
A Fair Chance for All 115, 117

Abbott, Tony 37, 242

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students 115, 117–18

Aboriginal Participation Program 117

academic appraisals 74, 127–30, 175

academic capitalism 211

academic freedom 135–6, 299–31

Academic Standards Panel 151–2

academic workforce see staff

Academy of the Social Sciences 68

access 19, 113–19

ACCESS—Australian Contribution to the Cost of Education for Students Scheme 74

Accord see Prices and Incomes Accord

Administrative Staff College at Mount Martha 92

Advisory Committee on Advanced Education 16, 25

Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act 1986 114

Aitkin, Don 59, 63, 79, 134, 186


funds for 110

and Green Paper 84–5, 105

pattern of 88–95

policies 86

process 85–8

successes and failures 95–105, 164

task force 87–8, 106

and White Paper 85–6, 105, 108

Anderson, Don 4, 19, 20, 74, 150–1

Armidale College of Advanced Education 17, 89, 94, 97–8, 99

Association of Regional Colleges of Advanced Education 48

Auchmuty, James 21

Australia Institute 231

Australia Reconstructed 31, 122, 124

The Australian 104

Higher Education supplement 46

Australian Academic Research Network 47

Australian Catholic University

amalgamations 91, 94

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

research enrolments 207

research support 204

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

student evaluation of teaching 175

Australian Chamber of Commerce 71

Australian Commission on Advanced Education 25

Australian Committee of Directors and Principals in Advanced Education (ACDP)

on amalgamations 86–7, 108

and AVCC 48, 149

credit for prior study 120–1

and CTEC 45, 58

fees 73, 74–5

and Green Paper 64–5, 70

and universities 106–7

Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission 49, 127

see also Australian Industrial Relations Commission

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) 31, 50, 59, 68, 71, 75–6, 122, 124, 128

Australian Credit Transfer Agency 121–2

Australian Defence Force Academy 216

Australian Education Centres 155, 156

Australian Higher Education Industrial Association 47, 49, 129

Australian Industrial Relations Commission 122–3, 127–8

see also Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission

Australian Institute of Tertiary Education Administrators 68

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau 155

Australian Labor Party 50–2, 53–4, 75–6

Australian Maritime College 91, 216

Australian Mining Industry Council 50

Australian National Training Authority 123, 124

Australian National University (ANU)

amalgamations 86–7, 91

brand 225

Council 131

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

fees 158

founded 13

and Green Paper 68

operating grant 146

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

student evaluation of teaching 175

Australian Qualifications Framework 125, 135

Australian Research Council (ARC)

clawback 77–9, 141, 184, 186–7, 188, 189

competitive allocation 66, 184

evaluations 175

founded 32–3, 58

and funding system 189, 247

grants 60, 141, 247, 191–3, 202

and NBEET 59

and research training 205–6, 208

role 186–7, 244

Small Grants 192, 202, 247

support for research 191–3, 195, 202

Australian Research Grants Committee (ARGC) 25, 32, 33, 59, 184

Australian Science and Technology Council (ASTEC) 31, 32, 33, 44, 187

Australian Standards Framework 123, 124

Australian Taxation Office 73

Australian Teachers Federation 68

Australian Technology Network 223

Australian Union of Students 50

Australian Universities Commission (AUC) 15–16, 25

Australian Universities Review 48, 68

Australian University Academic Staff (Conditions of Employment) Award 128

Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee (AVCC)

Academic Standards Panel 151–2

and ACDP 48

and amalgamations 86–7

on autonomy 229

on binary divide 32

and business 51

and composite research index 197, 198

and competencies 124–5

credit for prior study 120–1

criteria for universities 105–7

and CTEC 45, 47–8, 57–8

and DEET 57, 58, 59, 141, 251

described 46–8

discipline reviews 151–2, 174–5

on equity 113–14

fees 73, 74–5, 159

forum 32–3

and funding system 147, 148–9

and Green Paper 64–5, 70

on institutes of technology 32

international students 156

and media 46

meet with Dawkins 61, 79

on NBEET 137

over-enrolments 141

recognition of prior learning 125

reorganisation 133–4

and research 187, 190, 197, 198

transformed 133–4

and White Paper 79

Austudy allowance 74, 182

autonomy 20–1, 135–6, 160, 229

Avondale College 161

awards (employment) 49, 127–9, 229

bachelor programs 164–5

Baldwin, Peter 112, 121, 124–5, 136–7, 147, 150, 151, 159, 168, 177

Ballarat College of Advanced Education 17, 90, 92

Ballarat University College 90

Bambrick, Susan 99

Barker, Jack 63

Batchelor College 216

Baxter, Sir Philip 21, 210

Beazley, Kim 5, 7, 137, 150, 152, 156

Bendigo College of Advanced Education 90, 93

Bendigo Institute of Technology 18, 90

Bessant, Bob 229

binary system 16, 19, 32, 48, 65, 109, 249

Birt, Michael 61, 98

Bjelke-Petersen, Joh 104

Blake, Cliff 96–7

Blandy, Richard 38, 40, 71, 206

Blewett, Neal 8, 10

Bloom, Allan 239, 240, 241

Bond, Alan 24, 30, 31

Bond University 30, 63, 90, 161, 214

Boston Consulting Group 133, 219

Bourke, Paul 60–1, 83

Boyce, Peter 102, 103

Bradley, Denise 100, 247

brands 224–5, 226–7

Brennan, Max 59, 187, 193, 222

Brisbane College of Advanced Education 18, 90, 93, 94, 104

buildings 225–7

Bulletin magazine 37

Burke, Gerald 73

Bush, Vannevar 185–6

Business Council of Australia (BCA) 47, 50–1, 68, 71, 122

Business/Higher Education Round Table 173

business schools 158

Button, John 53

Cain, John 75

Campbell, Colin 87

Canberra College of Advanced Education 14, 18, 86–7, 91, 94

Canberra Institute of the Arts 91

Cape Byron International Academy 30, 97

capital works 19, 87, 110, 139, 141, 143

Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education 18, 90, 94, 104

Carlton, Jim 59, 71

Carmichael, Laurie 71, 123–4

Caro, David 61, 241

Catholic College of Education Sydney 17, 91

Catholic institutions 94

Central Queensland University

amalgamations 90, 94, 104

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

operating grant 146

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

Centre for Independent Studies 51

Centres of Excellence 184, 195

Challenge for Higher Education in Australia 61–4

Chamberlain, Joseph 1

Chapman, Bruce 72, 73

Charles Sturt University

amalgamations 89, 94, 95

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 215

research enrolments 207

research support 204

salaries and related costs 160

staff 109

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 215

staff–student ratios 160

student evaluation of teaching 175

Charlesworth, Max 242

Cheney, Lynne 240

chief executive officers 81–2, 95, 96, 120, 122

Chifley University 99

Chisholm Institute of Technology 17, 90, 92

Chubb, Ian 87, 151

Clarke, Adrienne 187

Clarke, Graeme 211

coats of arms 224, 225

Cochlear Limited 211

colleges of advanced education

in 1987 17–18

amalgamations 89–94, 108–9

becoming universities 106–7

courses 16, 32, 107–8

described 16–17, 19

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17–18

funding system 143–4, 145–6

numbers of 94

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17–18

and Unified National System 78

commercialisation 211–12, 231

Committee for Economic Development of Australia 44

Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CQAHE) 151, 152–4, 175, 176–7

Committee for the Advancement of University Teaching 177–8

Committee to Review Higher Education Research Policy 187–8

Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) 156

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 25, 210

Commonwealth Staff Development Fund 207

Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (CTEC)

abolition of 57–60, 135

and AVCC 45, 47–8

as buffer body 26–7, 45, 60

chairs 26–7

discipline reviews 174

distance education 170

efficiency and effectiveness review 31, 32, 40, 120, 170, 179

established 16

and research 184–5, 195

standing of 32

submissions to 40

workings of 45–6, 139, 143–4

competencies 122–3, 124

competition 39, 220–2

Confederation of Australian Industry 50

Cooperative Research Centres 196, 203, 210

Corden, Max 162

Council for Educational Standards 36

Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations 50, 70–1

Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) 176


accreditation 163–4

changes in 164–9

cost of 74

offered 20, 32, 164–5, 204

progress of students through 178–9

quotas on first-year 14

student choice of 167–8, 179–80

TAFE 80–1

Court, Sir Charles 103

Cowan, Hendy 103

Crean, Simon 76, 131, 137, 152, 153

credit for prior study 120–2, 125–6, 171

Cumberland College of Health Sciences 17, 89

Curtin University of Technology

amalgamations 90, 91, 102, 103

Council 131

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

founded 32

international students 157

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

student evaluation of teaching 175

Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education 18, 90, 94, 104, 169

Darwin Institute of Technology 91

Dawkins, John

on advanced education 108

on amalgamations 85–7, 102–3, 108

and ANU 131

and ARC 33

assault on higher education 1–3, 63, 242

Challenge for Higher Education in Australia 61–4, 72

charter of academic freedom 135

credit for prior study 120–1

and DEET 55–7

described 8, 10, 56, 71, 136, 252

early years 6–7

and equity 43, 114–15

on fees 72, 74, 75–6

and Green Paper 68–9, 71

international students 154

lecture at RMIT 62–3

Minister for Finance 8–9, 24

Minister for Trade 9

and OECD 43

over-enrolments 141

political career 5, 7–10, 55–6, 136

on privatisation 41

relative funding model 146

on research 184

at Roseworthy Agricultural College 6

as shadow minister 5

and staff 127

on training system 119, 123

at University of Western Australia 6

and vice-chancellors 61, 79–80, 83

Deakin University

amalgamations 90, 93

brand 227

distance education 169

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

founded 15

research enrolments 207

research support 204

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

deans 231–3

degree programs 164–5

department heads 232–3

Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET)

and courses 165

formation 55–6

funding system 144–5

and HECS 77, 158

limited capacity 135, 201, 244

and NBEET 58

over-enrolments 142

policy discussion paper 62, 64–71

and research 175

and research plans 201–2

Department of Finance 31, 67–8, 73, 76, 78, 188

Department of Health 167

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet 67–8, 78

Derham, David 132

Deveson, Ivan 123

diploma programs 164–5

Directors of Central Institutes of Technology (DOCIT) 48, 223


equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 166–7

and funding system 145–6, 147–8

and research 192, 200–1, 203–4, 212–13

reviews 174–5

Disney, Julian 59

distance education 169–73

Distance Education Centres 170, 172

diversity 109–10, 220

Dowding, Peter 75

D’Souza, Dinesh 240

economic conditions 22–4, 50–4, 206, 249

Economic Planning Advisory Council 31, 44, 50, 52

Edith Cowan University

amalgamations 91

brand 226–7

Council 131

credit for prior study 122

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

rankings 153

research support 204

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

education 122

see also higher education

education standards 36–7

Edwards, Meredith 73

efficiency and effectiveness 31, 33–4, 43–4

Employment and Skills Formation Council 58, 59, 122, 123–4

English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) 156

equal opportunity 113–14, 119

equity 44–5, 113–19

equity plans 66, 115, 117, 118–19

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17–18, 140, 142, 214, 215–16

benchmark numbers 65–6, 78, 84, 88

disciplines 166

distance education 170

and universities 105–6

Expenditure Review Committee 8, 29, 31, 53, 72

Fabian Society 6

A Fair Chance for All 115–16, 117

Fane, George 38, 41

Federated Brick, Tile and Pottery Industrial Union 5

Federated Council of Academics (FCA) 49, 50, 68, 70, 128

Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) 166

Federation of Australian University Staff Associations (FAUSA) 48, 59, 68, 70, 87, 128, 229


abolished 27, 28–9, 38

administration charge 9, 29, 50, 72

for domestic undergraduates 159, 246

and inequality 19

for international students 72

overseas student charges 29, 154–7, 245–6

for postgraduates 72, 158–9, 245

reintroduced 29

repayments 74

user pays 71–7

see also Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)

Finn, Brian 123

Fitzgerald, Ross 243

FitzGerald, Vince 56, 57, 64

Flinders University of South Australia

amalgamations 91, 93, 100–2

courses 15

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 84, 216

founded 14

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

Flint, David 148

flipped classroom 183

Footscray Institute of Technology 17, 90, 94

Fraser government 7–8, 11–12, 16, 22, 29, 46, 50, 51, 251

Free, Ross 190

Friedman, Milton 51, 73

funding arrangements

for colleges of advanced education 143–4

and disciplines 144–5, 147–8

grants per student 141, 142, 160, 245

Green Paper 71–2

performance-based 148–54

relative funding model 144–6

for research 66, 140, 145–6, 184–5, 187, 188, 189–95, 199, 212

for teaching 146–7, 151

Unified National System 66–7, 81, 110, 139–40

universities 143, 144–5, 146–8

user pays 71–7

see also government funding

Gaita, Rai 242–3

Geiger, Roger 39

Gibson, Denis 187

Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education 18, 90, 92, 169

Gittins, Ross 52

Gold Coast College of Advanced Education 18, 90, 93, 104–5

Good Universities Guide 167, 180

Gorton, John 16, 238

governing bodies 130–4

government funding 123, 139, 160, 185, 245–6

Graduate Careers Council 46–7, 176

Graduate Destinations Survey 176


attributes of 169

projected increase 140

Grafton, Anthony 240

Green Paper 2, 64–71

and amalgamations 84–6, 108

distance education 170

funding system 71–2

launches of 68

research 184, 2-4–5

responses to 64–5, 69–71

task force 64

and technical and further education (TAFE) 120

Gregory, Bob 73

Griffith University

amalgamations 90, 93, 102–5

brand 225

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 84, 216

founded 14

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

Vice-Chancellors 105

Group of Eight 223

Halton, Charles 57, 59

Hambly, Frank 47, 57, 63, 121, 134, 136

Harman, Grant 98–9, 100, 108, 236–7

Hawke, Bob 9, 29, 50–1, 196

Hawke government 22–3, 28, 51, 53–4, 55–6

Hawkesbury Agricultural College 17, 89, 99–100

Hawthorn Institute of Education 18, 90

Hay, Andrew 52

Hayden, Bill 5, 7

Hickey, Paul 64, 65, 87

higher education

critics of 240–4

growth 110–11

inquiries 247

as a market 37–41, 48, 160–2

policies 8, 45–50, 83

as positional good 220–1

role 65

strains on 239–40

visibility of 46

see also binary system

Higher Education: A Policy Discussion Paper see Green Paper

Higher Education: A Policy Statement see White Paper

Higher Education Administration Charge 9, 29, 50, 72

Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)

design 71–6

exemption scholarships 77, 206–7

income from 142

increases 159, 245–6

introduced 76–7, 140

open learning 171

repayments 76, 142, 158, 159

Higher Education Council (HEC)

chairs 59, 135

and courses 165, 168, 169

dismantled 244

founded 58, 60

funding system 144–5

and Green Paper 70

and NBEET 59

over-enrolments 142

and research 188

tasks 135

and teaching 169

Higher Education Funding Bill 77

higher education funding committee 73–6

higher education institutions

in 1988 89–91

in 1992 89–91

amalgamation year 89–94

groupings 220–3

term used 65

Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) 246

Higher Education Management Review 131–2

Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA) 173

Higher Education Round Table 74

higher education specialists 3–4

Hil, Richard 243–4

Hirsch, Fred 220

Hoare, David 131

Howard, John 52, 224

Howard government 245–7

Hudson, Hugh 27, 31, 33, 57–8, 63, 64, 68, 188

Hughes, Helen 63

Hunter Institute of Higher Education 89, 93

Improving Australia’s Training System 123

Indigenous education centres 118

Industry Commission 159, 161

initials, use of 224

innovation 209–10, 212–13, 247

Innovative Research Universities 223

Institute of Catholic Education (Victoria) 18, 91

Institute of Public Affairs 37, 51

institutes of technology

amalgamations 89–94

becoming universities 32

courses 32

funding 145

intellectual property 211

International Development Program (IDP) 47, 155, 156

international students 151, 154–7

fees 29–30, 72

and rankings 153

standards 156, 231

Jacobson, Howard 243–4

James Cook University of North Queensland 93

amalgamations 90

brand 225

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

founded 14

rankings 152

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

James, Richard 178, 179–82

Joint Planning Committees 80, 86, 110

Karmel, Peter

on changed circumstances of higher education 54

decries uniformity 220

described 26–7

on education standards 37

efficiency and effectiveness 31, 33–4, 40

fees 73

funding system 41, 143, 144, 153

and Green Paper 69–70

on higher education 40–1

and La Trobe University 133

management of universities 135, 137

on NBEET 244

on quality assurance 153

on research 199

on the ‘steady state’ 12

and teaching qualifications 173

on UK universities 15

Keating government 142

Keating, Paul 8, 10, 23, 52, 73, 76

Kelly, Paul 9, 62

Kerr, Clark 239–40

Key Centres of Teaching and Research 184–5, 195

Kimball, Roger 240

Kipling, Rudyard 1

Knight, Stephen 243–4

KPMG 198

Kramer, Leonie 36–7

Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education 17, 89

La Trobe University

amalgamations 85, 90, 93

brand 225

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 84, 215

founded 15

management of 133

salaries and related costs 160

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

staff–student ratios 160

Large Grants (ARC) 192, 193, 202

Larkins, Frank 201–2

Lawrence, Carmen 102, 103

learning distinguished from teaching 183

Leslie, Larry 211–12

Liberal Party 41, 52–3, 59, 244

libraries 190–1

lifelong learning 168–9

Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences 18, 85

Linke, Russell 87, 149, 176, 197

Littleproud, Brian 104

living allowances 74

Logan, Mal 63, 85, 170

Lowe, Ian 242

Macarthur Institute of Higher Education 17, 89, 99–100

McAuley College 91

McCloskey, Ian 187

McCulloch, Graeme 145

McInnis, Craig 178, 179–82, 235, 236

McKinnon, Ken 49, 63

McLachlan, Ian 52

McNicol, Don 98

Macquarie University

amalgamations 89, 93

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 84, 215

fees 158

founded 14

motto 183

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

Vice-Chancellor 227

management of universities 12, 21–2, 130–4

administration 217–18

changes to 231–7

critics of 227–30

efficiency and effectiveness 31, 43–4

and Green Paper 66, 70

new model of 218–19

and research plans 201–2

self-management 137–8

structure 20–2

in Unified National System 81–2

Manne, Robert 241, 242–3

Marcus Oldham Farm Management College 161

Marginson, Simon 4, 124–5, 161, 220–2, 228–9, 248

Marshall, Neil 45–6

Martin committee 16, 42

Martin, Ray 187

Martin, Sir Leslie 15–16, 64

Massaro, Vin 47, 82–3, 133, 148–9, 153–4

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 172–3

Masters of Business Administration (MBA) 158, 174

Mathews, Russell 73

mature age students 28, 182

Mawer, Allan 73

Mayer, Eric 124

Meek, Lynn 99, 108

Melbourne College of Advanced Education 17, 85, 90, 92

Menzies, Robert 15

Metherell, Terry 86

Meyers, Donald 243

Mitchell College of Advanced Education 17, 89, 94, 95–6, 169

Monash University 13–14

academic freedom 229

amalgamations 85, 90, 92

brand 224

Council 131

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 214–15

open learning 171, 172

rankings 152

research enrolments 207

research support 192, 194

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

Morgan, Hugh 52

Moses, Ingrid 154, 200–1

mottos 183

Mullarvey, John 133

Murdoch University

amalgamations 91, 92, 93, 102–4

courses 15

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 84, 216

founded 14

operating grant 146

rankings 152

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

Murray committee 15, 173

National Board of Employment, Education and Training (NBEET)

chairs 58, 59, 60

credit for prior study 121, 122, 125–6

dismantled 244–5

early years 60

founded 58–9

and funding system 150

meetings with 135

members 59

reports 135

and research 187, 190

review of 137

structure 58

National Centre for Teaching Excellence 178

National Economic Summit 22, 50

National Farmers Federation 50

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 25, 33, 184, 188, 193–4

National Office of Overseas Skill Recognition 124

National Science Foundation 186

National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) 128, 143

National Training Board 123

National Union of Students (NUS) 50, 59, 70–1, 158

Nelson, Brendan 244–5

Nepean College of Advanced Education 17, 89, 99–100

New South Wales Conservatorium of Music 17, 89, 92

New South Wales Institute of Technology 17, 90, 226

New South Wales Institute of the Arts 89

Newcastle College of Advanced Education 17

Newman, Maurice 51

Nichol, Laurie 98

non-English-speaking background students 115, 116

Noonan, Peter 74, 75–6, 87

Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education 17, 89, 94, 97–8, 146

Northern Territory University 91, 215, 216

Notre Dame University 91, 161, 214

Nutting, Anthony 1

O’Neill, Arthur 108

open learning 170–73

Open Learning Agency of Australia (OLA) 171

Open University in England 170–1

Orange Agricultural College 17, 89, 94, 95–6, 98

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 42–3, 44, 185, 210

over-enrolments 140–2, 245

overseas student charges 29, 154–7

overseas students see international students

Parish, Ross 38

Participation and Equity Program 114–15

Partington, Geoffrey 37

Penington, David 79–80, 85, 124, 129, 157, 187, 188, 223

performance-based funding 148–54

Pettit, Phillip 194, 195

Phillip Institute of Technology 17, 90, 93, 94

Porter, Michael 30, 38, 40, 41

postgraduate coursework 164, 165,

fees 72, 158–9

load targets 142

postgraduate research 204–9

completion rates 208–9

distribution 205, 207

scholarships 205–7

Price Waterhouse 68

Prices and Incomes Accord 22–3

Priorities Reserve Fund 66, 70, 79, 110, 141

private degree-granting institutions 161

private universities 30–1, 161, 214

publications and research 197–8

Purple Circle 63–4, 65

Quadrant 37, 241

quality assurance 137, 151–4

Quality of Education in Australia 37

Queensland Agricultural College 18, 90, 92, 95, 104

Queensland College of Art 90, 93, 104–5

Queensland Conservatorium of Music 18, 90, 93, 104–5

Queensland Institute of Technology 18, 90, 94, 104

Queensland University of Technology

amalgamations 90, 94

brand 224

Council 131

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

rankings 152

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

Ralph, John 174

Ramsden, Paul 176, 178, 200

Ramsey, Gregor 58–9, 60, 64, 65, 68, 87, 88, 100, 103, 135, 187

rankings 152–3

Rann, Mike 153

Ray, John 64

Rayson, Hannie 243

Readings, Bill 240

Regional Universities Network 223


applied 185, 210, 212

and ARC 191–3, 195, 202

assessment 198–9

basic 185, 212

centres 195–6, 202–3

changes in 184

commercialisation 210–12

competition 204

composite research index 197–8

and development 212

and disciplines 192, 200–1, 203–4, 212–13

and equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 65–6

esteem accorded 177

ethics committees 194–5

funding system 66, 140, 145–6, 184–5, 187, 188, 189–95, 196–8, 199, 212

income 196–7, 215

management of 201–2

measuring value 196–8

and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 24, 33, 184, 188, 194–5

public funding 25–6, 32–3

and publications 197–8

reviews of 187–91

spending on 185, 212

staff experience 199–200

support services 208–9

and university status 107

and women 192

see also Australian Research Council (ARC)

Research Assessment Exercise 198

Research Infrastructure Block Grant 247

research plans 201–2

Research Quantum 146, 150, 151, 189–90, 196, 197, 208, 222, 247

research training 204–9

Research Training Scheme 247

Richardson, Graham 76

Riverina-Murray Institute of Higher Education 17, 89, 94, 95–6, 169

Roseworthy Agricultural College 6, 18, 91, 92, 95, 100, 101

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)

amalgamations 90, 94

brand 105, 224

Dawkins at 62–3

directors 63

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

international students 157

rankings 152

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 215

rural students 115, 116

Ryan, Susan 9, 47, 55

critics of 9

on equity 114

and fees 29, 53

on international students 30

on private universities 31

on women 113

Ryckmans, Pierre 241

salaries 142–3, 160

Sandstone universities 221–2, 223

scholarship 201

school retention rates 28, 114, 142

Schools Council 58

Schrecker, Ellen 240

Schumpeter, Joseph 208–9

Scott, John 57–60, 86–7

Segall, Robert 100

Shack, Peter 52

Sheridan, Greg 37

Signadou College 91

Slatyer, Ralph 195–6

Slaughter, Sheila 211–12

slogans 225

Small Grants (ARC) 192, 202, 247

Smelser, Neil 238–9

Smith, Adam 162

Smith, Bob 59, 60, 63, 98, 102, 187

Smith, Brian 63

socioeconomically disadvantaged students 115–17

South Australian College of Advanced Education 18, 91, 92, 93, 94, 100–2

South Australian Institute of Technology 18, 91, 94, 100–2

Southern Cross University

amalgamations 89

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 215

founded 98

research support 204

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 215

Special Research Centres 195, 203

specialisation 20

Spurling, Graham 51


academic careers 126–7

academic shortfall 206

administration 119, 133, 217–18

on amalgamations 108–9

awards 49, 127–8, 229

casualisation 217–18

dissatisfaction among 48–9, 108, 198, 218, 231

full-time equivalent (FTE) 17–18, 215–16

induction 177

management 126–30, 218–19

numbers 17–18, 127, 215–16

part-time 217

performance appraisals 127–30

with PhD 107

research experience 199–201

salaries 49, 142–3, 236

salary costs 160, 215

surveys of academics 108–9, 177, 233–7

‘teaching only’ 217

and teaching qualifications 163

tenure 39, 49, 66, 126–7

White Paper 126

women 113–14, 119, 218

work patterns 235–6

see also teaching

staff–student ratios 143, 160, 177, 246

Standing Committee on External Studies 170

Story, John 21

strategic planning 134, 153

Strategic Research Centres 188, 189

student numbers 11, 12, 17–18, 215–17, 245

disadvantaged 117, 118

mature age 28

and quotas 14

see also equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU)


choice of course 167–8, 179–80

choice of university 161–2, 179–80

demonstrating 5, 227

disadvantaged 115–19

engagement 179

evaluation of teaching 175–7

experiences of 178–83

financial aspects 117

and Green Paper 66

income 181

living arrangements 181

load targets 142

mature age 28, 182

over-enrolments 141–2, 245

progress through courses 178–9

women 116, 118

see also equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU); graduates; international students

students with disabilities 115, 116

superannuation 47

Swinburne Institute of Technology

amalgamations 90, 94

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17

Swinburne University of Technology

amalgamations 90, 94

credit for prior study 122

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

fees 158

research support 204

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

Sydney College of Advanced Education 17, 89, 92

Sydney College of the Arts 17, 89, 92

Task Force on Amalgamations 87–8, 106

Tasman Institute 30

Tasmanian State Institute of Technology 18, 91, 93

Taylor, Michael 149

teacher training colleges 16–17, 30


of academics 173–4, 177

approaches to 163–4

excellence 177

and funding system 146–7, 151

generic skills 169

grants for 177–8

and learning 183

modular design of courses 168

qualifications of staff 163

quality of 173–4, 177

student evaluation of 175–7

technical and further education (TAFE)

courses 16, 80–1

and Green Paper 120

transfers to higher education 66, 120–2, 125–6

and Unified National System 119–20, 123

Thomas, Laurie 243

Trade Development Council 31, 122

training 122–5

training system 123–5

Treasury 31, 67–8, 76

Treyvaud, Rod 97

Trinca, Helen 47

Trow, Martin 34, 250

unemployment 22, 27–8

Unified National System

benchmark numbers 65–6, 78, 84, 88, 112

comments on 2–3, 82–4, 138, 241–2, 248–52

durability 244–8

educational profiles 78, 113, 142, 201

formed 57, 65–6

funding system 66–7, 81, 110, 139–40

governing bodies 132, 133

how unified? 105–11, 219–24, 249

joining 77–80

management of institutions 81–2

membership 66, 78–80, 94–5, 112–13, 201, 215–16

and staff 127–8

see also amalgamations; Green Paper; White Paper

Union of Australian College Academics (UACA) 49

see also Federated Council of Academics

unions 49–50, 128, 143

UniSuper 47

United Kingdom 14–15, 34, 82, 198–9, 251

United States 240–1

universities 17–18

before 1987 11–17, 238–43

in 1987 17–18

academic freedom 135–6, 229–31

amalgamations 89–94

architecture 225–6

autonomy 20–1, 135–6

becoming a university 105–7

brands 224–5

collegiality 20–1, 40, 126–7, 137–8, 229

diversity 109–10

enrolment patterns 164–5, 166–7, 248–9

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17–18, 140, 142, 215–16

foundation of 13–15

funding system 143, 144–5, 146–8

governing bodies 130–2

growth 214–19

institutional size 214–15

management 21–2, 132–5, 218–19, 227–9, 231–2, 249–50

numbers of 13, 94

in OECD countries 35

private 30–1, 161, 214

quotas 14, 15

rankings 152–3

response to Dawkins 63–4

self-management 137–8

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17–18, 215–16

student choice of 161–2, 179–80

and Unified National System 78–9

see also management of universities

University College of the Northern Territory 91

University Grants Committee 34

University of Adelaide

amalgamations 91, 92, 95, 100–1

credit for prior study 121

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

founded 13

international students 157

quotas 14

research enrolments 207

research support 192, 204

salaries and related costs 160

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

staff–student ratios 160

University of Ballarat 204, 215, 216

University of Canberra 91, 94, 216

University of Melbourne

academic freedom 230

amalgamations 85, 90, 92, 95

appraisal 129–30

brand 224, 227

Council 131

credit for prior study 121, 122

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

founded 13

Graduate School of Management 30, 174

international students 157

research enrolments 207

research support 192, 194, 204

salaries and related costs 160

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

staff–student ratios 160

University of New England

amalgamations 89, 93, 95, 97–9

brand 225

distance education 169

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

founded 14

and Green Paper 68

rankings 152

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

Vice-Chancellors 98

University of New South Wales

amalgamations 14, 89, 92, 95–6

brand 224–5

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

founded 13

international students 157

research 210

research enrolments 207

research support 192

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

student numbers 117

Vice-Chancellor 227

University of Newcastle

amalgamations 89, 93–4

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

founded 14

rand 152

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

University of Queensland

amalgamations 90, 92, 93, 95, 104

Council 131

credit for prior study 121

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

founded 13

international students 157

research enrolments 207

research support 192, 204

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 215, 216

University of South Australia

amalgamations 91, 94, 101–2

Council 131

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

Faculty of Aboriginal and Islander Studies 118

salaries and related costs 160

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

staff–student ratios 160

student numbers 117

University of Southern Queensland

amalgamations 90, 94, 104

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 216

international students 157

operating grant 146

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 216

University of the Sunshine Coast 111

University of Sydney

amalgamations 89, 92, 98

brand 225, 227

credit for prior study 122

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 214, 215

founded 13

Graduate School of Management 174

international students 157

quotas 14

rankings 152

research enrolments 207

research support 192, 194

revenues 215

salaries and related costs 160

staff 108–9

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

staff–student ratios 160

student numbers 117

University of Tasmania

amalgamations 91, 93

brand 225

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

founded 13

operating grant 146

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

University of Technology, Sydney

amalgamations 89, 90, 94

brand 224

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 215

fees 158–9

founded 13–14

rankings 152–3

research enrolments 207

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 215

Tower 226

Vice-Chancellor 227

University of Western Australia

amalgamations 91, 92, 102–3

campus 6–7, 225

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 18, 216

founded 13

and Green Paper 69

international students 157

quotas 14

research enrolments 207

research support 192

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 18, 216

University of Western Sydney

amalgamations 89, 96, 99–100

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 215

staff 109

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 215

University of Wollongong

amalgamations 89, 93

equivalent full-time student units (EFTSU) 17, 215

founded 14

international students 157

rankings 152

staff, full-time equivalent (FTE) 17, 215

Veliz, Claudio 241


actions of 229–30

on fees 29

meet with Dawkins 79–80, 83

protests against 227

roles 21, 132–3, 218–19

see also Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee (AVCC)

Victoria College 17, 90, 93

Victoria University of Technology 90, 94, 117, 216, 229

Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture 90, 92, 95

Victorian College of Pharmacy 18, 85, 90, 92

Victorian College of the Arts 18, 90, 92

Victorian Post-Secondary Education Commission 59, 205

vocational orientation 20, 125

Walsh, Peter 9, 29, 53, 72

Ward, John 34, 79–80, 81

Warrnambool Institute of Advanced Education 18, 90, 93

Waste Watch Committee 33

Watson, Don 239

Watts, Don 48, 63, 68

Webb, Roy 105

Western Australian College of Advanced Education 18, 91, 92, 93, 94, 102, 103

Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT) 48, 174

Western Institute 90, 94

White Paper

and amalgamations 85–6, 105, 108

comments on 78–9

and courses 165

credit for prior study 120–1

distance education 170

governing bodies 131

preparation 77–8

projections 140–1

and research 184, 186, 204

staff 126

and TAFE 80–1

Whitlam, Gough 75

Whitlam government 8, 27, 45, 51, 139, 238

Wilding, Michael 243–4

William E. Simon University 161

Williams, Bruce 64, 81, 132, 174, 210, 211

Williams, Helen 58–9, 64

Williams, Ross 140

Wilson, Brian 51, 61, 63, 79, 92, 135, 151, 153

Withers, Glenn 227

Wodonga Institute of Tertiary Education 90


deans 231

and research 192

and scholarships 205

staff 20, 21, 113–14, 119, 218

students 115, 116, 118

Woolf, Virginia 214

workforce skills 31–2

Wran, Neville 73, 74

Yanchep Sun City 30

Yerbury, Di 227