almonds: Christmas sweet almond soup 1, 2

flounder baked with apples and almonds Pomeranian style 1

Jewish-style pascha dessert 1

poppy seed and almond makowiec 1, 2

anchovy butter 1

aperitif, rosemary and thyme 1

apple pie cocktail 1

apples: cinnamon-apple bake 1

crispy duck with apple and walnut sauce 1

flounder baked with apples and almonds Pomeranian style 1

juicy apple and cinnamon szarlotka 1

aubergine ‘caviar’ 1

babkas, cumin 1

bacon: ‘little hooves’ with crispy onion and bacon bits 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

young spring cabbage with dill and bacon 1

beef: beef and gherkin old country zrazy 1

bigos with venison 1

Genghis Khan’s beef tartare 1

Lithuanian-style beef and lamb pyzy 1

outlaw’s placek with goulash 1

rich ‘Ukranian’ borsht 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

beer: beer-battered crispy sprats 1

nettle leaves in beer batter 1

tatras winter warmer 1

beetroot: beetroot puree 1

clear vegetarian borsht 1

cool ‘Lithuanian’ chłodnik for hot days 1

horseradish-beetroot ćewikla 1

pink beetroot butter 1

pink summer pierogi 1

roast beetroot slices with white bread sauce 1

beetroot leaves, Magdalena’s botwinka salad of young 1

berries, fluffy omelette with stewed 1

bigos with venison 1

bilberry caprioska 1

blinis, buckwheat 1

bloody Bison 1

borsht 1

clear vegetarian borsht 1

rich ‘Ukranian’ borsht 1

bread 1, 2–3

dark caraway rye 1

easy sesame spelt buns 1

fluffy white twist with raisins 1

rye bread with crunchy gzik 1

sourdough rye 1

sourdough starter 1

soured rye żurek in a traditional bread bowl 1

spelt sourdough 1

white bread sauce 1

broad beans with sage butter 1

Brussels sprouts, Warsaw-style cauliflower with 1

buckwheat blinis 1

buckwheat groats 1, 2

freshwater pike with herby kasza 1

green springtime pierogi with spinach, kasza and cheese 1

herby chanterelles with kasza cubes 1

butter beans: butter beans in a marjoram and tomato broth 1

rich ‘Ukranian’ borsht 1

butters 1, 2–3, 4

cabbage: lamb and rice stuffed ‘little pigeons’ 1

sauerkraut 1

young spring cabbage with dill and bacon 1

cakes: cardamom and vanilla karpatka cream cake 1

faworki carnival cakes with a twist 1

juicy apple and cinnamon szarlotka 1

pobożnik holy semolina layered cake 1

poppy seed and almond makowiec 1, 2

caramel: salted caramel mazurek with pecans 1

carp 1, 2

Pan Waldek’s oregano-fried carp 1

carrots: Mama’s peas and carrot cubes 1

cauliflower: Warsaw-style cauliflower with Brussels sprouts 1

ćewikla, horseradish-beetroot 1

chanterelles: chanterelle butter 1

herby chanterelles with kasza cubes 1

potato placki with creamy chanterelles 1

cheese: green springtime pierogi 1

nales´niki with sweet cinnamon cheese 1

see also ricotta; soft cheese; twaróg

cheesecake, tangy two-citrus 1

chicken: chicken stock 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

chłodnik: cool ‘Lithuanian’ chłodnik for hot days 1

chocolate: boozy chocolate and walnut torte 1

pobożnik holy semolina layered cake 1

spiced chocolate martini 1

Christmas sweet almond soup 1, 2

citrus fruit: tangy two-citrus cheesecake 1

courgette islands, pork klopsiki on 1

crabmeat, a celebratory Slavic salad with 1

cucumber and dill salad 1

dill: cucumber and dill salad 1

poached halibut in buttery dill sauce 1

young spring cabbage with dill and bacon 1

doughnuts with an old-style rose filling 1–2

duck: crispy duck with apple and walnut sauce 1

dumplings 1, 2–3

eggs: caramelised onion scrambled eggs 1

creamy spinach puree with fried egg 1

fluffy omelette with stewed berries 1

falafels, millet groats 1

faworki carnival cakes with a twist 1

fish 1, 2, 3, 4–5, 6, 7

two crunchy surówka slaws for fish 1 see also individual types of fish

flounder baked with apples and almonds Pomeranian style 1

foragers’ soup 1

Genghis Khan’s beef tartare 1

gherkins 1–2

beef and gherkin old country zrazy 1

Mama’s gherkins with horseradish and oak leaves 1

zingy gherkin, tomato and lemon balm salad 1

ginger ale: Slavic remedy 1

gingerbread 1

gingerbread salmon salad 1

goulash, outlaw’s placek with 1

gypsy-style mixed greens 1

gzik, crunchy 1

halibut: poached halibut in buttery dill sauce 1

herrings 1

rustic herrings with olive oil and cinnamon 1

Saint Petersburg-style herrings 1

horseradish-beetroot ćewikla 1

horseradish leaves: dark caraway rye in horseradish leaves 1

Mama’s gherkins with horseradish and oak leaves 1

jam: lilac 1, 2

rose 1

Jewish-style pascha dessert 1

kanapki 1, 2

karpatka: cardamom and vanilla karpatka cream cake 1

kasza (kasza) 1, 2, 3–4

freshwater pike with herby kasza 1

green springtime pierogi with spinach, kasza and cheese 1

herby chanterelles with kasza cubes 1

kisiel, whimsical, fruity 1

klopsiki, pork 1

knedle, autumnal potato 1

krówki sweets: crunchy pine cones 1

krupnik, wintery 1

Krupnik sour 1

lamb: lamb and rice stuffed ‘little pigeons’ 1

Lithuanian-style beef and lamb pyzy 1

lambs’ liver: charred lambs’ liver with horseradish-beetroot ćwikla98

lardons: Mazurian potato marjoram pie 1

‘lazy’ dumplings with sugary brown butter 1

leek slaw 1

lilac jam 1

rogaliki with lilac jam 1

Lithuanian-style beef and lamb pyzy 1

‘little hooves’ with crispy onion and bacon bits 1

liver: charred lambs’ liver with horseradish-beetroot ćwikla 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

mackerel: baked mackerel with wild cherries 1

Magdalena’s botwinka salad 1

makowiec, poppy seed and almond 1, 2

Mama’s gherkins with horseradish and oak leaves 1

Mama’s peas and carrot cubes 1

marjoram: butter beans in a marjoram and tomato broth 1

Mazurian potato marjoram pie 1

martini, spiced chocolate 1

mazurek 1

salted caramel mazurek with pecans 1

meatballs: pork klopsiki 1

meringue clouds, whimsical, fruity kisiel with 1

milk: the snowflake 1

sweet pumpkin breakfast soup 1

millet groats falafels 1

mushrooms 1–2, 3

bigos with venison 1

clear wild mushroom soup 1

wild mushroom and sauerkraut ‘little ears’ 1

see also chanterelles

nales´niki with sweet cinnamon cheese 1

nettles: foragers’ soup 1

nettle leaves in beer batter 1

oak leaves, Mama’s gherkins with horseradish and 1

omelette: fluffy omelette with stewed berries 1

onions: caramelised onion scrambled eggs 1

‘little hooves’ with crispy onion and bacon bits 1

spelt sourdough with crispy onions 1

outlaw’s placek with goulash 1

Pan Waldek’s oregano-fried carp 1

pancakes: nales´niki with sweet cinnamon cheese 1

pasta: clear wild mushroom soup with crispy pasta 1

creamy strawberry and rhubarb soup 1

pâté, Uncle Kazik’s three-meat 1

pearl barley, wintery krupnik with 1

peas: Mama’s peas and carrot cubes 1

pecans, salted caramel mazurek with 1

peppers, cumin babkas on a sea of marinated red 1

pierogi 1, 2–3

crispy-baked pierogi stuffed with pork and pine nuts 1

green springtime pierogi with spinach, kasza and cheese 1

pierogi ruskie 1

pink summer pierogi with strawberry filling and vanilla cream 1

pike with herby kasza 1

pine cones, crunchy 1

placek: outlaw’s placek with goulash 1

placki: potato placki with creamy chanterelles 1

plums: autumnal potato knedle with a juicy plum filling 1

plum racuchy 1

pobożnik holy semolina layered cake 1

pollock in sweet and aromatic red sauce 1

poppy seed and almond makowiec 1, 2

pork 1, 2

bigos with venison 1

crispy-baked pierogi stuffed with pork and pine nuts 1

pork klopsiki on courgette islands 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

porridge, semolina and honey 1

potatoes 1, 2

autumnal potato knedle 1

gingerbread salmon salad 1

Lithuanian-style beef and lamb pyzy 1

‘little hooves’ with crispy onion and bacon bits 1

Mazurian potato marjoram pie 1

potato placki with creamy chanterelles 1

prunes: bigos with venison 1

bohemian caraway roasted rabbit 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

venison steak with prune sauce 1

ptysie balls 1

puffed rice: crunchy pine cones 1

pumpkin: sweet pumpkin breakfast soup 1

pyzy 1

Lithuanian-style beef and lamb pyzy 1

quails with buckwheat honey and cumin 1

quail’s egg, Genghis Khan’s beef tatare with 1

rabbit, bohemian caraway roasted 1

racuchy, plum 1

raisins: cinnamon-apple bake 1

fluffy white twist with raisins 1

juicy apple and cinnamon szarlotka 1

poppy seed and almond makowiec 1, 2

raspberries, semolina and honey porridge with 1

rhubarb: creamy strawberry and rhubarb soup 1, 2

rice: Christmas sweet almond soup 1, 2

cinnamon-apple bake 1

lamb and rice stuffed ‘little pigeons’ 1

soothing turkey and tomato soup with rice 1

ricotta: cumin babkas 1

‘lazy’ dumplings 1

rogaliki with lilac jam 1

rose jam 1

doughnuts with an old-style rose filling 1–2

rosemary and thyme aperitif 1

rye: dark caraway rye in horseradish leaves 1

rye bread with crunchy gzik 1

sourdough rye 1

soured rye żurek 1

sage butter 1

Saint Petersburg-style herrings 1

salads: a celebratory Slavic salad with crabmeat 1

cucumber and dill salad 1

gingerbread salmon salad 1

horseradish-beetroot ćewikla 1

Magdalena’s botwinka salad 1

two crunchy surówka slaws for fish 1, 2

zingy gherkin, tomato and lemon balm salad 1

salmon salad, gingerbread 1

salted caramel mazurek 1

sauerkraut 1, 2

bigos with venison 1

sauerkraut slaw 1

wild mushroom and sauerkraut ‘little ears’ 1

sausages: bigos with venison 1

soured rye żurek 1

semolina: pobożnik holy semolina layered cake 1

semolina and honey porridge 1

sesame seeds: crunchy pine cones 1

easy sesame spelt buns 1

Slavic remedy 1

slaws, surówka 1, 2

the snowflake 1

soft cheese: tangy two-citrus cheesecake 1

sorrel: baked trout with sorrel sauce 1

foragers’ soup 1

soups 1, 2–3

butter beans in a marjoram and tomato broth 1

Christmas sweet almond soup 1, 2

cinnamon-tomato broth 1

clear vegetarian borsht 1

clear wild mushroom soup 1

cool ‘Lithuanian’ chłodnik for hot days 1

creamy strawberry and rhubarb soup 1, 2

foragers’ soup 1

rich ‘Ukranian’ borsht 1

soothing turkey and tomato soup 1

sweet pumpkin breakfast soup 1

wild cherry summer soup 1

wintery krupnik 1

sourdough: sourdough rye 1

sourdough starter 1

spelt sourdough 1

sparkling wine: the snowflake 1

spelt: easy sesame spelt buns 1

spelt sourdough 1

spinach: creamy spinach puree with fried egg 1

green springtime pierogi 1

sprats, beer-battered crispy 1

stocks 1

strawberries: creamy strawberry and rhubarb soup 1, 2

pink summer pierogi with strawberry filling 1

surówka slaws for fish 1, 2

szarlotka, juicy apple and cinnamon 1

tatras winter warmer 1

thyme: rosemary and thyme aperitif 1

tomato juice: bloody Bison 1

tomatoes: cinnamon-tomato broth 1

marjoram and tomato broth 1

pollock in sweet and aromatic red sauce 1

soothing turkey and tomato soup with rice 1

zingy gherkin, tomato and lemon balm salad 1

torte, boozy chocolate and walnut 1

trout: baked trout with sorrel sauce 1

tuna cured in Bison Grass vodka 1

turkey: breaded turkey escalope with cucumber and dill salad 1

soothing turkey and tomato soup 1

twaróg 1

Jewish-style pascha dessert 1

nales´niki with sweet cinnamon cheese 1

pierogi ruskie 1

rye bread with crunchy gzik 1

‘Ukranian’ borsht 1

Uncle Kazik’s three-meat pâté 1

uszka 1, 2

vanilla: cardamom and vanilla karpatka cream cake 1

vegetables 1, 2, 3, 4–5

vegetable stock 1

wintery krupnik 1

see also carrots; potatoes, etc

venison: bigos with venison 1

venison steak with prune sauce 1

vodka 1, 2, 3, 4

apple pie cocktail 1

bilberry caprioska 1

bloody Bison 1

Krupnik sour 1

rosemary and thyme aperitif 1

Slavic remedy 1

the snowflake 1

spiced chocolate martini 1

tuna cured in Bison Grass vodka 1

walnuts: boozy chocolate and walnut torte 1

crispy duck with apple and walnut sauce 1

Warsaw-style cauliflower with Brussels sprouts 1

wild cherries: baked mackerel with wild cherries 1

wild cherry summer soup 1

wintery krupnik 1

zacierki dumplings 1

zahaa̧ski 1, 2, 3–4, 5

zasmażka 1

zrazy, beef and gherkin old country 1

żurek, soured rye 1