

Editors’ Notes



1. The Riddle in Samoan History: The Relevance of Language, Names, Honorifics, Genealogy, Ritual and Chant to Historical Analysis

2. Tamafaigā - Shaman, King or Maniac? The Emergence of Manono

3. Faasamoa Speaks to My Heart and My Soul

4. In Search of Meaning, Nuance and Metaphor

5. More on Meaning, Nuance and Metaphor

6. In Search of Meaning, Nuance and Metaphor in Social Policy

7. Resident, Residence, Residency in Samoan Custom

8. In Search of Harmony: Peace in the Samoan Indigenous Religion

9. Clutter in Indigenous Knowledge, Research and History: A Samoan Perspective

10. A Wedding, a Party and Samoan Funerals: Pacific Leadership and Cultural Competence

11. Navigating Our Future Together

12. O le faautaga i le faaluafesasi: Insight into Dilemmas: Advancing Pasifika Peoples in Aotearoa

13. Le taulasea e, ia mua’i fo’ia lou ma’i: Physician, Heal Thyself: Planning for the Next Generation

14. Samoan Jurisprudence and the Samoan Land and Titles Court: The Perspective of a Litigant

15. Bio-ethics and the Samoan Indigenous Reference

16. In Search of Tagaloa: Pulemelei, Samoan Mythology and Science

17. Water and the Samoan Indigenous Reference

18. Tupualegase: The Eternal Riddle


19. Remembering Samoan History

Toeolesulusulu Damon I. Salesa

20. Reconciling Modern Knowledge with Ancient Wisdom

Papalii Failautusi Avegalio

21. In Search of Meaning, Nuance and Metaphor: A Post-colonial Shift of Minds?

Anne-Marie Tupuola

22. Standing at the Threshold

Karen I. Lupe

23. The Borderlands: Relocating Samoan Identity

Uesifili Unasa

24. Where You Live, Who You Are

Aumua Clark Peteru

25. The Samoan Indigenous Reference: Intimations of a Romantic Sensibilité

I’uogafa Tuagalu

26. Pacific Leadership and Cultural Competence: A Commentary

Loretta Tausilia Elive Mamea

27. ‘Navigating Our Future Together’: A Humble Comment on the Thoughts of a Man of Exceptional Talent

Le’apai Lau Asofou So’o

28. The Personal Gaze, Critical Voice and Self-reflexivity: A Commentary

Anne-Marie Tupuola

29. ‘Samoan Jurisprudence’: A Commentary

Etuale Lealofi

30. ‘Bio-ethics and the Samoan Indigenous Reference’: A Commentary

Alexander Fala and Katie Fala

31. An Epic Quest for the Samoan Indigenous Reference

Penehuro Fatu Lefale

32. Between Monsters and Gods

Lealiifano Albert L. Refiti

Glossary of Samoan Terms

Notes on Commentators

Three Reviews of Su’esu’e Manogi: In Search of Fragrance
