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Abenaki Indians


Adam and Eve

Africa. See also Barbary

Africans; Black Africans; West Africans

Africanus, Leo

agrarian reform

“An Agreement of the People”

Alcazar, Battle of. See also Peele, George, Battel of Alcazar

Alexander VI (pope)


Algonquian Indians; food and culture; language

al-Malik, ‘Abd (“Muly Molocco”)

al-Mansur, Ahmad (“Mullisheg”)

al-Mutawakkil, Muhammed (“Muly Mahamet”)

Alsop, George

Amadas, Philip

Amazon River

Ambree, Mary

America: as a continent; as an idea; as a “wilderness”

Amherst Island

Andrews, Charles

Anglicization of the landscape

Anglo-American world

Anglo-Moroccan relations

Anne of Denmark, queen of England


Antonio, Don

Appelbaum, Robert

approvement. See also improvement




Archer, Gabriel

Ards Peninsula

Argall, Samuel

Ariosto, Lodovico, Orlando Furioso

Armitage, David

Arnold, Anthony

Arundell, Peter


Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic world; as “frame” or context for historiography; “triangulated”; slavery in

Avalon colony

Bacon, Sir Francis

Bacon, Nathaniel

Bacon's Rebellion

Bailyn, Bernard

Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de

Bale, John

Baltimore, Calvert, Lord

Banerjee, Pompa


Barbary Coast; Barbary pirates. See also Algiers; Morocco

Barbary Company

Barbour, Philip

Bargrave, John

Barlowe, Arthur

Basque (people)

Bateman, Robert

Batman, Stephen

Beacon, Richard, Solon His Follie


Behn, Aphra; The Roundheads; The Widdow Ranter

Benevente, Toribio de. See Motolinía

Benzoni, Girolamo, History of the New World


Berkeley Hundred

Berkeley, Sir William


Best, Thomas

Beverley, Robert


Black Legend


Blair, James

Blansett, Lisa

Blount, Henry, A Voyage into the Levant

Bodin, Jean

Boemus, Jacob


Boistaurau, Jean

Boorde, Andrew

Boscawen, Hugh

Bourchier, Sir John

Boyle, Richard, earl of Cork

Bradford, William

Braudel, Fernand, Civilization and Capitalism

Brewer, Thomas, A Knot of Fools

Bridges, Bess

Brinsley, John


Britain: ancient; Anglo-Saxon



Bush, Jonathan

Butler, Nathaniel; Unmasking of Virginia

Byam, Henry

Byrd, Robert

Cabot, John

Cabot, Sebastian


Caesar, Augustus

Caesar, Julius


Camden, William

Campanella, Tommaso

Campion, Edmund, Historie of Ireland


Canny, Nicholas

Cape Ann

Cape Breton

Cape Cod

Cape Fear

Cape Henry


Carib Indians

Caribbean Sea. See also West Indies

Carleill, Christopher

Carter's Grove


Cassius, Dio

Castiglione, Baldassar

Catholics (Roman) and Catholicism; Catholic Antichrist; Catholic Europe

Cecil, Sir Robert

Chamberlen, Peter

Chaplin, Joyce

Charles I

Charles II

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Chaucer, Gregory

Chawanoc Indians

Chesapeake (region)

Chesapeake Bay

Chesapeake Indians

Chicheley, Sir Henry

Chickahominie Indians

Chilton, Edward


Christianity; conversion to. See also evangelization


civility, civilization; “civilizing” the natives; as imperium. See also evangelization

Clark, John

classrooms, modern

Clifford family

Coke, Sir Edward

Cole, Humphrey, Compendium Dial, (fig. 3.4)

colonialism: discourse of; doctrine of; ideology of; Irish and American

colonists: conception of natives; English; Roanoke; second and third waves (1610-11); Spanish


Columbus, Christopher

commodities, commodification


compass dial

conflict, Anglo-Indian; armed; cultural; slaughter of Indians at celebration of peace treaty. See also “Massacre” of 1622


Connell-Smith, Gordon

Connor, Walker

conquest, meaning of


“contact vision”

“contact zone”

Cope, Sir Walter


Cortéz, Hernán

Coup of 1622. See “Massacre of 1622”

Crashaw, William

Cromwell, Oliver

Cronon, William

Croatan Island

Culpeper, Thomas, Lord

cultural conflict. See conflict

culture, idea of

D'Aranda, Emmanuel

Daborne, Richard, A Christian Turn'd Turke

Dale, Sir Thomas; Lawes Divine, Moral and Martiall

Danisker, Simon

Darby, H. C.

Davies, Sir John

Davies, William

de Bry, Theodore, (fig. 5.2); engravings for Hariot, Briefe and True Report, (figs.3.2, 3.3), (figs. 8.1, 8.2, 8.3), (figs. 9.1, 9.2)

De La Warr, Thomas West, Lord; arrives in James River

Dee, John; Elements of Euclid

Dekker, Thomas, Lusts Dominion


Derricke, John, The Image of Ireland with a Discoverie of Woodkarne

“A Description of the River and Country”


Desmond, earl of

Dickinson, Jane

diet books

Digby, John

Digest of Justinian

disease, at Jamestown


Dominican Order


Donne, John

Dowdall, Sir John

Drake, Sir Francis

drama, English

drought conditions


Dundalk, siege of

Dunn, Richard S.

Dutch (people and nation); Dutch Sea Beggars. See also Low Countries

Dymock, Cressy

East, idea of the

Eastern Shore

Eden, Garden of, (fig. 8.3)

Eden, Richard

Edwards, Jess

Effingham, Howard, Lord

Eiakintomino, (fig. 2.1)

El Dorado

Elias, Norbert

Elizabeth I


England; attitudes toward slavery and freedom; Church of; economy; “exhausted,” in comparison to Virginia; global aspirations of; Powhatan embassies to; Revolution

English (people); dominance over Ireland; empire; English slaves; “Englishness,”; food practices; intended by Powhatan to be absorbed into his dominions; New and Old in Ireland; policy toward foreign interlopers; privateers

engraving, process of



Europe, southern

evangelization. See also Christianity, conversion to


Fabian, William

Fair Maid of the West. See Heywood, Thomas

Falls (of James River)

famine; in England; response at Jamestown under Smith

Famous History of the Life and Death of Thomas Stukeley


Ferguson, Margaret

Fernandes, Simon

Fernádez, Alejo, La Virgen de los Navagentes, (fig. 5.1)

Ferrar family; Mrs. John; Nicholas



Fitz-Geffrey, Charles

Fitzherbert, John; Boke of Surveyenge


food, foodstuffs; food practices

Fort Caroline

Fox, John


Franciscan Order

Franklin, Alfred

French (people)

Frethorne, Richard

Frobisher, Martin

Fuller, Mary C.

Galley Bonavolia

Gates, Sir Thomas


Geertz, Clifford




Germans, ancient

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey

Gilbert, Sir John


Gleach, Frederic

Glorious Revolution





gold, search for

Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Count

Góngora, Mario

Gonner, E. C. K.

Googe, Barnaby

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando

Gouge, William

Gray, Robert, A Good Speed to Virginia

Greenblatt, Stephen

Gregory (pope)

Grenville, Sir Richard

Grey, Lord

Griffin, Eric

Grymeston, Edmund

Guasco, Michael J.


Gulf of Mexico

Gulstone, Theodore

Hadfield, Andrew

Hakluyt, Richard (the elder)

Hakluyt, Richard (the younger); Discourse of Western Planting; Principall Navigations

Hall, Kim

Hamor, Ralph

Handlin, Oscar

Hansel and Gretel

Hapsburg Empire. See also Spain, Spanish Empire; Charles V

Harborne, Sir William

Hariot, Thomas; A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia

Harrison, William

Hartlib, Samuel

Hartwell, Henry

Harwood, William

Hatarask Island

Hawkins, Sir John

Hebb, David

Henry VII

Henry VIII

Henry, Cardinal

Herbert, Thomas

Herbert, Sir William, Croftus sive de Hibernia Liber

Herman, Peter


Heywood, Thomas: The Fair Maid of the West Part I; Part II; If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody

Hippocratic writers



historians; in contrast to literary critics

Hole, William

Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland

Holy Roman Empire

Hooker, John

Horn, James

Howard, Jean

Howell, James

Hulme, Peter


hunger; horror of

Iberia, as political unit


ideology; American expansionist; English; imperial. See also Spain, “specter of

Imperium britannicum


indentured servants

“Indian College”

Indians, North American; agency in European texts; Caribbean; compared to Picts; education of by English; food practices; generalized image of; presumed racial identity; representations of; as slaves; treated like Irish. See also Christianity, conversion to; individual groups


Irish (people); “wild Irish”

Irish colonies

Isabella of Castile


Islamic states


Iwanisziw, Susan

Jackson, Goodman

Jahangir, emperor of Mughal

James I

James II

James River

Jamestown: achieves prosperity; conditions in; founding; General Assembly of; ideological and diplomatic context; siege of (1609-10); site; slaughter of Indians at celebration of peace treaty; “starving time”; study of; and tobacco trade

Jeffreys, Herbert, Colonel

Jennings, Francis



Jews, expulsion of

Jobson, Richard

Johnson, Richard, “Life and Death of the Famous Thomas Stukeley”

Johnson, Robert; The New Life of Virginea, Nova Britannia

Jonson, Ben: The Alchemist; Bartholomew Fair; Epicoene

Jordan, Constance

Josephus, Flavius


Kecoughtan Indians

Kellet, Edward

Kelso, William

Kendall, George, Captain

King, Dr. John

Kinsale; Battle of

Knolles, Richard; Generall Historie of the Turks

Kupperman, Karen


Lambeth Palace

Lane, Ralph

Las Casas, Bartolomé de; Brevissima relación de la destruyción de las indias; translated as The Spanish Colonie

Lawson, John

Le Challeux, Nicolas, The discourse of the history of Florida

le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques

Lee, Joseph

Lee, Samuel

Leigh, Valentine, The Most Profitable and Commendable Science, of Surveying of Landes

Leland, John

Lembri, Francis (“Limbrecke”)

Levant Company

Lévi-Strauss, Claude

Lewis, Bernard

Leyenda negra. See Black Legend

”The Life and Death of the Famous Thomas Stukeley”

Ligon, Richard

Lipsius, Justus

literary critics, in contrast to historians

Little Gidding

Little Ice Age

liturgical calendar


Locke, John; Lockean paradigm; “Of Property”; Two Treatises

London Company. See Virginia Company


Londonderry Plantation

Long Meg of Westminster


Love, John, Geodaesia

Lovell, John

Low Countries. See also Dutch

Lowe, Thomas

Lusts Dominion. See Dekker, Thomas



Mackenthun, Gesa


Magdalen Islands

Magellan, Ferdinand

Maguel, Francis


Maltese Cross, on Smith's Map

Manchester Papers




maps, meaning of

Marcus Aurelius

Martin, John

Martin, Richard

Martin's Hundred

“Massacre” of 1622

Massawomek Indians

Massinger, Philip: The Bondman; The Renegado



Matahan, (fig. 2.1)

Matar, Nabil



McHugh, P. G.

McKeon, Michael

McRae, Andrew

Mediterranean world; slavery in

Meinig, D. W.

Melancholy Cavalier, (fig. 12.1)


Menard, Russell R.


Mendieta, Jerónimo

Merton statute


Mintz, Sidney


Molina, Diego de

Monacan Indians

Monson, William

Montanus, Gonsalvius, A Discovery and Playne Declaration

Montrose, Louis

Moore, Adam

Moors; as ethnic/racial category

More News from Virginia

More, Sir Thomas, Utopia

Morgan, Edmund

Morocco; kings

Moryson, Fynes; description of the Irish


Mountjoy, Charles, Lord

Mullisheg. See al-Mansur, Ahmed

Muly Mahamet. See al-Mutawakkil, Muhammed

Muly Molocco. See al-Malik, ‘Abd

Munday, Anthony

Munster; Munster Plantation

Murrin, John S.


Namontack; in London; mentioned in Jonson's Epicoene; reported murdered


Nansemond Indians

Narragansett Bay

nations and nationalism

Native Americans. See Indians



Negro (ship)


Netherlands. See Low Countries

Neville, Henry, News from the New Exchange

A New Description of Virginia

New England

New World; bounty of; “problem” of. See also America

New York Public Library


Newport, Christopher

Nine Years War

Noël Hume, Ivor and Audrey

Noel, Martin

Norden, John, Surveyor's Dialogue

Nova Scotia

Nuce, Sir William

O'Brien, Murrogh

O'Malley, Grace

O'Neill, Hugh, earl of Tyrone

O'Neill, Shane

Okee (Powhatan god)

Old World

Opechancanough (Pawmunkey chief), (fig. 1.1)


Orinoco River

Othello. See also Shakespeare, William

Ottoman Empire. See also Turkey

Outer Banks. See also Roanoke

Ovid, Metamorphoses


Pagden, Anthony

Pale, the

Pamunkey Indians

papacy; Donation of 1493

Parliament (England)

Paspahegh Indians

Payne, Robert, Brief Description of Ireland

Peckham, Sir George

Peele, George, The Battel of Alcazar

Penobscot Bay

Pepys, Samuel

Percy, George; Observations Gathered out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southerne Colonie in Virginia by the English, 1606

Pérez, Antonio

Perfect Description of Virginia

Perkins, William

Peter Martyr; De Orbe Novo Decades


Philip II

Philip III


Pilgrims (New England)

pirates, piracy. See also English (people), privateers

Pizarro, Francisco

Plat, Hugh

The Planter's Plea


Plymouth Colony

Plymouth Company

Pocahontas; in England; evoked by Smith's Turkish mistress; “Lady Rebecca Rolfe,”; portrait, (fig. 2.2); “saves” life of Smith, marries Rolfe

Portugal; ambitions; absorption into Spain; empire; involvement in slave trade; as model of colonialist policy; succession crisis. See also Iberia

Pory, John

Potomac River

Powhatan (Wahunsonacock); accedes to English occupation; “coronation” by English; dispatches Namontack to England; as figure and name on John Smith's Map

Powhatan Confederation

Powhatan Indians; religious leaders

Pratt, Marie Louise

The Present State of Virginia, and the College

Price, Hugh


Privy Council; Acts of Privy Council

property, private

Protestantism; English; militant. See also England, Church of


Provost, John

Purchas, Samuel; Purchas His Pilgrimmes; tries to convert Tomocomo



Quinn, David B.

race; and slavery

Ralegh, Sir Walter; Discoverie of Guiana

Rapahanna Indians

Rappahannock River

A Relation of Maryland


The Renegado. See Massinger, Philip

Requierimento. See also rituals of possession

Rich, Barnaby; New Description of Ireland; True and Kind Excuse

Rich, Henry, earl of Warwick

Rich, Nathaniel

rituals of possession


Roberts, Henry

Rolfe, John

Rome, ancient; institution of slavery; model of imperialism. See also translatio imperii

Rose, Emily

Royal African Company


Sagadahoc colony

St. Augustine (Florida)

St. Augustine, City of God

St. Lawrence Seaway

St. Mary Spital

St. Nevis Island

Sanders, Thomas

Sandys, Sir Edwin

Sandys, George; Metamorphoses; Relation of Journey

Sandys, Margaret, Lady Wyatt

Santa Fe

Savage, Thomas



Scots. See also Picts

Sea Venture

Sebastian, king of Portugal

Secotan Indians

Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de

Severn River

Shakespeare, William; King Lear; Merchant of Venice; Othello; The Tempest

Sheehan, Bernard

Sherley, Sir Anthony

Sherwood, William

Sidney, Sir Henry

Sidney, Sir Philip, Arcadia

Silver, Timothy

Simpson, Richard

Skelton, John

Skinner, Quentin

slave trade

slavery; plantation; black; chattel; slave narratives

Smith, John; attitude toward Spanish; and “coronation” of Powhatan; criticizes idle gentlemen; experience in Turkey; explores and maps the Chesapeake; first meeting with Powhatan; joins Catholic Hapsburg army; life story; motto, Vincere est Vivere; remodels himself as a “gentleman”; returns Namontack to Powhatan; “saved” by Pocahontas; and Tomocomo in London

Smith, John, works: Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England; A Description of New England; The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles, (fig. 1.1), (fig. 3.5); A Map of Virginia, (fig. 1.2); The Proceedings of the English Colonie in Virginia; A True Relation of Such Occurences and Accidents of Note; The True Travels, Adventures, and Relations of Captaine John Smith

Smith, Sir Thomas

Smyth, John, of Nibley

Somers, Sir George


South Carolina

Southhampton, earl of. See Wriosthely, Henry

Spain; aggression; decline of global power; empire; English responses to; establishes Chesapeake outpost; ethnicity; eviction of Moriscos; imperial ambitions; “providential election” as world leader; relations with Morocco; relations with Portugal; and slave trade; Spanish Armada; Spanish Fleet; Spanish Main; “specter” of

Spartan virtues

Spelman, Henry

Spenser, Edmund; The Faerie Queene; View of the Present State of Ireland. See also Britomart


Stanihurst, Richard

Star Chamber

Stow, John

Strachey, William; Historie of Travell into Virginia Britania; “A True Reportory”

Strange News from Virginia

Stuart regime

Stubbes, Phillip

Stukeley, Thomas. See also Famous History

Suárez de Toledo, Alonso

sugar industry

Süleyman the Magnificent, sultan

sumptuary laws

Sunderland, earl of

surveying, land

Susan Constant, Godspeed, Discovery (first ships of Jamestown colonists)

Susquehannock Indians; Bowman on Smith's Map, (fig. 3.1)

Susquehannock River

Symonds, William


Tasso, Torquato, Gerusalamme Liberata


tenure, leasehold, and copyhold

Thames River

Thomson, Jasper

Thorpe, George


Tindol, Captain. See Kendall, George

Tintam, John


Todd, Janet

Tomocomo; encounter with John Smith in London


Tracy, William

Tragbigzanda, Charatza

translatio imperii; Spanish version. See also Imperium brittanicum


Traub, Valerie

travel writing


Treaty of London (1604)

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)


Tsenacommacah, territory of Powhatans

Turkey. See also Ottoman Empire

Turks; “Turk” as ethnic category; “turning Turk”; Turkish slaves

Tymor, brother of Charatza Tragbigzanda; murdered by John Smith

Ulster Rebellion, Second

Ulster; Ulster Plantation

Uprising of 1622. See “Massacre” of 1622

Utopia. See More, Thomas

Vale of Berkeley, van Meer, Michael

Vaughan, Alden

Vaughan, Robert

Velasco, Don Luís (Paquiquineo)


Verstegan, Richard



Virgil, Aeneid

Virginia: compared to ancient Rome; as constructed idea; as constructed territory; mapped; as “separate cultural space,”

Virginia Assembly

Virginia Colony; founding of; early settlement. See also Jamestown; Chesapeake region

Virginia Company; Charter revised by James I; initial instructions for colony; promotes lottery (fig. 2.1); use of propaganda; repopulates colony after

Virginia Council “A True Declaration,”

Wahunsonacock. See Powhatan


Walsingham, Francis

Walter, John


Ward, John

warfare (Anglo-Indian). See conflict

Warwick, earl of. See Rich, Henry


Waterhouse, Edward

Webb, Stephen

Weber, Max



West Country

West Indies;

West, idea of the

”Westward Enterprise,”

whiskey, corn

Whitaker, Alexander

White, John

Whittakers, Mrs.

Wild Coast

William I of Orange, Apology Against…the King of Spaine

William III of Orange

Williams, Roger

Williamson, Joseph

Wingfield, Edward Maria


Wolstenholme, John

Wood, William

Woolley, Hannah

Worsop, Edward

Wriosthely, Henry, earl of Southhampton

Wyatt, Sir Francis

Yeardley, George

York River

Young, Robert

Zuniga, Pedro de