1. What did objects do in the Roman world? Beyond representation
Astrid Van Oyen and Martin Pitts
2. Writing power. The material culture of literacy as representation and practice
Hella Eckardt
3. Soldiers in life and death. Material culture, the military, and mortality
Rob Collins
4. Gallo-Belgic wares. Objects in motion in the early Roman northwest
Martin Pitts
5. Discussion. Reflections on the representational use of artefact evidence
Martin Millett
6. Standard time. Typologies in Roman antiquity
Alicia Jiménez
7. Different similarities or similar differences? Thoughts on koine, oligopoly and regionalism
Jeroen Poblome, Senem Özden Gerçeker and Maarten Loopmans
Elizabeth A. Murphy
9. Discussion. Material standards
Robin Osborne
10. Finding the material in ‘material culture’. Form and matter in Roman concrete
Astrid Van Oyen
11. Design, function and everyday social practice. Artefacts and Roman social history
Ellen Swift
Eva Mol
13. Discussion. Object-scapes. Towards a material constitution of Romanness?
Miguel John Versluys
Andrew Gardner
15. Roman things and Roman people. A cultural ecology of the Roman world
Greg Woolf