acromegaly, 13
Acytostelium, 89–90
Aepyornis, 20
albatross, 18
Alice in Wonderland, 11
allometry, 50–56
amoeba, 26
Arabian Nights, 20
artificial selection, 99–100
Australopithicus, brain size, 55
B/D ratio, 114–115
speed of, 140
Baldauf, S., 89
Barnum, Phineas T., 12
Bassler, Bonnie, 93
bat, long-eared horseshoe, 126
Bonsai trees, 133
brain size, 52–60
bridges, construction of, 1, 149
Brobdingnagians, 13–15, 33–34, 39, 77, 124, 128, 138
Brownian motion, 144
Caledonian crows, 57
Carroll, Lewis, 1
cell size, 69–72
cell type number, as measure of complexity, 81–83
chimpanzee politics, 58
Chlamydomonas, 84–85
cilia, 45
clam, giant, 21
condor, 18
Copernicus, 28
crocodile, 21
Cuvier, Georges, 18
Cyanea, 21
Dawkins, Richard, 107
de Waal, Franz, 58
Dialogues concerning Two New Sciences, 28
Dictyostelium, 89–91;
D. lacteum, 91
die-off, 111
diffusion, and size, 34–39
Diplodocus, 16
division of labor, origin of, 83–93
and size, 98–100
and energy, 101
in societies, 101–110
Donner, Josef, 96
duckweeds, 96–98
Durkheim, Émile, 79
dwarfs, human, 12
echolocation, 126
Einstein, Albert, 144
elephant seal, males larger than females, 73
elephant, size of, 3
on moon, 31
generation time of, 116
metabolism of, 123
sounds of, 127
Elzevir, Louis, 28
energid, 75
Enquist, Brian, 101
Eurypterid, 22
fairy fly, 49
fairy rings, 25
Fallopian tube, 10
Fankhauser, Gerhard, 70
flagella, 45
flea, 26
frigate bird, 19
frog, calls of, 125
fungus, giant, 24
Galileo, 3, 8, 28–32, 149, 150
gecko, feet of, 42–43
generation time, and size, 128–131
giants, human, 12
Grimms’ fairy tales, ix
growth hormone, 12
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), ix, 13–15, 32–34, 39, 77, 124, 128, 138, 151
heart beats, and size, 117, 124
heterocysts, 92
Hill, A. V., 137–138
HMS Beagle, 20
Höldobler, B., 104
Homo, brain size, 55
homunculus, 1
Hubble telescope, 8
Huxley, Julian, 15
inertia, 43–44
insect societies, division of labor in, 102–105
IQ tests, 59
Jack the Giant Killer, 13
kelp, length of, 24
Kirk, David, 85
Kleiber, Max, 121
Komodo dragon, 21
larch, 22
Lemna, 96–97
lemurs, 57
life span, genetic and physiological control of, 132–133
and metabolism, 136
Lilliputians, 13–15, 32–33, 39, 77, 124, 128, 138
Limoges, Camille, 79
lizard, largest, 21
lobster, 22
longevity and size, 131–137
MacAskill, Angus, 12
Machiavellian intelligence, 58
Macrocystis, length of, 24
macronucleus, 69
McCarthy, Megan, 101
memes, 107
microscope, first, 9
Milne-Edwards, Henri, 79
mouse-to-elephant curve, 122
multicellularity, 72–77;
more than one origin of, 73
mycoplasma, 27
myxobacteria, 74
and “wolf pack” method of feeding, 76
natural selection, for size, 2, 5, 63–65, 147
for efficiency, 106, 119, 123, 149
nematode, 38
newts, 70
nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, 70
On Growth and Form (Thompson), ix, 31
orthogenesis, 63
ostrich, 20
Paramecium, 26
Pasteur, Louis, 8
Payne, Katy, 127
Peters, R. H., 113
pituitary gland, 12
plants, evolution of vascular tissue in, 67
Pleodorina, 87–88
Polysphondylium pallidum, 91
proportions, change in, 52–56
Purcell, Edward, 44
quorum sensing, 87, 89–91, 93–94, 110
Raffles, Sir Thomas, 22
Rafflesia, 22–24
Rensch, Bernard, 52–55
rhea, 20
roc, 2
Sacher, G. A., 135
Sachs, Julius, 75
scale of nature, 62
Schaap, P., 89
self-thinning, 111
Seven Dwarfs, 13
Shapely, Harlow, 139
Sherlock Holmes, 21
Sinbad the Sailor, 151
size decrease, 94–98
size, and metabolism, 119–124
size-abundance rule, 110–115
size-complexity rule, 80–110
during development, 82–83
Smith, Adam, 101
snake, largest, 20
speed and size, 137–146
spermatozoa, discovery of, 9
squid, giant, 22
Swift, Jonathan, 13–15, 32–34. See also Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)
tarpon, 22
telescope, invention of, 8
Galileo’s, 9
The Science of Life (Well, Huxley, Wells), 16–27
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth, ix; 31
Tom Thumb, 12
Turing, Alan, 59
Tyrannosaurus, 16
Valentine, James, 98
van Leeuwenhoek, Anton, 9–10
volvocine algae, 84–88
Von Frisch, Karl, 59
Vorticella, 25
Wells, G. P., 15
Wells, H. G., 15
Went, F. W., 40
whale shark, 22
songs of, 127
Wilson, E. O., 104
Wolfia, 96–97