Aldrich, Robert Anderson 108
alkaptonuria 96
Ames, Bruce 68
amino acids 14
apoptosis 116
Asperger, Hans 110
autoimmunity 96
Avery, Oswald, Jr. 20
base excision repair (BER) 54
behavioural genetics 102
Bermuda Principles 30
Blackburn, Elizabeth 46
Botstein, David 132
Boyer, Herbert 146
brain synapses 96
Brenner, Sydney 118
Bunker, Chang & Eng 92
Bütschli, Johann 50
cancer 112
and HPV 97
Carroll, Sean B. 100
Cattanach, Bruce 80
Cech, Thomas 60
cell cycle 48
cell division 50
cell nuclei 36
cell reprogramming 150
central dogma 28
Charpentier, Emmaneulle 152
see also X/Y chromosomes
cloning 148
Cohen, Stanley 146
Collins, Francis 30, 122, 140, 145
computational modelling 136
Coyne, Jerry 18
cystic fibrosis 116
cytokinesis 34
cytoplasm 34
Darwin, Charles 18
developmental genetics 100
discordance 76
damage & repair 70
DNA markers 116
DNA microarrays 116
DNA polymerase 116
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 18
Doudna, Jennifer 152
Dulbecco, Renato 70
Ehrman, Lee 102
enzymes 76
expressed sequence tags (EST) 136, 145
feedback loops 117
Feinberg, Andrew Paul 82
Fire, Andrew Z. 90
Fontana, Felice 36
Gamow, George 24
Garrod, Archibald 106
environment of 78
expression 64
gene dosage 77
gene therapy 138
imprinting 80
see also Hox genes
genetic code 24
genetic diseases 104
genetic fingerprinting 120
genetic maps 124
genetic testing 122
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 146
editing 152
genome-wide association studies (GWAS) 102, 132
genomics, personalized 140
genotoxic chemicals 54
Gilbert, Walter 126
Good, Robert A. 108
Gosling, Raymond 26
Greider, Carol 46
Griffith, Frederick 20
Hartwell, Leland 48
Hausen, Harald Zur 112
heamoglobin 96
Hertwig, Oscar 50
Holliday, Robin 82
Human Genome Project 30, 140, 145
ideograms 38
immunity 97
induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) 136, 150
International SNP Map Working Group, The 124
Jacob, François 129
Jaenisch, Rudolf 146
Jeffreys, Sir Alec 120
jumping genes (transposons) 55, 58, 67
Kanner, Leo 110
karyotypes 38
Kennedy, Eugene 40
Knudson, Alfred George 112
Kornberg, Arthur 130
Kornberg, Roger 64
Kossel, Albrecht 86
Lander, Eric 132
Leduc, Stéphane 142
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van 36
Lehninger, Albert 40
lentiviral vectors 136
Levene, Phoebus 20
Lindahl, Tomas 70
Lwoff, André 129
lymphocytes 97
Lyon, Mary 84
MacLeod, Colin 20
McCarty, Maclyn 20
McKusick, Victor 104
Mello, Craig C. 90
Mering, Jacques 27
messenger RNA (mRNA) 28, 54, 60, 129
Miescher, Johannes Friedrich 20
model organisms 118
Morgan, Thomas Hunt 45, 56, 104, 118, 124
Mullis, Kary 130
Nägeli, Karl von 38
Naldini, Luigi 138
natural selection 55
Neufeld, Peter 120
Nirenberg, Marshall W. 24
non-coding RNA 90
nuclear envelope 36
nuclear matrix 35
nuclei 36
Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane 100
oncogenicity 137
Online Mendelian Index of Man (OMIM) 97
oocytes 137
organelles 35
Osler, Sir William 107
personalized genomics 140
phenylketonuria (PKU) 78
pluripotent cells 137
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 130, 148
polymorphisms 68
pronucleus 77
purines 77
pyrimidines 77
Rabl, Carl 72
recombination frequency 117, 124
reverse genetics 118
non-coding 90
see also messenger RNA
Roberts, Richard 60
Sanger, Frederick 126
Scheck, Barry 120
Sharp, Phillip 60
shelterin 35
silencing 55
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) 97, 117, 124, 132
Sleeping Beauty transposon system 55, 58
Solter, Davor 80
somatic cells 55
species 15
Sturtevant, Alfred 124
synthetic biology 142
Szostak, Jack 46
Temin, Howard 28
Tilghman, Shirley M. 90
transposons (jumping genes) 55, 58, 67
vectors 138
Vries, Hugo de 16
Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich von 38
Wallace, Alfred Russel 18
Weismann, August 98
Wilmut, Ian 148
Woese, Carl Richard 90
Wright, Sewall 68
Yamanaka, Shinya 150
Zhang, Feng 152