American Parapsychological Association, 91
Anderson, Teena, 217, 221, 265
Anesthesia, 158
Angela, 320, 332n Annwin Institute, Slovakia, 328
Ashworth, Mary (Monroe), 29, 33, 41, 42–43, 46
Aspects, 135
astral travel, 55
Atwater, F. Holmes, 107–109, 116n, 160, 162, 207, 214, 215, 221, 314, 330, 357–368
Bache, Christopher, 184–185, 193, 196, 345, 347, 354n
Baha'i' faith, 246
Ballweg, Mary Lou, 157
Beyond Telepathy (Puharich), 41
Big Sur program, 95
biorhythm, 38
Black, David (journalist), 103
Blake, William, 350
Bliley, Shirley, 231
body scans, 134
Bradshaw, Foster, 57
Brain Electrical Activity Mapping (BEAM), 214
brain hemispheres, 189
Breakthrough, 165
cable-antenna television, 45
Campbell, Tom, 86, 87, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 105, 110, 111–112, 113n
Cancer Support Series, 326
Carrington, H., 40
Certo, Mark, 203–205, 219, 221, 248–251, 261, 269, 290, 291, 297
channeling, 123, 131, 132–133, 137
Charlottesville, Virginia, 45, 47, 97
Charter of New Community of Virginia, 147
CHEC units (Controlled Holistic Environmental Chambers), 117, 226
Chicho (Ernesto Estrada), 35, 36, 37
The Christian Parapsychologist, 196n
Coleman, Morrie, 168
Collier, Barbara, 211
Common Boundary, 137
consciousness continuum, 239, 319
current Western ideas of, 338–340
states of, 94, 95, 105, 123, 131, 138, 179, 309, 320, 341
Corbin, Henry (authority on Sufi thought), 246
Crookall, Robert, 41
The Crossing Point (Richards), 89
Croton-on-Hudson, 33
Dahlberg, Albert, 330
Dailey, Brian, 326
Dallas, 50
Dark Night, Early Dawn (Bache), 184, 196n, 354n
DeKome, James B., 140n
Discovery, 153
Dolphin Energy Club (DEC), 230–231
Donahue & Co., 28
Doubleday, 49
Dove, H. W., 93
Durrette, George, 81–82, 97, 146, 167–168, 268, 295, 304
Earth changes, 149
Edgar, David, 156
Elation series, 105
Emergency series, 155
Endometriosis Association, 157
energy, 351
Epperson, John, 326
equation as inscription, 77n
Esmeraldas, 36
Exploration 27 program, 126, 294
Explorer HBW, 132
Explorer program, 137, 138–139, 217
Explorer team, 106, 117–118, 132, 149
Far Journeys, 61, 74, 112n, 310
Feathered Pipe Ranch, Montana, 105, 106
Fenwick, Peter and Elizabeth, 311, 349, 355n
Ferguson, Marilyn, 89
The Field (McTaggart), 242
Focus levels, 104, 105, 125–126
Foulis Castle, Inverness, 227, 233n
France, Leslie, 206, 213, 215, 218–219, 231, 304
Francis, David, 152
Friede, Eleanor, 236
The Fringes of Reason (Schultz), 113n, 123, 172n
Garrett, Elizabeth, 42
Gate House, 145
Gateway Voyage program, 104, 105, 122, 148, 153, 155, 176–178, 322, 325
“The Gathering,” 194–195, 293, 294
Gifted Subject program, 216, 232n
Glue-sniffing, 41
God, 63
Going Home program, 101, 126, 291–293
Good-Bye Again (play), 21
Goudiss, Matthew, 24
Green, Elmer and Alyce, 79, 91, 103, 107
Greene, Jim, 326,
Grof, Stanislav, 91
Harding, Warren, 143
Harold Sherman Parapsychology Conference, 50
Harris, Ron, 219, 262, 290, 303, 304
Hemi-Sync (Hemispheric Synchronization)
affirmation and working with, 319
availability and aims, 169
effect of signals, 117
explanation by Dave Mulvey, 114–115
in hospice, 229
impact on individuals, 316–319
in military training, 165
power of, 204
use in remote-viewing, 164
Hemi-Sync 2000, 272
Hill, Bernice, 220
Holistics Life cruise, 107
Holmes, Penny (Honeycutt), 46, 47, 83–84, 91, 330
Honeycutt, A. J. (Terry), 46, 48, 84, 268, 269, 301–302
Honeycutt, Lucinda (Cindy), 46, 48, 84, 145, 268
H-Plus (Human Plus), 188, 203–204, 210–213
hypnagogic state, 88
Inspec (intelligent species), 183, 195, 238, 242, 346
Institute of Noetic Sciences, 107
International Journal of Parapsychology, 49
Jager, Melissa, 153–154, 166–167, 273n
Jefferson Cable Corporation, 45, 47, 98
Jones, Fowler, 80, 81, 100, 112n, 169
Jordan, Minnie, 12
Journeys Out of the Body (Robert Monroe), 39, 49–50, 79, 98, 100, 118, 159
Kachur, Kathy, 211
King, Franceen, 139n, 293, 294, 298
King, Paul, 220
Klimo, John, 123, 131, 137, 139n
Knight, J. Z. (Ramtha), 124
Knox, Crawford, 196n
Krippner, Stanley, 91
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 100–103, 113n, 114n, 116, 166, 206, 292, 306n
Lake Miranon, 146
Lambert, David, 207–208, 213, 214
The Lamp Turn Laser (Jager), 167
Lang, Frank, 90
Laszlo, Ervin, 354n
Lenz, Chris, 105, 106, 107, 153
Lexington, Massachusetts, 2
Lifeline program, 126, 217, 229, 230, 254n, 283–284, 299, 312–313, 322, 325
Lifespan 2000, 273
Lilly, John, 91
Loosh, 186
Lorence, Maxine and Larry, 222
Lorimer, David, 253
M Band, 183
Macy, Mark, 328
Malik, Karen, 105, 106, 107, 115n, 153
Mann Act, 21
McCulloch, Bob, 298
McKnight, Rosalind, 118, 119, 167
“Invisible Helpers,” 119–120, 121–122, 127–130, 170
McMoneagle, Joseph, 159–164, 169–170, 201, 226
McMoneagle, Nancy “Scooter,”
education, 96
as program trainer, 96–97, 109, 168–169
and Robert Monroe, 46, 83–84, 260–261, 268, 297, 302
and The Monroe Institute, 260–261
in Whistlefield laboratory, 99
McTaggart, Lynn, 242
The Meaning of Life (Whiteman), 67–68
Mennerich, Dennis, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 110
Menninger Foundation and Conference, 79, 153
Mentronics, 104
Michael (Irish setter), 34
Midgley, Mary, 339
Midsummer Night (Phillips), 170
Miller, Darlene, 137, 217, 265, 286, 294, 307n, 329
Miller, Herman, 20
Mind Food, 170
Mishlove, Jeffrey, 316
Monroe, Alice, 16
Monroe, Charles (Uncle Charlie), 12
Monroe, Emmett Paul, 4, 16, 25, 227, 291, 330
Monroe Enterprises, 35
Monroe, Frances, 29
Monroe, Georgia Helen (née Jordan), 4, 5, 6, 12, 50
Monroe Industries, 46
Monroe Institute, 172
Monroe Institute for Applied Sciences, 104, 152
Monroe Institute West, 106
Monroe, Jeanette, 20, 21, 23, 24
Monroe, Laurie
and Bob Monroe, 285, 299, 300–302
cancer diagnosis, 329
OBEs, 39
as president of the Institute, 296, 324
Monroe, Margaret (Peggy), 4, 6, 16, 25
Monroe, Nancy Penn
and Bob Monroe, 46, 47, 48, 225–226, 254
cancer diagnosis and failing health, 222, 228, 236, 265
illness seen as “the Variable,” 250
visualizing dolphins for healing, 230
Monroe Productions, 29, 32, 34
Monroe, Robert Allen
buys Whistlefield estate, 79
designs M-5000 program and establishes Focus levels, 104
Exploration 27, 294
Explorer team, 106
first Gateway (1977), 105
first out-of-body experience (1958), 40
Gift House, 208
innovations in sound. 32
Journeys Out of the Body, 50, 53–77
and Laurie Monroe, 285, 296, 299, 300–302
monitors Rosalind McKnight, 118–121
monitors Shay St. John, 124–127
Monroe Enterprises, 35
moves to Roberts Mountain, 144
and Nancy McMoneagle, 46, 83–84, 260–261, 268, 297, 302
and Nancy Penn Honeycutt, 46, 47, 48, 225–226, 228–229, 254
New dimensions to OBE, 44
and New Land, 146–147, 149–152
on OBEs, 80, 175, 179, 180, 258, 289
on past lives and experiences, 185–189, 241
predator theory, 287
radio productions
Amos n' Andy, 28
quiz shows, 32
Scramble, 28
sleep-learning, 38
Monroe, Robert Emmett, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13–14, 16, 72, 192
Mulvey, Dave, 114n, 206, 215, 261–262
Munro, William, 2
Murphy, Michael, 95
National Institutes of Health, 133
The Nature of Personal Reality (Roberts), 92
Neher, Andrew, 113n
Nelson County, 142
Neuromap System 20, 214
New Land, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 232n
New Land Association, 146, 150, 152
New York Daily Mirror, 28
nonverbal communication (NVC), 181–182
“Notes from the New Land” (Cox), 280–281
Ohio State College, 15, 17, 19, 20
oil prospecting, 36
On Death and Dying (Kübler-Ross), 100
Owens, Justine, 355n
Owl House, Whistlefield, 85, 102
partnership scheme, 144
Past Lives (Fenwick), 311, 349
Pearce, Joseph Chilton, 73, 76n, 98–99, 143, 158, 172n, 173n
Personal Resource Exploration program (PREP), 138, 217
Phillips, Alan, 170
Pittsburgh, 21
Positive Immunity program, 326
professional division, 155, 315–316
professional seminars, 166, 201, 210, 315–316, 328
Psychic Magazine, 99
Psychognosia, Cyprus, 328
questionnaire study, 80
Rainbow Ridge (radio show), 23
RAM Enterprises, 28
Ramakrishna Rao, K., 341, 342–343
Rapid Acquisition Personnel Training, 164–165
Residential Center (Nancy Penn Center), 145, 148, 226
Richards, M. C., 89
Richmond Sound Stages (WGOE, WRGM), 44
Richmond, Virginia, 43, 45, 97
Roberts, Jane, 92
Rogo, Scott, 103
Rubik, Beverly, 316
Russell Centre, 171
Russell, Peter, 316
Russell, Ronald, xxi-xxviii, 221, 331
San Francisco program, 95
Scarlet Mask Society, 20
Scientific American, 92
“Scooter.” See McMoneagle, Nancy
The Sense of Being Stared At (Sheldrake), 196
Sheeley, Norman, 328
Siamese kittens, 37
Siciliano, Stefano (Kala), 222–224, 263–265, 273–276
Snipe Hunt, 34
Sornson, Robert, 325
St. John, Shay, 124–127, 230 see also Miranon
Stanford Research Institute, 89
Starlines, 139n
Stockton, Bayard, 26
Stubblebine, General Burt, 164
The Study of Astral Projection (Crookall), 41
Super Love, 192
Targ, Russell, 91
Tart, Charles, ix–xvii, 40, 48, 49, 55, 73, 76n, 113n, 292, 323–324
Tibetan Buddhism, 344
Timeout Project, 272
Topeka Veterans Administration Hospital, 54, 110
Torres, Penny (Mafu), 124
Trans-American Airways, 33
The Truth in the Light (Fenwick), 355n
Tuckahoe Motel, 97
Twemlow, Stuart, 54, 80, 100, 111, 112n, 166, 169, 193
Ultimate Journey, 225, 229, 231, 310, 311
University of Virginia, 48
Varieties of Anomalous Experience (American Psychological Assn.), 76n, 112n, 353
Waldkoetter, Ray, 50–51, 165, 173n
Wall Street Journal, 289
Wallis, Dave, 154, 201, 215, 287–289, 295–296, 306n
Warren, Martin, 130–131, 137, 215, 268, 269
Warren, Rita, 130–131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 215, 268, 285
Watts, Alan, 138
Waynesboro, Virginia, 45
Wessbacher, Harold, 171
West, Teresa (née Critzer), 218
The Wheel of Life (Kübler-Ross), 113n, 116
Whistlefield Research Laboratories, 85, 88, 104, 117
Whitehead, Bill, 49
Whitehead, Maria, 33, 34, 46, 50, 83, 300–302, 330
Wilber, Ken, 138
Williams, Cheryl, 232n
Kryndon, 134
With the Eyes of the Mind (Gabbard and Twemlow), 115–116n, 193
Wynn, Edgar, 33