GIS and the 2020 Census: Modernizing Official Statistics is designed with National Statistical Offices (NSOs) in mind and is meant to provide guidance in conducting GIS-based census and survey work. It is intended to address technical and practical issues concerning statistical organizations as they prepare for the 2020 Round of Censuses and beyond. This book is not meant to be a geographic information systems (GIS) textbook. Esri offers many different textbooks and training materials that can be used to learn the GIS functions and concepts presented in this book.
The term country as used in this publication also refers to territories or areas, as appropriate.
Many GIS terms are used throughout this book. If you are unfamiliar with any GIS term, please refer to the Esri GIS Dictionary at This online dictionary contains thousands of terms and definitions. Esri teams manage this resource and keep it current.
In addition, online ancillary material for this book is provided at The ancillary material includes these resources:
•Chapter 2—UN recommendations on geographic products
○Source: UN Handbook on the Management of Population and Housing Censuses, rev. 2, available at
•Chapter 4—updated census data model
•Chapter 6—characteristics of the main commercial earth observation satellites
•Chapter 7—“ArcGIS Secure Mobile Implementation Patterns” (Esri white paper also available at
•Global Statistical Geospatial Framework referenced throughout the book (available at