
Component Description
Nucleotide The building block of DNA, it comes in four types that pair up in specific ways: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) A double-stranded molecule comprising two entwined strings of millions of different nucleotides
Gene A region of DNA along a chromosome that encodes for a functional product such as a protein
Chromosome A highly organized double helix of two DNA molecules
Chromosome pair Two complementary chromosomes, one inherited from each parent

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Relationship 23andMe AncestryDNA Family Tree DNA
Closer than second cousin 100% 100% >99%
Second cousin >99% 100% >99%
Third cousin ~90% 98% >90%
Fourth cousin ~45% 71% >50%
Fifth cousin ~15% 32% >10%
Sixth cousin or greater <5% <11% <2%

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Mutation What It Means
263G Unlike the reference sequence, the tested mtDNA has a G (guanine) at position 263.
A263G The tested mtDNA replaced the A (adenine) at position 263 of the reference sequence with a G (guanine).
309.1C Compared to the reference sequence, the tested mtDNA has an extra C (cytosine) after nucleotide 309.
309.2C Compared to the reference sequence, the tested mtDNA has a second extra C (cytosine) after nucleotide 309.
522- The tested mtDNA is missing the nucleotide found at position 522 in reference sequence.

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Symbol Meaning
B C or G or T
D A or G or T
H A or C or T
K G or T
M A or C
N G or A or T or C
R A or G
S C or G
V A or C or G
W A or T
X G or A or T or C
Y C or T

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Type of Match mtDNA Region Compared at Family Tree DNA Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor
HVR1 exact match 16,001–16,569 (HVR1) 50-percent chance of common ancestor within about fifty-two generations (1,300 years)
HVR1 & HVR2 exact match 16,001–16,569 (HVR1) and 1–574 (HVR2) 50-percent chance of common ancestor within about twenty-eight generations (700 years)
Full Sequence exact match 16,001–16,569 (HVR1) 1–574 (HVR2) 575–16,000 (Coding Region) 95-percent chance of common ancestor within about twenty-two generations (550 years)

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Mary Smith’s mtDNA Descendant Jane Smith’s mtDNA Descendant Prudence Smith’s mtDNA Descendant
73A 73A 73A
146T 146T 146T
315.1C 315.1C 315.1C
16129G - 16129G
16223C - 16223C
- 16311T -

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DYS# 393 390 19 391 385 426 388 439 389I 392 389II
Repeats 14 23 15 11 11-15 11 13 12 13 13 29
Estimated haplogroup is R1b1b

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Haplogroup SNP Results Terminal SNP
R1b1a2a1a1 M269+ L23+ L151+ U106+ L277- R-U106

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Name DYS# 393 390 19 391 385a 385b 426 388 439
Thaddeus Alden Results 14 22 15 11 11 15 11 13 9
Thomas Alden Results 14 23 15 11 11 15 11 12 9

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Name DYS# 393 390 19 391 385a 385b 426 388 439
Thaddeus Alden Results 14 23 15 11 11 15 11 13 9
Thomas Alden Results 14 23 15 11 11 17 11 13 9

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  37 Y-STR Markers 67 Y-STR Markers 111 Y-STR Markers Interpretation
Genetic Distance
Very Tightly Related 0 0 0 The relatedness between the two test-takers is extremely close, and few people find or test a cousin at this genetic distance.
Tightly Related 1 1–2 1–2 The relatedness between the two test-takers is very close, and few people find or test a cousin at this genetic distance.
Related 2–3 3–4 3–5 The relatedness between the two test-takers is within the range of most well-established surname lineages in Western Europe, but finding a common ancestor might be challenging.
More Distantly Related 4 5–6 6–7 Without additional evidence, it is unlikely that the two test-takers share a common ancestor within a genealogically relevant time frame.

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Genetic Distance Name Most Distant Ancestor Y-DNA Haplogroup Terminal SNP
0 Roger Davis Joshua Davis, b. c. 1765 MD R-L1  
0 Philip Davis Joshua Davis, b. c. 1765 MD R-L1  
1 Frederick Davis Nathaniel Davis, b. 1772 MD R-P25 P25
2 John Thomas   R-L1  

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DYS# 393 390 19 391 385a 385b 426 388 439
Philip’s Descendant 13 24 14 10 11 14 12 12 12
Joseph’s Descendant 13 24 14 10 11 14 12 12 12

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  Paternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother
Expected 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0%
Grandson 1 28.0% 22.0% 26.6% 23.4%
Grandson 2 23.7% 26.3% 17.7% 32.3%

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rsID Chromosome Position Result
rs3094315 1 752566 AA
rs12124819 1 776546 AG

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  23andMe AncestryDNA Family Tree DNA
  <> <> <>
Closer than a Second Cousin ~100% 100% > 99%
Second Cousin >99% 100% > 99%
Third Cousin ~90% 98% > 90%
Fourth Cousin ~45% 71% > 50%
Fifth Cousin ~15% 32% > 10%
Sixth Cousin <5% 11% < 5%

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Percentage cMs Shared Relationship
50% 3400.00 Parent/child
50% 2550.00 Siblings (see the Sharing DNA with Siblings sidebar)
25% 1700.00 Grandfather, grandmother, aunt/uncle/niece/nephew, half-siblings
12.5% 850.00 Great-grandparent, first cousin, great-uncle/aunt, half-uncle/aunt
6.25% 425.00 First cousin once removed
3.125% 212.50 Second cousin
1.563% 106.25 Second cousin once removed
0.781% 53.13 Third cousin

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Segment Chromosome Start End cMs
1 3 10725423 18905001 9.5
2 11 7561324 25779385 30.1
3 14 5037045 6709246 18.6

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Chromosome Start Location End Location cMs No. of Matching SNPs
1 165402360 190685868 22.36 5897
1 234808789 247093448 24.48 3789
2 39940529 61792229 21.54 6500
3 36495 10632877 25.72 4288
3 39812713 64231310 22.82 6100
4 140320206 177888785 39.99 7591
5 14343689 26724511 12.58 2499

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Percentage cMs Shared Relationship
25% 1700 Grandparent, uncle/aunt/niece/nephew, half-sibling
12.5% 850 Great-grandparent, first cousin, great-uncle/aunt/niece/nephew, half-uncle/aunt/niece/nephew
6.25% 425 First cousin once removed, half first cousin

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Ethnicity Percentage
African 0%
Asian 0%
European 97.5%
Native American 2.5%

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Person #1 Person #2 Centimorgan Threshold SNP Threshold
Male Male 1 200
Male Female 6 600
Female Female 6 (Half-IBD) 1200 (Half-IBD)
Female Female 5 (Full-IBD) 500 (Full-IBD)

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DNA Type cM Threshold SNP Threshold
atDNA 7.7 500
X-DNA 1 500

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Region 23andMe AncestryDNA Family Tree DNA
African 1% 2% 0%
Asian 0% 2% 7%
Native American 3% 3% 2%
European 96% 93% 90%

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Continent 23andMe AncestryDNA Family Tree DNA
Africa Middle Eastern & North African
  • Middle Eastern
  • North African

Sub-Saharan African

  • West African
  • East African
  • Central & South African
  • Africa North
  • Africa Southeastern Bantu
  • Benin/Togo
  • Ivory Coast/Ghana
  • Nigeria

Africa South-Central Hunter-Gatherers

  • Cameroon/Congo
  • Mali
  • Senegal
  • East Central Africa
  • North Africa
  • West Africa
  • South-Central Africa
America Native American (Under Asia) Native American Native American
Asia South Asian

East Asian & Native American

  • East Asian
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Mongolian
  • Yakut

Southeast Asian

  • Asia South
  • Asia East
  • Asia Central

West Asia

  • Middle East
  • Caucasus
Central/South Asian
  • Central Asia
  • South Asia
  • Southeast Asia

East Asia

  • Northeast Asia

Middle Eastern

  • Eastern Middle East

Asia Minor

Europe Northwest European
  • British & Irish
  • Scandinavian
  • Finnish
  • French & German

Southern European

  • Sardinian
  • Italian
  • Iberian
  • Balkan

Eastern European


Great Britain

Europe West




Iberian Peninsula

Europe East

European Jewish

Finland/Northwest Russia

  • Western and Central Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • Southern Europe
  • British Isles
  • Finland and Northern Siberia
  • Scandinavia
  • Ashkenazi Diaspora

Blended Population Clusters

  • British Isles, Western & Central Europe
  • Eastern, Western & Central Europe
  • Scandinavia, Western & Central Europe
  • Southern, Western & Central Europe
Oceania Oceanian Pacific Islander
  • Melanesia
  • Polynesia

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Genetic Distance Name Most Distant Ancestor
0 George Albro Job Albro, b. 1790 Rhode Island
0 Victor Albro Job Albro, b. 24 May 1790 Rhode Island
1 Jameson Albro Unknown

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Genetic Distance Name Most Distant Ancestor Y-DNA Haplogroup Terminal SNP
0 Wilhelm Davidson Henry Davidson, b. 1790 Va R-L1  
0 Liam Davidson Henry Davidson, b. 1790 Va R-L1  
1 James Davidson Donald Davidson, b. 1773 Va R-P25 P25
2 Philip Farah   R-L1  

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Genetic Distance Name Most Distant Ancestor mtDNA Haplogroup
0 Jennie Banks Nancy Collins, b. 1775 (N.Y.) H1
0 Caren West Nancy Collins, b. 1775 H1
1 Victor Johns   H1
2 Cynthia Nunez Nancy (Smith) Collins, b. ~1770 H1

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Types of testing
  • HVR1/HVR2 sequencing: Testing regions of DNA that are more likely to change
  • Whole-mtDNA sequencing: Testing the full mtDNA strand
  • SNP testing: Testing specific DNA sites
  • Y-STR testing: Testing short repeated segments of DNA
  • Y-SNP testing: Testing specific DNA sites
  • SNP testing: Testing specific DNA sites
  • Whole-genome sequencing: Testing all twenty-three chromosomes
(SNP testing is part of an atDNA test)
Haplogroup determination? Yes Yes. Y-DNA test results are used to either estimate (for Y-STR test) or determine (for Y-SNP testing) the test-taker’s paternal haplogroup. No No
Cousin matching? Yes. HVR1/HVR2 and whole-mtDNA sequencing can be used for cousin matching, although random matches may not be meaningful in a genealogically relevant timescale since mtDNA mutates slowly. SNP testing is not used for cousin matching. Yes. Y-STR test results are useful for random cousin matching for estimating the number of paternal generations between two matches. Y-SNP testing is not as useful. Yes. atDNA test results are useful for random cousin matching and for roughly estimating the number of generations between two matches. Yes, although (due to low SNP density and low thresholds) only large segments should be considered (at least 10 cMs, and possibly larger)

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    23andMe <> AncestryDNA <> Family Tree DNA <>
General Information price $199 $99 $99 (atDNA); $169 (Y-DNA); $199 (mtDNA)
database size more than 1 million profiles more than 2 million profiles more than 700,000 profiles (atDNA, Y-DNA, and mtDNA combined)
estimated message response rate of matches low medium medium
subscription required no yes, for some analysis tools no
accessibility to customer service e-mail only phone or e-mail phone or e-mail
contact your match yes, directly yes, via e-mail brokering yes, directly
Genealogy Tools search by surname yes yes yes
search by location yes yes yes
integrate pedigree with DNA no yes no
Genetic Tools possible relationship suggested yes yes yes
amount of shared DNA (in centimorgans) yes yes yes
chromosome browser yes no yes
see other matches shared with a match yes yes yes

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  parent grandparent great-grandparent great-great-grandparent third-great-grandparent fourth-great-grandparent fifth-great-grandparent sixth-great-grandparent
parent siblings nephew or niece grandnephew or -niece great-grandnephew or -niece great-great-grandnephew or -niece third-great-grandnephew or -niece fourth-great-grandnephew or -niece fifth-great-grandnephew or -niece
grandparent nephew or niece first cousins first cousins once removed first cousins twice removed first cousins three times removed first cousins four times removed first cousins five times removed first cousins six times removed
great-grandparent grandnephew or -niece first cousins once removed second cousins second cousins once removed second cousins twice removed second cousins three times removed second cousins four times removed second cousins five times removed
great-great-grandparent great-grandnephew or -niece first cousins twice removed second cousins once removed third cousins third cousins once removed third cousins twice removed third cousins three times removed third cousins four times removed
third-great-grandparent great-great- grandnephew or -niece first cousins three times removed second cousins twice removed third cousins once removed fourth cousins fourth cousins once removed fourth cousins twice removed fourth cousins three times removed
fourth-great-grandparent third-great- grandnephew or -niece first cousins four times removed second cousins three times removed third cousins twice removed fourth cousins once removed fifth cousins fifth cousins once removed fifth cousins twice removed
fifth-great-grandparent fourth-great- grandnephew or -niece first cousins five times removed second cousins four times removed third cousins three times removed fourth cousins twice removed fifth cousins once removed sixth cousins sixth cousins once removed

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Surname   Soundex Code
Spelling Variations  
Possible Transcription Errors  

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Surname   Soundex Code
Spelling Variations  
Possible Transcription Errors  

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Surname   Soundex Code
Spelling Variations  
Possible Transcription Errors  

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Percentage Match Centimorgans (CM) Relationship Notes

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  Testing Company and Website Username of Match Estimated Relationship Contact Info (If Known) Shared Ancestral Places Match's Ancestors from Shared Places

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  Shared Surnames Match's Relative(s) with That Surname (and Relationship to User) Shared Ethnic Origins Correspondence with User, Including Dates Notes

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  Source #   Source #
Full Name of Husband   Birth Date and Place  
His Father   Marriage Date and Place  
His Mother with Maiden Name   Death Date and Place Burial  
Full Name of Wife  
Her Father   Birth Date and Place  
Her Mother with Maiden Name   Death Date and Place Burial  
Other Spouses   Marriage Date and Place  
Children of This Marriage Birth Date and Place Death Date, Place and Burial Marriage Date, Place and Spouse

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