When working on a linear project, whether it be the renovation of an old New England cow path or a network of new subdivision roads, you will need to convey the horizontal layout information to the contractor. This horizontal layout is called an alignment and drives much of the design. This chapter teaches you how to create alignments, how they interact with the rest of the design, how to edit and analyze them, and finally how they work with the overall project.
In this chapter, you will learn to:
Before you can efficiently work with alignments, you must understand two major concepts: the interaction of alignments and sites and the idea of geometry that is fixed, floating, or free.
Prior to the Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2008 release, alignments were always part of a site and interacted with the topology contained in that site. Civil 3D now has two ways of handling alignments in terms of sites: they can be contained in a site as before or they can be independent of a site (siteless).
There is no difference between the alignments contained in a site and those independent of a site since both can be used to cut profiles or control corridors, but only the alignments contained in a site will react with and create parcels as members of a site topology.
Unless you have good reason for them to interact, it makes sense to create alignments outside of any Site object. They can be moved later to a site if necessary. For the purpose of the exercises in this chapter, you won't place any alignments in a site. For more information about sites, check out the section “Introduction to Sites” in Chapter 5, “Parcels.”
Civil 3D recognizes five types of alignments: centerline alignments, offset alignments, curb return alignments, rail alignments, and miscellaneous alignments. Each alignment type can consist of three types of entities, or segments: lines, arcs, and spirals. These segments control the horizontal alignment of your design. Their relationship to one another is described by the following terminology:
Figure 6.1 Alignment fixed segments
Figure 6.2 Alignment floating segments
Figure 6.3 Alignment free segments
During the exercises in this chapter, you'll use a mix of these entity types to understand them better.
You can create alignments using the following methods:
This section looks at the first four methods to create an alignment, outlining some of the advantages and disadvantages of each. The remaining methods are straightforward, and once you master the methods used in this section, you should not have any issues in mastering them as well. The exercise will use the street layout shown in Figure 6.4 as well as the different methods to achieve your designs.
Figure 6.4 Proposed street layout
Most designers have used either polylines or lines and arcs to generate the horizontal control of their projects. It's common for surveyors to generate polylines to describe the center of a right-of-way or for an environmental engineer to draw a polyline to show where a new channel should be constructed. These team members may or may not have Civil 3D software, so they use their familiar tools—the line, arc, and polyline—to describe their design intent.
Although these objects are good at showing where something should go, they don't have much data behind them. To make full use of these objects, you should convert them to Civil 3D alignments that can then be shared and used for myriad purposes. Once an alignment has been created from a polyline, offsets can be created to represent rights-of-way, building lines, and so on. In the following exercise, you'll convert a polyline to an alignment and create offset alignments:
) file.
You can download this file from the book's web page at www.sybex.com/go/masteringcivil3d2015
. You will see a polyline that represents the centerline of a proposed road together with the parcels that you got familiar with in Chapter 5.
Press enter to accept alignment direction or [Reverse]:
prompt, press ↲ once you confirm that the displayed arrow outlining the direction points from north to south.
The Create Alignment From Objects dialog appears.
The Create Alignment From Objects dialog should match Figure 6.5.
Figure 6.5 The settings used to create the ROAD D alignment
When this exercise is complete, you may save the drawing, but keep it open for the following exercise. A finished copy of this drawing at this stage is available from the book's web page with the filename 0601_AlignmentFromObjects_A.dwg
You've created your first alignment and attached stationing and major and minor labels. It is common to create offset alignments from a centerline alignment to begin to model rights-of-way. In the following exercise, you'll create offset alignments and mask them where you don't want them to be seen:
) file.Figure 6.6 The Create Offset Alignments dialog
Notice that the alignment is now masked at the intersection of the alignment with the right-of-way at the north end.
Once complete, the Masking tab of the Alignment Properties dialog should look like Figure 6.7 for the case of the left offset.
Figure 6.7 Creating an alignment mask for the left offset with both U.S. (top) and metric (bottom) values.
Offset alignments are simple to create, and they are dynamically linked to a centerline alignment.
Notice the change and then undo this change to return to the original state.
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0601_AlignmentFromObjects_FINISHED.dwg
Now that you've made an alignment from polylines, let's look at another creation option: Create By Layout. You'll use the same street layout (Figure 6.4) that was provided by a planner, but instead of converting from polylines, you'll trace the alignments. Although this seems like duplicate work, it will pay dividends in the relationships created between segments.
) file.The Create Alignment – Layout dialog appears.
Figure 6.8 Create Alignment – Layout dialog
The Alignment Layout Tools toolbar for ROAD D appears (Figure 6.9).
Figure 6.9 The Alignment Layout Tools toolbar for the ROAD D alignment
Figure 6.10 The Tangent-Tangent (With Curves) tool
This tool places a curve automatically based on a default setting that is defined under the Curve And Spiral Settings option from the same menu. Later, you'll adjust the curve based on your design's preferred layout.
Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
Zoom in around the areas with arcs. Notice that some of them follow very closely the desired layout, while others are off by a huge margin from what the planner envisioned as design parameters for those arcs. That's okay—you will fix them in a later exercise.
The alignment you just made is one of the most basic. Let's create additional alignments and use a few of the other tools to complete your initial layout. In this exercise, you will build the alignment at the center of the site that will access the cul-de-sac area, but this time you will use a floating curve to ensure the two segments you will be creating maintain their relationship.
The Create Alignment – Layout dialog appears.
Figure 6.11 The Fixed Line (Two Points) tool
Specify start point:
prompt, using Endpoint Osnap, select the north endpoint of the polyline, and working north to south, draw the first fixed-line segment to the south end of the segment.
When you've finished, the command line will read Specify start point:
in case you want to draw another line. You can either press ↲ to end the command or draw the next entity without ending the command.
Figure 6.12 Selecting the Floating Curve tool
Select entity to attach to:
prompt, select the fixed-line segment you drew in steps 14 and 15.
Make sure you select the line segment somewhere south of the segment's midpoint to connect to the southern endpoint instead of the northern endpoint. If you cannot select the alignment segment, enable Selection Cycling (Ctrl+W).
Specify Pass Through Point:
prompt, pick the endpoint between the two arcs (the point of compound curvature).
Notice that you are generating the segments from low station to high station. If you perform these steps backward, you can reverse a segment using the Reverse Sub-Entity Direction button on the Alignment Layout Tools toolbar.
Notice that the line and the arcs are in sync and tangency is maintained (see Figure 6.13).
Figure 6.13 Floating curves maintain their tangency.
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0602_AlignmentByLayout_FINISHED.dwg
Often designers have to re-create an alignment for an existing road that does not have defined horizontal geometry. Civil 3D has multiple tools to re-create the alignment using a best-fit algorithm. You can either re-create a full best-fit alignment or use best-fit lines or best-fit curves in an alignment. You will look at both methods to achieve this within the following section.
The Create Best Fit Alignment command can use AutoCAD blocks, AutoCAD entities, AutoCAD points, Civil 3D COGO points, or Civil 3D feature lines. You can also pick points by simply clicking the screen. The Line and Curve drop-down menus on the Alignment Layout toolbar include options for Floating and Fixed Lines By Best Fit as well as Best Fit curves in all three flavors: Fixed, Float, and Free. It is similar to what was covered in Chapter 1, “The Basics,” in the section “Best-Fit Entities.” Let's see how it works with alignments:
) file, which you can download from this book's web page.The Create Alignment – Layout dialog appears.
The Alignment Layout Tools toolbar opens.
The Tangent By Best Fit dialog opens (Figure 6.14).
Figure 6.14 The Tangent By Best Fit dialog
Here, you can choose various methods to create a best-fit line alignment:
At the Select Point objects or [Numbers Groups]:
prompt, select points 1–11 using a combination of selection on the screen and transparent commands.
↲. In the point number selection, enter 7-11
↲. Press the Esc key once to exit transparent mode.
As you continue defining the tangent, you will see a red dashed line being formed. In your selections, this line looks at all the endpoints selected in order to create the best-fit line alignment segment (Figure 6.15).
Figure 6.15 The best-fit line being formed
Figure 6.16 Regression Data tab of the Panorama window
On the Regression Data tab of the Panorama window, you can choose to exclude endpoints or force them to be pass-through endpoints by checking the appropriate boxes.
As you check and uncheck boxes in the Regression Data chart, notice the changes that occur on your best-fit line alignment.
You will notice that the line is drawn temporarily until you click the green check mark and exit the Panorama window or if you are still in the Panorama window, when you click the Save button.
Figure 6.17 The Floating Curve – Best Fit option
Select entity to attach to:
prompt, select the previously defined segment close to the right end.
The Curve By Best Fit dialog appears.
Select point objects or [Number Groups]:
prompt, enter G and press ↲ to select a point group.
The Point Groups Selection dialog will appear.
Figure 6.18 The floating curve temporary layout and Regression Data tab of the Panorama window
The best-fit line alignment is complete.
Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
One of the benefits of doing individual best-fit segments (lines or curves) is that it is easy to exclude points. However, sometimes you will want a single “rough and dirty” alignment full of curves and lines without having to define them individually. Next, you will create a full best-fit alignment.
For the creation of the full best-fit alignment, you will use the same COGO points that you used for the first part of the exercise. You will do this in order to compare the results of both methods. If you create segments using best-fit line or best-fit curve, for example, you can use the Edit Best Fit Data For All Entries tool to edit these segments after they are created.
The Create Best Fit Alignment dialog appears.
Figure 6.19 The Create Best Fit Alignment dialog
The Best Fit Report dialog opens, as shown in Figure 6.20.
Figure 6.20 The Best Fit Report dialog
Review the results in the Best Fit Report. Notice that if you select a row, it will highlight the location on the regression graph.
Unlike the Regression Data tab in the Panorama window, the Best Fit Report is purely informational and does not allow you to select to exclude or pass through a specific point. While the Create Best Fit Alignment procedure is fast, it may not be precise. Therefore, this command may be useful for providing a draft alignment, and then you can manually create your final alignment using results similar to those shown in the Best Fit Report that meet your specific design criteria.
The completed best-fit alignment is shown together with the alignment made with the best-fit lines and curves in Figure 6.21. Although a best-fit alignment may not give you exactly what you are looking for (especially if you like nice, whole-number radii), it generates a good starting point that you can then edit to fit your design needs.
Figure 6.21 The best-fit alignment
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0604_AlignmentBestFit_FINISHED.dwg
Next, let's look at a more complicated alignment—building reverse and compound curves by connecting two curves:
) file.Also, disable polar tracking.
The Create Alignment – Layout dialog appears.
You will notice that the second segment will not have any labels applied to it, since it is not connected to the first segment created.
Select entity to attach to:
prompt, pick the right end of the west tangent. At the Specify radius or [Degree of curvature]:
prompt, enter 200 ↲ (for metric, 60.96 ↲).Is curve solution angle [Greaterthan180 Lessthan180] <Lessthan180>:
prompt, press ↲ to accept the default.Specify end point:
prompt, click the other end of the arc, where the magenta arc meets the green arc.Select entity to attach to:
prompt, select the right side of the curve you just created.Specify radius or [Degree of curvature]:
prompt, enter 300 ↲ (for metric, 91.44 ↲).Is curve solution angle [Greaterthan180 Lessthan180] <Lessthan180>:
prompt, press ↲ to accept the default.
The program detects that you are attaching a curve to a curve.
Is curve compound or reverse to curve before? [Compound Reverse] <Compound>:
prompt, enter R ↲ to specify that it is a reverse curve.Specify end point:
prompt, click the endpoint of the second arc or the connecting point between the green and blue arcs.Specify end point:
prompt, click the endpoint of the third arc or the connecting point between the blue and cyan arcs.You will notice that upon the connection of the last arc to the segment, the missing labels will be added to the tangent since now it is connected to the main chain. You can see the final result of the layout in Figure 6.22.
Figure 6.22 Segment layout for the reverse and compound curve alignment
The alignment now contains a perfect series of reverse-compound-reverse curves. Move any of the pieces, and you'll see the other segments react to maintain the relationships shown in Figure 6.23. The flexibility of the Civil 3D tools allows you to explore an alternative solution (the reverse curve) as opposed to the basic solution. Flexibility is one of the strengths of Civil 3D.
Figure 6.23 Curve relationships during a grip edit
You've completed your initial reverse and compound curve layout. Unfortunately, the curve design may not be acceptable to the designer, but you'll look at those changes later in the section “Component-Level Editing.”
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0605_ReverseCompoundAlignment_FINISHED.dwg
Civil 3D allows you to use design constraints and design check sets during the process of creating alignments and design profiles. Typically, these constraints check for things such as curve radius, length of tangents, and so on. Design constraints use information from AASHTO or other design manuals to set curve requirements. Check sets allow users to create their own criteria to match local requirements, such as subdivision or county road design. In this exercise, you'll make one quick set of design checks:
) file.When complete, your dialog should look like Figure 6.24.
Figure 6.24 The completed Subdivision Tangent design check
Figure 6.25 The completed Subdivision Radius design check
Design Check Sets
folder and select New to display the Alignment Design Check Set dialog.Figure 6.26 The completed Mastering Subdivision design check set
You can keep this drawing open to continue to the next exercise or use the finished copy of this drawing available from the book's web page 0606_AlignmentCheck_FINISHED.dwg
Once you've created a number of design checks and design check sets, you can apply them as needed during the design and layout stage of your projects.
In the next exercise, you'll see the results of your Mastering Subdivision check set in action:
) file.Figure 6.27 Setting up design checks from Alignment Properties
Note that the Use Criteria-Based Design check box must be selected to activate the other two.
You could have alternatively set the design criteria when you were originally creating the alignment.
Notice that all the curves along the alignment fail to meet the design criteria.
If you hover your cursor over one of the exclamation-point symbols, as shown in Figure 6.28, it will indicate which design criteria and design checks have been violated. Make sure you have Show Rollover Tooltips enabled.
Figure 6.28 Completed alignment layout with design criteria and design checks failure indicator
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0606_AlignmentChecked_FINISHED.dwg
Now that you've created an alignment that didn't pass the design checks, let's look at different ways of modifying alignment geometry. As you correct and fix alignments that violate the assigned design checks, the warning symbols indicating those violations will disappear.
The general power of Civil 3D lies in its flexibility in design. The documentation process is tied directly to the objects involved, so making edits to those objects doesn't create hours of work in updating the documentation. With alignments, there are three major ways to edit the object's horizontal geometry without modifying the underlying construction:
In addition to these methods, you can use the Alignment Layout Tools toolbar to make edits that involve removing components or adding to the underlying component count. The following exercises look at the three simple edits and then explain how to add and remove components of an alignment without redefining it.
You already used graphical editing techniques when you created alignments from polylines, but those techniques can also be used with considerably more precision than shown previously. The Alignment object has a number of grips that reveal important information about the elements' creation (see Figure 6.29).
Figure 6.29 Alignment grips
You can use the grips in Figure 6.29 to do the following actions:
In the following exercise, you'll use grip edits to make one of your alignments match the planner's intent more closely:
) file.This curve was inserted in a previous exercise using the default settings and doesn't match the guiding polyline well. If the warning symbol is in the way after zooming in, please use the regen
command to update the size of the warning symbol.
Figure 6.30 Grip-editing the ROAD D curve
When the triangular grip is used, the radius is changed without changing the PI.
Keep this drawing open for the next exercise.
Your alignment of ROAD D now follows the planned layout. With no knowledge of the curve properties or other driving information, you've quickly reproduced the design's intent.
When you're designing to meet jurisdictional standards, one of the most important elements is meeting curve radius requirements. It's easy to work along an alignment in a tabular view, verifying that the design meets the criteria. In this exercise, you'll verify that your curves are suitable for the design:
You can also access the same location by selecting the alignment, right-clicking, and from the context menu selecting the Edit Alignment Geometry option.
The Alignment Layout Tools toolbar opens.
Panorama appears as shown in Figure 6.31, with all the elements of the alignment listed along the left. You can click into many of the fields to modify their values. You can use the scroll bar along the bottom to review the properties of the alignment if necessary. Note that the columns can be resized, as well as toggled off, by right-clicking the column headers. The segment selected in the alignment grid view is also highlighted in the model, which can also make identifying the segment easier. Note that the design check failure indicators that are shown on the plan also appear in the table.
Figure 6.31 Alignment Entities vista for ROAD D alignment
Keep this drawing open for the next exercise.
Panorama allows for quick and easy review of designs and for precise data entry, if required. Grip editing is commonly used to place the line and curve of an alignment in an approximate working location, but then you use the tabular view in Panorama to make the values more reasonable—for example, to change a radius of 292.56 to 300.00. Also note that for this part of the exercise, when you changed the radius, the violation for the design checks were cleared for the curve, providing feedback that you meet design requirements.
Once an alignment gets more complicated, the tabular view in Panorama can be hard to navigate, and deciphering which element is which can be difficult. In this case, reviewing individual elements by picking them onscreen can be easier:
The Alignment Layout Parameters dialog opens. The dialog contents will be blank.
Each line, arc, or spiral member of the alignment is referred to as a subentity. The Sub-Entity Editor allows you to select any segment member and edit its properties in the Alignment Layout Parameters dialog.
Figure 6.32 The Alignment Layout Parameters dialog for the last curve on the ROAD D alignment
Notice that the Tangency Constraint value currently reports Constrained On Both Sides (Free).
Notice that this will enable the ability to set many of the values that previously were grayed out and could not be set.
This value is too far from the original design intent to be a valid alternative. You will reinvestigate the tangency constraints in the next exercise.
This value is closer to the design and is acceptable despite being less than the minimum radius for the 30 mi/hr design speed.
Notice that the stationing updates.
You may keep this drawing open to continue to the next exercise or use the finished copy of this drawing available from the book's web page, 0607_AlignmentEditing_FINISHED.dwg
By using the Alignment Layout Parameters dialog, you can concisely review all the individual parameters of a component. In each of the editing methods discussed so far, you've modified the elements that were already in place. You will look at how to change the makeup of the alignment itself, not just the values driving it. But first, let's look at some of the constraints to understand how they work.
In the previous exercise, you were exposed to constraints. The various constraints will help keep geometry together to maintain tangency or to maintain a radius.
You may have noticed in Panorama the Tangency Constraint field that you looked at briefly in the previous exercise. You can click any segment and change the constraints (Figure 6.33). You can also change the constraints in the Sub-Entity Editor.
Figure 6.33 The tangency constraints in Panorama
In this exercise, you will experiment with constraints and their effect on the behavior of an alignment:
) file.Notice that when you change the third curve from Constrained On Both Sides (Free) to Not Constrained (Fixed), the segment before the curve changes from Not Constrained (Fixed) to Constrained By Next (Floating).
Notice how the curve radius increases to account for the change (Figure 6.34). Also notice that the tangents are also changing to account for the change.
Figure 6.34 Gripping an alignment with the tangent before the curve set to Constrained By Next (Floating) and the curve set to Not Constrained (Fixed)
You may need to move Panorama out of the way to do this, but don't close it yet.
The line before the curve segment will change back to Not Constrained (Fixed).
Notice how the curve changes its radius but the first line maintains its bearing, while the following segment since it is floating adjusts to the new radius (Figure 6.35).
Figure 6.35 Gripping an alignment with the tangent before the curve set to Not Constrained (Fixed) and the curve using Constrained By Previous (Floating)
The lines before it and after it will change to Not Constrained (Fixed).
Notice that the curve now maintains its tangency with the following line but not the previous line (Figure 6.36).
Figure 6.36 Gripping an alignment with the curve set to Constrained By Next (Floating) and the following line set to Not Constrained (Fixed)
Figure 6.37 Gripping an alignment with the third curve on the alignment set to Constrained On Both Sides (Free) with both adjoining lines set to Not Constrained (Fixed)
When you access the Alignment Properties dialog representing an alignment containing curves, some additional options become available that were not available when the alignment was originally created. In the Point Of Intersection tab, you can select whether you want to visually show points of intersection by a change in alignment direction or by individual curves and curve groups. You can also choose to not display any implied points of intersection (see Figure 6.38).
Figure 6.38 The Point Of Intersection tab
In the Constraint Editing tab, you can select if you want to always perform any implied tangency constraint swapping and whether to lock all parameter constraints (Figure 6.39).
Figure 6.39 The Constraint Editing tab
One of the most common changes is adding a curve where there was none before or changing the makeup of the curves and tangents already in place on an alignment. Other design changes can include swapping out curves for tangents or adding a second curve to smooth a transition area.
As it turns out, your perfect reverse curve isn't allowed by the current ordinances for subdivision design! In this example, you'll go back to the design and place a minimum-length tangent between the curves:
) file.The Alignment Layout Tools toolbar appears.
Note that even if the last two curves and tangents are still part of the alignment, they lost the connection to the first part of the alignment.
Select Entity to Attach to
: prompt, click the south end of curve 3 and then specify a length of 100 ↲ (for metric, 30.48 ↲).Your reverse curve with tangent section is complete, as shown in Figure 6.40.
Figure 6.40 Reverse curve with tangent segment
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0608_AlignmentComponents_FINISHED.dwg
So far in this chapter, you've created and modified the horizontal alignments, adjusted them onscreen according to the planners initial layout, and tweaked the design using a number of different methods. Now let's look beyond the lines and arcs and get into the design properties of the alignment.
Alignments can represent things such as highways. Such items have design properties that help define them, and many of these design properties can be built into your Alignment properties. In addition to obvious properties such as names and descriptions, you can include functionality such as superelevation, station equations, reference points, and station control. The following sections will look at other properties that can be associated with an alignment and how to edit them.
While the properties of the alignment were originally assigned during creation, later in design there are often changes that are required. In this exercise, you'll learn an easy way to change the object style and how to add a description.
Most of an alignment's basic properties can be modified in Prospector. In this exercise, you'll change the name in a couple of ways:
) file and make sure Toolspace is open.Notice that a series of alignments are listed as members.
Figure 6.41 The Alignments branch listed in the Item View of Prospector
The text highlights for editing.
The screen updates. Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
That's one method to change Alignment properties. The next is to use the Properties palette.
The Properties palette looks like Figure 6.42.
Figure 6.42 ROAD B in the Properties palette
Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
The final method involves getting into the Alignment Properties dialog, which is your access point to information beyond the basics.
The Alignment Properties dialog for ROAD H opens.
Notice that the display style in the drawing updates immediately.
Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
Now that you've updated your alignments, you can make them all the same style for ease of viewing. The best way to do this is in the Prospector Item view.
The idea is to pick all of the alignments.
Figure 6.43 Editing alignment styles en masse via Prospector
Notice that all alignments pick up this style. Although the dialog is named Edit Label Style, you are actually assigning styles to the objects.
You can save the drawing and if needed compare your results against the finished file that can be downloaded from the book's web page under the filename 0609_AlignmentProperties_FINISHED.dwg
Let's look at some other properties you can modify and update.
Every alignment has stationing applied to help locate design geometry points. This stationing may start at zero or may start at a predefined value based on previous construction. Stationing can also be fixed in both directions, requiring station equations that help translate between two disparate points that are the basis for the stationing in the drawing.
Sometimes alignments can be drawn initially in the wrong direction. Thankfully, Civil 3D has a command to fix that:
) file and make sure Toolspace is open.A warning dialog appears, reminding you of the consequences of such a change.
The stationing reverses, with 10+00 (or 0+304.80 for metric users) now at the north endpoint of the alignment.
The warning message lets you know that when the direction is reversed, things happen to the settings defined for the alignment. Take note of what can change when an alignment is reversed. For example, if you had masking applied to the alignment, you would need to redefine it.
Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
This technique allows you to reverse an alignment almost instantly. The warning that appears is critical, though! When an alignment is reversed, the information that was derived from its original direction may not translate correctly, if at all. One prime example of this would be design profiles: they don't reverse themselves when the alignment is reversed, and this can lead to serious design issues if you aren't paying attention.
Beyond reversing, it's common for alignments to not start with zero. For example, the ROAD E alignment may be a continuation of an existing street, and it makes sense to make the starting station for this alignment the station where this alignment intersects ROAD A, the alignment from the existing street. In this next portion of the exercise, you'll set the beginning station.
This tab controls the base stationing and lets you create station equations.
Figure 6.44 Setting a new starting station on the ROAD E alignment
The Station Information section in the top right will update. These options can't be edited but provide a convenient way for you to review the alignment's Length and Station values.
Keep this drawing open for the next portion of the exercise.
In addition to changing the value for the start of the alignment, you could use the Pick Reference Point button, as shown in Figure 6.44, to select another point as the stationing reference point.
Station equations can occur multiple times along an alignment. They typically come into play when plans must match existing conditions or when the stationing has to match other plans, but the lengths in the new alignment would make that impossible without some translation. In this last portion of the exercise, you'll add a station equation on ROAD C at the intersection with ROAD B.
Figure 6.45 ROAD C station equation in place
You can save the drawing and if needed compare your results against the finished file that can be downloaded from the book's web page under the filename 0610_AlignmentStations_FINISHED.dwg
Stationing constantly changes as alignments are modified during the initial stages of a development or as late design changes are applied to the plans. With the flexibility shown here, you can reduce the time you spend dealing with minor changes that seem to ripple across an entire project.
One driving part of transportation design is the design speed. Civil 3D considers the design speed a property of the alignment, and it can be used in labels or calculations as needed. In this exercise, you'll add a series of design speeds to ROAD D. Later in the chapter, you'll label these sections of the road using a label set:
) file.This speed is typical for a subdivision street.
A small Pick On Screen button appears to the right of the Start Station value, as shown in Figure 6.46.
Figure 6.46 Setting the design speed for a Start Station field
Notice that the additional row is added to the top of the list.
Notice that the rows reorder according to the station values in the Start Station column.
When complete, the tab should look like Figure 6.47.
Figure 6.47 The design speeds assigned to ROAD D alignment with both U.S. (top) and metric (bottom) values
You can save the drawing and if needed compare your results against the finished file that can be downloaded from the book's web page under the filename 0611_AlignmentDesignSpeed_FINISHED.dwg
In a subdivision, these values can be inserted for labeling purposes. In a highway design, they can be used to drive the superelevation calculations that are critical to a working design. Chapter 11, “Superelevation,” looks at this subject.
Labeling in Civil 3D is one of the program's strengths, but it's also an easy place to get lost. There are many options for different labeling situations, and keeping them straight can be difficult.
When you think about it, any number of items can be labeled on an alignment. These include major and minor stations, geometry points, design speeds, and profile information. Each of these objects will have its own style. Applying all of these individual labeling styles one after the other would be tedious, so Civil 3D has provided you with label sets.
A label set can contain many different types of alignment labels. These sets are available during the creation and labeling process, making the application of many different types of labels less burdensome. Out of the box, a number of sets are available, primarily designed for combinations of major and minor station styles along with geometry information.
You'll learn how to create individual label styles in Chapter 18. You will use the out-of-the-box styles and label sets over the next couple of exercises.
In this exercise, you'll apply a label set to all of your alignments and then see how an individual label can be changed from the set:
) file.Figure 6.48 The Alignment Labels dialog for ROAD D
The Alignment Labels dialog now populates with the additional labels imported from the label set, as shown in Figure 6.49.
Figure 6.49 The All Labels label set
Notice that a single label is selected, not the label set group, and the Labels contextual tab is activated.
This command can be helpful if your plans become busy and you need to move a label to the other side for better visibility.
Keep this drawing open for the next exercise.
By using alignment label sets, you'll find it easy to standardize the appearance of labeling and stationing across alignments. Building label sets can take some time if you take into account building the label styles also, but it's one of the easiest, most effective ways to enforce standards. Building label sets will be discussed further in Chapter 18.
Beyond labeling an alignment's basic stationing and geometry points, you may want to label points of interest in reference to the alignment. Station offset labeling is designed to do just that. In addition to labeling the alignment's properties, you can include references to other object types in your station offset labels. The objects available for referencing are as follows:
In this last portion of this exercise, you'll use an alignment reference to create a label suitable for labeling the station information for the center point of the cul-de-sac along ROAD D.
The Station Offset label type creates a label that floats with the alignment. If the alignment is edited graphically, the label will move with it, and the station and offset information that it displays will remain constant. An example of this would be a label style that acts as a matchline. The counterpart label type is Station Offset – Fixed Point. This type of label will hold its position if the alignment is modified and the station and offset information change. An example of this kind of label would be labeling of a property corner on a subdivision plat.
Select Alignment:
prompt, select the ROAD D alignment.Specify station along alignment:
prompt, use the Center Osnap to snap to the center of the right-of-way arc at the cul-de-sac (see Figure 6.50).
Figure 6.50 The alignment station offset label in use
Specify station offset:
prompt, use the Center Osnap to snap to the center of the right-of-way arc at the cul-de-sac (see Figure 6.50) again and press ↲ to end the command.You can save the drawing and compare your results against the finished file that can be downloaded from the book's web page (0612_AlignmentLabelSets_FINISHED.dwg
or 0612_AlignmentLabelSets_METRIC_FINISHED.dwg
Using station offset labels and their reference object ability, you can label most site plans quickly with information that dynamically updates. Because of the flexibility of labels in terms of style, you can create design labels that are used to aid in modeling yet never plot and aren't seen in the final deliverables. More advanced alignment labels are discussed in Chapter 18.
There isn't always room to label alignment geometry along the alignment. Sometimes doing so doesn't make sense, or a reviewing agency wants to see a table showing the radius of every curve in the design. Beyond labels that can be applied directly to alignment objects, you can also create tables to meet your requirements.
You can create four types of tables:
Each of these is self-explanatory except perhaps the segment table. That table generates a mix of all the lines, curves, and spirals that make up an alignment, essentially re-creating the alignment in a tabular format. In this section, you'll generate a new line table and segment table.
All the tables work in a similar fashion. In any drawing, to add a table, follow these steps:
The Alignment Table Creation dialog appears (see Figure 6.51).
Figure 6.51 The Alignment Table Creation dialog for the Add Segment table type
The Select By Label Or Style area determines how the table is populated. All the label style names for the selected type of component are listed, with a check box to the right of each one. Placing a check mark in the Apply column next to one of these label styles enables the Selection Rule setting, which has the following two options:
Another way of selecting labels for an alignment table is to pick each one individually by clicking the green button under the Select By Label Or Style area.
To the right of the Select section is the Split Table section, which determines how the table is stacked up in modelspace once it's populated. You can modify these values after a table is generated, so it's often easier to leave them alone during the creation process.
Finally, the Behavior section provides two options for Reactivity Mode: Static and Dynamic. This section determines how the table reacts to changes in the labeled objects. In some cases in surveying, this disconnect is used as a safeguard to the platted data, but in general, the point of a 3D model is to have live labels that dynamically react to changes in the object. Be sure to cancel out of the Alignment Table Creation dialog before proceeding to the next exercise.
Before you draw any tables, you need to apply labels so the tables will have data to populate. In this exercise, you'll place some labels on your alignments, and then you'll move on to drawing tables:
) file.With these options, you'll click each alignment one time, and every subcomponent will be labeled with the style selected here.
You won't be left with these labels—you just want them for selecting elements later.
Since you have no spirals, no Spiral label style needs to be specified, so leave it at the default.
Make sure to not select the alignment multiple times during the labeling process since this will result in duplicate labels for the same segments.
Keep this drawing open for the next exercise.
Now that you have labels to play with, let's build some tables.
Most line tables are simple: a line tag, a bearing, and a distance. You'll also see how Civil 3D can translate units without having to change units in Drawing Settings:
Figure 6.52 Creating an alignment line table
Select upper left corner:
prompt, select an insertion point onscreen, and the table will generate.
Keep this drawing open for the next exercise.
You will notice that all the labels that have been selected to be displayed in the tables will have their styles modified to display the label in Tag mode. After you've made one table, creating other tables is similar. Be patient as you create tables—you must tweak a lot of values to make them look just right. By drawing one onscreen and then editing the style, you can quickly achieve the results you want.
An individual segment table allows a reviewer to see all the components of an alignment. In this exercise, you'll draw the segment table for ROAD D:
Notice that when a segment table is selected, you have the option to add the table based on the label entities assigned to an alignment, which wasn't an option when creating line and curve tables.
Figure 6.53 Creating an alignment segment table
Select upper left corner:
prompt, select an insertion point on the screen, and the table will generate.When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A finished copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 0613_AlignmentTable_FINISHED.dwg
) file and create alignments from the linework found there, having as alignment style the Layout style, using the All Labels label set, and making sure that the source objects are erased.Masterit_0602.dwg
) file and create an alignment using the linework on the right as a guide. Create a reverse curve with both radii equal to 200 (or 60 for metric users) and with a pass-through point at the intersection of the two arcs.Masterit_0603.dwg
) file to a floating arc that is constrained by the next segment. Then change the radius of the curves to 150 (or 45 for metric users). Make sure that the tangency is maintained all across the alignment.Masterit_0604.dwg
) file and generate a line table, a curve table, and a segment table. Use whichever style you want to accomplish this.