- Aaviksoo, Jaak, 347
- ability, rewarding, 329–30
- abiogenesis, 30–1
- accent, discrimination, 94
- accumulated wisdom, 113–19
- ad hominem, 82–3
- Adams, John Quincy, 341
- adaptability, 332–3
- adaptive evolutionary systems, 86–8
- adjacent possibilities (A), COMPASS, 155–6, 315
- adolescence, 169–70
- affirmative action, 360–1
- Afghanistan, lessons from, 191–5
- Africa
- Africa, studying intelligence in, 109–13
- Agricultural Revolution, 164
- agriculture, 48–50
- Alexander the Great, 346
- algorithms, 87, 89, 117, 258–9, 337, 343, 347, 349, 368
- Alphabet, 287, 363
- AlphaGo, 369
- AlShebli, Bedoor, 321
- Amazon, 287, 298
- Amazon Web Services (AWS), 58, 287
- American Dream, 358
- American Psychological Association, 102, 104
- Andalusi, Said al-, 66
- Angola, 109–13
- Ankh-Morpork see melting pot model
- Antony and Cleopatra, 152
- apes, studying, 71–5
- apple pie, making, 142
- Araud, Gérard, 241
- arbitrage, 151
- aristocracy see entrepreneurs
- arriéré, 99
- Arthur Andersen, 330
- artificial intelligence (AI), 366–71
- Asian Tigers, 315
- ‘Association between Early Career Informal Mentorship in Academic Collaborations and Junior Author Performance’, 321
- ATP, 31
- Australia, 149, 235
- Australian Cultural Orientation (AUSCO) Program, 249–50
- Austria, 174
- Azerbaijan, 236
- Baby Boomers, 311
- Back to the Future (film), 318
- bags, 35–6
- Bahrami-Rad, Duman, 255
- Baldwin, James, 176–8
- Baldwinian process, 176–7
- barbarians, 65–7, 138
- batteries of life, 31–2
- Battle of Dimawe, 255
- Beauchamp, Jonathan P., 255
- Beck, Sarah, 113–14
- Becker, Anke, 175
- Belgium, 174
- Bell Curve, The (Murray), 105
- Benedict, Ruth, 69
- Benjamin, case study, 286–7
- Bergstrom, Carl, 370
- Berners-Lee, Tim, 38
- Bezos, Jeff, 284, 287, 292, 294–5, 297
- biases, 75, 81, 122, 124, 188, 196, 216, 238, 322, 326, 331, 340
- Biden, Joe, 191, 193
- Biles, Simone, 341
- Binet, Alfred, 99
- Binet-Simon test, 99–100
- biology, history of, 17
- Bitcoin, 277–8
- Bitcoin Genesis Block, 278–9
- ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’ (Nakamoto), 277
- Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME), 133, 138
- Black Death, 53
- Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), 133, 138
- blood sports, 200–1
- Blueprint (Plomin), 105
- Boas, Franz, 67–9
- Bolt, Usain, 341
- bootstrapping problem, 176
- Born Rich (film), 335
- Botswana
- brains
- collective brains, 52–3, 82, 86, 141, 148, 161, 182, 205, 214, 269, 282, 316, 337, 344, 374
- cultural brain hypothesis (CBH), 164–70
- head size and, 167–8
- individual brains, 344–5
- large brains, 79, 82, 163–4
- Brandeis, Louis, 263
- Bregman, Rutger, 223, 299–300
- Brexit, 215
- bridges, 154
- brightness
- Brin, Sergey, 38, 89, 287
- Britain, 87, 148–9, 195, 260, 311, 313, 353, 357, 373
- Brexit and, 215
- civilizations and barbarians, 66
- geographical distance of, 235
- last of the hominins, 38
- Norway versus, 220–9
- reversing aristocracy of, 299
- Sandline Affair and, 3–4
- Slavery Abolition Act in, 307
- start-up cities, 268
- taxing unproductive money in, 305
- wealth appropriation and, 288–92
- Buchanan, Pat, 265
- Buddhism, 199
- Buffett, Warren, 302
- Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, 22–3
- Burghers, 134–5
- Burke, Robert, 70
- calculus, term, 143–4
- Cambrian Explosion, 35
- Canada, 14, 142, 235, 312
- cane toads, 22–3
- Capital in the Twenty-first Century (Picketty), 298
- capitalism
- carbon dioxide (CO2), 33
- Carlson, Tucker, 223
- Carnegie, Andrew, 327
- carrying capacity, 164
- cell-eat-cell world, 33–4
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 188
- cesareans, 166–70
- Chain, Ernst, 147
- Chan, Julius, 4
- Charlotte Opportunity Initiative Collaboration, 365–6
- chemistry, history of, 17
- Chesterton, G. K., 276
- Chetty, Raj, 365
- children, 164, 198, 208, 217, 230, 262, 297, 302, 335, 340
- in ancient society, 86–8
- brightness and, 344, 346, 351–4, 357–60, 365–6, 368, 381
- child support, 170–1
- cooperative child-rearing, 178–9
- crows and, 113–14
- cultural diffusion of literacy, 122
- in cultures of intelligence, 106–13
- developmental delays in, 126–7
- in Estonia, 149
- finger counting and, 115–16
- in hunter-gatherer societies, 158
- immigrant children, 93–4
- information grandmother hypothesis, 179–80
- inheriting intelligence, 98
- IQ tests and, 101–2, 107
- in loving families, 184–5
- Norway versus Britain, 224, 227–9
- OECD testing, 129
- pastoralism, 175
- performing against chimps, 71–5
- traditional marriages and, 172
- in Uzbekistan, 85
- Chile, 216
- chimpanzees
- China, 16, 363, 369–71, 380
- Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 262–3
- Chinese Exclusion Act, 231
- chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 7
- Christendom, 106
- Christian IV of Denmark, 309
- Christianity, 199, 274
- civilized, 65–7
- coal, 9, 29, 39, 41–5, 60, 202, 221, 224–5, 229, 313
- collapse, potential for, 213–18
- collective brain thinking (C), COMPASS, 146–8
- collective brain see innovation
- COMPASS, 352
- control systems, 7–8
- cooking, 48–9
- cooperation
- cooperation, law of, 26, 51–6, 26
- cooperative child-rearing, 178–9
- corruption, 189, 237–
- counting, 143–5
- COVID-19, 231
- Cowen, Tyler, 58
- CrashCourse (YouTube series), 359
- Creating Moves to Opportunity (CMTO), 365
- crime, committing, 237–8
- CRISPR, 316
- cronyism, 189
- crows, experiments involving, 113–14
- cryptocurrency, 277, 280–1
- crystallized intelligence, 104–5
- cultural anthropologists, 69
- cultural brain hypothesis (CBH), 164–70
- cultural evolution, 51, 122, 159, 169, 180, 224, 233
- adaptive evolutionary systems and, 87–8
- brightness and, 348, 368, 376, 382
- cultural reasoning and, 81, 84
- defining, 18, 20
- evolution of, 78–9
- governance and, 266–7, 276
- Internet and, 335–6, 341, 343
- of mating practices, 173
- punctuated innovation and, 318–31
- strategic copying, 90–1
- cultural fixation index (CFst), 235
- cultural inheritance, 77–8
- cultural learning, 146, 368
- cultural-group selection, 195–7, 205, 224, 260, 266–7, 276, 301, 326
- culture cultural evolution, 78–9
- culture-gene co-evolution, 18, 136, 177
- culture, being created by, 162–3
- Cunningham, Ward, 317
- Cunningham's Law, 317
- Czechia, 174
- Daily Show, The, 241
- DALL-E 2, 370
- Darwin, Charles, 56–7, 69, 97
- Darwin, Erasmus, 97
- Davis, Helen Elizabeth, 85, 112
- Dawkins, Richard, 185, 330–1
- death taxes, 225; see also inheritance taxes
- decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), 277, 279, 281
- Declaration of Independence, US, 341
- Deep Blue, 369
- democracy by assent, 262
- democracy by selection, 262
- democracy, defining, 261–7
- demographic swamping, 196
- Denisovans, 37
- Denmark, 174, 357, 358
- Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 69
- digital interfaces, 276
- digital money, 277–82
- dinosaurs, 36
- direct competition, 196
- direct reciprocity, 186–7
- Discord, 157
- diversity, 87
- cultural diversity, 133, 216, 229, 248, 332
- ethnic diversity, 321–2
- genetic diversity, 37, 132–3
- magpie strategy, 150–3
- paradox of, 153–5
- resolving paradox of, 230–9
- structuring, 332–3
- superficial diversity, 332
- Dolezal, Rachel, 131
- domestication, 48–50
- dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), 118
- downstream effects, 359–64
- dual inheritance theory, 18
- Dutch, 134–5
- Dyson, Freeman, 59–60
- Edison, Thomas, 145
- Edison & Swan United Electric Light Company (Ediswan), 145–6
- education
- brightness and, 346–50, 352, 355–9, 362–3, 366
- as form of cultural diversity, 248
- formal education, 85, 107, 111, 158, 346
- public education, 355, 359
- skill boosters and, 327
- systems of, 85, 107, 149, 349
- wealth and, 294–96
- Egypt, 236
- Einsteinian physics, 14–15
- emergency instrumental interventions, 168
- encephalization
- End of History and the Last Man, The (Fukuyama), 261
- energy, 1–3
- Energy and the English Industrial Revolution (Wrigley), 43
- energy ceiling
- energy return on investment (EROI), 178, 202–5, 215, 217, 225, 229, 299, 312, 313, 318, 375
- energy revolution, 318
- energy slaves, 296
- energy, law of, 25, 41–8
- Enlightenment, 53, 97, 157, 202, 209, 260
- Enron Corporation, 330–1
- Enron effects, avoiding, 330–1
- enthymemes, 83–6
- entrepreneurs, 292–6
- Estonia, 149, 347–50
- ethnicity, 135, 207, 222, 227, 246, 248, 362
- eugenes, 98
- eugenics, 97–9
- eukaryotes, 33–4
- Euler's identity, 144
- euphemism treadmill, 100
- Eurasia, 13, 21, 37, 137, 204, 224
- European Medicines Agency (EMA), 188
- everyday, laws of life in, 27–9
- everything, brief history of
- bags and tubes, 35–6
- batteries of life, 31–2
- beginning of life, 30–1
- dinosaurs, 36
- eukaryotes, 33–4
- Great Oxygenation Event, 32–3
- introduction, 30
- joy of sex, 34–5
- Neolithic, 37–8
- rise of humans, 37
- evolution, law of, 267, 56–8
- evolutionary rationality, 81–2
- evolvability, 332–3
- exponential functions, understanding, 127–8
- extended evolutionary synthesis, 18
- ‘eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth’ see direct reciprocity
- Facebook, 157, 258, 317, 336
- families, 184–6
- famous-for-being-famous phenomenon, 89
- fear of missing out (FOMO), 335
- females
- FIFA World Cup, 240, 244
- Financial Times, 290
- finger counting
- Finland, 358
- First Amendment, US Constitution, 323
- First World War, 102
- 5S strategy, 159–61
- Fleming, Alexander, 146–7
- Florey, Howard, 147
- fluid intelligence, 104–5
- Flynn effect, 120, 138, 345
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 188
- Forsyth, Mark, 93, 152
- fossil fuels, 40, 45, 45–6
- foundations, 300, 302
- four Fs of life, 1
- FOXP2, gene, 177
- France, 174, 241–2
- Franklin, Benjamin, 128
- Franklin, John, 70
- free speech, unfettered, 319–26
- Freeman, Clinton, 351
- Friedman, Milton, 305
- Frijters, Paul, 252
- Fukuyama, Francis, 261
- Fuller, Buckminster, 28
- Galef, Bennett, 74
- Galton, Francis, 97–8
- Gandhi, Mahatma, 186
- Gates, Bill, 64, 287, 294–5, 297, 302
- gender wage gap, 319–20
- generalization, 232, 351, 362–3
- generative pretrained transformer (GPT), 370
- genetic differences, populations, 130–40
- genetic information, 77
- Genghis Khan, 329
- geniuses, 355–7
- George, Henry, 303–4, 309
- Germany, 174
- Giving Pledge, 302
- global positioning system (GPS), 80
- Goldilocks zone, 78–9
- Goodyear, Charles, 151
- Google, 33, 89, 141, 151, 230, 257, 268–9, 287, 324
- Gore, Al, 6–7, 265, 373
- Gould, Stephen Jay, 283
- governance
- grandparents, 179–80
- Great Britain, 235
- Great Convergence, 204
- Great Divergence, 204
- Great Leap Forward, 271
- Great Oxygenation Event, 32–3
- Great Stagnation, 59, 214, 312, 316–18, 347, 369
- greater male variability hypothesis, 126–130
- Green Revolution, 29, 50–1, 52, 164, 316
- Green, John, 359
- greenhouse gases, 32–3
- GREs, 122–3
- gross domestic product (GDP), 252
- Grosvenor Estate, 290
- Grosvenor, Gerald, 290
- Gutenberg, Johannes, 146, 155–6
- Guugu Ymithirr, 118
- Haji, Nafisa, 195
- Haldane, J. B. S., 185
- Hall, Charles, 42–3, 375
- Hamilton, Bill, 185
- Harari, Yuval, 201
- Hardin, Garrett, 182, 207–9
- Hawaiian pizza, 150
- Hayek, Friedrich, 305
- heads, size of, 166–70
- Heine, Steve, 8
- Henrich, Joseph, 71, 255
- Henry George theorem, 305
- Hereditary Genius (Galton), 98
- ‘Hereditary Talent and Character’ (Galton), 98
- heritability, 357
- Herrnstein, Richard, 105
- Heywood, Jamie, 159–61
- Himba, people, 85–6, 109–13
- Hinduism, 199
- Hinton, Geoffrey, 367
- His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC), 237
- Hitler, Adolf, 89–90
- Hobbes, Thomas, 213
- hominins, last of, 37–8
- Homo economicus, 80
- Homo sapiens, 1, 9–10, 22, 36, 71, 134
- Hong Kong, 194, 268–70, 315
- Horner, Victoria, 72
- hot-or-not judgement, 90
- Housing and Development Board, Singapore, 309
- Hubbert, M. King, 40
- humanity, reuniting
- humans
- adaptive evolutionary systems, 86–8
- apes and, 71–5
- barbarians and, 65–7
- civilized and, 65–7
- cultural evolution, 78–9
- cultural reasoning and, 80–6
- culture creating, 162–80
- illusion of explanatory depth, 75–6
- innovation (collective brain), 141–61
- intelligence obsession, 97–140
- knowledge founts, 77–8
- learning strategies of, 88–92
- primitive peoples, 67–70
- rational animals, 70–1
- religions, 92–6
- rise of, 37
- social learning strategies, 93–6
- strategic coping, 90–2
- hunter-gatherers, 49, 107, 202, 206, 316
- Hussain, Hasib, 5
- Hussein, Saddam, 269–70
- hydro, 45
- illusion of explanatory depth, 75–6
- Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 347
- immigrants, 150, 226, 231–4, 237–8, 245–6, 248, 252
- impartiality, 190–5
- incentive audits, 339–41
- Inconvenient Truth, An (film), 6–7, 373
- indirect reciprocity, 187
- individual learning, 78–79, 368
- Indonesia, 236
- Industrial Revolution, 38, 39, 50, 53, 108, 158, 206, 209, 214, 224, 260, 316, 317, 333, 343, 346
- inequality
- information grandmother hypothesis, 179–80
- inheritance taxes, 296–303
- innovation
- 5S strategy, 159–61
- COMPASS, 145–59
- counting and, 143–5
- cultural evolution creating, 318–33
- Great Stagnation and, 316–18
- introduction, 141
- introduction to, 314–16
- law of, 25–6, 48–51
- making apple pie, 142–3
- institutional punishment, 187–9
- integration, challenges of, 220–9
- intellectual arbitrage, 51
- intellectual property (IP), 328–9
- intelligence
- accumulated wisdom, 113–19
- culture-free IQ test, 101–2
- cultures of, 106–13
- cultures of intelligence and, 106–13
- education affecting, 106–13
- eugenics, 97–9
- facts, 104–6
- grab bag of concepts in, 101
- heritability, 121–3
- higher heritability, 123–4
- intelligence-IQ contrast, 102–4
- introducing Intelligence Quotient, 100–1
- introduction to, 97–9
- measuring, 99–104
- origins of, 99–100
- Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
- intergenerational elasticity of income (IGE), 358
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 7
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 237
- Internet, 106, 157, 159, 179–80, 209, 230 272, 276, 20
- Interstellar (film), 80
- Inuit, 68–9
- Iranian Revolution, 312
- Iraq, 269–70
- Islam, 199, 274
- Jackson, Andrew, 341
- Japan, 272–3
- Jetsons, The, 318
- Jinping, Xi, 262
- Johnson, Jamie, 335
- Jones, Steve, 257
- Jordan, 236
- Judaism, 93
- Kahneman, Daniel, 81–2, 151
- kaizen, 272, 328
- Kant, Immanuel, 202
- Kasparov, Garry, 369
- Kauffman, Stuart, 156
- kgotla, 254
- Khan, Mohammad Sidique, 5
- Khasi, people, 174
- Kipling, Rudyard, 67
- Klerk, F. W. de, 5
- Knight, Phil, 91
- knowledge, founts of, 77–8
- Koch, Charles, 285
- Kochtopus, 294
- König, Peter, 118
- Krugman, Paul, 305
- Kunene River, 109
- land value tax
- land, valuing, 308–11
- Landlord's Game, 303; see also Monopoly (game)
- language, 176–8
- laws of life, 20
- brief history of everything, 30–8
- cooperation and, 205–9
- energy ceiling, 38–58
- in everyday, 27–9
- introduction to, 21–2
- law of cooperation, 26
- law of energy, 25
- law of evolution, 27
- law of innovation, 25–6
- new energy sources, 58–60
- nuclear energy, 60–4
- TOTTEE genre, 21–2
- ultimate explanations, 22–7
- learning strategies, 88–92
- Liberia, 191
- life experience, 77
- Life (magazine), 367
- light bulb, inventing, 145–6
- Lincoln, Abraham, 377
- Lindsay, Germaine, 5
- Little Britain (TV show), 256–7
- Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans (Plutarch), 152
- Loftus, Elizabeth, 117
- long peace, 200–5
- loopholes, 184, 227, 237, 300, 302
- Luria, Alexander, 85, 112
- McDonald's, 151, 244
- machine learning, 366–71
- McKinsey, Adam, 362
- McLean, Malcolm, 314
- Madison, James, 148, 341
- Magie, Lizzie, 303–4
- magpie strategy (M), COMPASS, 150–3
- Makovi, Kinga, 321
- males
- Malthus, Thomas, 40, 57–8
- marriages, traditional, 172–3
- Marshall Plan, 331
- Marx, Karl, 304
- matriarchy, 173–5
- Maxwell, James Clerk, 16
- Mead, Margaret, 69
- mechanism of cooperation
- median household outcome, 139
- melting pot model, 244–6
- meritocracy, 296–7, 329–30
- Merkel, Angela, 248
- messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), 80
- methane (CH4), 33
- Microsoft, 287, 332, 363
- Microsoft Academic Graph, 321–2
- migration, 37, 132, 134, 137–8, 196, 231–3, 237–42, 244, 247–9, 264, 274
- Mill, John Stuart, 297, 319
- Minsky, Marvin, 366–7
- misinformation, 87, 230, 317, 322, 325–6, 334
- Modern Synthesis, 69–70
- Mohammad, Abdul, 362
- monogamy, 172–3
- Monopoly (game), 303–4
- Monroe, James, 341
- Montenegro, 174
- Moon, Debbie, 270
- Morris, Ian, 204
- Mosuo solution, 171
- Mugabe, Robert, 253
- Munroe, Randall, 317
- Murdoch, Rupert, 292
- Murray, Cameron, 252
- Murray, Charles, 105
- Musk, Elon, 89, 275, 284, 287–8, 294–5, 325, 354
- Muslims
- Nadella, Satya, 267
- Nader, Ralph, 265
- Nakamoto, Satoshi, 277–9
- Namibia, 109–13
- Namibian Association of Norway (NAMAS), 110
- Nash equilibrium, 183–4
- nation-state, 275–6
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 131
- National Health Service (NHS), 225
- natural selection, theory of, 15, 57, 69, 78, 185
- Naturalization Act, 133
- Nature Communications (journal), 321–2
- Nazis, 99
- Neanderthals, 37
- Neolithic, 37–8
- neoteny, 169–70
- nepotism, 189, 255
- Netherlands, 174
- neural networks, 367
- neutrinos, 16–17
- ‘New Methods for the Diagnosis of the Intellectual Level of Subnormals’, 99–100
- New York Times, 231, 259, 298, 338, 369
- New Zealand, 235
- Newtonian physics, 14–15
- Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary see chimpanzees, experiments involving
- Nielsen, Mark, 114
- 1971, wealth during, 231–3
- Nisbett, Richard, 104
- no hyphen model, 241–2
- Noah, Trevor, 241
- Nobel Prize, 80–1, 151, 207, 305
- noble lie, 322
- North Africa, 241–2, 346
- North, Thomas, 152
- North Sea, 220–9
- Northern Regional Research Lab, 147
- Norway, 357
- nuclear fission, 60–3
- nuclear fusion, 62–4
- number line, 144
- Nye, Joseph, 240
- Obama, Barack, 89, 131
- off the beaten path (O), COMPASS, 148–9
- oil, discovery of, 43
- Oljefondet, 220–1
- On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 69, 97–8
- One Thing That Explains Everything, The (TOTTEE), 21–2
- Opportunity Insights, Harvard, 365–6
- opportunity, distributing, 355–7
- optimal acculturation
- optimal assimilation, 154
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 129
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 44, 312
- Ostrom, Elinor, 207
- oxygen, 32–3
- Ozawa, Takao, 133
- Page, Larry, 38, 89, 287
- Pakistan, 236
- Panopoulous, Sam, 150
- Papua New Guinea (PNG), 3–4
- paradox of diversity (P) COMPASS, 153–55
- pastoralism, 175
- patent laws see intellectual property (IP)
- patriarchy, origins of, 173–5
- pay-off biases, 337–8
- peer punishment see direct reciprocity
- penicillin, 146–7
- personal protective equipment (PPE), 231
- Phelps, Michael, 90–1
- photosynthesis, 32
- physical, mentalizing, 115–16
- physics, history of, 14–16
- Picketty, Thomas, 298
- pigmentation politics, 133
- Pinker, Steven, 100, 130, 140, 201
- Pirsig, Robert, 219
- Plato, 322, 346
- Plomin, Robert, 105
- plowing, 174–5
- Poincaré, Henri, 14
- policies, innovation applied to, 318–19
- Polk, James K., 341
- polygyny threshold model, 172–3
- population differences, intelligence, 130–40
- Portman Estates, 290
- Portman, William, 290
- positive eugenics, 99
- positive-sum conditions, 53
- Postel's Law, 324
- potential, maximizing, 357–66
- Powell, Enoch, 226–7
- power plants, EROI for, 46
- ‘Preeminence of Ethnic Diversity in Scientific Collaboration, The’, 321–2
- premature babies, 170–1
- prestige-biased cultural group selection, 196–7
- primates, studying see apes, studying
- primitive peoples, 67–70
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 360
- programmable politics
- Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 129
- Progressive Matrices IQ test, 101–2
- Project Aristotle, 324
- proliferation, 62
- property rights, 51, 306
- prospect theory, 81
- Public Health England, 188
- public school, term, 228
- Putin, Vladimir, 200, 223, 284
- race, 94, 98, 130–3, 135, 138, 202, 207, 227, 241, 296, 306
- racial categorization, 133–34
- Rahwan, Talal, 321
- Ramakrishnan, Venki, 353
- rational animals, 70–1
- Raven, John, 101–2
- Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices, 111
- Rawls, John, 310
- reciprocal altruism see direct reciprocity
- Reddit, 157, 257, 336, 337
- regulation, 62
- religion
- reputation, improving, 338–9
- resource curse, 222
- resource hex, 222
- retard, term, 100
- Rigged: How Networks of Powerful Mates Rip Off Everyday Australians (Murray), 252
- Ritchie, Stuart, 109
- robustness principle, 324
- Roman Catholic Church, 7, 332–3
- Romans, 66–7, 148–9
- Romney, Mitt, 301
- Rosling, Hans, 201
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 213
- Roxbury Rubber Company, 151
- rule of law, 190–5
- runaway cultural evolution, 376
- Russia 244
- Sadow, Bernard, 35
- Sagan, Carl, 141
- St Andrews, Scotland, studies at see chimpanzees, experiments involving
- Sandline Affair, 3–4
- SATs, 122–3
- Schaller, Mark, 8
- Schimmelpfennig, Robin, 202
- Schnell, Eric, 202
- schools, 144, 179, 190, 280, 295, 336
- brightness and, 345–8, 351, 353, 355, 359–61
- heritability and, 123
- as human universal, 345–6
- introducing, 85
- IQ and, 107–14
- magpies and, 151–2
- private schools, 228–9, 295
- publicly funded schools, 55
- in suboptimal local equilibria, 355
- Schulz, Jonathan, 255
- Schumpeter, Joseph, 285
- science of us, studying, 13–18, 20
- science, censoring, 230–1
- Science (journal), 71, 182, 184
- Scientific Revolution, 53
- Second Enlightenment, 256–60, 316–17, 343
- Second Industrial Revolution, 317
- Second World War, 224–5, 290
- Secret of Our Success, The (Henrich), 159
- securitized reputations, 338
- selection, 87
- selective, assortative migration, 196
- self-similarity, 342–3
- Selfish Gene, The (Dawkin), 331
- sex differences, intelligence, 124–30
- sex, explanation for, 23, 25
- sex, joy of, 34–5
- sexual norms, 170–1
- Shakespeare, William, 151–3
- sharia, 192
- sharing is critical (S), COMPASS, 158–9
- shuhari, 273
- Silicon Valley, 76, 88, 145–6, 160, 267–8, 272, 327–9
- Simon, Herbert, 80–1
- Simon, Théodore, 99
- simulators, minds as, 117–19
- Singapore, 235–6, 240, 268, 269–70, 315, 352
- Skate, Bill, 4
- skill boosters, 327
- Skilling, Jeffrey, 330
- Skinner, B. F., 77
- slavery, 245, 296, 306–9, 319, 374
- Slavery Abolition Act, 307
- small modular reactor designs (SMRs), 62
- Smil, Vaclav, 29
- social beats smart (S), COMPASS, 156–8
- social brain hypothesis, 163
- social learning, 71, 79, 86–7, 166–7, 326, 334
- social media, improving, 335
- Socrates, 346
- Solow, Robert, 209
- Soroban abacus, 115–16, 120
- Sound Taxes, 309
- South Africa, 4–6
- South Asia, 362–3
- South Korea, 194–5
- Spain, 174
- specialization, 154
- Sri Lanka, 4
- StackOverflow, 317
- standardized container, 315–16
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, 100
- Staphylococcus aureus, 147
- start-up cities, 268–75, 352
- steel-manning, 324
- Stern, William, 100
- Stiglitz, Joseph, 305
- strategic coping, 90–2
- Stroop effect, 118–19
- Substack, 157, 337, 338
- Summers, Larry, 127
- super-ethnic, 199
- sustainably managed migration, 247–53
- Swan, Joseph, 145
- Switzerland, 174
- System 2, 82
- Taiwan, 216
- Takao Ozawa v United States, 133
- Tangen, Nicolai, 223
- Tanweer, Shehzad, 5
- Tasmania, 157
- Taylor, Zachary, 341
- ‘Teaching Kids Real Math with Computers’, TED Talk, 349
- team of teams approach, 266–7
- tent school, 110
- Terman, Lewis, 100
- Tertullian, 92
- Thaler, Richard, 81
- theory of everyone
- brightness, 344–72
- collapse, 213–18
- conclusion, 373–8
- cooperation, 181–217
- creative explosion, 314–33
- defining, 20
- governance, 261–82
- human animals, 65–96
- human brains, 162–80
- improving Internet, 334–43
- inequality, 283–313
- innovation (collective brain), 141–61
- intelligence obsession, 97–140
- introduction to, 13–20
- laws of life and, 21–64
- reuniting humanity, 219–60
- Thind, Bhagat Singh, 133
- Thorpe, Ian, 91
- three Rs, 347
- Tiger Leap Foundation (Tiigrihüpe), 347–50
- TikTok, 114, 159, 258–9, 317, 336
- Toyota Way, 50transmission, 87–8
- Transparency International, 110
- Trompenaars, Fons, 190
- Trump, Donald, 258, 294, 343
- Trump, Ivanka, 335
- trusts, 290–1, 301, 308
- tubes, 35–6
- Tucker-Drob, Elliot, 109
- Tversky, Amos, 81, 151
- Twitter, 89, 157, 317, 336, 363
- Tyler, John, 341
- Tylor, Edward Burnett, 67
- Uber, 159–61
- ultimate explanations, systems-level, 22–7
- umbrella model, 246–8
- United Kingdom, 312, 357, 359
- United States, 149, 174, 312, 357, 359
- Afghanistan and, 191–5
- cultural fixation index (CFst) and, 235–7
- diversity distribution on, 332–3
- Gettysburg address, 377
- heritability in, 123–4
- Housing Choice Voucher Program, 365
- land value tax in, 305–8
- liberal democracy in, 261–4
- math SAT scores in, 360
- median wealth in, 283–4
- melting pot model in, 244–6
- minimum wage in, 284–5
- Opportunity Insights, 365–6
- regional differences in, 234
- unfettered free speech, 319–26
- United States v Bhagat Singh Thind, 133
- unproductive money, taxing, 303–11; see also land value tax
- upstream differences, 359–65
- US Immigration Act, 231–2
- Wallace, David Foster, 1
- wantrepreneurs, 273
- Warren, Elizabeth, 131
- Washington Post, 259, 292, 338
- Washington, George, 341
- wealth
- Webster, Noah, 149
- Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD), 67, 90, 104, 106, 111, 172, 183, 188, 294–5, 256, 262, 270, 281, 341, 351
- White Man's Burden (Kipling), 67
- Whiten, Andrew, 72
- Wikipedia, 157, 317
- Wills, William, 70
- Wilson, E. O., 213
- Wolfram, Conrad, 349
- Wolfram, Stephen, 349
- Woon, Wei Lee, 321
- World Economic Forum, 299
- World Wide Web, 38
- Wrigley, Tony, 43