
2001: A Space Odyssey: 117, 195, 218, 220n14

Acheron (river): 90, 227228

Achilles: 23, 161, 165, 167, 169172, 174175, 180, 182, 219, 247, 263, 266, 269271, 273278

Aeneas: 66, 76, 8487, 89, 99, 101, 253n22

Aeolus: 8889, 221

Aeschylus: (Prometheus Bound) 1

Agamemnon: 167, 172, 241n88, 268271, 273

alien(s) (generic): 35, 112, 132, 200201, 204, 206, 209n27, 210212, 215, 220, 251;

    (belonging to Alien series): 222223, 227241

Alien: see “Scott, Ridley”

Alien Resurrection: see “Jeunet, Jean–Pierre”

Aliens: 223n25

Alien3: 222, 223n23

alternate history: 324

Amalthea: 230231

Amazons: 10n15

America and/as Rome: 23, 145160, 281306

American Revolution: 300

anagnôrisis (‘recognition’): 130, 140

Anchises: 66, 76, 84n23, 86, 9899, 101

‘ancient astronaut’ theory / gods as aliens: 206210

android(s): 177, 180, 189193, 235n68, 236237

Antigonus I Monophthalmus: 319

Aphrodite (see also “Venus”): 204, 208, 246, 251n19

Apollo: 136, 199200, 206211, 215, 246, 248, 251, 270;

    (allusions to) 159, 246;

    (in BSG, Arrow of) 243244, 249, 253

Apollonius of Rhodes: (Argonautica) 182184

Apuleius: 110;

    (Metamorphoses) 84n24, 114

Aratus: (Phaenomena) 229n43, 230n48, 230n50

Ares (see also “Mars”): 152, 246, 251n19

Aristotle: 41, 57n34, 210;

    (Poetics) 2122, 124126, 129132, 137, 140, 162n2

Artemis: 246247

artificial intelligence: 177, 189n36, 195n45, 229, 235, 245

artificial life: 21, 73, 177180, 182, 184, 187189, 191, 194196

Asclepius: 246, 257n32

Asimov, Isaac: (David Starr: Space Ranger) 219n10;

    (Foundation trilogy/series) 7, 195n45, 315316, 320321

astronomy, the new: 32, 36, 3839

ataraxia (‘calmness’): 6264

Athena (see also “Minerva”): 6n8, 23, 199, 229, 231, 238, 239n82, 240, 246247;

    (epiphany of) 266, 268278;

    (allusions to) 248;

    (in BSG, Tomb of) 253

Athenaeus: 324

Atomic Age: 147, 150

atomism: 47, 5164, 65n51, 66

Atwood, Margaret: (Penelopiad) 219n10, 240n83

Auriga (constellation): 228231

Auriga (ship): 222223, 228235, 237, 240

Aurora: 246

Avernus: 83n21

Back to the Future: 323

Battlestar Galactica (2003–2009 series): 22, 74, 166, 243259;

    (“Bastille Day”) 246;

    (“Daybreak, Part I”) 256;

    (“Daybreak, Part II”) 254, 256258;

    (“Escape Velocity”) 257n32;

    (“Exodus, Part I”) 247;

    (“Flesh and Bone”) 247;

    (“Home, Part II”) 253;

    (“Kobol’s Last Gleaming, Part I”) 243, 249, 253;

    (“Kobol’s Last Gleaming, Part II”) 243244;

    (“Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I”) 255;

    (Miniseries) 255n27;

    (“The Passage”) 246n8;

    (“Precipice”) 248;

    (“Torn”) 248;

    (other related series) 246n7

Baudrillard, Jean: see “simulacrum”

Bellerophon: 212, 229, 230n48, 232

Bellerophon (ship in Forbidden Planet): 8, 127, 134

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure: 8n11, 10n14

Bion: (Death of Adonais) 204205, 208

blood sport (see also “gladiator(s)”): 287

Bradbury, Ray: (Fahrenheit 451) 8n11;

    (“A Story of Thunder”) 322

Brahe, Tycho: 3233

British Empire: 118, 300

Bronze Age (myth of): 152, 154, 155, 320

Byatt, A. S.: (The Children’s Book) 88n36

Byron, Lord: 5051;

    (Beppo) 81n16

Caesar, Julius: 6365, 66n53, 113, 281, 300, 324, 325n19;

    (De Bello Gallico) 317n10

Caligula (film): 289

Calvino, Italo: 43, 224

Calypso: 221222, 233

Capella (star): 230

catasterism: 229

Catholic Church: 13, 23, 155, 307308, 324

Catullus: 95n47, 125n8

centaurs: 10n15, 237

Cerebus (comic): 313

Charybdis: 226

Cherry 2000: 8n10

Chimera: 188

Christianity: 23, 207n22, 255, 307325

Chwast, Seymour: (Odyssey) 219n10

Cicero: 38;

    (De Divinatione) 70;

    (De Natura Deorum) 70;

    (De Optimo Genere) 225n31;

    (Pro Rege Deiotaro) 288

Circe: 221, 226n36

Clarke, Arthur C.: 112, 117, 132n7, 195, 218

Clarke’s Third Law: 132n7, 206, 212

Coleridge, Samuel: (“The Nightingale”) 96n48

Collins, Suzanne: (The Hunger Games trilogy) 23, 157n13, 280306

Collodi, Carlo: (The Adventures of Pinocchio) 108n16

comics/comic strips/comic books: 23, 108, 219n10, 224, 245, 267, 307n1, 308312, 313n7

Constantine: 23, 307325

Copernicus: 30, 31n7, 36, 3839;

    (De Revolutionibus) 38

Copernicanism: 2930, 37n31, 4143, 251n18

cosmogonies: 152

Cowper, William: (“Boadicea: An Ode”) 113114

Creusa: 87n34, 99, 101, 208

cryptogram: 8082

cyborg(s): 10n15, 12n17, 14, 177178, 180n10, 187n31, 188, 196

Cyclops / Cyclopes (see also “Polyphemus”): 89n37, 159, 181, 219, 221222, 226n36, 238242;

    (Cyclopean masonry) 158

Cylons: 7n11, 243244, 246, 248, 252253, 255258

Cypria: 170n33

daemon / daimon: 31, 3435, 44, 47n3, 62, 6768, 70

Dante: (Inferno) 4950, 61n42, 83n21, 86n31, 88n36, 95n47, 100n50, 101, 232n61

Dark Ages: 150, 157, 314

Darwin, Charles: 92n40, 116117

Darwin, Erasmus: (The Temple of Nature) 50, 55n31

de Bergerac, Cyrano: (L’autre monde) 106, 111, 113

decadence: 7n11, 245, 258259, 289

Delphi: 248;

    (in BSG, Delphi Museum) 243244

Descartes, René: 195n46

Dick, Philip K.: (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) 21, 177n3, 179, 189191;

    (other novels): 189n36

didactic poems: 50, 55n31, 59, 72, 73n69

didactic readings: 22, 57, 200, 202, 216

Dido: 87, 253n22

Diogenes, Antonius: (The Incredible Wonders Beyond Thule) 109n18, 112n38, 117

Diomedes: 168n26, 172

disability: 21, 176196

Donne, John: 31n8, 36

double: 33, 92, 99n53, 176, 185, 231n58

Doppelgänger: see “double”

Doctor Who: 10n14;

    (“The Sound of Drums”) 193n43

Duracotus: 31, 3334

dystopia: 23, 189, 280, 282283, 287, 289, 297, 302;

    (critical utopia) 282, 298301;

    (“classical” v. critical dystopias) 298

Earthsea: 8n11

ecology: 170, 280

electricity: 3n3, 54, 99

Eliot, T. S.: (What is a Classic?) 101

empathy: 189191, 193, 196

Empedocles: 53n23, 62n45, 119

Endymion: 118

Enlightenment: 50, 163n6

epic, genre of: 7n11, 21, 59, 66, 7273, 7576, 77n4, 8991, 95, 100102, 161175, 203, 217, 265;

    (epic hero) 8391, 98, 102, 208;

    (for Roman epic films, see also “Hollywood”)

Ephialtes and Otos (giants): 61, 64

Epicurus: 56

    Epicureanism: 50, 51n37, 54, 6265, 72, 297

epiphany: 23, 56, 76, 77n4, 9192, 97, 263279

epistemology: 12, 20, 23, 97100, 102

Eratosthenes, Ps.: (Catasterismoi) 229nn4346, 230n51

Erichtho: 47, 50, 6571, 73n68, 102n58

Erichthonius / Erechtheus: 229232, 237

Escape from New York: 319n12

essentialism: 58

estrangement, cognitive: 11, 15, 18, 110, 244245, 256, 258

ethics/ethical thinking: 11, 18n32, 20, 22, 4647, 51n17, 60, 6265, 69, 7173, 199200, 209, 220, 222223, 228, 234240, 308

Etna: 62, 89n37

Euripides: 110;

    (Ion) 229n44

Eurydice: 101

Eusebius: (Life of Constantine) 323

Fama: 17n27

Fantasy (genre): 5, 8, 13, 17n26, 35, 88n36, 110111, 164, 166n19, 167, 175, 218, 251n18

Fellini Satyricon: 288

Fitzgerald, F. Scott: (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) 193n43

Flash Gordon: 219

Forbidden Planet: 8n11, 21, 123144, 148n4, 230n48

Foucault, Michel: 70

Frankenstein, Victor: 3n3, 9, 4748, 54, 58, 6162, 64, 6871

Frankenstein (novel): see “Shelley, Mary”

Franklin, Benjamin: 3

French Revolution: 50

Freud, Sigmund / Freudian theory: vii, 10n14, 92n41, 123126, 128n18, 129n23, 136, 143144

Furies: 69

Futurama: (“Where No Fan Has Gone Before”) 209n27

Galatea: 179, 184187, 195, 222n20, 231n55

Galileo: 36, 4245, 80n12;

    (Dialogue) 44;

    (Sidereus Nuncius) 43

Germanicus: (Aratea) 229n43, 229nn4546, 230n50

Gibbon, Edward: 321

gigantomachy: 6162, 6466

gladiator(s) / gladiatorial combat: 214, 281282, 290297, 302

Gladiator (film): 286

Godwin, Francis: (The Man in the Moone) 21, 31n8, 106, 112, 116, 120

Goethe: 163n6;

    (Faust) 46;

    (Faust II) 50

Golden Age / Saturnian Age: 96, 152154, 209

Golden Maidens of Hephaestus: 179182, 187

Gothic fiction: 163n6

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: 142

Hades (Greek god; see also “Pluto”): 226n36, 240

hamartia (‘mistake’): 132

Hands of Orlac, The: 58n36

Hannibal: 66n53

Haraway, Donna: 10n15, 15n22, 177178, 180n10, 187n31

Hardy, Thomas: (“Neutral Tones”) 95nn4748

Hartley, L. P.: (The Go–Between) 7

Hecate: 69

Hector / Hektor: 168n26, 171n35, 270271, 278

Heinlein, Robert: 322

heliocentrism: 30n4, 37

Hemingway, Ernest: 264

Hephaestus (see also “Vulcan”): 2n2, 6n8, 180182, 186, 210n29, 229

Hera (see also “Juno”): 180, 246, 270;

    (allusions to) 247, 256257

Heraclitus: 95

Herbert, Frank: 320;

    (Dune) 8n11, 21, 73, 161175, 320;

    (Dune Messiah) 170;

    (God Emperor of Dune) 320

Hercules: 8n11;

    (Pillars of) 108, 115

Hermes (see also “Mercury”): 17n27, 229, 240n85

Herodotus: 76n3, 90, 229n44

heroes: 76n3, 85, 86n31, 8991, 9798, 100, 102, 132, 163165, 167n24, 169, 170n33, 174175, 188, 237238, 268, 275276, 292

Heroic Age: 152153, 238

Hesiod: 3, 22;

    (Theogony) 1, 61n42, 62n46, 186187, 253n22, 277;

    (Works and Days) 146, 150, 152156, 170n33, 182183, 186187, 193n43, 202, 209, 238, 253n22

Hickman, Jonathan: 23, 307325;

    (The Nightly News) 310;

    (Pax Romana) 23, 307325;

    (The Red Wing) 322n15

Hippolytus: 229, 232

Holberg, Ludvig: (Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum) 112113

Hollywood: 207, 283284, 287, 289, 291n50, 297, 300

Holy Roman Empire: 317, 319

homecoming: see “nostos

Homer: 110, 113, 309;

    (Iliad) 6n8, 21, 23, 89n37, 95n47, 100n55, 161175, 180182, 219n11, 225n34, 247, 263279, 292n56;

    (Odyssey) 6n8, 12n16, 22, 83n21, 86n28, 99nn5253, 109, 115n57, 217242, 250, 292n56

Horace: 7879, 287;

    (Ars Poetica) 54;

    (Satires) 297

hubris: 66, 126, 132, 135, 141, 212, 215, 274275

humanism: 156, 212, 215

hybrids / hybridity: 2223, 138n44, 177178, 180n10, 184, 188, 217242, 246n8, 248, 256, 258, 282, 304, 320

Hyginus: 229nn4346, 230

hyper–ability: 21, 177, 182

Icarus: 119, 212

ideology: 911, 76n2, 165n13 and 16, 191, 201, 241, 250n16

immortality: see “mortality / immortality”

Industrial Revolution: 250n13

Infancy Gospel of James: 272

Iron Age (mythical): 152157, 238

Islam: 308309, 317

Jameson, Frederic: 18, 299

Janus (god and SF magazine): 6

Jason (and the Argonauts): 113, 182, 187, 217n1, 222n21

Jeunet, Jean–Pierre: 222, 228;

    (Alien Resurrection) 22, 222225, 227242;

    (other films) 233n62

Jocasta: 137, 141n49

journey: see “voyage”

Joyce, James: 264, 266, 278;

    (Stephen Hero) 267

Juba: 66n53

Judaism / Jews: 126, 255, 287

Juno (see also “Hera”): 85

Jupiter (Roman god; see also “Zeus”): 17n27, 85, 246;

    (in BSG, Eye of) 246n8, 253;

    (fictional brand of automobile) 214

Juvenal: (Satires) 23, 281, 287, 289, 305

Kant, Immanuel: 34, 46n1

katabasis: 8n11, 83100

Keats, John: 204, 264

Kepler, Johannes: (Somnium) 8n11, 2021, 2745, 105106, 113, 116, 120, 149n5;

    (Astronomia Nova) 30;

    (Commentaries on the Motions of the Planet Mars) 44;

    (Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo) 43;

    (Harmonice Mundi) 30;

    (Optics) 41, 43

Kircher, Athanasius: (Mundus Subterraneus) 113

knowledge fiction: 6n8, 1120

Kubrick, Stanley: 117, 195n45, 218

Laestrygonians: 241242

Lafferty, R. A.: (Space Chantey) 219220

Laius: 137, 139, 141

Latin language used in SF: 5271, 75104, 125, 146, 158160, 228, 281, 286, 288, 289n40, 295, 304

Lévi–Strauss, Claude: 162

Lost in Space: 202

Lotus Eaters: 115n57, 219, 222, 226n36

Lovecraft, H. P.: 27n1, 206n21

Lucan: (Bellum Civile) 7n11, 20, 4652, 61n42, 6473

Lucas, George: 142

Lucian: (Apology for “Salaried Posts in Great Houses”) 107;

    (Icaromenippus) 106, 118119;

    (True History) 6n8, 8nn1112, 12n16, 2021, 28, 35, 3738, 45, 105120, 218, 250

Lucifer (see also “Satan”): 61n42

Lucretius: (On the Nature of Things) 15n22, 16, 20, 4666, 7173, 90

magic, technology as: 132, 134, 206, 269, 272, 274

Manilius: (Astronomicon) 229n43

Marlowe, Christopher: (Faustus) 126

Mars (Roman god) 246;

    (planet) 44, 119n73, 309;

    (fictional brand of toothpaste) 214

Martial: 292n56

Marx, Karl: 17n25, 17n27, 89n37

materialism: 13n19, 1617, 54, 73, 99

Matrix, The: 272

Medea: 183, 230n49

media violence: 297304

Meleager: 167

memory: (cultural) 3, 8889, 95, 147, 166, 171;

    (genetic) 168, 169n32, 232, 234235;

    (individual) 193, 220n16, 235, 309

Menander: 324

Menippus: 119

Merril, Judith: 5

Middle Ages / medievalism: 13n18, 20, 24, 83n21, 102n57, 145147, 157

Miéville, China: 112

militarism: 287

Miller, Jr., Walter M.: (A Canticle for Leibowitz) 8n11, 13n19, 21, 145160

Milton, John: (Paradise Lost) 2, 4, 8n11, 36, 46, 87n34, 89n37, 97n50, 100n55, 113

Milvian Bridge: 323324

Minerva (see also “Athena”): 230231

Minos: 281

Minotaur: 8n11, 188, 281

monster(s) / monstrosity: 9n13, 10n15, 12n17, 4673, 89n37, 92, 9899, 125144, 153, 178, 184, 188, 191192, 200, 218220, 226227, 236242, 282

moon: 21, 2745, 105120, 151, 218, 309

More, Thomas: (Utopia) 36, 111,

mortality and immortality: 22, 9596, 170171, 184, 196216, 221

Moschus: (Idylls) 205

Müller, Veit: 31, 34, 38

Murder Act of 1752: 58

Muses: 59, 172, 263264, 268, 277278

Mycenae: 158

Myrtilus: 229, 232

mythmaking: 163, 171, 172n38

necromancy: 31, 47, 6471

nefas: 66, 69

Nekyia (Odyssey Book 11): 221n18, 228n40

Neoplatonism: 28, 4445

Neptune (Roman god; see also “Poseidon”): 9192, 99n53

Nero: 289

Nestor: 168, 172

Nicaea, Council of: 313315

Niven’s Law: 322

Nonnus: (Dionysiaca) 230n49

nostos (‘homecoming’): 217242

novum: 11, 1516, 250n13

Odysseus: 89n37, 99n53, 219, 220n15, 221223, 224n29, 225, 233n63, 236242

Oedipus: 103, 124nn45, 130131, 134, 135n39, 146141

Olympians: 61, 180, 210n29, 265

Olympos / Olympus: 61, 96, 119, 152, 155, 180, 263264, 273275

Oppenheimer, J. Robert: 126

oracles: 139, 247248

Orestes: 162, 241n88

Orpheus: 101

Orwell, George: (1984) 298

Ossa: 61, 65

‘Other’: 67, 6970, 92, 98100, 194, 219220, 222223, 228, 232, 235237, 241242, 251

Ovid: (Fasti) 6n7;

    (Metamorphoses) 56, 153156, 184186, 222n20

Pan: 237

Pandora: 46n1, 186187

Parmenides: 211n31

Partridge, Andy: 217, 222n21

Patroclus: 172, 278

Pausanias: (Description of Greece) 158159, 229n47

Pelion: 61, 65

Pelops: 229

Penelope: 221, 236, 238239

peripeteia (‘reversal’): 130, 140

peripatetics: 41

Petronius: 23, 287, 288n33, 292n56

Phaëthon: 229230

Pharnaces: 3940

Pharsalus, battle of: 65

Philostratus: (Lives of the Sophists) 107

Philoxenus of Cythera: 222n20

Photius: (Bibliotheca) 109n18, 112n38

Pillars of Hercules: 108, 115

Plato: (Epigrammata) 205n18;

    (Protagoras) 1;

    (Republic) 200, 211

Platonism: 45, 210212

Pliny the Elder: (Natural History) 60n39

Pliny the Younger: (Epistulae) 88n35

Plutarch: (De Facie in Orbe Lunae) 2829, 35, 3740, 4243;

    (Lives) 47, 73;

    (Life of Theseus) 281n2

Pluto (Roman god, see also “Hades”): 69, 104

Poe, Edgar Allen: (“The Gold Bug”) 80n12

Polyphemus (see also “Cyclops/Cyclopes”): 221, 222n20

Pompey the Great: 65, 66n53, 68n59, 71n66

Pompey, Sextus: 71

Poseidon (see also “Neptune”): 221n18, 246

Postmodernism: 18n32, 228, 309310

Prime Directive, the: 200202, 209, 212215

Procopius: (Secret History, Wars of Justinian) 319

Prometheus (Titan): 13, 46n1, 47, 186, 227228

Prometheus (film): see “Scott, Ridley”

prophecy: 33, 66, 71, 84, 87, 91, 99, 102, 136, 139141, 159, 167169, 172174, 221n18, 244, 247249

Proteus: 91, 99

Pygmalion: 184186

Pythagoreanism: 45, 146, 150152

Pythia: (in BSG, Books of) 243, 248249

Quo Vadis: 285, 289

Rank, Otto: 92n41

realism: 72, 97n51, 163n6

reality television: 302304

Reformation: 12, 14, 251n18

religion: 141, 145160, 243259, 264, 275, 307325

Renaissance: 55n30, 145, 147148, 150, 155, 157

replicants: 177178, 188189, 191194, 196

Roberts, Adam: 1115, 1819, 107, 109110, 218n6, 245n3, 251n18

robot(s): 6n8, 14, 127, 176177, 179, 184, 194n44, 195n45, 244246, 254, 264n3

Roddenberry, Gene: 200n5, 200n7, 202, 204, 206, 211, 213n35, 252n20

Roman Empire: 107, 157, 200, 204n13, 214, 258259, 282285, 300, 305, 308, 321

Roman Republic: 66, 72, 282, 300

Romanticism: 50, 54, 62, 68, 97n51, 102

Rome: 66n53, 72, 113114, 157, 160, 280297, 300301, 304305

Rome (HBO series): 286

Rubicon: 324

Rudolph II, Emperor: 3132

Sallust: (Bellum Catilinae) 63n49

Satan (see also “Lucifer”): 87n34

satire: 27, 106, 109, 117, 282

science fiction, definition of: 1, 47, 1219, 3436, 47, 62, 107111, 162, 179, 201, 249251

Scott, Ridley: (Alien) 2278;

    (Blade Runner) 177179, 188196;

    (Prometheus) 227, 231n54

Scylla: 226n36, 238, 239

Selene: 116, 119

Seneca the younger: (De Consolatione ad Helviam) 288;

    (Quaestiones Naturales) 151

Shakespeare, William: (Antony and Cleopatra) 295n67;

    (Hamlet) 7n10;

    (The Tempest) 123125, 126, 133 n30;

    (Titus Andronicus) 291n50

Shaw, George Bernard: (Man and Superman) 135n38

Shelley, Mary: (Frankenstein) 16, 8n11, 9, 20, 4674, 99n53, 231, 250n14;

    (Midas and Proserpine) 1n1

Shelley, Percy: 3n4, 4952, 59, 61, 62n44, 64, 99n53;

    (“Adonais”) 204205, 207, 251n19;

    (“Mutability”) 51;

    (The Necessity of Atheism) 51n16;

    (Prometheus Unbound) 51n16, 99n53;

    (“To Stella”) 205n18

Sibyl: 8487, 193n43

Silver Age: 152, 154155, 209n28

Simmons, Dan: (Ilium) 74, 263279;

    (Olympos) 74, 266;

    (other works) 264n2

Simpsons: (“Treehouse of Horror V”) 322n14

simulacrum / simulacra: 139, 164165, 177, 179, 186, 196

slavery: 204n13, 207, 214, 268, 287, 313

Socrates: 10n14, 211

Sontag, Susan: 100

sophist: 107

Sophocles: (Oedipus Rex) 21, 124126, 130132, 136137, 139140, 142, 144

space colonization: 108, 124n4, 149, 189191, 246, 253254, 309

space travel, theme of: 201, 210, 218n5, 245

Spartacus: 281282, 294n61

Spartacus (film): 289n39

speculative fiction: 12n16, 15n22, 20, 29, 3637, 58n36, 74, 202

Sphinx: 137, 140

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: 7n10

Star Trek (comic book): 219

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 252;

    (“Trials and Tribble–ations”) 203n11

Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG): 195n45, 252

Star Trek: The Original Series: 199216, 282n7;

    (“Bread and Circuses”) 200, 202n9, 204n13, 207n22, 209, 213215;

    (“The Deadly Years”) 193n43;

    (“Miri”) 202n9, 209;

    (“The Omega Glory”) 209;

    (“Patterns of Force”) 209;

    (“Plato’s Stepchildren”) 200, 209211;

    (“A Private Little War”) 209;

    (“Return of the Archons”) 213;

    (“Squire of Gothos”) 209;

    (“The Trouble with Tribbles”) 203n11;

    (“Who Mourns for Adonais?”) 200, 204211, 251252, 272n18

Star Trek: Voyager: 252;

    (“Death Wish”) 209n28;

    (“Favorite Son”) 219;

    (“The Omega Directive”) 215n39

Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith: 142

Stephenson, Robert Louis: (The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) 99n53

Stoic philosophy: 39, 47n4, 146, 150152, 288

Stoppard, Tom: (The Invention of Love) 80n11

storytelling (including “narrative”): 9192, 98, 162171, 174175, 186187, 201, 203, 206, 215, 226228, 245247, 249, 266, 298301, 309310, 313, 316317, 320

Styx (river): 69, 83n21, 84n23, 86n31, 100

Suetonius: 287;

    (Life of Divus Julius) 324;

    (Life of Tiberius) 289n39;

    (Life of Nero) 288n36, 289n42

sun: 27, 30, 40, 44n46, 45, 88n36, 108, 118, 119n74, 151, 218, 230, 254

Suvin, Darko: 1112, 1519, 34, 36, 107n9, 110, 110111n26, 112, 162n3, 165n36, 219n10, 244245, 250nn1314, 299n93

Swift, Jonathan: (Gulliver’s Travels) 109, 111, 193n43

Tacitus: 23, 287;

    (Annales) 289n42

Talos: 6n8, 182184, 186188

Tasso: 73n69

technology: 13, 7, 910, 15n22, 53n24, 99, 127128, 132, 139, 141144, 162n1, 166, 206, 212, 228229, 235236, 250251, 254, 257259, 271274, 278, 303304, 308, 323

Teiresias / Tiresias: 13940, 221n18

telescope: 39, 43, 45

Terminator, The: 324

Tertullian: (De spectaculis) 287, 296297, 302

Thebes: 134, 137

Theocritus: 95, 222n20

Theseus: 8n11, 281282

Thetis: 180181, 278

time: 9496, 102103, 149157, 162170, 192193, 233, 245, 250, 271273

time travel: 10n14, 1314, 112, 113, 268, 307309, 316, 321325

Tiryns: 158

Tolkien, J. R. R.: 166n19;

    (The Hobbit) 99n53;

    (The Lord of the Rings) 88n36

totalitarianism: 275, 284286, 297, 300

Transformers: the Movie (1986): vii

Troy (city/war): 87n34, 169170, 238, 268

True Grit: 319n12

Twain, Mark: 264

Twilight Zone: (“To Serve Man”) 241n89

Typhoeus / Typhon: 6162, 64, 89n37, 188, 237

tyranny: 23, 211, 275, 299301

Uatu the Watcher: 42

Ulysses 31: 219220

uncanny, the: 69, 92n41, 98, 99n53, 141n48

Underworld: 69 (as river Styx), 71, 77, 8391, 94n42, 98102, 152, 226227, 232n61, 233234

utopia: 14n20, 23, 35n23, 36, 148, 199201, 208209, 216, 282n11, 298299

Utopia (work by Thomas More): 111

Venus (Roman god; see also “Aphrodite”): 84n23, 85, 185186

Verne, Jules: 7576;

    (Extraordinary Journeys) 76;

    (The Floating Island) 88n36;

    (Journey to the Center of the Earth) 33n15, 7585, 8794, 96104;

    (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea) 219n10

Virgil: 51, 61n42, 7576, 100102;

    (Aeneid) 66, 75, 77, 8390, 9899, 100n55, 232n61, 252253n22;

    (Eclogues) 9396, 97, 99, 205n18;

    (Georgics) 90, 97n49, 99n52, 100n55;

    (character in Dante's Inferno) 50n13

von Däniken, Erich: (Chariots of the Gods) 206n21

voyage (as in “fantastic voyage”): 1314, 16n25, 3637, 60, 80, 8391, 102, 105109, 112, 116119, 182, 218223, 226, 232, 236, 246

Vulcan (Roman god; see also “Hephaestus”): 17n27, 89n37, 230231

Walcott, Derek: (“Homecoming: Anse La Raye”) 220221n16

Weinbaum, Stanley G.: (“The Lotus Eaters”) 219;

    (“A Martian Odyssey”) 217;

    (“Proteus Island”) 219

Wells, H. G.: (“The Chronic Argonauts”) 113;

    (Experiment in Autobiography) 114;

    (The First Men in the Moon) 105106, 108, 111120;

    (The Island of Doctor Moreau) 111, 113;

    (Outline of History) 114;

    (Scientific Romances) 114;

    (The Time Machine) 117;

    (The War of the Worlds) 111, 117

Whedon, Joss: 224228, 230n53, 231, 235n68, 236;

    (Angel) 230n53;

    (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) 230n53, 235n68;

    (Dollhouse) 230n53;

    (Commentary! The Musical) 226227;

    (Firefly) 226, 230n53;

    (Serenity) 226, 227n37

xenia (‘guest–host relationship’): 241

Xenophon: (Anabasis) 102n57, 253n22

Zeus (see also “Jupiter”): 6162, 64, 152, 167170, 180, 183, 186, 230, 240, 246247, 256, 272273