Off-Center Argyle

Teva Durham

Here’s proof that an off-center color pattern (or stitch pattern, for that matter) isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In this dynamic design, Teva Durham enlarges traditional argyle diamonds and places them slightly off center for a refreshing change of balance. She works the poncho in two pieces from the bottom up with decreases located along the side and shoulder seams where they don’t intrude on the color pattern. To make the color blocks on the front and back match at the side and shoulder seams, she works the two pieces as mirror images. To simplify the knitting, Teva adds the intersecting diagonal lines in duplicate stitch when the pieces are off the needles.


55½" (141 cm) circumference at lower edge and 20" (51 cm) long.


About 336 yd (301 m) of 1 main color and 224 yd (204 m) each of 4 contrasting colors of worsted-weight (Medium #4) yarn.

We used: Classic Elite Skye Tweed (100% lambswool; 112 yd [102 m]/50 g): #1215 spruce forest (dark olive), 3 balls; #1272 upland green (light olive), #1253 tapestry (burgundy), #1285 Macalister orange, and #1258 tartan red, 2 balls each.


Size 7 (4.5 mm): 24" (60-cm) or longer circular (cir). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.


Tapestry needle.


17 sts and 24 rows = 4" (10 cm) in St st.

Download the charts for this project here.


Twisted Rib (even number of stitches):

All rows: *K1 through back loop (tbl), p1 tbl; rep from *.

Twisted Rib (odd number of stitches):

Row 1: (WS) *P1 tbl, k1 tbl; rep from * to last st, p1 tbl.

Row 2: (RS) *K1 tbl, p1 tbl; rep from * to last st, k1 tbl.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 for pattern.


  • Work the charts in stockinette-stitch intarsia, using separate balls or bobbins of yarn for each color section. Do not strand unused colors across the back.
  • The single-stitch diagonal red lines on the charts are not knitted in as you go. Work these stitches in the background colors; the red diagonal lines will be added with duplicate stitch after each piece is finished.


With red and using the long-tail method (see Glossary, page 147), CO 118 sts. Change to dark olive and work in twisted rib (see Stitch Guide) until piece measures 1" (2.5 cm) from beg, ending with a WS row. Beg with Row 1 and using the intarsia method for separate blocks of color (twist yarns at each color change), work Rows 1–26 of Back chart (see page 71).

Shape sides: Cont in patt from chart, dec on next row (RS) as foll: K1, ssk, work in patt to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—116 sts rem. Work 7 rows even. Rep the last 8 rows once more—114 sts rem. Work dec row, then work 5 rows even—112 sts rem. Rep the last 6 rows 2 more times—108 sts rem. Work dec row, then work 3 rows even—106 sts rem. Rep the last 4 rows 6 more times—94 sts rem. Work dec row every RS row 9 times, then work 1 more WS row even, ending with Row 106 of chart—76 sts rem; piece should measure about 18¾" (47.5 cm) from CO.

Shape shoulders: BO 6 sts at beg of next 6 rows, then BO 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows, ending with Row 114 of chart—30 sts rem. BO all sts.

A change of scale can make an “old” pattern “new.”


CO 118 sts and work twisted rib for 1" (2.5 cm) as for back. Following Front chart (see page 71), work as for back, including shaping, until Row 76 of Front chart has been completed—100 sts rem. Mark center 14 sts for neck placement.

Shape neck: (RS, Row 77 of chart) Dec 1 st at beg of row as established, work to marked center sts, join new yarn, BO center 14 sts, work in patt to last 3 sts, dec 1 st at end of row as established—42 sts at each side. Working each side separately, cont working side shaping, and at the same time dec 1 st at each neck edge every 4 rows 8 times, and also at the same time, beg with Row 107 of chart, BO 6 sts at each shoulder 3 times, then BO 5 sts once.


Lightly steam-block pieces. With red threaded on a tapestry needle, add diagonal lines with duplicate stitch (see Glossary, page 150). With dark olive threaded on a tapestry needle, sew side and shoulder seams.

Collar: With dark olive at beg at lower right corner of front neck, pick up and knit 38 sts to shoulder seam, 29 sts across back neck, and 38 sts to lower left corner of front neck; do not pick up across the 14 sts bound off for center front—105 sts total. Work twisted rib until collar measure 3" (7.5 cm), ending with a WS row. Work short rows (see Glossary, page 154) as foll:

Short-Rows 1 and 2: Work in patt to last 10 sts, wrap next st, turn—1 wrapped st at each end after completing Short-Row 2.

Short-Rows 3–16: Work to 5 sts before previous wrapped st, wrap next st, turn—8 wrapped sts at each end after completing Short-Row 16.

Work 2 rows in twisted rib across all sts, working wraps tog with wrapped sts on the first row. Change to red and work 1 row in twisted rib. BO all sts loosely with red in k1, p1 rib (do not twist sts as you BO). Sew selvedge of left collar to bound-off sts at center front neck. Overlap right collar over left, and sew selvedge of right collar to center front. Weave in loose ends.