Insight Index

Aaron’s Excuses (Ex. 32:22–24)

Abhorring the Edomites (Deut. 23:7, 8)

Abner’s Outrage (2 Sam. 3:7)

The Abominations of the Canaanites (Lev. 18:24–30)

Abram’s Journey (Gen. 11:31)

Absalom’s Vow (2 Sam. 15:7, 8)

The Acacia Tree (Ex. 25:10)

Acrostic Psalms (Ps. 112:1)

Administering Justice (1 Chr. 26:29)

Admitting Sin (Josh. 7:20, 21)

The Advocate (1 John 2:1, 2)

Africans in the Bible (Jer. 38:7)

An Age of Prosperity (Is. 2:7)

Ahab’s Apostasy (1 Kin. 16:31–33)

Ahasuerus’s Concubines (Esth. 2:14)

Alexander the Coppersmith (Acts 19:33)

Alexander the Enemy (2 Tim. 4:14, 15)

An Altar at Bethel (Gen. 12:8)

The Altar of Burnt Offering (Ex. 27:1–8)

The Altar of Incense (Ex. 30:1–10)

The Amalekites (1 Sam. 15:2, 3)

The Ammonites (1 Chr. 19:1–9)

Amorite Abominations (1 Kin. 21:26)

Amorites and Canaanites (Josh. 5:1)

Amplifying the Gospel (Acts 9:2–25)

The Anakim (Deut. 9:2)

Ancient Burial Practices (1 Cor. 15:42)

Angels (Rev. 7:1)

Angels and the Exile (Zech. 3:1)

Anna Bears Witness (Luke 2:36–38)

An Anthem for the King (Ps. 72:1)

Anticipating Christ (Ps. 22:1)

The Antioch Model (Acts 13:1–3)

Apocalyptic Literature (Rev. 10:1–10)

Apocalyptic Prophecy (Dan. 7:1)

The Apostles (2 Cor. 11:5)

Apphia and Archippus (Philem. 2)

The Arameans (1 Chr. 19:10)

The Ark of the Covenant (Ex. 25:16)

The Ark’s Journey from Sinai to Jerusalem (1 Chr. 16:1)

As It Is Written (Dan. 9:13)

Ashtoreth the Fertility Goddess (Judg. 10:6)

The Assembly (Num. 10:2, 3)

The Assembly at Shiloh (Josh. 18:1)

The Assyrians (2 Kin. 17:5, 6)

Atonement Money (Ex. 30:12–16)

Attracted to Israel’s God (2 Chr. 6:32, 33)

Baal of Peor (Num. 25:3)

Baal-Berith (Judg. 8:33)

Babylon: A Sinking Empire (Jer. 51:63, 64)

Babylon: A Symbol of Evil (Rev. 14:8)

The Babylonians (2 Chr. 36:6)

Bad Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (Jer. 23:1)

Bad Water (2 Kin. 2:19)

Balaam the Soothsayer (Josh. 13:22)

Bamah (Ezek. 20:28, 29)

Banking in the New Testament (Luke 19:23)

Banking in the Old Testament (Deut. 15:2)

Barrenness (Gen. 18:11, 12)

Barrenness and Blessing (Ps. 107:33, 34, 38)

Baruch Behind the Scenes (Jer. 36:4–8)

The Battle of Carchemish (Jer. 46:2)

A Battle of the Gods (1 Sam. 17:40–54)

Battles in the Bible (Nah. 2:3–12)

The Beginning of the Exile (2 Kin. 24:10–12)

Believers in an Unknown Land (Zeph. 3:10)

Benchmarks for Evil Kings (2 Chr. 33:2)

Bethel’s Infamy (1 Kin. 12:28)

Bethlehem’s Everlasting King (Mic. 5:2)

The Betrayer (1 Sam. 22:11–19)

Betrothal (Luke 1:27)

Better Than Before (Heb. 7:19–22)

Beyond Our Means (Job 41:6)

The Bible’s Origins (2 Pet. 1:21)

The Birth of the Nations (Gen. 10:1)

Birthrights (Gen. 25:31)

Blessings and Benedictions (Num. 6:24–26)

Blind Guides (John 7:21–24)

The Bloody City (Nah. 3:1)

Blowing Away the Chaff (Ps. 83:13)

The Boy King (2 Kin. 22:1)

The Bread of Life (John 6:35)

Breaking Down Walls (Eph. 2:14–18)

Breaking the Yoke of Oppression (Is. 9:4)

Brickmaking (Gen. 11:3)

The Bride-Price (Ex. 22:16, 17)

The Bright Reign of King Hezekiah (2 Kin. 18:1)

Bring It to Him (Ex. 32:31–35)

Bringing Back the Refugees (Ps. 107:2, 3)

The Bronze Laver (Ex. 30:17–21)

Building the Temple (John 2:19, 20)

Burned Meals and Bad Smells (Mark 10:2–12)

The Butler (Gen. 40:2)

Buying and Selling Servants (Ex. 21:2)

Caiaphas (John 11:49)

Caiaphas’s Legacy (Acts 4:5, 6)

Call on the Lord (Ps. 99:6)

The Canaanites (Josh. 3:10)

The Captivities of the Israelites (2 Chr. 36:20)

The Capture and Return of the Ark (1 Sam. 5:11)

The Case Against Jeremiah (Jer. 38:4)

Casting the First Stone (Deut. 17:7)

The Cedar Trade (1 Kin. 7:2)

The Census (Luke 2:1–3)

The Changing Roles of the Levites (1 Chr. 23:25–32)

Chariots (Is. 36:9)

Child Sacrifice (2 Kin. 23:10)

Choosing Your Enemies (2 Kin. 17:4)

The Circumcision (Gal. 2:12)

Circumcision (Gen. 17:9–14)

Cities of Destruction (Hos. 11:8)

Cities of Harlotry (Hos. 4:15)

The Cities of Nimrod (Gen. 10:10–12)

Cities of Refuge (Num. 35:11)

Cities of the Philistines (Amos 1:6–8)

The Cities of the Plain (Gen. 13:12)

The City in Psalms (Ps. 48:1)

City of Baal (Josh. 15:60)

The City of the Dead (Mark 5:1–20)

The City of the Lord (Is. 60:14)

Civil War Between North and South (2 Sam. 2:9–20)

Clay Molds (1 Kin. 7:46)

Clean vs. Unclean (Lev. 11:29)

Cleansing a Leper (Matt. 8:2, 3)

A Coalition of Enemies (Judg. 3:13)

Coming Judgment (1 Sam. 2:27–36)

Complete Destruction (Judg. 1:17)

Concubines (Gen. 30:3–13)

A Conservation Law (Lev. 25:5)

A Constant Threat (1 Chr. 10:1)

Corrupt Commerce Has Catastrophic Consequences (Zeph. 1:10, 11)

Corrupted Children (Is. 1:4)

The Cost of Extravagance (Jer. 22:13, 14)

The Council (Acts 6:12–15)

Couples in Love (Song 2:16)

Courageous Caleb (1 Chr. 4:15)

Creeds and Confessions (2 Chr. 15:14, 15)

Crossing the Red Sea (Ex. 14:22)

Crucifixion (Luke 23:33)

The Cruelty of Conquerors (Lam. 5:11–14)

Crushing the Philistines (Zeph. 2:4–7)

The Curse on the Moabites (Neh. 13:1, 2)

Danger in the Street (1 Sam. 19:11–18)

The Danger of Gnosticism (1 John 5:20)

Dangerous Disobedience (Is. 37:36, 37)

The Dangerous Men of Anathoth (Jer. 11:21)

Daniel the Governor (Dan. 1:21)

Darius I (Ezra 6:1)

A Dark and Lovely Bride (Song 1:5, 6)

David Pleads His Case (1 Sam. 24:8–15)

David the Shepherd (Ps. 23:5)

David: The Rest of the Story (1 Chr. 14:3)

David’s Cabinet (2 Sam. 8:16–18)

David’s Flight from Saul (1 Sam. 19:18)

David’s Mighty Men (1 Chr. 11:10)

David’s Philistine Flight (1 Sam. 21:10—22:1)

David’s Syrian Alliance (1 Chr. 3:2)

David’s Triumphs (1 Chr. 14:17)

A Day for Thirsty Wanderers (Lev. 23:34)

A Day of Fasting and Weeping (Judg. 20:26)

The Day of the Lord in Joel (Joel 1:15)

The Day of the Lord in Zephaniah (Zeph. 1:7)

The Dead Raised to Life (Heb. 11:35)

The Dead Sea (Josh. 15:2)

Deadly Snakes (Jer. 8:17)

Death by Crucifixion (Is. 53:7)

The Death of Samuel (1 Sam. 25:1)

Death Valley (2 Chr. 28:3)

Dedicated from the Womb (Judg. 13:4, 5)

The Deed of Purchase (Jer. 32:7, 14, 15)

Demolished Defenses (Amos 1:5)

Demons (Luke 11:14)

The Descent on the Ascent (1 Kin. 11:5–7)

The Destroyer of Nations (Jer. 4:7)

The Destruction of Heshbon (Is. 15:4)

Deuteronomy as a Treaty (Deut. 1:1)

Disarming Egypt (Ezek. 30:20–26)

The Dispersion of the Jews (Jer. 52:28–30)

Dispossessed Peoples (Neh. 9:8)

Distrust and Disbelief (1 Sam. 29:4, 5)

A Diverse Group (Mark 3:13–19)

The Divided Kingdom (2 Chr. 10:19)

The Divided Kingdom: The North (1 Kin. 12:19)

The Divided Kingdom: The South (1 Kin. 14:30)

Divine Wisdom (Prov. 21:30)

Do Not Despise God’s Discipline (Job 5:17)

Doing Good on the Sabbath (John 5:1–17)

A Done Deal (Josh. 8:30–35)

Donkeys: A Mark of Royalty (Judg. 12:14)

Drawing Deep (Prov. 20:5)

A Dream Fulfilled (Gen. 50:18)

Dry Bones Live (Ezek. 37:3)

The Dull Heart of God’s People (Is. 6:10)

The Eastern Plain (Deut. 3:17)

An Ecological Disaster (Ex. 8:8–15)

The Edomites: Perpetual Enemies of Israel (Gen. 36:9)

The Egyptians (Ex. 11:7)

The Elect Lady (2 John 1)

Elijah in the New Testament (Mal. 4:5, 6)

Embalmment (Gen. 50:1–3)

An Empty Oasis (Job 6:19, 20)

Enchanted Babylon (Is. 47:12, 13)

An Encounter with God (Gen. 32:30)

Enduring Mercy (1 Chr. 16:34)

Ephraim (Hos. 4:17)

Esau and the Edomites (1 Chr. 1:35)

Estranged from Friend and Family (Ps. 88:18)

The Ethiopians (2 Chr. 14:12)

Evidence for the Resurrection (Mark 16:1–8)

Evidence of Reform (Prov. 25:1)

An Example of God’s Kindness (Ps. 117:1)

Ezekiel’s Brick (Ezek. 4:2, 3)

The Failure of the Stars (Is. 13:10)

The Fall of Babylon (Dan. 5:30, 31)

The Fall of Cedar Forests (Zech. 11:1–3)

The Fall of Damascus (Is. 17:1)

The Fall of Egypt (Is. 19:2–4)

The Fall of King Josiah (Jer. 22:10–15)

The Fall of Nineveh (Nah. 2:6–8)

The Fall of Samaria (Is. 8:4)

The Fallen King (Eccl. 2:7)

Families of the Early Church (Acts 16:31–34)

The Families of the Old Testament (Gen. 12:3)

The Family of Abraham (Gen. 15:4–6)

The Family of Adam and Eve (Gen. 5:3)

The Family of David (2 Sam. 3:2–5)

The Family of Jacob (Gen. 35:22–26)

The Family of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Ex. 6:20–25)

The Family of Noah (Gen. 5:32)

The Family of Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 4:13–22)

The Family of Solomon (2 Chr. 9:31)

A Family of Warriors (1 Chr. 2:16)

Family Responsibilities (Num. 27:4)

Family Stories (Job 42:11, 12)

Famous Offspring of Israel (Gen. 49:8–12)

Famous Teachers in Scripture (Prov. 4:11–13)

The Farmer King (2 Chr. 26:10)

The Fate of Jacob’s Sons (Gen. 49:3–27)

The Father of the Semites (1 Chr. 1:17)

Fear God, Not the Giants (Num. 14:9)

The Feast of Dedication (John 10:22)

The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Ex. 13:3–6)

A Fertile People (Deut. 7:13, 14)

Field of Blood (Acts 1:19)

Figs (Jer. 24:2)

Filled with the Spirit (Ex. 31:3)

Finding Women in the Bible’s Family Trees (Num. 1:2)

The First Babylonian Siege (Dan. 1:1)

The First Disciple (Mark 1:16–18)

The First Easter (John 20:1–31)

First-Century Roman Politics (Luke 22:25)

Five Ways to Capture a Walled City (2 Kin. 25:1–4)

Following Edom’s Lead (Num. 21:21–23)

Following the King’s Highway (Judg. 11:29)

A Foolish Ruler (Is. 7:3–6)

Fools (Prov. 26:1–12)

For All Nations (Is. 56:7)

A Forfeited Birthright (1 Chr. 5:1, 2)

Forgotten Cities (Ps. 9:6)

Fortune and Misfortune (Gen. 27:13–17)

Forty Years of Wandering (Num. 14:34, 35)

Four Hundred Renegades (1 Sam. 22:2)

Four Types of Houses (Josh. 2:15)

The Four Winds (Ps. 48:7)

Fowlers (Ps. 124:7)

The Fragrance of Love (Song 1:12–14)

From Barrenness to Blessing (Judg. 13:2)

From Dan to Beersheba (Judg. 20:1)

From Dead Sea to Lively Waters (Ezek. 47:10)

From Holiness to Harlotry (Hos. 10:5–8)

From Madman to Ally (1 Sam. 21:13–15)

From Mourning to Dancing (2 Sam. 6:16)

From One Generation to Another (Ps. 145:4)

From Stopover to Strategic Seaport (Num. 33:35)

From Strangers to Settlers (Ex. 6:2–8)

From the City of Forests to the City of God (2 Sam. 6:2, 3)

Funeral Preparations (John 12:1–8)

A Funeral Service for Tyre (Ezek. 26:16)

A Future for David (2 Sam. 12:24)

The Games (1 Cor. 9:24–27)

The Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:10–14)

Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod (Josh. 11:22)

Genesis and Revelation (Rev. 21:1)

A Gentile Evangelist (Luke 8:38, 39)

Gentiles Called by God’s Name (Amos 9:12)

The Geography of a Romance (Song 4:8)

The Geography of Canaan (Gen. 10:11, 12)

Giants in the Land (Num. 13:33)

Gibeah: A City of Tragedies (Judg. 19:15)

The Gift of a Prophet (2 Sam. 12:7)

A Gift of the Exile (Ezek. 14:1)

Gifts for Our Children (Prov. 2:1–5)

Give Me Wisdom (2 Chr. 1:10)

Giving Glory to God (1 Chr. 14:2)

Giving the Best We Can (Lev. 5:7, 8)

A Glimpse of Saul (1 Chr. 8:33)

Glimpses of Heaven (Ps. 103:19)

God Enters (2 Sam. 5:6–9)

A God for Every City (Jer. 2:28)

God Has Helped (Josh. 24:33)

God Hears (Gen. 20:17, 18)

The God of Psalms (Ps. 86:8)

The God Who Keeps Covenant (Neh. 9:32)

God’s Concern for the Land (Lev. 26:34, 35)

God’s Heart for the Whole World (Rom. 9:1)

A Godless King (2 Kin. 23:34)

Godly Fathers with Troubled Sons (Jer. 37:1, 2)

The Gods of the Canaanites (Deut. 32:39)

Gold from Ophir (Ps. 45:9)

A Good Start (Acts 2:1)

Goshen (Gen. 47:27)

The Gospel Spreads Beyond Palestine (Acts 11:19–26)

Government Employees in the Bible (Dan. 5:11, 12)

Government in Psalms (Ps. 2:10–12)

A Governor Believes (Acts 13:7)

Governor Gedaliah (2 Kin. 25:22)

A Gracious King (2 Sam. 19:22, 23)

The Great Equalizer (Ps. 49:2)

The Great Physician (Mark 1:32–34)

The Grief of Separation (2 Kin. 14:14)

A Grim Method of Execution (Esth. 2:23)

Growing Together in Marriage (Eccl. 4:11)

A Guardian (Num. 11:12)

Hannah’s Vow (1 Sam. 1:10, 11)

The Harassment of the Edomites (1 Sam. 14:47)

Hateful Herodias (Matt. 14:3)

Haves and Have-Nots (Amos 5:11)

He Healed Them All (Luke 4:40)

Heading for Disaster (Judg. 21:25)

Healthy Food, Holy Food (Lev. 11:7)

A Heap of Ruins (Mic. 1:6)

A Heavenly Creation (Job 38:7)

The Hebrew Calendar (Num. 1:18)

The Hebrew Encampment (Num. 2:1–3)

Hebrew Poetry (Job 19:1)

Help for Families (Heb. 12:3–13)

Herod Meets Jesus (Luke 23:8)

Herod the Great (Matt. 2:3)

Herod the Tetrarch (Matt. 14:1)

The Herods (Acts 12:1, 2)

Heshbon, Capital of the Amorites (Deut. 29:7)

Hezekiah’s Waterworks (2 Chr. 32:30)

A High Place for the Lord (1 Sam. 9:19–25)

The High Places (Deut. 12:2)

A History of Money (1 Chr. 29:8)

The Hittites (2 Kin. 7:6)

Holding Our Tongue (Prov. 11:12)

Holy Garments for the Priests (Ex. 28:2–4)

The Holy Hill of Zion (Ps. 2:6)

A Holy Occasion (Lev. 23:4–8)

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (Is. 42:1–9)

Holy War (Deut. 20:16)

A Home on the Range (Josh. 13:25)

Honey from the Rock (Ps. 81:16)

An Honored Promise (Ps. 132:1–5)

Hope for Jerusalem (Zech. 14:10, 11)

The Hope of the Poor (1 Sam. 2:7, 8)

The Horns of the Altar (1 Kin. 1:50, 51)

The House of Joseph (Judg. 1:22, 23)

How Can We Sing in a Far-Off Place? (Ps. 137:4)

Human Kings and the Heavenly King (Ps. 2:7)

A Humble Message for a Proud City (Phil. 1:1)

A Humble Parade (Matt. 21:1–11)

Humility at Last (2 Chr. 33:12)

A Hungry Lion (1 Pet. 5:8)

Hygiene and Holiness (Num. 19:11–16)

Hyssop (Ps. 51:7)

I Have Sinned (2 Sam. 12:13)

An Idol Epidemic (2 Chr. 28:25)

An Idol Queen (Jer. 7:18)

Idolatry from East to West (Is. 2:6–9)

The Importance of Offerings (Num. 7:10)

An Important List (Neh. 7:6)

In the Footsteps of Our Fathers (1 Kin. 12:1)

The Incident with Balaam (Deut. 23:4)

The Inheritance of Heshbon (Josh. 13:10)

Instant Gratification (Eccl. 2:17)

Interracial Marriage (Song 5:10)

Isaiah the Prophet (2 Kin. 19:5–7)

Israel (Rom. 10:1)

Israel Hits Bottom (1 Sam. 4:11)

Israel’s Decimation (Amos 5:3)

Israel’s Holy Days (Ps. 81:3, 4)

Israel’s Shaky Ground (Num. 16:31, 32)

Israel’s Ups and Downs (Judg. 1:1)

Israelite Cousins (1 Chr. 1:29)

Jacob I Loved, Esau I Hated (Mal. 1:2, 3)

Jair the Prosperous Deliverer (Judg. 10:4)

Jazer’s Capable Soldiers (1 Chr. 26:31)

Jehoiachin’s Short Reign (2 Chr. 36:9, 10)

Jehu and Jehonadab (2 Kin. 10:15–17)

Jeremiah’s Call as a Prophet (Jer. 1:2)

Jerusalem at the Time of Nehemiah (Neh. 2:11)

Jerusalem Surrounded (Luke 21:20)

Jesus and the Minor Prophets (Zech. 13:7)

Jesus in the Old Testament (Ps. 24:7–10)

Jesus the Refugee (Matt. 2:13–15)

Jesus the Son of David (Is. 9:7)

Jesus’ Galilean Ministry (Matt. 4:25)

Jesus’ Hometown (John 1:46)

Jesus’ Urban Ministry (Matt. 9:35)

Jewish Feasts (Luke 2:42)

Jewish Homemaking (Mark 1:29–31)

Job Security (Prov. 16:3)

Jonah the Prophet (2 Kin. 14:25)

Joseph the Manager (Gen. 39:4, 5)

Joshua and Paul: Profiles in Leadership (Josh. 23:2)

The Journey Back to Jerusalem (Ezra 2:1)

A Journey of Eleven Days … and Forty Years (Deut. 1:2)

The Journeys of Israel (Num. 33:1)

The Jubilee Factor (Num. 36:4)

Judah’s Prominence (1 Chr. 2:3)

The Judges (Judg. 2:16)

Judging Israel (1 Sam. 7:17)

The Judgment of Kedar (Is. 21:16, 17)

The Judgment of Moab (Jer. 48:13)

Keep Meeting (Heb. 10:25)

Keeping Covenant and Mercy (1 Kin. 8:23)

Keturah (Gen. 25:1)

Killing in Self-Defense (Ex. 22:2, 3)

A King and the Occult (2 Chr. 33:5, 6)

King Herod (Luke 1:5)

King Hezekiah Heeds Isaiah (Is. 14:28–32)

The King’s Highway (Num. 20:17)

A Kingdom of Sorcerers (Dan. 2:2)

A Lack of Restraint (1 Sam. 3:13, 14)

The Lampstand (Ex. 25:31–40)

The Land of Promise (Gen. 13:14, 15)

The Lands of Isaiah (Is. 15:1)

The Laodiceans (Rev. 3:17)

The Law Brings Deliverance (Is. 30:1–5)

A Law for Criminals—and Their Victims (Num. 5:7)

Leadership Changes (Num. 20:22–29)

Learning from Creation (Job 12:7–12)

The Leper King (Is. 6:1)

Leprosy (Lev. 13:12)

The Leprous King (2 Kin. 15:1–5)

Let All the Earth Keep Silence (Hab. 2:20)

Let the Nations Sing (Gen. 22:18)

Letting Go of Grudges (Deut. 2:8)

Leviathan (Job 41:1)

The Levitical Cities (Josh. 21:1–3)

Life With and Without God (Eccl. 1:13, 14)

A Lifestyle of Love (1 Cor. 13:1–13)

A Lifestyle of Submission (Eph. 5:21)

A Light to the Gentiles (Is. 9:2)

Like Chaff in the Wind (Jer. 13:24, 25)

Like Father, Like Son (2 Chr. 11:21–23)

The Line of Righteousness (1 Chr. 1:1)

Lingering Questions (Esth. 9:15–17)

The Lion Hunt (Ezek. 19:1–9)

A Long and Prosperous Life (Deut. 5:16)

A Long Journey (2 Sam. 6:17)

A Long Layover (Ezek. 1:2)

A Long-Overdue Victory (2 Sam. 5:25)

The Lord of Salvation (Deut. 31:7, 8)

The Lord Renews His Covenant with David (1 Kin. 9:1–9)

The Lord Will Scatter You (Deut. 4:27–31)

The Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10)

The Lord’s Inheritance (Ex. 34:9)

Losing at Home (2 Kin. 14:11, 12)

The Loss of God’s Presence (Ps. 78:60, 61)

Love and Hatred (Eccl. 3:8)

Love Is as Strong as Death (Song 8:6)

Love Sets Limits (Prov. 13:24)

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself (Lev. 19:18)

Magic and Sorcery (Rev. 18:23)

Making Reparations (1 Sam. 22:20–23)

A Malevolent Mother (2 Chr. 22:2)

A Man After God’s Own Heart (1 Sam. 16:13)

The Man Who Would Be King (Judg. 9:2)

Manasseh’s Concubine (1 Chr. 7:14)

Mapping Jesus’ Last Days (John 12:23)

Mapping the Life of David (1 Chr. 17:1)

Mapping the Life of Elijah (1 Kin. 18:1)

Mapping the Life of Elisha (2 Kin. 8:4)

Mapping the Life of Jesus (Luke 4:14)

Mapping the Life of John (1 John 1:1)

Mapping the Life of Moses (Ex. 19:3)

Mapping the Life of Paul (Acts 22:3)

Mapping the Life of Peter (1 Pet. 1:1)

Mapping the Life of Samuel (1 Sam. 7:15)

Marketplace Mentors: Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18:24–26)

Marriage Within Family (Gen. 24:3, 4)

Martyrs in Scripture (Jer. 26:11)

Measuring the Exile (Ezek. 4:6)

Meeting God’s Expectations (Matt. 5:43–48)

Melchizedek (Heb. 7:1)

The Men in the Upper Room (Acts 1:13)

The Merchant People (Zeph. 1:11)

The Merchants of Tyre (Is. 23:8)

The Mercy Seat (Ex. 25:17–22)

Micah of Moresheth (Jer. 26:18)

Micah the Prophet (2 Chr. 27:2)

Midian (Gen. 25:2)

The Midianites (Num. 25:17)

A Mighty Fortress (Ps. 46:1)

The Miracles of Jesus (Mark 8:11, 12)

A Misguided Mentality (Amos 6:8)

Mistress of Sorceries (Nah. 3:4)

The Mixed Multitude (Num. 11:4)

Mizpah and Mount Tabor (Hos. 5:1)

Money in the New Testament (Rev. 16:21)

Money Talks (Eccl. 9:16)

Moneylending (Ps. 15:5)

A Month-Long Journey Awaiting the Messiah (Ps. 118:22)

More Cities of Refuge (Deut. 19:8–10)

More Corrupt Than Her Sister (Ezek. 23:11)

More Than a Repeat of Kings (1 Chr. 1:1)

More Tragedy for Nob (Is. 10:32)

Moses Among the Midianites (Ex. 2:15–21)

Moses and Elijah (1 Kin. 19:11)

Moses and the Magicians (Ex. 8:18, 19)

Moses as God (Ex. 7:1)

Mount Moriah (2 Chr. 3:1)

Mount Sinai and the Wilderness of Sinai (Ex. 19:1, 20)

The Mountain of God (1 Kin. 19:8)

Mourning Women (Is. 3:24–26)

The Murderer King (2 Kin. 21:2)

Musicians in the Bible (Ps. 147:1)

My Name Is Bitter (Ruth 1:20)

A Name for the Land (Num. 34:2)

Names for Satan in the New Testament (Rev. 9:11)

The Names of God (Is. 41:14)

The Names of Jesus (Matt. 17:5)

Naomi the Nurse (Ruth 4:16)

The Nations of Pentecost (Acts 2:8–11)

A Nationwide Fast (2 Chr. 20:3, 4)

Nationwide Renown (1 Sam. 3:20)

The Nazirite Vow (Num. 6:2)

The Nethinim (1 Chr. 9:2)

Neutral Zones (Josh. 20:2)

A New Beginning (1 Sam. 11:14, 15)

The New Covenant (1 Cor. 11:25)

A New Creation (2 Cor. 5:17)

New Creatures with New Character (Gal. 5:22, 23)

New Moon Feasts and Folly (Is. 1:13, 14)

A New Pharaoh (Ex. 5:1)

The New Temple (Ezek. 40:6)

New Testament Foods (1 Cor. 10:25, 26)

New Thoughts (Phil. 4:8)

The Nile (Ex. 7:20)

Nimrod’s Legacy (Gen. 10:8–12)

No Gratitude (1 Sam. 23:19, 20)

No Place for Prejudice (Col. 3:11)

No Prophet from Galilee (John 7:52)

No Refuge for Joab (1 Kin. 2:28, 29)

No Rescue and No Escape (Ezek. 17:17)

No Tolerance for Intolerance (Mark 2:23—3:6)

A No-Nonsense Negotiator (Josh. 22:13)

The Noisy, Dirty, Smelly, Holy City (Matt. 4:5)

North and South Winds (Song 4:16)

Not My Problem (2 Kin. 20:19)

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (Ps. 3:5)

Ode to Joy (1 Chr. 15:28)

Old Testament Journeys (Gen. 28:5)

Old Testament Prophets Mentioned by Jesus (Jon. 2:1)

Old Testament Sacrifices (Lev. 3:1)

Omers and Ephahs (Ex. 16:36)

The Onager (Job 39:5)

One from the East (Is. 41:2)

Ophir (1 Kin. 9:28)

The Origin of the Samaritans (2 Kin. 17:24)

Other Gods (Judg. 2:11–13)

Our Global God (Ps. 79:1)

Outrunning the Cushite (2 Sam. 18:23)

Overdue Defeat (1 Chr. 4:39–43)

Pagan Gods in the New Testament (Mark 3:22)

Painful Strategies (Eccl. 7:29)

Palace Intrigue (2 Kin. 15:30)

Parables (Mark 4:2)

The Parables of Ezekiel (Ezek. 15:1–8)

The Parables of Jeremiah (Jer. 18:1–10)

The Parables of Jesus (Luke 8:4)

The Parables of Zechariah (Zech. 5:1–4)

Parables Performed (Ezek. 4:1)

A Parade for the Common People (Mark 11:1–11)

The Parting of the Jordan (Josh. 3:14–17)

Partners with God (Eccl. 3:14)

Passing Prosperity (2 Chr. 9:27)

Passover (Luke 22:7)

Passover Songs (Ps. 113:1)

Paul Sees Potential (Acts 16:1–3)

Paul’s Mother (Rom. 16:13)

Payback (Judg. 7:19–22)

Peace at Any Price (Josh. 9:14, 15)

The Peace Haters (Ps. 120:5–7)

Peace on Every Hand (2 Sam. 22:1)

A Peace Treaty (Josh. 9:15)

The Peoples of the Old Testament (Josh. 24:11)

The Peril of Pride (Prov. 11:14)

A Perilous Journey (1 Kin. 2:39–41)

Permanent Centers of Idolatry (2 Kin. 10:28–31)

The Persecuted Prophets (Jer. 15:15–18)

The Persians (Ezra 1:8)

The Pharaoh (Gen. 41:1)

Pharaoh’s Chariots (Song 1:9)

Pharaoh’s Dilemma (Gen. 41:8)

Philistia (Ex. 15:14)

The Philistine Menace (1 Sam. 17:1)

The Philistine Remnant (Jer. 47:4)

The Philistine Threat (1 Sam. 28:4, 5)

The Philistines (Judg. 13:1)

The Philistines Celebrate (Judg. 16:23)

Phinehas the Brave (Judg. 20:28)

The Phoenicians (2 Chr. 9:21)

Physical Limitations (Lev. 21:16–23)

Pithom, Raamses, and the Land of Goshen (Ex. 1:7, 11)

A Place of Temptation (1 Kin. 3:2)

A Place to Meet God (Lev. 9:5)

Places of Asylum (Deut. 4:41–43)

Plucked from His Dwelling Place (Ps. 52:5)

Plundering the Egyptians (Ex. 12:35, 36)

Political Intrigue (Matt. 12:14)

Political Marriages (2 Sam. 3:13, 14)

Political Parties of Jesus’ Day (Matt. 16:1)

The Pool of Gibeon (Jer. 41:12)

Poor Anathoth (Is. 10:30)

A Poor Choice (2 Chr. 25:21)

A Position of Honor (Deut. 18:3–5)

Possessed by Possessions (Eccl. 2:26)

Praying for a Baby (Gen. 25:21)

The Preacher (Eccl. 1:1)

The Price of a Dog (Deut. 23:18)

The Prince Returns (Ezra 2:2)

The Prisoner King (Eccl. 4:14)

A Promise and a Purpose (Gen. 15:16)

A Promise Fulfilled (Num. 21:24)

A Promise of Permanent Exile (Jer. 22:24–27)

The Promise of the Resurrection (Ps. 16:10)

The Promise of the Spirit (Joel 2:28, 29)

A Promise to Africa (Ps. 68:31)

The Promised Land (Josh. 1:11)

Proof of Faith (James 2:25)

Proof of Ownership (Ezra 2:23)

Prophecies of a Coming Messiah (Ps. 40:6–8)

Prophetesses (2 Kin. 22:14)

The Prophets of Israel (2 Chr. 18:7)

The Prophets of Judah (2 Chr. 12:15)

Prophets Old and New (Luke 4:17–21)

Prostitutes in the Ancient World (Judg. 16:1)

Protecting Confidences (Prov. 17:9)

The Proud Thief (Prov. 6:30, 31)

A Provision of Protection (1 Chr. 12:1)

A Psalm for Marching (Num. 10:35)

A Psalm of Psalms (1 Chr. 16:7)

Psalms for Children (Ps. 131:2)

Psalms for Many Occasions (Ps. 100:1)

Psalms into Hymns (Ps. 103:1)

The Psalms of Asaph (Ps. 73, heading)

Public Humiliation (2 Sam. 12:11, 12)

A Public Transaction (Gen. 23:18)

Public Works Projects in the Bible (Neh. 2:8)

Purified by Fire (Lev. 9:24)

Purity Among the Priests (Lev. 21:7)

The Purpose of Genealogies (Gen. 5:1)

The Purpose of the Covenant (Ps. 105:45)

Put Love into Action (1 John 3:16–21)

Put On the New (Eph. 4:22–24)

Putting an End to Evil (Ps. 11:6)

The Queen of Sheba and International Trade (2 Chr. 9:1)

The Queen of the South (Luke 11:31)

A Quiet Handful (Eccl. 4:6)

A Reckless Concubine (Judg. 19:2)

Reconciled to God (Col. 1:19–23)

The Recorder (1 Kin. 4:3)

The Redeeming Relative (Lev. 25:25)

The Refiner’s Fire (Ps. 12:6)

The Religious Power Broker (Matt. 26:3–5)

The Reluctant Refugee (Jer. 42:1–3)

Remember the Judges (1 Sam. 12:11)

Remembering Balak and Balaam (Mic. 6:5)

A Reminder (Num. 15:37–41)

Removing a Curse (Ex. 23:26)

Respecting Parents (Lev. 20:9)

The Rest of Nineveh’s Story (Jon. 4:11)

A Restful Retreat (Josh. 18:23)

Returning a Favor (1 Sam. 31:11–13)

The Revolt of Ashdod (Is. 20:1–6)

Rich Celebration (Judg. 5:10, 11)

A Rising Leader (Num. 31:6)

Ritual Prostitution (Deut. 23:17, 18)

River of Gladness (Ps. 46:4)

Roman Centurions (Mark 15:39)

The Rose of Sharon (Song 2:1)

The Ruin of the Land (Is. 10:19)

The Rules of War (Deut. 20:12–15)

Ruth Journeys to Israel (Ruth 1:22)

The Sabbath Year (Lev. 25:2–8)

The Sack of Ashkelon (Jer. 47:5–7)

Safekeeping (Ex. 22:7)

The Sanctuary Shekel (Lev. 27:3)

The Sanhedrin (Acts 4:15)

Saul Becomes Paul (Acts 13:9)

Saul’s Military Campaigns (1 Sam. 15:3)

Scarlet and Purple (Prov. 31:21, 22)

Scattered Among the Gentiles (Jer. 9:16)

Scribes (Luke 20:39)

The Season of War (2 Sam. 11:1)

A Second Census (Num. 26:2)

The Secret of Samson’s Strength (Judg. 16:17)

Security Check (Prov. 10:9)

The Seduction of Spirits (Deut. 18:9–14)

Seeing Israel’s Past, Present, and Future (Num. 22:41)

Seeking Guidance Through the Urim and Thummim (Ex. 28:30)

Sela of the Edomites (2 Kin. 14:7)

Selah (Ps. 3:2)

A Self-Proclamation (Is. 61:1, 2)

Self-Support (1 Thess. 2:9)

The Septuagint (Acts 18:24)

The Service of the Levites (1 Chr. 6:48)

Set Apart to the Lord (Ex. 13:11–16)

Set Apart to the Lord (Lev. 27:28)

The Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 3:1)

Shechem and Penuel: Reconstructing a Legacy (1 Kin. 12:25)

The Ships of Tarshish (Is. 23:1)

A Shrewd Politician (Judg. 8:2)

The Shulamite (Song 6:13)

Siege Ramps (Jer. 6:6)

A Sign of God’s Blessing (2 Chr. 26:6)

A Sign of Strength (2 Sam. 14:26)

Signing Off on the Covenant (Deut. 27:11–13)

Sihon of Heshbon (Josh. 9:10)

Simon of Cyrene (Mark 15:21)

Sinful Samaria (Hos. 7:1)

Singlehood, Society, and Female Slaves (Ex. 21:4–11)

The Skill of a Scribe (Ezra 7:6)

Slave Traders (Gen. 37:28)

Slaves (Rom. 6:16)

So Many Marys (Mark 15:40)

Soldiers in Scripture (Jer. 40:5)

Solomon’s Cabinet (1 Kin. 4:1–6)

Solomon’s Census (2 Chr. 2:17, 18)

Solomon’s Empire (2 Chr. 9:26)

Solomon’s Royal Procession (Song 3:6–11)

Solomon’s Temple (2 Chr. 5:1)

A Song of Ascents (Ps. 120, heading)

A Song of Remorse (1 Chr. 21:8)

Songs of Praise and Faith (2 Sam. 22:2)

The Sons of Asaph (1 Chr. 25:2)

The Sons of God (Job 2:1)

The Sons of Joseph (Num. 1:32–35)

The Sovereign Lord (Ps. 108:7–9)

Speaking Up (Esth. 5:1–5)

Special Treatment (2 Kin. 25:27–30)

The Start of a Long Friendship (2 Sam. 5:11)

Starvation: The Great Leveler (Lam. 4:7, 8)

Stay on Guard (Gal. 6:1)

Steadfast Mercy (2 Sam. 7:15)

Stealing Hearts in the Gates of Justice (2 Sam. 15:1–6)

Stephen’s Trial and Murder (Acts 6:12)

The Stiff-Necked King of a Stiff-Necked People (2 Chr. 36:11–14)

The Sting of Rebellion (Deut. 1:44)

Stoning (John 10:31)

Storage Cities (1 Kin. 9:17–19)

Storm Warning (Lam. 2:17)

Storms on the Sea of Galilee (Luke 8:22–25)

A Strategic Partnership (Acts 18:2)

Strengthening the Stronghold (2 Sam. 5:9)

The Structure of Revelation (Rev. 8:1)

Struggling with God (Hos. 12:3, 4)

Submission (James 4:1–7)

The Suffering Christ (Luke 24:27)

The Suffering Servant (Is. 52:13—53:12)

Supporting the Weak (Gal. 2:10)

A Survivor Arrives (2 Sam. 1:1, 2)

Sustaining Life in the Wilderness (Num. 21:11)

Swallowed by Pride (Is. 9:8–10)

The Synagogue (Mark 1:21)

The Tabernacle (Ex. 27:9)

The Table of Showbread (Ex. 25:23–30)

Taking a Stand (Col. 2:16, 17)

Taking Risks (Eccl. 11:4–6)

Taking Risks (Mark 5:22, 23)

A Tale of Two Brothers (Obad. 10)

Taxes (Mark 12:14)

The Teachers of Israel (Deut. 33:10)

Telling Time in the Ancient World (Matt. 14:25)

The Temple Shekel (Ex. 30:13)

The Temple Treasury (2 Chr. 5:1)

A Temporary Resting Place (1 Sam. 7:1, 2)

A Temporary Victory (Judg. 1:18)

The Ten Commandments: A Summary of God’s Law (Ex. 20:1–17)

The Ten Plagues (Ex. 11:4, 5)

Terrified of God (Job 23:15, 16)

The Territory of Israel (1 Sam. 11:3)

Tests and Blessings (Ps. 105:19)

That Woman Jezebel (Rev. 2:20–23)

There Is None Other (Deut. 4:35)

There Is Nothing New Under the Sun (Eccl. 1:3–11)

Third-in-Command (Dan. 5:7)

A Thorn in Judah’s Side (Josh. 15:47)

The Three Campaigns of the Assyrians (2 Kin. 15:29)

The Three Campaigns of the Babylonians (Jer. 52:4–7)

The Three Empires of Isaiah (Is. 45:1)

The Three Kings of Micah (Mic. 1:1)

Three Leaders of Israel (1 Chr. 1:28)

The Three Rulers of Haggai (Hag. 1:1)

Three Worshipers (Ps. 118:2–4)

A Three-Day Journey (Jon. 3:3)

Time Capsules in Tahpanhes (Jer. 43:8–13)

A Time for Every Purpose (Eccl. 3:1–8)

Timely Diplomacy (Acts 25:13–22)

Titus: A True Son in the Faith (Titus 1:4)

Towering Fortresses (Deut. 1:28)

The Trade in Purple (Acts 16:14)

A Tragic Detour on the Way to Canaan (Ps. 106:28–31)

A Tragic Ending (1 Sam. 31:1–3)

Travel in the Ancient World (Acts 13:3, 4)

Traveling the Hill Country (Luke 1:39)

Treasured Tresses (Song 7:5)

The Tribe of Joseph (Deut. 33:13)

Trusted Workers (2 Kin. 12:15)

The Twelve (Matt. 10:2)

The Twelve Districts (1 Kin. 4:7–19)

Twelve Heroes (Judg. 2:18)

Two Branches, One Tree (Zech. 4:11–14)

Two Covenants Compared (Heb. 9:1–28)

The Two Covenants of Sarah and Hagar (Gal. 4:24, 25)

Two Mountains (Deut. 11:26–32)

Tyre: Merchant to the Coastlands (Ezek. 27:3)

Under His Wing (Ruth 3:9)

Unfinished Business (1 Chr. 20:4)

Unfulfilled Expectations (Judg. 1:27–36)

United in Praise (Ps. 100:3, 4)

An Unknown Enemy (1 Kin. 11:14–22)

The Unscrupulous Prophet (Num. 22:6, 7)

Valiant Warrior, Loyal Friend (1 Sam. 13:22)

The Valley of Hinnom (Josh. 18:16)

The Valley of Slaughter (Jer. 7:31, 32)

A Valuable Prize (Num. 21:32)

A Valuable Trading Partner (1 Kin. 9:27)

The Value of Children (Matt. 19:14)

The Value of Teamwork (Eccl. 4:9–12)

The Value of Wisdom (Prov. 8:10, 11)

A Victory Song (2 Chr. 20:20–25)

The Village of Bethany (Luke 10:38)

A Vulnerable Stronghold (Deut. 1:4)

The Wall of Jericho (Josh. 6:20)

Wandering Cities (Amos 4:7, 8)

Warnings Against Witchcraft (1 Sam. 28:7)

Waste or Worship? (Matt. 26:6–13)

The Watchtower (Josh. 13:26)

Water and War (Gen. 14:7)

The Water Tunnel (2 Kin. 20:20)

The Way of Godly Wisdom (Eccl. 12:13, 14)

The Way of Prosperity (Ps. 1:3)

The Way of the Sea (Is. 9:1)

Wealth and Poverty in Psalms (Ps. 34:6)

Wealthy People in the New Testament (Matt. 27:57)

A Web of Technicalities (Ruth 2:1)

Weeping in the Wilderness (2 Sam. 15:14–18, 23)

Wells (1 Sam. 19:22)

When Were 1 and 2 Chronicles Written? (1 Chr. 3:17–24)

Where Is God? (Job 23:8, 9)

Widows (1 Tim. 5:3)

The Wilderness of Paran (Num. 10:12)

Winemaking (John 2:3)

Wisdom (Prov. 1:2)

Wisdom for Men, Wisdom for Women (Prov. 1:8)

The Witches of Jerusalem (Ezek. 13:18, 19)

Women and the Growth of Christianity (Phil. 4:3)

Women and Work in the Ancient World (1 Cor. 7:32–35)

The Women Around Jesus (John 19:25)

Women in Revelation (Rev. 12:1)

Women in the Ancient World (Gen. 29:31–35)

Women in the Early Church (Rom. 16:12)

The Women of Judges: Acclaimed and Abused (Judg. 21:14)

The Women Who Followed Jesus (Luke 8:1–3)

Work in Psalms (Ps. 104:24)

Work in the Real World (Gen. 41:42–46)

The Work of Errors (Jer. 10:11–17)

Works in Progress (Mark 9:1–13)

The World of Abraham (Gen. 12:4)

The World of the Fishermen (Luke 5:1–11)

A World Without Walls (Zech. 2:4)

Worthy Physicians (Job 13:4)

Wounds at Ramah (2 Kin. 8:28, 29)

The Wreck of the Armada (1 Kin. 22:48)

The Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8–17)

The Year of Liberty (Ezek. 46:17)

The Yoke of Babylon (Jer. 27:12)

You Are the Christ (Mark 8:27–33)

The Young Will Grow Old (Eccl. 12:1–8)

Zechariah’s Messianic Prophecies (Zech. 11:16, 17)

Zerubbabel: Nehemiah’s Coleader (Neh. 12:1)