1%, the 140–1
99%, the 128
academies 74–80
of environmental impacts 32–3, 115
acceptable maximum income 140–1, 161, 167tab, 169tab
accumulation 39–41
advertisements 38, 107–8, 109fig, 134, 135fig, 162, 169tab
agency 120–5
airports, protests against 70–1, 99
Amazon 133
assemblies 55
Australia xx–xxi, 37, 84, 93fig, 128–9
authoritarian temptation 94–6
Barcelona, exchange system in 150
basic needs and services 43, 83–4, 108–9, 117, 120–2, 131, 136–45, 161, 164–6tab
bike cultures 104–5, 146 (box)
bioeconomics theory 24–6
Bookchin, Murray xi
Boulding, Kenneth 6
'brands aren’t your friends' poster 38fig
Bristol Pound 149
Burkina Faso 94–6
development and 4
exponential growth in 27–31
‘golden age’ of 34
as political construct 46–7
popular support, lack of for 123
recommendation to exit 159–60
vulnerabilities of 154–5
see also neoliberalism
car speed example 35
carbon emissions xvi–xvii
Cargonomia 146 (box)
Castoriadis, Cornelius ix, 47, 119, 133
change-makers 130
Christiania (Copenhagen) 143
civil disobedience 100
class identity 128–9
climate change xix, xx–xxi, 21, 45, 114
collapsology 31
collective deliberation 53–7
Communism 4–5
community currencies 149–50, 161, 164tab
conditionality 147
conferences (on/including degrowth) 74–9
Barcelona (2010) 74
Beaugency (2009) 158–62
EU Parliament (2018) 11–12, 123
Lyon (2005) 87
Mexico City (2018) 128
Montreal (2012) 74
UNESCO (2002) 8
Venice (2012) 74
conservation principle 23
over-consumption 5–6, 31–2, 38, 161
relocalisation and 105–9, 146 (box)
Cooperativa Integral Catalana 150
COP 45
Copenhagen, commoning in 143
counter-productivity threshold x, 34–6
cultural hegemony 92–4
Cyclonomia DIY Bicycle Social Cooperative 146
Davis, Angela 129
debt 95, 138–9, 145–9, 150–1, 167tab, 169tab
decentralised networks 90–2, 116, 137
decolonisation of the (growth)
imaginary x, 12, 34, 47–8, 128, 138, 152, 164–7tab, 169tab
décroissance 2–3, 8–10, 17–18, 154
concept 2–4, 20–1, 48, 116, 162
of inequality 44–7, 69, 124–33, 140–1
misinterpretations of 3, 16–17, 49, 80–1
movement for: internal organisation of 86–92, 137; internationalisation of 74–8; non-violent strategy of 99–101; origin of 20–1, 33; potential pitfalls for 94–9; role and scope of 49–50, 86–7, 93–4; slow progress of 15–17, 52, 89–90
popular support for xv, 111–12, 123
in practice: collective sphere 62–7, 73; constraints 58–60, 67–8; individual sphere 57–62, 73; methods (grassroots examples) 51, 60, 63, 64–5, 69–71, 143–545, 146 (box); resistance sphere 60, 67–71, 73
recommendations for: alternative exchange forms 149–52, 164tab; alternative financial system 145–9, 167tab; basic services and needs 141–5, 161, 164–6tab; comprehensive platform 158–67; inclusion 125–33, 156; maximum income 140–1, 161, 167tab, 169tab; open delocalisation xi–xii, 105–9, 136–8, 146 (box), 161, 165tab, 169tab; unconditional autonomy allowance 131, 133–40, 142, 151–3, 161, 163, 164–7tab, 169tab; voluntary measures 120–5
terminology 2–3, 7–11, 16–19, 162
thermodynamics and 23–4 see also growth
Degrowth in Movement(s) 63–4
Demain (Tomorrow) 112
democracy 47, 65–6, 82–3, 134, 137, 162
Dennis (storm) xix
digital technology 28, 38–9, 161
dignity 142
direct democracy
in collective sphere 65
degrowth and 39, 69, 86, 104, 150, 153
educational system and 47
exchange systems and 150
unconditional autonomy allowances and 134, 137, 151–2 in ZAD 70
disaster capitalism 113–14
Dupuy, Jean-Pierre 114
Earthworker Cooperative 84
eco-collaborative housing 65, 143–5
ecofeminism x
economic growth see degrowth; growth; growthism
Edelman Trust Barometer report 123
Éloi, Laurent 43
emails 36
energy xvi–xvii, 23, 27–30, 142, 165tab
environmental justice 68–9, 121–2
exchange systems 149–52, 164tab
financial crisis (2007-2008) 5, 45, 113, 147
financial system 145–9, 167tab
fires xx–xxi
formations, degrowth 66–7, 117, 119–20, 126, 133, 138, 142, 146, 156
fossil fuels 27–30
activism in 69–71, 84, 99, 103–4, 132–3
degrowth movement in 74, 87–8, 89–90, 123
health care in 41–2
media coverage in 109–10
fraternisation 132–3
Friedman, Milton 140
frugal abundance x–xi, 2–3, 61–3
frugality 25
GDP (gross domestic product) 26–7, 43–4, 123–4
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas 7–8, 22–6
Global South 46–7, 122, 126–8, 131
glocal xi
Graeber, David 43–4
Gramsci, Antonio 156
Greece 147
‘green growth’ myth 30–1
green parties and supporters 80–2, 91
greenhouse gas emissions 28
Grinevald, Jacques 8
challenging of 4–6
colonisation of imaginaries by 6, 68
continued centrality of 82, 123–4
employment and 43–4
incompatibility with averting climate breakdown xvi–xvii
left’s support for 81
natural resource use and 28–32
as panacea 10
popular support, lack of for 122
quality vs quantity 26–7
speed and 98
see also degrowth
growth society 158–9
growthism 21, 24–5, 48, 86, 127
Guardian 122
happiness and enjoyment 27, 36, 40–1 (box), 59, 61–2, 61fig, 94, 176n6
health care 41–2
heteronomy ix
Holloway, John 89–90
Homo economicus 46–7
horizontal organisation 53–7, 90–2
ICT (information and communication technology) 28, 38–9, 161
Illich, Ivan ix, 31–2, 34–5, 42, 47, 119, 166tab
choice between 13fig
decolonisation of x, 12, 34, 47–8, 128, 138, 152, 164– 7tab, 169tab
growth, colonisation of by 6, 68
inclusion 125–33
acceptable maximum 140–1, 161, 167tab, 169tab
unconditional basic 134, 138–40, 169tab
activism and 125–6
degrowth and 44–7, 69, 124–33, 140–1
in emissions production 45
freedom and degree of 117–18
of income 35
maximum income to address 140–1, 161, 167tab, 169tab
populism and 132–3
of power 124
risk of increasing 169tab
in taxation 148
see also environmental justice
influence, vs power 94
insignificance 133
Jones, Patrick 93fig
Kantaa 146
Klein, Naomi 113–14
Kuznets, Simon 26
La Ligne d’Horizon 8
labour movement 55
Lafargue, Paul 42–3
L’An 01 (The Year 01) 97
land and housing 65, 143–5, 164tab
Latouche, Serge
on a-growth 10
on advertisements 38
on ‘development’ 33
on invention of economy 46
on neoclassical economics 24
on re-embedding the
economy xii–xiii
in S!lence 9
on toxic concepts 48
laziness, right to 42–3
Le Monde 112
Le Pen, Marine 114
leadership 56
L’Écologiste (periodical) 8
leisure 25
LETS (local exchange trading systems) 149–50
lifestyle menu 144 (box)
physical limits to growth 7, 32–3
Limits to Growth, The (report) 7
low-tech approach xi
Macron, Emmanuel 114
Manchester conference (2021) 77, 78
Maris, Bernard 39–40
Marx, Karl 4–5
maximum income 140–1, 161, 167tab, 169tab
Moati, Serge 112
municipalism xi
natural disasters 114
neoliberalism 46, 83, 113–14, 132–3
New Economics Foundation (NEF) 44
non-hierarchical organising 53–7, 90–2, 116
non-violent activism 53, 99–101, 119
Obsoco (Observatoire Société et Consommation) 111–12
occupations 70–1
Occupy movement 15–16, 50, 52, 55
Odoxa 111
open relocalisation xi–xii, 105–9, 136–8, 146 (box), 161, 165tab, 169tab
organising (by movements) 53–7, 90–2, 116
over-consumption 5–6, 31–2, 38, 161
Paine, Thomas 139
‘peak’ oil 28–30
Pearson, Karl 22
Platform for Convergence 97–8
Polanyi, Karl xii–xiii, 46, 152
Politis 109–10
Post, Charlie 53–4
post-development xii
postgrowth 18
autonomy vs heteronomy ix
degrowth movement and 88–92, 94, 97, 159–60
local/municipalism xi
unconditional autonomy allowance and 153
see also autonomy; democracy; direct democracy
PPLD (Le Parti Pour La Décroissance) 52
praxis 84–5
precarious work and workers 43, 118, 128–9, 169tab
Rabhi, Pierre 95
Rahnema, Majid 34
rationing 123
re-embedding of the economy xii–xiii, 152, 169tab
rebound effect 36–7
reflection, sphere of 72–4
Regulation School 134
regulations and laws 107–8, 123, 134, 164tab
relocalisation see open relocalisation
renewable energy 29–30
Rens, Ivo 8
research 78–80
resistance, sphere of 60, 67–71, 73
revolutionary socialism 54
Rist, Gilbert 10
rural activists 51
salaries, vs value of job 44
Salvage (journal) 53–4
Sankara, Thomas 94–6
Schumpeter, Joseph 21
scientists xvii
shock doctrine 113–14
smartphones 37–9
snail, strategy of the 97–9, 159–62
social media 101–1
Special Patrol Group (UK) 134, 135fig
state, the
activists and 92, 131, 137–8, 143
growth promotion by 123–4
structural adjustments 147
students 129–30
surveys 101, 111–12, 122–3, 176n6
sustainability 82
sustainable development 2, 8–9, 24, 30, 33, 123–4
sustainable lifestyle menu 144 (box)
tax evasion 103–4, 113, 148, 167tab
tax, negative 140
taxes, protests against 103–4, 133
technician totalitarianism 37–8
technological fixes xvi–xvii, xxii–xxiii
thermodynamics 23–4
time-banking 149
top-down approaches 94–6
Totnes Pound 149
tourist and fisherman story 40–1 (box)
transhumanism xiii
trickle-down economics 45
Truman, Harry 33
UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21) 45
unconditional autonomy allowance 131, 133–40, 142, 151–3, 161, 163, 164–7tab, 169tab
unconditional basic income 134, 138–40, 169tab
unemployment 43–4, 81, 82, 84, 169tab
Upper Volta 94–6
urban activists 51
utopian thinking 94
utopias 62, 70–1, 94, 111–12, 116, 160
violence 99–101
Wallerstein, Immanuel 154
wildfires xx–xxi
women’s liberation movement 55
work, role of 42–4, 138–9, 169tab
working groups 55–6
working hours 6, 59, 169tab, 176n6
Wright, Erik Olin 4
yellow vest movement 84, 103–4, 132–3
ZAD (Zone à Défendre) 69–71, 99
Zsamboki Biokert 146
Zurich, cooperative housing in 143
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