
Cover    i

Half Title Page    ii

Title Page    iii

Copyright Page    iv

Dedication    v

Preface    ix

Abbreviations    xi

Introduction    1

Part 1:  The Scribe Described    5

1. Matthew, the Discipled Scribe    7

2. The Scribe’s Convictions and Methods    37

Part 2:  The Scribe at Work    63

3. Jesus and the Journey of the Davidic King    65

4. Jesus as the Ideal and Wise King    101

5. Jesus and the Mosaic Exodus    131

6. Jesus and Abraham’s New Family    169

7. Jesus and Israel’s Destiny    207

Conclusion    241

Bibliography    255

Index of Authors    268

Index of Scripture and Other Ancient Sources    271

Index of Subjects    281

Back Cover    290