
Convict labor gang, North Carolina, ca. 1910 24

Lynching, Paris, Texas, ca. 1890 26

Black soldiers of the Twenty-fourth Infantry in Cuba 29

Portrait of mother and children, ca. 1920s 69

Advertising trade card, ca. 1880s 71

Negro exhibit, American Missionary Association, Boston, ca. 1905 79

Ida B. Wells, ca. 1890 87

Statue of Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute 91

William H. Ferris, ca. 1910 105

Garveyite family portrait, ca. 1920s 108

A representation of Ethiopianism from the nineteenth century 110

Anna Julia Cooper, ca. 1890 131

Black women’s drill team, Wilmington, Delaware, 1905 142

William Edward Burghart Du Bois, ca. 1910 156

Paul Laurence Dunbar, ca. 1900 183

Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson, ca. 1900 212