As you learned in the previous chapter, styles control the display properties of labels, but they also control the display properties of Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® objects such as points, surfaces, alignments, profile views, pipes, sections, and so on.
Alignments are composed of components such as lines, curves, and spirals. Surfaces contain contours, triangles, boundaries, and points. A point has an important marker component.
Object styles enable you to control which components are displayed and how they are displayed. Traditionally, you control the display of such items with layers and AutoCAD properties. Styles offer a quick way to change an object's display state for the purpose of plotting, editing, or analysis.
In this chapter, you will learn to:
Before you get your hands on specific object styles and begin working with them, you should understand some general things all styles have in common.
There are several ways to enter the various dialogs used for editing styles. The easiest, most direct way to access any Style dialog is from the Settings tab. Right-click any style you see listed and select Edit, as shown in Figure 19.1.
Figure 19.1 Every style can be edited by right-clicking the style name from the Settings tab of Toolspace.
You can also enter a Style dialog from the Information tab of the Object Properties dialog of any object by clicking the Edit button. Figure 19.2 shows the active style on a surface, with the Edit button to the right. Editing at this level affects all objects that use the style, the same as it would if you had entered the style from the Settings tab. The downside to editing a style in this manner is that you will not immediately be able to click Apply to see your change because the Object Properties dialog is open beneath it. You'll need to exit the Style dialog and click Apply at the object level before you'll see your style update.
Figure 19.2 An object's properties reveal the current style, which can be edited, as in this Alignment Properties dialog.
When creating or editing an object style, you will be opening a Style dialog containing several tabs. Some of the tabs contain settings that are unique to the object. Some tabs are common to all or several types of objects. In this section, you will learn about those tabs.
The Information tab (Figure 19.3) contains the field where the name of the style is entered or changed.
Figure 19.3 The Information tab exists for all object styles.
The description is optional. However, a description may be helpful to others who will be using your template. If you do use descriptions, be sure to revise them when you copy your styles for other purposes to avoid confusing your users. The description can be seen in tooltip form as you search through the Settings tab, as shown in Figure 19.4.
Figure 19.4 Tooltip showing style information, including the description
On the right side of the dialog, you will see the name of the user who created the style, the date when it was created, the last person who modified the style, and the date it was modified. These names are initially pulled from the Windows login information and only the Created By field can be edited.
On the Display tab, you will find a list of components available for display within the object. You will see this tab in every Object Style dialog. The Display tab controls the look of the object in Plan, Model, Profile, and Section view directions. Not every style type will have all of these view directions available. In Figure 19.5, you can see that a surface style has Plan, Model, and Section view directions with multiple components, a point style has an extra view direction for Profile but with only two components, while a view frame style has only one view direction and one component.
Figure 19.5 The View Direction options and their components for a surface style, a point style, and a view frame style
This is 3D software, so objects exist in three dimensions. View Direction controls the display of an object depending on how you are looking at it. Certain items, such as a profile view, are intended to be seen only in plan, so they do not have multiple view directions listed. Alignments can be seen in plan, model, and section views. Profiles can be seen in profile, model, and section views, as shown in Figure 19.6.
Figure 19.6 The View Direction options for a profile style
While other tabs in an object style control the specifics of how certain components look or behave, the Display tab controls if the component displays at all. The Visibility lightbulb indicates whether the component will be displayed when the style is applied to the object. In the Surface Style dialog shown in Figure 19.5, you can see that borders, major contours, and minor contours will all display for the surface object style, but the other components will not be displayed in plan view. In the Profile Style dialog shown in Figure 19.6, all components will be displayed, except the Arrow component.
Each component can have a layer designation. The component layer will override the display properties of the object layer, which was set initially in the Drawing Settings Object Layer tab. When the component is set to layer 0, it will display using the display properties of the object layer as long as all other properties on the style's Display tab are set to ByLayer. This is another example of the parent-child settings. A setting of ByBlock will allow you to manage its display settings through the AutoCAD object Properties palette.
The Summary tab contains a list of all the settings configured on the other tabs of the style's dialog. Settings are editable on the Summary tab. Figure 19.7 shows the Summary tab of a profile style.
Figure 19.7 The Summary tab of a profile style
You can click the plus (+) or minus (–) button next to each category branch to expand to see further settings. At the bottom-right corner of the dialog are three buttons. The top button collapses all of the category branches, and the middle button expands all of the category branches. The bottom Override All Dependencies button can also be found on a Label Style Summary tab, but it is inactive for object styles. At the bottom of this dialog, additional information will be shown for the property selected.
On the Settings tab of Toolspace, the General collection (or branch) contains settings and styles that can be applied to multiple object types in various scenarios. The General branch has three collections:
You learned about the Label Styles collection in Chapter 18, “Label Styles,” and now you will look at the Multipurpose Styles and Commands collections.
If you expand the Multipurpose Styles collection, you will see seven folders, as shown in Figure 19.8.
Figure 19.8 General Multipurpose Styles
These style types are used to control the display of components in various objects. For example, Marker Styles, Link Styles, and Shape Styles are typically used in section views containing corridors and assemblies, whereas Feature Line Styles, shown in Figure 19.9, are used when grading linear features and displaying corridors in plan.
Figure 19.9 The Feature Line Styles collection
A Commands
folder will reside in almost every object branch of the Settings tree. Each item listed in this folder represents a command in that object category and is named after the keystrokes necessary to execute that command at the command line, as shown in Figure 19.10.
Figure 19.10 The Commands
Markers are used in many places throughout Civil 3D. They are called from other styles to show vertices on Civil 3D objects such as feature lines, alignments, profiles, and figures. They can also be attached to the origination point on labels such as alignment station offset labels or surface spot elevations. Markers can even be used to indicate the start of a flow path.
Marker styles and point styles both contain a Marker tab (Figure 19.11). The Marker tab controls what symbol or block is used, its rotation, and how it should be sized when it is placed in the drawing.
Figure 19.11 The Marker tab for the PI Point Marker style
Three symbol types can be used. Use Custom Marker and Use AutoCAD BLOCK Symbol For Marker are the most popular options. Use AutoCAD POINT For Marker doesn't actually produce an AutoCAD point but uses the AutoCAD point style and size specified by the DDPTYPE dialog. When you choose the Use Custom Marker option, you can produce a marker similar in appearance to an AutoCAD point, but it will use the size options on the right side of this tab instead of the DDPTYPE dialog.
When you choose the Use AutoCAD BLOCK Symbol For Marker option, you will be able to access a list of blocks in your drawing. If the block you want to use does not yet exist in the drawing, you can right-click the block list and choose Browse, as shown in Figure 19.12.
Figure 19.12 Right-click to browse for a block if it is not already defined in your drawing.
The Size options control how the marker is scaled when inserted in the drawing (Figure 9.13).
Figure 19.13 The Size options for marker display
Two orientation buttons (as shown on the right side of the dialog in Figure 19.11) control whether the symbol stays rotated to the world coordinate system or the view.
Now it's time to get your hands on some object styles. You will start with simple styles and work your way up in complexity as this chapter progresses. In this first exercise, you will create a marker style:
_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS
template that ships with Civil 3D. For metric users, use the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Metric) NCS
template.Your login name will be listed in the Created By and Last Modified By fields.
(or 5 mm).Note that you may need to widen the column to view the full layer name.
) and click Save.Your PI marker will now be listed in the General Multipurpose Styles
Marker Styles branch. Remember that you can import this style into any other drawing by using the Import Styles button found in the Styles panel of the Manage tab, and if you create this marker in a drawing template, it is accessible for any future projects that start with this template. Keep this drawing file open for the next portion of the exercise.
Survey point styles contain many of the same options as marker styles. As you work through the following example, you will perform many of the same steps as you did in the previous exercise:
This value will scale down the symbol so the trunk diameter represents inches (or millimeters). Leave all other Marker settings at their defaults.
Hint! To save time in this step, you could alternatively use the Shift key to multiselect the Marker and Label components, as shown in Figure 19.14. By selecting both first, when you select the layer for one component, it will apply to both components.
Figure 19.14 Use the Shift key on your keyboard as you click the components to multiselect.
You can save and keep this drawing file open to continue to the next exercise, or you can use the saved copy of this drawing file, 1901_PointObject_FINISHED.dwg
), available from the book's web page at
In this section, you will see some linear styles such as alignments, profiles, and parcels. Ideally, you are already seeing that concepts from one type of style often apply to other types of styles. For alignment styles and profile styles, this is especially true.
Both alignment styles and profile styles have a Design tab, as shown in Figure 19.15. In the case of alignment styles, the Enable Radius Snap option restricts the grip-edit behavior of alignment curves. If you enable this option and set a value of 0.5'
, the resulting radius value of curves will be rounded to the nearest 0.5'
. In the case of profiles, the curve tessellation distance is a little more abstract. Curve tessellation refers to the smoothing factor applied to the profile when viewing it in 3D. Most users leave these settings at their default values.
Figure 19.15 Design tabs exist in both alignment and profile object styles.
Alignment styles and profile styles have similar Markers tabs. This tab is where you can place markers (like the one you created in the first exercise of the chapter) at specific geometry points. Figure 19.16 shows the markers assigned to various locations along an alignment.
Figure 19.16 Markers for an alignment style
At the bottom of Figure 19.16, you see Arrowhead information. Both alignment styles and profile styles have the option of showing a direction arrow on each segment. You can omit this by turning the Arrow component off in the Display tab or by setting the component to a layer that is set to No Plot. When designing roundabouts, consider the latter because knowing the direction of an alignment comes in handy, as you saw in Chapter 10, “Advanced Corridors, Intersections, and Roundabouts.”
Figure 19.17 shows some commonly highlighted horizontal geometry points and components in an alignment.
Figure 19.17 Example alignment with alignment marker points labeled
Figure 19.18 shows the Markers tab for the profile style. It looks pretty similar to the alignment Markers tab.
Figure 19.18 Markers for a profile style
Figure 19.19 shows some commonly highlighted vertical geometry points in a profile.
Figure 19.19 Example profile with profile marker points labeled
Alignment styles can be helpful in identifying key design components, as well as showing the stationing direction. Use multiple alignment styles to visually differentiate centerline alignments from supplemental alignments such as offset alignments and curb return alignments.
In the following exercise, you will create a style that restricts radius grip edits to 5-foot increments and displays basic alignment components:
) file.
You can download either file from this book's web page.
To see the Help document about any dialog, press F1 on your keyboard to be taken directly to the help section for that topic or click the Help button on the tab when you have a question regarding a specific tab on a dialog.
Note that <None> is located near the top of the list.
The Warning Symbol displays when design criteria or design checks are violated only if its display is turned on in this dialog. Design criteria and design checks were covered in Chapter 6, “Alignments.” Leave its default display setting at On.
Leave the Model and Section view directions at their defaults.
This alignment will display the line, curve, and spiral on layer C-ROAD-CNTR, and a marker will be shown at the Point Of Intersection, as shown in Figure 19.20.
Figure 19.20 Centerline alignment style
When this exercise is complete, you can save and close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing file, 1902_AlignmentObject_FINISHED.dwg
), is available from the book's web page.
The parcel styles have several unique features that make them different from other styles.
In the Design tab of a parcel (shown in Figure 19.21), you see parcel-specific options. A fill distance can be specified to place a hatch pattern along the perimeter of the parcel. This setting is used to help differentiate special parcels such as parks, limits of disturbance, or environmentally sensitive areas.
Figure 19.21 Parcel style options and the resulting parcel graphic
The fill distance indicates the width of the hatch pattern. The Component Hatch Display characteristics, including the pattern, angle, and scale, are specified at the bottom of the Display tab. Be sure to turn on Parcel Area Fill and configure a layer for it so it can be turned off independently from the parcel itself, since hatches tend to slow down the graphics. Figure 19.21 also shows the parcel graphic resulting from the design settings shown.
Feature lines are found in quite a few different places. They are created automatically as part of corridors, are created as a result of generating a grading group, or can be created independently by the user. Because their scope crosses functionality, you will find feature line styles in the General Multipurpose Styles collection in the Settings tab.
By definition, a feature line is a 3D object; therefore, its style can be controlled in plan, model, profile, and section views. As shown in Figure 19.22, a feature line can use markers at geometry points.
Figure 19.22 Feature-line profile marker options (left) and section marker option (right)
Surface styles are the most widely used styles in any Civil 3D project. Depending on what objects are visible in the style that is active, certain editing options may be restricted. For example, points need to be visible before the Civil 3D software will let you use the Delete Point command on a surface.
There are seven tabs in the Surface Style dialog. Each tab corresponds to components listed in the Display tab. However, the Analysis tab covers the following components: Directions, Elevations, Slope, and Slope Arrows. Note that while some display components of these analyses are covered under this tab, they are also controlled by settings in the surface properties. While the Display tab is where the basic AutoCAD properties of each component are set, these other tabs allow you to configure in detail how each component is displayed. Some of these settings include applying marker styles to watersheds, setting 3D parameter borders, configuring contour intervals and depression ticks, and configuring color ranges for the different analysis tools.
Once a surface is created, you can display information in many ways. The most common so far have been contours and triangles, but these are the basics. By using varying styles, you can show a large amount of data with one single surface. Not only can you do simple things such as adjust the contour interval, but the Civil 3D program can apply a number of analysis tools to any surface:
In the following exercises, you will walk through the steps of creating and modifying surface styles.
Contouring is the standard surface representation on which land development plans are built. In this example, you'll create a new surface contouring style and modify the interval to a setting more suitable for commercial site design review:
) file, which you can download from this book's web page.'
minor contours with a 5× exaggeration when viewed in 3D (or 1m minor contours with a 5× exaggeration when viewed in 3D for metric).'
(or 1 m).
Notice that the Major Interval automatically adjusts to 10'
(or 5 m) or to whatever the minor interval is set times five.
Don't change this Smoothing value, but keep in mind that this gives you a level of control over how much Civil 3D modifies the contours it draws.
The Contours tab will now look similar to Figure 19.23.
Figure 19.23 The Contours tab in the Surface Style dialog
Figure 19.24 Exaggerate the elevations shown in the Object Viewer.
You will be using only Minor Contour in this style, but later you will copy this style, and your efforts will be carried forward.
Your Display tab should now resemble Figure 19.25.
Figure 19.25 Setting Minor Contour component to be the only one displayed for this surface style in plan
To see the surface in the Object Viewer or in any other 3D view, you must have triangles set to display in the Model View Direction.
The surface should be rendered faster than you can read this sentence, even with the contour interval you've selected with only the minor contours displayed. After the style is applied to the surface model, you should see simple contours in plan view (the left image in Figure 19.26) and an exaggerated surface model in the Object Viewer (the right image in Figure 19.26).
Figure 19.26 The surface showing your new style in plan (left) and in model (right), as shown in a custom 3D isometric view using the 3D wireframe visual style
You skipped over one portion of the surface contours that many people consider a great benefit of using Civil 3D: depression contours. If this option is turned on via the Contours tab, ticks will be added to the downhill side of any closed contours leading to a low point. This is a stylistic option, and usage varies widely.
You can save and keep this drawing open to continue to the next exercise or use the finished version of this drawing, 1903_SurfaceStylesContours_FINISHED.dwg
), available from the book's web page.
The next style you create will help facilitate surface editing. To work with the Swap Edge and Delete Line Surface edits, you must be able to see triangles. To work with the Delete Point, Modify Point, and Move Point commands, you must be able to see surface points.
It is important to note that the points you see in the surface style do not refer to survey points. The points you are working with in this exercise are triangle vertices. The triangle vertices and survey points will initially be in the same locations for a surface built from points. However, as breaklines are added or edits are made to the triangle vertices, the surface model will differ from the original survey.
You can download either file from this book's web page.
Figure 19.27 Access Copy by right-clicking the style name.
Figure 19.28 Change the Point Display symbol so the points stand out within the style.
Your Display tab will resemble Figure 19.29.
Figure 19.29 Change the Points and Triangles visibility and layers in the Display tab.
Your surface will resemble Figure 19.30.
Figure 19.30 Triangles and points shown using the new surface style
With the points and triangles displayed, you can edit the surface, such as deleting points or swapping edges.
You can save and keep this drawing open to continue to the next exercise or use the saved copy of this drawing, 1903_SurfaceStyleTriangles_FINISHED.dwg
), available from the book's web page.
Analysis styles are unique in several ways. To see the style applied to your design, you must run the analysis in the surface properties in addition to applying the style to the surface. Although layers can now be configured to these styles, colors and behavior are configured on the Analysis tab. Visibility can be controlled by turning off the layer assigned on the Display tab of the style, by turning off the Analysis component in the style, or by assigning another style that doesn't display that component.
You can choose distribution methods to apply to your analysis on the Analysis tab of the surface style. The distribution method is selected by configuring the Group By option under each analysis type. Here's what they mean:
This method is best used when the values are relatively equally spaced throughout the total range, with no extremes to throw off the group sizing.
You looked at an elevations, slopes, and slope arrows analysis earlier in Chapter 4, “Surfaces.” In the following exercise, you will create a surface style for watershed analysis. To apply the new style to the surface, you must also run the analysis.
You can download either file from this book's web page.
Your Watersheds tab will look like Figure 19.31.
Figure 19.31 Changing the hatch options for watershed areas
The Analysis tab will resemble Figure 19.32.
Figure 19.32 Set the color scheme and arrow length on the Analysis tab.
Your Surface Properties Analysis tab should resemble Figure 19.33.
Figure 19.33 You must run the analysis in Surface Properties before the Watershed style kicks in.
Your surface model should resemble Figure 19.34.
Figure 19.34 The surface set to use the Watershed Analysis style
Now that the watershed analysis has been run, you could provide further information by generating a dynamic Watershed table similar to how you generated a table showing other surface information in Chapter 4.
When this exercise is complete, you can close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing, 1903_SurfaceStylesWatershed_FINISHED.dwg
), is available from the book's web page.
In Chapter 13, “Pipe Networks,” you learned that the first step to managing pipes and structures was to build a parts list. One of the functions of a parts list is to associate styles to pipes and structures. In this section, you will learn how to create the pipe and structure styles that are used by a parts list.
In your template, you will have many styles assigned to the various parts lists. You will want to have separate styles for water parts, storm sewer parts, and waste water parts. Additionally, you may want to have separate styles for existing and proposed systems. The main difference between the styles for the different systems will be the layers you set in the Display tab.
It seems like no two municipalities want pipes displayed the same way on construction documents. Fortunately, Civil 3D offers many variations for pipe display that will satisfy miscellaneous submittal requirements. With one pipe style, you can control how a pipe is displayed in plan, profile, and section views. You can use multiple pipe styles to graphically differentiate larger pipes from smaller ones. This section explores all the options.
Figure 19.35 The Plan tab in the Pipe Style dialog
Options on the Plan tab include the following:
Figure 19.36 Pipe hatch to inner walls (a), outer walls (b), and hatch walls only (c)
Figure 19.37 The Profile tab in the Pipe Style dialog
Figure 19.38 The Section tab in the Pipe Style dialog
In the examples that follow, you will create various types of pipe styles.
The first style is for a situation where the pipe must be shown in plan view with a single line, the thickness of which matches the pipe's inner diameter. In profile view, the pipe will show the inner diameter lines, and in section view, it will show as a hatch-filled ellipse.
) file, which you can download from this book's web page.Figure 19.39 Setting the Hatch Pattern display for the Section view direction
Figure 19.40 Proposed Sanitary CL pipe style shown in plan (a), profile (b), and section (c)
You can save and keep this drawing open to continue to the next exercise or use the finished copy of this drawing, 1904_PipeStyle_FINISHED.dwg
), available from the book's web page.
In the next pipe style example, you will create a style that uses several options for hatching pipe walls for a pipe:
).Depending on your drawing's scale, it may or may not be worth it to you to add a pipe wall hatch because with thin walls it may be hard to see, as shown in Figure 19.41.
Figure 19.41 Proposed Hatch Wall pipe style shown in plan
When this exercise is complete, you can save and close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing, 1904_PipeStyleHatch_FINISHED.dwg
), is available from the book's web page.
You could do this same exercise for a Pressure Pipe style. The only difference would be setting the layers to C-WATR-PIPE instead of C-SSWR-PIPE or to C-WATR-PROF instead of C-SSWR-PROF.
The following tour through the structure-style interface can be used for reference as you create company-standard styles:
Figure 19.42 The Model tab in the Structure Style dialog
Figure 19.43 The Plan tab in the Structure Style dialog
Options on the Plan tab include the following:
Figure 19.44 The Profile tab in the Structure Style dialog
Options on the Profile tab include the following:
These options look (and behave) very much like the Profile tab options listed earlier with the following exception: beginning with the 2015 release it gives you the option to display the sliced section of the structure.
Figure 19.45 The Section tab in the Structure Style dialog
In the following exercise, you'll create a new structure style that uses a block in plan view to represent a sanitary manhole. Because the block is drawn at actual size, you will use the size option Use Fixed Scale.
) file, which you can download from this book's web page.regen
command to refresh the representation of the data in the file.When this exercise is complete, you can save and close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing, 1905_StructureStyle_FINISHED.dwg
), is available from the book's web page.
While this example discussed creating object styles for a structure, you will find that the same procedure is applicable to the Appurtenances and Fittings styles used in pressure pipe networks.
When you are looking at a profile view that contains data, you are seeing many styles displayed. The profiles themselves (existing and proposed) have a profile object style applied to them. The labels consist of many types of styles, as you learned in Chapter 18. Additionally, there are profile view styles and band styles to consider.
This section focuses on the profile view. A profile view controls many aspects of the display. The profile view style consists of some of the following properties:
Figure 19.46 shows a profile view with some of its basic components labeled. There are many more components in a profile view style.
Figure 19.46 Profile view style with some of its basic components labeled
In the example that follows, you will be making major modifications to a profile view style. The profile view you will be practicing with does not contain any bands. Later in this section, you will learn the ins and outs of band creation and modification.
) file.
This file contains a profile view of Cabernet Court with an ugly style applied to it. You will perform a complete makeover on this style.
Figure 19.47 Accessing the profile view style
Figure 19.48 Change Vertical Exaggeration on the Graph tab of the Profile View Style dialog.
When you do, you will notice that the Vertical Scale listed in the dialog automatically changes from 1”
= 50'
to 1”
= 5'
(or from 1:500 to 1:50 for metric users). In addition, if you can see your profile view in the background, you should notice that it has expanded vertically by a factor of 10.
If you need additional information on any of the controls on this tab, click the Help button at the bottom of the dialog.
This setting will create additional space above and below the design data at 0.5 times the vertical major tick interval (you will set the major tick interval later).
This will ensure that the axes and the grid lines coincide around the edges of the view. The settings on the Grid tab should match those shown in Figure 19.49.
Figure 19.49 The Grid tab of the Profile View Style dialog
(or 10 mm).You will be starting over with a blank Text Component Editor dialog.
(or 10 mm).The Title Annotation tab should match the settings shown in Figure 19.50.
Figure 19.50 Working with the Graph View Title size and placement
Do not bother to adjust any settings for Axis Title Text on the right side of Figure 19.50 because the display will be turned off for all four of these possible elements.
(10 m).
No other changes are needed in the Minor Tick Details area. Click Apply to see the changes.
The Horizontal Axes tab should match the settings shown in Figure 19.51.
Figure 19.51 The bottom axis controls grid spacing
(0 mm).
All the changes made up to this point on the Vertical Axes tab apply to the Left axis. You will now do similar modifications to the Right axis.
(5 mm) and the Y offset to 0”
(0 mm).Figure 19.52 shows what your Vertical Axes tab should look like at this point in the exercise.
Figure 19.52 Don't forget to change the settings for both the Left and Right axes on this tab
Your profile view should resemble Figure 19.53.
Figure 19.53 The profile view style updated to reflect the changes
When this exercise is complete, you can save and close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing, 1906_ProfileViewStyles_FINISHED.dwg
), is available from the book's web page.
Data bands are strips of labels and/or schematics that display additional information about the profile or alignment that is referenced in a profile view. The most common band type is the profile data band.
Bands can be applied to both the top and bottom of a profile view, and there are six band types: Profile Data Bands, Vertical Geometry Bands, Horizontal Geometry Bands, Superelevation Data Bands, Sectional Data Bands, and Pipe Network Bands. These band types were discussed in Chapter 7, “Profiles and Profile Views,” but graphic reminders of the various band types are shown in Figures 19.54 through 19.59.
Figure 19.54 Profile Data Band showing existing and proposed elevation in addition to major stations
Figure 19.55 Vertical Geometry Band
Figure 19.56 Horizontal Geometry Band
Figure 19.57 Superelevation Data Band
Figure 19.58 Section Data Band
Figure 19.59 Pipe Data Band showing invert elevations and slope schematic
Bands can be assigned to band sets. Like alignment label sets and profile label sets, a band set determines which bands are applied to a profile view and how they are positioned. The most common use for a band set is to create a single, viewable band and an additional nonvisible band for spacing purposes in plan and profile sheet generation. However, depending on your jurisdictional requirements, you may have to put together a more extensive band set.
In the following exercise, you will create a band that contains existing and proposed profile elevations:
) file.
This file contains a profile view and an empty band on the bottom of the view. You will be adding information to the Profile Data Band.
(or 25 mm).Figure 19.60 The Band Details tab
(or –0.5 mm).”
(or –0.5 mm).The completed band should resemble Figure 19.61.
Figure 19.61 Text along the bottom of your profile view in the form of a band
As you can see, profile bands can provide a lot of information in a compact manner. In this example, you provided information only at the major stations, but you could also provide information at minor stations, horizontal geometry points, vertical geometry points, station equations, and incremental distances.
When this exercise is complete, you can save and close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing, 1906_ProfileViewBand_FINISHED.dwg
), is available from the book's web page.
Section view styles share many of the same concepts as creating profile view styles. In fact, the Section View Style dialog has all the same tabs and looks nearly identical to the Profile View Style dialog. A new introduced feature this year is the capability to define for a style the section view direction in a similar way as the profile view styles.
In this section, you will walk through the creation of a section view style suitable for creating a section sheet:
) file.
This file contains section views created with the default settings for section views.
Your section views should resemble Figure 19.62.
Figure 19.62 Yes, this is correct! It is a very stripped-down section view.
The section views will rearrange to fit more sections per page.
The section view is so bare bones because the section view grid will come from the group plot style, so the only information you really need is in this simple style.
To continue to the next exercise, you can save and keep this drawing open or use the finished copy of this drawing, 1907_SectionStyles_FINISHED.dwg
), available from the book's web page.
Group plot styles determine how sections are arranged on a sheet. When multiple section views are created, the group plot style uses the Section
template file discussed in Chapter 15, “Plan Production,” and places sections inside the paperspace viewport.
You can download either file from this book's web page. This file contains section views already created.
(or 100 mm). Change the row spacing to 2”
(or 50 mm), as shown in Figure 19.63.
Figure 19.63 The Array tab controls section view spacing.
These spacing changes should allow a more aesthetic arrangement of cross sections per page and ample room for moving the views up and right to fit on the page better in the upcoming steps.
Figure 19.64 Grid spacing on sheets is specified on the Plot Area tab.
This is where you configure grid spacing per sheet.
Figure 19.65 The Display components for the group plot style
Your section view sheets should be shaping up to the point where you could almost generate sheets. There may be instances when some text is placed outside the cyan line that represents the viewport border. In the next steps, you will use a nonvisible section band to prevent this from happening and push the views onto the page.
Prefixing the style name with the underscore ensures it will appear at the top of the Style list.
(or 5 mm).”
(or 10 mm).”
(or 0 mm).Even though the band will not be visible, the Civil 3D program still accounts for this spacing when placing the views on the sheet. In this step, you are using this to your advantage.
Figure 19.66 Changing the band set in use for all section views
The Section View Group Bands dialog will appear.
Figure 19.67 Set the band style as _NO DISPLAY and set the gap to 0.
The cross-section sheets should look similar to Figure 19.68.
Figure 19.68 The completed exercise
When this exercise is complete, you can save and close the drawing. A saved copy of this drawing is available from the book's web page with the filename 1907_GroupPlotStyles_FINISHED.dwg
With all of the object styles, you have a great deal of control over every detail, even ones that may seem trivial. Instead of being bogged down trying to understand every option, don't be afraid to use a “trial and error” approach. If you make a change you don't like, you can always edit the style until you get it right.
) file and change the alignment style associated with Alignment B to Layout. In addition, change the surface style used for the EG surface to Contours And Triangles, but change the contour interval to 1'
and 5'
(or 0.5 m and 2.5 m) and the color of the triangles to yellow.MasterIt_1902.dwg
) file and create a new surface style named Micro Editing. Set this style to display contours at 0.5'
and 1.0'
(or 0.1 m and 0.2 m), as well as triangles and points. Set the EG surface to use this new surface style.MasterIt_1903.dwg
) file and create a new profile view style named Mastering Profile View. Set this style to not clip the vertical or horizontal grid. Set the bottom horizontal ticks at 50'
and 10'
intervals (25 m and 5 m). Set the left and right vertical ticks at 10'
and 2'
intervals (5 m and 1 m). In addition, turn off the visibility of Graph Title, Bottom Axis Annotation Major, and Bottom Axis Annotation Horizontal Geometry Point. Set the profile view in the drawing to use this new profile view style.