Chapter 3. Boundaries

This chapter focuses on assertions. Assertions mark boundaries, but they don’t consume characters—that is, characters will not be returned in a result. They are also known as zero-width assertions. A zero-width assertion doesn’t match a character, per se, but rather a location in a string. Some of these, such as ^ and $, are also called anchors.

The boundaries I'll talk about in this chapter are:

To start, I’ll use RegExr again, but this time, for variety, I’ll use the Safari browser (however, you can use any browser you like). I’ll also use the same text I used last time: the first 12 lines of rime.txt. Open the Safari browser with and copy the first 12 lines of rime.txt from the code archive into the lower box.

As you have seen a number of times already, to match the beginning of a line or string, use the caret or circumflex (U+005E):


Depending on the context, a ^ will match the beginning of a line or string, sometimes a whole document. The context depends on your application and what options you are using with that application.

To match the end of a line or string, as you know, use the dollar sign:


In RegExr, make sure that multiline is checked. global is checked by default when you open RegExr, but you can leave it checked or unchecked for this example. When multiline is not checked, the entire target is considered one string.

In the upper text box, enter this regular expression:


This will match the entire line beginning with the word How. Notice that the period or dot at the end is preceded by a backslash. This escapes the dot so that it is interpreted as a literal. If it was not escaped, what would it match? Any character. If you want to match a literal dot, you have to either escape it or put it in a character class (see Chapter 5).

If you uncheck multiline, then what happens? The highlighting is turned off. With it unchecked and dotall checked, enter:


and you’ll see that it matches all the text.

The dotall option means that the dot will match newlines in addition to all other characters. Uncheck dotall, and the expression matches nothing. However, the following:


will match the first line. Click dotall again, and all text is matched again. The \?$ is not required to match to the end of the text.

You have already seen \b used several times. It marks a word boundary. Try:


and it will match both occurrences of THE in the first line (with global checked). Like, ^ or $, \b is a zero-width assertion. It may appear to match things like a space or the beginning of a line, but in actuality, what it matches is a zero-width nothing. Did you notice that the spaces around the second THE are not highlighted? That is because they are not part of the match. Not the easiest thing to grasp, but you’ll get it by seeing what it does and does not do.

You can also match non-word boundaries. A non-word boundary matches locations that are not equivalent to a word boundary, like a letter or a number within a word or string. To match a non-word boundary, give this a spin:


and watch what it matches (see Figure 3-2). You’ll see that it matches a lowercase e when it is surrounded by other letters or non-word characters. Being a zero-width assertion, it does not match the surrounding characters, but it recognizes when the literal e is surrounded by non-word boundaries.

In some applications, another way for specifying a word boundary is with:


for the beginning of a word, and with:


for the end of the word. This is an older syntax, not available in most recent regex applications. It is useful in some instances because, unlike \b, which matches any word boundary, this syntax allows you to match either the beginning or ending of a word.

If you have vi or vim on your system, you can try this out with that editor. Just follow these steps. They’re easy even if you have never used vim before. In a command or shell window, change directories to where the poem is located and then open it with:

vim rime.txt

Then enter the following search command:


and press Enter or Return. The forward slash (/) is the way you begin a search in vim. Watch the cursor and you’ll see that this search will find the ends of words. Press n to repeat the search. Next enter:


followed by Enter or Return. This time the search will find the beginning of words. To exit vim, just type ZZ.

This syntax also works with grep. Since the early 1970s, grep like sed has been a Unix mainstay. (In the 1980s, I had a coworker who had a vanity license plate that said GREP.) Try this command from a shell prompt:

grep -Eoc '\<(THE|The|the)\>' rime.txt

The -E option indicates that you want to use extended regular expressions (EREs) rather than the basic regular expressions (BREs) which are used by grep by default. The -o option means you want to show in the result only that part of the line that matches the pattern, and the -c option means only return a count of the result. The pattern in single quotes will match either THE, The, or the as whole words. That’s what the \< and \> help you find.

This command will return:


which is the count of the words found.

On the other hand, if you don’t include the \< and \>, you get a different result. Do it this way:

grep -Eoc '(THE|The|the)' rime.txt

and you will get a different number:


Why? Because the pattern will match only whole words, plus any sequence of characters that contain the word. So that is one reason why the \< and \> can come in handy.

Similar to the ^ anchor is the following, a shorthand that matches the start of a subject:


This is not available with all regex implementations, but you can get it with Perl and PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), for example. To match the end of a subject, you can use \A’s companion.


Also, in some contexts:


pcregrep is a version of grep for the PCRE library. (See Technical Notes to find out where to get it.) Once installed, to try this syntax with pcregrep, you could do something like this:

pcregrep -c '\A\s*(THE|The|the)' rime.txt

which will return a count (-c) of 108 occurrences of the word the (in three cases) which occur near the beginning of a line, preceded by whitespace (zero or more). Next enter this command:

pcregrep -n '(MARINERE|Marinere)(.)?\Z' rime.txt

This matches either MARINERE or Marinere at the end of a line (subject) and is followed by any optional character, which in this case is either a punctuation mark or the letter S. (The parentheses around the dot are not essential.)

You’ll see this output:

10:     It is an ancyent Marinere,
38:       The bright-eyed Marinere.
63:       The bright-eyed Marinere.
105:     "God save thee, ancyent Marinere!
282:     "I fear thee, ancyent Marinere!
702:     He loves to talk with Marineres

The -n option with pcregrep gives you the line numbers at the beginning of each line of output. The command line options of pcregrep are very similar to those of grep. To see them, do:

pcre --help

You can use these sequences to quote a set of characters as literals:




To show you how this works, enter the following metacharacters in the lower box of RegExr:


These 15 metacharacters are treated as special characters in regular expressions, used for encoding a pattern. (The hyphen is treated specially, as signifying a range, inside of the square brackets of a character class. Otherwise, it’s not special.)

If you try to match those characters in the upper text box of RegExr, nothing will happen. Why? Because RegExr thinks (if it can think) that you are entering a regular expression, not literal characters. Now try:


and it will match $ because anything between \Q and \E is interpreted as a literal character (see Figure 3-3). (Remember, you can precede a metacharacer with a \ to make it literal.)

In RegExr, uncheck global and check multiline, click the Replace tab, and then, in the first text box (marked number 1 in Figure 3-4), enter:


This will match and capture the first line of text. Then in the next box (marked number 2), enter this or something similar:

<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="en">\n<head><title>Rime</title></head>\n<body>\n

As you enter the replacement text, you’ll notice that the subject text (shown in the box marked number 3) is changed in the results text box (marked number 4), to include the markup you’ve added (see Figure 3-4).

RegExr does well to demonstrate one way to do this, but it is limited in what it can do. For example, it can’t save any results out to a file. We have to look beyond the browser for that.

On a command line, you could also do something similar to what we just did in RegExr with sed, which you saw in the last chapter. The insert (i) command in sed allows you to insert text above or before a location in a document or a string. By the way, the opposite of i in sed is a, which appends text below or after a location. We’ll use the append command later.

The following command inserts the HTML5 doctype and several other tags, beginning at line 1:

sed '1 i\
<!DOCTYPE html>\
<html lang="en">\

q' rime.txt

The backslashes (\) at the end of the lines allow you to insert newlines into the stream and not execute the command prematurely. The backslashes in front of the quotation marks escape the quotes so that they are seen as literal characters, not part of the command.

When you run this sed command correctly, this is what your output will look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>The Rime of the Ancyent Mariner (1798)</title>

These same sed commands are saved in the file top.sed in the example archive. You can run this on the file using this command:

sed -f top.sed rime.txt

You should get the same output as you saw in the previous command. If you want to save the output to a file, you can redirect the output to a file, like so:

sed -f top.sed rime.txt > temp

In addition to showing the result on the screen, this redirect part of the command (> temp) will save the output to the file temp.

Let’s try to accomplish this same thing with Perl. Without explaining everything that’s going on, just try this:

perl -ne 'print "<!DOCTYPE html>\
<html lang=\"en\">\
" if $. == 1;
s/^/<h1>/;s/$/<\/h1>/m;print;exit;' rime.txt

Compare this with the sed command. How is it similar? How is it different? The sed command is a little simpler, put Perl is a lot more powerful, in my opinion.

Here is how it works:

That was a lot of typing, so I put all that Perl code in a file and called it, also found in the code archive.

#!/usr/bin/perl -n

if ($ == 1) {
print "<!DOCTYPE html>\
<html lang=\"en\">\
<title>The Rime of the Ancyent Mariner (1798)</title>\

Run this with:

perl rime.txt

You get a similar output as in the previous command, though it is formed a little differently. (You can redirect the output with >, as with sed.)

The next chapter covers alternation, groups, and backreferences, among other things. See you over there.