4 Fish

Fish bends your spine in the opposite direction to Shoulderstand and is the counterpose to the Shoulderstand Cycle. Spend at least half as much time doing Fish as you do Shoulderstand. After practicing Fish, you will find that you experience a deeper relaxation in Corpse Pose.



• Relieves stiffness in the neck and shoulders.

• Corrects any tendency to round the shoulders.

• Strengthens the arm muscles.

• Expands the rib cage.

• Helps to tone the nerves of the neck and back area.

• Together with Shoulderstand, helps to improve the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

• Improves the capacity of the lungs.

• Decongests the lungs.

• Relieves asthma.


• The wide opening of the rib cage reduces the pressure on the abdomen and recharges the solar plexus. This helps to overcome depression.

CAUTION If the hyper-extension of the neck causes any discomfort or dizziness, do not practice the posture or practice it for only a few breaths.

Fish Beginner and Intermediate

1 Lie flat on your back with your legs together, arms next to your body, and palms face down on the mat.
2 Place your arms under your body, bringing your hands, palms still facing down, as close to your thighs as possible. Continue to keep your legs together. If you are stiff in your neck and shoulders, continue practicing Steps 1 and 2.
3 On an inhalation, bend your elbows and lift your chest as high as you can. Slowly extend your neck and head backward. Hold for a couple of deep breaths.
4 If you can manage Step 3, you can try to come into the full pose. Keep as much weight as possible on your elbows and slowly lower the top of your head to the floor. Hold the pose for half the time that you spent in Shoulderstand . Come out of the pose by following Steps 3, 2, and 1 in that order.


NECK STRETCH After doing Fish, practice this pose to release any tension in your neck. With your fingers interlocked behind your head and your forearms close to your ears, inhale and lift your head, pushing your chin into your chest. On an exhalation, slowly lower your head back to the mat. Repeat 2 times. Relax for 1–2 minutes in Corpse Pose.