Note: Page numbers in boldface indicate primary discussion of the topic; page numbers in italics indicate illustrations where no other discussion is present.
A‘sha’, al- 364
Abbasid dynasty 232, 275, 279, 332, 383, 482
Abbo of Fleury 140
Influence of Macrobius on 317
Abd al-Rahman I, Emir of Córdoba 97
Abd al-Rahman III, Emir of Córdoba 97
Aristotelianism in 43
Collationes 1
Commentaries on Boethius 92
Dialectica 1
Expositio in Hexaemeron 2
Logica “Ingredentibus” 1
On metaphysics 341
Sic et non 453
Theologia Christiana 1
Abergavenny, Siege of (1182) 49
Abraham Alfaquín 25
Abraham bar Hiyya 2–4, 411, 484
Attack on Abraham Ibn Ezra 249
Hegyon ha-nefesh ha-asuvah (Meditation of the Sad Soul) 4
Heshbon mahalakhot ha-kokhavim (Computation of the Motions of Stars) 3, 4
Hibbur ha-meshiha ve ha-tishboret (Treatise on Mensuration and Calculation) 3
Influence by Maimonides 322
Jerusalem Tables 3
Luhot ha-nasi (Tables of the Prince) 3
Megillat ha-megalleh (Scroll of the Revealer) 3, 4
Sefer ha-‘Ibbur (Book of Intercalation) 3
Surat ha-ares (The Shape of the Earth) 3, 4
Translation of al-Khwarizmi Algebra 28
Yesodey ha-tevuna u-migdal ha-’emuna (Foundations of Understanding and Tower of Faith) 3
Abraham ibn Daud 293
Abraham Ibn Ezra 247–250, 405, 484, 485
Influence by Maimonides 322
Influence of Abraham Zacuto 525
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Baqqar 332
Abu ‘Abs ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Hayrith
al-Ansari 333
Abu ‘Ali al-Khayyat 332
Abu al-Qasim ibn Mahfuz
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Abu Ayyub ibn ‘Abd al-Ghafir ibn Muhammad 333
Abu Bakr Yahya b. Yusuf b. Tashfin 244, 385
Abu Bisr Matta ibn Yunus 169
Abu Ishaq ibn Wadi‘ 253
Abu Ja‘far ibn Harun al-Tarjalli 253
Abu l-Fida 366
Abu Ma‘shar 4–5, 18, 301, 344, 346
Astrology in work of 320
Book of Religions and Dynasties 4
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
De revolutionibus navitatum 4
Great Introduction to Astrology 4, 293
Great Introduction Translation by Hermann of Carinthia 220
Influence on Roger Bacon 72
Introduction to Astrology 5
Introduction to Astronomy 361
Introductorium in astronomiam 188
Kitab al-qiranat 250
On astrology 61
On the Great Conjunctions 4, 403
Primum Movens 407
Translation by Hermann of Carinthia 483
Translation by John of Seville 483
Zij al-hazarat 463
Abu Marwan ibn Zuhr Kitab al-Taysir fi’l-Mudawat wa’l-Tadbir 254
Abu Maslama of Madrid 333
Abu Sahl al-Kuhi
Commentary on Euclid 165
Abu Sufyan al-Andalusi 246
Abu Tahir 297
Abu Ya‘qub Yusuf 253
Abu Zakariyya’ Yahunna ibn Masawayh 232
Abu’l Salt of Denia 241
Abu’l-‘Abbas al-Fadl al-Nayrizi Commentary on Euclid 165
Abu’l-Barakat 268
Abu’l-Faraj ibn al-‘Ibri 165
Abu’l-Wafa 46
Translation by Arnau de Vilanova 51
Abuteus Iudeus 344
Accidentia animi (one of sex res non naturales) 438
Account of the Instrument known as the Fakhri Sextant (Hikayat al-alat al-musammat al-suds al-fakhri) (al-Biruni) 88
Accursio (Inquisitor) 122
Acequia Real del Júcar 273
Adalbero, Bishop of Rheims 192
Adalbert of Mainz 476
Adalbold of Utrecht 193
Adam of Bremen 188
Adam of Petit Pont 366
Adamantinus the Sophist 400
Additio ad Mesue (Addition to Mesue) (Pietro d’Abano) 405
Adelard II (Adelard of Bath) 5, 112, 431
Adelard of Bath 5–6, 188, 240, 299, 354
De eodem et diverso (On the Same and the Different) 5
De opere astrolapsus (On the Use of the Astrolabe) 5
Influence of Macrobius 317
Influence on Roger Bacon 71
Liber prestigiorum 137
Quaestiones naturales (Natural Questions) 6, 343, 366
Taught by Pedro Alfonso? 24
Translation of al-Khwarizmi 47, 137, 187
Translation of Euclid from Arabic 165
Translation of Great Introduction to Astrology (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
Translation of Maslama of Madrid’s version of al-Khwarizmi’s tables 333
Translation of Thabit ibn Qurra 473
Translations of Euclid 112
Adwiya al-murakkaba, al- (al-Razi) 435
Aelian 357
Aeneas Silvius see Pius II, Pope
Aer (one of sex res non naturales) 438
Aethicus Ister
Cosmographia 188
Aetius of Amida 466
Afdal, al-Malik al- 322
Afflacius, Johannes 146
Against Eutyches and Nestorius (Boethius) 90, 92, 93
Agrimensura 9
Ahmad ibn al-Saffar 423
Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Sijzi Commentary on Euclid 165
Ahudhemmeh 346
Aims of the Philosophers (Maqasid al-falasifa) (al-Ghazali) 194
Airs, waters, places (Hippocrates) 224
Aja’ib al-Hind (Wonders of India) 365
Akhbar al-Sin wa-l Hind (News of China and India) 365
Ala’ ad-Dawlah 256
Alain de Lille 361
Commentary by Ralph of Longchamp 334
Influence of Macrobius 317
Albategnius see Battani, al-
Albert III, Duke of Austria 14
Albert of Brudzewo 285
Attribution of De quadratura circuli to Campanus de Novara 113
Logica nova 14
Perutilis Logica 14
Questiones logicales 14
Questio de quadratura (attrib.) 14
Sophismata 14
Tractatus proportionum 14
Albert, Duke of Prussia 411
Alberti, Leon Battista 238
Alberto de Zanchariis 213
Albertus Magnus 15–19, 44, 351, 362, 442, 529
Book of Minerals 350
Collaboration with Thomas of Cantimpré 477
Commentaries on Aristotle 354, 358
Commentary on Aristotle Books of Animals 400
Commentary on Aristotle Metaphysics 424
Commentary on Euclid’s Elements 165
Contradicting Aristotle 187
De animalibus 477
De Mineralibus 21
De natura boni 15
De natura locorum 187
De vegetalibus 98
Hylomorphism 235
Influence on John of Glogovia 285
Influence on Pietro de Crescenzi 11
Magic 319
On gunpowder 212
On the Causes of the Properties of the Elements 17
Paraphrase of Robert Grosseteste De lineis indivisibilis 423
Speculum astronomiae (attrib.) 17
Summa de creaturis 15
Teacher of Thomas Aquinas 35, 36
Translation of Aristotle De animalibus 528
Albucasis see Zahrawi, al-
Alderotti, Taddeo 22–23, 33, 335, 467
Commentaries on Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sina,
and Galen 339
Consilia of 144
De ruptura sifac 144
Role in dissemination of Galen 181
Teacher of Mondino de’ Liuzzi 311
Teacher of Torrigiano de’ Torrigiani 481
Teacher of Bartolomeo da Varignana 78
Teaching at Bologna 54
Aldobrandino da Siena 263
Régime du corps 438
Regimen sanitatis 400
Alexander de Villa Dei 40, 421
Alexander IV, Pope 15
Alexander of Aphrodisias 42, 255
Commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology 342, 343
De Fato ad Imperatores 515
Alexander of Tralles 433
On Fevers 302
Alexandria, School of 224
Alexandrinus, Nicholas 368
Alfarabius see Farabi, al-
Alfons II, King of Catalonia 51
Alfonsine Tables 35, 67, 68, 80, 128, 292, 387, 392, 410, 411, 481, 497, 525
Alfonso de Córdoba
Tabule astronomice Elisabeth Regine 411
Alfonso I, King of Aragon and Navarre 23, 483
Alfonso VI of Castile 242, 478
Alfonso VII of Castille 208, 231
Alfonso X the Wise, King of Castille 24–26, 30, 138, 240, 241, 292, 307, 410, 422, 478, 480, 481
Court astronomers of 127
Libro de la mágica de los signos 24
Libros del Saber de Astronomia or Astrología 25
Ochava Espera 25
On the astrolabe 332
Picatrix 24
Taxes for upkeep of bridges and roads 104
Translation at the court of 136
De dracone 24
Dialogus Contra Judaeos (Dialog against the Jews) 24
Disciplina Clericalis (The Secretary’ Art) 24
Epistola ad peripateticos (Letter to the Peripatetics) 24
Alfred of Sareschel 26–27, 350, 366, 424, 486
Commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology 343
Commentary on Pseudo-Aristotle On Plants 358
Commentary on the “Metheora” 27
Continuation of the work of Gerard of Cremona 191
On the Movement of the Heart (De motu cordis) 27
Partial translation of Ibn Sina 258
Translation of Ibn Sina Kitab as-shifa (Book of Healing) 424
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex
Translation of Orosius 188
In work of al-Biruni 88
Algorismus (John of Sacrobosco) 289, 290
Algoritmi de numero Indorum (Khwarizmi on Indian Numbers) (al-Khwarizmi) 298
Alhacen, Alhazen see Ibn al-Haytham
Alligation 134
Almanac (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 243
Almanach perpetuum (Profatius Judaeus) 423
Almohades 2
Almoravides 2
Alpago, Andreas 192
Alpetragius see Bitruji, al-
Al-Qistas al-mustaqim (Correct Balance) (al-Ghazali) 195
Al-Rasd al-Ma’muni (Observations of al-Ma‘mun) (Andalusi, Sa‘id al-) 35
Ambrose 359
Amicable numbers 237
Ammianus Marcelinus 120
Ammonius 515
Ammonius Hermeae 42
Analemma (Ptolemy) 429
Anania Shirakatsi 189
Anargyri 396
Anargyroi 224
Anaritius see Narizi, al-
Anathomia (Henri de Mondeville) 217
Anatoli, Jacob 345
Anatomia (Copho) 451
Anatomia (Maurus of Salerno) 334
Anatomia (Urso of Calabria [attrib.]) 500
Andalò di Negro 423
Andalus, al- 65
Science in 35
Al-Rasd al-Ma’muni (Observations of al-Ma‘mun) 35
Kitab Tabaqat al-‘Umam (Book of the Categories of Nations) 34, 35
Andernach, Gunther von 182
Andreu d’Albalat 95
Andromachos 395
Andronicus of Rhodes 42
Animals, The Book of (Kitab al-Hayawan) (Ibn Bajja) 245
Annotationes in Marcianum (John Scottus Eriugena) 161
Anonymus latinus (fourth century) 400
Anonymus Ravennatus 189
Anothomia (Mondino de’ Liuzzi) 311
Anselm of Havelberg 282
Anselm, St. 367
De observatione ciborum 438
Epistola de observatione ciborum 451
Antidotarium Nicolai (Nicholas of Salerno) 368, 369, 452
Antonio de Pacent 59
Anwari 480
Aphorismi (Urso of Salerno) 451
Aphorismi cum glossuli (Urso of Calabria) 500
Aphorismi de gradibus (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Aphorismi extravagantes (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Aphorismi particulares (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Aphorisms (Hippocrates) 224, 225
Apianus, Petrus 513
Conics 244
Apollonius of Citium
Influence of Galen 180
Apollonius of Perga
Conical Sections Glossed by Maimonides 324
Apostemes 338
Apostoles, Michael 153
Aqrabadhin (al-Razi) 435
Aquinas, Thomas 35–39, 44, 45, 300, 362, 424, 444, 453, 457
Commentaries on Aristotle 354
Criticized by Theodoric of Freiberg 473
Description of John Buridan 106
Five Ways 341
Hylomorphism 235
Influence by Eriugena 360
Influence by Ibn Bajja 245
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Influence on Giles of Rome (?) 197
Influence on John of Glogovia 285
Influence on Marsilius of Inghen 330
Learns natural philosophy from John of Ireland in Naples 178
On alchemy 21
On harmony 355
On latitude of forms 309
On necromancy 320
On the Power of God 35
On Truth 35
Opposition to astral magicians 320
Opposition to Averroism 308
Quaestiones disputatae 268
Principles of Nature 35
Pupil of Alberus Magnus 15, 16
Reference to Ibn Gabirol 251
Rejection of St. Bonaventure 203
Scientia media 353
Student of Albertus Magnus 477
Summa 443
Summa theologiae 501
Target of Condemnation of 1277 141, 142
Unity of the Soul (De unitate intellectus) 461
Commentary on Articella 334
Book of Lemmas 41
De quadratura circuli 41
Liber de curvis superficiebus 41
Measurement of a Circle 40, 41, 42
On Spiral Lines 283
On Tangent Circles 41
On the Measurement of the Circle Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Quadrature of the Parabola 42
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Translations by William of Moerbeke 513
Argenteuil Abbey, France 1
Aristotelianism 42–46, 142, 285, 307, 360, 442
Aristotle 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 359, 361, 373, 395, 400, 425, 454
Adoption of planetary system of Eudoxus 67
Analytica Posteriora (Posterior Analytics) 311, 316, 353, 456
Bartolomaeus of Bruges commentary on 76
Biological treatises 262
Book of Aristotle Containing the Totality of All Questions, both Genethialogical and Revolutionary, drawn from the 255 Volumes of the Indians (attrib.) 231
Books of Animals 400
Cited by Albertus Magnus 15
Commentaries by al-Farabi 244
Commentaries by Albert of Saxony 13, 14
Commentaries by Albertus Magnus 354
Commentaries by Alexander of Aphrodisias 27
Commentaries by Alfred of Sareschel 27
Commentaries by Giles of Rome 197, 354
Commentaries by Ibn Bajja 244, 245
Commentaries by Ibn Rushd 436
Commentaries by John Buridan 106, 107, 354
Commentaries by Marsilius of Inghen 329
Commentaries by Robert Grosseteste 207
Commentaries by Robert Kilwardby 299, 300
Commentaries by Thomas Aquinas 354
Commentary by Boethius 340
Commentary by Jacopo da Forlì 281
Commentary by John of Glogovia 285
Commentary by Nicholas of Damascus 96
Commentary on De anima by John Blund 354
Condemnation of works of (1210 and 1215) 43
Cosmology 157
De anima 308, 339, 456, 457, 461
Commentary by Philoponus translated by William of Moerbeke 516
Commentary by Richard Rufus of Cornwall 445
Translation by Ibn Sina 444
De animalibus 266
Translation by Albertus Magnus 528
Translation by Ibn Sina 444
Translation by Michael Scot 344
De caelo 45, 202, 234, 268, 354, 412, 456, 502
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Translation by Robert Grosseteste 206, 423
De coloribus
Translation by William of Moerbeke 516
De generatione animalium 185
De generatione et corruptione 182, 183, 184, 185, 234, 334, 500, 502
Commentary by Richard Rufus of Cornwall 445
De interpretatione 341
De mirabilibus auscultationibus 424
De plantis 96
De principiis 424
De sensu et sensato 354
De signis 424
De tempestatum presagiis 423
Definition of motion 309
Division of knowledge 336
Economics 376
Ethica 366
Ethica Nicomachea 456
Generation of Animals Commentary by Ibn Bajja 245
History of Animals Commentary by Ibn Rushd 422
In Averroism 308
In work of Duns Scotus 154, 155, 156
In work of ‘Umar al-Khayyam 297
In work of al-Farabi 169
Influence on al-Kindi 301
Influence on Boethius of Dacia 94
Influence on Christian thought 201 ff
Influence on Columella 12
Influence on John of Glogovia 285
Influence on Masha’allah 332
Influence on Robert Grosseteste 206, 207
Influence on Salernitan masters 53
Interpretation of by Albertus Magnus 17
Italian translation of Nichomachean Ethics 23
Letter to Alexander the Great 424
Magna Moralia 424
Metabasis 456
Metaphysics 155, 234, 341, 424, 456
Commentary by Ibn Rushd 253, 254
Commentary by Richard Rufus of Cornwall 445
Meteora 502
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Meteorologica 234
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 500
Meteorology 158, 187, 342, 343, 349, 350, 363, 424, 472, 497
Commentary by Alexander of Aphrodisias 343
Commentary by Alfred of Sareschel 343
Commentary by Ibn Bajja 245
Commentary by Ibn Rushd 245
Commentary by Olympiodorus 343
Commentary by Leonardo Bruni 84
Translation by Robert Grosseteste 206, 423
On Animals
Translation by Michael Scot 178, 345
On astrology in compilation by Masha’allah 332
On Generation and Corruption 343, 363, 497
John Buridan’s view 343
On interpretation 311
On language 312
On metaphysics 340
On Sense and Sensation 497
On the cosmos 147
On the Generation of Animals 351, 497
Parts of Animals Commentary by Ibn Bajja 245
Parva naturalia 444
Physica 13, 185, 234, 267, 268, 363, 456, 497
Commentaries and questions by William of Ockham 517
Commentary by Giles of Rome 197
Commentary by Richard Rufus of Cornwall 445
Critique by Ibn al-Haytham 239
Ibn Rushd on 255
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Translation by William of Moerbeke 516
Problemata 339, 342, 344, 354, 398, 424
Commentary by Pietro d’Abano 354
Sophistical Refutations 311
Strictures by Frederick II 177
Theory of impetus contradicted by Marsilius of
Inghen 330
Tract Comprising Excerpts from Aristotle’s Book of Animals (attrib.uted to Maimonides) 324
Translation by al-Kindi 301
Translation by Burgundio of Pisa 104, 105
Translation and commentary by James of Venice 282
Translations by Boethius 92
Translations by William of Moerbeke 515
Ugo Benzi commentary on 84
View of scientia 154
De caelo et mundo 366
Aristyllos 428
Arithmetica (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Armengaud Blaise 423
Arnau de Vilanova 51–53, 219, 272, 396
Aphorismi extravagantes 52
Aphorismi particulares 52
De considerationibus operis medicine sive de flobotomia 52
De intentione medicorum 52
De parte operativa 52
De reprobacione nigromantice ficcionis 52
Epistola de dosi tyriacalium 52
Informació espiritual per al rey Frederic 51
Medicationis parabole 52
Regimen Almarie 52
Regimen sanitatis ad inclytum regem Aragonum 52, 336, 438
Role in dissemination of Galen 181
Speculum medicine 52
Tractatus de amore heroico 51
Treatise on fertility 215
Arnau de Vilanova (Pseudo-)
Regel der Gesundheit 439
Arnold of Saxony 306
Arnold von Bamberg
Tractatus de regimine sanitatis 439
Articella 53–54, 181, 276, 281, 325, 327, 390, 452, 500
Bartolomaeus of Bruges commentaries on 76
Bartholomaeus of Salerno commentaries on 77
Hippocratic treatises in 225
Maurus of Salerno commentaries on 334
Ugo Benzi commentary on 84
Versified by Gilles de Corbeil 198
Ardharatrikapaska 464
Aryabhatiya 464
Asclepius 224
Diseases of Women 224
Ashar Maqalat fi’l-‘Ayn, al- (Ten Treatises on the Eye) (Hunayn ibn Ishaq) 233
Ashenden, John 101
Ashkal al-hilaliyya, al- (“the quadrature of crescent figures/lunes”) (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
Asklepiades of Bithynia 395
Astralabius 1
Astrarium (astronomical clock) 441
Astrolabe 25, 332, 389, 392, 422, 423, 503
Treatise on by Maslama of Madrid 333
Astrolabes and quadrants 57–61
In medicine 339
In work of John of Seville 293
Astronomica quaedam (John Greaves) 493
Athir al-Din al-Abhari 164
Attainment of Happiness (al-Farabi) 170
Attila the Hun 120
Atto of Vic 192
Augustine, Saint 187, 235, 300, 318, 359, 361, 412
De civitate Dei (City of God) 230, 455
De doctrina christiana (On Christian Doctrine) 357, 359
Influence on Albertus Magnus 17
Augustine of Hippo 426
On the Divination of Demons 319
Augustodunensis, Honorius 163
Autobiography (al-Ghazali) 194, 195
Autolycus of Pitane
On the Moving Sphere 423
On the Moving Spheres 472
Avempace see Ibn Bajja
Avenraza, Salomon 27
Avenzoar see Ibn Zuhr
Averlino, Antonio 387
Averroes see Ibn Rushd
Avicebron see Ibn Gabirol
Avicenna see Ibn Sina
Azarquiel see Ibn al-Zarqalluh
Azurite 381
Bacon, Francis 107
Bacon, Roger 69–74, 345, 359, 362, 374, 375, 486
Commentary on Aristotle Metaphysics 424
Commentary on Euclid’s Elements 165
Commentary on Secret of Secrets 424
Compendium studii theologiae 70
Concerns about Lombard’s Sentences 315
Criticism of William of Moerbeke 516
De erroribus medicorum 73
De multiplicatione specierum 72
De scientia experimentali 71
De signis 71
De speculis comburentibus 69
Description of gunpowder 55
Description of Richard Rufus of Cornwall 444, 447
Influence by Ibn al-Haytham 238
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Influence on Duns Scotus 156
Influence on John Pecham 388
Influence on Pierre d’Ailly 403
Opus maius 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 116, 212
Influence on Pierre d’Ailly 403
Praise for Peter Peregrinus 321, 388
Secretum secretorum 69, 70, 71
Summa de sophismatibus et distinctionibus 70
Summa grammatica 70
Summulae dialectices 70
World map of 188
Baghdadi, ‘Abd al-Latif al- 240
Bahya Ibn Paquda 346
Bakhtishtu‘ 232
Balbi, Giovanni 421
Balbus 9
Balkhi school 190
Bannockburn, Battle of (1314) 49
Banu Dhu’l-Nun 208
Banu Sakir
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Barbaro, Ermolao 153
Bardellone de Bonacossi, lord of Mantua 400
Barkat, Mohammed 494
Barlaam of Seminari 96
Barmakid family 383
Bartholomaeus Anglicus 74–76, 161, 307
De proprietatibus rerum (On the Properties of Things) 74, 75, 159, 161, 306, 321, 357, 477
Influence by Constantine the African 146
Influence of Macrobius 317
Influence on Cecco d’Ascoli 123
Liber de proprietatibus rerum 528
Bartholomaeus of Bruges 76–77, 386
Bartholomaeus of Messina
Latin version of De mirabilibus auscultationibus 424
Latin version of De principiis 424
Latin version of De signis 424
Latin version of Magna Moralia 424
Latin version of Problemata 424
Bartholomaeus of Salerno 77–78, 286, 334, 500
Commentaries on the Articella 53, 339
Bartholomew of Lucca
Historia Ecclesiastica Nova 389
Bartolo da Sassoferrato 384
Bartolomeo da Varignana 22, 78–79
Pratica a capite usque ad pedes 78
Bartolomeo de Messina 400
Translation of Hippocrates 225
Bartolomeo della Rocca Cocles
Chiromantie ac physionomie anastasis 400
Barzilai, Rabbi Judah ben 2, 4
Basil of Caesarea 396
Basil the Great, Saint 226
Basileias 226
Basilisk 350
Bate, Henry 250
Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium (Mirror of Divine Things and of Some Natural Ones) 321
Batecombe, William 411
Battani, al- 3, 79–80, 241, 243, 410
Alfonsine translation of 25
Canons 25
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Summarized by Maslama of Madrid 333
Works of mathematical geography 190
Zij al-Sabi (Sabian Zij) 3, 79, 80
Zijat 252
Baviera, Baviero 144
Bayt al-Hikma 80–81, 175, 298, 301, 325, 478, 483
Beatrice of Savoy, Duchess of Provence 400
Commentary on Genesis 357
De natura rerum (The Nature of Things) 81, 159, 343
De ratione temporum 67
De temporibus (On Times) 81, 82, 127
De temporum ratione (The Reckoning of Time) 81, 82, 139
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People) 81
Letter to Plegwin 81
On calendars 109
Beginning of Wisdom (Reshit hokhmah) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249, 250
Belisarius, Roman general 510, 511
Benedict IX, Pope 51
Benedict of Nursia, Saint 352
Benedict, Saint 227
Benivieni, Antonio 144
De Regimine Sanitatis Ad Laurentium Medicem 439
Benjamin of Tuleda 188
Bentivoglio, Giovanni 400
Benzi, Socino
Vita Ugonis 83
De logicae artis ratione 84
De regimine sanitatis 438
Libro da conservare la persona in sanitate 144
On the Kidney Stone 144
Quaestiones rerum naturalium 83
Berkeley, George 240
Bernard Boysset of Arles 10
Book of Prognostication 84
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
Liber de conservatione vitae humanae 438
Lilium medicine (Lily of Medicine) 85, 336
Management of Acute Diseases 84
Misattrib.ution to of work by Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
On Degrees 85
On Marasmus 85
On the Method of Treating Diseases 84
On the Preservation of Human Life 84
On Theriac 85
Regimen of Health 84
Role in dissemination of Galen 181
Bernard de Montfaucon 303
Bernard of Chartres 354
Tractatus super totam astrologiam (Treatise on all of Astrology) 85
Cosmographia 86
De mundi universitate sive megacosmus et microcosmus 86, 346, 360
Experimentarius 86
Influence of Macrobius 317
Mathematicus (or Parricida) 86
Summa dictaminis 86
Bernardo el Arábigo 25
Berthold the Black 210
Bertruccio 213
Bessarion, Cardinal 153, 393, 440, 441
Bestiary of Love (Richard of Fournival) 87
Beth, Symeon 435
Bhutasankhya system 462
Bianchini, Giovanni 411
Bijaganita 464
Bimaristan 227
Biruni, al- 47, 88–91, 138, 190, 384, 462, 464
al-Qanun al-Mas‘udi 410
Book of the Knowledge of Precious Stones 350
Book on Medicinal Plants 218
Correspondence with Ibn Sina 256, 266
Description of India (Kitab fi tahqiq ma li’l-Hind) 88
Exhaustive Treatise on Shadows, The 88
Hikayat al-alat al-musammat al-suds al-fakhri (Account of the Instrument known as the Fakhri Sextant) 88
Influence of Galen 180
Istikhraj al-autar (The Determination of Chords) 41
Kitab al-Hind (The Book of India) 21
Kitab al-isti’ab 90
Bitriq, al-
Paraphrase of Aristotle 343
Translation of Aristotle’s Meteorology 342
Foreshadowed in Ibn Bajja 245
On the Movements of the Heavens translation by Michael Scot 344
On tides 188
Black Death, The (1348) 186, 405, 406, 407, 408
Black Prince 287
Blasius of Parma
De ponderibus 513
On latitude of forms 309
Blund, John 354
Boen, Johannes 354
Boethius 90–94, 354, 359, 412, 433
Against Eutyches and Nestorius 90, 92, 93
Arithmetica Abridged by Jean de Meurs 284
Commentaries on Aristotle and Porphyry 340
Commentary on Porphyry 230
Consolation of Philosophy 90, 91, 92, 93, 360
Commentary by William of Conches 514
Contra Eutychen 359
Contribution to astronomy 67
De Arithmetica
Explanation by Gerbert of Aurillac 193
De hebdomadibus 43
De institutione arithmetica 431
De institutione musica 413
De musica 353
Abbreviated translation by Jean de Meurs 282
Explanation by Gerbert of Aurillac 193
De trinitate 230
How Substances are Goods in Virtue of their
Existence without Being Substantial Goods (On the Hebdomads) 90, 93
In Isagogen Porphyrii Commentorum Editio secinda 487
Influence on Isidore of Seville 278
Institutio arithmetica 43
Institutio musica 43
Logical treatises 43
Musica 431
On Categorical Syllogism 92
On Cicero’s Topics 92
On Division 92
On Hypothetical Syllogism 92
On logic 311
On the Catholic Faith 90
On the Trinity 90
Commentary by Thomas Aquinas 37
On Topical Differences 92
Tract on surveying (attrib..) 10
Translation of Aristotle Categories 456
Translation of Aristotle De interpretatione 456
Translation of Euclid 165
Translation of Nicomachus’ Introduction to Arithmetic 47
Translation of Porphyry Isagoge 456
Translations of Aristotle 43
Whether Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Substantially Predicated of the Divinity 90
Work on by Simon Bredon 101
Writings on finger mathematics 133
Boethius of Dacia 94, 308, 462
Quaestiones de generatione et corruptione (On Generation and Corruption) 94
Quaestiones super libros Physicorum (Questions on Aristotle’s Physics) 94
Supposed object of Condemnation of 1277 142
Bombards 55
Bonaventure, Saint 203, 235, 443, 444
Bonfils, Immanuel
Six Wings 411
Boniface VIII, Pope 33, 51, 111, 197
Bonjorn, Jacob ben David 411, 525
Bonum universale de apibus (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
Book of al-Kindi on Reason (Liber al-Kindi de Intellectu) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
Book of Animals, The (Kitab al-Hayawan) (Ibn Bajja) 245
Book of Calculations (Liber Calculationum) (Richard Swineshead) 468
Book of Chartering Ships, The (Kitab Akriyat al-sufun) 365
Book of Circles (Liber rotarum) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Book of Elections (Sefer ha-mivharim) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Book of Genealogies (Sefer Yuhasin) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Book of Generalities about Medicine (Kitab al-Kulliyyat fi’l-Tibb) (Ibn Rushd) 254
Book of Healing, The (Kitab al-Shifa) (Ibn Sina) 256, 257, 258
Book of Intercalation (Sefer ha-‘Ibbur) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3
Book of Intercalation (Sefer ha-‘ibbur) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Book of Interrogations (Sefer ha-she’elot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Book of John Mandeville, The (John Mandeville) 326
Book of Jordanus de Nemore on the Theory of Weight, The (Liber Jordani de ratione ponderis) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Book of Lemmas (Archimedes) 41
Book of Lessons on the Foundations of the Sea and Navigation (Kitab al-Fawa’id) (Ibn Majid) 252
Book of Luminaries (Sefer ha-me’orot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Book of Nativities (Sefer ha-moladot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249, 250
Book of Perfection (Kitab al-istikmal) (Maimonides [attrib.]) 243, 324
Book of Pleasant Journeys into Faraway Lands, The (Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi khtiraq al-afaq) (al-Idrisi) 261
Book of Prognostication (Bernard de Gordon) 84
Book of Reasons (Sefer ha-te’amim) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Book of Religions and Dynasties (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
Book of Tables on the Celestial Motions, that is, the Perpetual Almanac (Tabulae tabularum coelestium motuum sive Almanach Perpetuum) (Abraham Zacuto) 525, 526
Book of the Categories of Nations (Kitab Tabaqat al-‘Umam) (Andalusi, Sa‘id al-) 34, 35, 333
Book of the Cow (Liber vaccae) (Plato [attrib.]) 413
Book of the Golden Mean Regarding the Treatment of Souls and Bodies (Kitab al-Iqtisad fi islah al anfus wa-l-ajsad) (Ibn Zuhr) 259, 260
Book of the Instrument of Brass (Sefer keli ha-nehoshet) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Book of the Judgments of the Zodiacal Signs (Mishpetei ha-mazzalot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Book of the Nine Judges (Hugh of Santalla) 231, 232
Book of the Norm (Kitab al-Qanun) (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Book of the Number (Sefer ha-mispar) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248, 249
Book of the Philosophic Life, The (al-Razi) 435
Book of the Philotechnist on Triangles, The (Liber Philotegni de triangulis) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Book of the Reasons behind Astronomical Tables (Sefer ta’amei ha-luhot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Book of the Sections on Indian Arithmetic (Kitab al-Fusul fi’ l-hisab al-hindi) (al-Uqlidisi) 499
Book of the Sundial (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Book of the Three Judges (Hugh of Santalla) 231
Book of the World (Sefer ha-‘olam) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Book on Coitus (Maimonides) 322
Book on Nativities (Kitab al-mawalid) (Masha’allah) 332
Book on Physiognomy (Michael Scot) 345
Book on Poisons and the Protection against Fatal Drugs (Maimonides) 322
Book on Quadrupeds (Sixtus Placitus) 358
Book on Substances (Kitab al-gawahir) (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Book on the Construction of the Astrolabe (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Book on the Elements (Kitab al-ustuqussat/De elementis) (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Book on the Two Experiments concerning Ibn Wafid’s Drugs (Kitab al-tajribatayn ‘ala adwiyat Ibn Wafid) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Book on the Unit (Sefer ha-ehad) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248, 249
Book on the Use of the Astrolabe (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Book to Facilitate Therapeutics and Regimen (Kitab al-Taysir fi-mudawat wa’l-tadbir) (Ibn Zuhr) 259, 260
Borgognoni, Teodorico 95–96, 287, 358, 466
Cyrugia seu Filia principis 95
De medela equorum 96
De sublimatione arsenici (attrib.) 96
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Influence on Taddeo Alderotti 33
Mulomedicina 96
Practica equorum 96
Borrel II, count of Barcelona 192
Colleague of Simon Bredon 101
De arte memorativa (attrib.) 99
De causa Dei contra Pelagium 99
De incipit and desinit 99
De Proportionibus 468
Geometria speculativa 99
Influence of Archimedes 41
Influence on Albert of Saxony 14
Insolubilia 221
On God 202
Sermo epicinius 99
Tractatus de continuo 99
Tractatus de futuris contingentibus 99
Tractatus de Proportionibus 99, 221
Treatise on Ratios 377
Brahe, Tycho 148, 149, 161, 413
Brahmagupta 27, 39, 46, 410, 464
Brahmasphutasiddhanta 464
Khandakhadyaka 464
Brahmapaksa 463
Brahmasphutasiddhanta (Brahmagupta) 410, 464
Brakelond, Jocelin 127
Braulio of Saragossa 277
Expositio arsmetrice Boicii 101
Summa judicalis de accidentibus mundi 101
Theorica planetarum 101
Trifolium de re medica 101
Brendan, Saint 188
Brenta, Andreas 225
Breviarium Bartholomei (John Mirfield) 288
Breviarum medicine (Breviary of Medicine) (Johannes de Sancto Paulo) 286
Herbarum vivae eicones 219
Bruno de Longoburgo
Chirugia magna 466
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Brunschwig, Hieronymus 271
Büchlein der Gesundheit 439
Buonamici, Francesco 268
Buoncompagni da Signa 266
Burchard of Worms 453
Burgundio of Pisa 104–105, 487
De interioribus 105
Metalogicon 105
Possible link to translations of Galen 180
Translation of Aristotle De generatione 185
Translation of Galen’s On Pulses 327
Translation of Hippocrates 225
Translation work for Bartholomaeus of Salerno 77
Buridan, John 13, 14, 45, 105–108, 268, 400
Commentaries on Aristotle 354
Lectures at Paris on torrid zone 327
On Aristotle On Generation and Corruption 343
On geocentrism 443
On metaphysics 341
Questions on Aristotle’s Metaphysics 107
Questions on Aristotle’s Physics 107
Similarity of his thought to that of Marsilius of Inghen 329
Summulae de dialectica (Compendium of Dialectics) 106, 107
Debate with William of Ockham 312
Influence on Albert of Saxony 14
Burton, Robert 85
Cabral, Pedro Alvares 380
Gynaecia 451
Influence on Isidore of Seville 278
Caesar of Heisterbach 481
Caesarius of Arles 227
Abbreviated version of Plato’s Timaeus 343
Translation of Plato’s Timaeus 412, 413
Calculation with Hindu Numerals (al-Khwarizmi) 298
Calculations, Book of (Liber Calculationum) (Richard Swineshead) 468
Calculator, The see Swineshead, Richard
Calendar 2, 3, 109–111, 139, 191, 248, 249, 289, 297, 298
Calippus 254
Calvi, Marco Fabio 225
Campanus de Novara 111–114, 289
Astronomical textbook 67
Computus maior 112
De figura sectore (On the Sector-Figure) 113
De proportione et proportionabilitate (On
Composed Ratios) (attrib.) 113
De quadrante 112
Work on Euclid 165
Canobic Inscription 427
Canon of Medicine, The (al-Qanun fi’l-tibb) (Ibn Sina) 256, 257, 258
Canons on the Alfonsine Tables (Tabule Alfoncii) (John of Saxony) 292
Canterbury Tales, The (Geoffrey Chaucer) 124, 125
Cardano, Gerolamo 297
Cassiodorus 97, 153, 366, 433, 456
Influence on Isidore of Seville 278
Cassius Felix 97
Castel del Monte, Apulia 172, 173
“Catalan Atlas” (Abraham Cresques) 415
Catapults and trebuchets 118–121
Categories of Nations, Book of the (Kitab Tabaqat al-‘Umam) (Sa‘id al-Andalusi) 34, 35, 333
Cathedral schools 121–122, 319, 413
Catholicon (Giovanni Balbi) 421
De Re Rustica 10
Treatise on agronomy 11
Catoptrics see Optics and catoptrics
Causae et curae (Hildegard of Bingen) 222, 223
Causes of the Balance 513
Çelebi see Sidi ‘Ali Re’is
Celestine III, Pope 519
De Medicina 466
Centiloquium (Ptolemy) 429
Chalcidius 360
Chapter on Fevers (Maqala fi’l-Hummayat) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Capitulare de villis 98
Charles II of Anjou 367
Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor 14
Charles of Anjou, King of Sicily 321
Charles of Calabria, Count 122
Charles of Valois, King of France 217
Charles the Bald, King of France 161
Charles V, King of France 75, 376, 377
Charles VI, King of France 117, 402, 406
Charles VIII, King of France 56, 63
Charles, Duc d’Orléans 1
Chartering Ships, The Book of (Kitab Akriyat al-sufun) 365
Chartres, School of 43, 53, 71, 334, 360, 500
Chaucer, Geoffrey 124–126, 129, 198, 332
Canterbury Tales, The 124, 125, 129, 490
Reference to Constantine the African in 146
Reference to al-Razi in 435
Chaucer, Geoffrey The Canterbury Tales (Continued)
“The Franklin’s Tale” 478, 480
“The Wife of Bath’s Tale” 492
Parlement of Foules, The 361
Treatise on the Astrolabe 58, 125, 137
Troilus and Criseyde 124
Chhi Min Yao Shu (by Chia-Ssu-Hsieh) 12
Chia-Ssu-Hsieh 12
Chirurgia (Henri de Mondeville) 217, 218
Chirurgia (Roger Frugard) 178
Chirurgia magna (Lanfranco of Milan) 305, 306
Chirurgia parva (Lanfranco of Milan) 305, 306
Chorobates 10
Chorography see Geography, chorography
Christianikê topographia (Christian Topography) (Kosmas Indikopleustês) 302, 303
Christine de Pizan 55
Chronica (Chronicle) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Chronica Maiora (Matthew of Paris) 275
Chronicle (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Chronicle (Chronica) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Chrysostom, John 396
Church Offices (De ecclesiasticis officiis) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Cibus et potus (one of sex res non naturales) 438
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 42, 43, 317, 486
De inventione 43
De officiis 43
Discussion of in Boethius 92
Dream of Scipio 317
Cinnabar 381
Circa instans (Matthaeus Platearius) 451, 452
Circa instans (Nicholas of Salerno) 369
Circles, Book of (Liber rotarum) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Cirvelo, Pedro 101
Cisio Janus 111
City of God (St. Augustine) 455
Clarembald of Arras 476
“Classic of the Plow” (Lei-ssu ching) 270
Clavius, Christopher 290
Clear Criterion which Distinguishes between the Religion of Islam and Heresy (Faysal al-tafriqa ma bayna al-islam wa al-zandaqa) (al-Ghazali) 195
Clement of Alexandria 455
Clement IV, Pope 41, 69, 70, 95
Clement V, Pope 51
Clement VI, Pope 141, 213, 283, 400
Clocks and timekeeping 127–130
Cochineal 380
Coitus, Book on (Maimonides) 322
Collationes (Peter Abelard) 1
Collectanea (Peter Lombard) 315
Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium (Solinus) 306
Columbus, Christopher 131–133, 188, 327, 380, 387, 390, 403, 415, 491
Columella Lucius Junius 11
De Re Rustica 10
Treatise on agronomy 11
Comestor, Peter 189
Commentarii super Aristotelis Physicorum libris I–IV (Jacopo da Forlì) 281
Commentarium Tabulae Richardi (Johannes de Sancto Paulo [attrib.]) 286
Commentary on (Hippocrates’) Aphorisms (Sharh fi’l-Fusul) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Commentary on Cicero’s Dream of Scipio (Macrobius) 317, 318
Commentary on the [pseudo]-Aristotelian Problems (Pietro d’Abano) 404
Commentary on the “Metheora” (Alfred of Sareschel) 27
Commercial arithmetic 133–135, 242
Communia naturalium (Roger Bacon) 70
Compass 252
Compendium cosmographie (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
Compendium de epidemia 406
Compendium Medicine (Medical Compendium) (Gilbertus Anglicus) 198
Compendium of Dialectics (Summulae de dialectica) (John Buridan) 106, 107
Compendium studii theologiae (Roger Bacon) 70
Compilatio Physionomiae (Pietro d’Abano) 405
Comprehensive Book on Medicine (al-Razi) 435
Comprehensive Epistle on the Sun, A (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 243
Computation of the Motions of Stars (Heshbon maha lakhot ha-kokhavim) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3, 4
Computus 47, 139–141, 289, 317, 431, 442
Computus (John of Sacrobosco) 289, 290, 292
Computus (Campanus de Novara) 112
Computus maior (Campanus de Novara) 112
Conceptualism 341
Concerning the Christian Faith against the Jews (Contra Iudaeos de fide Christiana) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Conciliator controversarium (Pietro d’Abano) 415
Conciliator litium medicine (Pietro d’Abano) 404
Condemnation of 1277 62, 76, 94, 106, 141–143, 143, 148, 154, 155, 156, 197, 202, 299, 300, 307, 311, 330, 386, 391, 442, 443, 462
Conics (Euclid) 164
Consilia (Gentile da Foligno) 186
Consilia (Mondino de’ Liuzzi) 311
Consilia Of Taddeo Alderotti’s medical practice 23
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius) 90, 91, 92, 93
Constantine of Fleury 193
Constantine the African 145–147, 215, 219, 225, 227, 233, 281, 317, 334, 346, 353, 396, 486, 487
Cyrurgia (Surgery) 145
De genecia (On gynecology) 145
Influence on William of Conches 514
Liber aureus 146
Liber graduum (Bartholomaeus of Salerno commentaries on) 77
On botany 98
Opera omnia 146
Pantegni 366
Pantegni theorica 451
Translation of al-Majusi’s Kitab al-Malaki 438
Translation of al-Majusi’s Articella text 325
Translation of Hippocrates’ Aphorisms 225
Translation of Hippocrates’ Prognostics 225
Translation of Hippocrates’ Regimen in Acute Diseases 225
Translation of Hippocratic Aphorisms 451
Translation of Hunayn ibn Ishaq’s Isagoge 466
Translation of Hunayn ibn Ishaq’s Mas’il fit-tibb 337
Translation of Isaac Judaeus 276
Translation of Ibn al-Jazzar’s Viaticum 286
Translations of Galen 181
Constantinople, Fall of (1204) 42
Contra Averroem 1 (Richard Rufus of Cornwall) 445
Contra gradus et pluralitatem formarum (Giles of Rome) 197
Contra Iudaeos de fide Christiana (Concerning the Christian Faith against the Jews) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Contrarietas Alpholica 328
Copernicus, Nicolaus 67, 141, 149, 243, 284, 285, 475, 493
De revolutionibus 411
On Profatius Judaeus’ Alamanach perpetuum 423
On the Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs 376
Second Demonstration of Anatomy (attrib.) 466
Cormac Mac Duinnshleibhe 288
Correct Balance (Al-Qistas al-mustaqim) (al-Ghazali) 195
Corretger, Guillem 95
Corrogationes Promethei (Alexander Nequam) 366
Corvey Abbey 131
Ad appariciones fantasticas oculorum 144
Corvinus, Matthias 63
Cosmas, Saint 224
Cosmetics 260
Cosmographia (Bernard Silvester) 86
Costa ben Luca 426
Council of Rheims (1148) 86
Cow, Book of the (Liber vaccae) (Plato [attrib.]) 413
Crecy, Battle of (1346) 49
Cresques, Abraham “Catalan Atlas” 415
Crop rotation
Año y vez, Castilian system 8
Wheat and barley, comparison of 8
Crossbow 50
Cyprus Indulgence 419
Cyrugia seu Filia principis (Teodorico Borgognoni) 95
Cyrurgia (Surgery) (Constantine the African) 145
D’Asola, Gian Francesco 182, 225
Damascenus, Nicolaus 245
Damigeron 306
Daniel of Morley 191, 366, 479
Use of Abu Ma‘shar as a source 4, 6
Dante Alighieri 423
Danti, Egnazio 238
David Ben Joseph of Narbonne 249
Davydd ap Gwilym 129
Dawla, ‘Adud al- 265
Dawla, Fakhr al- 65
Dazzling Book on Calculation, The (al-Maghribi) 28
De aeris, aquis et locis 433
De aeternitate mundi (The Eternity of the Universe) (Siger of Brabant) 461
De Anima (On the Soul) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
De arte memorativa (Thomas Bradwardine [attrib.]) 99
De arte mensurandi (Jean de Meurs) 283
De artibus liberalibus (Robert Grosseteste) 205
De aspectibus (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
De carnibus (Johannes de Sancto Paulo [attrib.]) 286
De causa Dei contra Pelagium (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
De causis proprietatum elementorum (Translation by Gerard of Cremona 424
De colore (Robert Grosseteste) 207
De coloribus (Urso of Salerno) 424, 451, 500
De commixtionibus elementorum (Urso of Salerno) 451, 500
De compositione medicamentorum per genera (On the composition of medicines according to their types) (Galen) 179
De compositione medicamentorum secundum locos (On the composition of medicines according to the places of the body) (Galen) 179
De concordia astronomice concordie cum theologia et historica veritate (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
De conferentibus et nocentibus diversis medicinis (On the Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Different Medicines) (Johannes de Sancto Paulo) 286
De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum 306
De considerationibus operis medicine sive de flobotomia (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
De cura accipitrum 96
De divina praedestinatione (On Divine Predestination) (John Scottus Eriugena) 161
De divisione philosophiae (On the Divisions of Philosophy) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209, 210
De dracone (Pedro Alfonso) 24
De ecclesiasticis officiis (Church Offices) (Isidore of Seville) 277
De effectibus medicinarum (Urso of Calabria) 500
De effectibus qualitatum (Urso of Calabria) 500
De eodem et diverso (On the Same and the Different) (Adelard of Bath) 5
De erroribus medicorum (Roger Bacon) 73
De febribus (Petrus Hispanus) 390
De febribus compositis (Maurus of Salerno) 334
De febribus Garioponto 451
De figura sectore (On the Sector-Figure) (Campanus de Novara) 113
De finitate motus et temporis (Robert Grosseteste) 207
De flebotomia (Maurus of Salerno) 334
De genecia (On gynecology) (Constantine the African) 145
De generatione sonorum (Robert Grosseteste) 205
De gradibus de saporius et odoribus (Urso of Calabria) 500
De gradu formarum (Richard of Middleton) 444
De grammatica (Hugh of Saint-Victor) 230
De hebdomadibus 433
De herbis feminis 219
De humani corporis fabrica (Andreas Vesalius) 311
De hypostasi urine (Torrigiano de’ Torrigiani) 481
De Immortalitate animae (On the Immortality of the Soul) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
De impressionibus elementorum (Robert Grosseteste) 206
De incipit and desinit (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
De intentione medicorum (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
De interioribus (Burgundio of Pisa) 105
De inundatione Nili 424
De iride (Robert Grosseteste) 207
De lapidibus (Marbode of Rennes) 306
De laudibus compositorum medicaminum (Gilles de Corbeil) 334
De laudibus et virtutibus compositorum medicaminum (Gilles de Corbeil) 198
De lineis indivisibilis (Robert Grosseteste) 423
De lineis, angulis et figuris (Robert Grosseteste) 207
De logicae artis ratione (Ugo Benzi) 84
De luce (Robert Grosseteste) 206
De materia medica (Dioscorides) 152
De medela equorum (Teodorico Borgognoni) 96
De motu cordis (On the Movement of the Heart) (Alfred of Sareschel) 27
De motu octavae spherae (On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere) (Pietro d’Abano) 404
De motu octave sphere (Thabit Ibn Qurra) 473
De mulierum affectis 433
De multiplicatione specierum (Roger Bacon) 72
De mundi universitate (Bernard Silvester) 86
De mundo (Pseudo-Aristotle) 424
De natura boni (Albertus Magnus) 15
De natura relationis (Robert Kilwardby) 299
De natura rerum (On the Nature of Things) (Isidore of Seville) 277
De natura rerum (The Nature of Things) (Bede) 81
De natura rerum (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
De naturis rerum et in Ecclesiastem (Alexander Nequam) 366
De nominibus utensilium (Alexander Nequam) 366
De numeris datis (On Given Numbers) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii (The Marriage of
Philology and Mercury) (Martianus Capella) 330
De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii (The Marriage of
Philology and Mercury) (John Scottus Eriugena) 161
De oculo (Petrus Hispanus) 390
De operationibus solis (Robert Grosseteste) 207
De opere astrolapsus (On the Use of the Astrolabe) (Adelard of Bath) 5
De ordine emandani causatorum a Deo (Robert Grosseteste) 207
De ortu scientarum (Robert Kilwardby) 299, 300
De parte operativa (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
De phlebotomia (Petrus Hispanus) 390
De plana spera (Planisphere) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
De plantis 424
De ponderibus (Blasius of Parma) 513
De Processione mundi (On the Procession of the World) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
De proportione et proportionabilitate (On Composed Ratios) (Campanus de Novara [attrib.]) 113
De proportionibus proportionum (On the Ratios of Ratios) (Nicole Oresme) 377
De proprietatibus rerum (On the Properties of Things) (Bartholomaeus Anglicus) 74, 75
De pulsibus (Gilles de Corbeil) 198
De pulsibus (Urso of Calabria [attrib.]) 500
De quadrante (Campanus de Novara) 112
De quadratura circuli (Archimedes) 41, 113
De rationali et de ratione uti (Gerbert of Aurillac) 193
De reprobacione nigromantice ficcionis (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
De revolutionibus navitatum (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
De sacramentis (Hugh of Saint-Victor) 231
De scientia experimentali (Roger Bacon) 71
De scientia motus orbis (Masha’allah) 332
De Scientiis (On the Sciences) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
De sex principiis 423
De signis (Roger Bacon) 71
De signis et symptomatibus egritudinum (Gilles de Corbeil) 198
De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis et facultatibus (On the mixtures and properties of simple medicines) (Galen) 179
De simplicium medicinarum virtutibus (On the Virtues [or Powers] of Simple Medicines) (Johannes de Sancto Paulo) 286
De speculis comburentibus (Roger Bacon) 69
De sphaera (Robert Grosseteste) 206
De sublimatione arsenici (Teodorico Borgognoni [attrib.]) 96
De symptomatibus urinarum (Maurus of Salerno) 334
De tempestatum presagiis (Pseudo-Aristotle) 423
De temporibus (On Times) (Bede) 81, 82
De temporum ratione (The Reckoning of Time) (Bede) 81, 82
De tribus diebus (High of Saint-Victor) 230
De Unitate (On Unity) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
De unitate intellectus (Thomas Aquinas) 461
De urinis (Gilles de Corbeil) 198
De urinis (Maurus of Salerno) 334
De urinis (Urso of Calabria [attrib.]) 500
De Utilitatibus Astrolabii (Gerbert of Aurillac) 193
De vegetabilibus 424
De venenis (On Poisons) (Pietro d’Abano) 405
De victus ratione 433
De viribus herbarum (Macer) 451
Decempeda 10
Defense of Theon against George of Trebizond (Johannes Regiomontanus) 440
Democritus on astrology in compilation by Masha’allah 332
Description of India (Kitab fi tahqiq ma li’l-Hind) (al-Biruni) 88
Desiderius, Abbot of Monte Cassino 353
Commentaries on Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sina and Galen 339
Summula per alphabetum super plurimis
remediis ex Mesue libris excerptis 151
Destructio Philosophorum (al-Ghazali) 195
Devisement du monde (Rustichello of Pisa) 414
Devotio Moderna 328
Diaeta Theodori 438
Dialectica (Peter Abelard) 1
Dialogus Contra Judaeos (Dialog against the Jews) (Pedro Alfonso) 24
Dicoles of Carystus 398
Liber de mensura orbis terrae 188
Didascalion (Hugh of Saint-Victor) 230, 231
Diete super cyrurgia (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Differences (Differentiae) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Difficult Problems of Arithmetic (‘Umar al-Khayyam) 297
Difficulties in the Postulates of Euclid (‘Umar al-Khayyam) 297
Commentary on Ibn Sina Canon 467
Diocles of Carystus 395
Diocletian, Roman Emperor 20, 396
Dionysius Exiguus 81, 109, 111, 140
Dionysius the Areopagite 162
Arithmetic 298
Dioscorides 218, 264, 379, 396
De materia medica 152, 219, 247, 262, 349, 393, 395, 397, 405, 451
De materia medica on botany 96, 97, 98
Influence on Galen 180
On Remedies Easily to Procure (attrib.) 393
Dioscorides longobardus 153
Dis is das Buch der Chirugia (Brunschwig) 271
Disciplina Clericalis (The Secretary’ Art) (Pedro Alfonso) 24
Discourse on Astronomy (Kalam fi’l-Hay’a) (Ibn Bajja) 244
Discourse on Plants, The (Kalam fi’l-Nabat) (Ibn Bajja) 245
Diseases of Women (Hippocrates) 224
Disputationes contra deliramenta (Johannes Regiomontanus) 440
Dives et Pauper (1410) 129
Doctrina (or De curatione) equorum (Maurus of Salerno) 334
Doctrinale (Alexander de Villa Dei) 421
Doctrine of Mohammed, The (Hermann of Carinthia) 220
Domenico Maria Novara 285
Don Juan Manuel
Libro de la caza 529
Don Moseh 25
Don Profiat Tibbon see Profatius Judaeus
Ars minor 421
Dondi, Giovanni 129
Dondi, Jacopo 129
Dorotheus 231
Influence on Masha’allah 332
Dorotheus of Sidon
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
On astrology in compilation by Masha’allah 332
Doubts on Galen (al-Razi) 434
Doxapatres, Nicos 189
Dragmaticon (William of Conches) 451, 514, 515
Drainage see Irrigation and drainage
Drgganita (Paramesvara) 465
Dritzehn, Andreas 419
Dubitationes in Ptolemaeum (al-Shukuk ‘ala Batlamiyus) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Dumbleton, John 518
Dunas ibn Tamim 276
Dunkirk, Battle of (1387) 56
Duns Scotus, Johannes 154–156, 299
Commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sentences 154
Influence by Ibn Bajja 245
Influence of Aquinas 235
On latitude of forms 309
Dunstaple, John 101
Durand of Auvergne 76
Durandus de Alvernia
Oeconomica 424
Dürer, Albrecht 284
Dyes see Paints, pigments, dyes
Easter, Determination of date of 47, 66, 81, 82, 109, 110, 111, 129, 134, 139, 140, 141, 249
Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum) (Bede) 81
Edward I, King of England 49, 70, 348
Edward III, King of England 49, 99, 124, 447
Egidio Tebaldi of Parma 25
Eighty Volumes (Hippocrates) 225
Elections, Book of (Sefer ha-mivharim) (Ibn Ezra) 250
Elementa Jordani super demonstrationem ponderum (The Elements of Jordanus on the Demonstration of Weights) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Elements, Book on the (Kitab al-ustuqussat/De elementis) (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Elements and qualities 157–158, 404, 500
Maurus of Salerno on 334
Elements of Jordanus on the Demonstration of Weights, The (Elementa Jordani super demonstrationem ponderum) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Elements of Music (Euclid) 164
Elucidarium astronomice concordie cum theologia et historia veritate (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
Emerald Tablet 231
Empedocles 346
Encyclopedias 159–161, 311, 502
English Rose (Rosa anglica) (John of Gaddesden) 288
Enumeration of the Sciences (Ihsa’ al-culum) (al-Farabi) 169, 170, 171
Ephemerides (Johannes Regiomontanus) 441
Epicureanism 45
Epistle on Hemorrhoids (Maimonides) 322
Epistle on the Sabbath, The (Igeret ha-shabbat) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Epistola ad peripateticos (Letter to the Peripatetics) (Pedro Alfonso) 24
Epistola de dosi tyriacalium (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Epistola de observatione ciborum (Anthimus) 451
Epistula de Magnete (Peter Peregrinus) 388
Epitome Dindimi in philosophiam (Hugh of Saint-Victor) 230
Epitome of the Almagest (Georg Peuerbach) 393
Epitome of the Almagest (Johannes Regiomontanus) 440
Equatorie of the Planetis 101
Erasistratus of Ceos 337
Eratistratus 466
Eriugena, John Scottus 161-164, 359, 360
Annotationes in Marcianum 161
De divina praedestinatione (On Divine Predestination) 161
De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii (The Marriage of Philology and Mercury) 161
Influence of Macrobius 317
Influence on Aquinas 360
Influence on Martianus Capella 331
Periphyseon (De divisione naturae) 162, 331, 360
Eternity of the Universe, The (De aeternitate mundi) (Siger of Brabant) 461
Ethical Laws (Hilkot De‘ot) (Maimonides) 323, 324
Etymologiae (Etymologies) (Isidore of Seville) 277, 278
Eucharist 316
Catoptrica 374
Commentary by Fibonacci 173
Commentary by Ibn al-Samh 242
Conics 164
Arabic version by Ishaq ibn Hunayn; Hebrew translation by Profatius Judaeus 422
Elements 17, 43, 164, 165, 233, 266, 431, 440
Commentary by Jean de Meurs 283
Expansion by ‘Umar al-Khayyam 297, 298
First printed edition 113
Influence on Campanus de Novara 113
Influence on Jordanus de Nemore 294
Influence on Martianus Capella 330
Nicole Oresme on 377
Redaction by Campanus de Novara 111
Summa by Ibn Sina 257
Tahrir of al-Tusi 494
Transcribed by Ibn al-Haytham 237
Translation attrib.uted to Hermann of Carinthia 220
Translation by Profatius Judaeus 422
Fifth postulate 237
In work of ‘Umar al-Khayyam 297
Influence on Fibonacci 172
On Divisions 164
Phainomena 164
Plane loci 164
Pseudaria 164
Eudes de Creil 151
Eudoxus 254
Eugene IV, Pope 83
Eusebius 109
Commentary on On the Sphere and the Cylinder 283
Everingham, Sir Adam 287
Evrart de Conty 404
Exhaustive Treatise on Shadows, The (al-Biruni) 88
Experimentarius (Bernard Silvester) 86
Exploration see Travel and exploration
Expositio arsmetrice Boicii (Simon Bredon) 101
Expositio in Hexaemeron (Peter Abelard) 2
Expositio librorum beati Dionisii (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Expositio super Antidotarium Nicolai (John of Saint-Amand) 291
Expositio tabularum Alfonsi regis (Jean de Meurs) 282
Extraction of the Jewish Calendar (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Eyeglass 271
Fabliaux 358
Falcucci, Niccolò 198
Falkirk, Battle of (1297) 49
Falsafa 343
Farabi, al- 2, 26, 169–172, 255, 256, 268
Attainment of Happiness 170
Enumeration of the Sciences (Ihsa’ al-culum) 2, 169, 170, 171, 479
Translation by Domingo Gundisalvo 209
Great Book on Music, The 171
Influence on Ibn Bajja 244
Influence on Maimonides 323
Kitab al-Tanbih ‘ala Sabil as-Sa‘adah (Book of the Reminder of the Way to Happiness) Translation by Domingo Gundisalvo 210
On alchemy 21
Perfect State, The 171
Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, The 170
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Work described by Sa‘id al-Andalusi 35
Faraj ben Salim 435
Book on the Science of the Stars 293
Elements of Astronomy 388
Influence on Campanus de Novara 112
Influence on John of Sacrobosco 290
Kitab fi harakat alsamawiyya wa yawami ‘ilm al-nujum 3
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Works of mathematical geography 190
Farisi, Kamal al-Din al- 238
Faysal al-tafriqa ma bayna al-islam wa al-zandaqa (Clear Criterion which Distinguishes between the Religion of Islam and Heresy) (al-Ghazali) 195
Fazari, al- Casts horoscope with Masha’allah et al 331
Fébus, Gaston
Livre de chasse 529
Fernando of Toledo 25
Feuerwerkbuch (1380) 56
Fi al-ma’lumat (Ibn al-Haytham) 239
Fi al-tahlil wa al-tarkib (Ibn al-Haytham) 239
Fi qiyam al-khulafa’ (Masha’allah) 331
Fi qiyam al-khulafa’ wa ma‘rifat kull malik (On the Accession of the Caliphs and the Knowledge of the Accession of Every King) (Masha’allah) 332
Fi ru’yat al-kawakib (On the Appearance of the Stars) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Fi’l-mizaj (On Temperament) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Fi’l-qiranat wa’l-adyan wa’l-adyan wa’l-milal (Masha’allah) 331, 332
Fibonacci, Leonardo 29, 41, 135, 172-174
Liber abaci 40, 47, 172, 283, 294
Dedication of Liber abaci second edition to Michael Scot 345
Meeting with Frederick II 178
Meeting with Michael Scot 178
Quaestio mihi proposita a Magistro Theodoro domini imperatoris phylosopho 173
Trattato di minor guisa 173
Work on Euclid 165
Ficino, Marsilio 359, 360, 442
De triplici vita 439
Figura maris aenei Salomonis (Jean de Meurs) 283
Fihrist 4, 80, 174–175, 279, 301, 485
Firearms see Artillery and firearms
Firmicus Maternus 5
First Philosophy (al-Kindi) 301
Flaccus, Siculus 9
Flores dietarum (The Flowers of Diets) (Johannes de Sancto Paulo) 286
Florilegia 454
Flos Medicinae (Maurus of Salerno) 451
Fons Vitae 251
Food storage and preservation 176–177
Foundations of Understanding and Tower of Faith (Yesodey ha-tevuna u-migdal ha-’emuna) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3
Fountain of Wisdom, The 189
Fourth Lateran Council (1215) 38, 122, 344
Fracastoro, Girolamo 408
Fractiones magistri J. de Muris (Jean de Meurs) 283
Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan 168, 387
Francis of Assisi, Saint 516
Franciscus de Marchia 268
Frederic III, King of Sicily 51
Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor 104
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 33, 138, 177–178, 332, 345, 369, 390, 399, 400, 484, 529
De arte venandi 530
De arte venandi cum avibus (On the Art of Hunting with Birds) 387, 529
On the Art of Falconry 177, 358
Frederick III, Emperor 289, 392, 393, 440
Free will 2
Froissart, Jean 129
Frontín, Juan, Bishop of Tarazona 231
Frontinus, Sextus Julius 9
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Fruits of the Science of Numbers, The (Thimat ‘ilm al-‘adad) (Maslama of Madrid) 333
Fuchs, Leonhart 98
De historia stirpium 220
Fulbert, Canon of Notre Dame 1
Fusoris, Jean 60
Fust, Johann 421
Gaetano of Thiene 308
Gaffurio, Franchinus 354
Galen 179–182, 224, 247, 286, 338, 351, 396, 426, 433, 434, 466, 497, 503
Ars medica 434
Ars parva 451
Commentaries by Mondino de’ Liuzzi 311
Commentary by al-Majusi 325
Commentary by Ibn Rushd 254
Commentary by Jacopo da Forlì 281
Commentary by Taddeo Alderotti 22
Corpus Galenicum 328
Critical Days (De diebus criticis) 339
De anatomicis administrationibus 34
De compagine membrorum (attrib.) 451
De complexionibus (On Temperaments) 400
De compositione medicamentorum per genera (On the composition of medicines according to their types) 179
De compositione medicamentorum secundum locos (On the composition of medicines according to the places of the body) 179
De crisi et super de diebus decretoriis 390
De differentiis febrium 339, 408
De facultatibus naturalibus
Translation by Hunayn ibn Ishaq 232
De oculis (attrib.) 451
De interioribus 339
De locis affectis 144
De methodo medendi ad Glauconem 144
De pulsibus ad tirones 434
De sectis 433
De spermate (attrib.) 451
De juvamentis membrorum (misattrib.uted) 311
De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis et facultatibus (On the mixtures and properties of simple medicines) 179, 395
De tactu pulsus
Translation by Mark of Toledo 233
De usu partium 214
De utilitate particularum
Translation by Niccolò da Reggio 367
De virtutibus alimentorum 515
Dresden codex 263
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
In work of Lanfranco of Milan 305
Influence on Albertus Magnus 17
Influence on Articella 54
Influence on Henri de Mondeville 217
Influence on Ibn Sina 257
Influence on Jabir ibn Hayyan 280
Influence on Mondino de’ Liuzzi 311
Lack of esteem among medieval Arabic
philosophers 323
List of keywords by John of Saint-Amand 291
Methodus medendi 144
Microtegni 451
Commentary by Torrigiano de’ Torrigiani 481
Misattrib.uted works 33
On Accident and Illness (De accidenti et morbo) 339
On Affected Parts (De locis affectis) 339
On Complexions (De complexionibus) 339
On gynecology and midwifery 215
On Illness of Diverse Complexions (De malicia complexionibus diverse) 339
On Liquid Movements
Translation by Mark of Toledo 327
On medical schools, commentaries by Agnellus 396
On Medicines by Genres 393
On Medicines by Places 393
On Obvious and Hidden Movements
Translation by Mark of Toledo 327
On Pulses
Translation by Mark of Toledo 327
On simple drugs, mixtures, and properties 152
On Substitution Products (attrib.) 394
On the properties of drugs 218
On the Usefulness of Pulses
Translation by Mark of Toledo 327
Opera omnia 328
Pro puero eplieptico consilium 144
Quod animi mores 400
Tegni 335, 337, 339, 366, 390, 451
Bartholomaeus of Salerno commentaries on 77
Commentary by Ursus Laudensis (Urso of Lodi) 500
The Best Doctor is also a Philosopher 434
Therapeutica ad Glauconem 434
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Translation by Arnau de Vilanova 51
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Translation by Hunayn ibn Ishaq 280
Translation by Niccolò da Reggio 214
Translations by Burgundio of Pisa (?) 104
Translations by Hunayn 232
Usefulness of Parts, The (De iuvamentis membrorum) 339
Galileo Galilei 268, 377, 378, 441, 443
De Motu 245
Influence by Ibn Bajja 245
Influence by Jordanus de Nemore 294
Letter to Christina 457
Two New Sciences, The 377
Ganitakaumudi (Narayana) 465
Garci Pérez 25
Gardens of Pleasure and Recreation of the Souls (Rawd al-faraj wa-nuzhat al-muhaj) (al-Idrisi) 261
De febribus 451
Gariopontus Passionarius 452
Gassendi 326
Gautier de Croix, Bishop 290
Geber see Jabir ibn Hayyan
Gender in medicine and natural history 182–184
Genealogies, Book of (Sefer Yuhasin) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Generalities about Medicine, Book of (Kitab al-Kulliyyat fi’l-Tibb) (Ibn Rushd) 254
Theories of 351
Gentile da Cingoli 22
Gentile da Foligno 185–186, 407, 408, 409
Commentaries on Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sina and Galen 339
Commentaries on verse of Gilles de Corbeil 198
Consilia 186
Consilium contra pestilentiam 406
Questiones et Tractatus extravagantes 186
Reference to Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
Tractatus de hernia 144
Geography, chorography 186–191
In work of Albertus Magnus 17
Geography (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Geography (Ptolemy) 429
Geometria (Gerbert of Aurillac) 193
Geometria speculativa (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
George of Trebizond 440
Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis) 49, 205, 366
Topographia Hiberniae 188, 451
Gerard of Brussels 41
Gerard of Cremona 41, 191–192, 219, 227, 281, 366, 451, 486, 487
De scientia motus orbis (Translation of Aristotle) 332
Source for Alfred of Sareschel 26, 27
Theorica planetarum 191, 473, 474
Theorica planetarum communis (attrib.) 440
Translation of Ahmad ibn Yusuf 113
Translation of al-Khwarizmi 28, 283
Translation of al-Kindi 247
Translation of al-Razi 435
Translation of al-Razi Liber almansoris 400
Translation of al-Zahrawi 527
Translation of al-Zahrawi Kitab al-Tasrif 466
Translation of Archimedes’ Measurement of a Circle 41
Translation of Aristotle De generatione 185
Translation of Aristotle Meteorologica 342, 500
Translation of Articella 181
Translation of Articella text by al-Majusi 325
Translation of De causis proprietatum elementorum 424
Translation of Euclid from Arabic 165
Translation of Hippocrates’ Prognostics 225
Translation of Hippocrates’ Regimen in Acute Diseases 225
Translation of Hunayn ibn Ishaq 233
Translation of Ibn Sina Canon 438
Translation of Isaac Judaeus 276
Translation of Liber de causis 424
Translation of Pseudo-Galen De secretis 233
Translation of Thabit ibn Qurra 113, 473
Translation of Thabit ibn Qurra Kitab al-Qarastun 513
Translation of al-Zahrawi’s Al-Tasrif li man ajaz an-il-talif 271
Translations of Euclid 112
Visits Spain to study Almagest 67
Gerard of Hildesheim, Bishop 14
Gerard of Sabbionetta 474
De rationali et de ratione uti 193
De Utilitatibus Astrolabi 193
Geometria 193
Influence of Macrobius 317
Influence on Hugh of Saint-Victor 230
Magic 320
Regulae de numerorum abaci rationibus 193
Role in dissemination of mathematical texts 67
Studies mathematics 39
Tract on surveying (attrib.) 10
Gerson, Jean 61
Gesner, Conrad
Bibliotheca Universalis 389
Gessius 433
Ghafiqi, al- 97
Ghayat al Hakim (Aim of the Wise) see Picatrix
Al-Iqtisad fi’l-I’tiqad (Moderation in Belief) 194
Al-Mustasfa 195
Al-Qistas al-mustaqim (Correct Balance) 195
Destructio Philosophorum 195
Faysal al-tafriqa ma bayna al-islam wa al-zandaqa (Clear Criterion which Distinguishes between the Religion of Islam and Heresy) 195
Influence on Duns Scotus 156
Maqasid al-falasifa (Aims of the Philosophers) 194, 293
Mi‘yar al-‘ilm (Standard of Knowledge) 194
Revival 195
Tahafut al-falasifa (Incoherence of the Philosophers) 194, 205
Translation by John of Seville 293
Ghiberti, Lorenzo 238
Ghirlandajo, Domenico 168
Giacomo della Torre see Jacopo da Forlì
Gilbert of Poitier 43, 423, 476
Liber Sex Principorum 341
Gilbert, William 321
Commentaries on verse of Gilles de Corbeil 198
Compendium medicine (Medical Compendium) 196, 264, 336
Influence of Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
On gynecology 215
On leprosy 338
Commentaries on Aristotle 354
Contra gradus et pluralitatem formarum 197
Hylomorphism 235
Influence on John of Glogovia 285
On conception and embryogenesis 339
Quaestiones disputatae 197
Gilles de Corbeil 198–199, 286, 291
De laudibus compositorum medicaminum 334
De laudibus et virtutibus compositorum medicaminum 198
De pulsibus 198
De signis et symptomatibus egritudinum 198
De urinis 198
Hierapigra ad purgandos prelatos (A laxative to
purge prelates) 201
Pulses 53
Pupil of Maurus of Salerno 334
Urines 53
Giordano da Rivalto 168
Giovanni of Cremona 25
Giovanni of Messina 25
Giovanni of Palermo 173
Giovannino de’ Grassi Taccuino 530
Giraldus Cambrensis see Gerald of Wales
Glaucon 180
Godefroy of Sanct Victor 346
Goedendags 49
Golden Mean Regarding the Treatment of Souls and Bodies, Book of the (Kitab al-Iqtisad fi islah al anfus wa-l-ajsad) (Ibn Zuhr) 259, 260
Golden Ratio 172
Golden Rule, The 134
Gondeshapur 227
Gonzalo de Vivero, Bishop of Salamanca 525
Gotmar, Bishop of Girona 192
Gottfried of Fontaines 309
Gottschalk 162
Grandson, Battle of (1476) 49
Gratian 315
Decretum 453
Great Book on Music, The (al-Farabi) 171
Great Introduction to Astrology (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
Great Treatise, The (Ha-Hibbur ha-Gadol) (Abraham Zacuto) 525
Greaves, John 493
Gregory Bar Hebraeus 350
Gregory Chioronides
Persian Syntaxis 493
Gregory I, Pope 9
Gregory IX, Pope 110, 344, 345
Gregory of Nazianzos 396
Gregory of Nyssa 396
Gregory of Rimini 458
Gregory of Tours 127
Gregory XI, Pope 14
Gregory XIII, Pope 139
Groma (surveyor’s cross) 10
Gromaticus, Hyginus 9
Groote, Geert 328
Grosseteste, Robert 205–208, 346, 362, 375, 487, 496
Astronomical textbook 67
Commentary on Aristotle 43
Commentary on Aristotle Analytica Posteriora 353
Concerns about Lombard’s Sentences 315
De artibus liberalibus 205
De colore 207
De generatione sonorum 205
De finitate motus et temporis 207
De impressionibus aeris (On Things Seen in the Air) 344
De impressionibus elementorum 206
De iride 207
De lineis, angulis et figuris 207
De lineis indivisibilis 423
De luce 206
De operationibus solis 207
De ordine emandani causatorum a Deo 207
De sphaera 206
Hexaëmeron 207
Commentaries 442
Influence on John Pecham 388
Influence on Richard Rufus of Cornwall 447
Influence on Roger Bacon 71
Revision of translations of Simon Bredon 105
Statuta 11
Theory of sound 354
Translation of Aristotle De caelo 423
Translation of Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 423, 457
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Treatise on Surgery 467
Guglielmo da Varignana
Secreta Medicinae 78
Guide de médecin nomade (al-Razi) 435
Guide of the Perplexed, The (Maimonides) 323, 324
Guide-book or Aphorisms (Kitab al-Murshid aw al-Fusul) (al-Razi) 435
Guido Arrezzo 178
Guido of Vigevano 33
Guilelmus de Mirica 400
Guillaume de Naste 151
Guillelmus Anglicus 423
Guillén Arremón d’Aspa 25
Guiscard, Robert 353
Gundisalvo, Domingo 208–210, 483, 486
De Anima (On the Soul) 209
De divisione philosophiae (On the Divisions of Philosophy) 209, 210, 479
De Immortalitate animae (On the Immortality of the Soul) 209
De Processione mundi (On the Procession of the World) 209
De Scientiis (On the Sciences) 209
De Unitate (On Unity) 209
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Influence of Hermann of Carinthia 221
Liber al-Kindi de Intellectu (Book of al-Kindi on Reason) 209
Partial translation of Ibn Sina 258
Possible collaboration with John of Seville 293
Revision of Gerard of Cremona 191
Translation of al-Farabi 171
Translation of al-Ghazali 194
Gundishapur 232
Gundoband, King of Burgundy 129
Gutenberg, Johann 385, 418, 419
Chirugia magna 271
Criticism of Teodorico Borgognoni 95
Dismissal of work of Gilbertus Anglicus 196
Inventiarium sive collectorium in parte chirugicali medicinae 213, 214, 336, 467
Gynaecia (Caelius Aurelianus) 451
Gynecology and midwifery 214–216
Habus ibn Maksan 241
Hadot, Pierre 359
Haecceities 154
Ha-Hibbur ha-Gadol (The Great Treatise) (Abraham Zacuto) 411, 525
Hajjaj, al- 494
Hakam II, al-, Caliph of Córdoba 208, 333
Hakim bi-Amr Allah, al- 237
Hallaj, al- 194
Haly Abbas see Majusi, al-
Haly Ridwan
Commentary on Galen’s Tegni 54
Handbook for Calculation by Completing and Balancing (Kitab al-muktasar fi hisab al-jabr wa’l-muqabalah) (al-Khwarizmi) 298
Handy Tables (Ptolemy) 428
Hans Weiditz the Younger 469
Hardianus Amerotius 58
Harmonica (Ptolemy) 429
Hartlieb, Johannes 196
Hartmann, Georg 60
Harun al-Rashid 80, 127, 129, 164, 227, 331
Hasday ibn Shaprut 247
Hatto, Bishop of Vich 39
Hawi, al- (al-Razi) 435
Healing, The Book of (Kitab al-Shifa) (Ibn Sina) 256, 257, 258
Hegyon ha-nefesh ha-asuvah (Meditation of the Sad Soul) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 4
Heidegger, Martin 359
Heinrich von Luafenberg
Regimen 438
Henri Bate of Mechlin 515
Henri de Ferrières
Livres du roi Modus et de la reine Ratio 529
Henri de Mondeville 217–218, 271, 305, 306, 465, 467
Anathomia 217
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Influenced by John of Saint-Amand 291
Pupil of Teodorico Borgognoni 96
Surgical treatise in Latin and French 336
Teaching at Montpellier 33
Work for Bernard de Gordon 85
Henry I, King of England 23
Henry II, King of England 5
Henry III, King of England 70
Henry of Avranches 345
Henry of Hesse 41
Henry of Langenstein 497
Henry the Navigator 489
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor 78
Henry, Earl of Derby 287
Heptateuchcon (Thierry of Chartres) 476
Heraclides of Pontus 413
Herbarius Maguntie impressus 219
Herbarius Patavie impressus 219
Herbs 319
De essentiis 483
Doctrine of Mohammed, The 220
On the Generation of Muhammed 220
Translation of Euclid from Arabic 165
Translation of Great Introduction to Astrology (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
Translations of Euclid 112
Work with Hugh of Santalla 232
Hermann the German 486
Translation of Ibn Rushd 308
Hermannus Contractus 220
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
On astrology in compilation by Masha’allah 332
Hermes Trimegistus 20
Hermetic literature 20
Hero Catoptrica 521
Herophilus of Alexandria 127
Herophilus of Calcedon 336
Herr, Michael 469
Herrad 362
Heshbon mahalakhot ha-kokhavim (Computation of the Motions of Stars) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3, 4
Heytesbury, William of 221–222
Rules for Solving Sophismata 221, 222
Hibbur ha-meshiha ve ha-tishboret (Treatise on Mensuration and Calculation) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3
Hierapigra ad purgandos prelatos (A laxative to purge prelates) (Gilles de Corbeil) 201
Hikayat al-alat al-musammat al-suds al-fakhri (Account of the Instrument known as the Fakhri Sextant) (al-Biruni) 88
Hildegard of Bingen 219, 222–223, 336, 346, 396, 522
Book of the Different Natures of Creatures 350
Influence by Constantine the African 146
On botany 98
Scivias 222
Hiliya ibn Sarjun 166
Hilkot De‘ot (Ethical Laws) (Maimonides) 323, 324
Himyari, al- 365
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Hippocrates 224–226, 337, 397, 399, 400, 466
Aphorisma/Aphorismi/Aphorisms 224, 225, 281, 338, 390, 433
Bartolomaeus of Bruges commentaries on 76
Commentaries by Mondino de’ Liuzzi 311
Commentary by Taddeo Alderotti 22
Diseases of Women 224
Eighty Volumes 225
Epidemics 400
Father-in-law of Polybius 179
Influence on Albertus Magnus 17
List of keywords by John of Saint-Amand 291
Medical Aphorisms Commentary by
Maimonides 322
Nature of Man 224
Prognostics 224, 225, 338, 390
As part of Articella 53
Regimen acutorum 390
Weeks 224
Hippocratic Aphorisms
Translation by Constantine the African 451
Hispalensis, Johannes 134
Historia calamitatum (Peter Abelard) 1, 2
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People) (Bede) 81
Historia Universalis (Ricobaldus of Ferrara) 389
Honorius 159
Honorius III, Pope 344
Honorius of Autun 188
Honorius, Emperor 433
Horse, horses
Hortus sanitatis (Garden of Health) 358
House building, housing 228–229
House of Wisdom, The 28
How Substances are Goods in Virtue of their Existence without Being Substantial Goods (On the Hebdomads) (Boethius) 90, 93
Hrabanus Maurus (Hraban Maur) 140, 219
Hubaysh ibn al-Hasan al-A‘sam 233
Huerta 273
Hugh of Saint-Victor 229–231, 315, 503
De grammatica 230
De sacramentis 231
De tribus diebus 230
Descriptio mappae mundi 116
Epitome Dindimi in philosophiam 230
On geography 187
Practica Geometriae 230
Hugh of Santalla 231–232, 483, 484
Book of the Nine Judges 231, 232
Book of the Three Judges 231
Liber Aristotilis 332
Work with Hermann of Carinthia 220
Hugo de Folieto 528
Hülegü Khan 387
Hunayn Ibn Ishaq 97, 232–234, 247, 325
al-‘Ashar Maqalat fi’l-‘Ayn (Ten Treatises on the Eye) 233
al-Masa’il fi’l-Tibb (Questions concerning Medicine) 233
Collaboration with Thabit ibn Qurra 472
Commentary by Taddeo Alderotti 22
Financial support by Banu Musa 175
Isagoge 52, 146, 337, 338, 339, 344, 438, 500, 514
As part of Articella 53
Bartholomaeus of Salerno commentaries on 77
Commentary by Maurus of Salerno 334
In Artem parvam Galeni 390
Translation by Constantine the African 145, 466
Translation by Mark of Toledo 327
Mas’il fit-tibb 337
On Euclid 166
Theory of medicine 337
Translation method 180
Translation of Archimedes 40
Translation of De Materia Medica 153
Translation of Dioscorides 218
Translation of Euclid 164
Translation of Hippocrates 224
Hunting Book, The (Gaston Phébus) 358
Huygens, Christiaan 238
Hylomorphism 155, 157, 234–236, 338, 517
Ibn ‘Abbad, al-Mu‘tamid 242
Ibn ‘Abdun 383
Ibn ‘Aqil 453
Ibn ‘Azzuz al-Qusantini 410
Ibn Abi Jarada 166
Ibn Abi Usaybi‘a 276
Ibn al-‘Attar 240
Kitab al-filaha 12
Influence of Abraham Zacuto 525
Ibn al-Baytar 246
Ibn al-Ha‘im al-Ishbili 242, 410
Ibn al-Haytham 237–240, 362, 374
al-Shukuk ‘ala Batlamiyus (Dubitationes in Ptolemaeum) 238
Author (?) of Hay’at al-‘Alam 253
Commentary on Euclid 165
Cosmology 25
De aspectibus 238
De speculis comburentibus (On Burning-Mirrors) 375
Fi al-ma’lumat 239
Fi al-tahlil wa al-tarkib 239
Fi ru’yat al-kawakib (On the Appearance of the Stars) 238
Influence of al-Kindi 302
Influence on Ibn Bajja 244
Influence on Ibn Rushd 253
Influence on Roger Bacon 72
Kitab al-manazir (The Optics) 238, 239, 240
Kitab Hall Shukuk Uqlidis 494
Maqala fi adwa’ al-kawakib (Treatise on the
Lights of the Stars) 238
Maqala fi tamam kitab al-makhru-tat (On the Completeness of the Conics) 237
On optics 302
On Ptolemy’s Almagest 244
On the Configuration of the World Hebrew translation by Profatius Judeaus 423
Qawl fi al-makan (A Treatise on Place) 239
“Quadrature of crescent figures/lunes” (Al
ashkal al-hilaliyya) 237
Reinterpretation of Ptolemy 65
Risala fi al-daw’ (Treatise on Light) 239
Risala fi daw’ al-qamar (Treatise on Moonlight) 238
Shakl Banu Musa (The Proposition of Banu Musa) 237
Sharh musadarat kitab Uqlidis 237
Ibn Ali Usaybi’a
Tabaqat al-attibba’ 237
Ibn al-Imam 244
Ibn al-Jazzar
Translation of De oblivione by Constantine the African 145
Travelers’ Medical Manual 219
Treatise on lovesickness 146
Ibn al-Kammad 410
Ibn al-Khatib 241
Ibn al-Muthanna Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248, 250
Ibn al-Nadim al-Warraq 80, 174, 279, 485
Ibn al-Nashi 241
Ta’rikh al-hukama’ 237
Ibn al-Raqqam 410
Ibn al-Rijal 481
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Taught by Maslama of Madrid 333
Alfonsine translation of 26
al-Kitab al-kabir fi’l-handasa 242
al-Kitab al-Kafi fi’l-hisab al-hawa’i 242
al-Kitab al-kamil fi’l-hisab al-hawa’i 242
al-Mu‘amalat 242
al-‘amal bi’l-asturlab 241
al-Madkhal ilaa’ l-handasa fi tafsir Kitab Uqlidis 242
Kitab Tabi‘at al-‘adad 242
Kitab Thimar al-‘adad al-ma‘ruf bi’l-mu‘amalat 242
Knowledge of work of al-Biruni 138
Taught by Maslama of Madrid 333
Ibn al-Yasamin 39
Ibn al-Zarqalluh 241, 242–243, 389, 410, 478, 479, 481
Almanac 243
Azafea 422
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Influence on Ibn Bajja 244
Influence on Ibn Rushd 253, 254
Kitab al-Hay’a 242
Libro de la Açafeha 242
Libro de las Armellas 242
Libros de las láminas de los siete planetas 242
On Ptolemy’s Almagest 244
On the Solar Year 243
Taught by Maslama of Madrid 333
Treatise on the Motion of the Fixed Stars 243
Ibn Badis, Sultan al-Mu‘izz 383
Ibn Bajja 138, 243–246, 254, 255
Commentary on the Meteorology 343
Fi’l-mizaj (On Temperament) 246
Influence on Ibn Rushd 253
Influence on Maimonides 322
Kalam fi’l-Hay’a (Discourse on Astronomy) 244
Kalam fi’l-Nabat (The Discourse on Plants) 245
Kitab al-Hayawan (The Book of Animals) 245
Kitab al-tajribatayn ‘ala adwiyat Ibn Wafid (Book on the Two Experiments concerning Ibn Wafid’s Drugs) 246
Man’s Contact with the Intellect 244
Maqala fi’l-Hummayat (Chapter on Fevers) 246
Sharh fi’l-Fusul (Commentary on [Hippocrates’] Aphorisms) 246
Sharh Kitab al-Sama‘ al-Tabi‘i 244
Ta‘aliq fi’l-Adwiya al-Mufrada (Notes on Simples [according to Galen]) 246
Ta‘aliq Kitab al-Burhan 244
The Rule of the Solitary 244
Treatise on Astronomy 324
Ibn Bargut 240
Ibn Bassal, Andalusi agronomist 9, 12
Kitab al-Musta‘ini 246
Tables of Health (Taqwim al-sihha) 97, 219, 394, 469
Tacuinum sanitatis 438
Ibn Daud 479
Ibn Ezra, Abraham 247–250, 251
Attrib.uted work on almanacs 29
Igeret ha-shabbat (The Epistle on the Sabbath) 249
Liber Abraham Iude de navitatibus 250
Liber de rationibus tabularum 248
Mishpetei ha-mazzalot (Book of the Judgments of the Zodiacal Signs) 250
Reshit hokhmah (Beginning of Wisdom) 249, 250
Sefer ha-‘ibbur (Book of Intercalation) 249
Sefer ha-‘olam (Book of the World) 250
Sefer ha-ehad (Book on the Unit) 248, 249
Sefer ha-me’orot (Book of Luminaries) 250
Sefer ha-mispar (Book of the Number) 248, 249
Sefer ha-mivharim (Book of Elections) 250
Sefer ha-moladot (Book of Nativities) 249, 250
Sefer ha-she’elot (Book of Interrogations) 250
Sefer ha-te’amim (Book of Reasons) 249
Sefer keli ha-nehoshet (Book of the Instrument of Brass) 248
Sefer ta’amei ha-luhot (Book of the Reasons
behind Astronomical Tables) 248
Fons vitae (Fount of Life) 234, 235, 293, 346
Translation by Domingo Gundisalvo 209
Hylomorphism 234
Keter Malkhut (The Royal Crown) 251
Kitab Islah al-Akhlaq (The Improvement of Moral Qualities) 251
Mekhor Hayyim (Source of Life) 250, 251
Sefer Tikkun midot ha-nefesh 251
Translation by John of Seville 293
Ibn Hallikan 275
Ibn Hammad 275
Ibn Hibinta 331
Ibn Ishaq al-Tunisi 410
Ibn Jubayr 364
Ibn Jurrayul 253
Ibn Khalaf 478
Ibn Khaldun 12, 21, 61, 118, 241, 333, 365
Taught by Maslama of Madrid 333
Ibn Kulthum, ‘Amr 364
Ibn Majid, Ahmad 190, 252, 365, 366
Kitab al-Fawa’id (Book of Lessons on the Foundations of the Sea and Navigation) 252
Ibn Matar 164
Ibn Ridwan, ’Ali 233
Ibn Rushd 247, 253–256, 259, 307, 341, 361, 456
Aquinas’ rejection of his interpretation of Aristotle’s physics 36
Aristotelianism 42
Commentaries on Aristotle 436
Commentary by Richard Rufus of Cornwall 445
Commentary on Aristotle History of Animals, translated by Profatius Judaeus 422
De tyriaca 52
In work of Siger of Brabant 461
Incoherence of the Incoherence 205
Influence by Ibn Bajja 244, 245
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Influence on Albertus Magnus 17
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
Influence on John of Glogovia 285
Kitab al-Kulliyyat (Book of Generalities) 246
Kitab al-Kulliyyat fi’l-Tibb (Book of Generalities about Medicine) 254
Large Commentary on Aristotle’s On the Heavens translated by Michael Scot 345
Mukhtasar al-Majisti (Abridgement of the Almagest) 244, 253
On anatomy 32
On the harmony between religion and philosophy 205
On the Substance of the World 345
Quotes Ibn Bajja 245
Rebuttal of al-Ghazali 195
Rejection of theology of al-Kindi 204
The Short and Middle Commentaries on the Meteorology 343
Ibn Sayyid al-Kalbi 243
Influence on Ibn Bajja 244
Ibn Shahr 240
Ibn Sina 36, 256–259, 306, 339, 341, 361, 396, 426, 434, 446
Abbreviato de animalibus translation by Michael Scot 178
al-Qanun fi’l-tibb (The Canon of Medicine) 256, 257, 258
Aristotelianism 42
Autobiography Praises al-Farabi 170
Averroist opposition to 308
Bartolomaeus of Bruges commentaries on 76
Canon 33, 158, 218, 219, 335, 337, 339, 438, 456, 482
Annotation by Bartolomeo da
Varignana 78
Gentile da Foligno’s commentary on 186
Eclipses Constantine the African 146
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Translation by Jacopo da Forlì 281
Cantica 438
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Commentaries by Mondino de’ Liuzzi 311
Commentary by Taddeo Alderotti 22
Correspondence with al-Biruni 88, 266
De animalibus 482
Edition of Euclid 164
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
In work of Lanfranco of Milan 305
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Influence of Galen 180
Influence on ‘Umar al-Khayyam 298
Influence on Albertus Magnus 17, 18
Influence on Domingo Gundisalvo 209
Influence on Henri de Mondeville 217
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
Influence on Mondino de’ Liuzzi 311
Influence on Petrus Hispanus 390
Influence on Pietro de Crescenzi 11, 13
Kitab al-Shifa (Book of Healing) 209, 256, 257, 258, 268, 343, 424
List of keywords by John of Saint-Amand 291
Metaphysics 484
On alchemy 21
On anatomy 32
On astrology 61
On Gynecology and midwifery 215
On logic 312
On theoretical medicine 337
Rejection of theology of al-Kindi 204
Summaries and critiques of his work by al-Ghazali 194
Summary concerning Animals (Abbreviatio Avicenne de animalibus) translated by Michael Scot 344
The Cure 350
Translation by Alfred of Sareschel 27
Translation by Arnau de Vilanova 51
Translation of Aristotle De anima 444
Translation of Aristotle De animalibus 444
Urjuza fi’l-tibb 254
Ibn Tasufin, ‘Ali ibn Yusuf 259
Ibn Tawus 63
Ibn Tibbon, Jacob ben Makhir see Profatius Judaeus
Ibn Tibbon, Moses ben Samuel 422
Risalat Hayy Ibn Yaqzan 253
Ibn Tumart
Creed (‘Aqida) 328
Laudations 328
Spiritual Guides 328
Ibn Wafid
Kitab al-tajribatayn ‘ala adwiyat Ibn Wafid 246
Ibn Wahshiyya 12
Nabatean Agriculture 12
Ibn Walid 227
Ibn Yunus
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Ibn Zuhr and Ibn Rushd 253
Kitab al-Aghdhiya 259
Kitab al-Iqtisad fi islah al-anfus wa-l-ajsad (Book of the Golden Mean Regarding the Treatment of Souls and Bodies) 259, 260
Kitab al-Jami‘ 259
Kitab al-Qanun (Book of the Norm) 259
Kitab al-Taysir fi-mudawat wa’l-tadbir (Book to Facilitate Therapeutics and Regimen) 259, 260
Maqala fi ‘ilal al-kulà 259
Quoted by Ibn Rushd 254
Risala fi tafdil al-‘asal ‘ala’l-sukkar 259
Risala fi’l-baras 259
Ibrahim Ibn Sinan 237
Ibrahim ibn Yusuf ibn Tashufin 259
Icocedron (Walter Odington) 355
Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi khtiraq al-afaq (The Book of Pleasant Journeys into Faraway Lands) 261
On geography 189
Rawd al-faraj wa-nuzhat al-muhaj (Gardens of
Pleasure and Recreation of the Souls) 261
Uns al-muhaj wa-rawd al-faraj (Intimacy of Souls and Gardens of Pleasure) 261
World map of 118
Igeret ha-shabbat (The Epistle on the Sabbath) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Ihsa’ al-culum (Enumeration of the Sciences) (al-Farabi) 169, 170, 171
Ikhwan al-Safa’ 190
Illustration, scientific 264–267
Image du monde (Gossuin de Metz) 160
Imago mundi (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
Imago mundi 159
Defense of theory by Marsilius of Inghen 329
Improvement of Moral Qualities, The (Kitab Islah al-Akhlaq) (Ibn Gabirol) 251
Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahafut al-falasifa) (al-Ghazali) 194, 195
Informació espiritual per al rey Frederic (Arnau de Vilanova) 51
Innocent IV, Pope 95
Innocent VI, Pope 213
Instrument of Brass, Book of the (Sefer keli ha-nehoshet) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Instruments, agricultural 269–271
Intercalation, Book of (Sefer ha-‘Ibbur) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3
Intercalation, Book of (Sefer ha-‘Ibbur) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Interpretations of Mystical Secrets (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Interrogations, Book of (Sefer ha-she’elot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Intimacy of Souls and Gardens of Pleasure (Uns al muhaj wa-rawd al-faraj) (al-Idrisi) 261
Introduction to Astrology (Liber introductorius ad astrologiam) (Michael Scot) 345
Inventarium sive collectorium in parte chirurgicali medicinae (Guy de Chauliac) 213, 214
Ioannes Alexandrinus (Ioannes of Alexandria) 224, 433
Iohannes Hispalensis 292
Iqtisad fi’l-I’tiqad, al- (Moderation in Belief) (al-Ghazali) 194
Irene Komnenos, Empress 226
Irrigation 9
Irrigation and drainage 272–275
Isaac al-Hadib 411
Isaac ben Sid 25, 26, 410, 481
Book of Definitions 346
Book on Substances (Kitab al-gawahir) 276
Book on the Elements (Kitab al-ustuqussat/
De elementis) 276
De dietis particularibus 390
De dietis universalibus 390
De urinis 390
Influence on Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
Influence on Maimonides 322
Kitab al-agdiya/Dietae universales et particulares 276
Kitab al-baul/Liber urinarum 276
Kitab al-hudud wa’l-rusum/De definitionibus 276
Kitab al-hummayat/liber febrium 276
Kitab al-mudhal ila sina’at at-tibb 276
Kitab fi’l-nabd 276
Kitab fi’l-tiryaq 276
Liber Dietarum universalum 451
Maqala fi’l-kuhl 276
Musar harofe’im 276
Source for Constantine the African 145
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Use of four texts in Articella 53
Yesod ‘Olam 242
Yesod ha-‘Olam 35
Use of material by Gilles de Corbeil 198
Isabella I, Queen of Castile and Aragon 411
Ishaq al-Israeli
Liber de definitionibus Translation by Domingo Gundisalvo 209
Ishaq ibn Hunayn 233
Isidore of Seville 37, 187, 219, 276–278
Bestiaries 87
Cartography 115
Chronica (Chronicle) 277
Contra Iudaeos de fide Christiana (Concerning the Christian Faith against the Jews) 277
De ecclesiasticis officiis (Church Offices) 277
De natura rerum (On the Nature of Things) 277
Differentiae (Differences) 277
Etymologiae (Etymologies) 31, 39, 159, 277, 278, 306, 343, 357, 456, 528
On magic 319
Historical chronology 109
Influence on Bede 81
Influence on Hildegard of Bingen 222
Influence on Hugh of Saint-Victor 230
Liber rotarum (Book of Circles) 277
Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum (Interpretations of Mystical Secrets) 277
On the Nature of Things 514
Isodorus, Cardinal of Kiev 153
Istakhri, al- 266
Istifan ibn Basil 247
Collaborator of Hunayn ibn Ishaq 218
Istiji, al- 478
Ja‘far al-Sadiq 279
Jabir ibn Aflah 253
Influence on Maimonides 322
Islah al-Majisti (Correction of the Almagest) 423
Maimonides on 324
Kitab al-Rahmah al-Kabir (The Large Book of Mercy) 279, 280
Jacob ben Makhir (Profeit ibn Tibbon) 240
Translation of Euclid 165
Jacob van Maerlant
Der Naturen Bloeme 477
Jacob von Megenberg
Buch der Natur 477
Jacopo d’Angelo 403
Jacopo da Firenze
Tractatus algorismi 135
Commentaries on Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sina and Galen 339
Commentarii super Aristotelis Physicorum libris I–IV 281
On latitude of forms 309
Questio de intensione et remissione formarum 281
“Jaffar Indus” 232
Jamal al-Din 485
James I of Aragon 273
James of Edessa
Hexaemeron 349
James of Eltville 458
James of Venice 282
With Burgundio of Pisa 104
Jami’ al-Kabir, al- (al-Razi) 435
Jaume II, King of Catalonia 51
Jayadeva 464
Comprehensive Work on the Theory and Practice of the Mechanical Arts 265
Jean de Lignères 292
Algorismus minutiarum 283
Jean de Meun
Roman de la Rose 361
Jean de Meurs 282–284, 292, 354, 355, 411
Additions to Alfonsine Tables 26
De arte mensurandi 283
Expositio tabularum Alfonsi regis 282
Figura maris aenei Salomonis 283
Fractiones magistri J. de Muris 283
Influence by Archimedes 41
Influence on John of Gmunden 289
Musica speculativa secundum boetium 282
Quadripartitum numerorum 283
Semiliber 283
Jean de Saint Amand
Role in dissemination of Galen 181
Jean Le Robert, Abbot of Cambrai 421
Jenson, Nicolas 420
Jerusalem Tables (Abraham bar Hiyya) 3
Jibril ibn Bakhtishtu‘ 232
João II, King of Portugal 525
Job of Edessa
Book of Treasures 349
Johannes David 240
Questions on Aristotle’s Physics 285
Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
Account of Constantine the African 145
Breviarum medicine (Breviary of Medicine) 286
Commentarium Tabulae Richardi (attrib.) 286
De carnibus (attrib.) 286
De conferentibus et nocentibus diversis medicinis (On the Beneficial and
Harmful Effects of Different Medicines) 286
De simplicium medicinarum virtutibus (On the Virtues [or Powers] of Simple Medicines) 286
Flores dietarum (The Flowers of Diets) 286
Platearius 286
Johannitius see Hunayn ibn Ishaq
John I, Pope 109
John of Aragon, Cardinal 362
Liber medicinalium 287
Practica 287
Reference to Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
Treatises of the Fistula in Ano, Hemorrhoids, and Clysters 467
John of Brescia 422
John of Capua 259
John of Damascus 104, 189, 206
John of Eschenden 480
John of Gaddesden 288
Rosa anglica (English Rose) 288
Adoption of work of Campanus de Novara 112
Commissioned to calculate length of tropical year 141
John of Ireland 178
John of Jandun 285
John of Lignères 26, 31, 411, 480, 526
John of Northampton 111
John of Plano Carpini 188, 358
John of Reading 457
Computus ecclesiasticus 67
Influence on Geoffrey Chaucer 125, 137
Influence on Pierre d’Ailly 403
Theorica planetarum 68
Tractatus de Sphaera 67, 289, 290, 496, 388, 431, 474, 498
Commentary by Cecco d’Ascoli 122
Influence on Robert Grosseteste 206
Source of Mandeville’s Travels 326
Translation by Michael Scot 345
Tractatus de quadrante 289, 290
John of Saint-Amand 290–291, 369
Expositio super Antidotarium Nicolai 291
Revocativum 290
John of Salisbury 105, 282, 476
Influenced by William of Conches 325
Additions to Alfonsine Tables 26
Almanac 31
Canons on the Alfonsine Tables (Tabule Alfoncii) 128, 292
John of Seville 292–293, 400, 424, 483
Translation of al-Saffar 240
Translation of Great Introduction to Astrology (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
Translation of Thabit ibn Qurra 473
Work continued by Gerard of Cremona 191
John of Spain
Partial translation of Ibn Sina 258
John of Tilbury 423
John of Toledo, Archbishop 257
John of Tynemouth 165
John of Westphalie 403
John of Würzburg 188
John Philoponus 42, 239, 302, 515
Influence on Ibn Bajja 245
John XIII, Pope 192
John XXII, Pope 516
John, Duke of Bedford, English regent 400
John, Prince of Navarre 448
Jordan of Saxony 15
Jordanus de Nemore 294–295, 513
Arithmetica 294
De numeris datis (On Given Numbers) 29, 294
De plana spera (Planisphere) 294
Liber de minutiis (attrib.) 294
Liber de proportionibus (attrib.) 294
Liber Philotegni de triangulis (The Book of the Philotechnist on Triangles) 294
The Book of Jordanus de Nemore on the Theory of Weight (Liber Jordani de ratione ponderis) 294
The Elements of Jordanus on the Demonstration of Weights (Elementa Jordani super demonstrationem ponderum) 294
Jordanus de Nemore on the Theory of Weight, The Book of (Kitab al-Fawa’id) (Ibn Majid) 252
Jordanus de Turre
On leprosy 338
Jordanus Rufus of Calabria 178, 358
Marescalcia equorum 529
Joseph ben Judah 324
Joseph ibn Zaddik
Book of the Microcosm 346
Joubert, Laurent 214
Juan Alvarez de Salamiella 529
Juan d’Aspa 25
Juan de Salaya 525
Juan de Zúñiga y Pimentel 526
Juan II, King of Aragon 63
Juan, Bishop of Osma 208
Judah ben Asher II of Burgos 411
Judah ben Moses ha-Cohen 410, 422
Judah Halevi 346
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Judah ibn Moshe 484
Judah Mosca 481
Judgment on Eclipses (Juicio de los eclipses) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Judgments of the Astrologer (Mishpetei ha-‘istagnin) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Judgments of the Zodiacal Signs, Book of the (Mishpetei ha-mazzalot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Julius Solinus 187
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor 302, 433
Juwayni, al- 194
Jyotihsastra (astral science) 462
Kalam 42
Kalam fi’l-Hay’a (Discourse on Astronomy) (Ibn Bajja) 244
Kalam fi’l-Nabat (Discourse on Plants) (Ibn Bajja) 245
Kalpa 463
Karaji, al- 46
The Marvellous 28
Kashi, Jamshid al-
Miftah al-hisab (The Calculator’s Key) 46, 47
Katapayadi system 462
Katibi see Sidi ‘Ali Re’is
Kepler, Johannes 375, 388, 411
On Profatius Judaeus’ Alamanach perpetuum 423
Kermes 380
Kerver, Jacques 232
Keter Malkhut (The Royal Crown) (Ibn Gabirol) 251
Khalid ibn Yazid, Prince 20
Khandakhadyaka (Brahmagupta) 464
Khayyam, ‘Umar al- 47, 297–298
Difficult Problems of Arithmetic 297
Difficulties in the Postulates of Euclid 297
Rubaiyat 297
Treatise on the Proofs and Problems of Algebra 297
Zij Malikshah 297
Khazini, al- 513
Khwarizmi on Indian Numbers (Algoritmi de numero Indorum) (al-Khwarizmi) 298
Khwarizmi, al- 3, 5, 39, 47, 298–299, 503
Adaptation by Pedro Alfonso 24
Algoritmi de numero Indorum (Khwarizmi on
Indian Numbers) 298
Al-Jabr wa al-Muqabola (Algebra) 28, 297
Astronomical tables 250
At the Bayt al-Hikma 80
Book of the Sundial 299
Book on the Construction of the Astrolabe 299
Book on the Use of the Astrolabe 299
Calculation with Hindu Numerals 298
Chronicle 299
De iebra et almucabala (Algebra) 283
Extraction of the Jewish Calendar 299
Geography 299
Handbook for Calculation by Completing and Balancing (Kitab al-muktasar fi hisab
al-jabr wa’l-muqabalah) 298
In work of Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Influence on Fibonacci 172
Kitab hisab al-‘adad al-hindi 46
Lost book on Indian arithmetic 293
Recension of the Sindhind 64
Sindhind 241
Tables 6
Works of mathematical geography 190
Zij 410
Zij al-Sindhind 298
Version by Maslama of Madrid 333
Kilvington, Richard
Sophismata 221
Commentary on Aristotle Analytica Posteriora 353
De natura relationis 299
Influence by Domingo Gundisalvo 210
Influence on Roger Bacon 70
Letter to Peter Conflans 299, 300
Kindi, al- 301–302, 373, 374, 396, 484
Astrology in 320
Correction by Ibn Rushd 255
First Philosophy 301
Influence on Abu Ma‘shar 4
Influence on Ibn Buklarish 247
Influence on Isaac Judaeus 276
On astrology 61
On Rains 344
On Solar Rays 302
On the Number of Aristotle’s Books 301
On the origin of the world 204
Reference to work of Euclid 164
Work described by Sa‘id al-Andalusi 35
Kirkeby, George 137
Kirmani, al-
Praised by Sa‘id al-Andalusi 35
Taught by Maslama of Madrid 333
Kitab Akriyat al-sufun (The Book of Chartering Ships) 365
Kitab al-‘amal bi’l-asturlab (Ibn al-Samh) 241
Kitab al-agdiya/Dietae universales et particulares (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab al-Aghdhiya (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Kitab al-amtar wa’l-riyah (Masha’allah) 332
Kitab al-baul/Liber urinarum (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab al-Fawa’id (Book of Lessons on the Foundations of the Sea and Navigation) (Ibn Majid) 252
Kitab al-Fihrist (Ibn al-Nadim al-Warraq) 174, 175
Kitab al-Fusul fi’ l-hisab al-hindi (Book of the Sections on Indian Arithmetic) (al-Uqlidisi) 499
Kitab al-gawahir (Book on Substances) (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab al-Hawi (al-Razi) 435
Kitab al-Hay’a (“Book on Cosmology”) (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 242
Kitab al-Hayawan (The Book of Animals) (Ibn Bajja) 245
Kitab al-hudud wa’l-rusum/De definitionibus (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab al-hummayat/liber febrium (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab al-Iqtisad fi islah al-anfus wa-l-ajsad (Book of the Golden Mean Regarding the Treatment of Souls and Bodies) (Ibn Zuhr) 259, 260
Kitab al-isti’ab (al-Biruni) 90
Kitab al-istikmal (Book of Perfection) (al-Mu’tamun al-Hud) 324
Kitab al-istikmal (Book of Perfection) (Maimonides [attrib.]) 324
Kitab al-Istikmal (Book of Perfection) 243
Kitab al-Jami‘ (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Kitab al-kabir fi’l-handasa (Ibn al-Samh) 242
Kitab al-Kafi fi’l-hisab al-hawa’i (Ibn al-Samh) 242
Kitab al-Kulliyyat fi’l-Tibb (Book of Generalities about Medicine) (Ibn Rushd) 254
Kitab al-Madkhal ilaa’ l-handasa fi tafsir Kitab Uqlidis (Ibn al-Samh) 242
Kitab al-maliki (The Royal Book of All Medicine) (al-Majusi) 325
Kitab al-manazir (The Optics) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238, 239, 240
Kitab al-mawalid (Book on Nativities) (Masha’allah) 332
Kitab al-mudhal ila sina’at at-tibb (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab al-muktasar fi hisab al-jabr wa’l-muqabalah (Handbook for Calculation by Completing and Balancing) (al-Khwarizmi) 298
Kitab al-Murshid aw al-Fusul (Guide-book or Aphorisms) (al-Razi) 435
Kitab al-Musta‘ini (Ibn Buklarish) 246
Kitab al-Qanun (Book of the Norm) (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Kitab al-Rahmah al-Kabir (The Large Book of Mercy) (Jabir ibn Hayyan) 279, 280
Kitab al-Shifa (The Book of Healing) (Ibn Sina) 256, 257, 258
Kitab al-tajribatayn ‘ala adwiyat Ibn Wafid (Book on the Two Experiments concerning Ibn Wafid’s Drugs) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Kitab al-Tasrif li-man ‘ajiza ‘an al-ta’lif (The Tasrif) (al-Zahrawi) 526, 527
Kitab al-Taysir fi-mudawat wa’l-tadbir (Book to Facilitate Therapeutics and Regimen) (Ibn Zuhr) 259, 260
Kitab al-ustuqussat/De elementis (Book on the Elements) (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab fi tahqiq ma li’l-Hind (Description of India) (al-Biruni) 88
Kitab fi’l-nabd (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab fi’l-tiryaq (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Kitab Islah al-Akhlaq (The Improvement of Moral Qualities) (Ibn Gabirol) 251
Kitab Saydalat al-tibb (Pharmacology) (al-Razi) 435
Kitab Tabaqat al-‘Umam (Book of the Categories of Nations) (Sa‘id al-Andalusi) 34, 35
Kitab Tabi‘at al-‘adad (Ibn al-Samh) 242
Kitab Thimar al-‘adad al-ma‘ruf bi’l-mu‘amalat (Ibn al-Samh) 242
Kitab wasf al- at’ima al-Mu’tada 177
Knights Hospitallers 228
Knowing of Women’s Kind in Childing 215, 524
Ko Hung 20
Konrad von Eichstätt
Sanitatis conservator 438, 439
Kos, School of 224
Kosmas Indikopleustês 187, 189, 302–303
Christianikê topographia (Christian Topography) 302, 303
L’Acerba (Cecco d’Ascoli) 122, 123
La Rochelle, Battle of (1372) 56
Lactantius 359
Influence on Isidore of Seville 278
Ladislaus V Posthumus, King of Lower Austria,
Bohemia and Hungary 392
Lamberto da Cingoli 122
Land measurement 10
Lanfranco of Milan 271, 305–306, 467
Lapidary, lapidaries 18, 24, 306–307, 349, 358
Lapis lazuli 381
Large Book of Mercy, The (Kitab al-Rahmah al-Kabir) (Jabir ibn Hayyan) 279, 280
Latini, Brunetto 159, 160, 161
Latitude of forms 156, 235, 308–309, 444
Laurentius Ruzius 529
Laurenziani, Lorenzo 225
Laus sapientiae divinae (Alexander Nequam) 366
Laxative to purge prelates, A (Hierapigra ad purgandos prelatos) (Gilles de Corbeil) 201
Leander, Bishop of Seville 277
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 268, 307, 321
Lei-ssu ching 270
Lemmas, Book of (Archimedes) 41
Leonardo da Vinci 34
Leonardo of Pisa see Fibonacci, Leonardo
Leonello d’Este, Marquis of Ferrara 400
Leoniceno, Nicolao 153, 154, 182, 225
De Plinii aliorumque in medicina erroribus (On the Mistakes of Pliny and Many Other Authors on Medicine) 219, 396
Leontios of Constantinople 117
Lessons on the Foundations of the Sea and Navigation, Book of (Kitab al-Fawa’id) (Ibn Majid) 252
Letter to Peter Conflans (Robert Kilwardby) 299, 300
Letter to Plegwin (Bede) 81
Letter to the Peripatetics (Epistola ad peripateticos) (Pedro Alfonso) 24
Letter to the Sages of Montpellier about Astrology (Maimonides) 324
Liar Paradox, The 313
Liber abaci (Leonardo Fibonacci) 172
Liber Abraham Iude de navitatibus (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Liber al-Kindi de Intellectu (Book of al-Kindi on Reason) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
Liber Almansoris 434
Liber Archimedis de insidentibus in humidum 513
Liber aureus (Constantine the African) 146
Liber Calculationum (Book of Calculations) (Richard Swineshead) 468
Liber de causis 424
Liber de conservanda sanitate (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Liber de curvis superficiebus (Archimedes) 41
Liber de famulatu philosophie (Petrus Hispanus) 391
Liber de minutiis (Jordanus de Nemore [attrib.]) 294
Liber de ponderibus 513
Liber de proportionibus (Jordanus de Nemore [attrib.]) 294
Liber de quibusdan ultramarinis partibus (William of Boldensele) 327
Liber de rationibus tabularum (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Liber Dietarum universalum (Isaac Judaeus) 451
Liber embadorum Translation by Plato of Tivoli of Abraham Bar Hiyya Hibbur ha-meshiha ve ha tishboret 3
Liber introductorius ad astrologiam (Introduction to Astrology) (Michael Scot) 345
Liber Jordani de ratione ponderis (The Book of Jordanus de Nemore on the Theory of Weight) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Liber medicinalium (John of Arderne) 287
Liber naturalis de rebus principalibus naturarum (Petrus Hispanus) 391
Liber novem iudicum 332
Liber Philotegni de triangulis (The Book of the Philotechnist on Triangles) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Liber quartorum 413
Liber rotarum (Book of Circles) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Liber theoricae nec non practicae Alsaharavii (al-Zahrawi) 527
Liber vaccae (The Book of the Cow) 413
Libro de la Açafeha (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 242
Libro de la mágica de los signos (Alfonso X the Wise) 24
Libro de las Armellas (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 242
Libro de los caballos 96
Libro del saber de astronomia (Book of Astronomical Knowledge) 387
Libros de las láminas de los siete planetas (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 242
Libros del Saber de Astronomia or Astrología (Alfonso X the Wise) 25
Liechtenstein, Peter 232
Lilavati 464
Lilium medicine (Lily of Medicine) (Bernard de Gordon) 85
Lincoln, Battle of (1217) 49
Liuzzi, Mondino de’ 310–311, 467
Dissection lessons 339
Student of Taddeo Alderotti 33
Teaching at Bologna 54
With Taddeo Alderotti in Bologna 21
Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints (Alban Butler) 277
Livre des métiers 467
Livre du ciel et du monde (Nicole Oresme) 458
Livre du trésor, Le (Brunetto Latini) 159, 160
Opposition to Averroism 308
Logica “Ingredentibus” (Peter Abelard) 1
Logica antiquorum 311
Logica magna (Paul of Venice)314
Logica nova (Albert of Saxony) 14
Collectanea 315
Sentences 202, 234, 308, 315, 316, 343, 453, 497, 516
Aquinas lectures on 35
Commentaries by Marsilius of Inghen 329
Commentary by Thomas Aquinas 38
Commentary by Duns Scotus 154
Commentary by John Pecham 388
Commentary by Richard of Middleton 443
Commentary by William of Ockham 517
Lectures on by Giles of Rome 197
Influence by Bredon’s translation of Aristotle 105
Lectures on by Albertus Magnus 15
Longoburgo, Bruno 287
Lorenzo de Medici 153
Lorenzo Rusio 358
Lorsch Abbey, Germany 399
Lorsch Arzneibuch 224
Louis VII, King of France 77
Louis IX, King of France 386, 387, 501
Louis X, King of France 217
Loxus 399
Lucidator (Pietro d’Abano) 404
Lucius Verus 179
Lucretius 321
Ludolf de Scicte 58
Ludwig of Bavaria 516
Luhot ha-nasi (Tables of the Prince) (Abraham bar Hiyya) 3
Luminaries, Book of (Sefer ha-me’orot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Lyons, Council of (1274) 16
Ma‘mun, al- 28, 34, 35, 64, 65, 79, 80, 81, 164, 175, 190, 232, 242, 243, 298, 299, 301, 331, 478, 483
Map of 118
Maas River 275
De viribus herbarum 451
Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius 187, 317–318, 360, 412, 413
Commentary on Cicero’s Dream of Scipio 67, 317, 318
Commentary by William of Conches 514
Influence on Hugh of Saint-Victor 230
Saturnalia 317
Somnum Scipionis 352
Madder 380
Madhava 465
Maghribi, al- 28
Magic 137, 183, 362, 404, 481, 502
Magnetism see Magnet and magnetism
Magninus Mediolanensis Regimen sanitatis 438
Mahayuga 463
Mahdi, ‘Ubayd Allah al- 275
Mahendra Suri 464
Mahieu le Vilain
Translation of Aristotle’s Meteorology 342
Mahmud of Ghazni 462
Aphorisms 225
Book of Perfection (Kitab al-istikmal) (attrib.) 324
Book on Coitus 322
Book on Poisons and the Protection against Fatal Drugs 322
Epistle on Hemorrhoids 322
Guide of the Perplexed 244, 323, 324, 345, 346, 436, 484, 487
Hilkot De‘ot (Ethical Laws) 323, 324
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Letter to the Sages of Montpellier about Astrology 324
Medical Aphorisms of Moses 322, 323
On the Regimen of Health 322
Opinion of work of Isaac Judaeus 276
Praises al-Farabi 170
Regimen sanitatis 438
Tract Comprising Excerpts from Aristotle’s Book of Animals 324
Treatise on Asthma 322
Treatise on the Causes of Symptoms 322
Majiti, Islah al- 253
Majlis 138
Majriti, al- see Maslama of Madrid
Majriti, Maslama al- 35
Kitab al-Malaki 438
Kitab al-maliki (The Royal Book of All Medicine) 325
Kitab Kamil as-sin’a at-tibbya 337
Liber Regius 427
On Nativities 293
Super Tegni 325
Translation by Constantine the African 145
Makdisi 453
Malachite 382
Malikshah 297
Man as a Little World 346
Man’s Contact with the Intellect (Ibn Bajja) 244
Management of Acute Diseases (Bernard de Gordon) 84
Mandeville Travels 189, 200, 358
The Book of John Mandeville 326
Manegold of Lautenbach 318
Manfred, King of Naples and Sicily 95, 219, 424
Manouel Chrysoloras 153
Mansur, al- 64, 164, 253, 331, 434, 435
Manuel I, King of Portugal 525
Mappae Clavicula 379
Maqala fi ‘ilal al-kulà (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Maqala fi adwa’ al-kawakib (Treatise on the Lights of the Stars) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Maqala fi surat al-kusuf (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Maqala fi tamam kitab al-makhru-tat (On the Completeness of the Conics) (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
Maqala fi’l-Hummayat (Chapter on Fevers) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Maqala fi’l-kuhl (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Maqasid al-falasifa (Aims of the Philosophers) (al-Ghazali) 194
Maqrizi, al- 384
Maragha 387
Maragha school 493
Marcus Aurelius 179
“Marcus Graecus” 212
Marinos of Tyre 429
Translation of Articella 181
Translation of Galen De tactu pulsus 233
Marrakushi, al- 242
Marriage of Philology and Mercury, The (De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii) (John Scottus Eriugena) 161
Marsh, Adam 69
Marsilio de Sancta Sophia 83, 281
Marsilius of Inghen 268, 328–330
Martial 366
Martianus 360
Martianus Capella 187, 330–331, 412, 413, 456
Commentary by Bernard Silvester 86
De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii 330
On positions of the planets 67
Masa’il fi’l-Tibb, al- (Questions concerning Medicine) (Hunayn ibn Ishaq) 233
Medical Axioms 224
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
De scientia motus orbis 332
Fi qiyam al-khulafa’ 331
Fi qiyam al-khulafa’ wa ma‘rifat kull malik (On the Accession of the Caliphs and the Knowledge of the Accession of Every King) 332
Fi’l-qiranat wa’l-adyan wa’l-adyan wa’l-milal 331, 332
Influence on Chaucer 137
Kitab al-amtar wa’l-riyah 332
Kitab al-mawalid (Book on Nativities) 332
On astrology 61
On Questions 293
On the Great Conjunctions 293
On the Matter of Eclipses 293
Super significationibus planetarum in nativitate 332
The Book of Experiments 293
The Flowers 293
Maslama al-Majriti 410
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Familiarity with work of al-Battani 79
Influence by al-Khwarizmi 299
On agronomy 12
Teacher of Ibn al-Saffar 240
Teacher of Ibn al-Samh 241
The Fruits of the Science of Numbers (Thimat ‘ilm al-‘adad) 333
Work on astronomy 64
Materia medica 137, 218, 335, 393, 394, 395, 397–399
Mathematicus (or Parricida) (Bernard Silvester) 86
Matheus Ferrarius of Salerno 145
Matthew of Paris 275
Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary 440
Mattia Palmieri of Pisa 419
Mauel Diaz de Calatayud 529
Mauritius, Archdeacon of Toledo, later Bishop of Bruges 328
Maurus of Salerno 286, 334–335, 500
Anatomia 334
Commentaries on the Articella 53, 339
De febribus compositis 334
De flebotomia 334
De symptomatibus urinarum 334
De urinis 334
Doctrina (or De curatione) equorum 334
Flos Medicinae 451
Practica 334
Regulae urinarum 334
Urinae abbreviatae 334
Maximus Planudes 117
Measurement of a Circle (Archimedes) 40, 41, 42
Medical Aphorisms of Moses (Maimonides) 322, 323
Medical Compendium (Compendium Medicine) (Gilbertus Anglicus) 196
Medicationis parabole (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Medicinae et animalibus 529
Meditation of the Sad Soul (Hegyon ha-nefesh ha-asu vah) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 4
Megillat ha-megalleh (Scroll of the Revealer) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3, 4
Mekhor Hayyim (Source of Life) (Ibn Gabirol) 250, 251
Mela 187
Meletius 396
Menagier de Paris, Le 176
Menelaus of Alexandria
Mizan al-Hikma (Balance of Wisdom) 513
Spherics 422
Mercator 117
Merchant’s Rule, The 134
Mersenne, Marin 354
Merton College, Oxford 45, 99, 100, 101, 102, 221, 288, 355, 377, 468, 496, 497, 498
Mesopotamia, Alchemy in 19
Mesue the Younger, Johannes 288, 405
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
Misattrib.ution to of work by Johannes de Sancto Paulo 286
Universal Canons 405
Metabasis 517
Metalogicon (Burgundio of Pisa) 105
Meteora, Monastery of 226
Meton 428
Meton of Athens 140
Mi‘yar al-‘ilm (Standard of Knowledge) (al-Ghazali) 194
Michael Scot 344–345, 400, 481, 484, 486, 528
Albertus Magnus’ commentary on 18
At court of Frederick II 178
Book on Physiognomy 345
Continuation of work of Gerard of Cremona 191
Introduction to Astrology (Liber introductorius ad astrologiam) 345
On magic 319
Public disputation with Fibonacci 172
Translation of Aristotle On Animals 178
Translation of Ibn Rushd 178, 308
Michael, Bishop of Tarazona 231
Michelangelo 34
Middleham Jewel 307
Midwifery see Gynecology and midwifery
Midwives 335
Mirfield, John 288
Breviarium Bartholomei 336
Mishneh Torah (Maimonides) 323, 324
Mishpetei ha-‘istagnin (Judgments of the Astrologer) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Mishpetei ha-mazzalot (Book of the Judgments of the Zodiacal Signs) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Mithridates, King of Pontos 398
Moamin 530
Moderation in Belief (Al-Iqtisad fi’l-I’tiqad) (al-Ghazali) 194
Montagnana, Bartolomeo 144
Monte Cassino 145, 146, 227, 352–353
Montpellier, Medical school of 51, 52, 54, 213
Montpellier, University of 76
Morat, Battle of (1476) 49
Morgarten, Battle of (1315) 49
Morgengeld 274
Morienus the Greek 20
Moschion Gynaecia 264
Moses of Bergamo 104
Moses of Vercelli, Archbishop 282
Moses Sephardi see Alfonso, Pedro
Motus et quies (one of sex res non naturales) 438
Mu‘adh of Jaén
Trigonometry treatise 90
Mu‘amalat 333
Mu‘amalat, al- (Ibn al-Samh) 242
Mu‘tasim, al- 232
Mu’ayyad al-Din al-‘Urdi 164
Mu’taman ibn Hud, al- 243
Mu’tasim, al- 301
Muhyi’l-Din al-Maghribi 164
Commentary on Euclid 165
Mujahid al-‘Amiri 240
Mukhtasar al-Majisti (Ibn Rushd) 253
Mulomedicina (Teodorico Borgognoni) 96
Mulomedicina Chironis 529
Munjala 464
Muntaner, Ramon 384
Muqaddasi, al- 190
Muqtadir ibn Hud, al- 243
Musa Ibn Shakir 237
Musandinus, Petrus 334
Musar harofe’im (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Muscio 215
Musica coelestis (Jacques de Liège) 355
Musica speculativa secundum boetium (Jean de Meurs) 282
Musta‘in, al- 246
Mustasfa, al- (al-Ghazali) 195
Müstinger, Georg 289
Mutakallimun 233
Muzaffar ibn Isma’il al-Isfizari 166
Myrepsos, Nicholas 368
Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum (Interpretations of Mystical Secrets) (Isidore of Seville) 277
Influence on Ibn al-‘Awwam 12
Nagarjuna 21
Nahrawan Canal 273
Nancy, Battle of (1477) 49
Narayana 465
Ganitakaumudi 465
Narizi, al- 17
Nasawi, al- 41
Natanael Ibn al-Fayyumi 346
Nativities, Book of (Sefer ha-moladot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249, 250
Nativities, Book on (Kitab al-mawalid) (Masha’allah) 332
Nature of Man (Hippocrates) 224
Nature of Things, The (De natura rerum) (Bede) 81
Nature: diverse medieval interpretations 359–363
Nature: the structure of the physical world 363–364
Naviglio Grande, Milan 273
Casts horoscope with Masha’allah et al. 331
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Necromancy 320
Nemesius of Emesa 396
Nequam, Alexander 26, 27, 116, 334, 366–367
Corrogationes Promethei 366
De naturis rerum (On the Nature of Things) 159, 357, 528
De naturis rerum et in Ecclesiastem 366
De nominibus utensilium 366
Laus sapientiae divinae 366
Sacerdos ad altare 366
Speculum speculationum 367
Suppletio defectuum 366
Nero 395
New Surgery 95 see also “New Galen”
New Theories of the Planets (Theoricae novae planetarum) (Georg Peuerbach) 392
News of China and India (Akhbar al-Sin wa-l Hind) 365
Nicaise, Edouard 214
Nicander 394
Nicander of Colophon
On poisons 398
Niccolo d’Este 83
Commissions work by Ugo Benzi 144
Niccolò da Reggio 367–368, 486
Discovery of Galenic manuscripts 181, 182
Revision of translations of Simon Bredon (?) 105
Translation of Hippocrates 225
Nicholas of Amiens 43
Nicholas of Aversa 368
Nicholas of Cusa 41, 127, 360, 392
Nicholas of Lynn 140
Antidotarium 336
Circa instans 369
Influence on Gilles de Corbeil 198
Nicholas V, Pope 41
Nicholaus de Heybech of Erfurt 411
Nicolao Leoniceno 98
Introduction to Arithmetic 47, 472
Influence on Martianus Capella 330
Nifo, Agostino 308
Nihil, Johann 392
Nilakantha 465
Nine Judges, Book of the (Hugh of Santalla) 231, 232
Nizam al-Mulk 194
Noctilabium 86
Nominalism 341
Norm, Book of the (Kitab al-Qanun) (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Norton, Thomas 126
Nosokomeion 226
Notes on Simples (according to Galen) (Ta‘aliq fi’l-Adwiya al-Mufrada) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Nova Compositio Astrolabii Particularis (Peter Peregrinus) 389
Nuh ibn Mansur 256
Number, Book of the (Sefer ha-misapr) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248, 249
Nung Shu (Wang Chen) 12
Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi khtiraq al-afaq (The Book of Pleasant Journeys into Faraway Lands) (al-Idrisi) 261
Obolla canal 274
Observations of al-Ma‘mun (Al-Rasd al-Ma’muni) (Sa‘id al-Andalusi) 35
Occult see Magic and the occult
Ochava Espera (Alfonso X the Wise) 25
Ochre 382
Ockham’s razor 341
Odington, Walter 354
Icocedron 355
Odoacer 433
Odoric of Pordenone 189
Old English Lapidary 307
Olive oil 332
Olivi, Petrus Johannes 268
Commentary on the Meteorology 343
Omar Khayyam see Khayyam, ‘Umar al
On Categorical Syllogism (Boethius) 92
On Change (Richard Swineshead) 468
On Christian Doctrine (St. Augustine) 357
On Cicero’s Topics (Boethius) 92
On Composed Ratios (De proportione et proportionabilitate) (Campanus de Novara [attrib.]) 113
On Degrees (Bernard de Gordon) 85
On Divine Predestination (De divina praedestinatione) (John Scottus Eriugena) 161
On Division (Boethius) 92
On Divisions (Euclid) 164
On Given Numbers (De numeris datis) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
On Gynecology (De genecia) (Constantine the African) 145
On Husbondrie 11
On Hypothetical Syllogism (Boethius) 92
On Local Motion (Richard Swineshead) 468
On Marasmus (Bernard de Gordon) 85
On Poisons (De venenis) (Pietro d’Abano) 405
On Seeing the Stars (Nicole Oresme) 378
On Solar Rays (al-Kindi) 302
On Tangent Circles (Archimedes) 41
On Temperament (Fi’l-mizaj) (Ibn Bajja) 246
On the Accession of the Caliphs and the Knowledge of the Accession of Every King (Fi qiyam al-khu lafa’ wa ma‘rifat kull malik) (Masha’allah) 332
On the Appearance of the Stars (Fi ru’yat al-kawakib) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
On the Art of Falconry (Frederick II) 177, 358
On the Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Different Medicines (De conferentibus et nocentibus diversis medicinis) (Johannes de Sancto Paulo) 286
On the Catholic Faith (Boethius) 90
On the Causes of the Properties of the Elements (Albertus Magnus) 17
On the Completeness of the Conics (Maqala fi tamam kitab al-makhru-tat) (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
On the composition of medicines according to the places of the body (De compositione medicamentorum secundum locos) (Galen) 179
On the composition of medicines according to their types (De compositione medicamentorum per genera) (Galen) 179
On the Configuration of Qualities and Motions (Nicole Oresme) 377
On the Divination of Demons (Augustine of Hippo) 319
On the Division of Nature (De divisione naturae) or Periphyseon (John Scottus Eriugena) 162
On the Divisions of Philosophy (De divisione philosophiae) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209, 210
On the Essences (Hermann of Carinthia) 220, 221
On the Faculties of Judgment and Command (Ptolemy [attrib.]) 429
On the Generation of Muhammed (Hermann of Carinthia) 220
On the Great Conjunctions (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
On the Immortality of the Soul (De Immortalitate animae) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
On the laws and the sects, against the superstitious astrologers (Tractatus de legibus et sectis contra superstitiosos astronomos) (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
On the Magnet (William Gilbert) 321
On the Method of Treating Diseases (Bernard de Gordon) 84
On the mixtures and properties of simple medicines (De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis et facultatibus) (Galen) 179
On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere (De motu octavae spherae) (Pietro d’Abano) 404
On the Movement of the Heart (De motu cordis) (Alfred of Sareschel) 27
On the Moving Sphere (Autolycus of Pitane) 423
On the Nature of Things (De natura rerum) (Isidore of Seville) 277
On the Number of Aristotle’s Books (al-Kindi) 301
On the Person and Two Natures of Christ (Boethius) 90
On the Power of God (Thomas Aquinas) 35
On the Preservation of Human Life (Bernard de Gordon) 84
On the Procession of the World (De Processione mundi) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
On the Properties of Things (De proprietatibus rerum) (Bartholomaeus Anglicus) 74, 75
On the Ratios of Ratios (De proportionibus proportionum) (Nicole Oresme) 377
On the Regimen of Health (Maimonides) 322
On the Same and the Different (De eodem et diverso) (Adelard of Bath) 5
On the Sciences (De Scientiis) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
On the Sector-Figure (De figura sectore) (Campanus de Novara) 113
On the Solar Year (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 243
On the Soul (De Anima) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
On the Trinity (Boethius) 90
On the Use of the Astrolabe (De opere astrolapsus) (Adelard of Bath) 5
On the Virtues (or Powers) of Simple Medicines (De simplicium medicinarum virtutibus) (Johannes de Sancto Paulo) 286
On the Works of the Six Days (Thierry of Chartres) 476
On Theriac (Bernard de Gordon) 85
On Times (De temporibus) (Bede) 81, 82
On Topical Differences (Boethius) 92
On Triangles (Johannes Regiomontanus) 440
On Truth (Thomas Aquinas) 35
On Unity (De Unitate) (Domingo Gundisalvo) 209
One Thousand and One Nights 365
Open field system 7
Operatio ad congelandum mercurium in veram lunam (Petrus Hispanus) 391
Optics (Ptolemy) 429
Optics, The (Kitab al-manazir) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238, 239, 240
Opus maius (Roger Bacon) 69, 70, 71, 72, 73
Opus tertium (Roger Bacon) 69
Orderic Vitalis 452
Ordnung der Gesundheit 439
Ordoric of Pordenone 327
Oresme, Henri 284
Oresme, Nicole 45, 268, 351, 355, 376–378
Commentary on Euclid’s Elements 165
De proportionibus proportionum (On the Ratios of Ratios) 377
Influence by Archimedes 41
Influence by William of Ockham 518
Influence on Albert of Saxony 14
Livre du ciel et du monde 458
On astrology 61
On geocentrism 443
On latitude of forms 309
On metaphysics 341
On Seeing the Stars 378
On the Configuration of Qualities and Motions 377
Traité de l’espere
Influence on Pierre d’Ailly 403
Treatise on Money 376
Treatise on the Commensurability or Incommensurability of the Celestial Motions 377
Orpiment 382
Ortolf von Baierland 196
Ortolf von Baierland (Pseudo-)
Regimen vite 439
Ortus sanitatis 219
Osar hayyim (Treasure of Life) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor 192
Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor 192
Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor 192
Ox, oxen
Uses in agriculture 7
Oxford, University of 27, 75, 99, 101, 122, 147, 300, 354, 475, 495 ff
Paella 274
Paints, pigments, dyes 379–383
Paksa 463
Palladius 224
Influence on Pietro de Crescenzi 11
Opus agriculturae 11
Treatise on agronomy 11
Pantegni theorica (Constantine the African) 451
Pappus 294
Pappus of Alexandria 165
Paraclete 2
Paramesvara 465
Drgganita 465
Siddhantadipika 465
Pardulus, Bishop of Laon 161
Paré, Ambroise 271
Paris, Matthew 117
Paris, University of 13, 35, 54, 69, 76, 105, 106, 141, 142, 210, 328
Parisian School of natural philosophy 328
Parricida (Bernard Silvester) 86
Parzifal (Wolfram von Eschenbach) 307
Pascasius Berselius 58
Passionarius (Gariopontus) 452
Pasta 9
Paul III, Pope 285
Paul of Ægina 152, 287, 395, 433, 466
Paul of Venice 45, 285, 314, 326
Paulus Orosius 187
History Against the Pagans 188
Influence by Ibn al-Haytham 238
Perspectiva communis 374, 388, 522
Questions on the Eternity of the World 388
Theorica planetarum 388
Tractatus de perspectiva 388
Tractatus de sphera 388
Treatise on Number 388
“Letter to the Peripatetics of France” 479, 480
Translation of Maslama of Madrid’s version of al-Khwarizmi’s tables 333
Pedro IV, King of Aragon 59
Pegolotti, Francesco di Balduccio 32
Pelerin de Prusse
On the astrolabe 332
Pell’s equation 464
Pere III, King of Catalonia 48, 51
Pere the Great 385
Perfect State, The (al-Farabi) 171
Perfection, Book of (Kitab al-istikmal) (Maimonides [attrib.]) 243, 324
Periphyseon or De divisione naturae (On the Division of Nature) (John Scottus Eriugena) 162
Persian Syntaxis (Gregory Chioronides) 493
Perspectiva (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Perspectiva (Roger Bacon) 69, 71, 72, 73
Perspectiva (Witelo) 520, 521, 522
Perspectiva 373 ff
Perspectiva communis (John Pecham) 388
Perutilis Logica (Albert of Saxony) 14
Peter IV of Aragon 410
Peter of Eboli 178
Peter of Poitiers 476
Peter of Saint Omer 423
Peter Peregrinus 188, 362, 388–389
Epistola de magnete (Letter on the Magnet) 321, 388
Nova Compositio Astrolabii Particularis 389
Roger Bacon on 73
Peter the Chanter 201
Peter the Deacon 145
Petrarch, Francesco 130, 168, 188, 362, 442
Opposition to Averroism 308
The Ascent of Mont Ventoux 359
Petreius 441
Petrus Alphonsus 187
Petrus Crescentius 358
Petrus de Crescentiis
Liber ruralium commodorum 529
At the court of Frederick II 178
Commentary by John of Glogovia 285
Commentary on Aristotle Books of Animals 400
Commentary on Articella 54, 339
De febribus 390
De oculo 390
De phlebotomia 390
Diete super cyrurgia 390
Expositio librorum beati Dionisii 390
Liber de conservanda sanitate 390
Liber de famulatu philosophie 391
Liber naturalis de rebus principalibus
naturarum 391
Operatio ad congelandum mercurium in veram
lunam 391
Reliance on Conditions of Women 492
Scientia libri de anima 390
Sententia cum questionibus in libros De anima
I–II Aristotelis 390
Sermones 390
Summa “Absoluta cuiuslibet” 391
Summulae logicales 389
Syncategoreumata 389
Thesaurus pauperum 336, 389, 390
Tractatus 389
Tractatus bonus de longitudine et brevitate vitae 390
Tractatus dietarum totius anni ad utilitatem
humani corporis 390
Veni Mecum 391
Verba secreta in arte Alkimie 391
Petrus Raimundus 59
Peuerbach, Georg 289, 283, 392–393, 439
Commentary on Ptolemy’s Almagest 68
Epitome of the Almagest 393, 440
Tabulae eclipsium 392
Theoricae novae 475
Theoricae novae planetarum (New Theories of the Planets) 392, 440, 441
Phainomena (Euclid) 164
Pharmaceutic handbooks 368, 393–394
Pharmacology (Kitab Saydalat al-tibb) (al-Razi) 435
Pharmacy and materia medica 397–399
Phébus, Gaston 358
De pulsibus Versified by Gilles de Corbeil 198
Philip IV the Fair, King of France 52, 217, 305, 307
Philip of Tripoli 400
Philip the Bold 212
Philippe III d’Évreux, King of Navarre 283
Philo of Alexandria 436
Philo of Byzantium 370
Philoponus 255
Philoponus of Alexandria 189
Philoponus, Johannes 204, 267, 268
Philosophic Life, The Book of (al-Razi) 435
Philosopher’s Stone 183
Philosophy (William of Conches) 514
Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, The (al-Farabi) 170
Philotechnist on Triangles, The Book of the (Liber Philotegni de triangulis) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Phokas, Johannes 189
Photius 453
Physica (Hildegard of Bingen) 222, 223
Physiognomy, Book on (Michael Scot) 345
Picatrix (Alfonso X the Wise) 24
Picco della Mirandola 5, 6, 61, 62, 153
Pier Candido Decembrio
De animantium naturis 477
Compendium cosmographie 403
De concordia astronomice concordie cum theologia et historica veritate 403
Elucidarium astronomice concordie cum theologia et historia veritate 403
Tractatus de legibus et sectis contra superstitiosos astronomos (On the laws and the sects, against the superstitious astrologers) 403
Vigintiloquium de concordia astronomice veritatis cum theologia 403
Pietro d’Abano 285, 396, 404–405
Addition to Mesue (Additio ad Mesue) 405
Commentary on Aristotelian Problemata 344, 354
Commentary on the [pseudo]-Aristotelian Problems 404
Compilatio Physionomiae 405
Conciliator controversarium 415
Conciliator litium medicine 404
Liber compilationis phisonomie 400
Lucidator 404
On Aristotle Problemata 339
On astrology 61
On geography 188
On Poisons (De venenis) 405
On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere (De motu octavae spherae) 404
Pharmacological work 219
Translation of Galen 181
Translation of Hippocrates 225
Visit to Constantinople 153
Pietro de Crescenzi
Opus ruralium commodorum 11, 13
Pietro of Regio 25
Pigments see Paints, pigments, dyes
Pilgrimage guidebooks 189
Pisano, Leonardo 134
Plane loci (Euclid) 164
Planetary Hypotheses (Ptolemy) 428
Planetary tables (Campanus de Novara) 112
Planisphere (De plana spera) (Jordanus de Nemore) 294
Planudes, Maximus 189
Antidotarium 198
Platearius, Matthaeus 334, 369
Circa instans 451
Influence on al-Kindi 301
On astrology in compilation by Masha’allah 332
On Hippocrates 224
Commentary by William of Moerbeke 516
Phaedo 424
Philebus 346
Theory of examplar universals 341
Timaeus 1, 43, 157, 346, 412, 413, 435, 495
Abbreviated version by Calcidius 343
Commentary by William of Conches 514
Influence on Hugh of Saint-Victor 230
Model for Hermann of Carinthia 221
World soul 1
Collaboration with Abraham bar Hiyya 80
Liber embadorum Translation of Abraham Bar Hiyya Hibbur ha-meshiha ve ha-tishboret 3
Translation of al-Battani 80
Translation of al-Saffar 240
Translation of Archimedes’ Measurement of a Circle 41
Work with Abraham Bar Hiyya 4
Pleasant Journies into Faraway Lands, The Book of (Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi khtiraq al-afaq) (al-Idrisi) 261
Pletho, Georgius Gemistus 45, 189
Discussion of agronomy 11
Historia naturalis (Natural History) 219, 266, 306, 349, 352, 357, 362, 423
As a source for Bede 81
Influence on Martianus Capella 330
On magnet 321
Influence on Hildegard of Bingen 222
Enneads 424
Translated by al-Kindi 301
Plusquam commentum (Torrigiano de’ Torrigiani) 481
Po, River, Irrigation of 273, 274
Poisons and the Protection against Fatal Drugs, Book on (Maimonides) 322
Polders 275
De physiognomonia liber 400
Poliziano, Angelo 153
Polo, Marco 188, 189, 358, 380, 387, 414–415, 491
Influence on mapmaking 116
Travels of Marco Polo 414, 415
De natura hominis 179
Pomponazzi, Pietro 5
Pomponius Mela 186
Commentary by Boethius 230, 340
Practica (John of Arderne) 287
Practica (Maurus of Salerno) 334
Practica canum 529
Practica equorum (Teodorico Borgognoni) 96
Practica Geometriae (Hugh of Saint-Victor) 230
Practica geometriae (Leonardo Fibonacci) 172, 173
Pratica a capite usque ad pedes (Bartolomeo da Varignana) 78
Prepositus, Nicholas 368
Prester John 188
Principles of Nature, The (Thomas Aquinas) 35
Institutiones Grammaticae Commentary by William of Conches 514
Elements of Theology 424
Translated by al-Kindi 301
Tria Opuscula 516
Profatius Judaeus 30, 31, 138, 422–423
Almanach perpetuum 423
Plans for quadrant 61
Translation of Euclid 165
Work for Bernard de Gordon 85
Profeit ibn Tibbon (Jacob ben Makhir) 240
Prognostic (Hippocrates) 224, 225
Prognostication, Book of (Bernard de Gordon) 84
Prognosticon 433
Proposition of Banu Musa (Shakl Banu Musa) (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
Prose Alexander 307
Protospatharius, Theophilus 53
Prowin, Nicholas 329
Prudentius 359
Prutenic Tables (Erasmus Reinhold) 411
Psell, Michael 189
Pseudaria (Euclid) 164
On the Secrets of Nature (Translation by Hugh of Santalla) 231
Pseudo-Apuleius 97
De insidentibus in humidum 514
Pseudo-Aristotle 17, 276, 293, 423–425
De causis Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
De Lapidibus 349
De lineis indivisibilibus Translation by Robert Grosseteste 206
De Plantis (On Plants) 18, 358
Commentary by Ibn Bajja 245
De tempestatum presagiis 423
De virtute Translation by Robert Grosseteste 206
Physiognomonics 400
Problemata Mechanica 166
On the Constitution of the Heavenly and Terrestrial Worlds 343
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite 206
Pseudo-Dioscorides 219
De herbis feminis 393
De secretis Translation by Gerard of Cremona 233
Pseudo-Geber 280
De medicorum astrologia 405
Dynamidia 97
Pseudo-Ptolemy 72
Ptolemy 231, 243, 290, 332, 427–429
Almagest 29, 30, 35, 41, 43, 45, 65, 67, 409, 427, 428, 440, 474, 475
Commentary by George of Trebizond 440
Commentary by Ibn Sina 257
Corrections to by Islah al-Majiti 253
Epitome (Georg Peuerbach) 393, 440
In Syriac 64
In Toledo 479
In work of Ibn Bajja 244
In work of Ibn Majid 252
Lost translation by Hermann of Carinthia 220
Transcribed by Ibn al-Haytham 237
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 191
Use in work of Ibn al-Samh 241
Analemma 429
Astrology in 320
Centiloquium 429
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Corrected by al-Biruni 89
Cosmographia Translation by Jacopo d’Angelo 403
De Analemnate 516
Translation by William of Moerbeke 516
Geography 115, 117, 118, 189, 190, 429, 491
Geography and Almagest used by al-Idrisi 261
In Ibn al-Saffar 241
Influence on al-Khwarizmi 299
Harmonica 429
Ibn al-Haytham’s critique of 238
On astrology 62
In compilation by Masha’allah 332
On the Faculties of Judgment and Command (attrib.) 429
On the planets 148
Optica (Optics) 373, 374, 375, 429
Planetary Hypotheses 64, 65, 67, 253, 428
Translation by Hermann of Carinthia 220
Version by Maslama of Madrid 333
Rediscovery of 186
Commentary by al-Battani 79
Influence on Abraham Ibn Ezra 250
Translation by William of Moerbeke 515, 516
Works collected by Simon Bredon 10
Qabisi, al-
Commentary by John of Saxony 292
De eccentricis et epicyclis
Commentary by Cecco d’Ascoli 122
Introduction to Astrology 62, 293
Liber introductorius ad magisterium iudiciorum astrorum 292
Qadir, al- 242
Qalonymos ibn Qalonymos 242
Qanun fi’l-tibb, al- (The Canon of Medicine) (Ibn Sina) 256, 257, 258
Qawl fi al-makan (A Treatise on Place) (Ibn al-Haytham) 239
Qayrawan 145
Qazwani, al- 349
Translation by Mark of Toledo 328
Quadrants 128; see also Astrolabes and quadrants
Quadrature of crescent figures/lunes (Al-ashkal al hilaliyya) (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
Quadrature of the Parabola (Archimedes) 42
Quadripartitum numerorum (Jean de Meurs) 283
Quadripartitum see Tetrabiblos (Ptolemy)
Quadrivium 300, 330, 353, 431–432, 436, 479, 502, 521
In work of Hugh of Saint-Victor 230
Quadrupeds, Book on (Sixtus Placitus) 358
Quaestio mihi proposita a Magistro Theodoro domini imperatoris phylosopho (Leonardo Fibonacci) 173
Quaestiones 136
Quaestiones de generatione et corruptione (On Generation and Corruption) (Boethius of Dacia) 94
Quaestiones disputatae (Giles of Rome) 197
Quaestiones naturales (Adelard of Bath) 6
Quaestiones rerum naturalium (Ugo Benzi) 83
Quaestiones super libros Physicorum (Questions on Aristotle’s Physics) (Boethius of Dacia) 94
Questio de intensione et remissione formarum (Jacopo da Forlì) 281
Questio de quadratura (Albert of Saxony [attrib.]) 14
Questiones et Tractatus extravagantes (Gentile da Foligno) 186
Questiones logicales (Albert of Saxony) 14
Questiones musice 354
Questions concerning Medicine (al-Masa’il fi’l-Tibb) (Hunayn ibn Ishaq) 233
Questions on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (John Buridan) 107
Questions on Aristotle’s Physics (Johannes de Glogovia) 285
Questions on Aristotle’s Physics (John Buridan) 107
Questions on Aristotle’s Physics (Quaestiones super libros Physicorum) (Boethius of Dacia) 94
Questions on the Eternity of the World (John Pecham) 388
Quia primos (Gerard of Cremona translation of al-Kindi) 247
Quodlibetal Questions (Richard of Middleton) 443
Treatise on the celestial sphere 25
Qutb al-Din al-Nahrwali 252
Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi 165, 238
Rabanus Maurus, Abbot of Fulda 159
Rabiçag see Isaac ben Sid
RaMBaM see Maimonides
Ramis de Pareia 354
Rashid al-Din 415
Ratdolt, Erhard 113, 292, 392, 403, 411, 441
Reproduction of work of Galen in 180
Rawd al-faraj wa-nuzhat al-muhaj (Gardens of Pleasure and Recreation of the Souls) (al-Idrisi) 261
Raymond de La Sauvetat, Archbishop of Toledo 293
Raymond de Molieriis 213
Raymond, Archbishop of Toledo 479
Rayy 227
Razi, al- 32, 138, 227, 350, 434–436
al-Adwiya al-murakkaba 435
al-Hawi 435
Kitab Ikhisar al-Hawi li’l-Razi (Abridgement by Ibn Bajja) 246, 255
al-Jami’ al-Kabir 435
Aqrabadhin 435
Book of the Philosophic Life, The 435
Comprehensive Book on Medicine 435
Doubts on Galen 434
Guide du médecin nomade 435
Influence of Galen 180
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
Kitab al-Murshid aw al-Fusul (Guide-book or Aphorisms) 435
Kitab Saydalat al-tibb (Pharmacology) 435
Liber de medicina ad Almansorem 438
On anatomy 32
Sirr al-asrar (Secrets of Secrets) 19
Summary 435
Translated by Gerard of Cremona 191
Treatise on the Small-pox and Measles 435
Reasons behind Astronomical Tables, Book of the (Sefer ta’amei ha-luhot) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Reasons, Book of (Sefer ha-te’amim) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Reckoning of Time, The (De temporum ratione) (Bede) 81, 82
Regime of Health 219
Regimen (Hippocrates) 224, 225
Regimen Almarie (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Regimen of Health (Bernard of Gordon) 84
Regimen sanitatis 323, 344, 438–439, 469
Regimen sanitatis ad regem aragonum (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Regimen sanitatis of Taddeo Alderotti’s medical practice 23
Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum 438
Regiment de preservació de pestilència (Jacme
d’Agramont) 406
Regiomontanus, Johannes 42, 283, 289, 294, 439–441, 498
As publisher 68
Astrolabe dedicated to Cardinal Bessarion 60
Collaboration with Georg Peuerbach 392, 393
Commissioned to calculate length of tropical year 141
Regiomontanus, Johannes (Continued)
Defense of Theon against George of Trebizond 440
Disputationes contra deliramenta 440
Ephemerides 441
Epitome of the Almagest 440
On Triangles 440
Tables 133
Regulae de numerorum abaci rationibus (Gerbert of Aurillac) 193
Regulae urinarum (Maurus of Salerno) 334
Reinhold, Erasmus 26
On Profatius Judaeus’ Alamanach perpetuum 423
Prutenic Tables 411
Relatio (Ordoric of Pordenone) 327
Religions and Dynasties, Book of (Abu Ma‘shar) 4
Repletio et evacuatio (one of sex res non naturales) 438
Reshit hokhmah (Beginning of Wisdom) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249, 250
Revival (al-Ghazali) 195
Revocativum (John of Saint-Amand) 290
Rhazes see Razi, al-
Rhetorius 231
Rhine River 274
Rhubarb 485
Riccioli, Giambattista 388
Ricettario Fiorentino 399
Richard de Fournival 294
Richard I, King of England 477
Richard II, King of England 124
Richard of Bury, Bishop of Durham 99
Richard of Fournival 87
De gradu formarum 444
Quodlibetal Questions 443
Richard of Wallingford 289
Richard Rufus of Cornwall 268, 444–447
Contra Averroem 1 445
Richer of Reims 337
Ricobaldus of Ferrara 389
Rig Veda 346
Risala fi al-daw’ (Treatise on Light) (Ibn al-Haytham) 239
Risala fi daw’ al-qamar (Treatise on Moonlight) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Risala fi tafdil al-‘asal ‘ala’l-sukkar (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Risala fi’l-baras (Ibn Zuhr) 259
Risner, Friedrich 238
Robert of Chester 20, 28, 112, 165, 431
Robert of England 289
Robert of Ketton 80, 220, 328, 483, 485
Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada, Archbishop of Toledo 328, 344
Roger II, King of Sicily 189, 261, 452
Roger of Hereford 116
Roger of Hoveden 480
Roger of Parma see Frugard, Roger
Roland l’Ecrivain
Reductorium phisonomie 400
Roland of Parma
Rolandina 466
In work of Guy de Chauliac 213
Rolandus Scriptorius 401
Rolandus Ulysbonensis (Roland l’Ecrivain) 283
Romauld, Archbishop of Salerno 286
Rosa anglica (English Rose) (John of Gaddesden) 288
Rosegarden for Pregnant Women and Midwives 215
Rosello of Arezzo 515
Roswitha 362
Rothar, King of Lombardy 131
Royal Book of All Medicine, The (Kitab al-maliki) (al-Majusi) 325
Royal Crown, The (Keter Malkhut) (Ibn Gabirol) 251
Rubaiyat (‘Umar al-Khayyam) 297
Rudolph IV, Duke of Austria 13, 14
Rudolph of Bruges 221, 293, 483
Rudolphine Tables 411
Rufus of Alexandria 233
Rufus of Ephesus 433
Rule of the Solitary, The (Ibn Bajja)
Rule of Three, The 134
Rules for Solving Sophismata (William of Heytesbury) 221, 222, 455
Rustichello of Pisa
Devisement du monde 414
Sa‘id al-Andalusi 30, 242, 243, 333, 387, 410, 478
On al-Farabi 170
On Ibn al-Samh 242
Tabaqat al-‘Umam (Book of the Categories of Nations) 387
View of al-Saffar 240
Sa‘id al-Jawhari
Reference to work of Euclid 164
Saadiah Gaon Sefer Yezirah 346
Sabian Zij (al-Battani) 79
Sacerdos ad altare (Alexander Nequam) 366
Safadi, al- 233
Saffron 380
Sahl Ibn Bishr 220
Saint-Malo, Battle of (1379) 56
Saladin al-Qadi al-Fadil 322
Salernitan Questions 343, 354, 451, 452, 500
Used by Maurus of Salerno 334
Salerno 33, 334, 452–453, 493, 499
Composition of Articella in 53
Concept of seven-celled uterus 183
Salerno, School of 286
Treatises on botany 98
Saltpeter 211
Samuel ha-Levi 25
Samuel ibn Nagrella 241
Samuel ibn Tibbon
Translation of Aristotle’s Meteorology 342
Santritter, L. 411
Sanudo, Marino
Liber secretorum fidelium cruces 188
Saracenus, Johannes see Afflacius, Johannes
Saturnalia (Macrobius) 317
Savanarola, Girolamo 62
Savanarola, Michele 186
Libellus de sex rebus non naturalibus 438
Regimen for the Ladies of Ferrara 215
Savasorra id est libro di geometria 173
Sayf ad-Dawla, Emir of Aleppo 62, 169, 231
Sayr wa-Suluk (al-Tusi) 493
Schachtafelen de Gesundheyt (Michael Herr) 469
Schindel, Johann Andreas 289
Scholasticism 258, 442, 452, 453–455
Schöner, Johannes 441
Scientia 17, 18, 312, 334, 369, 386, 455–458, 497, 518
In geography 187
Scientia libri de anima (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Scivias (Hildegard of Bingen) 222
Scroll of the Revealer (Megillat ha-megalleh) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3, 4
Scythe 270
Sebokht, Severus 39
Second Coming, Predicted date of 3
Second Lateran Council (1139) 50
Secret of Secrets (Pseudo-Aristotle) 293, 424
Secreta Medicinae (Guglielmo da Varignana) 78
Secretary’s Art, The (Disciplina Clericalis) (Pedro Alfonso) 24
Secretum secretorum (Roger Bacon) 69, 70, 71
Secretum secretorum 306, 307, 400, 438
Sections on Indian Arithmetic, Book of the (Kitab al-Fusul fi’ l-hisab al-hindi) (al-Uqlidisi) 499
Sed contra 454
Sefer ha-‘Ibbur (Book of Intercalation) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3, 249
Sefer ha-‘olam (Book of the World) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Sefer ha-ehad (Book on the Unit) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248, 249
Sefer ha-me’orot (Book of Luminaries) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Sefer ha-mispar (Book of the Number) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248, 249
Sefer ha-mivharim (Book of Elections) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Sefer ha-moladot (Book of Nativities) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249, 250
Sefer ha-she’elot (Book of Interrogations) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Sefer ha-te’amim (Book of Reasons) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 249
Sefer keli ha-nehoshet (Book of the Instrument of Brass) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Sefer ta’amei ha-luhot (Book of the Reasons behind Astronomical Tables) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248
Sefer Tikkun midot ha-nefesh (Ibn Gabirol) 251
Sefer Yezirah (Saadiah Gaon) 346
Sefer Yuhasin (Book of Genealogies) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Sekeness of Wymmen, The 264
Semiliber (Jean de Meurs) 283
Natural Questions 342
Seneschaucy 11
Sentences (Peter Lombard) 315, 316
Sententia cum questionibus in libros De anima I–II
Aristotelis (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Sententiae in IV libri distincti (Peter Lombard) 315
Influence on John of Gaddesden 288
Serçe Limani, Shipwreck 200
Sergius of Ra’s al-‘Ayn 180, 224
Sermo epicinius (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
Sermones (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Sewerage see Water supplies and sewerage
Sextus Placitus Papyriensis 97
Shabbetai Donnolo 346
Shakl Banu Musa (The Proposition of Banu Musa) (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
Shams al-Dawlah 256
Shams al-Din al-Khafri
Commentary on Euclid 165
Shape of the Earth, The (Surat ha-ares) (Abraham bar Hiyya) 3, 4
Sharh fi’l-Fusul (Commentary on [Hippocrates’] Aphorisms) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Sharh Kitab al-Sama‘ al-Tabi‘i (Ibn Bajja) 244
Sharh musadarat kitab Uqlidis (Ibn al-Haytham) 237
Shen Kua 321
Sherborne Missal 530
Shukuk ‘ala Batlamiyus, al- (Dubitationes in Ptolemaeum) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Sibyllenbuch 419
Sic et non (Peter Abelard) 453
Work on botany in 98
Siddhanta 298
Siddhantadipika (Paramesvara) 465
Sidi ‘Ali Re’is 252
Sidrac 307
Siger of Brabant 44, 308, 461–462
Commentary on Aristotle Metaphysics 424
De aeternitate mundi (The Eternity of the Universe) 461
Supposed object of Condemnation of 1277 142
Silvaticus, Matthaeus
Opus pandectarum 394
Simo Januensis 98
Simon de Phares 63
Simon de Tournai 454
Simon of Genoa
Synonyma 394
Simplicius 267
Commenatary on Aristotle De Caelo 515
Six Wings (Immanuel Bonfils) 411
Sixtus Placitus
Book on quadrupeds 358
Collectanea Influence on Martianus Capella 330
Somnus et vigilia (one of sex res non naturales) 438
Somur, John 140
Sophismata (Albert of Saxony) 14
Soranos 396
Soranus of Ephesus 182, 183, 264
Gynoecia (Gynecology) 183, 215
Source of Life (Mekhor Hayyim) (Ibn Gabirol) 250, 251
South-central Asian science 462–465
Souvigny Abbey 130
Specualtor (Theodoricus Ulstenius) 451
Speculum astronomiae (Albertus Magnus [attrib.]) 17
Speculum maius (Vincent of Beauvais) 501
Speculum medicine (Arnau de Vilanova) 52
Speculum speculationum (Alexander Nequam) 367
Sphere and Cylinder (Archimedes) 40, 41
Spherics (Menelaus of Alexandria) 422
Spierinck, Jean 151
Spiritual Physick (al-Razi) 434, 435
St. Denis monastery, France 1
Standard of Knowledge (Mi‘yar al-‘ilm) (al-Ghazali) 194
Stephanos of Athens (or of Alexandria) 224
Stephen of Messina 4
Stirrup 48
Stoicism 45
Substances, Book on (Kitab al-gawahir) (Isaac Judaeus) 276
Book of the Constellation Figures 265
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Kitab suwar al-kawakib al-thamaniya wa’l arbacin (Book of Firty-eight Constellations of the Stars) 484
Sulaiman al-Mahri 252
Summa (definition) 161
Summa “Absoluta cuiuslibet” (Petrus Hispanus) 391
Summa contra gentiles (Thomas Aquinas) 35
Summa de creaturis (Albertus Magnus) 15
Summa de sophismatibus et distinctionibus (Roger Bacon) 70
Summa dictaminis (Bernard Silvester) 86
Summa grammatica (Roger Bacon) 70
Summa judicalis de accidentibus mundi (Simon Bredon) 101
Summa theologiae (Thomas Aquinas) 35, 36
Summary (al-Razi) 435
Summula per alphabetum super plurimis remediis ex Mesue libris excerptis (Jacques Despars) 151
Summulae de dialectica (Compendium of Dialectics) (John Buridan) 106, 107
Summulae dialectices (Roger Bacon) 70
Summulae logicales (Petrus Hispanus) 389
Sun Su-mo 20
Sundial 241
Sundial, Book of the (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Super significationibus planetarum in nativitate (Masha’allah) 332
Super Tegni (al-Majusi) 325
Supplementum to deVitry (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
Suppletio defectuum (Alexander Nequam) 366
Surat ha-ares (The Shape of the Earth) (Abraham bar Hiyya) 3, 4
Surgery 213, 217, 271, 305, 465–468
Swammerdam, Jan 477
Swineshead, Richard 468
Book of Calculations (Liber Calculationum) 468
Indebtedness to Duns Scotus 156
On Change 468
On Local Motion 468
Sylvester II, Pope see Gerbert of Aurillac
Syncategoreumata (Petrus Hispanus) 389
Synod of Whitby 109
Syriac Book of Medicine, The 346
Ta‘aliq fi’l-Adwiya al-Mufrada (Notes on Simples [according to Galen]) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Ta‘aliq Kitab al-Burhan (Ibn Bajja) 244
Ta’rikh al-hukama’ (Ibn al-Qifti) 237
Tabaqat al-attibba’ (Ibn Ali Usaybi’a) 237
Tabari, al-
Casts horoscope with Masha’allah et al. 331
Tables and Almanac (Pere Gilbert and Dalmau Ses Planes) 31
Tables of the Prince (Luhot ha-nasi) (Abraham bar Hiyya) 3
Tables of Toulouse 282
Tables on the Celestial Motions, that is, the Perpetual Almanac, Book of (Tabulae tabularum coelestium motuum sive Almanach Perpetuum) (Abraham Zacuto) 525, 526
Tabula Peutningeriana 10
Tabulae eclipsium (Georg Peuerbach) 392
Tabulae resolutae 411
Tabulae tabularum coelestium motuum sive Almanach Perpetuum (Book of Tables on the Celestial Motions, that is, the Perpetual Almanac) (Abraham Zacuto) 525, 526
Tabule Alfoncii (Canons on the Alfonsine Tables) (John of Saxony) 292
Tabule astronomice Elisabeth Regine (Alfonso de Córdoba) 411
Tacitus 228
Tacuinum sanitatis 98, 262, 394, 469–470, 530
Tahafut al-falasifa (Incoherence of the Philosophers) (al-Ghazali) 194, 195
Tahdid al-amakin (al-Biruni) 88, 89, 90
Tahrir (al-Tusi) 494
Talas, Battle of 383
Taqi al-Din Muhammad Ibn Ma’ruf 239
Tarafa 364
Tarasia, Queen of the Portuguese 293
Tasrif, The (Kitab al-Tasrif li-man ‘ajiza ‘an al-ta’lif) (al-Zahrawi) 526, 527
Technological diffusion 470–472
Tempier, Etienne Bishop of Paris 62, 94, 141, 197, 462
Ten Treatises on the Eye (al-‘Ashar Maqalat fi’l-‘Ayn) (Hunayn ibn Ishaq) 233
Tertullian 455
Tetrabiblos (Ptolemy) 429
Tetraktys 353
Cited by Abraham Ibn Ezra 248
Correction of Hunayn ibn Ishaq’s translation of Archimedes’ Sphere and Cylinder 40
Criticism of Ptolemaic astronomy 64
De motu octave sphere 473
Edition of Euclid 166
Edition of Hunayn ibn Ishaq’s translation of Euclid 164
Financial support by Banu Musa 175
Influence on Ibn al-Haytham 237
Kitab al-Qarastun 513
Maimonides on 324
On Talismans 293
Precession of the equinoxes 79
Theory of trepidation 68
Translation by Adelard of Bath 5
Translation by Gerard of Cremona 113
Translation of Euclid 28
Trepidation 86
Theinred of Dover 354
Theo of Smyrna 413
Theodor Bar Koni 346
Theodore of Antioch 178
Theodoric of Freiberg 375, 473–474
Theodoric, Emperor 129
Theodoric, King of the Ostrogoths 433, 506
Theodoricus Cerviensis 529
Theodorus of Gaza 225
Theodorus Priscianus 97, 219, 396
Spherics 472
Translation of attrib.uted to Hermann of Carinthia 220
Theologia “Summi boni” (Peter Abelard) 1
Theologia Christiana (Peter Abelard) 1
Handy Tables 80
Theon of Alexandria 332
Theophilus 198
De urinis Versified by Gilles de Corbeil 198
On Urine 338
Treatise on stones 349
Theorica planetarum 290, 474–475, 496
Theorica planetarum (Campanus de Novara) 112
Theorica planetarum (Gerard of Cremona) 191, 192
Theorica planetarum (John Pecham) 388
Theorica planetarum (Simon Bredon) 101
Theorica planetarum communis 440
Theoricae novae planetarum (New Theories of the Planets) (Georg Peuerbach) 392
Thesaurus pauperum (Petrus Hispanus) 389, 390
Thierry of Chartres 1, 2, 220, 413, 476
Association with Bernard Silvester 86
Heptateuchcon 476
Mathematicas lectiones 1
On the Works of the Six Days 476
Thimat ‘ilm al-‘adad (The Fruits of the Science of Numbers) (Maslama of Madrid) 333
Third Lateran Council (1179) 122
Thomas of Cantimpré 476–478, 528
Bonum universale de apibus 477
Encyclopedia 358
Influence by Constantine the African 146
Influence on Alberus Magnus 18
Liber de natura rerum 528
On the nature of things 357
Supplementum to deVitry 477
Vita B. Margaretae Iprensis 477
Vita Cristinae Virginis cognomento Mirabilis 477
Vita Ioannis Abbatis primi Monasterii
Cantimpratensis et eius Eccleasiae
fundatoris 477
Vita Piae Lutgardis 477
Three Judges, Book of the (Hugh of Santalla) 231
Timocharis 428
To Facilitate Therapeutics and Regimen, Book (Kitab al-Taysir fi-mudawat wa’l-tadbir) (Ibn Zuhr) 259, 260
Toledan Tables 6, 30, 112, 292, 410, 478, 480
Toledo 138, 208, 209, 292, 478–481
Construction of astrolabe in 59
Gerard of Cremona in 191
John of Seville and his circle in 4
Tolfa, Italy 32
Tommaso del Garbo 186
Commentaries on Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sina and Galen 339
Topographia Hibernie (Giraldus Cambrensis) 451
Torquetum 86
Torregiano de’Torregiani 281, 481–482
Commentaries on Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sina
and Galen 339
De hypostasi urine 481
Plusquam commentum 481
With Taddeo Alderotti in Bologna 21
Tract Comprising Excerpts from Aristotle’s Book of Animals (Maimonides) 324
Tractatus (Petrus Hispanus) 389
Tractatus bonus de longitudine et brevitate vitae (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Tractatus de amore heroico (Arnau de Vilanova) 51
Tractatus de continuo (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
Tractatus de futuris contingentibus (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
Tractatus de legibus et sectis contra superstitiosos astronomos (On the laws and the sects, against the superstitious astrologers) (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
Tractatus de perspectiva (John Pecham) 388
Tractatus de primaria causa penitentie et de natura demonum (Witelo) 520
Tractatus de proportionibus (Thomas Bradwardine) 99
Tractatus de quadrante (John of Sacrobosco) 289, 290
Tractatus de sphaera (Campanus de Novara) 111, 112
Tractatus de sphaera (John of Sacrobosco) 289, 290
Tractatus de sphera (John Pecham) 388
Tractatus dietarum totius anni ad utilitatem humani corporis (Petrus Hispanus) 390
Tractatus proportionum (Albert of Saxony) 14
Tractatus super totam astrologiam (Treatise on all of Astrology) (Bernard of Verdun) 85
Trairasika (the rule of three) 463
Translation 136
Translation movements 208, 233, 386, 482–486
Translation norms and practice 486–488
Tratado de las influencias del cielo (Treatise on the Influence of the Heavens) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Trattato di minor guisa (Leonardo Fibonacci) 173
Travel and exploration 490–492
Travels of Marco Polo (Marco Polo) 414, 415
Treasure of Life (‘Osar hayyim) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Treatise on all of Astrology (Tractatus super totam astrologiam) (Bernard of Verdun) 85
Treatise on Asthma (Maimonides) 322
Treatise on Light (Risala fi al-daw’) (Ibn al-Haytham) 239
Treatise on Mensuration and Calculation (Hibbur ha meshiha ve ha-tishboret) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3
Treatise on Money (Nicole Oresme) 376
Treatise on Moonlight (Risala fi daw’ al-qamar) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Treatise on Number (John Pecham) 388
Treatise on Place, A (Qawl fi al-makan) (Ibn al-Haytham) 239
Treatise on the Astrolabe (Geoffrey Chaucer) 125
Treatise on the Causes of Symptoms (Maimonides) 322
Treatise on the Commensurability or Incommensurability of the Celestial Motions (Nicole Oresme) 377
Treatise on the Influence of the Heavens (Tratado de las influencias del cielo) (Abraham Zacuto) 526
Treatise on the Lights of the Stars (Maqala fi adwa’ al kawakib) (Ibn al-Haytham) 238
Treatise on the Motion of the Fixed Stars (Ibn al-Zarqalluh) 243
Treatise on the Proofs and Problems of Algebra (‘Umar al-Khayyam) 297
Treatise on the Small-pox and Measles (al-Razi) 435
Trebuchets see Catapults and trebuchets
Trepidation 112
Trepidation tables 243
Très Riches Heures, Les 387
Trifolium de re medica (Simon Bredon) 101
Troilus and Criseyde (Geoffrey Chaucer) 124
Trota 492
Trotula 215, 288, 492–493, 522, 523
Ts’ai Lun 383
Turba philosophorum (“Assembly of the Sages”) 20
Tusi, al- 41, 46, 47, 415, 485, 493–494
Edition of Euclid 164
Familiarity with translations of Archimedes 40
Founds observatory in Maragha 65
On the Equations 28
Sayr wa-Suluk 493
Tahrir 494
Zij al-Ilkhani 493
Zijat 252
Zij-I Ilkhani 410
Two Experiments concerning Ibn Wafid’s Drugs, Book on the (Kitab al-tajribatayn ‘ala adwiyat Ibn Wafid) (Ibn Bajja) 246
Two New Sciences, The (Galileo) 377
Ubertino da Carrara 186
Ugo da Lucca 287
Ugo de Borgognoni 466
Ugolino de Orvieto 354
Ulstenius, Theodoricus
Speculator 451
Ultramarine 381
Ulugh Beg 65
Zij-I Sultani 410
Umar al-Khayyam Commentary on Euclid 165
Umar ibn al-Farrukhan
On Nativities 293
Unit, Book on the (Sefer ha-edad) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 248, 249
Unity of the Soul, The (Thomas Aquinas) 461
Universal Canons (Johannes Mesue the Younger) 405
Universities 311, 319, 353, 442, 495–499
Role of astronomy in 67
Uns al-muhaj wa-rawd al-faraj (Intimacy of Souls and Gardens of Pleasure) (al-Idrisi) 261
Uqlidisi, al- 499
Arithmetic 46
Kitab al-Fusul fi’ l-hisab al-hindi (Book of the
Sections on Indian Arithmetic) 39, 499
Urban II, Pope 491
Urbicus, Agennius 9
Urinae abbreviatae (Maurus of Salerno) 334
Urso of Calabria 286, 334, 499–500
Anatomia (attrib.) 500
Aphorismi cum glossuli 500
Aphorisms 500
Commentary on Articella 339
De coloribus 500
De commixtione elementorum 500
De commixtionibus elementorum 366
De effectibus medicinarum 500
De effectibus qualitatum 500
De gradibus de saporius et odoribus 500
De pulsibus 500
De urinis (attrib.) 500
Urso of Lodi 500
Urso of Salerno
Aphorismi 451
De coloribus 451
De commixtionibus elementorum 451
Use of the Astrolabe, Book on the (al-Khwarizmi) 299
Ussher, Bishop James 109
Vàclav (Wenceslas) II of Bohemia 400
Valerius Maximus 40
Valla, Giorgio Translator 153, 181
Valsgarde, Sweden 49
Van Eyck, Jan 58
De Re Rustica 10
Nine Books on Disciplines 431
Treatise on agronomy 11
Vasco da Gama 252
Vegetius 529
Vendel, Sweden 49
Veni Mecum (Petrus Hispanus) 391
Verba secreta in arte Alkimie (Petrus Hispanus) 391
Verdigris 382
Vergerio, Paolo 225
Vergerius, Petrus Paulus 130
Vernia, Nicoletto 308
Versor, John
Influence on John of Glogovia 285
Veterinary medicine 178
Vettius Valens 231
On astrology in compilation by Masha’allah 332
Victorius of Aquitaine 82, 140
Vienna, University of 13
Vigila 39
Vigintiloquium de concordia astronomice veritatis cum theologia (Pierre d’Ailly) 403
Villard de Honnecourt 321
Vimond, John 411
Vincent of Beauvais 159, 161, 188, 501–502
Biography of Archimedes 40
Influence by Domingo Gundisalvo 210
Influence of al-Farabi 171
Influence of Macrobius 317
Source of Mandeville’s Travels 326
Speculum maius 159, 188, 334, 343, 501
Speculum naturale (Mirror of Nature) 357, 477, 528
Virgil 366
Aeneid Commentary by Bernard Silvester 86
Viriditas 223
Vita B. Margaretae Iprensis (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
Vita Cristinae Virginis cognomento Mirabilis (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
Vita Ioannis Abbatis primi Monasterii Cantimpratensis et eius Eccleasiae fundatoris (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
Vita Piae Lutgardis (Thomas of Cantimpré) 477
Vita Ugonis (Socino Benzi) 83
Vizinus, Joseph 525
Volvelles 289
Vulgate 308
Walahfrid Strabo 98
Walter de Milimete 54
Walter of Henley
Housebondrie (Husbandry) 11, 529
Walther, Bernhard 441
Wang Chen 12
Wasiti, al- 240
Water supplies and sewerage 505–508
Weeks (Hippocrates) 224
Weights 294
Wheat 9
Whether Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Substantially Predicated of the Divinity (Boethius) 90
William I the Conqueror, King of England 348, 509
William of Aragon 400
William of Auxerre 43
William of Boldensele 327
William of Champeaux 1, 229, 230
William of Conches 354, 476, 514–515
Commentary on Macrobius 317, 318
Cosmographia 413
De philosophia mundi 187
Influence by Constantine the African 146
Influence on John of Salisbury 325
William of Heytesbury 454
Colleague of Simon Bredon 101
Indebtedness to Duns Scotus 156
Influence on Albert of Saxony 14
Influence on William of Ockham 518
William of Luna
Translation of Ibn Rushd 308
William of Malmesbury
Edition of Eriugena’s Periphyseon 162, 163
William of Moerbeke 282, 486, 515–516
Friendship with Witelo 521
Possible revision of Burgundio of Pisa’s translation of Aristotle De generatione 185
Revision of translations of Simon Bredon 105
Translation of Archimedean works 283, 284
Translation of Aristotle’s Meteorology 342
Translation of Elements of Theology 424
Translation of Galen 181
Translations of Archimedes 41, 42
Translations of Archimedes 513
William of Ockham 45, 457, 516–518
Debate with Walter Burley 312
Influence on Albert of Saxony 14
On metaphysics 341
William of Rubruquis 358
William of Saliceto
Summa conservationis et curationis 438
William of Tyre 476
William the Englishman 481
Influence by Ibn al-Haytham 238
Perspectiva 515, 520, 521, 522
Tractatus de primaria causa penitentie et de natura demonum 520
Wlodzislaw, Prince of Silesia 521
Women’s Handbook 215
Wonderchoun 175
Wonders of India (Aja’ib al-Hind) 365
Wonders of the World see Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium
World as a Big Man 346
World, Book of the (Sefer ha-‘olam) (Abraham Ibn Ezra) 250
Wujing Zongyao 211
Wynkyn de Worde 75
Xenocrates of Ephesos
Treatise on stones 349
Xenones 226
Ya’qubi, al- 189
Yahya al-Bitriq 245
Yahya ibn Abi Mansur 410
Yahya ibn Adi 169
Yahya ibn Isma’il ibn Dhi’l-nun 208
Yahya ibn Khalid 164
Yantraraja (Mahendra Suri) 464
Yazdigird III calendar 298
Yesodey ha-tevuna u-migdal ha-’emuna (Foundations of Understanding and Tower of Faith) (Abraham Bar Hiyya) 3
Ypermann, Jan 305
Yuga 463
Yuhanna ibn Haylan 169
Yunius see Columella Lucius Junius
Ha-hibbur ha-gadol (The Great Composition) 31, 411
Ha-Hibbur ha-Gadol (The Great Treatise) 525
Juicio de los eclipses (Judgment on Eclipses) 526
Mishpetei ha-‘istagnin (Judgments of the Astrologer) 526
On Profatius Judaeus’ Alamanach perpetuum 423
‘Osar hayyim (Treasure of Life) (attrib.) 526
Sefer Yuhasin (Book of Genealogies) 526
Tabulae tabularum coelestium motuum sive
Almanach Perpetuum (Book of Tables on the Celestial Motions, that is, the Perpetual Almanac) 525, 526
Tratado de las influencias del cielo (Treatis eon the Influence of the Heavens) 526
Zad al-musafir/Viaticum (Ibn al-Gazzar) 276
Al-Tasrif li man ajaz an-il-talif 271
Gynecology and midwifery 215
Influence on John of Arderne 287
Kitab al-Tasrif li-man ‘ajiza ‘an al-ta’lif (The Tasrif) 466, 526, 527
Liber theoricae nec non practicae Alsaharavii 527
Translated by Gerard of Cremona 191
Zarqalluh, al- 472
Alfonsine translation of 25, 26
Almanac of Azarquiel 30
Contribution to astronomical theory 65
Toledan Tables 67
Zeng Gonglaing 211
Zij al-Ilkhani (al-Tusi) 493
Zij al-Mumtahan 472
Zij al-Sabi’ (al-Battani) 79, 80
Zij al-Shah 331
Zij al-Shahriyiar 4
Zij al-Sindhind (al-Khwarizmi) 298
Zij Malikshah (‘Umar al-Khayyam) 297
Ziyadat Allah III 275
Zodiac 263
Zuider Zee 274
Zwammerdam 274