Bridge Variations

After you have practiced these advanced Bridge variations, you should go back into Shoulderstand for up to 30 seconds before relaxing in Corpse pose.

Start with

Single Leg Lift Advanced
Starting from Bridge Step 4, lift your left leg straight up as you inhale. After a few deep breaths, lower the leg with an exhalation, then repeat with your right leg. Come out of the pose by releasing your hands and lowering your hips, then relax in Corpse Pose.
Legs Straight Advanced
Starting from Bridge Step 4, bring your legs and feet together, then walk your feet away until your legs are completely straight. Hold for up to 30 seconds, breathing deeply. Come out of the pose by walking your feet closer to your body, releasing your hands, and lowering your hips. Relax in Corpse Pose.

Start with

Half Lotus Bridge Advanced
5 Starting from Shoulderstand Step 4, bend your left leg and use your right hand to pull your left foot closer to your hip.
6 Support your back with both hands and slowly bring your right foot down to the floor. Hold for up to 30 seconds, then try to kick back up into Shoulderstand. If you cannot do this, lower your left foot to the floor, release your hands, lower your hips, then inhale and return to Shoulderstand Step 4. Repeat on the opposite side. If you can kick back up into Shoulderstand, come out of the pose as described. Otherwise release your hands and lower your hips. Relax in Corpse Pose.