TALK Translation

Part One, Scene 1

die Abah-nazip.

The abortion.

Die la-sah Chung-chung? . . . woah-ya.

And her pussy? Her pussy is so disgusting, so slack, so very very completely dried out.

seh tum . . . woah-ya

Yr pussy is all dried out!

teeh tum-ay . . . oromakeum!

You got a respectable good-for-nothing vagina!

falltima . . . woah-ya.

When her period comes she is in hysterics

die Abah-nazip.

The abortion.

Scene 2

Papameh! . . . ma-Ovo!

Pity me! I got my period again!

Meh Kazo-say . . . ee—

My vagina is nice and pleasant and—

Scene 3

die Abah-nazip.

The abortion.

tee-tee . . . Zoo.

They open their legs for anybody and everybody.

Hee la . . . nice-like.

As if their vaginas were their mouths.

Hi-Chungwoah! . . . Baza.

Their vaginas are like common sewers.

Woah-ya dateh.

I totally agree with you.

Scene 5

Le doe-dunk . . . hunter.

You force yrself on yr wife and then you send her to me, Mister Hunter.

Scene 6

Suptah nekkie . . . Noonke!

You and yr slack dried-up prissy pussy! No one would be caught dead inside such a stupid twat! May you never conceive! May yr womb dry up and shrivel! May yr tubes tie themselves in knots! May yr egg sacks be forever empty! May yr breasts shrivel and never ever give milk!

Scene 7

kaltie Bleehc

Chilly twat

Part Two, Scene 14

Weh noonka . . . rum—

I missed my period. I stuck something up there, but—

Weh nim . . . rum—

I took one of them tests. It said “not pregnant,” but—

Weh nam . . . woah.

I dont bother with the tests. Theyre so expensive and my man says, they lie anyway.

Tah humble.

Yr showing.

Tah humble si.

Yr showing too.

Scene 19

Jamah, Hester, jamah?

Hester, whats the matter?




What is it?

noonka . . . mehnavee.

I couldnt speak TALK to save my life.

Le traja . . . . C-Mary

He had a very odd-looking scar.


An odd-looking scar?



Cha Eyeyaya . . . Hester.

The look on yr face says the scar wasnt just any scar, Hester—

Chet-la . . . Zeemeh.

It looked like mine, it did. It did.


Is it done?


Its done.

Hester, weh . . . Dinkydow, eh?

Im going to have to keep my distance from you for a while. To avoid suspicion, you understand?

Eee sah . . . bunda-ley?

What will you do about the man with the odd looking scar?

Weh race. . . . Pabala.

I’ll dash out of here. Maybe I’ll find him. Maybe.