A Nervous Breakdown as Britain Votes ‘Out’
John and Edwina: The Liverpool Novel
1970s: Scary Days in the Commons Gallery
The Iron Lady: Early Lobby Years
How I Upset the Commons by Doing My Job
The Foreign Secretary Who Never Was
Dangerous Travelling with Thatcher
Some Stories Are Just Too Good …
A Horse, A Horse – My Paper for a Horse
Madrid – and Dominic Lawson’s Star Turn
Thatcher’s Fall, Major’s Arrival – and How the Rugby Team Might Have Saved Her
Kinnock and the White House Stitch-Up
As Thatcher Rules, Labour Battles for Its Soul
Was She Crying? Oh Yes, She Was: Glenys on the West Bank
Held at Gunpoint in the African Bush
Jenkins, Owen, Steel: Third Party Hell
A Day in the Life of a Political Editor
My Part in Keeping Britain Out of the Euro
Taking a Punt on the 2001 Election
Tony and Gordon: Give Me the Euro, I’ll Give You Britain
Robin Cook Interrupted My Golf Swing
Our Small Part in Winning the Olympics
The Hand of History on a Snowy Good Friday
Why They Sack – and Why They Regret It
Blair and Iraq: A Legacy Damaged Beyond Repair
My Part in the Fall of Tony Blair
Gordon’s Three Missed Chances to Win
Mandelson Returns as the Wolves Gather
How James Purnell Took His Leave
The Mystery of Michael Portillo
How Michael Howard Handed It to David Cameron
David Miliband Blows It and Balls Falls Out with Brown
Cameron ‘Ate Us Up and Spat Us Out’
How the Grandees Tried to Enlist Alan Johnson
Could Miliband Have Stopped Corbyn?
Uncle Jeremy, the Sea-Green Incorruptible