Chapter 5. Branching

All the statements in your program execute in order. Unfortunately, that’s not very useful, unless you want your program to do exactly the same thing every time you run it. In fact, often you won’t want to execute all the code, but rather you’ll want the program to do one thing if a variable has a certain value, and something different if the variable has another value. That means you need to be able to cause your program to pick and choose which statements to execute based on conditions that change as the program runs. This process is called branching, and there are two ways to accomplish it: unconditionally or conditionally.

As the name implies, unconditional branching happens every time the branch point is reached. An unconditional branch happens, for example, whenever the compiler encounters a new method call. The compiler stops execution in the current method and branches to the newly called method. When the newly called method returns (completes its execution), execution picks up in the original method on the line just below the branch point (the line where the new method was called).

Conditional branching is more complicated. Methods can branch based on the evaluation of certain conditions that occur at runtime. For instance, you might create a branch that will calculate an employee’s federal withholding tax only when their earnings are greater than the minimum taxable by law. C# provides a number of statements that support conditional branching, such as if, else, and switch. The use of these statements is discussed later in this chapter.

A second way that methods break out of their mindless step-by-step processing of instructions is by looping. A loop causes the method to repeat a set of steps until some condition is met (“Keep asking for input until the user tells you to stop or until you receive ten values”). C# provides many statements for looping, including for, while, and do...while, which are also discussed in this chapter.

Unconditional Branching Statements

The most simple example of an unconditional branch is a method call. When a method call is reached, there is no test made to evaluate the state of the object; the program execution branches immediately (and unconditionally) to the start of the new method.

You call a method by writing its name; for example:

    UpdateSalary(); // invokes the method UpdateSalary

As I explained earlier in the chapter, when the compiler encounters a method call, it stops execution of the current method and branches to the new method. When that new method completes its execution, the compiler picks up where it left off in the original method. This process is illustrated schematically in Figure 5-1.

As Figure 5-1 suggests, it is actually quite common for there to be unconditional branching several methods deep. In Figure 5-1, execution begins in a method called Main( ). Statement1 and Statement2 execute; then the compiler sees a call to Method1( ). Program execution branches unconditionally to the first line of Method1( ), where its first three statements are executed. At the call to Method1A( ), execution again branches, this time to the start of Method1A( ).

The four statements in Method1A( ) are executed, and Method1A( ) returns. Execution resumes on the first statement after the method call in Method1( ) (Statement4). Execution continues until Method1( ) ends, at which time execution resumes back in Main( ) at Statement3. At the call to Method2( ), execution again branches; all the statements in Method2( ) execute, and then Main( ) resumes at Statement4. When Main( ) ends, the program itself ends.

You can see the effect of method calls in Example 5-1. Execution begins in Main( ), but branches to a method named SomeMethod( ). The WriteLine( ) statements in each method assist you in seeing where you are in the code as the program executes.

The output looks like this:

    In Main! Calling SomeMethod(  )...
    Greetings from SomeMethod!
    Back in Main(  ).

Program flow begins in Main( ) and proceeds until SomeMethod( ) is invoked. (Invoking a method is sometimes referred to as calling the method.) At that point, program flow branches to the method. When the method completes, program flow resumes at the next line after the call to that method.

Methods and their parameters and return values are discussed in detail in Chapter 8.

Conditional Branching Statements

Although methods branch unconditionally, often you will want to branch within a method depending on a condition that you evaluate while the program is running. This is known as conditional branching. Conditional branching statements allow you to write logic such as, “If you are over 25 years old, then you may rent a car.”

C# provides a number of constructs that allow you to write conditional branches into your programs; these constructs are described in the following sections.

The simplest branching statement is if. An if statement says, “if a particular condition is true, then execute the statement; otherwise, skip it.” The condition is a Boolean expression. An expression is a statement that evaluates to a value, and a Boolean expression evaluates to either true or false.

The formal description of an if statement is:

if (expression)Statement1

This is the kind of description of the if statement you are likely to find in your compiler documentation. It shows you that the if statement takes an expression (a statement that returns a value) in parentheses, and executes Statement1 if the expression evaluates true. Note that Statement1 can actually be a block of statements within braces, as illustrated in Example 5-2.

In this simple program, you declare three variables, valueOne, valueTwo, and valueThree, with the values 10, 20, and 30, respectively. In the first if statement, you test whether valueOne is greater than valueTwo:

    if ( valueOne > valueTwo )
       "ValueOne: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
       valueOne, valueTwo );

Because valueOne (10) is less than valueTwo (20), this if statement fails (the condition returns false), and thus the body of the if statement (the statements within the braces) doesn’t execute.

You then test whether valueThree is greater than valueTwo:

    if ( valueThree > valueTwo )
   "ValueThree: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
   valueThree, valueTwo );
    } // end if

Because valueThree (30) is greater than valueTwo (20), the test returns true, and thus the statement executes. The statement in this case is the block in which you call the WriteLine( ) method, shown in bold. The output reflects that the first if fails but the second succeeds:

    Testing valueOne against valueTwo...
    Testing valueThree against valueTwo...
    ValueThree: 30 larger than ValueTwo: 20

Notice that the if statement blocks shown in Example 5-2 each contain only a single statement, one call to WriteLine( ). In such cases, you can leave out the braces enclosing the if block. Thus, you might rewrite Example 5-2, as shown in Example 5-3.

It is generally a good idea, however, to use the braces even when your if block has only a single statement. There are two reasons for this advice. First, the code is somewhat easier to read and understand with the braces. Code that is easier to read is easier to maintain.

The second reason for using braces is to avoid a common error: adding a second statement to the if and forgetting to add the braces. Consider the code shown in Example 5-4. The programmer has changed the value of valueThree to 10 and added a second statement to the second if block, as shown in bold.

Now, before reading any further, review the code and decide for yourself what the output should be. Don’t cheat by looking past this paragraph. Then, when you think you know what the output will be, take a look at this:

    Testing valueOne against valueTwo...
    Testing valueThree against valueTwo...
    Good thing you tested again!

Were you surprised?

The programmer was fooled by the lack of braces and the indentation. Remember that indentation is whitespace and is ignored by the compiler. From the perspective of the programmer, the second statement (“Good thing ...”) is part of the if block:

    if ( valueThree > valueTwo )
         "ValueThree: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
         valueThree, valueTwo);
         Console.WriteLine("Good thing you tested again!");

The compiler, however, considers only the first statement after the if test to be part of the if statement. The second statement is not part of the if statement. To the compiler, the if statement looks like this:

if ( valueThree > valueTwo )
     "ValueThree: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
     valueThree, valueTwo);

Console.WriteLine("Good thing you tested again!");

If you want the second statement to be part of the if statement, you must use braces , as in the following:

    if ( valueThree > valueTwo ){
         "ValueThree: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
         valueThree, valueTwo);
         Console.WriteLine("Good thing you tested again!");}

Because of this potential for confusion, many C# programmers use braces with every if statement, even if the statement is only one line.

Consider the following code snippet:

    int x = 8;
    int y = 15;
    if ((x == 8) || (y == 12))

The if statement here is a bit complicated. The entire if statement is in parentheses, as are all if statements in C#. Thus, everything within the outer set of parentheses must evaluate true for the if statement to be true.

Within the outer parentheses are two expressions, (x == 8) and (y == 12), which are separated by an or operator (||). Because x is 8, the first term (x == 8) evaluates true. There is no need to evaluate the second term (y == 12). It doesn’t matter whether y is 12; the entire expression will be true. Similarly, consider this snippet:

    int x = 8;
    int y = 12;
    if ((x == 5) && (y == 12))

Again, there is no need to evaluate the second term. Because the first term is false, the and must fail. (Remember, for an and statement to evaluate true, both tested expressions must evaluate true.)

In cases such as these, the C# compiler will short-circuit the evaluation; the second test will never be performed. This allows you to create if statements in which you first check a value before you take action on it, avoiding the possibility of an exception. Here’s a short example:

    public bool QuotientOverTwenty(float dividend, float divisor)
       if ( divisor != 0 && dividend / divisor > 20 )
          return true;
       return false;

In this code, we only want to decide if the quotient is greater than 20, but we must first make sure we are not dividing by zero (division by zero causes the system to throw an exception). With short circuiting, the second part of the if statement (the division) will never occur if the first part is false (that is, if the divisor is zero), and this code is terser and perhaps easier to understand than writing.

    public bool QuotientOverTwenty(float dividend, float divisor)
       bool retVal = false;
       if ( divisor != 0 )
          if ( dividend / divisor > 20 )
              retVal = true;
       return retVal;

It is possible, and not uncommon, to nest if statements to handle complex conditions. For example, suppose you need to write a program to evaluate the temperature and specifically to return the following types of information:

There are many good ways to write this program. Example 5-6 illustrates one approach using nested if statements.

The logic of Example 5-6 is that it tests whether the temperature is less than or equal to 32. If so, it prints a warning:

    if (temp <= 32)
        Console.WriteLine("Warning! Ice on road!");

The program then checks whether the temp is equal to 32 degrees. If so, it prints one message; if not, the temp must be less than 32 and the program prints the next message. Notice that this second if statement is nested within the first if, so the logic of the else statement is: “because it has been established that the temp is less than or equal to 32, and it isn’t equal to 32, it must be less than 32.”

Another way of chaining together more than one possibility with if statements is the else if idiom that some C# programmers use. The program tests the condition in the first if statement. If that first statement is false, control passes to the else statement, which is immediately followed by another if that tests a different condition. For example, you could rewrite Example 5-6 to test if the temperature is greater than, less than, or exactly equal to freezing with three tests, as shown in Example 5-7.

In this case, the condition in the first if statement tests whether temp is less than 32, not less than or equal. Because temp is hard-wired to exactly 32, the first expression is false, and control passes to the else if statement. The second statement is true, so the third case, the else statement, never executes. Please note, however, that this code is identical (as far as the compiler is concerned) to the following:

        using System;
        class Values
       static void Main(  )
          int temp = 32;

          if ( temp < 32 )
             Console.WriteLine( "Warning! Ice on road!" );
              if ( temp == 32 )
                Console.WriteLine("Temp exactly freezing, beware of water." );
                Console.WriteLine( "Watch for black ice! Temp: {0}", temp );

In any case, if you do use the else if idiom, be sure to use an else, (not an else if), as your final test, making it the default case that will execute even if nothing else does.

Nested if statements are hard to read, hard to get right, and hard to debug. When you have a complex set of choices to make, the switch statement is a more powerful alternative. The logic of a switch statement is this: “Pick a matching value and act accordingly.”

switch (expression)
    case constant-expression:
    [default: statement]

The expression you are “switching on” is put in parentheses in the head of the switch statement. Each case statement compares a constant value with the expression. The constant expression can be a literal, symbolic, or enumerated constant.

The compiler starts with the first case statement and works its way down the list, looking for a value that matches the expression. If a case is matched, the statement (or block of statements) associated with that case is executed.

The case block must end with a jump statement. Typically, the jump statement is break, which abruptly ends the entire switch statement. When you execute a break in a switch statement, execution continues after the closing brace of the switch statement. (We’ll consider the use of the optional default keyword later in this section.)

In the next, somewhat whimsical listing (Example 5-8), the user is asked to choose his political affiliation among Democrat, Republican, or Progressive. To keep the code simple, I’ll hardwire the choice to be Democrat.

The output looks like this:

    You voted Democratic.
    Thank you for voting.

Rather than using a complicated if statement, Example 5-8 uses a switch statement. The user’s choice is evaluated in the head of the switch statement, and the block of statements that gets executed depends on whatever case matches (in this instance, Democrat).

The statements between the case statement and the break are executed in series. You can have more than one statement here without braces; in effect, the case statement and the closing break statement act as the braces.

It is possible that the user will not make a choice among Democrat, Republican, and Progressive. You may want to provide a default case that will be executed whenever no valid choice has been made. You can do that with the default keyword, as shown in Example 5-9.

The output looks like this:

    You did not make a valid choice.
    Thank you for voting.

If the user does not choose one of the values that correspond to a case statement, the default statements will execute. In this case, a message is simply printed telling the user he did not make a valid choice; in production code, you would put all this in a while loop, re-prompting the user until a valid choice is made (or the user elects to quit).

If two cases will execute the same code, you can create what’s known as a “fall through” case, grouping the case statements together with the same code, as shown here:

    case CompassionateRepublican:
    case Republican:
         Console.WriteLine("You voted Republican.\n");
         Console.WriteLine("Don't you feel compassionate?");

In this example, if the user chooses either CompassionateRepublican or Republican, the same set of statements will be executed.

Note that you can only fall through if the first case executes no code. In this example, the first case, CompassionateRepublican, meets that criteria. Thus, you can fall through to the second case.

If, however, you want to execute a statement with one case and then fall through to the next, you must use the goto keyword to jump to the next case you want to execute.

For example, if you create a NewLeft party, you might want the NewLeft voting choice to print a message and then fall through to Democrat (that is, continue on with the statements in the Democrat case). You might (incorrectly) try writing the following:

    case NewLeft:
         Console.WriteLine("The NewLeft members are voting Democratic.");
    case Democrat:
         Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic.\n");

This code will not compile; it will fail with the error:

    Control cannot fall through from one case label (case '4:') to another

This is a potentially misleading error message. Control can fall through from one case label to another, but only if there is no code in the first case label.

Because the NewLeft case has a statement, the WriteLine( ) method, you must use a goto statement to fall through:

    case NewLeft:
         Console.WriteLine("The NewLeft members are voting Democratic.");
         goto case Democrat;
    case Democrat:
         Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic.\n");

This code will compile and execute as you expect.

There are many situations in which you will want to do the same thing again and again, perhaps slightly changing a value each time you repeat the action. This is called iteration, or looping . Typically, you’ll iterate (or loop) over a set of items, taking the same action on each item in the collection. This is the programming equivalent of an assembly line. On an assembly line, you might take a hundred car bodies and put a windshield on each one as it comes by. In an iterative program, you might work your way through a collection of text boxes on a form, retrieving the value from each in turn and using those values to update a database.

C# provides an extensive suite of iteration statements, including for and while, and also do...while and foreach loops. You can also create a loop by using the goto statement. The remainder of this chapter considers the use of goto, for, while, and do...while. However, we’ll postpone coverage of foreach until Chapter 10.

Creating Loops with goto

The goto statement was used earlier in this chapter as an unconditional branch in a switch statement. The more common use of goto, however, is to create a loop. In fact, the goto statement is the seed from which all other looping statements have been germinated. Unfortunately, it is a semolina seed, producer of "spaghetti code" (see the following sidebar) and endless confusion.

Because of the problems created by the goto statement, it is rarely used in C# outside of switch statements, but in the interest of completeness, here’s how you create goto loops:

The label is an identifier followed by a colon. You place the label in your code, and then you use the goto keyword to jump to that label. The goto command is typically tied to an if statement, as illustrated in Example 5-11.

The output looks like this:

    counterVariable: 0
    counterVariable: 1
    counterVariable: 2
    counterVariable: 3
    counterVariable: 4
    counterVariable: 5
    counterVariable: 6
    counterVariable: 7
    counterVariable: 8
    counterVariable: 9

This code is not terribly complex; you’ve used only a single goto statement. However, with multiple such statements and labels scattered through your code, tracing the flow of execution becomes very difficult.

It was the phenomenon of spaghetti code that led to the creation of alternatives, such as the while loop.

The for Loop

A careful examination of the while loop in Example 5-12 reveals a pattern often seen in iterative statements: initialize a variable (counterVariable=0), test the variable (counterVariable<10), execute a series of statements, and increment the variable (counterVariable++). The for loop allows you to combine all these steps in a single statement. You write a for loop with the keyword for, followed by the for header, using the syntax:

    for ([initializers 
]; [expression]; [iterators 

The first part of the header is the initializer, in which you initialize a variable. The second part is the Boolean expression to test. The third part is the iterator, in which you update the value of the counter variable. All of this is enclosed in parentheses.

A simple for loop is shown in Example 5-14.

The output looks like this:

    counter: 0
    counter: 1
    counter: 2
    counter: 3
    counter: 4
    counter: 5
    counter: 6
    counter: 7
    counter: 8
    counter: 9

The counter variable is initialized to zero in the initializer:

    for (int counter=0; counter<10; counter++)

The value of counter is tested in the expression part of the header:

    for (int counter=0;counter<10; counter++)

Finally, the value of counter is incremented in the iterator part of the header:

    for (int counter=0; counter<10;counter++)

The initialization part runs only once, when the for loop begins. The integer value counter is created and initialized to zero, and the test is then executed. Because counter is less than 10, the body of the for loop runs and the value is displayed.

After the loop completes, the iterator part of the header runs and counter is incremented. The value of the counter is tested, and, if the test evaluates true, the body of the for statement is executed again.

The logic of the for loop is as if you said, “For every value of counter that I initialize to zero, take this action if the test returns true, and after the action, update the value of counter.”

Rather than breaking out of a loop, you may at times want the semantics of saying, “Don’t execute any more statements in this loop, but start the loop again from the top of the next iteration.” To accomplish this, use the unconditional branching statement continue.

Example 5-17 illustrates the mechanics of both continue and break. This code, suggested to me by one of my technical reviewers, Donald Xie, is intended to create a traffic signal processing system.

The signals are simulated by entering numerals and uppercase characters from the keyboard, using the Console.ReadLine( ) method, which reads a line of text from the keyboard. ReadLine( ) reads a line of text into a string variable. The string ends when you press A.

The algorithm is simple: receipt of a “0” (zero) means normal conditions, and no further action is required except to log the event. (In this case, the program simply writes a message to the console; a real application might enter a time-stamped record in a database.)

On receipt of an Abort signal (simulated with an uppercase “A”), the problem is logged and the process is ended. Finally, for any other event, an alarm is raised, perhaps notifying the police. (Note that this sample does not actually notify the police, though it does print out a harrowing message to the console.) If the signal is “X,” the alarm is raised but the while loop is also terminated.

Here’s one sample output:

    Enter a signal. X = stop. A = Abort: 0
    Received: 0
    All is well.
    Enter a signal. X = stop. A = Abort: 1
    Received: 1
    1 -- raise alarm!
    Enter a signal. X = stop. A = Abort: X
    Received: X
    X -- raise alarm!

Here’s a second sample output:

    Enter a signal. X = stop. A = Abort: A
    Received: A
    Fault! Abort

The point of this exercise is that when the A signal is received, the action in the if statement is taken and then the program breaks out of the loop, without raising the alarm. When the signal is 0, it is also undesirable to raise the alarm, so the program continues from the top of the loop.

You will remember that the for loop header has three parts—initialization, expression, and iteration—and the syntax is as follows:

    for ([initializers]; [expression]; [iterators])statement

Each part of the for loop header is optional. You can, for example, initialize the value outside the for loop, as shown in Example 5-18.

The output looks like this:

    counter: 3
    counter: 4
    counter: 5
    counter: 6
    counter: 7
    counter: 8
    counter: 9

In this example, the counter variable was initialized and modified before the for loop began. Notice that a semicolon is used to hold the place of the missing initialization statement.

You can also leave out the iteration step if you have reason to increment the counter variable inside the loop, as shown in Example 5-19.

You can mix and match which statements you leave out of a for loop.

It is even possible to leave all the statements out, creating what is known as a forever loop:

    for ( ;; )

You break out of a forever (or while(true)) loop with a break statement. A forever loop is shown in Example 5-20.

The output looks like this:

    counter: 0
    counter: 1
    counter: 2
    counter: 3
    counter: 4
    counter: 5
    counter: 6
    counter: 7
    counter: 8
    counter: 9
    counter: 10

Use a forever loop to indicate that the “normal” case is to continue the loop indefinitely; for example, if your program is waiting for an event to occur somewhere in the system. The conditions for breaking out of the loop would then be exceptional and managed inside the body of the loop.

Although it is possible to use a forever loop to good effect, Example 5-20 is a degenerate case. The initialization, increment, and test would be done more cleanly in the header of the for loop, and the program would then be easier to understand. It is shown here to illustrate that a forever loop is possible.