a cappella, 171

Aboriginal communities, 194 n. 1

Aboriginal Holocaust, 63

Aboriginal theology, 64

Aborigine, definition, 74 n. 1

“Abounding Grace,” 79, 92, 94 n. 2

acoustics, 157

Adnams, Gordon A., 102

adoración, 205

Adorno, Theodor W., 244 n. 1

Adriano Gospel Funk, 262, 269–72, 275, 280

aesthetics, 109–11, 157–58

charismatic, 163

and community, 110

and meaning, 109–11, 157–8

millennialist, 90–93

participatory practices, 125

of recorded sound, 173, 235–36

of rock music, 163

of space, 282

utilitarian, 169

“aesthetic formations,” 101–3, 110, 265. See also sensational forms

affective environment, 172

African Israeli Church Nineveh, 139

alabanza, 8, 199, 205

Albrecht, Daniel E., 5

album, congregational, 182–84

albums, commercial worship, 7–8, 89–91, 121, 124–25, 191–92, 194 n. 4, 215, 235–36, 239, 263

Alpha Course, 165

altar call, 81, 127

altruism, 35

“Amazing Grace,” 182

Anderson, Allan, 11, 12, 20 n. 3, 94 n. 4

Anderson, Benedict, 110

Annacondia, Carlos, 201–2, 208

Apache, 153–54, 160 n. 9

Arnott, Carol, 37, 39

Arnott, John, 37, 39

artists, Christian, 227 n. 1

atonement, 49–51

audio recordings, 7–8, 89–91, 124–25, 235–36. See also media, technology

field recordings, 94 nn. 2, 13

local production, 89–91, 124–25, 138, 263

as models for music in worship, 121, 125, 145, 235–36, 239, 248

use in worship service, 248, 252, 258 n. 3

Austin, J. L., 108, 152, 228 n. 11

Australia, mission history, 62–65

Australian Christian Churches, 62–65

Balmer, Randall Herbert, 176 n. 4

band, 88, 122, 174. See also worship band

baptism, Spirit, 139, 228 n. 2

Australian context, 61, 73

Kenyan context, 139

Baraka, Amiri, 13

Bauman, Zygmunt, 110

Becker, Judith, 34, 36

Beckford, Robert, 52, 54

Begay, Raymond, 157–59

Bel Air Presbyterian Church, 131 n. 12

Belmont Church, Nashville, 230–31, 233, 240, 242–43, 244 nn. 11, 14

Benedict XVI, Pope, 206

Bergunder, Michael, 3, 51

Bethel Church, Redding, 30, 71

Black Church (U.S.A.), 20 n. 2

Baptist, 119, 122

history, 67

music, 54, 119–126, 250–53. See also gospel music

preaching, 122, 128

Black identity, 54, 218–22

blessing, 272

Bonino, José Míguez, 199

Bono, 225–26

Bossius, Thomas, 182

Bouma, Gary, 61, 63

Bowler, Kate, 217, 223

brands, musical, 181

branding, 181–84, 221

brass section, 183

Breakthrough Praise (Papua New Guinea), 78, 80

breathing, 40–41

Bullock, Geoff, 63, 73, 91

Buster and Shavoni, 124

Butler, Anthea, 259 n. 9

Butler, Melvin L., 47–49, 193

Cabrera, Omar, 201–2

Cage, Byron, 124

call and response, 122, 128

Calley, Malcolm, 61

Calvary Chapel, 166

Campos, Alex, 210

Campus Crusade for Christ, 141

capitalism, 268, 275

Carioca funk. See funk

carols, 136, 137

Casa Creación, Lake Mary, Florida, 209

Casanova, José, 150

Catholicism, Roman, 3, 13, 47, 61, 134, 141, 160 n. 3, 204, 266

Catholic charismatic, 3, 4

CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International), 60, 74 n. 2, 174, 177 n. 17, 184–85, 188, 194 n. 5

chart, 182, 187, 236, 241

CCM (contemporary Christian music), 7, 21 n. 9, 190–91, 230–44

African American context, 121–22, 124–25, 127, 129–30

Brazilian context, 263–65

“gospelized,” 122

Kenyan context, 141

Papua New Guinean context, 89

celebration, 205

chant, 151–52, 154, 159

charismatic prayer, 30

charismatic renewal, 165


definition, 3

neo–, 3, 163

neo–, Argentinian, 200

Chesnut, R. Andrew, 51, 208


Aboriginal Australian context, 62, 68–72

African American context, 120–21, 124–25

Argentine context, 199

Kenyan context, 135–37, 143–45

choreography, 84, 88

choral director, 143

chorus, 135, 143. See also coritos, kores

Christ Is the Answer Ministries (Kenya), 137–38, 142

Christian City Church (Australia), 62, 181

Christian Copyright Licensing International. See CCLI

Christian mission. See mission

Christian Revival Crusade (Papua New Guinea), 85

Christian Union (Kenya), 140

church planting, 29, 41 n. 1, 65, 166, 168

Church of God in Christ. See COGIC

Church of God in Christ, West Angeles, 121, 125

CLADE (Latin American Conference on Evangelism), 212 n. 2

clapping, 54, 63, 81, 105, 120, 134, 139–40, 144

Clifton, Shane, 61

COGIC (Church of God in Christ), 3, 121, 125

Coley, Daryl, 124

collective effervescence, 31

Collins, Randall, 31–32, 35

colonial history, 160 n. 1

Comaroff, Jean, 268

composition, musical. See music

confession, 49–53

positive, 52

congregation, multiracial, 118, 129

consciousness, altered states of, 34

consumer culture, 255–58

contemporary Christian music. See CCM

contemporary worship music. See praise and worship music, CCM

conversion, 50, 64, 85, 95 n. 17, 97, 107, 157, 212 n. 16, 216, 218, 274

Cook, Nicholas, 20 n. 4

coritos, 203

Corten, André, 51–52

cosmology, 208

Covenant Ministries International (Papua New Guinea), 78, 80

Covenant Praise (Papua New Guinea), 91

Cox, Harvey G., 13, 54, 256

creativity, 180, 285

Crist, Ben, 167, 173–74, 177 n. 15

Crouch, Andraé, 89, 220

Crowder, David, 174

crusade, 81, 83–84

Cua, Rick, 243–44 n. 14

culture wars, 172

cumbia, 199, 206

Cunha, Magali do Nascimento, 267

curses, 202, 206


African American context, 251

Australian context, 68

Brazilian context, 274

erotic, 274

Kenyan context, 134, 139

music style, 207

Navajo context, 150

Papua New Guinean context, 80, 84, 88

Davies, Wilma, 202

Daystar University, 142

de Heer, Johannes, 99–100

deep listening, 34

Delirious?, 106, 237, 244 n. 14

deliverance, 48

Deliverance Church, Kenya, 140


non–, 5, 118, 176, 125–26, 141, 163, 176, 201, 283

post–, 169

diaspora, African, 20 n. 2

digitization, 282

dissociative state, 37

diversity, theology of, 222

Doerksen, Brian, 57–58, 187

doxology, 171, 177 n. 13

drama, 88

drugs traffickers, 273

Druitt, George, 69

drums, 87, 95 n. 22, 103, 122, 203, 209

Durkheim, Émile, 31

ecstasy, 34, 38, 84

Kenyan context, 134

El Obelisco, 199, 204, 210, 212 n. 14

el pogo, 207, 208

embodiment, 31, 33, 105–6

EMI Christian Records, 234, 244 n. 14

emotion, 171, 176

emotional energy, 31–33, 36, 38, 41

epiphany, religious, 33

epistemology, 10

ethics of style, 265

ethnography, 9–10, 98, 102, 130 n. 1, 160 n. 1, 167, 180

theological, 9–10, 247, 255–58, 258 n. 5

ethnographic turn, 9

ethnomusicology, ix, 9–10, 20 n. 4, 64, 85, 146 n. 1, 247, 279

and theology, 248–49, 255–58, 258 n. 5

evangelicalism, 7, 15, 172

conservative, 131 n. 6

pent–, 201, 200, 203

evangelicalization, 100

evangélico, definition, 211 n. 2

evangelism, 88, 168

power, 201

evangelist, tent, 149

evil, confrontation with, 46–49

excluded middle, 64

exorcism, 202

Fellowship of Christian Unions, Kenya, 140

field research. See ethnography

fiesta, 207–8

flows, global, 189

Fontes, Andrea, 275 n. 9

forró, 267

Founds, Rick, 122

Foursquare Gospel Church, 87

Francis of Assisi, 164

Francis, Pope, 204

Franklin, Kirk, 124

Frazier, Rob, 240–41

Frederick-McGlathery, Marla, 256

freedom, religious, 179

Freidzon, Claudio, 202–3

“Friend of God,” 215, 219, 224

Frith, Simon, 102

Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, 123–25

full set (fulset), 83, 88


Bailes, 271

Carioca, 263–64, 269–74

lyrics, 271

Funky, 212 n. 17

Gallagher, Sarita, 86

gangs, 69, 264, 273–74

Gebel, Dante, 207

gifts of the Holy Spirit, 3, 84, 94 n. 4, 150, 172

gifts, spiritual. See spiritual

Glassie, Henry, 257

Global Awakening, 30

globalization, 8, 11, 134, 266, 284

economic, 268

musical, 179

Globo, 275 n. 10

glocalization, 95 n. 15, 98

Glorious Unseen, 177 n. 15, 177 n. 16

glossolalia, 73, 254

God, encounter with, 7, 97–98, 104

God, presence of, 3–4, 6, 36–39, 106, 172

African American context, 252–53

Australian context, 68, 71, 73

Dutch context, 97–98, 104–6, 108–11

Latin American context, 205

U.S. context, 164–65, 172, 174–75, 252–53

godly love, 35

Goffman, Erving, 31

gospel-culture interface, 280

Gospel Fest Jovem, 269, 272

gospel funk, 263–67

gospel music, 21 n. 9, 130, 221, 263

African American, 120–22, 124–29

Australian country gospel, 64–68

Brazilian genres, 263

definitions, 21, n. 9, 263

Kenyan, 144

Navajo, 152

Papua New Guinean rock gospel, 78–81

Gospel Music Association, 239

gospel radio, 250

Grace, Steve, 68

Graham, Billy, 201, 226

Grant, Amy, 230

Great Western Forum, 126

Green, Keith, 89

Green, Robyn, 62, 65–68, 73–74

Grundy, Rickey, 124

Grupo Yehoshua, 269

guitar, 6, 30, 39, 183, 190, 222, 236

African American context, 122, 251

Australian context, 66–67

Dutch context, 99, 103

Kenyan context, 145

Latin American context, 203, 209

Navajo context, 155, 157

Papua New Guinean context, 83, 85–86, 88, 95 n. 15

U.S. context, 122, 164, 169, 173, 251

Guthrie, Joseph, 143

Gutierrez Brothers, 131 n. 12

Hagin, Kenneth E., 217

“Hallelujah chorus,” 143–44

Handel, George Frederick, 143–44

Handman, Courtney, 80–81

Hardiman, Ron, 62

Harrison, Milmon, 256

healing, 51, 286

atonement and, 50

Australian context, 66–67

divine, 55, 253–54

emotional, 35, 67, 167

inner, 202

Kenyan context, 136, 139

Latin American context, 202

Navajo context, 150

prayer and, 53

U.S. context, 172

worship and, 49

health and wealth, 51, 56, 215, 217, 223

Hebdige, Dick, 163, 176 n. 4

Hicks, Tommy, 201

Hiebert, Paul, 64

high praise. See praise

Hillsong Church, 60, 71, 105–6, 283–84

Papua New Guinea, 85, 91, 95 n. 15

Scandinavia, 184–87

Zulu Durban, 187–89

Hillsong Publishing, 100, 188

Hillsong United, 182, 184–85, 188–89, 194 n. 7

hip-hop, 263, 267

hipster Christianity, 170

historiography, 180

Hollinsworth, David, 63

Holm, Dallas, 89

Hood, Ralph, Jr., 35

Horkheimer, Max, 244 n. 1

Houghton, Israel, 52, 215–27

horn, 157

Howard, Jay R., 264

Hughes, Tim, 106

Hybels, Bill, 181

hymn, 87, 102, 135, 143–44

lined out, 120, 177 n. 19

missionary, 64, 84, 134, 150, 179

Swedish, 186

hymnal, 120, 134, 141–42, 150, 203

hymnody, 5, 64, 179, 193

hymnology, 205

identity, religious, 179

Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, 51–52

impartation, 30

imperialism, musical, 185

Imperials, the, 89

improvisation, 5, 105, 236, 256, 285

indigenous choir, 68–73

industrialization, 244 n. 5

Ingalls, Monique, 48, 121, 258 n. 5

instrumentalist, 6, 103

Integrity Music, 100, 227 n. 1

interaction rituals, 31–32

interdisciplinarity, 9–11

International House of Prayer, 30

internet, 5

intimacy, 7, 30, 37–39, 164, 174, 176–77 n. 18

Dutch context, 104, 108

iPod, 186

iTunes, 182

James, Marc, 187

James, William, 217

Jesus Movement, 237

Jones, Michael Owen, 157

Kalu, Ogbu, 49

Kawaipa, Robin, 85

Ken, Thomas, 177 n. 13

Kenoly, Ron, 91, 220

Kim, Dongsoo, 54

Kinlichini Singers, 154

Koenig, Sarah, 100

kores, 85

Lakewood Church, 220, 222–23

Land, Steven J., 53, 282

Lange, Barbara Rose, 111 n. 3

Latin American charismatic music, 201–3

Latin American Conference on Evangelism. See CLADE

Latin American Evangelical Fraternity, 212 n. 2

LaValley, Jeffrey, 124

LC Satrianny, 272, 280

Lee, Matthew T., 35

liberalism, neo–, 208

liberation, 202, 206

liberation theology, 56

Liesch, Barry, 21 n. 8


California-style charismatic, 176 n. 1

consumerism, of, 253

cultural, 249

informal, 103

pentecostal-charismatic, 81–84

Loos, Noel, 61, 63

Luhrmann, Tanya M., 176 n. 5

Lynch, Gordon, 194, 216

lyrics, 7, 39, 74 n. 2, 183, 190, 193, 227

African American context, 121, 125

Australian context, 63

Brazilian context, 270, 273

Dutch context, 102–10

Latin American context, 206

Navajo context, 150, 154–56

Papua New Guinean context, 91–92

U.S. context, 121, 125, 169, 173

Maddox, Marion, 181

Madeira, Phil, 241–42, 244 n. 12

Magowan, Fiona, 64, 67–68

Mans, Minette, 72

Maranatha! Music, 100, 141

Marti, Gerardo, 216, 221

materiality of religion, 101

Maxwell, John, 209

McCracken, Brett, 170–72

McDowell, William, 250

McGann, Mary E., 131 n. 9

McPherson, Steve, 183, 188–89, 192


digital, 129

mass, 193, 284

social, 182

Medical Mission Sisters, 141

medicine man, 151, 154

meditation, 34

megachurch, 15, 179–81, 186, 189–91, 193–94, 216–17, 222

melody, 169

Mercy Publishers, 100

merengue, 206

metal music, 190

Meyer, Birgit, 12, 111, 265

Meyer, Joyce, 184

Midian, Andrew, 85

migration, 5, 193

Miller, Donald E., 3, 49–50, 54, 56–57

Miller, Vincent J., 255

Milne, Derek, 160 n. 3

ministry time, 171

miracles, 66, 165, 218, 254


Australian context, 62–65

Christian, 160 n. 1

U.S. context, 168

Missionary Baptist church, 118–19

Mittelstadt, Martin William, 56–57

moans, 254

Moberg, Marcus, 186

Moltmann, Jürgen, 209

Morgan, Reuben, 184, 187

Morton, Paul, 123

MP3 player, 263

Mullins, Rich, 122


black gospel, 117, 127

church, 179

composition, 148, 151–52, 159

culture, 195 n. 12

definition, 4

digital, 5, 8, 129, 190, 194 n. 7, 232

festival, 168

global industry, 179

gospel, 21 n. 9, 130, 221

making of, 4, 13, 80

multicultural, 221, 227

popular, 180, 183, 221

praise. See praise

R&B, 221

rock. See rock

secular industry, 190

semiotic practice, as, 101

studies of, 20 n. 4

term, as, 5

traditionalist, 150

musicking, 4, 101, 283, 285–86

Kenyan context, 134, 137, 142–46

musicology, 20 n. 4, 180, 279, 285

mystical body, 35, 41

mysticism, 40

mythology, 153

National Baptist Convention, 130 n. 3

Nelson, Thomas, 209

neoliberalism. See liberalism

Nettl, Bruno, 64

New Breed, 220

Newsboys, 173, 207

Nicene Creed, 165

Nichols, Lynn, 234–39, 242

Niebuhr, H. R., 286–87 n. 2

Obelisco. See El Obelisco

“Old Rugged Cross,” 64

Olodum, 275 n. 9

One Sonic Society, 244 n. 14

oral history, 15

oral literature, 157

orality, 5

organ, 98–99, 122, 218

Orsi, Robert, 259 n. 11

Osteen, Joel, 215, 217, 222–24, 226, 228 n. 2

overhead projectors, 134

Palau, Luis, 204, 207

participant observation. See ethnography

Partners in Harvest, 29

peak experiences, 33

Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Kenya, 137–39

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, 137


Brazilian context, 51, 266

classical, 20 n. 6

classical doctrines, 139

definition, 2–3, 212 n. 3

global, 150

Haitian context, 46–49

neo–, 3, 120, 122, 129, 149, 160 n. 4, 212 n. 16

Pentecostalization, 7, 17, 197–214, 201

Pepsi Music Festival, 207

Percy, Martyn, 39–40

performance, 101, 180

bodily, 106

Peterson, John W., 144

Petra, 89, 207

Phillips, Elizabeth, 9

piano, digital, 209

Plato, 282

pluralism, theologizing, 283

Poloma, Margaret M., 34–35

popular religion, 208

positive thinking, 217

Post, Stephen, 35

poverty, 210, 211

practices, aesthetic, 157

praise, 104, 150

celebration of, 136

high, 80, 90

praise and worship, 34, 97–100, 104, 127, 203

praise and worship music, 6–9, 21 n. 9, 121, 282

African American context, 117–125

Australian context, 60, 68, 180–83

definitions, 1, 6–9, 21 n. 9, 104, 121, 200

Dutch context, 97–103

Latin American context, 199–203, 207–8

Papua New Guinean context, 85–86

relationship to CCM industry, 21 n. 9, 232–33

Scandanavian context, 184–187

South African context, 187–89

theologies of, 104, 205–6, 210, 282, 286

U.S. Vineyard context, 167

Praise Extravaganza (Papua New Guinea), 80

praxis, charismatic worship, 165

prayer, 151

corporate, 171

traditional, 158

training, 176 n. 5

professional-quality performance, 173

Progress National Baptist Convention, 130 n. 3

Proietti, Rubén, 204

prophetic revelations, 31

prophetic word, 139

prophetism, charismatic, 285

prosperity, 51, 210, 285

prosperity theology, 50, 202, 216

racial divide, 138–39, 218–21

racism, 211

radio, 238

Ramírez, Daniel, 53

reconciliation, holistic, 62, 73

recording studio, 138

Red Bone, 159

Rede Record, 266

Redeemed Gospel Church, Kenya, 140

reggae, 267

reggaeton, 206, 210

rehearsal, 174

religion, traditional, 149–50, 152, 159

religious epiphany, 33


charismatic. See charismatic renewal

theology of, 164

spiritual, 167, 286

Renewed Communion in the Holy Spirit of Evangelicals and Catholics, 204

repentance of sin, 49–53

repetition, 150, 155, 158, 174

RESCATE, 200, 206–10

restoration, 66

revival, 3, 14, 33, 36

Australian context, 64, 74 n. 3

Dutch context, 97, 99

Papua New Guinean context, 81, 84–89, 91–93

rhythm section, 164

Rieger, Joerg, 210

ritual, 4, 124–25, 151–53

ritual theory, 31

ritualization, 174–76

Robbins, Joel, 12, 84, 91–92, 95 n. 17

rock, 6, 54, 183, 190, 221

Brazilian context, 263, 267

Christian, 199

concert, 163–64, 171

Dutch context, 109

hard, 190, 263

Latin American context, 199, 206–10

musical style, 174

Papua New Guinean context, 78, 83–84, 87

soft, 7, 107

U.S. context, 164, 169, 171, 176 n. 2

rock ’n’ roll culture, 167

rock chabón, 210

Romero, Jésus Adrián, 210

Romero, Oscar, 200, 211

Rommen, Timothy, 265, 275 n. 11

Ross, Adrian, 67

rupture, 14–15, 98, 149, 232

Saddleback Church, 215

salsa, 206

samba, 263

Sample, Tex, 102

Samuels, David, 153–54

Sanders, Cheryl J., 54, 255–56, 259 n. 8

Sankey, Ira David, 99

Schwarz, Maureen, 149

Scripture in Song, 100

Shibley, Mark A., 111 n. 1

Shilling, Chris, 33

“Shout to the Lord,” 182, 184, 187

singer, 122


exuberant, 140

in the Spirit, 38, 134–35

unison, 122

slain in the Spirit, 36, 139

Slobin, Mark, 85

Small, Christopher, 4, 101, 146

Smilde, David, 157

Smith, James K. A., 247, 249, 251, 257

Smith, Michael W., 122, 174, 230

Sneed, Paul, 264

social justice, 225

social science, 10

Som Livre, 267

song, 102, 135

choir, 135

congregational, 179, 192, 194

performative, 152–54

revival, 81, 85–86, 91, 99–100, 107. See also revival

spontaneous, 139

songbook, 134

songwriting, 183

and creativity, 189

sonic potpourri, 222

Sony Music, 209, 267, 275 n. 9, 275 n. 10

sorcery, 151

Sorokin, Pitirim, 35–36

Soul Survivor, 186, 188

sound, geographies of, 282

soundcheck, 174

Southern Baptist, 177 n. 13

mission, 154

space, aesthetics of, 282

speakers, 199

spiritual experience, 172, 250

spiritual gifts, 150, 163, 165

spiritual presence, 175

spiritual warfare, 47–48, 53

Dutch context, 108

Latin American context, 202–3, 205, 208, 210

Navajo context, 150

spiritual world, 71


affective, 281

embodied, 281

erotic, 40

experiential, 166, 175

oral, 281

Stillman, Amy, 64

Stolen Generation, 63

Stoner, Ben, 151, 154

Streck, John M., 264

Styll, John, 239

Sung, Jung Mo, 210

Superclasicos de la Juventud (Youth Super Classics), 207

tambourines, 203

Tan-Chow, May Ling, 54

television station, 138

testimony, 134, 227

Thank You Music, 100

theology, inclusive, 165

Third Wave movement, 123, 163, 176 n. 1

Thumma, Scott, 122

Tiainen, Sarah, 184–86, 190, 192–93, 195 n. 10

Tomlin, Chris, 106, 174, 187

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, 29, 191

Toronto Blessing, 29, 34, 36, 39, 103, 110

traditional religion. See religion

traditionalism, 154

trancing, 34

translation of music, 191–93

Ulmer, Kenneth, 119–20, 122–28

United Record Pressing, 170

utilitarian aesthetic, 169

vernacular, 193, 284

Versteeg, Peter G., 102, 176 n. 1, 177 n. 18

Vineyard Fellowship, 29–41, 50, 54, 56, 163, 191

Dutch context, 102

Finnish context, 195 n. 13

Helsinki, 186–88

U.S. context, 166–69, 175–76

vocalist, 6, 103, 109, 164, 183, 220

backing, 183

lead, 183

Volf, Miroslav, 45, 50, 56

volume, 103–4, 169, 171, 252, 273

voudou, 47

Wagner, C. Peter, 41 n. 1, 123

Währisch-Oblau, Claudia, 55

wall of sound aesthetic, 183

Walton, Jonathan L., 256–57

Warren, Rick, 215, 225–26

Wesleyan hymnbooks, 64

White Heart, 207

Willow Creek Association, 181

Willow Creek Community Church, Chicago, 111 n. 1

Wimber, John, 41 n. 1, 166

Winans, BeBe, 124

witchcraft, 150

Witt, Marcos, 200, 204–6, 208–10, 280

Word of Faith, 52, 217, 226, 228 n. 2, 247, 256

Word of Life conference, 185

World Youth Day, 206

worldliness, 143, 149, 267–68, 272–74


as a term, 5, 7

band, 6, 8, 99, 164, 169, 171

business of, 233–38

call to, 104

cross-cultural, 127–29

definition, 4, 6

experience, 110, 175, 234, 250–51, 282

glocal, 98–101

leader, 6, 227 n. 1

music, 6–9, 21 n. 9

music, commercialization of, 233

pluralist, 221

popular, 92

set, 7

styles, 105–6

theology of, 211

training, 174

transnational, 92

unity in, 127

warrior, 205

worship music. See praise and worship music

worshipper, 164

Yong, Amos, 212 n. 3, 258 nn. 1–2

“You Are Holy,” 184

Youth for Christ, 141, 195 n. 17

Youth Gospel Party, 269, 272

Youth Super Classics, 207

Youth with a Mission, 89, 141

YouTube, 105, 182

Zschech, Darlene, 91, 182, 184, 187