@0hBehave, 45
Abuse, physical. See Violence
@afemal3pr, 45
African American Policy Forum (AAPF), 52, 59
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), xxvi, 86
Alexander, Marissa, 120
Allen, Devin, 149
Allen, Raymond, 99
#AllMenCan, 8, 11, 154, 158–166, 181–183
central nodes, 160–161
data, 159–160
directive/instructive tweets, 161–166, 181
images of male allies, 162
and LGBTQ community, 166
and media outlets, 160–161, 183
types of discourse, 161–162
and #YesAllWomen, 161–162
Allyship, 153–183
and activism, 179–180
#AllMenCan, 8, 11, 154, 158–166, 181–183
and chivalry, 163–164
and counterpublic networks, 181, 197–198
#CrimingWhileWhite, 130, 154, 166–183
defined, 154
faux, 156
feminist, 182–183
and instructive tweets, 164
limitations of, 181
male allies, 22, 45, 64, 156–157
performative, 154–155
and racial justice, 156, 174, 179
and solidarity, 154–155, 157–158, 190
#TheEmptyChair, 1, 19–25, 189–190
white allies, 169, 181–182, 190
and white privilege, 169, 175–179
Ally theater, 155
Anderson, Tanisha, 51
@angelicaross, 78
Anti-Black violence, 80, 112, 114, 118–120, 123–124
children, 135
and co-occurring hashtags, 131, 135
and criminal justice system, 180
media coverage, 133
police brutality, 133–134
surveillance, 149
survivors, 144
Anti-immigrant discourse, 155–156
API restrictions, 205–206
Arab Spring, xxx–xxxi
Arif, Ahmer, 202
@Arizona_Abby, 86
@AttorneyCrump, 109
@AutistLiam, 164
#BaltimoreRiots, 139–141
#BaltimoreUprising, 139–142
Banaszczyk, Sonia, 6
Barnett, Joshua Trey, 70
Beal, Frances, 33
#BecauseOfCeCe, 84
Beins, Agatha, 6
Bell, Wesley, 187
Bellamy, Shanique, 47
Between-centrality, xxxvi
Beyoncé, 151
#BillCosby, 19
Bipartisan Report, 130
#BlackLivesMatter, 53, 119, 123–124, 131, 174
data, 125
diversity, 149
and Facebook, 186
groups using, 126
network roles, 136
offline activism, 186–187
Russian operatives on, 203
shared images, 124
Black Lives Matter movement, 123, 134, 151–152
#FreddieGray, 136–142
leadership, 147–148
and mainstream media, 148–149
#PhilandoCastile, 142–145
#TamirRice, 134–136
Black men
as allies, 64
as leaders, 147
and white vigilantes, 115
Black Panther Party, 154
#BlackTransLivesMatter, 55
Black women
as cultural influencers, 196
and police violence, 51–52
racism and sexism, 33–35
and sexual violence, 25, 39–40, 47
and state-sanctioned violence, 48–52
statistical data, 59
and street harassment, 42–45
and Twitter, 32–33, 63–64, 193
Twitter harassment, 193
victimization of, 38
#BlackWomenMatter, 52
Black Youth Project, 52, 58–59
Bland, Sandra, 52–56, 60, 131, 134
Blasey Ford, Christine, 28
Bolger, Dana, 15
Bonilla, Yarimar, 126
Bouie, Jamelle, 136
Boxer, Barbara, 5
Boyd, Zhaleh, 62–63
Brand clusters, 170
@BritiniDWrites, 107
Broadcast diffusion, 172
Broadcast networks, 74
Brock, Roslyn, 115
Brokers, 141–142
Brown, Michael, 114, 119, 124–125, 130–131, 177, 187
Bumpers, Eleanor, 56
Buolamwini, Joy, 191
Buress, Hannibal, 25
Burke, Tarana, 24, 26, 32, 188
Burress, Plaxico, 177
Bystander intervention, 43
Campbell, Aaron, 99
Campbell, Cassidy Lynn, 78
Campus sexual assault, 8
Capuzza, Jamie, 68
Carrington, Kiwane, 99
Cascades, 172
Castile, Philando, 131, 134, 142–145
@Cecilyk, 170
Ceron, Ella, 19
@chaddgway, 45
Chastain, Jessica, 190
Chatelain, Marcia, 187
@cheeahs, 155
Cheney, Dick, 177
Cheng, Tracie, 28
Chivalry, 163–164
Cho, Margaret, 53
Cisgender gay white men, 66
Clark, Meredith, 125
Clay, Paige, 86–87
@cmclymer, 160
Cole, Keyshia, 53
Color of Change, 59
Combahee River Collective, 33
Community watch initiatives, 115
Cooper, Anderson, 104, 107–109
Cooper, Anna Julia, 33
#CosbyMeme, xxix–xxx
Costanza-Chock, Sasha, 185
Couch, Ethan, 177
Counterpublics, xxv–xxvi
and allyship, 197–198
Black women, 32
complexity of, 63
and democracy, xxxiii
and exclusion, 65
and identity politics, 76
and mainstream media, 197
and politics, xxvi–xxvii, xxxiv
and white allies, 169
world-making power of, 71
Cox, Laverne, 67–68, 74–75, 80, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93
Crash Override, 192
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams, 34, 49
Criminal justice system, 180
#CrimingWhileWhite, 130, 154, 166–183
cascades/retweet chains, 172
juxtaposition tweets, 177–179
mainstream media, 183
memoir tweets, 175–177
network characteristics, 169–173
personal accountability, 179–180
and racial justice hashtags, 174–175, 179
Crowdsourced elites, xxxvii
Crump, Benjamin, 100, 104, 109–111
Crying Game, The, 67
Cullors, Patrisse, 147–148, 150
Cunningham, Kevin, 100
Cusseaux, Michelle, 51
Dallas Buyers Club, 68
Daniels, Jessie, 192
Daniels, Lee, 188
Danish Girl, The, 69
Data collection, 205–206
Davis, Clayton A., 126
Degree centrality, xxxvi
@deluxvivens, 40
@Deray, 141
Digital allyship. See Allyship
Discourse analysis, xxxvii–xxxviii
Distributive framing, 126
Dominguez, Matthew, 160
DuVernay, Ava, 136
#DyingWhileBlack, 166
Edwards, Jordan, 134
Elzie, Johnetta, 128, 141, 198
Emanuel African Methodist Church shooting, 55
#EmmettTill, 119
Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), 67
Employment discrimination, 67
@Enew82, 117
Equitable Internet Initiative, 202
#EricGarner, 130–133
Fader, Lainna, 19
Farley, Clair, 83
Far-right extremists, 203–204
#FastTailedGirls, 32–33, 35–42, 188
mainstream coverage, 39
origin of, 38
popularity, 35–36
Hood Feminism, 35
mainstream/white, 31–32
online discourse, 6
trans feminism, 90–91
#Feminism, 5
@FeministaJones, 39, 41–43, 45, 47
Feminist allyship, 182–183
@feministculture, 161
Feminist movement of 1960s, xxvi
Ferguson, 187
#FergusonIsEverywhere, 124
Fincher, Leta Hong, 28
#FireGeorgeWill, 11
Fischer, Mia, 86
Fleming, J. L., xxvi
Florini, Sarah, 81
Ford, Ezell, 177
“Fox & Friends,” 13
@FoxNews, 140
#FreddieGray, 136–142
Free Cece!, 87
French, Antonio, 128
Frey, Shelly, 58
Fulton, Sybrina, 104
Gaines, Korryn, 134
Garner, Eric, 114, 119, 130–131, 166, 177
Garza, Alicia, 94, 123, 147, 150
Gay and trans panic defense, 67
Gendered violence, 1–2
Gender justice, 187
Gender pay gap, 190
Gender Proud, 81
@georgewill, 10–11
Gervasi, Alex, 143
@gildedspine, 5
Gillespie, Tarelton, 191
Gillette commercial, 188
celebrating trans accomplishments, 81–83
community-building, 78, 90, 93
co-occurring hashtags, 83–86, 89–90
data and popularity, 74
intersectional activism, 81
and mainstream media, 91–92
network characteristics, 74–76
#RedefiningRealness, 84, 87–88
uses of, 77–78
Glenn, Pia, 22
Goel, Sharad, 172
Golden, Jamie Nesbitt, xli, 32, 35–37, 188
Gooden, Beverly, 14
#GoogleWalkout, 187
@GradientLair, 39
Graham, Ramarley, 99
Gray, Freddie, 131, 133, 136–142
Grio, The, 47
Gutiérrez, Jennicet, 66
Happy Birthday Marsha!, 69
Hashtag activism, xxviii, xxxii–xxxiii
central users, 198
characteristics of, 195–200
and net neutrality, 201–202
as networked activity, xxxv
Hashtags, xxv, xxviii–xxxii. See also Networks; Twitter
co-occurring, 83–86, 89–90, 119–121, 131, 135
and counterpublics, xxxviii, 185
cultural repercussions, 27–29
and democratic participation, xxx–xxxi
hashtagged syllabi, 187
and historical events/persons, 198–199
and mainstream media, 186
and offline solidarity, 190
racial and gender justice, 7, 174–175, 179
as schemas, 199
Hauser, Emily, 22
#HeForShe, 182
heinz, matthew, 90
Hello Beautiful, 47
“Hell You Talmbout,” 56
“Her Dream Deferred,” 49
#HerDreamDeferred, 49
Hill, Anita, 28
Historical memory, 56, 198–199
Hollaback!, 3
Holtzclam, Daniel, 51
Hood Feminism, 35
@HoodFeminism, 39
Huffman, Felicity, 68
Humanities critical theory, xxxvii
Hundley, Heather, 90
Identity politics, 33–34, 70, 76
#IfIDieInPoliceCustody, 55
#IfTheyGunnedMeDown, 129
Ince, Jelani, 126
Incel groups, 4
Intersectionality, 49
responses to, 199
and trans advocacy, 80–81
Intimate partner violence, 17
Invisible No More, 2
#IStandWithPP, xxix
@itsgabrielleu, 109
#IveDoneThat, 157
#IWillChange, 157
Jackson, Sarah, 6
James, Lebron, 102
@jbouie, 136
@JeffWeinerOS, 109
@JennMJackson, 40
@JennyVSmile, 61
Johnson, Dorian, 124
Johnson, Lavena, 60
Johnson, Marsha P., 69
Jones, Aiyana, 99
Jones, Alex, 193
Jones, Rashida, 39
@juddlegum, 17
Juris, Jeffrey, 194
Kaepernick, Colin, 151
Kardashian, Kim, 193
@Karnythia, 136
Kavanaugh, Brett, 28–29
#KavaNope, 29
Kendall, Mikki, 32, 35–36, 38, 136, 188
Kimmel, Michael, 28
King, Rodney, 98
@KnowYourIX, 15
Komen Foundation, xxix
Lady Gaga, 35
Lauren, Genie, 102–103, 198, 203
Lawrence, Jennifer, 161
Legum, Judd, 14
Lemieux, Jamilah, 41
Leto, Jared, 68
Lewis, Rebecca, 192
LGBTQ counterpublics, 65–66
and Black trans women, 91–92
and trans advocacy, 86
Lion, Marley, 117
Lorenz, Taylor, 157
Lyles, Charlena, 134
Maher, Bill, 106
Mainstream media
and anti-Black violence, 133
and Black Lives Matter movement, 148–149
and far-right extremists, 203–204
and racial and gender justice hashtags, 186, 197
Male allyship, 22, 64, 156–157
Male entitlement, 45
@MamaBKrayy, 144
Mann, Kate, 2
Manning, Chelsea, 67
“Mapping the Margins,” 34
Maree, Daniel, 101
#MarissaAlexander, 120
Martin, Abby, 119
Martin, Roland, 120
Martin, Trayvon, 79, 99–120, 131
Marwick, Alice, 192
Matamoros-Fernández, Ariadna, 192
@Matt_Dominguez, 160–161
Maxwell, Zerlina, 11
McCulloch, Bob, 187
McDonald, Audra, 53
McDonald, CeCe, 71, 79, 84–87, 91
McGorry, Matt, 151
McIlwain, Charlton D., 125
McKenna, Natasha, 58
McSpadden, Lezley, 187
Mediated discourse, xxxii–xxxiii
@Meeeech_L, 75–76
Mehserle, Johannes, 97–99
Melissa Harris Perry Show, 80
Memorialization, 47
Men as allies, 22, 45, 64, 156–157
Mentions (Twitter), xxxvi
Messina, Chris, xxviii
as activist campaign, 24
cross-identity solidarity, 26
and Gillette commercial, 188
and male allies, 157
media and academic attention, 26
and #SayHerName, 55
#MeToo moment, 27
@MichaelSkolnik, 160
Micheaux, Michonne, 35
@MikeMooseBC, 120
Million Hoodie March, 101
Minstrel accounts, 193
Misogyny, 7
Mitchell, Tiffany, 124
Mock, Janet, xlii, 22, 70–75, 78–81, 84–85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 189
Monet, Aja, 58
#MoreAndAgain, 198
NAACP, 115–116
NARAL Pro-Choice America, 59
National Rifle Association (NRA), 143–144
NatStar, 116
#Nerdland, 80
Net neutrality, 201–202
Networks. See also Hashtags
average distance between members, 75
brand clusters, 170
broadcast, 74
distributive framing, 126
and mainstream media, 197
and offline activism, 185–186
and social media infrastructure, 143
stokers and brokers, 141–142
tweets as, xxxv–xxxvii
weaponization of, 202–204
Network science, xxxv
Never Before, 189
#NeverForget, 55
New Jersey 7, 52
Newsome, Bree, 19
Newsome, Hawk, 147
NewsOne Now, 47
New York Magazine, 19
Noble, Safiya, 191
#NoDAPL, 195
#NoMore, 17
@NOMOREorg, 15
North Carolina bathroom bill, 94
#NotMyStonewall, 69
#NRA2DOJ, 145
#NYPD, xxix
Occupy movement, xxxi
Offline activism, 185–187, 190
@OITNB, 80
Older, Daniel José, 14
Oliveira, Maria de Fatima, xxxvii
106 & Park, 116
Online violence, 2
Orange Is the New Black, 67, 80
Palmer, Janay, 13
@_____PantheR, 45
Papacharissi, Zizi, xxxvii
Pelosi, Nancy, 5
Performative allyship, 154–155
#PhilandoCastile, 142–145
Physical abuse. See Violence
@PiaGlenn, 43
Pinder, Demont, 145
Plank, Elizabeth, 158, 160, 182
Platformed racism, 192
@PoderonThat, 107
Poe, Tef, 128
Poland, Bailey, 2
Police brutality, 49–52, 131, 133–134, 144
PolicyMic, 160
and counterpublics, xxvi–xxvii, xxxiv
and exclusion, xxxiii–xxxiv
of intersectionality, 32, 34–35, 40
Pose, 189
Pound sign (#), xxviii. See also Hashtags
Powell, Kashif Jerome, 151
@PPact, 160
Presidential election of 2016, 202–203
Prison reform, 80
Quinn, Zoe, 192
absence of, 118–119
hashtags, 7, 174–175, 179, 186, 197
Racism. See also #BlackLivesMatter
and Black women, 33–35
platformed, 192
and Twitter, 192–193
Ramsay, Stephen, xxxvii
Ramsey, Ora, 130
Ransby, Barbara, 148
#Rape, 11
Rape victims, 20–21
Rapper 9th Wonder, 174
Rawson, K. J., 69
@RealFerrellWill, 105
@realWillSmith, 110
#RedefiningRealness, 84, 87–88, 91, 189
Redmayne, Eddie, 69
Red Record, The, 123
Research ethics, 204–208
Reynolds, Diamond, 144
Rhianna, 116
Rice, Tamir, 114, 119, 131, 133–136
#RiceBunny, 28
Richie, Beth, 17
Roach, Maria, 102
Rocero, Geena, 81
Rodriguez, J. Scott, 90
Rogan, Seth, 193
Rojas, Ana Clarissa, 2
Rojas, Fabio, 126
Rosa, Jonathan, 126
Ross, Jason, xliii, 166–168, 182
#RuinABlackGirlsMonday, 35
@rzimmermanjr, 109
Safe Horizon, 15
Safety pins, 155–156
Sanchez, Deshawnda, 68
Sanders, Bernie, 55
#SandraBland, 53
@sassycrass, 5
contributing organizations, 59
data and popularity, 53
and historical memory, 56
informational tweets, 59
media participation, 61–62
memorialization, 61
and #MeToo, 55
and trans victims, 67–68
women of color, 56–58
Say Her Name: Resisting Police Brutality Against Black Woman, 52
Schwyzer, Hugo, 32
#SeanBell, 119
Sexism, 33–35
Sexual violence, 2
and Black women, 25, 39–40, 47
on college campuses, 8
women’s accounts of, 20–21
@SirPatStew, 161
Skolnik, Michael, 160
Slogans, activist, 6
Smith, Jamil, 22
Social justice, 153–154
Social media, xxvii
and Black Americans, 33
content regulations, 190–191
racist and sexist ideas on, 192
and research data, 205–206
surveillance, 194
victim blaming on, 2
weaponization of, 202–204
Solidarity, 154–155, 157–158, 190. See also Allyship
#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, 32, 39
SO Popular!, 189
@Soulfulbrotha, 45
Spencer, Leland G., 65
Spencer, Octavia, 190
Sports celebrities, 151
Squires, Catherine, 65
Standing Rock protest, 195
#StandWithStandingRock, 195
Starbird, Kate, 202
State legislation, 94
State-sanctioned violence, 48–52, 61
Stewart, Leo, 202
Stokers, 141
Stonewall, 69
Street harassment, 42–45
#StreetHarassment, 43
Surviving R. Kelly, 188
#SurvivingRKelly, 189
and mainstream media critiques, 11–13
popularity of, 10
Sutton, Martinez, 49
Swan, Bishop Talbert, 130
Talackova, Jenna, 71
Tambor, Jeffrey, 69
#TamirRice, 134–136
Taylor, Goldie, 128
#TheEmptyChair, 1, 19–25, 189–190
cross-identity solidarity, 26
data and popularity, 20
rape victims, 20–21
Think Progress, 15
Thomas, Clarence, 28
Till, Emmett, 56
Time cover, 149–150
Tomlinson, Patrick S., 144
Tourmaline, 69
Transamerica, 68
#TransBookDrive, 89
Transgender Communication Studies, 65
Trans March, 79
Transparent, 69
#TransRevolution, 81
Trans Tech Social, 83
Trans women. See also #GirlsLikeUs
entertainment advocacy, 189
identities, 70
marginalization of, 66
representation of, 66–69
and state law, 94
trans feminism, 90–91
and violence, 68
#TrayvonMartin, 103–121
co-occurring hashtags, 119–121
dissenting narratives, 117
posttrial network, 113–117
precharges network, 104–109
racial injustice, 118–119
trial network, 109–113
@Trudy, 39
Trump administration, 199–200
Tufekci, Zeynep, xxx
Twitter, xxv, xxvii–xxviii. See also Hashtags
access to, xxx
African American employees, 192–193
algorithm preferences, 195–196
allies on, 153–154
bias and harassment on, 192–193
and Black women, 32–33, 63–64, 193
content curation, 191
diffusion patterns, 172
directive/instructive tweets, 161–166
and Facebook, 143
and Ferguson, 128
in-degree/out-degree metric, 173
and marginalized groups, xxxviii
minstrel accounts, 193
public nature of, 93
research ethics, 204–208
retweets/mentions, xxxvi, 170–172
shared images, 124
and social change, 185
speed of communication, xxix
and street demonstrations, 98–99
and trans women, 70
and TV/film content, 186
tweets as networks, xxxv–xxxvii
TxtMob, xxvii
Union, Gabrielle, 104, 106, 109–110
Victimization, 1–2
Black women, 38
rape, 20–21
trans women, 68
Videos, cell-phone, 97–98
Violence. See also Anti-Black violence; Sexual violence
gendered, 1–2
online, 2
police, 49–52, 131, 133–134, 144
and trans women, 68
Viral diffusion, 172
Voice from the South, A, 33
Wahlberg, Mark, 177
Wanjuki, Wagatwe, xli, 4, 8–11
Warner, Michael, 71
“War on women,” 5
@washingtonpost, 10–11
Watson, Emma, 182
#WeGotYouSis, 43
Weinstein, Harvey, 24–25, 27–28
@WeLoveTrayvon, 105
@WendyRMonkey, 145
#WeNeedFeminism, 161
West, Kim Kardashian, 53
White, Elon James, 19–26, 189–190
White actresses, 190
White allies, 169, 181–182, 190
intimate partner violence, 17
popularity and data, 14
Will, George, 8–11
Williams, Jessie, 53
Wilson, Darren, 124–125, 130, 187
Women. See also Black women; Trans women
and men’s entitlement, 4
and public office, 187
sexual assault accounts, 20–21
and violence, 1–2
Women of color, 31–32
and #SayHerName, 52
and street harassment, 42–45
Twitter harassment, 193
@WomensMarch, 145
@xoCAMILLAxo, 75–76
XXXTentacion, 48
#YesAllWhiteWomen, 7–8, 31–32, 40
#YesAllWomen, 1–3, 5–8, 31, 43, 158
and #AllMenCan, 161–162
and cultural misogyny, 7
duration of tweets, 5
ideological effects of, 6–7
and #NotAllMen, 5–6
#YesOn3, 94
male allies on, 45
media attention, 47–48
memorialization, 47
popularity, 42–43
street harassment, 42–45
@YourAnonNews, 115
Grant videos, 186
Rodger videos, 4
Zendaya, 131
Zimmerman, George, 79, 99–100, 102–104, 106, 108–115, 118–120, 123
Zimmerman, Robert, 109–112