
Numbers in italic are photos and illustrations, numbers in bold are pattern instructions.

Bags, 27–49

Evening Bag Glitz, 28, 28–31, 29–31

Lunch Bag Carryall, 18, 18, 32, 32–37, 33–37, 37

Scallops and Beads, 42, 42–45, 43–45

Secret Treasures, 46, 46–49, 47–49

Soft-and-Thick Shoulder Bag, 38, 38–41, 39–41

Balls, felt, 157, 157

Beads and Scallops, 42, 42–45, 43–45

Bear, Striped Teddy, 126, 126–32, 127–31, 132

Binding off, 171, 171, 173–74, 174

Blocker, Draft, 148, 148–51, 149–51

Blocking (shaping), 11, 11

Boiled wool, 7. See also Knitted felt

Brushing pieces, 10, 94

Bunny Hoppers, 90, 90–95, 91–94, 95

Care of knitted felt, 23–25, 25

Carryall, Lunch Bag, 18, 18, 32, 32–37, 33–37, 37

Casting off/on, 171, 171, 173–74, 174

Cell phone cases from swatches, 17, 17

Checkerboard Slippers, 102, 102–6, 103–6, 106

Christmas Stocking, Furry Top, 164, 164–70, 165–70

Circular needles, 19, 173, 173

Classic Cloche, 52, 52–56, 53–56

Color bleeding/fading, 22, 23

Colors, changing, 136, 150

Colors of yarns, 10, 12, 13, 19, 141

Cozy, Tea, 152, 152–57, 153–56, 156–57

Crooked problem, 22

Curlicues & Stripes, 58, 58–63, 59–63

Decreasing, 171, 171

Double-Cuff Mittens, 78, 78–83, 79–83, 83

Double point needles, 19, 81, 173, 173

Double-stranded knitting, 13, 15

Draft Blocker, 148, 148–51, 149–51

Drying pieces, 11

Dyeing pieces, 23

Ear-Flap Peruvian-Style Hat, 64, 64–69, 65–69

Earmuff Covers, Fluffy, 70, 70–73, 71–73

Embellishments from swatches, 18

Evening Bag Glitz, 28, 28–31, 29–31

Eyeglass cases from swatches, 17, 17

Fair Isle Knitting, 171, 171

ffrench, Crispina, 133, 133

Fluffy Earmuff Covers, 70, 70–73, 71–73

Front-loading washers, 10

Fulling, 21. See also Knitted felt

Furry Top Christmas Stocking, 164, 164–70, 165–70

Fur (Touch-of) Scarf, 84, 84–87, 85–87

Fuzzy Toddler Slippers, 96, 96–101, 97–101

Galeskas, Beverly, 77, 77

Gauge of knitting, 13, 13–14

Gridlock Pillow, 134, 134–37, 135–37

Handles, stretchy, 25

Hand-washing, felting, 6

Hats, 51–87

Classic Cloche, 52, 52–56, 53–56

Double-Cuff Mittens, 78, 78–83, 79–83, 83

Fluffy Earmuff Covers, 70, 70–73, 71–73

Peruvian-Style Ear-Flap Hat, 64, 64–69, 65–69

Slipstitch Headband, 74, 74–76, 75–76

Stripes & Curlicues, 58, 58–63, 59–63

Touch-of-Fur Scarf, 84, 84–87, 85–87

Headband, Slipstitch, 74, 74–76, 75–76

Hoppers, Bunny, 90, 90–95, 91–94, 95

Household projects, 125–70

Draft Blocker, 148, 148–51, 149–51

Furry Top Christmas Stocking, 164, 164–70, 165–70

Novelty Yarn Pillows, 138, 138–41, 139–41

Pillow Gridlock, 134, 134–37, 135–37

Striped Teddy Bear, 126, 126–32, 127–31, 132

Tea Cozy, 152, 152–57, 153–56, 156–57

Tropical Stripes Oven Set, 158, 158–63, 159–63

Wine Sack, 142, 142–47, 143–47, 146–47

I-Cord, 21, 171–72, 172

Increasing, 172, 172

Intarsia knitting, 136, 172, 172

Joining new yarn, 172, 172

Journal keeping, 14, 14, 15

Kerner, Heather, 107, 107

Kitchener stitch, 172–73

Knitted felt, 5–25. See also Bags; Hats; Household projects; Slippers

care of, 23–25, 25

colors of yarns, 10, 12, 13, 19, 141

gauge of knitting, 13, 13–14

journal keeping, 14, 14, 15

lingerie bag for, 8, 8–9, 14, 15

needles for, 13–14, 19, 173, 173

shaping (blocking), 11, 11

shrinkage, 6–7, 6–8, 10, 14, 15

stabilizing felting, 24–25, 25

steps for, 9, 9

substituting yarns, 19, 141

swatch, 10, 12–18, 13–14, 16–17, 20

troubleshooting, 20–23

washing machine for, 6–7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14

yarns for, 8, 10, 12, 13, 19

Knitting bag, contents, 18, 18

Knitting “in the round,” 173, 173

Knitting terminology, 170–74, 170–74

Kristensen, Kristianne, 123

Liner, no-itch (hat), 69

Lingerie bag, 8, 8–9, 14, 15

Lining for purse, 25

Lint caution, 11

Lunch Bag Carryall, 18, 18, 32, 32–37, 33–37, 37

Make 1, 172, 172

Marking rounds, 34

Mittens, Double-Cuff, 78, 78–83, 79–83, 83

Mug rugs from swatches, 16, 16

Needles, 13–14, 19, 173, 173

No-itch liner (hat), 69

Novelty Yarn Pillows, 138, 138–41, 139–41

Openings, stretchy, 21–22, 25, 25

Ornaments from swatches, 16, 16

Oven Set, Tropical Stripes, 158, 158–63, 159–63

Peruvian-Style Ear-Flap Hat, 64, 64–69, 65–69

Picking-up stitches, 173, 173


Novelty Yarn Pillows, 138, 138–41, 139–41

Pillow Gridlock, 134, 134–37, 135–37

swatches for, 17, 17–18

Pills, 24

Puckers and changing needles, 48

Purse lining, 25. See also Bags

Quilt squares from swatches, 18

Sachet pillows from swatches, 16, 16

Sack, Wine, 142, 142–47, 143–47, 146–47

Scallops and Beads, 42, 42–45, 43–45

Scarf, Touch-of-Fur, 84, 84–87, 85–87

Secret Treasures, 46, 46–49, 47–49

Shaping (blocking), 11, 11

Shoulder Bag, Soft-and-Thick, 38, 38–41, 39–41

Shrinkage, 6–7, 6–8, 10, 14, 15

Size problems, 20–22, 22

Slide-On Slippers, 116, 116–23, 117–23

Slipper bottoms, 25, 25

Slippers and socks, 89–123

Bunny Hoppers, 90, 90–95, 91–94, 95

Checkerboard Slippers, 102, 102–6, 103–6, 106

Fuzzy Toddler Slippers, 96, 96–101, 97–101

sizing (fitting), 101

Slide-On Slippers, 116, 116–23, 117–23

Striped Slipper Socks, 108, 108–15, 109–15

Slipstitch Headband, 74, 74–76, 75–76

Soft-and-Thick Shoulder Bag, 38, 38–41, 39–41

Stabilizing knitted felt, 24–25, 25

Stockinette stitch, 173

Stocking, Furry Top Christmas, 164, 164–70, 165–70

Straight needles, 19

Stranded knitting, 171, 171

Stretching pieces, 15, 21

Striped Slipper Socks, 108, 108–15, 109–15

Striped Teddy Bear, 126, 126–32, 127–31, 132

Stripes & Curlicues, 58, 58–63, 59–63

Stripes (Tropical) Oven Set, 158, 158–63, 159–63

Substituting yarns, 19, 141

Swatches, 10, 12–18, 13–14, 16–17, 20

Tea Cozy, 152, 152–57, 153–56, 156–57

Teddy Bear, Striped, 126, 126–32, 127–31, 132

Thick-and-Soft Shoulder Bag, 38, 38–41, 39–41

Three-needle cast off, 173–74, 174

Toddler Slippers, Fuzzy, 96, 96–101, 97–101

Touch-of-Fur Scarf, 84, 84–87, 85–87

Treasures, Secret, 46, 46–49, 47–49

Tropical Stripes Oven Set, 158, 158–63, 159–63

Troubleshooting, 20–23

Walker, Cindy, 57, 57

Washing felt, 23–24

Washing machine, 6–7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14

Waste yarn removal, 36

Whipstitch, 174

Wine Sack, 142, 142–47, 143–47, 146–47

Wool fibers, 7, 7

Yarn over, 174

Yarns, 8, 10, 12, 13, 19