The identity of the “elect lady” is unknown. Some believe that she was an individual woman, and that John hid her identity to shield her from persecution. Others think that the term is symbolic, referring to a group of Christians, perhaps the church at Ephesus. If John was indeed writing to a specific woman, she must have been a wise and loving mother (2 John 4–6). He warned her not to welcome those who spread false teaching (vv. 9, 10). His closing remarks also hint that the “elect lady” and John shared a close friendship (vv. 12, 13). Whatever her identity, John’s description of her reveals a person or group whose faith in Christ impacted everyone within reach.
More: Most first-century cultures isolated and discriminated against women, but Christ invited women to follow Him. See “The Women Around Jesus” at John 19:25. Women also had key roles in the early church. See “Women and the Growth of Christianity” at Phil. 4:3.
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After Jesus’ death and resurrection, many false teachers claimed to know Him and His message, but their versions of the story vastly differed from the truth and from each other. The apostles recognized this threat for what it was and could not allow these falsehoods to poison the church. When Paul faced a conflicting version of the gospel at Galatia and at Philippi, he vigorously challenged his opponents’ claims (Gal. 1:6–9; Phil. 3:1–4). John likewise warned against teachers who warp the truth (1 John 2:18–29; 4:1–6; 3 John 9–11).
The recipient of 2 John was hospitable—a Christlike virtue that reflected the practical love John lifted up in his first letter (1 John 3:16–21). But John now wanted to help this woman (or group; see “The Elect Lady” at 2 John 1) to become more discerning and to refuse to lend the reputation of her household to teachers who distorted the truth about Christ (vv. 7, 11).
Not all who call on Christ’s name are authentic followers, so we too must learn discernment if we intend to remain loyal to truth. Knowing what the Bible teaches allows us to detect error. And abiding in Christ’s love shows us how to demonstrate a firm yet kind demeanor when raising concerns about major issues of faith and truth.
More: More: Ambrose, the archbishop of Milan during the fourth century A.D., was a staunch opponent of false teachers within the church, declaring that he would rather die at the foot of the altar than desert it. See here for an article on the life of Ambrose.
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