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ROUND TRIP 23.7 km (14 ¾ miles)
TERRAIN Paved roads, unpaved trail; mostly flat
TRAFFIC VOLUME Low, except on Luckakuck Way and around Vedder Crossing
ALLOW 2 ½ to 3 ½ hours
HIGHLIGHTS Rotary Vedder River Trail, Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve, rural Greendale, antique farm machinery exhibition
PICNIC SPOT Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve at 14.8 km or on Rotary Vedder River Trail after 7.8 km
STARTING POINT Chilliwack Visitor Centre, 44150 Luckakuck Way. Ask permission to leave your car if the centre is busy, or use the adjacent gravel parking area.
HOW TO GET THERE BY CAR: Leave Hwy 1 at exit 116 (Lickman Road) and follow signs to the Chilliwack Visitor Centre.
BY TRANSIT: There is no reliable transit option at this time (Chilliwack/Agassiz-Harrison Transit Route 7: Sardis via Higginson services this route, but not all of the buses are equipped with bicycle racks).
WHEN TO GO See the Vedder River in full spate in June, or watch anglers line the banks during the salmon run in the fall.
CONNECTS WITH Sumas River–Barrowtown

AFTER A straightforward run through the outskirts of Sardis, you will arrive at Vedder Crossing, where the water flows under the bridge as the Chilliwack River and out the other side as the Vedder River—a rechristening that took place early in the last century when the water was diverted into a new channel. On the estimable Rotary Trail, you cycle downstream beside an untamed river whose clear pools and whitewater runs are an angler’s paradise. Rotary Trail users can enjoy the magnificent scenery and the wildflowers that adorn the riverbank.

Allow time at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve to look at the natural history displays and talk to the experienced volunteers who operate the centre. After lunching at the picnic tables behind the building, you can lock your bicycle to the rack and take one of the self-guided loop trails described in the brochure available at the centre. The reserve harbours one of the largest heron colonies in the Lower Mainland as well as a host of waterfowl, raptors and songbirds.

A final attraction on this interesting ride could be the exhibition of antique farm machinery, automobiles and steam engines at the Atchelitz Threshermen’s site behind the visitor centre.



0.0   Chilliwack Visitor Centre, Luckakuck Way.

Right (east) on Luckakuck Way.

1.7   Right at the sign to Evans Road.

4.4   Left on South Sumas Road, then immediately right onto Tyson Road.

6.0   Left on Keith Wilson Road.

7.0   Right on Vedder Road.

7.8   Right into the Rotary Vedder River Trail parking lot, just before the bridge.

Follow Rotary/Trans Canada Trail signs. After passing beneath the railway, go right onto the equestrian trail through the woods. Turn right at the gate to the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve. A lagoon is on your left.

14.8   Cross the bridge and head right to the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve and Rotary Interpretive Centre. Toilets, picnic tables, brochures, nature trails (walking only).

14.8   When it’s time to leave, go straight ahead (north) on Sumas Prairie Road.

17.4   Right on South Sumas Road in Greendale.

18.5   Left on Hopedale Road.

20.5   Right on Old Yale Road.

22.8   Cross Lickman Road onto Luckakuck Way.

23.7   Chilliwack Visitor Centre.