2XII mirror machine, 274
A-bomb (atomic bomb), 32, 52, 53, 74, 86, 110, 190–91, 195; Teller-Ulam design, 191–95, 202
Abraham, Spencer, 266
accelerators, 42, 44, 68, 78, 218, 221, 268, 286, 298, 302; Betatron, 79, 83; Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, 40–41
Adiabatic Toroidal Compressor (ATC), 130
AEC, Britain, collaboration with, 61; and Brueckner, 206–9; budget cuts at, 103; and declassification, 93, 212, 215; and environmentalists, 146; and fusion program, 81, 102–3; and Geneva, 92, 94; and Hirsch, 147; and IFRC, 242; and laser fusion, 212, 222; and McCone, 100; Model C, 129; Ormak, 129; review of fusion program, 106–7; Schlesinger, 147; and Spitzer’s plan, 77–81; and Strauss, 86–88, 98; and vindication of the tokamak, 126; and ZETA, 64–67
Airbus A380 superjumbo, 266–67
Alejaldre, Carlos, 291
alpha particle, definition of, 139
Amalgamated Wireless, 32
American Chemical Society meeting, 174–75
American Optical Company, 203
American Physical Society, 99; meeting of, 174, 176, 215
arms race, beginning of, 110
Armstrong, Neil, 125
Artsimovich, Lev, 109–132; Boston, visit to, 127; Culham conference, 120; and Dick Post, criticism of, 119; fusion power, availability of, 307; and Heisenberg chair, 119; and IAEA conference in Novosibirsk, 107, 120, 207; and IAEA conference in Salzburg, 119; and IAEA conference in Vienna, 242; and Pease, invitation to, 122–25; and plasma current flow, 142; and Spitzer, 105, 117; and tokamak, 104
Arzamas-16, 111
Associated Electrical Industries. See AIE
Astron mirror machine, 148
ATC, 130; and beam systems, 152; and sawtooth instability, 131
atom, splitting of, 40
atomic bomb. See A-bomb
Atomic Energy Act, 92
Atomic Energy Authority. See UKAEA
Atomic Energy Commission (French). See CEA
Atomic Energy Commission (UN), 50
Atomic Energy Commission (US). See AEC
Atomic Energy Research Establishment. See AERE
Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, 58
Atoms for Peace conference. See International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
‘Atoms for Peace’ speech (Eisenhower), 60, 88, 92
Aymar, Robert, 252–54, 260; and ITER budget, 256, 259; resignation from ITER, 263
Barraclough, S. H., 46
Basov, Nikolay, 199, 206, 210, 212
‘beam alley,’ 181
‘Beard, the.’ See Kurchatov, Igor
Becquerel, Henri, 35
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 199
Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, 194, 274
beryllium, creation of, 13, 14, 197
Bikini Atoll, 78
Birdcage, the, 54
Bishop, Amasa, 88, 126; and declassification, 93; and Geneva, 94; and IFRC, 242; and Hirsch, 147; US tokamak proposals, 128
Bohm diffusion, 104, 105, 118, 120, 130, 136
Bohm, David, 102
boron-11, 304
break-even, 23
breeder reactors, 103, 146, 303
Briscoe, Frank, 288
Brueckner, Keith 213, 214, 219, and American Physical Society meeting, 215; and laser fusion, 206–10
Burmah Oil, 214
Burning Plasma Experiment. See BPX
Bush, George W., and ITER, 262
Cadarache, 25, 143, 252, 260, 263–67, 270–71, 285, 290
Calder Hall, 58
Callaghan, James, 145
Callis, Clayton, 175
Campbell, Michael, 237
carbon dioxide gas laser, 205, 211, 218
carbon, absorption problems, 169; as produced by fusion, 14
Centurion. See Halite-Centurion program
CERN, 134, 157. See also Large Hadron Collider
CIT, 183
Civil Rights Act, 122
Clarendon Laboratory, 33, 44, 47, 56, 74, 79
Clark, G. H., 46
Clean Air Act, 146
CNO cycle, 43
Cockcroft, John, and AEC, 61; and AERE, 48, 50; classifying of research, 53; Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, 40, 41; Kurchatov’s visit, 60; and Plowden, 62–63; and press, 64, 67; and Thonemann, 49, 51, 56; and Tuck, 79; and ZETA, 57–58, 68
‘collective effects,’ 84
Columbus (pinch), 90, 95, 97, 99, 100, 107
Compact Ignition Tokamak. See CIT
Conductron, 208
Conference of Experts, 201
Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva), 60, 133
Cowhig, W. T., 49
Critchfield, Charles, 43
cryostat, 251
Culham laboratory, 71, 103–4, 140
Curie, Pierre, 35
Cyclops (100-J), 212
D-T, 141, 150–51, 153, 155, 179, 182–83, 185; and capsules, 195–98, 212, 214; and Lisky, 303
dark matter, and early universe, 11
Darwin, Charles, 34, 35; On the Origin of the Species by Natural Selection, 34, 35
declassification, 61, 92–94, 97, 99, 212
DEMO, 303
deuterium-tritium. See D-T
deuterium, 18, 19, 20, 27, 41, 43, 44
deuteron, definition of, 13
diffusion cloud chamber, 68
diffusion, Bohm, 104, 105, 118, 130, 136; classical, 98, 101, 102
Direct Current Experiment. See DCX
direct drive, 225, 234, 284, 297
‘disruption,’ 131, 141, 182, 183
distributed phase plate, 228
divertor, 165–171; and ELMs, 186, 287; and ITER, 250, 251, 287, 288; and JET, 178, 180, 185
Division of Plasma Physics, 99
‘Doppler broadening,’ 122, 125
Doublet II, 130
driver, 195–98, 223, 226, 230, 231, 234, 298, 299
Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrotest Facility (DARHT), 234
Dyson, Frank Watson, 37
e-beam fusion, 218
Eastman, Jay, 226
Eddington, Arthur, and Atkinson, 40; and relativity, theory of, 37; and sun, energy source of, 38
edge-localised modes. See ELMs
Eisenhower, Dwight D., ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech, 60, 88, 92
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 301
electrolysis, 172
electromagnetic induction, 47
electromagnetic trap, 111, 114
Emmett, John, 212
Energy Research and Development Administration. See ERDA
Environmental Protection Agency, 146
ERDA, 215–20, 222, 226; and 2XIIB, 275; and MFTF-B, 276; and TMX, 276
Euratom, 134–37, 139, 140, 143, 157–58, 185, 187, 242, 243, 247, 264
European Coal and Steel Community, 133
European Economic community. See EEC
experimental ignition threshold factor. See ITFX
Farnsworth, Philo T., 147
Fasella, Paulo, 247
Fermi, Enrico, 16–17, 67, 73, 190, 217
fission, definition of, 16
Forrest, Michael, 123
Foster, John, 195, 204; and DoE panel, 229; and ‘thermonuclear engine,’ 200
Fuchs, Klaus, 50, 52–53, 87, 190
Furth, Harold, 125, 153–54, 157, 181–83; at American Chemical Society meeting, 175; and Lidsky, 304; and TFTR’s first plasma, 155
Fusion Ignition Research Experiment (FIRE), 301
fusion program, US, as instrument of foreign policy, 94
fusion, definition of, 11–14; as energy source, argument for, 18–19
fusion, inertial confinement, 292, 304
General Atomics, 100; and DIII-D, 165, 287; Doublet II, 130; and multipole, 107
General Theory of Relativity, 37
Geneva conference. See International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
glasnost, 245
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 244; and INTOR, 245–47; and ITER, 270
Gore, Al, 236
Gould, Gordon, 199
Gould, Roy, 147
Graves, Ernest, 218
Groupe de Liaison, 135, 137, 139, 140, 142
Grove, Don, and TFTR’s first plasma, 155–57
H-bomb, 73–74, 87, 110; and electricity, 194; and hohlraums, 223; and laser fusion, 221; ‘Super,’ 190–91
H-bomb, and Soviet, 58, 111, 202
H-mode, definition of, 164, 165
Halite-Centurion programme, 230, 231
Hartley Vale Kerosene Refinery, 46
Harwell, and AERE, 48
Hawryluk, Richard, 292
helium nucleus. See alpha particle
helium-3, 13, 41, 43, 172, 302
helium, and early universe, 11; and solar fusion, 14
Helmholtz, Herman von, 34, 38, 44
Herrington, John, 277
High Power Laser Energy Research facility (HiPER), 299
high-mode. See H-mode
hohlraum, 192–93, 212, 223–25, 228, 230, 234, 279–83
Holtkamp, Norbert, 285, 286, 290
Hoover, Herbert, 86
Hughes Research Laboratories, 200
Hunter, Bob, 181
hydrogen, and early universe, 11–12; and fusion, 27, 36–42; and stars, 14–15. See also H-bomb and protons
IAEA, 60, 104, 242; conference at Culham, 120; conference at Novosibirsk, 107, 108, 125, 126, 136, 206, 207; conference at Salzburg, 119; and INTOR, 242–43
ICRH, 162
ICSE, 140
IFMIF, 302
IMP, 148
‘impossibilitron,’ 83
indirect drive, 224, 225, 227, 232, 234, 292, 297
instabilities, 55, 162; and 2XIIB, 274; and Bruekner, 219; and D-T, 197; and DCX, 127; and ELMs, 186, 287; kink, 56, 85; and lasers, 155, 215; and Nuckolls, 197; Rayleigh-Taylor (RT), 223, 227, 228, 283; sawtooth, 131; and Spitzer’s concerns with, 95, 104–5; and target compression, 219; and temperature measurement difficulties, 95, 116; and tokamak, 130; and Tuck, 91; and Wagner, 164; and ZETA, 95, 120
Institute of Atomic Energy (Moscow), 58, 120, 126, 242
International Atomic Energy Agency. See IAEA
International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, first (1955), 60–61, 92
International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, second (1958), 93–100, 133, 242; and Aymar, 252; cooperation, east-west, 258; and declassification of fusion programs, 71, 97; and Euratom, 134; and Japan, 159; and press, 65; scientific presentations at, 97; US exhibit, 96–97; and US fusion program, 98
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility. See IFMIF
International Fusion Research Council. See IFRC
International Quantum Electronics Conference (Montreal), 212
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. See ITER
International Tokamak Reactor. See INTOR
iodine gas, and laser fusion, 204
Ioffe Institute, 160
Ioffe, M. S., 119
ion cyclotron resonant heating. See ICRH
iron, and supernovas, 14; and torus, 48
isotopes, export of, 87; and fusion, 18; and Oak Ridge, 150; and sun’s energy, 36; uranium, 102
ITER, 24–25, 27–28, 184; American withdrawal from, 258; collaboration, official, 271; conception of, 247; cost of, 289; council meeting (2010), 290; criticism of, 258; design report, final, 256; and Dorland and Kotschenreuther, 255; and ELMy H-mode, 186; EU/Japan siting agreement, 270; ignition predictions, 248; and Japanese economic problems, 257; location for, 260, 248–49; management structure, 286; project baseline, 287; and reactor design, 249–50; redesign, 259; siting problems, 266–69; start of project, 285
‘ITER lite,’ 257
‘It’s a boy,’ 190
Janus laser (20-J), 212, 215–16
JET, 23, 137–46; 1990s gain results, 171; 1MA, 158; and carbon lining, 166; construction, 157; Culham researchers’ concerns with, 158; Culham, 146; D-shaped design, 142; D-T operation refit, 178–79; D-T plasma burn, 180; and dual heating design, 162; ELMs, 186–87; first plasma, 158; H-mode, 165, 168–69; independence of, 158; and ITER, 250; record shot, 185; salary rates, 158; tokamak design, 140–41; and the x-point, 168–69
Johnson, Lyndon B., and the Great Society, 106
Johnson, Thomas, 81, 85; and declassification, 93; and Geneva, 94; and project Sherwood, 88–89
Joint European Torus. See JET
JT-60, 159, 160, 261; and carbon lining, 166; and gain, 186–87, 249; and INTOR, 244; refit, 170–71
JT-60U, 171
Kadomtsev, Boris, 131
Katyn massacre, 112
Keilhacker, Martin, 185
Kelvin, Lord. See Thompson, William
Kennedy, John F., nuclear testing ban, 201
Kidder, Ray, 195; and D-T fuel ignition, 204; and Kolb, 206; and laser pulse, 203–4, 211
kink instability, 55–57, 85. See also instabilities
Kitty Hawk, 306
Kolb, Alan, 206
Koonin, Steven, 295; National Academy of Sciences inertial confinement fusion advisory committee, 235–36; and National Academy of Sciences laser fusion panel, 231; and NIF, problems with, 283–84; on Pons and Fleischmann, 176
Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR), 184
Kotschenreuther, Michael, 254–55
krypton fluoride, 205, 292, 297
Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 120, 123, 124, 126, 242. See also LIPAN
Kurchatov, Igor, 58–60, 113, 115; death of, 120; and declassification, 116–17; speech at Harwell, 117; stellarators, 117–18
L-mode, 164
Laboratory Microfusion Facility. See LMF
Laboratory of Laser Energetics. See LLE
Laboratory of Measuring Instruments. See LIPAN
Large Hadron Collider, 25, 263
Large Helical Device, 290
laser amplifiers, 204–6, 212, 216, 232, 238, 279, 280
laser fusion machines. See NIF
laser fusion, and weapons designers, 221–22
laser thermometer, 108, 121–25
Lavrentyev, Oleg Aleksandrovich, 109–14,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 298
Lawrence, Ernest O., 194
Lawson, John, 64
Lebedev Physics Institute, 115, 199, 210
Levitron, 148
Lewis, Gilbert, 41
Lidsky, Lawrence, criticism of fusion, 301–4
Limited Test Ban Treaty, 203
Lindemann, Frederick. See Cherwell, Lord
LIPAN, 113–14, 116–20. See also Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 120
lithium, 13, 19–20, 40, 41, 75, 111, 193, 206, 250
“Little Boy,” 195
Livermore, D-T, concern with, 151; fusion project, 83; and Geneva, 97; and KMS, 206–9; lasers, 200, 204, 211–39; and LIFE, 294, 299; mirror machines, 85, 107, 273–77; mode of operation, 230–31; NIC experiments, 281–84, 292; and weapons design, 194–95; weapons testing, 203
LLE, 210–11; and budget cuts, 227; and Delta laser, 215; and Congress’ Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 218; and Omega, 216; and UV light, 226, 228
Los Alamos, 32, 80; Centurion, 230; Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrotest Facility, 234; and D–T tokamak, 151; H-bomb, 74, 78–79; Ivy Mike, 190; lasers, 205, 211; Manhattan Project, 32, 50, 52; pinch devices, 90, 92; Perhapsatron, 95, 97; sausage, the, 191; Scyllac, 107
low-mode. See L-mode
Lubin, Moshe, and laser fusion, 210–11; and Omega, 216–19; resignation of, 226
magnetic fusion machines. See ITER
Maiman, Theodore, 199–200, 203, 204
Manhattan Project, 16, 21, 32, 44, 52, 53, 57, 78, 102, 150, 190, 191
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, 163
McCarthy, Joe, 88
McCone, John, 100
McCrory, Robert, 227
McDaniel, Paul, 209
McMahon Act, 58
Meade, Dale, 261
Measuring Instrument Industry, 110–11
Medi, Enrico, 134
Metropolitan-Vickers, 56
Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Applications (MESA), 233
microwave amplifier, 199
Mirror Fusion Test Facility. See MFTF
mirror machines, 97, 107, 119, 135, 136, 137, 148
Mitsos, Achilleas, 264, 268, 271
mode locking, 204
Model B-2, 96
Model B-3, 102
Model C, 80, 89, 90, 99, 102, 126; and Geneva conference, 96; tokamak, transformation to, 128–29
molybdenum, and limiters, 166
Montoya, Joseph, 217
Moses, Ed, 293
Munitions Supply Laboratories, 32
NAS panel, and inertial fusion research, 295–300
National Academy of Sciences laser fusion panel, 231–32
National Cold Fusion Institute, 177
National Ignition Compaign. See NIC
National Ignition Facility. See NIF
National Nuclear Security Administration. See NNSA
Natural Resources Defense Council. See NRDC
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), 205-6, 297–98
Nd:crystal laser, 205
Nd:glass, 204–6, 231, 234, 279, 292, 297
neodymium glass. See Nd:glass
neodymium ions, 205
neutral beam systems, 152–53, 155, 162–63, 169, 179, 256, 274–75
neutron damage, 294
‘neutron derby,’ 215
Next European Torus, 247
NIF, 27–28, 292, 297, 299, 300; and capsule implosion, 282–83; and direct drive, 284; completion of, 239; criticism of, 234–35; dedication ceremony, 277; description of, 278–81; energy emphasis, 293; and ignition, 285; and ITFX, 283; and LIFE, 293–95; technical troubles, 237–38; US inertial confinement fusion program, 236
NKVD, 112
NMR machines, 21
Novaya Zemlya, 202
Novosibirsk conference. See IAEA
Nuckolls, John, bare drop model, 215; and fusion power plant concept, 194–98; and laser fusion, 221; and Montreal conference, 212; and Nature paper, 212; and Nova laser, 229–30; and nuclear weapons, 203; return to fusion, 211; ‘thermonuclear engine,’ 200–201
‘Nuckolls’ Nickel Novels,’ 198
O’Leary, Hazel, 235
Oak Ridge Tokamak. See Ormak
ohmic heating, 128, 151–52, 162, 163
Oliphant, Mark, 41
Omega laser, 216, beams, 223; and direct drive, 297; and fast ignition, 299; funding for, 217, 221; and NIC, 278; and NIF–236; and NNSA, 284; upgrade, 232; Zeta, 222
On the Origin of the Species by Natural Selection (Darwin), 34, 35
On the Possibilty of Producing Thermonuclear Reactions in a Gas Discharge (Kurchatov), 59
OPEC, 149
Ormak, 127–29, 138, 150, 152, 159
Osaka University, and fast ignition, 299
oxygen, as produced by fusion, 14
palladium, 172
Palumbo, Donato, 134–40, 143, 157–58
Peacock, Nicol, 123
Pease, Sebastian, 107; and Artsimovich, 122–25; and JET, 140, 144; and Novosibirsk, 108; Sweden, 117
perestroika, 245
Perhapsatron, 68, 83; comparison, 95; fall from favor, 100, 116; and Geneva, 97; and kink instability, 85; and longitudinal magnetic field, 104; and M-theory, 90; and spurious neutrons, 95–96
photomultipliers, 124
pinch effect, 46. See also M-theory
planets, formation of, 14
Plasma Fusion Center, 301, 304
plasma, creation of, 12–13; in laboratories, 21–23; properties of, 42, 44–48; theory of, 132
platinum, 172
‘plum pudding’ model, 41
plutonium, 16, 53, 146, 305; and weapons, 52, 61, 65, 78, 81, 93, 150, 193, 234, 306
Pollock, J. A., 46
Poloidal Divertor Experiment. See PDX
poloidal magnetic fields, 116
polonium, 35
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 144
Portal, Lord, 51
Post, Richard, 83–85, 119, 273
potassium dihydrogen phosphate. See KDP
PPPL, 99, 120, 128, 129, 130, 131, 182, 183, 268, 292, 304. See also Project Matterhorn
Prague Spring, 123
Princeton Large Torus. See PLT
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. See PPPL and Project Matterhorn
Project Independence, 149
Project Matterhorn, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 98, 99
Project Sherwood, 88–94; budget increase, 89; and funding cuts under McCone, 100; and Geneva, 96; naming of, 85; public announcement of, 92–93; and ZETA, 65, 66
Prokhorov, Alexander, 199
Prometheus, 15
proto-star, formation of, 12–14
proton-proton chain, 43
protons, 13, 16, 18, 36, 40–43, 141
Pulsator, 130
pusher-tamper, 193
Q-switching, 204
Quadripartite Initiative Committee, 247
radioactivity, 18, 35, 41, 141, 150, 294
Raffarin, Jean-Pierre, 266
Rayleigh-Taylor. See RT instabilities
Rebut, Paul-Henri, 133, 135; and hard-core pinch, 136; and ITER, 249–53, 256; and JET, 140–46, 157–58, 178, 180; TFR, 137–38; and toroidal pinch, 136
Richter, Ronald, 74–75, 80, 300
Robinson, Derek, 123
Robinson, Marion, 124
Rose, David, 243
RT instabilities, 223, 227, 228, 283
Rutherford, Ernest, 41–42, 44, 67
Sagdeev, Roald, 242
Sakharov, Andrei, Beria, meeting with, 112; electromagnetic trap, criticism of, 111–12; and magnetic trap, 113, 114–16; opinion of Lavrentyev, 111–12
sawtooth instability, 131
Sayeret Matkal, 144
Sceptre-III, 95
Schlesinger, James, 147
Schmidt, Helmut, 146
Schwarzschild, Martin, 81
scintillator, 182
Scylla pinch, 97
Seaborg, Glenn, 147
Semipalatinsk, 74
Shafranov, Vitalii, 142
Shimomura, Yasuo, 263
Siegel, Keeve ‘Kip’ M., 208–10; and Congress’ Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 219–20; death of, 220
Snowmass meeting, 261
Soviet Physics-Uspekhi, 109
Spallation Neutron Source, 286
‘sparkplug,’ 193
Special Air Service, 144
spectral dispersion, 228
Spitzer Space Telescope, 106
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr., 74, 75–108; and AEC, meeting at, 78; and Artsimovich, 105, 117, 120; and British temperature claims, 95; and divertors, 166; and the figure-of-8 shape, 77; and IAEA conference, 104; and Model A, 81; Princeton fusion lab, resignation from, 105–6; and Project Sherwood, reservations about, 89–90; and the stellarator, 77; and the torus design, 77
Stagg Field, 16
stars, creation of, 13–14; death of, 14
stellarator, 73–108, 116, 118, 126. See also Model A, Model B-2, Model B-3, and Model C
Stockpile Stewardship Program. See SSP
Strauss, Lewis, 65, 67; AEC, resignation as head of, 98; and declassification, 93, 95; fusion power, cost of, 307; and Geneva, 94, 96; and Oppenheimer, 87–88; Project Sherwood, 89, 100; and secrecy, 92; and Sputnik, 94; and Szilard, 86
Sun, age of, 33, 34; heat source of, 43; original source of heat, 44
‘Super.’ See H-bomb
Super Proton Synchrotron, 157
superconducting magnets, 25, 153, 159, 160, 241, 249–52, 303
superconductors, 151, 159, 250, 251, 288
supernova, creation of, 14
‘supershots,’ 170–71, 181, 187
Symmetric Tokamak (ST), 129, 131, 137, 138
T-10, 160
T-15, 160
T-4, 131
T-7, 159
Tandem Mirror Experiement (TMX), 276
tandem mirror, 275
target technology. See direct drive and indirect drive
Teller-Ulam design, 191–95, 202
Teller, Edward, 43, 74; and computers, pioneering use of, 194; fusion bomb, 190; at Geneva conference, 98; and Ivy Mike, 190; and laser fusion instabilities, 216; and Los Alamos, 73, 79, 83; and Montreal conference, 212; on Oppenheimer, 88; and Rosenbluth, 90; and ‘Super,’ 190–91; Teller-Ulam design, 194–95, 202; University of California, Berkeley, 194
Texas Turbulent Tokamak, 128–29
TFTR, 154, 157, 169, 244; 1990s gain results, 171; American Physical Society, meeting of, 175; building-shaking disruption, 182; carbon limiter, 169, 170; closing down of, 183–84, 256; D-T operation refit, 181; D-T plasma burn, 181–82; daily operations of, 160–62; first plasma, 155; gain, 249, 253; H-mode, 165, 168; ICRH heating design, 162; supershots, 171
Thermodynamics, First Law of, 33; and radium, 35; and special relativity, 35; and sun, 34
thermonuclear fusion, first research into, 31, 40, 47
Thompson, William (Lord Kelvin), 34, 38, 44
Thomson, George Paget, 49–51, 64, 75, 77, 79
Thomson, J. J., 50
Thonemann, Peter, 31–71; at Geneva conference, 97–98; pinched plasma, 91, 296
Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 221
‘tiger team,’ 181
TM-3, 107
TM-G, 166
Tokamak de Fontenay aux Roses (TFR), 130, 136, 137, 252
Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor. See TFTR
Tokamak Physics Experiment. See TPX
tokamak, 104, 133–87; and Artsimovich, 109–32; first device, 116
Townes, Charles, 199
‘transport barrier,’ 168
tritium, 18, 41; manufacture of, 19; and health risks, 20
Truman, Harry S., and AEC, 86; and H-bomb, 74, 87, 110; and the Super, 191
TTF, 130
TU-95V bomber, 202
Tuck, James, and AEC, meeting at, 78; and Betatron, 79; explosive lens, 78; and kink instability, 85; and the Los Alamos lab, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92; Perhapsatron, 83, 85, 116; and pinch device, 79, 82, 92; and pinch-based machines, 120; and Rosenbluth, 92; and Scyllac, 107; and stellarator, 79
tungsten, and limiters, 166
U-1 Utah tokamak, 175
UK Atomic Energy Authority. See UKAEA
Ulam, Stanislaw, 73, 191. See also Teller-Ulam design
ultraviolet light. See UV light
uranium salts, 35
uranium, and fission, 16; increasing reserves of, 93; isotope separation of, 102, 150; and supernovas, 14; supply of, 17
Valera, Éamon de, 64
Vedenov, Aleksandr, 242
Velikhov, Evgeniy, 242; and INTOR, 243–45; and ITER, 270; and ITER, 2010 council meeting, 290
Virgin Galactic, 306
Vokhminzeva, Lyubov, 42
Wagner, Fritz, and H-mode, 163–64
Walton, Ernest, 40; Crockcroft-Walton accelerator, 41
waste, nuclear, 18
Western States Legal Foundation, 236
Westinghouse, 99
Wilcock, Peter, 123
‘wild ideas’ seminars, 73
‘Woodstock of physics,’ 174
Wüster, Hans-Otto, 157
x-signal, 131
York, Herbert, 83
Z-IFE, 296
Zeta (Omega proof-of-design setup), 222
ZETA (Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly), 56–57; American visit to, 93; first firing, 62; and Geneva, 94–95; and instability, 120; and LIPAN, 117; and longitudinal magnetic field, 104; and neutron problem, 69–70; neutron test, 91; and press, 64, 67, 68; and Sputnik, 65; and temperature claims, 95