About Time: Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution (Davies), 49
Agnesi, Maria, 32
American usage. See also British usage
of billion, 11
of trillion, 11
Appel, Kenneth, 59
The Art of Mathematics (King), 78
ax + bx = cx, nontrivial solution to. See Fermat’s Last Theorem
Balance scale, 35–36
Barrow, John, 45
Beiler, Albert H., 5
Billion, in scientific articles, 10–11
British vs. American usage, 11
Birthday, probability, 9–10
Boltzman, Ludwig, 41
Brainteasers, 82–86
answers to, 87–101
British usage. See also American usage
of billion, 11
of trillion, 11
Cantor, Georg, 19
Cantor’s Diagonal Proof, 19–20
Carson, Johnny, 9
Casti, John L., 20
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 58
Chess, 26
Coins, tossing, 41–42, 44, 47–48
Composite numbers, xii–xiii
Compounding, 22–23
The Constants of Nature: The Numbers That Encode the Deepest Secrets of the Universe (Barrow), 45
Convergent series, 41
Countable infinities, 19
Counterintuitive reality, 27–28
Cubes, 65
Dangers of induction. See Induction, dangers of
Dantzig, Tobias, 73
Davies, Paul, 49
Degrees of freedom, 8
Derbyshire, John, 42
Diagonal number, 20. See also Cantor’s Diagonal Proof
Dice, 21
Divergent series, 41
Doxiadis, Apostolos, 38
Dunham, William, 67
Empty set, 47
Erdös, Paul, 76
Error in probability, 64–65
Euclid (Lindsay), 80
Euclid’s proof of an infinity of primes, 59
Euler, Leonhard, 7, 35, 43, 60, 77
Euler’s identity, 77
Even, defined, 75
Even number
Goldbach’s conjecture, 35
infinity of, 17–18
sum of, 64
sum of two primes and, 35
Factorial, 2. See also Probability
Fermat, Pierre de, 3–5
Fermat’s Enigma (Singh), 57
Fermat’s Last Theorem, 3–5, 27
Field(s), 7, 70. See also Ring(s)
Frye, Roger, 7
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, 73
Game, Set, and Math: Enigmas and Conundrums (Stewart), 4
Game probability. See also Probability
chess, 26
coins, tossing, 41–42, 44, 47–48
dice, 21
nim, 29–32
tic-tac-toe, 27
World Series, 51–55
Gardner, Martin, 10, 28, 48–49, 65
Gauss, Carl, 21–22
Gender, probability. See Sexes, probability
Germaine, Sophie, 32
Gödel, Kurt, 1
Gödel’s theorem, 1
Goldbach, Christian, 35
Goldbach’s conjecture, 35, 38–39
Graham’s Number, 35
Gravity, 70
The Guinness Book of World Records, 35
Haken, Wolfgang, 59
Hardy, G. H., 45
Havil, Julian, 71
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 1–2
Hypatia, 32
Induction, dangers of, 5–7
Infinite line probability, 8–9
Infinity(ies), 18–19
countable, 19
of even numbers, 17–18
of integers, 17–18
same size, 18–19
Integers, xii. See also Whole numbers
infinity of, 17–18
square root of, 73
Intuition vs. logic, 67
concept, xiii
rings and fields, 7
Kahneman, Daniel, 38
King, Jerry P., 78
Kovalevsky, Sonya, 32
Kronecker, Leopold, xii
Lady Luck: The Theory of Probability (Weaver), 9
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 22
Largest number (1070,000,000,000,000), 45
Largest prime, 33–34
Last Year at Marienbad, 29
Limit, to series, 28
Lindsay, Vachel, 80
Linguistic vagueness, 14
Literacy test, 65
Living and nonliving, 14
Lloyd, Seth, 26
Logic, intuition vs., 67
Logical paradox, 46
Losing. See Winning and losing
Marienbad game. See Nim, game of
Mathematical Circus (Gardner), 65
Mathematical Intelligencer, 77
The Mathematical Universe: An Alphabetical Journey through the Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities (Dunham), 67
Mathematical truths, xi, 1, 13
vs. scientific truth, 5, 75–76
Mathematicians, xv
women, 32
Measure of ignorance, 58
Medical test results, probability, 45–46
sum of square numbers, 22
uninteresting, 37
Negative whole numbers, xiii, 16
Nim, game of, 29–32
how to play, 29–30
winning strategy, 31–32
Noether, Emmy, 32
Nonintuitive truths, 71
Nonplussed! Mathematical Proof of Implausible Ideas (Havil), 71
Nontrivial solution, to equation (ax + bx = cx). See Fermat’s Last Theorem
Nothingness, 36–37
Number. See specific number
Number (Dantzig), 73
Odd number, 39
sequence sum, 78
sum of, 64
Ogilvy, C. Stanley, 76
One-inch n -cube, 42–43
Paulos, John Allen, 27
The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers (Wells), 37
Perfect number(s). See also Sublime number
defined, 43
largest, 43
perfect, 43
smallest, 43
Physical universe, 36–37
Poincaré, Henri, 41
Power, zero, 37
Prime numbers, xii
Goldbach’s conjecture, 35
largest, 33–34
sum of two, 35
3n + 1 form, 42
Probability, 2–3
birthday, 9–10
coins, tossing, 41–42, 44, 47–48
hitting 1-in-n event in n attempts, 43–45
infinite line, 8–9
measure of ignorance, 58
medical test results, 45–46
most common error in, 64–65
sexes, 11–12
winning and losing, 51–55
Proof, 13–15, 58. See also Truths
Pythagorean theorem, 3
Quadrillion, 11
Questions, unanswered, 25
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 45
Random numbers, 48–49
Rare numbers, 72. See also Perfect number(s)
Rational numbers, 16
concept, xiii
nature of, 73
Real numbers, xiv
Recreations in the Theory of Numbers (Beiler), 5
Rees, Martin, 70
Riemann’s Prime Number Hypothesis, 25
Right triangles, 3. See also Pythagorean theorem
Ring(s), 7, 70. See also Field(s)
Russell, Bertrand, 46
Sautoy, Marcus du, 58
Scale, 35–36
Scientific American (Stewart), 9
Scientific notation, 10–11
Scientific truth, vs. mathematical truths, 5, 75–76
The Secret Lives of Numbers (Szpiro), 41, 63
convergent, 41
divergent, 41
limit to, 28
Set, 46–47
empty, 47
Sexes, probability, 11–12
Singh, Simon, 57
Small-world situation, 68–70
Social scientists, 10
Spatial dimensions, 70
Square root, xiii
consecutive, 76
pair of, 76
Stewart, Ian, 4
Strogatz, Steven, 69–70
Sublime number, 43. See also Perfect number(s)
Switching sides, 64
Tautology, 13–14
Taxonomic problem, 14–15
Tic-tac-toe, 27
Tomorrow’s Math: Unsolved Problems for the Amateur (Ogilvy), 76
Transcendental number, 76–77
Trial-and-error methods, 2
Trillion, in scientific articles, 10–11
British vs. American usage, 11
Truths, xi, 13–14. See also Tautology
mathematical vs. scientific, 5, 75–76
nonintuitive, 71
Tversky, Amos, 38
Uncertainty principle. See Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Uncle Petros and Goldbach’s Conjecture (Doxiadis), 38–39
Uninteresting (natural) number, 37
Unpredictability, 2
Watts, Duncan, 69–70
Weaver, Warren, 9
Wells, David, 37
Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements (Gardner), 10
Whole numbers, xii, 62–63. See also Integers
Wiles, Sir Andrew John, 4
Wilson Index, 73
Winning and losing, 51–55. See also Game probability
Women mathematicians, 32
World Series, 51–55
X-axis, 7
Zeno’s paradox, 17
number raised to power, 37