Acid Casuals 153
Agatha (1979) 96
Alexander, Karl 106
All About Eve (1950) 16
Allin, Michael 95
Anderson, Lindsay 167
Anderson, Melody 96
And the Ship Sails On (1983) 108, 180
Armchair Theatre 19
Arquette, Rosanna 11, 138, 140–41
Astaire, Fred 15
Badlands (1974) 83
Baker, Terence 138
Banff Television Festival 114
Batman TV series 95
Beales, Martin 149
Beat the Devil (1954) 62
Beckett, Samuel 27
Black Rainbow (1990) 7, 10, 11, 51, 92, 124, 135–146, 174, 182
Blincoe, Nicholas 153
Blitzstein, Marc 134
Blood and Thunder (1978) 91
Bogarte, Humphrey 62
Brambell, Wilfred 32
Brighton Rock (1947) 33
Brown, Paul 116
Bunker, Jon 164
Burnett, Carol 91
Cacoyannis, Michael 16
Caine, Michael
accepts role of Jack Carter 28–29
dislike of Malta 64
opinion of Mike Hodges 33
signs for Pulp 37–38
voice-over technique 66–67
Calley, John 70
Casey, Bernie 47
Catching a Woman’s Eye 20
Cavendish, Jonathan 157
Chaplin, Michael 148
Chilean Club, The (1976) 88
Clayburgh, Jill 73
Clarke, Alan 110
Clockwork Orange, A 110
Conrad, Josephe 147
Conti, Bill 131
Cradle Will Rock, The 136
Crenna, Richard 113
Croupier (1998) 8, 10, 11, 12, 25, 51, 67, 148, 158–171, 172, 173, 176, 187
Cul-de-Sac 28
Cusack, John 138
Dalton, Timothy 96
Damien: Omen II (1978) 88–90, 180
Dandelion Dead (1993) 150–152, 186
Davis, Sammy 128
De Laurentiis, Dino 94–96, 98, 103, 104
Doody, Alison 127
Dr Strangelove 89
Dysart, Richard 72
Eames, Charles 20
Ekland, Britt 37
Elman, Lawrence 169
Elmer Gantry 138
Emmy Awards 114
ER 83
Field, Sally 92
filmography 175
Fisher, Gerry 151
Flash Gordon (1980) 10, 38–39, 93–104, 109, 110, 179
Fleischer, Richard 12
Florida Straits (1983) 11, 121, 123–4, 126, 141, 181
Fonda, Jane 91
Fontaine, Dick 22
Get Carter (1971) 10, 11, 19, 25, 27–54, 56, 57, 62, 65, 68, 77, 107, 142, 145, 146, 167, 177
Get Carter (2000) 48
Girl in Black (1956) 16
Glen, John 65–66
Goddard, James 22
Goldblum, Jeff 135
Goldwyn Jr, Sam 129–130, 131–133
Gone to Earth (1950) 16
Goodbye Columbus (1968) 25
Gould, Glenn 81
Greene, Graham, 33
Grist 174
Gwynne, Michael 72
Haggard, Piers 154
Hanks, Tom 92
Harbinson, Patrick 149
Hardie, Kate 162
Haskell, David 107
Hay-on-Wye 148–9
Healer, The (1994) 151–153, 185
Hidden Fortress, The 157
Higgins, Jack 126
Hill, Bernhard 110–113
Hitchcock, Alfred 154
Hitchhiker, The (1985) 121
Hitman (1972) 47
Hodges, Ben 23
Hodges, Jake 23
Hodges, Mike
awards for Black Rainbow 146
on Caine 33–34
on Caine’s bust-up with Ian Hendry 37
Catholicism/ loss of faith 143, 166, 172
on corruption in the UK 45–46
on Dino de Laurentiis 95
depression 70–72
1983 illness 108
disowns A Prayer for the Dying 132–133
film comedy 57
Get Carter remake 49
on Lad Culture 50
meeting with Fellini 108
painting 106–107
retrospectives in LA/New York 174
row with Rosanna Arquette 140
scouts locations for Get Carter 31–32
soundtracks 38
turns down The Omen 88
upbringing 14–15
Hopper, Dennis 96
Houseman, John 134
Hughes, Ken 32
Hulce, Tom 138
Huston, John 62
I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead (2002) 12, 28, 169–172, 185
Irvin, John 110
Ito, Robert 122
Jack’s Return Home 28
Jenkins, David 123
Jones, Griff Rhys 116, 117, 118, 119, 120
Joy, Mark 139
Julia (1977) 91
Julia, Raul 123
Jurassic Park 83
Kane, Richard 111
Kay, Stephen 48
Kempson, Rachel 23
Kinnear, Roy 111
Kiss Me Deadly (1955) 16
Klinger, Michael 26, 28, 29, 32, 38, 57, 165, 169, 190
Krays, The (1990) 51
Lamden, Dinsdale 117
Lettieri, Al 60
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) 16
Lifeforce Experiment, The (1994) 153, 183
Littman, Robert 28
Loaded 50
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1999) 49, 54
Long Good Friday (1981) 49
Look Back in Anger 38
Love, Honour and Obey (2000) 49
Lucas, George 103
MacDonald, Gus 114
Magrini, Git 62
Manipulators, The (1971) 56–57
Mankiewicz, Joseph 16
Mann, Michael 12
Mann, Thomas 174
Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) 156
Mario the Magician 174
Markham, Petra 44
Marshall, Bryan 23
Mayersberg, Paul 7–8 (foreword), 156, 161, 163, 165, 171
McClymont, Ken 169
McCowen, Alec 111
McDowell, Malcolm 81, 108, 171
McGoohan, Patrick 114
McKee, Gina 162
McNaughton , John 12
Middlemass, Frank 111
Middler, Bette 92
Middleton, Thomas 50
Midnight Shakes the Memory 135
Miles, Sarah 148
Miller, Dusty 32
Milligan, Spike 20
Mintoff, Dom 63
Missing Pieces (1983) 106–107, 177
Moffat, Donald 72
Morons From Outer Space (1986) 115–119, 181
Montesi scandal 58
Montgomery, Elizabeth 106, 107
Moody, Ron 20
Morton, Alexander 56
Mosley, Bryan 48
Nail, Jimmy 116
Neeson, Liam 127
Newley, Anthony 32
Newman, Sidney 19
Nicholson, jack 88
Northwest Passage (1939) 15
Not the Nine O’clock News 116
Omen, The (1976) 88
Once Upon a Time 19
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 117
Oscars 169
Our Friends in the North 47
Owen, Clive 157, 158, 161, 163, 164, 165, 168–169, 170, 185
Page, Geraldine 122
Panorama 20
Pearce, Joanne 116
Peck, Gregory 88
Performance 24
Pinter, Harold 21
Pit, The 86
Player, The 135
Playhouse 23
Polanski, Roman 28
Polonski, Abe 90
Postle, Dennis 22
Powell, Michael and Pressburger, Emeric 16, 79
Prayer for the Dying, A (1987) 11, 81, 125–136, 174, 182
Price, Dennis 60
Prior Park College 14
Pulp (1972) 55–68, 70, 77, 79, 94, 107, 146, 166, 174, 177
Punchline (1988) 92
Quested, John 138
Quick, Diana 149
Rampling, Charlotte 171
Rave 20
Rawi, Ousama 62
Raymond, Alex 102
Redgrave, Vanessa 91
Remick, Lee 89
Repulsion 28
Revengers Tagedy 51
Reynolds, Paul 165
Rhys, Paul 151
Rhys-Meyers, Jonathan 171
Ritchie, Guy 49
Robbe-Grillet, Alain 21
Rogers, Ginger 15
Romain, Voytek 112, 13, 123, 151
Rumour (1969) 23, 25, 26, 28, 108, 174
Russell, Kurt 96
Say Goodnight, Lilian, Goodnight (1978) 91
Scott, Jon 129
Scott, Lizabeth 60, 64, 65, 160
Scorses, martin 140
Selinger, Dennis 28
Semple Jr., Lorenzo 95
Seven Samurai (1954) 50
Sewell, George 23
Shooting Stars and Other Heavenly Pursuits 12, 154, 169
Sikking, James B 117
Simeon, George 148
Small World of Sammy Lee (1963) 32
Snatch (2000) 49
Soft Shoe Shuffle (1985) 121, 153
Some will Cry Murder 19
South Bank Show 21
Southern, Terry 89
Spare Parts (1977) 88
Spielberg, Steven 104, 116, 169
Squaring the Circle (1984) 10, 110–112, 123, 135, 150, 180
Stallone, Sylvester 48
Stander, Lionel 60
Star Wars (1971) 103
Stoppard, Tom 110, 111, 112, 113
Strasberg, Lee 21
Sunset Boulevard (1950) 16
Superman (1977) 104
Suschitsky, Wolfgang 32
Suspect (1968) 23, 24, 148, 176
Sutherland, Donald 153
Sweeney, The (1973) 24
Tanner, Tony 20
Tati, Jacques 21
Taylor, Don 90
Terminal Man, The (1974) 7, 10, 39, 51, 69–84, 86, 94, 108, 146, 174, 178
Them! (1955) 76
Thewlis, david 148
Towers, Harry Allan 19
Tracey, Spencer 15
Turner, Simon Fisher 146
Tynan, Kenneth 20
Tyrant King, The (1967) 23
Verhoeven, Paul 121
Villain (1971) 51
Von Sydow, Max 96
voice-over technique 66–67, 107, 163
Ward, Fred 123
Webster, Paul 169
Welles, Orson 21, 90, 131, 134
Weston, Paul 170
W.G.O.D (1985) 81, 121, 122, 123, 138
Woodvine, John 111