(Note: The figures refer to the numbered sections of the text, but where p. followed by a number occurs it refers to the introductory and sub-introductory pages.)
Abernethy, John, p. 221
Acacia detinens, 13
Adam, Thomas, Private Thoughts on Religion, 303 and note
Aders, Mrs., 235
Aeolian Harp, 149 and note. See also: 317
Aeschylus, 287
Aesculapius, 69
African and Africans, 81, 286, 294
Age, The: A Poem in Eight Books, Anon., 311
Ainsworth, Robert, 191
Akenside, Mark, 120
Alfred, King, 268
Algiers, 276
Allen, Grant, see: White, G., Selbourne, 189 (note)
Allston, Washington, p. 211, 180 and note, 183
Alps and Alpine, 301, 156, 210
America, 37, 72, 190, 268, 286
American, see also: North American and South American
Wilderness, 110
fidgettiness, 265
states, 267
republic, 286
painter, 180 (note)
Americans, the, 253, 265, 266, 267, 268
Ampère, A. M., 202 (note)
Amphion, lute of, 242
Anahid, 318
Andes, 301
Anne, Queen, 258
Annual Review, 161 (note)
Antonine and Antoninas, 67, 144, 244
Antinomianism, 294
Apollo, 123
Apelles, 180
Argens, Marquis d’, see: Boyer, Jean de.
Aristoteleans, 29
Aristotelian, propositions, p. 13
Armour (R. W.) and Howes (R. F.), Coleridge the Talker, p. 263
Arthur, King, 127
Athanasius, 95
Athenaeum, The, 65 and note
Atlantic, 268
Attila, 120 and note
Auerbach’s cellar, 152
Austria, 210
Baader, F. X. von, 86
Bacon, Francis, 24, 81, 82, 93, 100, 172
Baillie, Miss, 222
Banks, Sir Joseph, 215 (note)
Barabbas, 30
Barbauld, Mrs., 290 (note)
Barclay, John, Argenis, 256 and note
Batave, Lake, 115
Bayle, Pierre, Dictionaire historique et critique, 123 (note)
Beaumont, F. and Fletcher, J., Pilgrim, Beggar’s Bush, 161
Beaumont, Sir George, p. 211
Beck, C. D., 113
Beddoes, Dr. Thomas, p. 12, 45 and note
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 123 and note, 176, 177, 178
Behmen, Jacob, p. 16, 40, 320, 321 (note)
Bell, Andrew, p. 73, 65 and note
Berkeley, George, (Bp.), 105, 165
Berzylius, J. J., 30
Betham, Mathilda, p. 211
Beverley, Robert, The History and Present State of Virginia, 190 and note
Birch, Walter, Sermon on the Prevalence of Infidelity and Euthusiasm, 75 and note
Black, Joseph, 198
Blackwood’s Magazine, 151 and note
Blumenbach, J. F., 41, p. 221, 189, 272
Böhme, Jacob, see: Behmen, Jacob
Bombyx Muscorum, 188
Bonaparte, 175, 210, 251, 252, 277
Bonduca, 317
Bowder Stone, 186
Bowles, Caroline, 95 (note)
Boyer, Jean Baptiste de, Marquis d’Argens, Kabbalistische Briefe, 44 and note, 124 and note, 196 and note
Boyle, Robert, 190
Brande, W. T., 30
Brissot, J. P., 209
British, Gems, 166
sailors, 211
and Foreign, 274
Parliament, 282
Cabinet, 286
Britons, 65
Brocken, the, 152
Brougham, H. P., 215 and note, 267 (note)
Browne, Sir Thomas, 30
Brücker, J., 52 fn.
Bruno, G., p. 16
Buonaparte, see: Bonaparte
Burchell, W. J., Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa, 13 and note
Burdett, Sir Francis, 223 (note)
Burke, Edmund, 146, 147, 205, 206, 207
Burns, Robert, 24 and note, 120, 149, 273
Buxtorf, Johann, 304
Cadiz, 211
Caesalpinus, André, 191
Caesars, the three first, 210
Calabozo, 30 (note)
Calabria, 211
Calderon, F. G., 273
Callcot, J. M., p. 211
Calvin, John, 101
Cambridge, days, p. 377
mathematicians, 113
Caracalla, 244
Carissimi, G., 177
Cartesian, controversy, 113
Cavendish, Henry, 198
Celtic, serum, 52 fn.; Tribes, 156
Cervantes, S. M. de, Don Quixote, 137, 152, 169, 273
Chambers, Sir E. K., p. 21
Charles VI, Emperor, 272
Chatham, Lord, 207
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 52, 120, 142
Canterbury Tales, 125
Christ’s Hospital, 5
Cimarosa, Domenico, 123
Civita Vecchia, 30 (note)
Clarke, E. D., 30
Clarkson, Thomas, 222 and note; History of the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 286 and note
Clementina, in the History of Sir Charles Grandison, see: Richardson, Samuel
Clown, in Measure for Measure, see: Shakespeare
Cobbett, William, 26
Cobbett-Burke, 146
Coleridge, Rev. Edward, 233 (note)
Coleridge, E. H., see: Coleridge, S. T., Letters
Coleridge, G. H. B., Wordsworth and Coleridge, Studies in honor of George McLean Harper, ed. E. L. Griggs, 186 (note)
Coleridge, Hartley, 79 (note), 156, 186
Lives of Northern Worthies, 136 and note; Life of Congreve, 161 and note
Coleridge, Henry Nelson, 233 (note); see also: Coleridge, S. T., Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit
Coleridge, John Taylor, (Sir), 233 (note)
Coleridge, S. T., cf. Dr. Johnson, 149 (see also: 317); cf. Southey, 183
cf. Wordsworth, 157
Works (References to, apart from the selected passages); Aids to Reflection, p. 22, 172
Ancient Mariner, p. 17, 30 (note), 167 (note), 301 (note), Biographia Literaria, p. 22, p. 27, p. 147, 150 (note), 156, 169, 234
Christabel, 142
Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, p. 22, p. 377
Dejection: An Ode, p. 17, 187 (note); Destiny of Nations, p. 17
Eolian Harp, 187 (note); Essays on His Own Times, p. 22
First and Second Lay Sermons, 169
Friend, p. 12, p. 22, 168, 169, 172
Juvenile Poems, 6
Kubla Khan, p. 17
Lectures, p. 18, p. 19 (footnote), 169
Letters, ed. E. H. Coleridge, p. 22, 5 (note)
Letters to the Courier, 169
Letters to Mr. Justice Fletcher in the Courier, 284 (note); Literary Remains, 118 (note); Logic and Learning, see Snyder, A. D.; Lyrical Ballads, p. 13, 115 (note);
Miscellaneous Criticism, p. 22, p. 27, 1 (note), 65 (note), p. 147, p. 211
On Poesy or Art, p. 211
On the Constitution of Church and State, p. 301, p. 377
On the Principles of Genial Criticism, p. 211
Poetical Works, 6
and note, 15 (note), 34 (note); Prometheus of Aeschylus, p. 28
‘Satyrane Letters’, see: Friend, p. 221
Shakespearean Criticism, p. 22, p. 147, p. 211
Statesman’s Manual, p. 22, 169, p. 115, p. 377
Table Talk, p. 22
Theory of Life, p. 221
Three Graves, p. 17
Unpublished Letters, p. 22, 5 (note), 10 (note), 215 (note)
Watchman, 45 (note), 68 (note), p. 301, 229 (note), 246 (note)
Coleridge, Mrs. (Sara), 37, 186
Collins, William, 120
Odes, 122
Columbus, Christopher, 202
Colville, Lady, see: Melvill, Elizabeth
Cominius, J. Paulus, 191
Condillac, E. B. de, 100
Congreve, William, Hartley Coleridge’s Life of, 161
Constance, see: Shakespeare, King John
Cooper, Mr. Ashley, 282
Copernicus, 30
Cottle, Joseph, 4
Coulomb, C. A. de, 202 (note)
Courier, The, p. 12, 64 (note), 77 (note), 210 (note), 238 (note), 251, 253 (note), 284 (note)
Cowley, Abraham, 120, De Plantis, Davideid Hexameters, 123, 142
Cowper, William, 120
Crabbe, George, 151
Crashaw, Richard, ‘Hope’, ‘Lines on St. Theresa’, 142
Critical Review, 155 and note
Crompton, Dr. Peter, p. 221
Cromwell, Oliver, 250
Cromwellate, 89
Crusades, the, 278
Cupid, 117
Currie, Dr. James, p. 221
Curtis, Rev. T., 44 (note)
Cuvier, Baron G. L. C. F. D., 41
Dante, Alighieri, 52, 121, 169
Darwin, Erasmus, 45 (note); Phytologia, 191
Davy, Sir Humphry, pp. 11–12, p. 15, 18 (note), 30 and note, 45 (note), p. 221, 191, 192, 219
Deborah, 317
DeFoe, Daniel, 146
Deliciae Poetarum Germanorum, see: Gruter, Jan
Demerara, 115
Democritus, pp. 18–19
Denham, Sir John, 123
Denmark, 274
Descartes, 52, 108, 198. See also: Cartesian
Desdemona, see: Shakespeare, Othello
Devonshire, childhood, p. 221
Dodd, Dr., 186
Don Quixote, see: Cervantes.
Donne, John, 1 and note, 120 and note
Drugger, Abel, 220 and note
Dunning, Mr., 216
Durham, Bishop of, 11
Edinburgh Magazine, 166
Edinburgh Review, 286 (note)
Edwards, Bryan, History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies, 34 and note
Egmont, Earl of, 303 (note)
Egypt, Princess of, 117, 189, 210
Coleridge’s Observations on, 257 (note)
Egyptian, see: Nëith
Eichhorn, J. G., 272, 298 and note, 304
Ekkehart, I., Waltharius, 120 (note)
Elizabeth, Queen, 30, 81, 274, 280, 320
Ellis, John, 191
Elton, Oliver, p. 16
Emilia, see: Shakespeare, Othello
Empedocles, 157
England, Barbarism in, 140
cleanliness in, 262
and commerce, 261
Corn supply in, 263
history of, 250
marines of, 210
Jacobinism in, 276
rise of middle class in, 278
national characteristics, 273
view of Americans in, 266
England and America, 268
England and Ireland, 208, 269, 284 (note)
England, Church of, 269
England, King of, 272
English, the, 264, 265, 271, 273
English, Ballads, 120
classics, 81
Girls’ Boarding Schools, 227
jury, 130
localities, 254
minister abroad, 275
nobility, 264
public, 97
romances, 120
style, 139
translators, 81
treatises on the Passions, 52
Unitarians, 304
and Ireland, 269
Englishman, 211, 268, 273, 276
Eolian Harp, see: Aeolian
Epictetus, 296
Epicurus, 294
Esculapius, see: Aesculapius
Essequibo, 115
Euclid, 135
Europe, 52, 68, 100, 101, 121, 210, 261, 264, 272, 273, 277, 278, 286
European, adventurers, 286
tongues, 84
Powers, 215 (note)
Evangelicalism, 107
Falstaff, Sir John, see: Shakespeare, Henry IV, Pt. I
Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, 136
Faraday, Michael, 195 and note, 202 (note)
Fénelon, F. de S., 320
Fichte, J. G., 86, 94 and note
Ficinus, M., Platonica Theologica, 100 (note)
Fielding, Henry, 4
Tom Jones, 143
Fitzgerald, M. M., see: Southey, R., Life of Wesley
Fletcher, Mr. Justice, 284 (note)
France, court of, 286
revolution in, see also: French Revolution in, 210, English in, 271
magnetic patients in, 41
Marat and, 101
national characteristics, 273
political economy in, 282
populace, not a people, 286
state of advancement of, 274
tyranny in, 276
Franklin, Sir John, 301 (note)
Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, 30
Frederick ‘the unique’, 286
French, aggressions, 277
constitution, 108
Executive, 276
government, 276
mathematicians, 178
and philosopher, 52
Republic, 277
resources, 277
Revolution, 207
sentences, 82
taste, 123
writers, 81
French, the, 6, 233, 252, 273, 274, 276, 277, 286
Fuller, Thomas, 233
Garve, C., p. 211
George II, 272
George III, 203
George IV, 203
George Town, 115
German and Germans, 41, 273, 229, 233, 286
character, 94
continence, 229
eclecticism, 107
epic, 120 (note); language, 83, 84, 152 (Goethe’s); learned, 189, see: Grellmann; literature, 272 (note), 120 (note); mathematicians, 178
metrical romance, 120
pathologists, 53
patriots, 243
philosophers, 70
philosophy, 170
Germany, 41, 152, 273, 274, 282, 120 (note), 272 (note); heroes of, 145
poverty of, 229
women of, 229
universities of, 113
Gestalt psychology, p. 15
Gibbon, Edward, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 144, 222, 229
Gilbert, Davies, 30 and note
Gilbert, William, 198, De Magnete, 202 (note)
Gillman, James (Jr.), 169 (note)
Gillman, Dr. J., 240 (note)
Gillman, Mrs. Anne, 235
Girondists, 209
Godwin, William, 217, 223 and note
Goethe, J. W. von, 123
Faust, Wilhelm Meister, 152, 194 and note;
Sorrows of Werther, 246
Goldsmith, Oliver, 206
Görlitz, 320
Gothic, blood, 52 fn.
Gower, John, 125
Grabe, J. E., his edition of the Apocrypha, 304
Gray, Thomas, 65
The Bard, 122
Great Britain, 123, 145, 190, 207, 210, 264, 267, 268, 274, 282, 286
Athene, 318
compounds, 121
drama, 119
emperors, 140
lyrics, 123
name, 189
poets and dramatists, 123
system, 91
taste, 65
tragedians, 52
tragedy, 152
words, 189
Greeks, 107
Green, J. H., p. 19, 27 (note), 49 and note, 86, 87 (note), 94 (note), 113 (note), p. 221, 195 (note), 274. See also: Coleridge, S. T., Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit
Greever, Garland, A Wiltshire Parson and his Friends, 155 (note)
Grellmann, H. M. G., 189 and note
Grew, Nehemiah, Cosmologia Sacra, 87, 200 and note
Griesbach, J. J., 304
Griggs, E. L., see: Coleridge, S. T., Unpublished Letters, and Coleridge, G. H. B., Wordsworth and Coleridge
Grigson, Geoffrey, The Harp of Aeolus, 149 (note), 187 (note)
Gruter, Jan, Delitiae … Poetarum, etc., 123 and note
Gymnotus Electricus, 30 and note
Haakedoorn, see: Acadia detinens
Hacket, Bishop, A Century of Sermons, 141 and note
Hall, Basil, 265 and note
Hall, Joseph, 120
Hamlet, see: Shakespeare, Hamlet
Hanseatic, League, 272
Towns, 282
Harper, George McLean, see: Coleridge, G. H. B., Wordsworth and Coleridge
Harriott, Thomas, 198
Harris, John, the historian, 171
Hartley, D., Observations on Man, 116 (note), 165, 198
Harut, 318
Hatchett, Charles, 191
Hatherley, Lord, Memoirs, 120 (note)
Haydn, Joseph, 123
Hayward, Abraham, Faust, 152
Hazlitt, Mrs., see: Sarah Stoddart, 165
Hazlitt, William, 120 (note), 174, p. 211
Hearne, Samuel, A Journey from Prince of Wales’s Fort in Hudson’s Bay, to the Northern Ocean, 34 and note
Hebrew, scriptures, 127
Hedwig, J., 191
Heinroth, J. C. A., Lehrbuch der Anthropologie, 86 and note, 107 and note
Helmont, J. B. von, 40
Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I, 136
Henry VIII, 203
Heylyn, Peter, 164
Heyne, C. G., 272
Heywood, Thomas, 161 and note
Highgate, 27(note), 120(note), p. 221
Hindostan, 189
Hoadly, Benjamin, The Thoughts of an Honest Tory, 256 (note)
Hogg, James, 273
Hone, William, 172
Hooker, Richard, 82, 222, p. 377, 240 (note)
Hookthorn, see: Acacia detinens
Horatio, see: Shakespeare, Hamlet
Hostess, see: Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, 135
Hottentots, 13
Howes, R. F., see: Armour and Howes
Hufeland, C. W., 41
Humboldt, Alexander von, Versuche über die electrischen Fische, 30(note)
Hume, David, 273
Hunt, Leigh, The Gentleman Saint, 79 (note)
Hutchinson, Sara, 16, 37 and note, 47, 48 and note, 186 and note
Hutchinson, Tom, 186
Hutton, James, An Investigation of the Principles of Knowledge, 165 and note
Huysum, Jan von, 179
Iago, see: Shakespeare, Othello
Iceland, 189
India, 65
Indian and Indians, 110
copper, 34
fig, 112
Irish, agitators, 208
Channel, 186
hovel, 279
Protestantism, 284 (note); relations to England, 284 (note)
Irving, Edward, 225 and note, 226
Isaacs, J., ‘Coleridge’s Critical Terminology’, p. 97
Israel, 317
conclave, 130
language, 84
politics, 270
verses, 121
Italians, learned, 121
Italy, Heroes of, 145
Italy, 41, 145, 243, 180 (note), 202 (note)
Jack a’Lanthorn, 167
Jack and the Bean Stalk, 172
Jackson, J., 124
Jacobi, F. H., Ueber die Lehre des Spinoza, 66 (note), 272, 318 (note), 322
Jacobins and Jacobites, 210
Jamaica, 283
James I, 262
Janus, 156
Jeffrey, Francis, 222
Jenner, Edward, 45 (note)
Jeremiah, 30
Jerico, Walls of, 195
Jewish Church, 117
converts, 225
Jews, 225
Job, 321
John Bullism, 265
Johnson, B., see: Jonson, Ben
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 120, 123, 145, 146, 147, 149 and note, 222, 258, 273
Rambler, 148
Johnson, Mr. Samuel, The Works of the Late Reverend Mr. Samuel Johnson, 145 and note, 146
Jonas, Book of, 118
Jortin, John, 30
Judaeus, Philo, 40
Judas, 128
Judith, Book of, 118
Julius Caesar, 210
Jung, C. G., p. 15
Junius, Letters of, p. 115
Jurieu, P., Council of Trent, 297 (note)
Jussien, A. L. de [or Bernard de?], 191
Justinian, 144
Kant, E., 86, 94, 107, 165, p. 211, 309 (note)
Allegemaine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels, Beobachtungen über des Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen, Traume eines Geisterschers, Vermischte Schriften, 113 and note; Kritik der reinen Vernunft, 85, 113, 292
Metaphysic of Morals, 264 (note)
Kastner, A. G., 272
Kean, Edmund, 218
Kenney, A. H., Principles and Practices of Pretended Reformers in Church and State, 101 and note
Kepler, Johann, 198
Kirkton, Rev. James, The Secret and True History of the Church of Scotland, 140 (note)
Klopstock, F. G., Messiah, 127
Kluge, C. A., Darstellung des Animalischen Magnetismus, 31 (note), 32 and note, 41
Knight, T. A., 191
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, A. F. de, 53
Laertes, see: Shakespeare, Hamlet
La Forge, L. de, Principles of Philosophy, 198
Lamb, Charles, p. 22, 1 (note), 161 (note)
Lancaster, Joseph, p. 73
Lardner, Nathaniel, 30
Latin, 65
comedy, 121
grammar, 172
hexameter romance, 120 and note; language, 83, 113, 120 (note); monkish, 189
Latinists, 41
Latitudinarian, 304
Laud, W. (Bp.), 299
Lavington, Bishop, 104
Lavoisier, A. L., 198
Law, William, see: Behmen, Works, 321 (note)
Lazarus, 303
Leibnitz, G. W. von, 52 (footnote), 162, 286
Leibnitzian Controversy, 113
Leighton, Alexander, (Archbp.), p. 377
also Leightons, 299
Leonatus, see: Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing
Leontes, see: Shakespeare, Winter’s Tale
Leslie, C. R., p. 211
L’Estrange, R., The Travels of Monsieur Theverot in the Levant, 71 (note), 262 and note
Letz (or Less?), Professor, 272
Lewis, M. G., The Monk, 155 and note
Lichtenburg, G. C., 272
Linnaeus, C., 191
Lippincott’s Magazine, 44 (note)
Lisle, Mr., 189
Liverpool, Lord, 214
London, 45 (note), 56, 123 (note), 286
Louis XIV, 52 (footnote)
Louis XVIII, 210
Lowes, J. L., The Road to Xanadu, p. 17, 34 (note), 187 (note), 310 (note)
Lucina, 306
Lueben, 197
Lusatia, Upper, 320
Luther, Martin, 35, 101, 115, 118 and note, 145, 226, 297, 305 (note)
Lyonnet, Pierre, F. C. Lesser’s Théologie des Insectes, 190 and note
Maas, D. J. G. E., Versuch über die Einbildungskraft, 66 (note), 318 (note)
Mackintosh, Sir James, 81, 219
Macpherson, James, Ossian, 120 and note
Madras System, see: Bell, A.
Malta, 15 (note), 16, 165 (note)
Malthus, T. R., 224
Manchester, 282
Manchester Philosophical Transactions, 187
Mandingo priests, 286
Marat, J. P., 101
Marcellus, 124
Marlowe, Christopher, Faust, 152
Marryat, Captain Frederich, Peter Simple, 151
Martin, C., 195 (note)
Matthews, Charles, 129 and note
Maxwell, James Clerk, 202 (note)
Mediterranean Sea, 211
experiences, 257 (note)
Meiners, C., 272
Melvill, Elizabeth (Lady Colville), Ane Godlie Dreame, 140 (note)
Melvills, 299
Menander, 140
Mendelssohn, M., Morgenstunden, 293 (note); Jerusalem, 241 and note; see also: Jacobi, F. H.
Mephistopheles, see: Goethe, Faust
Mesmer, F. A., 30 and note
Messina, 100 (note)
Methodism, 68
Methodist and Methodists, 68, 163, 311
Meyer, Leo, 41
Mexico, 286
Michaelis, J. D., 272
Midas, 123
Mill, John Stuart, p. 20, p. 377
Milton, John, 82, 120, 121, 169, 175, 177, 186, 246, 268
Comus, 185
Lycidas, 123
Paradise Lost, 123, 127, 131, 132, 191 (note); Paradise Regained, 128
‘Sonnet 22’, 24 and note
Minnesänger, the, 120
Mirbel, C. F. B. de, 191
leaders, 162
More, Henry, 39 (note); Anthroposophia Theomagica, 227 and note
Morez, 317
Morning Chronicle, 216
Morning Post, 207 (note), 210 (note), 252 (note), 276 (note), 277 (note), 278 (note)
Mosaic law, 294
Moses, 294
Mosheim, J. L. von, 272
Mount Pisgah, 181
Mount Soufrière, 115
Muirhead, J. H., Coleridge as Philosopher, p. 115
Musselmen, 68
Naiad, 297
Naldi, 176
Nëith, 318
Nelson, Horatio, 211
New Times, 165 (note)
Newton, Sir Isaac, 30, 65, 113, 196, 198, 219
Optics, 194 and note
Nicholas, Emperor, 67
Nidecker, H., Revue de Littérature Comparée, 113 (note), 160 (note), 192 (note), 193 (note)
Nile, 210
Nominalism, 99
Northcote, James, p. 211
Nurse, see: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Oby, 34
Occam, William of, 99 and note
O’Connell, Daniel, 269
Oersted, H. C., Ansicht der chemischen Naturgesetze, 192 and note, 193 (note), 202 (note)
Oken, L. von, Theorie des Lichts, 194 and note
Olevano, 180 (note)
Orpheus, harp of, 242
Ossian, see: Macpherson, J.
Othello, see: Shakespeare, Othello
Oxford, University of, 89
clergyman of, 298
Pacific, 268
Pagans, 68
Palestrina, G. P. da, 177
Palm, J. P., 210
Pantagruel, see: Rabelais, F.
Panurge, see: Rabelais, F.
Papimania, see: Rabelais, F.
Pappenheissen, Catherine, 233
Pascal, B., 110
Pattison, Frances, 233 and note
Paulus, H. E. G., 304
Peel, Sir Robert, p. 12, p. 19, 282 and note
Penn, John, 39 (note)
Penn, William, 286
Pennsylvania, 286
Percy, Thomas, 123
Peregrinus, Peter, 202 (note)
Persia, 189
Persian, poets, 117
wisdom, 318
Peru, 286
Pestalozzi, J. H., p. 73
Pharisaic and Pharisaical, Faction, 128
Hypocrisy, 300
Pharisee and Pharisees, 128, 317
Phillips, Thomas, p. 211
Pichegru, Charles, 210
Pilgrims Progress, see: Bunyan, J.
Pisa, 15
Pisgah, see: Mount Pisgah.
Pitt, William, 205, 207, 208, 222 and note, 277
Planck, G. J., 272
Plato, p. 18, 60, 79 (note), 102, 108, 172, 175, 286
Menon, 135
Platonism, 100
Pneumatic Institution, p. 11, 45 (note)
Polo, Marco, 202 (note)
Polonius, see: Shakespeare, Hamlet
Poole, Thomas, p. 11, 113, 303 (note)
Pope, Alexander, I (note), 120, 127, 150 and note
Porphyry, 40
Porson, Richard, 123
Porta, Johannes Baptiste, 40
Portugal, 262
Post-Kantians, 70
Prati, Dr. de, 41
Presbyterians, 108
Priestley, J., 198
Prior, Matthew, 123
Protogenes, 180
Prussia, 210
Prussian, government, 286
Psalms, 115
Psyche, 117
Pütter, Professor, 272
Pyramus, see: Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Pythagoras, p. 14
Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and Art, 195 (note)
Quarterly Review, 274
Quebec, 197
Quickley, Mistress, see: Shakespeare, Henry II, Pt. I.
Rabbinical comments, 117
Rabelais, F., Pantagruel, 138
Raphael, S., 131
Ray, John, 191
Raymond of Sabunde, see: Sabunde, Raymond of
Raysor, T. M., p. 211; see Coleridge, S. T., Miscellaneous Criticism and Shakespearean Criticism
Read, Herbert, Coleridge as Critic, p. 147
Realism, 99
Reid, Thomas, 273
Reinhold, K. L., 113
Revue de Littérature Comparée, 113 (note)
Richards, I. A., Coleridge on Imagination, p. 97
The History of Sir Charles Grandison, 246
Richelieu, Cardinal, 286
Robertson, William, 273
Robespierre, M. M. I., 209
Rochefoucauld, System, 53; see: La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Due F. A. F. de
Roman and Romans, 107, 124, 128
Empire, 144
clients, 261
church, 304
Romantic, Poetry, 119
and Italian School, 123
Rome, 30 (note); diction of, 123; 144; 180 (note)
Rossini, G. A., 176
Rousseau, J.-J., 61
Royal Institution, 195 (note)
Royal Society, 215 (note)
Russian and Russians, music of, 178
Sabunde, Raymond of, Theologia naturalis sive liber creatuarum, 99 (note)
Sachs, Hans, 94
Sadducean, 317
St. Angelo, 270
St. Augustine, 172
St. Domingo, 215
St. Francis of Sales, 79 and note
St. John, 91, 95, 128, 295, 296
St. Paul, 46, 91, 95, 101, 103, 117, 300
Sales, Francesco, see: St. Francis of Sales
Salmon, Mrs., 179
Sancho, see: Cervantes, S. M. de, Don Quixote
Sanders, C. R., Coleridge and the Broad Church Movement, p. 377
Sappho, 117
Saxon, language, 83
word, 186
Scandinavian Bard, 186
Scapula, Johannes, 191
Scheele, K. W., 198
Scheldt, the, 207
Schelling, F. W. J. von, 86, 94 (note); 194
Philosophie und Religion, 98 and note, 312 and note
Schiller, J. C. F. von, The Robbers, Wallenstein, Bride of Messina, 152, p. 211, 210
Schlegel, K. W. F. von, 123, p. 211
Schleiermacher, F. E. D., 107
Schmidt, J. A., 113
Schneider, Elisabeth, p. 17
Schoolmen, the, 79 (note), 304
Schubert, G. H., Allgemeine Naturgeschichte, 195 (note)
Schulz, [G. E.?], 113
Scotch, 52
Pebbles, 166
cataracts, 186
lousiness of, 262
Scotchman, 273
Scott, Michael, Tom Cringle’s Log, 151 and note, 152 and note
Scott, Sir Walter, 65, 123, 129, 273
Guy Mannering, 153
Scottish, Highlanders, 156
Church History, 299 and note
Sermons or Homilies, 288 (note)
Seneca, 296
Septuagint, 304
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, first Baron, 258
Shakespeare, William, p. 13, 1 (note), 6, 35, 60, 83, 113, p. 147, 120, 125, 132, 142, 152, 161 and note, 169, 175, 191, 268
Cymbeline, 134
Lear, Henry IV, Pt. I., Romeo and Juliet, Measure for Measure, 135
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 87, 191
Sharpe, C. K., see: Kirkton, Rev. James, 140 (note)
Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 286
Simonides, 157
Simpson, Percy, Shakespearian Punctuation, 81 (note)
Smith, Sir James, 191
Smith, Robert, 219
Snyder, A. D., Coleridge on Logic and Learning, p. 73, p. 97, p. 115
Socinus, Faustus, 290
Socinus, Laelius, 290
Socrates and Socratic, 70, 135, 144
Solger, K. W. F., Erwin, 70
Philosophische Gespräche, 94 and note
Solifidianism, 294
Solomon, Seal of, 170
Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 143
Soufrière, see: Mount Soufrière
South American expedition, 30 (note)
Southey, Robert, 37, 114, 123, 151, 162, 163, 183, 189 (note), 222, 256 (note), 319
The Doctor, 95 and note, 233 and note;
Life of Wesley, 41 and note, 162 and note, 163 (note), 172 and note, p. 377, 319 and note, 327 (note)
Spain and Spaniards, 210, 211, 264
Spanish, language, 84
prizes, 211
Spenser, Edmund, 120, 169, 175
Comedies of, 180
“Sphinx, Athanasius”, [pseud.], 87
Spinoza, 52 (footnote), 105, 106, 156
Spinozism, 107
Spinozistic, deity, 132
scheme, 290
Spurzheim, Kaspar, 27 and note
Caricaturen des Heiligsten, 160 (note), 243 and note
Sterne, L., 307
Stewart, Dugald, 273
Stewart, see: Stuart, Daniel
Stillingfleet, E., Origines Sacrae, 295 and note, 296 and note
Stoddart, Sarah, 165 and note
Stoddart, Sir John, 165 and note
Stowey, Upper, 12
Stuart, Daniel, p. 12, 187 (note), 251, 308 (note)
Stuarts, the, 249
Suetonius, 210
Surinam, eel, 30 (note); swamp, 282
Suwarrow, Alexander, 278
Sweden, 274
Swift, Jonathan, 104, 138, 161, 224
Swiss, Alps, 156
Tapster, Pompey, see: Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
Taylor, Jeremy, 81, 82, 120, 222, p. 377
Taylor, Thomas, Proclus, p. 15
Tennemann, W. G., 52 fn.
Tetens, J. N., Philosophische Versuche über die menschliche Natur, p. 15, 2 and note, 16 (note), 244 and note
Theocritus, 117
Theseus, see: Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Thevenot, Jean de, 262
Thibet, Delai Lama of, 276
Thisbe, see: Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Thou, J. A. de, History of his own Times, Relation of Thuanus, 256 (note)
Thoughts of an Honest Tory of 1710, see: Hoadly, Benjamin
Thuanus, see: Thou, J. A. de, Relation of Thuanus
Thucydides, 126
Tieck, Ludwig, 41, 94 (note), 123
Tieftrunk, J. H., 113
Titian, 178
Tobin, [James?], 223
Tom Cringle’s Log, see: Scott, Michael
Tooke, Home, Diversions of Parley, 216; 217
Tophano, 71
Tournefort, J. P. de, 191
Toussaint, L., 210
Trojan, 144
Treviranus, G. R., 41
Tri-Unitarians, 290; see also: Unitarianism
Turks, 262
Turkish method, 234
Tweed, River, 273
Tyrolese, Alps, 156
people, 210
Tyson, Thomas, 186
Unitarianism and Unitarians, 290 and note
United States of America, 265 (note), 268
Unser, D., 190
Verulam, Lord, see: Bacon, Francis
Vico, G. B., 145
Villaret, de Joyeuse, L. T., 286
Virgil, 120 (note); Aeneid, 124
Eclogues, 65
Voss, J. H., Poems, 186
W., Mrs., 302 and note
Wade, Mr., 3
Walker, John, 191
Walker, Edmund, 123
Watson, Mrs. Lucy (Gillman), Coleridge at Highgate, p. 263
Watson, Seth B., p. 221; see also: Coleridge, S. T., Theory of Life
Warburton, William, The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated, I and note, 104
Warsaw, 277
Warton, Thomas, 123
Watts, Isaac, 156
Webster, John, The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, p. 14, 39 and note
Metallographia, 39 (note)
Wedgwood, Tom, p. 221
Wedgwoods, the, 45 (note)
Weishaupt, Adam, Apologie des Misvergnügens und Uebels, 50 (note), 61 (note)
Wellek, R., Kant in England, p. 115
Wellington, Duke of, 212; see also: ‘A Wellington’, 94
Welsh, poets, 120
mountaineers, 156
Werther, see: Goethe, J. W. von, Sorrows of Werther
Wesley, John, 41, 162, 163, 172
Wesleyan Methodists, 163
West Indies and West Indian, p. 12, 34, 211, 286
Westmoreland, 156
Whalley, George, p. 17 fn.
Whately, Richard, 79 and note
Wheatley, Mr., see: Whately, Richard
Wheatstone, Sir Charles, 195 (note)
White, Gilbert, Selborne, 189 and note
White, R. S., The Political Thought of S. T. Coleridge, p. 301
Wickcliffe, John, 145
Wieland, C. M., 123
Wilberforce, William, 115
Wilkinson, Thomas, p. 211
Willey, Basil, ‘Coleridge on Imagination and Fancy’, p. 147
Williams, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 151
Winkelmann, Dr. Elisabeth, Coleridge und die Kantische Philosophie, p. 115
Wolff, C. F. von, Psychologie Rationalis, 35 and note, 107
Wollaston, W. H., 191
Woolstonecraft, Mary, 229
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 16
Wordsworth, Gordon, p. 221
Wordsworth, John, 16
Wordsworth, Mary [Mrs.], 16, 37 (note), 186; 302 (note)
Wordsworth, William, p. 13, 16, 79 (note), 120 (note), 152, 156, 157, 183, 186, 221, 222, 296 note
Wordsworths, the, p. 221
Wren, Sir C., 178
Xenophon, 140; Anabasis, Hellenics, Cyropaedia, 256
Yankees, 265
Young, Edward, 65
Zeno, 286
Zinzendorf, N. L., Count von, 319