canada, 44, 162, 199

Capitalism, 7981, 85, 101n6

Capital stock, 38, 4244

Carbon cap-and-trade programs

auctioned permits, 131, 132, 135, 14648

efficiency criterion, 18183

equity criterion, 18384

equivalent emissions, 18586

false trading, 14547

financial crises, 14546, 14851

global emission caps, 19697

grandfather system, 131

limitations of, 18490

loopholes, 18688

mandatory caps, 16466, 17576, 18384

merits of, 18184

net carbon emissions, 199201

paternalism, 188

real-world environmental policy, 13032, 14449, 153n1

speculation, 14649

supply and demand, 148, 154n19

treaty conditions, 162, 16672

versus international carbon tax, 2047

Carbon cycle, 186

Carbon dioxide emissions

climate change, 6869, 79

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 2124

See also Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Carbon Limits and Energy for America’s Renewal (CLEAR) Act, 135, 152

Carbon sequestration

climate change, 6869

climate treaty guidelines, 199201

Carbon tax, 12930, 153n1, 2047

Cardinal theory of utility, 1415

Certified emissions reductions (CERs)

climate treaty guidelines, 19697, 199203

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 16672, 18081, 184, 185, 188

Ceteris paribus, 93, 94

China, 163, 191, 198, 208

Civil rights, 18

Clean Air Act (1990), 24, 96, 97, 129

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), 162, 165, 17072, 178, 180, 185, 189, 190, 199201, 203

Clean Water Act, 129

Climate change

carbon dioxide emissions, 6869, 79

carbon sequestration, 6869

deforestation, 6869

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 6869, 79

mainstream economic theory, 6869

Climate policy reform

adequacy of, 23233

community-based economics (CBE), 23436, 242n4

environmental benefit-revealing

mechanism, 23739, 242n5

financial planning, 23941

green consumerism, 233

Green New Deal, 23031, 241n2

institutional versus technical reform, 23334

iteration facilitation board (IFB), 23739

in my back yard (IMBY) principle, 23436

not in my back yard (NIMBY) principle, 230, 23536

participatory economy, 23739, 242n8

participatory planning procedure, 23739, 242n7

political strategy, 22932

Climate treaty exercise, 16566, 187, 21527

scenarios, 21627

efficiency criterion, 217, 219, 221, 223, 22627

equity criterion, 217, 219, 221, 22325, 227

Climate treaty guidelines

carbon sequestration, 199201

certified emissions reductions (CERs), 19697, 199203

deforestation, 2001, 214n4

environmental justice activism

bogus carbon trading, 21112

economic systems, 21213

mass action, 21011

equity criterion, 19799

free-rider problem, 21213

global emission caps, 19697

Greenhouse Development Rights Framework, 191, 19799, 2067, 213n2

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 196, 2056

international carbon tax, 2047

international compliance

China, 208

European Union, 2078

United States, 20810

international monitoring agency, 2013

less developed countries (LDCs), 197, 2023, 2067, 208

mainstream economic theory, 196

more developed countries (MDCs), 19697, 2013, 20610

net carbon emissions, 199201

recommendations, 195204

responsibility and capability criterion, 19798, 2067

scientific evidence, 19596

Climate treaty negotiations

early discoveries, 15960

effectiveness criterion, 164

efficiency criterion, 16566

equity criterion, 16465

free-rider problem, 16364

historical development, 15963

preliminary meetings, 16061

See also Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992); Kyoto Protocol (1997)

Clinton, Bill, 96

Club of Rome, 5, 6

Coalition of Rainforest Nations, 188

Coase theorem. See Free-market environmentalism

Collective consumption, 84

Common pool resource (CPR)

climate change, 69

community management, 14244, 154n16

fishing industry, 6468, 14044

institutional analysis and development (IAD), 140, 14344

mainstream economic theory, 5354, 6468, 69

marginal private cost (MPC), 67

privatization, 14041, 154n14

real-world environmental policy, 13944

regulation, 14142, 154n15

tragedy of the commons, 64, 67, 13940

Common property resource, 64

Community-based economics (CBE), 23436, 242n4

Community management, 14244, 154n16

Compensation, 1617, 32n2

Competition, 8485

Competitive consumption, 82

Composition effect, 9394

Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP) (Copenhagen, 2009), 16162, 163, 178, 189, 190

Conspicuous consumption, 8283

Consumer sovereignty, 8687


collective consumption, 84

competitive consumption, 82

conspicuous consumption, 8283

ecological footprint, 84, 101n11

endogenous preferences model, 8591

free-rider problem, 84

mainstream economic theory, 8184, 8591

public goods, 84

Contingent valuation (CV) surveys

bias, 2627

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 1920, 2527, 2930

embedded bias, 27

free-rider bias, 2627

hypothetical bias, 27

ignorance bias, 27

strategic bias, 27

willingness to accept damages (WTA) survey, 2627, 2930

willingness to pay (WTP) survey, 2627, 2930

Corrective tax, 9596, 237, 23839

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)

attraction of, 1113

black swans, 3132, 33n8

carbon dioxide emissions, 2124

cardinal theory of utility, 1415

civil rights, 18

compensation, 1617, 32n2

contingent valuation (CV) surveys, 1920, 2527, 2930

economic climate models, 3032, 33n7

economic justice, 17, 32n3

ecosystem complexity, 89

efficiency criterion, 1213, 32n1

environmental preference-revealing mechanism, 2829

environmental risk uncertainty, 3032

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 23, 3032, 58, 59f

hedonic regression, 28

marginal changes, 1213

marginal social benefit (MSB), 1213, 22

marginal social cost (MSC), 1213, 2122

option value, 25

ordinal theory of utility, 1415

power and wealth impact, 1920

power-weighted decision rule, 20

quantifying environmental benefits, 2430, 33n6

rate of time discount, 2021, 22f

rational approach, 11, 14

social justice theory, 18

standard diagram, 12f

sulfur dioxide emissions, 24, 58

tipping points, 2124

travel cost studies, 2728

use value, 25

utilitarianism, 1415, 18

value judgments, 1416

Cuba, 44

Cyclical unemployment, 9697

Defensive expenditures, 39


climate change, 6869

climate treaty guidelines, 2001, 214n4

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 163, 18890, 2001

perverse incentives, 189, 2001

Democratic Republic of the Congo, 191, 198

Designated national authority (DNA), 203

Development zones, 138

Double counting, 3637

Downzoning, 13536, 137, 138, 139

Drinking water, 18

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)

environmental unemployment, 96

free-rider problem, 16364

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 161

negotiations of, 16162, 163, 165

responsibility and capability criterion, 161, 165

sustainable development, 161

Ecological economics, 7679

Ecological footprint, 84, 101n11

Economic climate models, 3032, 33n7

Economic conversion programs, 98, 99100

Economic democracy, 4142, 4446

Economic development, 77

Economic growth

aggregate output, 78

bull in the China closet economy, 76, 100n1

capitalism, 7981, 101n6

versus development, 77

ecological economics, 7679

frontier economy, 76, 100n1

full-world economics, 46

growth imperative, 7581

growth limits, 46

law of entropy, 78, 100n4

Marxism, 7981

spaceman economy, 76, 100n1

sustainable growth, 36

throughput, 7679, 100n3

Economic justice

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 17, 32n3

sustainable development, 4142, 4446

Economic progress, 4041, 4446


complexity of, 89

tipping points, 8

Effective demand, 6061

Effectiveness criterion

climate treaty negotiations, 164

sustainable development, 4041, 4445

Efficiency criterion

climate treaty exercise, 21627

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 1213, 32n1

energy consumption, 97, 102n21

free-market environmentalism, 109114, 122

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 16566, 18183, 190

Effluent tax, 95

Embedded bias, 27

Empty-world economics

consumption, 82

externalities, 7

mainstream economic theory, 34, 56

sustainable development, 41

Endogenous preferences model

bias, 8791

consumer sovereignty, 8687

hedonic calculus, 87

mainstream economic theory, 8591

preference development effect, 88, 90

preference fulfillment effect, 88, 90

snowballing inefficiency theorem, 8990

substitution effect, 87

warped human development theorem, 9091

Energy consumption, 97, 102n21


Kyoto Protocol (1997), 192

real-world environmental policy, 13233

Entropy, 78, 100n4

Environmental benefit-revealing mechanism, 23739, 242n5

Environmental justice activism, 21013

Environmental Kuznets curve, 9194

ceteris paribus, 93, 94

composition effect, 9394

scale effect, 93

technology effect, 9394

Environmental preference-revealing mechanism, 2829

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 18

Environmental sustainability, 4244, 46, 48n6, 49n9

Equity criterion

climate treaty exercise, 21627

climate treaty guidelines, 19799

climate treaty negotiations, 16465

intergenerational equity, 4142

intragenerational equity, 41

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 16465, 18384, 191

European Union, 162, 163, 197, 2078

Evolutionary economics, 87

Exchange value, 80

Exogenous preferences model, 87


automobile industry, 58, 59f

defined, 6

empty-world economics, 7

free-market environmentalism, 1078

full-world economics, 67

invisible hand theory, 67, 9n1, 5455

mainstream economic theory, 5359

negative externality, 7, 58, 68, 95

positive externality, 6869, 95

Exxon Valdez, 39

Financial crises, 14546, 14851

Financial planning, 23941

Fishing industry, 6468, 14044

Flat tax, 134

Fourier, Joseph, 159

Fourteenth Amendment, 136

France, 197

Free-market environmentalism

abatements, 10912, 12223

Coase theorem

complete information, 112, 115

divide-the-pie game, 11214, 11718

illustration, 107f

incomplete information, 11518

multiple victims analysis, 109, 11921

no-market analysis, 10812

standard presentation, 1068

complete information, 11214, 115, 12223, 124, 125n7

divide-the-pie game, 11214, 11718

experimental literature, 112, 11314, 125n10

theoretical literature, 11213, 114

efficiency criterion, 109114, 122

externalities, 1078

free-rider problem, 12324

laissez-faire economics, 106, 109

multiple victims analysis, 109, 11921, 12324

representative coalitions, 12021

separate negotiations, 120

myth of, 12125

perfect knowledge, 11415, 12324

perverse incentives, 12122, 12324

property rights, 105, 1079, 12123

transaction costs, 1078, 11921, 122, 12324

Free-rider problem

climate change, 69

climate treaty guidelines, 21213

climate treaty negotiations, 16364

consumption, 84

contingent valuation (CV) surveys, 2627

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 16364

free-market environmentalism, 12324

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 16364, 17677

mainstream economic theory, 5354, 5758, 5963, 69, 88

Free trade agreements, 98

Frictional unemployment, 96, 97

Frontier economy, 76, 100n1

Full-world economics

ecosystem complexity, 89

externalities, 67

growth limits, 46

Gender Development Index (GDI), 44

Gender Empowerment Index (GEM), 44

Genuine progress indicator (GPI), 44

Germany, 197

GINI coefficient, 40, 41, 91

Governing the Commons (Ostrom), 13940

Grandfather system, 131

Green consumerism, 233

Greenhouse Development Rights Framework, 191, 19799, 2067, 213n2

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

climate change, 6869, 79

climate treaty guidelines, 196, 2056

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 23, 3032, 58, 59f

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 161

Green investment, 240

Green jobs, 240

Green New Deal, 23031, 241n2

Green tax, 95

Gross domestic product (GDP)

current GDP, 37

defined, 3638, 48n1

double counting, 3637

measure limitations, 3839

per capita GDP, 4445, 9394

real GDP, 37, 7679

sustainable development, 3639, 4446

Gross national product (GNP), 36, 48n1, 77, 100n2

Growth boundaries, 138

Hahnel, R., 87

Hansen, James, 160

Hedonic calculus, 87

Hedonic regression, 28

Human capital, 4142

Human Development Index (HDI), 44

Human Development Report (United Nations), 44

Hypothetical bias, 27

Iceland, 162

Ignorance bias, 27

Income inequality, 40, 41, 83, 9194

Inflation, 37

In my back yard (IMBY) principle, 23436

Institutional analysis and development (IAD), 140, 14344

Intergenerational equity, 4142

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 16061

Intragenerational equity, 41

Invisible hand theory, 67, 9n1, 5455

Iteration facilitation board (IFB), 23739

Japan, 17677

Jobs in the Woods program, 99

Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 99

Joint products, 3839

Keeling, Charles, 160

Keeling curve, 160

Keynes, John Maynard, 4

Kuznets, S., 9194

Kyoto Protocol (1997)

abatements, 18283

carbon cycle, 186

carbon trading

conditions of, 162, 16672

efficiency criterion, 18183

equity criterion, 18384

equivalent emissions, 18586

limitations of, 18490

loopholes, 18688

mandatory caps, 16466, 17576, 18384

merits of, 18184

paternalism, 188

certified emissions reductions (CERs), 16672, 18081, 184, 185, 188

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), 162, 165, 17072, 178, 180, 185, 189, 190, 199201, 203

deforestation, 163, 18890, 2001

effectiveness criterion, 164

efficiency criterion, 16566, 18183, 190

emissions reduction schedule, 178

enforcement of, 192

environmental unemployment, 96

equity criterion, 16465, 18384, 191

free-rider problem, 16364, 17677

less developed countries (LDCs), 162, 165, 17072, 177, 178, 18384, 185, 18890, 191

limitations of, 178

merits of, 17577

monitoring problems, 17981

more developed countries (MDCs), 162, 164, 165, 16672, 17677, 178, 18384, 185, 18688, 191

myth versus reality, 16672

national emission measures, 17980

negotiations for, 16263

ratification incentives, 17677

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), 18890, 200201, 214n3

responsibility and capability criterion, 177, 191

United States position, 16263, 17677, 191

Laissez-faire economics, 106, 109

Laundry detergent, 6263, 73n3

Leisure time, 8183

Less developed countries (LDCs)

climate treaty guidelines, 197, 2023, 2067, 208

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 161

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 162, 165, 17072, 177, 178, 18384, 185, 18890, 191

Logging industry, 96, 99

Logic of Collective Action, The (Olson), 96

Macroeconomic theory, 45

Mainstream economic theory

absentee ownership, 8485

capitalism, 7981, 85, 101n6

climate change, 6869

climate treaty guidelines, 196

collective consumption, 84

common pool resource (CPR), 5354, 6468, 69

competition, 8485

consumption, 8184, 8591

ecological economics, 7679

effective demand, 6061

employment versus environment, 96100

empty-world economics, 34, 56

endogenous preferences model, 8591

environmental Kuznets curve, 9194

exogenous preferences model, 87

externalities, 5359

free-rider problem, 5354, 5758, 5963, 69, 88

green consumerism, 6263

growth imperative, 7581

leisure time, 8183

macroeconomics, 45

marginal private benefit (MPB), 55, 58, 59f, 63f

marginal private cost (MPC), 55, 58, 59f, 67

marginal social benefit (MSB), 5455, 58, 59f, 61, 63f

marginal social cost (MSC), 5455, 58, 59f, 61, 63f

Marxism, 7981, 101n6

microeconomics, 4, 7

natural resource economics, 46

net national product (NNP), 7173

net national welfare (NNW), 7173

perverse incentives, 5354, 63, 67, 69, 7576, 85

Pigovian taxes and subsidies, 9596

pollution-damage-revealing mechanism, 95, 102n20

private resource extraction, 5354, 6973

profit maximization, 8485, 86, 101n16

public goods, 5354, 5963, 69

rate of time discount, 6973

theoretical development, 46

transaction costs, 5658, 61, 8687, 8889

Marginal changes, 1213

Marginal private benefit (MPB)

externalities, 55, 58, 59f

public goods, 63f

Marginal private cost (MPC)

common pool resource (CPR), 67

externalities, 55, 58, 59f

Marginal social benefit (MSB)

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 1213, 22

externalities, 5455, 58, 59f

public goods, 61, 63f

Marginal social cost (MSC)

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 1213, 2122

externalities, 5455, 58, 59f

Marrakech Accords, 163


economic growth, 7981, 101n6

exchange value, 80

surplus value, 80

Microeconomic theory, 4, 7


Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), 162, 165, 17072, 178, 180, 185, 189, 190, 199201, 203

designated national authority (DNA), 203

international monitoring agency, 2013

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 17981

project design document (PDD), 203

real-world environmental policy, 13233

More developed countries (MDCs)

climate treaty guidelines, 19697, 2013, 20610

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 161

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 162, 164, 165, 16672, 17677, 178, 18384, 185, 18688, 191

National Academy of Sciences, 18

National defense, 84

Natural capital

net domestic product (NDP), 3841

sustainable development, 3814, 48n2

Natural resource economics, 46

Net domestic product (NDP)

defensive expenditures, 39

natural capital, 3841

per capita NDP, 4041, 44, 45

produced capital, 3841

sustainable development, 3841, 44

Net national product (NNP) per capita, 7173

Net national welfare (NNW)

defined, 71

per capita NNW, 7173

New Zealand, 162

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 98

North East Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 132

Norway, 162

Not in my back yard (NIMBY) principle, 230, 23536

Oil spills, 39, 232

Olson, M., 96

Option value, 25

Ordinal theory of utility, 1415

Organization of Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD), 162

Ostrom, E., 13940

Overspent American, The (Schor), 82

Overworked American, The (Schor), 81

Participatory economy, 23739, 242n8

Participatory planning procedure, 23739, 242n7

Perverse incentives

deforestation, 189, 2001

free-market environmentalism, 12122, 12324

mainstream economic theory, 5354, 63, 67, 69, 7576, 85

Pigou, A.C., 7, 55, 9596

Pigovian taxes and subsidies, 7, 9596, 237, 23839

Plass, Gilbert, 15960

Political economy, 3

Political Economy of the Environment (Boyce), 239

Political strategy, 22932

Pollution-damage-revealing mechanism, 95, 102n20

Pollution tax, 95

Power-weighted decision rule, 20

Preference development effect, 88, 90

Preference fulfillment effect, 88, 90

Privatization, 14041, 154n14

Produced capital

net domestic product (NDP), 3841

sustainable development, 3844

Profit maximization, 8485, 86, 101n16

Progressive tax, 13335

Project design document (PDD), 203

Property rights

free-market environmentalism, 105, 1079, 12123

real-world environmental policy, 129, 132, 13539

Proportional tax, 134

Public goods

climate change, 69

consumption, 84

environmental protection, 6263

mainstream economic theory, 5354, 5963, 69

Quiet Revolution in Welfare Economics (Albert and Hahnel), 87

Rate of time discount

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 2021, 22f

future market failure, 71

high rate problem, 7073

net national welfare (NNW), 7173

resource extraction, 6973

Rational approach, 11, 14

Readjustment assistance programs, 9899

Real-world environmental policy

abatements, 12829, 153n2

carbon cap-and-trade programs, 13032, 14449, 153n1

auctioned permits, 131, 132, 135, 14648

false trading, 14547

financial crises, 14546, 14851

grandfather system, 131

speculation, 14649

supply and demand, 148, 154n19

common pool resource (CPR), 13944

community management, 14244, 154n16

institutional analysis and development (IAD), 140, 14344

privatization, 14041, 154n14

regulation, 14142, 154n15

distributive effects, 13335

enforcement, 13233

monitoring, 13233

property rights, 129, 132, 13539

rebates, 135

regulation, 12829, 153n1

stock market, 14951


carbon tax, 12930, 153n1

flat tax, 134

progressive tax, 13335

proportional tax, 134

regressive tax, 13335

revenue-neutral tax, 134

tax incidence, 133, 154n7

tax-phobia, 15152

urban sprawl, 13539

zoning regulations, 13539

agricultural preserves, 137, 13839

development zones, 138

downzoning, 13536, 137, 138, 139

growth boundaries, 138

smart growth, 137, 13839

transfer development rights (TDRs), 13839, 154n11

upzoning, 138

Rebates, 135

Redefining Progress, 44

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and

Degradation (REDD), 18890, 2001, 214n3

Regressive tax, 13335


common pool resource (CPR), 14142, 154n15

real-world environmental policy, 12829, 14142, 153n1

Relative income hypothesis, 8283

Resources for the Future, 5

Responsibility and capability criterion

climate treaty guidelines, 19798, 2067

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 161, 165

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 177, 191

Revelle, Roger, 15960

Revenue-neutral tax, 134

Russia, 162, 163, 17677

Safety standards, 18

Say’s Law, 45, 91

Scale effect, 93

Schor, J., 81, 82

Second World Climate Conference (1989), 160

Smart growth, 137, 13839

Smith, Adam, 34, 5455

Snowballing inefficiency theorem, 8990

Social capital, 4142, 48n4

Social justice theory

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 18

Social progress, 4446, 49n8

Social sustainability, 46

Spaceman economy, 76, 100n1

Sri Lanka, 44

Steady state economy, 36

Stock market, 14951

Strategic bias, 27

Strong sustainability, 4244

Structural unemployment, 96100

Suess, Hans, 15960

Sulfur dioxide emissions

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 24, 58

structural unemployment, 97

Surplus value, 80

Sustainable development

capital stock, 38, 4244

defined, 3536, 4648

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 161

economic democracy, 4142, 4446

economic efficacy, 4041, 4445

economic justice, 4142, 4446

economic progress, 4041, 4446

empty-world economics, 41

environmental sustainability, 4244, 46, 48n6, 49n9, 48n6, 49n9

Gender Development Index (GDI), 44

Gender Empowerment Index (GEM), 44

genuine progress indicator (GPI), 44

GINI coefficient, 40, 41

gross domestic product (GDP), 3639, 4446, 48n1

human capital, 4142

Human Development Index (HDI), 44

intergenerational equity, 4142

intragenerational equity, 41

joint products, 3839

natural capital, 3844, 48n2

net domestic product (NDP), 3841, 44

produced capital, 3844

social capital, 4142, 48n4

social progress, 4446, 49n8

social sustainability, 46

steady state economy, 36

strong sustainability, 4244

sustainable growth, 36

weak sustainability, 4244

workable definition, 464

Sustainable growth, 36

Sweden, 99


carbon tax, 12930, 153n1, 2047

corrective tax, 9596, 237, 23839

effluent tax, 95

flat tax, 134

green tax, 95

Pigovian taxes and subsidies, 7, 9596, 37, 23839

pollution tax, 95

progressive tax, 13335

proportional tax, 134

regressive tax, 13335

revenue-neutral tax, 134

tax incidence, 133, 154n7

tax-phobia, 15152

Technology effect, 9394


consumption, 8182

defined, 6

economic growth, 7679, 100n3

Tipping points

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 2124

ecosystems, 8

Tragedy of the commons, 64, 67, 1394

Transaction costs

free-market environmentalism, 1078, 11921, 122, 12324

mainstream economic theory, 5658, 61, 8687, 8889

Transfer development rights (TDRs), 13839, 154n11

Travel cost studies, 2728

Tyndall, John, 159

Ukraine, 162


cyclical unemployment, 9697

economic conversion programs, 98, 99100

energy consumption, 97, 102n21

versus environmental standards, 96100

free trade agreements, 98

frictional unemployment, 96, 97

logging industry, 96, 99

readjustment assistance programs, 9899

structural unemployment, 96100

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. See Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)

United Nations Environment Program, 160

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 16061, 165, 17576

United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, 3536, 41, 160

United States

climate treaty guidelines, 20810

Kyoto Protocol (1997), 16263, 17677, 191

United States Constitution, 136, 209

Upzoning, 138

Urban sprawl, 13539

Use value, 25


cardinal theory of utility, 1415

cost-benefit analysis (CBA), 1415, 18

ordinal theory of utility, 1415

Value judgments, 1416

Vietnam, 44

Village of Euclid, Ohio v. Ambler Realty Company (1926), 136

Warped human development theorem, 9091

self-warping, 91

Weak sustainability, 4244

Welfare economics, 7, 115

Willingness to accept damages (WTA) survey, 2627, 2930

Willingness to pay (WTP) survey, 2627, 2930

World Climate Conference (1979), 160

World Development Report (World Bank), 44

World Meteorological Organization, 160

World Trade Organization, 99

Zoning regulations

agricultural preserves, 137, 13839

development zones, 138

downzoning, 13536, 137, 138, 139

growth boundaries, 138

real-world environmental policy, 13539

smart growth, 137, 13839

transfer development rights (TDRs), 13839, 154n11

upzoning, 138