Focus Index

Abraham’s Kindness (Gen. 14:16)

Absolute Truth (Lev. 20:6–8)

Accepting Authority (Ex. 32:7, 8)

Accidental Damage (Ex. 22:5, 6)

Accountability (2 Cor. 2:5–11)

Accountability (2 Kin. 12:6–8)

Acting Without God’s Blessing (Num. 14:39–45)

Actions and Assertions (Ezra 8:21–23)

Adapting Our Approach (Acts 26:1–32)

Advice Without Assurance (Lev. 10:1–3)

The Advocate (Num. 17:10, 11)

Agents of Conscience (Amos 3:10)

All Things for Good (Rom. 8:28)

Andrew the Connector (John 1:35–42)

Angelic Mysteries (Dan. 10:13)

Angels and Demons (Matt. 8:29)

Angry Bird (Is. 31:5)

Animal Rights (Prov. 12:10)

Anonymous Givers (Matt. 6:1–4)

Answering the Intellectuals (Acts 17:15–34)

Apostles of Love (1 John 5:1–3)

The Arm of God (Is. 40:10, 11)

The Art of Growing Old (Ps. 92:14)

The Art of Planning (Ps. 33:10, 11)

An Artist’s Responsibility (Ps. 45:1)

Asking Why (Philem. 15, 16)

At Home with the Faith (Deut. 11:19–21)

Attention and Respect (1 Sam. 25:32–35)

Authentic Witness (1 John 1:1–10)

Bad Business (Is. 59:1–15)

Bad Religion (Is. 58:1–14)

A Barnabas: Model of Mentoring (Acts 9:27)

The Basis of Government (Prov. 8:15, 16)

Be Holy, for I Am Holy (Lev. 11:44, 45)

Before and After (Luke 22:56, 57)

Befriending the Friendless (Job 31:13–23)

The Benefits of Obedience (Ps. 119:2)

The Benefits of Righteous Living (Ps. 37:25)

Better Days and Big Questions (Job 29:1)

The Better Story (Num. 23:11, 12)

A Better Way (Num. 16:12)

Beware of Folly (Job 42:7, 8)

Bible Principles for Managing Money (Mal. 3:10)

Biblical Power (Rev. 11:17)

The Big Picture Bible (2 Tim. 3:16, 17)

The Birth of the City (Gen. 4:18)

Bitter Prayers (Ps. 137:8, 9)

Blaming Parents (Ezek. 18:2)

Blaming Satan (Job 1:6)

Blasphemy (Lev. 24:11)

The Bleeding Woman (Matt. 9:20–22)

The Blessed (Luke 11:27, 28)

The Blessing (Gen. 49:28)

The Blessing of the Sabbath (Deut. 5:12)

Blind Watchmen (Is. 56:9–12)

Blowing the Whistle with Wisdom (Jer. 37:13, 14)

Body and Soul (Lev. 12:6, 7)

The Boiling City (Ezek. 24:3–5)

Boundless Forgiveness (John 21:15–23)

Bowing to God Alone (Dan. 3:7)

Breaking Sinful Habits (1 John 3:6)

Breaking the Cycle of Sin (Gen. 27:41)

Breaking Tradition (Matt. 15:1–3)

Bringing Plans into Action (2 Chr. 2:13, 14)

The Bronze Serpent (Num. 21:8, 9)

Building a Circle of Trust (Prov. 29:12)

Building According to the Blueprints (1 Kin. 6:12)

A Burial Fit for a King (Mark 15:42—16:1)

Burned by Sin (Is. 1:7)

By Many or By Few (1 Sam. 14:6)

Bypassing Samaria (Luke 9:51–56)

Caleb’s Mountain (Josh. 14:12)

Called Alongside (John 14:16–18)

Called by Name (Ex. 31:1–11)

Called Out and Into the World (John 17:18)

Career Change (Gen. 50:24)

Career Paths (Ex. 4:29)

Caring for the Underclass (Luke 7:20–23)

Casting Lots (Josh. 18:8–10)

Celebrate (James 5:13)

Celebrating Abundance (Deut. 14:22–26)

Celebrating Good Work (Ex. 39:42, 43)

Celebration and Sin (Ps. 106:6)

A Challenge to Authority (Matt. 21:23–27)

The Challenge to Commit (Matt. 19:1–15)

Challenging Death (Dan. 12:1, 2)

Challenging Slavery (Philem. 16)

A Change of Plans (Rom. 1:13)

Changed by Salvation (Titus 2:11–14)

Charitable Loans to the Poor (Ex. 22:25–27)

Charity Is Never Wasted (Prov. 19:17)

Choice (2 Chr. 32:27—33:6)

Christ Became Poor (2 Cor. 8:8, 9)

Christ Cares About Communities (Neh. 2:20)

Christ Is Supreme (Heb. 1:5–14)

Christ’s Community (Acts 4:32–35)

The Christian’s Calling (Heb. 3:1)

Christians Against the System (1 Pet. 5:13)

Christians and Money (1 Tim. 6:6–19)

Christians in Conflict (Gal. 2:1–10)

Christians Suing Christians (1 Cor. 6:1–11)

Chronic Complainers (Num. 14:1–4)

The Church at the End of the First Century (Rev. 1:20)

Churches Unlock Communities (Acts 11:22)

A City in Bondage (Luke 10:15)

Civic Responsibility (Deut. 22:23–29)

Civil Disobedience (Ex. 1:15–21)

Clean Up Your Own Mess (Is. 39:8)

Cocooning (Heb. 4:14–16)

A Code of Ethics for Christian Witness (2 Cor. 4:2)

Codes of Conduct for the Christian Worker (Col. 3:22—4:1)

Combatting Resistance (Neh. 4:7)

Come and Hear, Go and Tell (Ps. 66:16–19)

A Command to Work (2 Thess. 3:6–12)

The Commander (Josh. 5:13–15)

Community Begins with Worship (Ezra 3:1–11)

A Community of Wisdom (Prov. 24:6)

A Community Temple (Eph. 2:19–22)

Community Worship (Ps. 122:1)

A Competition of Gods (Dan. 5:23)

Confessions That Bring Healing (1 Sam. 15:24)

Confused Value (Luke 15:1–31)

Connecting Our Work with God’s Work (Ps. 90:16, 17)

Connecting Sunday to Monday (Acts 2:46, 47)

The Consequences of Sin (Deut. 32:48–52)

Contending for the Faith (Jude 3)

Continual Renewal (Acts 4:31)

Contrasts of Faith (3 John 1–11)

Controversy in the Early Church (Acts 15:1–21)

Converting Samaritans and Apostles (Acts 8:4–25)

Corporate Confession (Lam. 1:18)

Corporate Solidarity (1 Sam. 17:8–10)

Cosigning Loans (Prov. 6:1–5)

The Cosmic Christ (Col. 1:15–18)

The Cost of Discipleship (John 15:18–25)

The Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 14:25–33)

The Cost of Tyranny (1 Sam. 14:24–26)

Counterfeit Christianity (2 Tim. 3:8, 9)

Courting Wisdom (Prov. 4:8)

The Covenant-Keeping God (Ps. 89:3, 4)

Creation and Redemption (Rev. 4:11; 5:9, 10)

The Creation Mandate (Gen. 1:28—2:3)

Creation’s Quiet Wisdom (Prov. 30:24–28)

The Creator’s Craftsmanship (Ps. 139:13)

Credible Witnesses (John 7:5)

Crimes of an Evil Nation (Hab. 2:5–19)

Crises of Confidence (Ex. 3:11—4:17)

Criteria for a King (Deut. 17:14–20)

Cultural Assimilation (Esth. 9:26–28)

The Cup of Fury (Jer. 25:15, 16)

The Curse and God’s Care (Gen. 3:14–19)

Cursing God’s People (Is. 37:23)

The Cyrus: Anointed Shepherd (Is. 44:28—45:1)

Cyrus’s Decree (Ezra 1:1)

Danger Ahead (Mark 8:14–21)

Dangerous Relics (2 Kin. 18:4)

The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse (Prov. 23:29–35)

The Dangers of Ignoring God (Num. 15:35, 36)

The Dangers of Preoccupations (2 Thess. 2:1–12)

The Dangers of Success (Is. 5:8–10)

The Dangers of the Tongue (Is. 50:4)

A Daniel: Model of Prayer (Dan. 9:24, 25)

Daniel: Advisor to Kings (Dan. 1:19)

David: Praiseworthy but Not Perfect (2 Sam. 7:18–22)

David’s Dilemmas (1 Chr. 21:7, 8)

David’s Foolish Census (1 Chr. 21:2–8)

David’s Foolish Conquest (1 Chr. 20:1–3)

The Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:1–34)

A Day of Rest (Gen. 2:1–3)

A Day of Worship (Ps. 96:8, 9)

Days of Powder and Dust (Jer. 14:1)

Deadly Desires (Prov. 21:25, 26)

Dealing with Stress (2 Cor. 6:3–10)

The Death of a Son (Gen. 22:2)

Debt-Free Living (Rom. 13:7, 8)

The Decline of Israel (Hos. 7:8–10)

Defending Against Desire (Job 31:1)

Defining Success (John 3:30)

Delegation and Affirmation (Luke 10:1)

The Delusions of Luxury (Rev. 18:1–24)

Despair Turns to Praise (Ps. 22:27)

Different Callings, Same Purpose (Ezek. 2:1–5)

Dionysius and Damaris (Acts 17:34)

Discipleship Is a Process (Luke 9:1–62)

Disciplines of God’s Word (Ps. 119:93)

Discovering God’s Purpose for You (Gen. 45:5–8)

Discovering God’s Will (Judg. 6:36–40)

Diverse Opportunities for a Diverse Church (Acts 15:22–35)

Divided Loyalties (1 Sam. 2:29)

Divine and Human Guidance (Num. 10:29–34)

The Divine Partnership (John 1:1–3)

Divorce and Spirituality (Mal. 2:14–16)

Do-It-Yourself Religion (Deut. 12:8–14)

Don’t Worry (Matt. 6:19–34)

Double Standards (John 8:2–11)

The Dream Lives On (Is. 65:18)

Dross and Watered-Down Wine (Is. 1:22–26)

Drunkenness in the Bible (2 Sam. 13:28)

An Earth Full of Glory (Is. 6:3)

Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4:7)

Effective Care for the Needy (1 Tim. 5:3–16)

Either/Or Faith (1 John 1:5)

Eli, the Failed Leader of Shiloh (1 Sam. 2:12)

A Elijah: Model of Prayer (James 5:17, 18)

Empower, Not Overpower (Deut. 4:5, 6)

An Empty Gesture (Jer. 34:8–11)

Empty Stomachs for an Empty Ritual (Zech. 7:4–10)

Encounters with God (Ex. 33:20)

The End of Authority (1 Cor. 15:24)

The Enemy (Eph. 6:10–13)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

A Ephesus: Church in Action (Rev. 2:1–7)

Equal Sin and Unequal Punishment (Lam. 4:6)

Equality at Last (Rev. 5:9, 10)

Escaping Temptation (1 Cor. 10:12, 13)

Eternal Life (1 John 2:24, 25)

Ethics and Character in Psalms (Ps. 37:27–29)

Ethnic Prejudice Confronted (Acts 6:2–6)

Ethnic Walls Break Down (Acts 10:44, 45)

Euodia and Syntyche (Phil. 4:2)

Evaluating Our Self-Indulgence (Amos 6:3–7)

Even Rulers Are Subjects (Ps. 2:1)

Even Spiritual Giants Fall Short (Gal. 1:11–24)

Everyday Idolatry (Col. 3:5)

Evidence of God (Matt. 11:2–6)

Evil’s Final Reward (Rev. 20:1–5)

Excellence at Work (Prov. 22:29)

Excellence Starts at the Top (Ex. 40:16)

Excellence Works Anywhere (Gen. 39:20–23)

Exercising Authority (Lev. 26:3, 4)

Extending Mercy for Human Frailty (Ps. 103:14)

An Extremist Transformed (Gal. 1:13–17)

An Eye for an Eye (Matt. 5:38–42)

Faith and Miracles (John 4:46–54)

Faith and the Environment (Rev. 9:4)

Faith as Entertainment (Ezek. 33:30–33)

Faith Impacts the World (Mark 16:15, 16)

Faith in Context (Ezek. 22:15)

Faith Is a Risky Business (Num. 32:6–15)

A Faith Like Abraham’s (Rom. 4:1, 16–25)

Faith Meets Culture (Acts 15:6)

The Faith of Our Children (Deut. 6:7–9)

Faith Unfolding (Mark 4:33, 34)

Faithful Friends (1 Sam. 18:1)

Faithful Service (1 Sam. 3:21)

Faithful Witnesses (Ezek. 20:9)

Falling Short (Lev. 10:19)

False Security (Jer. 8:11)

Families of the Gospels (Luke 20:34)

Family and Community (Deut. 22:13–21)

Family Crisis, Leadership Crisis (Num. 12:2, 3)

Family Expectations (Gen. 42:36)

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (2 Thess. 2:13–17)

A Father’s Anguish (2 Sam. 18:33)

Fathers and Sons in Conflict (2 Sam. 14:24)

Fear in the Workplace (Ex. 5:6–9)

The Fear of God (Ex. 1:21)

Feeding the Five Thousand (John 6:1–14)

Feeding the World (Gen. 41:57)

The Fig Tree and the Mountain (Mark 11:12–26)

The Final Charge (1 Kin. 2:1–9)

Finding Contentment (Phil. 4:10–13)

Finding Direction (Is. 6:8, 9)

Finding Joy at Work (Prov. 24:3–6)

Finishing Well (2 Thess. 1:3–12)

First and Foremost (Deut. 26:1, 2)

Fixing Broken Families (Ps. 38:11)

Fleecing the Flock (1 Pet. 5:2)

Fleeing Fear (Ps. 3:1)

Flood and Fire (Is. 43:2)

Flutes and Wailing (Matt. 9:23)

Followers After the Flood (Job 22:21)

Following God and Getting Nothing in Return (Job 1:9–11)

Following God in the City (Deut. 6:10)

Following Through (Gen. 40:23)

Food for the Fasting (Zech. 7:5)

Foolishness to the Perishing (1 Cor. 1:18)

For Such a Time as This (Esth. 4:14)

The Force of God’s Wrath (Is. 9:12)

Forgiveness Follows Repentance (2 Chr. 7:13–15)

Forsaken (Ps. 22:2)

The Four Fools (Prov. 14:24)

Four Glimpses of Philip (Acts 8:5–13)

Free to Be Bold (Acts 23:1)

Freely Received, Freely Given (Lev. 25:35–38)

A Fresh Start (Heb. 8:6, 7)

A Friend in Need (Job 2:13)

The Friend of God (Ex. 33:11)

From Babel to Pentecost: Scattering and Gathering (Gen. 11:8, 9)

From Barrenness to Bounty (Is. 54:1–8)

From Conflict to Cohesion (Ex. 36:4–7)

From Garbage Dump to City Center (Ps. 9:13, 14)

From Honor to Shame (Lam. 1:1)

From Individuals to Community to the World (Ps. 102:20–22)

From Refugee to Royalty (1 Pet. 2:9–12)

The Fruits of Obedience (Acts 9:10–18)

Full Pockets, Empty Hearts (Mic. 2:2)

A Future and a Hope (Jer. 29:11)

The Gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18)

Genealogies: Records of God’s Grace (1 Chr. 1:29)

A Gesture of Grace (Jer. 12:14–17)

Gideon’s Concubine (Judg. 8:31)

The Gift of an Ethnic Heritage (Col. 4:10, 11)

The Gift of Loving Well (1 Cor. 12:28–31)

The Gifts of the Magi (Matt. 2:11)

Give Us Barabbas (Mark 15:6–15)

Giving Birth to Trouble (2 Sam. 3:1–5)

Giving Change a Chance (Ex. 11:1)

Giving God Our Best (Lev. 22:20–23)

Giving to Get (1 Tim. 6:3–6)

Gleaning and the Poor (Lev. 19:9, 10)

Gloating (Lam. 4:21)

A Global Multitude (Rev. 7:9)

A Global Vision (Is. 2:1–5)

The Glory of the Lord (2 Chr. 7:1)

The Go-Between (Ezek. 22:30)

God Above All Gods (1 Chr. 16:23–30)

God and Art (Ex. 20:4–6)

God and Gods (Ps. 82:1, 6)

God and the Environment (Ps. 104:14–23, 35)

God at Work for His People (Dan. 4:27)

God Became Man (John 8:52–59)

God Cannot Lie (Titus 1:2)

God Humbles the Proud (Is. 22:15–23)

God in Relationship (Gen. 1:26)

God Is a Support (Ps. 12:5)

God Is Fair (Job 27:13–23)

God Is in Control (James 4:13–16)

God Is Our Strength (Ps. 33:16–22)

God Limits Evil (Gen. 3:22–24)

God Looks Down from Heaven (Ps. 53:2)

The God of Mercy (Deut. 7:9)

God Rescues the Oppressed (Ex. 3:7)

God Responds to Worship (2 Chr. 5:13, 14)

God Restrains Evil (Rev. 13:1–18)

God Rules All Nations (Ps. 47:7–9)

God Speaks (Num. 1:1)

God the Avenger (Ps. 9:5)

God the Creator (Gen. 1:1–31)

God the Shepherd (Ps. 23:1)

The God Who Gives Wealth and Treasures the Poor (Deut. 8:18)

A God Who Hates? (Ps. 5:5)

God-Fearing Judges (2 Chr. 19:5–11)

God-With-Us (Matt. 1:23)

The God: Original Worker (John 5:17)

God’s Chosen People (Ex. 34:11, 12)

God’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing (Judg. 13:25)

God’s Great Declaration (Is. 45:21, 22)

God’s People in Government (Ezra 7:1)

God’s Plan Moves Forward (Gen. 11:10)

God’s Power Over Death (Hos. 13:14)

God’s Promise, Our Responsibility (Ex. 17:14–16)

God’s Self-Disclosure (Ps. 19:1)

God’s Simple Requirements (2 Kin. 5:13)

God’s Throne Remains Forever (Lam. 5:19)

God’s Trustworthy Word (2 Pet. 1:16)

God’s Word Is Not a Mystery (Deut. 30:11–14)

A Good Friend (Prov. 18:24)

Good Health (Lev. 13:1–59)

Good News for All (Acts 10:34)

A Good or Bad Example (Lev. 10:3)

Good Out of Bad (Ruth 1:4)

A Good Risk (Josh. 19:49, 50)

Good to All (Ps. 145:9)

Good vs. Best (Prov. 27:5)

Goodness in a Global World (Job 2:6)

The Gospel (Luke 7:22)

The Gospel in a Divided World (John 3:21)

The Gospel Is for Everyone (Luke 1:1–4)

Government Office, Spiritual Leadership (Ps. 101:1)

Governmental Authority (Rom. 13:1–7)

Gray Areas (1 Cor. 8:1–13)

Great Among the Nations (Mal. 1:11)

Grieving the Loss of a Child (Matt. 2:16–18)

Group Sin (Lev. 4:13, 14)

Growth Is a Process (James 1:2–5)

Guard Against Greed (Luke 12:15)

Guard Your Passion (Gen. 34:2)

A Habit of Worship (Num. 28:2)

Half-Hearted Devotion (2 Chr. 25:2)

The Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1–40)

Hannah’s Song: Praise for the Real King (1 Sam. 2:1–10)

The Hard Heart (Ex. 9:12)

The Hardhearted and the Brokenhearted (Job 17:1)

Harlots Enter the Kingdom (Matt. 21:31, 32)

He Dwelt Among Us (John 1:1–14)

He Remains Faithful (2 Tim. 2:13)

Head Coverings (1 Cor. 11:2–16)

Headship (1 Cor. 11:3)

Hearing and Helping (Prov. 17:5)

Heart and Soul (1 Chr. 22:19)

The Heart of a Prophet (Jer. 9:1, 2)

Heaven Rules (Dan. 4:26, 27)

Heirs of God (Rom. 8:15–17)

Here and Now (Hag. 2:3–5)

The High Calling of Marriage (Is. 62:1–5)

Hold Lightly and Let Go (Acts 4:37—5:11)

Hold to the Truth (Jude 8–16)

Hold to Your Word (Lev. 24:13, 14)

Holiness Is More Than a Place (Ezek. 45:1–5)

Holy Interruptions (Luke 18:35–43)

Holy Sex (Ex. 19:15)

Home at Last (1 Chr. 16:43)

Honor Your Parents (Mark 7:9–13)

Honoring God with Your Whole Paycheck (Prov. 3:9, 10)

Hope for the Family (Rev. 19:6–10)

Hope for the Heartbroken (Ps. 130:1)

Hospitality and Discernment (2 John 7–11)

How Far Will God Go? (Lam. 2:6–9)

How God Deals with Disobedience (Lev. 26:40–46)

How We Will Be Remembered (2 Sam. 8:13, 14)

The Human Machine (Ex. 23:12)

The Humblest Man on the Face of the Earth (Num. 12:3)

Humility and Healing (Ps. 39:1–3)

A Humility Like David’s (Rom. 4:6)

The Humility: Scandalous Virtue (Phil. 2:3)

Hunted by Sin (Prov. 11:6)

I AM WHO I AM (Ex. 3:2–6)

I Have Not Coveted (Acts 20:33–38)

I Saw, I Wanted, I Took (Josh. 7:21)

Idolatry of the Heart (Ezek. 14:4–8)

Ignoring the Law (1 Kin. 10:28—11:3)

The Illusion of Power (Acts 8:18, 19)

Image-Conscious (2 Cor. 3:7–18)

Inconsistent Obedience (2 Kin. 14:7–10)

Indispensable Role Models (2 Chr. 24:17–20)

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

Institutionalized Injustice (Is. 10:1–4)

Integrity in the Face of Competition (2 Cor. 10:1)

Integrity Incites Jealousy (Dan. 6:1–5)

An International House of Prayer (1 Kin. 8:41–43)

Interreligious Marriage (Ezra 9:2)

An Inventory of Evil (Job 24:2–12)

An Inventory of Integrity (Ps. 15:1)

An Invitation to Life (Is. 55:1–7)

Isaiah the Urban Prophet (Is. 1:21)

Isaiah’s Vision and Our Mission (Is. 66:18–21)

Jealousy and Justice (Num. 5:11–31)

The Jerusalem Above (Gal. 4:25, 26)

Jerusalem: From Desolation to Joy (Jer. 33:10, 11)

Jesus and Ethnicity (Mark 7:24–30)

Jesus and Family (Mark 3:31–35)

Jesus and Taxation (Matt. 17:24–27)

Jesus and the Pharisees (John 8:48)

Jesus and the Physical (John 9:32, 33)

Jesus Confronts the Legalists (Luke 6:1–11)

Jesus the Carpenter (Mark 6:3)

Jesus the Galilean (Mark 1:14)

Jesus the Student (Luke 2:46, 47)

Jesus’ Authority (Matt. 7:29)

Jesus’ Family Line (Luke 3:23–38)

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

Jesus’ Last Words (Luke 24:45–49)

Jews and Samaritans (John 4:9)

Jews, Gentiles, and Jesus (Matt. 15:24)

A Job to Do (Luke 19:11–27)

Job’s Patience and God’s Kindness (Job 1:22)

Jonah and the Plant (Jon. 4:9–11)

Jonah and the Sailors (Jon. 1:5–16)

Joshua’s Praise March (Josh. 6:3)

Josiah’s Military Blunder (2 Chr. 35:22)

Joy on the Way to Jail (Acts 28:14, 15)

Judas’s Betrayal (Matt. 26:14–16)

Judge Not (Matt. 7:1–5)

Judging All Things (1 Cor. 2:15)

Judgment and Redemption for the Nations (Jer. 46:1)

The Judgment Seat (2 Cor. 5:10)

Junia: Female Apostle? (Rom. 16:7)

Just Forgive (Luke 17:5–10)

Just War (Esth. 9:1–5)

Justice in the Gate (Amos 5:14, 15)

Justice to the Gentiles (Is. 42:1)

Juvenile Delinquents (Deut. 21:18–21)

Kadesh: Backdrop to Death and Disaster (Num. 20:1)

Keeping Promises (2 Sam. 9:1–13)

Keeping Sight of the Big Picture (2 Pet. 3:8)

Keeping the Sabbath (Ex. 20:8–11)

The Kind Counselor (Job 32:4, 5)

The King Declares His Kingdom (Matt. 4:17)

King Saul’s Decline and Fall (1 Sam. 31:4)

Kingdom Mentoring (Acts 9:26–30)

A Kingdom Perspective (Mark 13:33)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

The Kingmaker (1 Sam. 8:4–9)

Knowing About God (Heb. 6:1–20)

Knowing God (Jer. 22:15, 16)

Knowing the Unknown (Job 42:1–6)

A Lack of Leadership Leads to Public Crisis (Is. 3:1–15)

Lasting Scars (Job 42:13)

The Law (Rom. 2:12)

Leaders Who Care (Ezek. 34:1, 2)

Leadership Challenges (Ex. 17:2)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah (Neh. 1:1)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Adapt to Adversity (Neh. 4:8, 9)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Build Community (Neh. 2:17, 18)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Celebrate Often (Neh. 8:1)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Conduct Research (Neh. 2:12)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Have a Sense of Mission (Neh. 1:5)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Leverage Their Power (Neh. 2:5)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Resist Underhanded Politics (Neh. 6:5–9)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah: Leaders Serve People (Neh. 7:1)

The Leading of the Lord (Ex. 13:21)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

The Leading Women (Acts 17:4)

Leaning on the Lord (Mic. 7:2–7)

Learning at Home (Prov. 4:3, 4)

Learning to Pray with Moses (Num. 27:15–17)

Led Astray by Lies (Amos 2:4)

The Legacy of Eve (1 Tim. 2:13, 14)

The Legacy of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:29)

Legalism and Lawlessness (Rom. 7:7)

The Leper’s Burden (Luke 5:12–15)

The Lesson of Shiloh (Jer. 7:12–15)

Lessons in Leadership (Heb. 5:1–14)

The Lessons of Obadiah (Obad. 10–21)

Lessons on Authority (Num. 12:13)

Let the Light Shine (Is. 49:6, 7)

Let Us Give Thanks (Ps. 136:1)

The Letter and Spirit of the Law (Luke 14:1–6)

Letting Go of Laziness (Prov. 24:30–34)

Liberating Creation (Rom. 8:21, 22)

Life After Death (Job 14:14)

Life for the Faithful Few (Mic. 5:3)

Life Is Not Fair (Ezek. 18:25)

Life Is Short (Job 16:22)

A Light at the End of the Tunnel (Is. 3:16—4:6)

A Little Sanctuary (Ezek. 11:16)

Living by Faith (Hab. 2:4)

Living Water (John 7:37)

Living with Original Sin (Rom. 7:21)

Living Within Limits (Matt. 16:22, 23)

The Lord Is God (1 Kin. 18:37—19:14)

Lord of the City (Ps. 24:1)

Lord of the Land (Joel 2:18)

Lord of the Sacred and the Secular (Luke 6:1–5)

The Lord’s Day (Rom. 14:5–13)

The Lord’s Employees (Col. 3:22–24)

The Lord’s Maidservant (Luke 1:38)

The Lord’s Voice in Creation (Ps. 29:3)

Losing Everything (Luke 9:25)

Loud and Clear (Zeph. 3:6, 7)

Love Among the Ruins (Is. 52:8, 9)

Love Every Neighbor (Luke 10:27–37)

Love God, Love People (Deut. 5:6–21)

Love Is a Choice (Hos. 3:1–3)

Love Never Fails (Heb. 13:1–6)

Loving Our Enemies (Luke 6:27–31)

A Lowly Sacrifice for the Highest (Luke 2:22–24)

Made in His Image (Gen. 1:27–30)

Making God Known (Ps. 18:43–45)

Making Merry Instead of Mourning (Is. 22:12–14)

Making Preparations (1 Chr. 22:5)

Making Promises to God (Num. 30:2)

Making Restitution (Lev. 6:1–7)

Making the Punishment Fit the Crime (Ex. 22:1–4)

Making Time for God (Ps. 39:5, 6)

A Man Born to War (2 Sam. 10:7)

A Man to Count On (2 Cor. 7:6, 7)

The Man Who Almost Had It All (Mark 10:17–27)

Man-to-Man (1 Sam. 20:41)

Managing Commitments (1 Cor. 6:12)

Managing Expectations (2 Cor. 5:2–5)

Many Nations Under God (Gen. 10:32)

Many People (Gen. 50:20)

The Mark of Love (John 13:31–35)

A Mark of Mercy (Ezek. 9:4)

Marks of Faith (Mark 14:53–64)

Marriage and Divorce (Deut. 24:1–4)

Mary the Reliable Witness (Luke 8:2)

Mary’s Devotion (John 11:2)

Mary’s Song (Luke 1:46–55)

Matters of Conscience (Rom. 14:1–23)

The Meaning of Fear (Deut. 10:12)

The Measure of All Things (Heb. 2:6–8)

Medical Miracles (John 9:1–41)

Merciful and Just (Ex. 34:6, 7)

Merciful Kings (1 Kin. 20:31)

Mercy for All (Luke 6:29)

The Message Spreads to Africa (Acts 8:27–39)

Messengers of Light (Lam. 3:1–33)

Miracles and Creation (Is. 38:1–9)

Miracles Do Not Happen Every Day (Ex. 14:21)

Misplacing the Messiah (Is. 52:7)

Models for Prayer in the Bible (2 Chr. 33:13)

Models of Faith in Hostile Societies (Dan. 2:48, 49)

Modern Gleaning (Lev. 19:10)

Modern-Day Idols (Is. 46:5–10)

Monotheism (Deut. 6:4)

A Month-Long Journey with Jesus (Matt. 1:18—2:23)

Moral Decadence in the Book of Judges (Judg. 19:25)

The Morality of Christ (Matt. 5:17–48)

Moses Matures (Ex. 32:10)

A Mother’s Faith (2 Tim. 1:5)

A Mother’s Influence (Ex. 2:8–10)

The Movement Takes Hold (Acts 1:1)

Murder on the Job (1 John 3:11–13)

Naked Before God (Job 26:6)

The Name of Jesus (Acts 3:1–9)

A Nation Sells Its Soul (Mic. 3:11)

National Prosperity (Deut. 11:13–17)

National Renewal (2 Chr. 7:14)

Native Talent and Supernatural Ability (Dan. 1:17)

The Nature of Sin (Hos. 4:7)

Nebuchadnezzar: Servant of God? (Jer. 27:6)

Nehemiah the Cupbearer (Neh. 1:11)

Nehemiah’s Prayer (Neh. 1:4–11)

Never Forsaken, Never Alone (Lam. 3:22–24)

Never Too Young (Jer. 1:6–8)

New Acquaintances, Old Enemies (Esth. 3:2–6)

A New Census (Ezra 2:64)

The New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1, 2)

New Laws for a New World (Num. 27:1–11)

New Life and New Lifestyles (Acts 2:42–47)

A New Name for a New Way (Acts 11:26)

A New Perspective on Marriage (Eph. 5:21–29)

New Rights (Gal. 4:1–18)

A New Song (Ps. 98:1)

The New Testament Church (Eph. 1:1)

A New View of History (Acts 7:1–53)

New Work for a New World (Is. 65:22)

Newer Is Not Necessarily Better (Ezra 3:12)

Next to Each Other (Neh. 3:1–32)

No Amount of Money (Num. 24:10–13)

No Authority Except from God (Ps. 2:4–6)

No Better Than Gentiles (Mark 10:32–37)

No Excuses Allowed (Lam. 3:39)

No One Seeks the Lord (Ps. 14:2, 3)

No Other Name (Acts 4:12)

No Right Answers (Matt. 26:59–68)

No Work = No Food (2 Thess. 3:10)

A No-Holds-Barred Kind of Love (Luke 7:36–50)

Not Many Mighty (Acts 18:7, 8)

Not One Righteous Person (Jer. 5:1)

Nothing More, Nothing Less (Prov. 30:7–9)

Obedience Leads to Freedom (1 John 2:3–6)

Obeying Begins with Listening (2 Chr. 30:11, 12)

Obeying God Above Men (Acts 5:22–32)

Old Testament Mentors (2 Kin. 2:13)

The Older Brother (Luke 15:25–30)

On the Eve of Destruction (Jer. 7:17)

Once an Enemy, Now a Friend (1 Cor. 16:9–20)

One People (Rom. 11:13–24)

Onward to Rome (Acts 19:21)

An Opportunity to Repent (Zeph. 2:2, 3)

Opposing Evil (Ps. 10:18)

Ordinary People at the Cross (Matt. 27:32)

Our Hebrew Heritage (Heb. 1:1–3)

Our Reason to Obey (Lev. 19:1, 2)

Our Shaky World (Job 3:25)

Our Sister Phoebe (Rom. 16:1)

Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Deut. 5:29)

The Outcome of Infighting (1 Kin. 1:5)

Overcoming a Rough Start (Judg. 11:2, 3)

Overcoming Family History (Ps. 42, heading)

Overcoming Impulses (Num. 20:10–13)

Overcoming Obstacles (1 Chr. 28:20, 21)

Overcoming Sarcasm (Ex. 10:10)

Overwhelmed by Darkness (Rom. 7:13–25)

Owners or Renters (Luke 20:9–19)

Pain That Leads to Prejudice (Num. 20:14–21)

A Painful Inheritance (Luke 3:36–38)

The Painful Path to Peace (1 Pet. 4:12–19)

The Palace Complex (1 Kin. 7:1)

Parted from His Presence (Ezek. 10:18)

A Parting Gift (Mark 14:3–9)

Passing On the Blessing (Ps. 67:1, 2)

Paul’s Rented House (Acts 28:30, 31)

Paul’s Tentmaking (Acts 18:1–3)

Paul’s Urban Strategy (Acts 16:4)

Pay Attention to Worship (Lev. 1:17)

Peace and Prosperity for the City (Ps. 122:6–9)

Peace in Chaos (John 14:25–28)

The Peaceable Kingdom (Is. 11:1–10)

People Are Born to Trouble (Job 5:7)

People at Work (Ps. 8:6)

The Perfect City (Ezek. 48:30–35)

A Perfect Inheritance (Eph. 1:18)

Perfection in Its Place (Is. 26:1–3)

Persistence Pays Off (Matt. 15:21–28)

Persistent Prayer (Luke 11:5–13)

Pharaoh’s Submission (Ex. 12:29)

Pictures of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:1)

A Place for God’s Presence (2 Chr. 6:18)

A Place to Be Forgiven (Lev. 17:8, 9)

A Plague of the Heart (1 Kin. 8:38)

Playing Favorites (James 2:1–9)

Playing with Fire (Num. 31:15, 16)

Pledging Allegiance (1 Sam. 24:5, 6)

Pluralism at Pentecost (Acts 2:5)

Portrait of a Husband (Is. 54:5)

Positive Authority (Ex. 6:13)

The Power of Anger (Gen. 49:6, 7)

The Power of Forgiveness (Matt. 9:4–8)

The Power of God’s Plans (Gen. 37:18–20)

The Power of Humility (Matt. 3:11)

Powerful Creator, Compassionate Savior (Ps. 146:2)

Practical and Spiritual (Luke 10:38–42)

Practical Justice (Ex. 21:28–36)

Practical Principles for Leadership (Ex. 18:13–23)

Pray Against Temptation (Luke 22:39–46)

Pray Like Elijah (1 Kin. 18:42)

Prayer Is More Than a Last Resort (2 Chr. 14:11)

Prayer Partners (Dan. 2:17, 18)

Praying for Family (Job 10:18–22)

Praying for Leaders (1 Tim. 2:1–7)

Praying for Prosperity (3 John 2)

Praying for Success (Gen. 24:12–14)

Praying in the Garden (Matt. 26:36)

Preparing for Doomsday (Mark 13:1–37)

Preparing for Sudden Disaster (Job 1:13–19)

Preserving Our Legacy (Deut. 31:28, 29)

The Price of Disobedience (Lev. 26:14–46)

The Price of Fraud (James 5:1–6)

Pride Goes Before a Fall (2 Chr. 26:16–21)

Priests as Physicians (Lev. 13:2)

Priority People (Mark 5:21–43)

Prisoners for God (2 Chr. 16:10)

Private Complacency, Public Sin (Mal. 1:6)

Problem People (Judg. 3:1–4)

Prodigal Children (Jer. 31:20)

Prodigal Wife, Prodigal People (Hos. 2:2)

Professional Christian Workers (1 Cor. 9:1–23)

Project Management (Num. 4:15)

A Promising Opportunity (Gen. 46:31–34)

The Prophet’s Complaints (Hab. 1:2–4; 1:12—2:1)

Prosperity and Tragedy (1 Kin. 4:21, 24)

Protect the Widows and Orphans (Ex. 22:22–24)

Protecting the Poor (Ps. 35:10)

Psalms of Pain (Ps. 73:21)

Public Accountability (1 Chr. 28:8)

Public Faith (Matt. 14:13, 14)

The Purpose of John’s Gospel (John 20:30, 31)

The Purpose of Prophecy (Is. 48:5)

Putting Life in God’s Perspective (Eph. 3:14–21)

Putting Words into Action (Lev. 7:37, 38)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)

Quality, Not Quantity (Matt. 25:14–30)

Questions About Marriage (1 Cor. 7:1)

Quiet Living (1 Thess. 4:11)

Quit Comparing (Luke 18:9–14)

Rahab’s Faith (Heb. 11:31)

Reaching Forward (Jer. 7:23, 24)

Ready for Eternity (Luke 16:19–31)

Real Freedom (Rom. 6:15–22)

Real Ownership (Josh. 24:13)

Real Temptation (Matt. 4:3)

Realization and Confession (Ps. 51:1–19)

Reaping the Benefits (2 Cor. 9:6–8)

Rearing Children with the Rod (Prov. 19:18)

Reason to Work (Is. 61:4–9)

Redefining Fear (Luke 12:4–7)

Remember Where You Started (Deut. 15:15)

Remembering God’s Grace (Ex. 12:26, 27)

Renewal (Gen. 8:20–22)

Repentance and Evangelism (Jer. 3:17)

Researching Your Religious Roots (Heb. 13:24)

Resolving Conflict (Acts 11:2–18)

Respecting the Gift of Human Sexuality (Lev. 18:6–30)

Respecting Your Parents (Prov. 15:20)

Responding to God (Eph. 5:1–18)

Responding to Rejection (Acts 28:17–19)

The Responsibility of Authority (Ex. 39:14)

Rest for a While (Mark 6:31)

The Rest of Mary’s Story (John 2:12)

The Rest of the Story (Philem. 23–25)

Results at Any Price (1 Sam. 13:8–14)

The Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)

Rich in Faith (James 2:5, 6)

The Right-Side-Up Church (1 Thess. 2:13, 14)

Righteousness (Rom. 1:17)

The Risk Outweighs the Reward (Luke 4:5–8)

The Risks of Raising Children (1 Sam. 8:2)

The Road Less Traveled (John 4:4–42)

Roads to Rome—and Beyond (Acts 28:28–31)

The Root of Jesse (Is. 11:10)

The Roots of Sin (James 1:13–18)

Running Away from Sin (Prov. 14:16)

The Sabbath (Heb. 4:1–13)

Sacred Places Everywhere (John 1:51)

Sacred Space (Gen. 28:22)

Sacrificial Devotion (Ps. 63:7)

Salt and Light (Matt. 5:13–16)

Salvation by Proxy (Ezek. 14:14)

Salvation: Past, Present, and Future (Rom. 5:6–11)

Salvation’s Foundation (Eph. 1:3–14)

Samuel’s Wise Planning (1 Sam. 7:5–7)

Sanitation and the Sacred (Deut. 23:12, 13)

Sarah and Her Daughters (1 Pet. 3:6)

Satan the Accuser (Zech. 3:2)

Saved by Grace (Lev. 18:5)

A Savior for the Whole World (Matt. 8:10)

Scandal and Cover-Up (2 Sam. 11:4, 5)

Searching for God (1 Kin. 10:6–9)

A Second Chance (Acts 15:37–39)

A Secular Education (Dan. 1:4)

Security Comes from Honoring God (Is. 33:2–24)

Seeing Behind Power (John 19:10, 11)

Seeing Beyond the Hurdles (Num. 13:27–33)

Seeing Ourselves Through God’s Eyes (Rom. 12:3)

Seeing the Big Picture (Is. 7:2)

Seeing vs. Believing (Ex. 32:1–4)

Seeking the Peace of the City (Jer. 29:4–7)

Seizing Opportunity (Acts 3:12)

Self-Seeking Servants (2 Kin. 5:20–27)

Separated from God (Is. 59:2)

The Serenity of Trust (Mic. 4:1–7)

The Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1, 2)

The Servant of the Lord (Is. 42:1–4)

Servant-Leaders (Matt. 20:25–28)

Set Free to Serve (Ex. 8:1)

The Seven Signs of John’s Gospel (John 2:1–12)

Seventy Times Seven (Matt. 18:21–35)

Seventy Years of Sabbaths (2 Chr. 36:21)

Shaking the Nations (Hag. 2:6, 7)

Shared Responsibility (Prov. 16:9)

Sharing Our Faith (Mark 4:3–20)

Sharing the Story (Joel 1:3)

Sharing the Wealth (Num. 18:20–24)

Short-Term vs. Long-Term (Hag. 1:15)

Show and Tell (Jer. 19:1–15)

A Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1–13)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

Simeon Sees (Luke 2:25–35)

Sin and Redemption (Gen. 3:6, 7)

Sin Is Sin (Jer. 9:25, 26)

Sin Passed Through Generations (Gen. 37:11)

Singleness of Heart (2 Chr. 30:12)

Skeletons in the Closet (Ezek. 16:3)

Skeptics Welcome (John 20:24–31)

Slow to Anger, Great in Power (Nah. 1:3)

Social Faith (Mal. 3:8–10)

Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36, 37)

A Song of Trust (Hab. 3:1–19)

A Sorrow unto Repentance (Joel 2:12–17)

Sorting Out Truth (1 Tim. 1:3–20)

Sosthenes the Attorney (Acts 18:17)

Sparing No Expense (1 Kin. 5:5)

Speaking the Truth (Zech. 4:6–10)

The Spirit in the Wilderness (Is. 32:16–20)

The Spirit of God in the Workplace (Ex. 35:31—36:1)

The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Us (Luke 4:18)

Spirit-Filled Planning (1 Chr. 28:11–19)

Spiritual Authority (2 Cor. 13:10)

A Spiritual Cause to a Natural Event (2 Sam. 21:1)

A Spiritual Checkup (Heb. 12:14–29)

A Spiritual Highway (Is. 19:23–25)

Spiritual Publicity (Ps. 105:1)

The Spoiled Sash (Jer. 13:1–11)

The Spread of the Gospel (Acts 1:4)

Stand for Right (Dan. 1:8)

Stand for Truth (Ezek. 11:2, 3)

Stand Together in Grace (Eph. 2:1)

Standing Strong (Josh. 1:6–9)

Start Today (Lam. 1:9)

Start with the Wall (Neh. 2:18)

Starting and Stopping (Num. 9:15–23)

Starting Over (1 Chr. 15:25–28)

Starting Strong, Ending Weak (1 Kin. 15:16–22)

Startling Change (Luke 19:1–10)

A Statement of Integrity (Luke 1:18, 19)

Stay Connected (1 Thess. 3:1–10)

Staying Focused (Deut. 5:1)

Staying on God’s Path (Prov. 4:25–27)

Still Life (Job 37:14)

The Straightforward Gospel (1 Thess. 2:5)

The Stranger, the Fatherless, and the Widow (Deut. 24:19–22)

Strength for the Weary (Is. 40:30, 31)

The Strength of Scripture (Ps. 119:23)

Strength Through Weakness (2 Cor. 12:7–10)

A Strong Rebuke (Gal. 3:1)

Strong Women (Esth. 1:22)

Structuring the Church (1 Tim. 2:8–15)

Success and Prosperity (Josh. 1:8)

Surprised by God (Matt. 28:6)

A Surprising First Message (Luke 4:16–27)

Survival, Success, and Salvation (Josh. 1:10)

Sustaining the World (Col. 1:17)

A Syncretism: Dangerous Mix (Col. 2:1–23)

Take Christ to Work (Acts 17:17)

Taking a Break (Ex. 35:1–3)

Taking God at His Word (Heb. 6:12–15)

Taking Sin Seriously (Lev. 1:3–5)

Talk Is Cheap (Prov. 18:2)

Tax Collectors (Matt. 9:10)

A Tax Revolt Divides the Kingdom (1 Kin. 12:18, 19)

Teacher of the Gentiles (2 Tim. 1:3)

Teamwork (Ex. 38:21–23)

The Tears of Men (Lam. 2:11)

A Temptation to Trust in Numbers (2 Sam. 24:1)

Tempting Circumstances (Luke 4:1–13)

Ten Freedoms (Gal. 5:18)

The Ten Percent Solution (Neh. 11:1, 2)

A Ten Percent Tax (Deut. 26:12–15)

Ten Practical Commandments (James 2:8–13)

Test the Spirits (1 John 4:1)

Theology for the Marketplace (Lev. 19:35, 36)

The Third-Year Tithe and Government Aid (Deut. 14:28, 29)

This Is God (Ps. 48:14)

Thorns and Tears (Judg. 2:1–5)

Three Dangers of Power (Luke 3:14)

Three Invitations to Serve (Rom. 12:1, 2)

Three Sinful Sisters (Ezek. 16:44–47)

Three-Dimensional Spirituality (Mic. 6:8–12)

Thriving Under Authority (John 12:49)

A Time to Hate (Prov. 28:16)

Tithing (Matt. 23:23, 24)

To Every Nation (Matt. 28:19)

To Have or To Hold (Deut. 3:28)

The Toil of Work (Gen. 3:17–19)

A The Tongue: Powerful Weapon (Prov. 10:18–21)

Too Little, Too Late (2 Chr. 33:14–17)

Tough Love (Deut. 7:10)

Toughen Up and Open Up (Heb. 10:19–39)

The Tragedy of Jephthah’s Daughter (Judg. 11:30–40)

Treasures Old and New (Matt. 13:52)

The Tree of Life (Rev. 22:2)

Trick Questions (Matt. 22:23–33)

The Trouble with Lies (Jer. 28:15–17)

The Troubler and the Savior (1 Kin. 18:17, 18)

True Love Waits (Song 3:5)

The True Meaning of Ministry (Eph. 4:12)

Trusting God’s Promises (Gen. 31:1–20)

The Truth About Sin (Rom. 1:24–32)

Truth Triggers Opposition (Acts 24:1–26)

Turning Pain into Prayer (1 Chr. 4:9, 10)

Twisting the Facts (Num. 16:13, 14)

Two Extraordinary Men (Num. 14:6)

Two Paths (Ps. 1:1, 2)

The Ultimate Review (1 Cor. 3:13–15)

Uncovering Sin (1 Cor. 5:1–13)

Under Authority (Matt. 8:5–13)

An Understanding Heart (1 Kin. 3:6–14)

Understanding Prophecy (Dan. 9:1–7)

Understanding Sin (Rom. 6:6)

Understanding the Times (1 Chr. 12:32)

Unexpected Good (Gen. 32:6)

United by God’s Work (Titus 3:12–15)

Unity and Diversity (Rom. 15:7–12)

Unlikely Leaders (Matt. 26:35–74)

The Unpardonable Sin (Matt. 12:31, 32)

Unsatisfied with Success (2 Chr. 1:1)

Unworthy but Not Worthless (Job 25:6)

Uphold the Weak (1 Thess. 5:14)

Using Religion for Political Gain (1 Kin. 12:25–31)

The Value of a Disabled Woman (Luke 13:10–17)

The Value of a Thank You (Lev. 27:1–25)

The Value of Community (Deut. 4:41)

The Value of Fasting (1 Chr. 10:12)

The Value of Life (Gen. 7:15)

The Value of Listening (Josh. 22:11, 12)

The Value of Preparation (Ex. 2:11)

The Value of Ritual (Num. 7:1–3)

The Value of Symbols (Deut. 27:1–4)

The Vine (John 15:1–10)

A Voice in the Wilderness (Mark 1:4)

Wages and Grace (Matt. 20:1–16)

Walking by the Spirit (Rom. 8:4)

A Wasted Opportunity (1 Kin. 11:31–39)

The Wasteland (Is. 24:1)

Watch Out for Bad Advice (Is. 8:16–22)

Water into Wine (John 2:1–12)

A Watershed Event (1 Sam. 22:16–19)

The Way Up Is Down (Matt. 5:3)

Ways to Worship (1 Tim. 2:8–15)

We Are Family (Gal. 3:28)

Wealth’s Temptation (Matt. 4:8–10)

The Weight of the World (Heb. 11:3)

Welcome (Rev. 22:17)

Welcoming All to Pray (Acts 1:14)

Welcoming Women into the Kingdom (Luke 23:49)

What Is God Like? (Ex. 15:6–13)

What Is Religion? (Jer. 7:2–4)

What It Takes to Serve God (Lev. 8:2, 3)

What Kind of Love? (Matt. 22:34–40)

What’s In It for Us (Eph. 1:11)

What’s the Hurry? (Is. 30:15)

When a Leader Sins (Lev. 4:22–26)

Where Are the Others? (Luke 17:11–19)

Where Does God Live? (Ps. 11:4)

Where Is God? Who Is God? (Mic. 7:18)

Where We Belong (Ps. 127:1)

Whitewashed Tombs (Matt. 23:27, 28)

Who Are the Poor? (2 Cor. 9:9, 10)

Who Do We Trust? (2 Kin. 18:19)

Who Is Called? (1 Sam. 3:1–21)

Whoever Calls on the Name of the Lord (Joel 2:25)

Whose Job Is Evangelism? (John 16:8)

Why Jonah Ran (Jon. 1:10)

Why Marriage Matters (1 Kin. 11:1–3)

Why Nineveh Repented (Jon. 3:7)

Why the Rush? (James 1:9–11)

Why Things Don’t Change (Ps. 94:20)

Why? (Job 7:20, 21)

The Widow’s Mites (Mark 12:41–44)

The Widow’s Oil (2 Kin. 4:1–7)

A Widow’s Worth (2 Kin. 4:2)

The Wilderness (Ex. 16:1)

Willing and Able to Lead (Judg. 5:2)

Wisdom at Work and Play (Prov. 8:30, 31)

The Wisdom of Experience (1 Tim. 4:1–16)

The Wisdom That Built the World (Prov. 3:19, 20)

Wisdom Through Relationships (Prov. 13:20)

The Wise King (1 Kin. 10:24)

The Wise Woman of Proverbs 31 (Prov. 31:10)

Witnessing at Work (Eph. 6:5–9)

A Woman in Labor (John 16:21, 22)

The Women in Jesus’ Genealogy (Matt. 1:3–6)

Women: Silent in the Church? (1 Cor. 14:34)

A Word for the Weary (2 Thess. 3:13)

A Word of Encouragement (Deut. 2:7)

Work and Family (Ps. 128:2–4)

Work and Prayer (2 Chr. 32:6–9)

Work in the Bible (Rev. 22:1–11)

Work, Labor, and Patience (1 Thess. 1:3)

A Workaholic Intervention (Ex. 18:18)

Working for God (1 Cor. 7:17–24)

Working Together (1 Cor. 3:5–8)

Workplace Myths (1 Cor. 3:9)

A World of Talent (Ex. 37:1)

Worship and Service (Is. 58:6–12)

A Worship Center in the Wilderness (Ex. 25:8)

The Worship of Work (Jer. 18:15)

Worship or Wrath (Rev. 6:1–17)

The Worth of Work (Col. 3:1–4)

The Worthlessness of Wealth (Hag. 1:6)

Written on Their Hearts (Jer. 31:31–34)

A Year Off (Ex. 23:10, 11)

You Are Unique (Ps. 33:15)

You Shall Know That I Am the Lord (Ezek. 6:7)

You Shall Not Covet (Ex. 20:17)

You Shall Receive Power (Acts 1:8)

Your Word Is Your Bond (Deut. 23:21–23)

Your Workstyle (Titus 2:9–11)