
‘3 Ds’– defence, diplomacy, and development (US) 397

9/11 events 134135, 140, 143, 204, 390, 392, 393, 401

A Framework for World Bank Involvement in Post-Conflict Reconstruction 203

A Modern History of Tanganyika 89

A Political Agenda for Nigerian Women 159

Abacha, Sani 184

Abuja Treaty (1991) 379, 384

Accra Agreement 198

Acheampong, General 266

Afrique Equitorial Française (AEF) 376

Afrique Occidental Française (AOF) 376

Africa and global economy: aid for trade 371; developed countries’ agricultural policies 371372; export concentration (Herfindahl) index 362365; export structure 362364; introduction 361362; trade composition and patterns 362366; WTO 366370, 371

African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACP) 367

African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) 101

African Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI) 382

African cultures 75

African Development Bank (AfDB) 210, 419

African Economic Community (AEC) 379380, 381, 387

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) 300, 364, 422

African Islam 138

African National Congress (ANC) 12, 14, 30, 147, 257, 261, 316317, 391

African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa 147, 157

African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) 46

African Political Systems 125

African poor 319

African Power and Politics Programme (APPP) 346347, 350, 352355

African Standby Force 382

African Union (AU) 383385, 386387; civil war 174; NEPAD 383; peacebuilding 202, 210; public policy 316; Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development Policy Framework 202; transfer of power 279; women in politics 150

African Union peacekeeping force to Somalia (AMISOM) 393, 396, 400

Africanization of Islam 138

Afrobarometer (public opinion survey): 3, 233, 245, 276, 279281, 285; demand for democracy (2002–08) 279; (2008) 278; perceived extent of democracy (2008) 280; rejection of military rule (2008) 276278; satisfaction with democracy 281282; supply of democracy (2002–08) 283; support for democracy (2008) 276278

aid, trade, investment, and dependency: conclusions 307; dependency and policy space 304307; economic policy post-independence 295303; global forces, national policies 303304; introduction 295


al-Qaeda 144, 391392, 394401, 411

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 144, 398, 399400

al-Shabaab: Somalia 398, 400

Algeria: women in nationalist politics 150151

Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre (AFDL) 173

‘allochthon’ term 110, 115

‘allogène’ term 115

Amin, Idi 1718, 40, 172

Amin, Samir 209

Amnesty International (AI) 21, 218

An Agenda for Peace (UN) 203204, 206

Anderson, Allan 127

Angola: Cold War 179; Executive Outcomes 49, 5254; oil 412; peacebuilding 206; private security 5253, 55; rebel movements 20; repression 230; socialist economics 179; Sonangol NOC 182, 422

Annan, Kofi 343

Ansar al-Dine (jihadi group) 400

apartheid 1, 12, 89, 147, 315

Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) 383

Arab oil embargo (1973) 296

arabisants (Muslim intellectuals) 144

ArmorGroup (security company) 54

Arusha Agreement in Rwanda 171172, 192193

‘assimilation’ policy (France) 135

Association Malienne pour l’Unité et le Progrès d’Islam (AMUPI) 136

Augustine of Hippo 123

authoritarian rule: conclusions 2022; introduction 1415; legacies 1920; military rule and politics without politicians 1719; one-party states 1517

autochthony and politics of belonging: African settings 116118; Cameroon 111114, 118; colonial roots 110111; concept 109; conclusions 118; Côte d’Ivoire 114116, 118; introduction 108110; post-colony 111

Babangida, Ibrahim 18, 152

Bachelet, Michelle 150

Bagostora, Théoneste 171

Banda, Hastings 20, 4042, 409

Banny, Konan 196197

Banyamulenge (‘Congolese Tutsi’) 116117

Barza Inter-Communataire in DRC 220

Basadi, Emang 154

bauxite reserves 91

Bédié, Henri Konan 115116, 195196

Benin: authoritarian legacies 20; Boni, Yayi 234; corruption 341; cotton production 372; elections 405

Benjamin, Daniel 392

Berlin Wall 275, 411

Berlusconi, Silvio 272

Bertelsmann Institute, Germany (rule of law) 39

Biafra: NGOs 326327

Bienen, Henry 19

‘big man’ politics 34, 59, 7778, 228, 244, 252, 346348

bilateral investment treaties (BITs) 305

bin Laden, Osama 144

Biya, Paul 111113, 231

Blackwater (security company) 53

Blah, Moses 197

Blair, Tony 185

blood diamonds 185

Bokassa, Jean-Bédel 19

Boko Haram (Muslim sect) 143

bolsa família (Brazil) 315, 319320

Bongo, Omar 231, 232

Boni, Yayi 234

Boone, Catherine 117

born-again Christians 129

Botswana: democracy 67, 317, 405; education 314; indigenous leadership 350; international marginality 91; militarization of government 21; multi-party elections 227; nationalism 13; success 7, 91; Tswana 98; violence 5; women in democracies 154

Boye, Mame 153

Brahimi Report (2000) (Peacekeeping Reform) 205

Brazil elections 319320

British Colonial Office 313, 319

Bryant, Gyude 198

Buhari, Muhammadu 18

Bula matari 41

bureaucracy: professional culture 78, see also informal practices of civil servants

Burkina Faso: power-sharing 196; proportional representation 192

Burundi: autochthony 116; CNDD-FDD 194; ethnic bargaining 171, 171172; FNL 194; FRODEBU 193194; Hutu 193194; legal pluralism 219220; post-conflict elections 20; post-conflict peacekeeping 211; post-conflict power-sharing 191, 193194, 199; regime change 172; Tutsi 193194; UN mandate territory 193; UPRONA 193194; women in democracies 153

Bush, George W. 21, 109, 411

Buthelezi, Inkosi Mangosuthu 12

Buyoya, Pierre 171

Cameroon: autochthony 111114, 118; Chad pipeline 180; decentralized unitary states 3233; electoral authoritarianism 230231; federalism 26; repression 230

Cape Town Central City (security company) 56

Carothers, Thomas 39, 230, 269270, 407

cartel party thesis 270271

Catholic Church 129

Central African Economic and Monetary Union (CEMAC) 382

Central African Republic (CAR): authoritarian legacies 1920; collapse of state 341; Domitien, Elizabeth 148; military rule 1718

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in US 393

Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) 2

Chad: civil war 174; Cameroon pipeline 180; collapse of state 341; petro-state 180

Chama Cha Demokrasia na Meandeleo (CHADEMA) 154

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) 154, 234, 344

China: decentralization 26; GDP 418; Taiwan 418

China and Africa: African resource bounty 416418; conclusions 423424; democracy 7; DRC 420; ECOWAS 386; FOCAC process 421423; food security 416; introduction 414; investment 306, 412; NEPAD 386; new markets and diplomacy 418419; oil 180; resource security 415416; Sasol company 417; Sonangol company 422; source of Chinese engagement 414415; state-owned enterprises 418, 420; from state-owned enterprises to retail shopkeepers 419420; Zambia 420

China International Fund 422

China State Construction Engineering Corporation 419

Christian religious ideas 124

Christianity 127128

Chung, Chin Hong 124

civil liberties 40, 44

civil society organizations (CSOs) 330

civil war: Chad 174; conclusions 174; DRC 174; economic logic of ethnic exclusion 167169; information problems and ethnic exclusion 169170; introduction 165166; political bargaining in uncertainty environment 170174; politics 165; social peace in weak states 166

civilian African executives (military/rebel experience) 2021

Class Counts 83

class politics: African history 8485; conclusions 9192; continuity and change in colonial era 8790; independence 9091; introduction 8384; slavery, trade and inequality 8587

Clinton, Bill 243, 421

Cold War: Angola 179; ‘client states’ 410; domestic governance in Africa 404; end 1, 5, 39, 52, 109, 111, 156, 174, 184, 202203, 206, 243, 360, 405, 410; gifts 90; mercenaries 49; oil-importing states 183184; politics 390; post war trends 108, 140, 149

Colonial and Development Welfare Act, 1940 312

Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) 392

Common External Tariff (CET) 381

Common Market for Eastern and Southern African Countries (COMESA) 378, 381, 383, 386, 387

Communaté Économique de l’Afrique de l’ouest (CEAO) 378, 381

Communaté Économique des Pays de l’Afrique Central (CEEAC) 378

Communaté Économique des Pays des Grand Lacs (CEPGL) 378

Communist Manifesto 83

Communist Party of China (CPC) 415, 421

Comoros Islands 25, 30

Compaoré, Blaise 196, 200, 387

Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in Sudan 1, 27, 31, 193, 204

Concern (NGO) 326

Conflict Prevention Network (ECOWAS) 203

Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Network (OECD) 203

Congo-Brazzaville: civil war 166167; oil politics 179

consociational democracy 189; see also power-sharing consolidation of political regimes 283285; (2008) 285

Constituency Development Fund (CDF) 256, 258

Cook, Albert 325

copper reserves 91

Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine 86, 87

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 185

corruption 335, see also informal practices of civil servants; neopatrimonialism

Côte d’Ivoire: authoritarian legacies 20; autochthony 114116, 118; FPI 195, 197, 199; military/rebel groups 54; one-party states 15; political coalitions 169; post-conflict power sharing 194197; private security 54; religion 133; slavery 87; stability 6

Cotonou Partnership Agreement 300, 385

Dahl, Robert A. dictum 242243

Darfur: civil war 174; conflict 193

de Klerk, F. W. 12

de Sardan, Olivier 350352

de Waal, Alex 211

Deby, Idris 173, 186

Decalo, Samuel 17

del Ponte, Carla 219

‘demand-side’ of public and private goods in Ghana 245247

democracy: Botswana 67, 317, 405; China and Africa 7; consociational 189191, 191192; demand 278, 279; demand and supply (2000–08) 288289; elections 241; extent 280; Gambia 405; Ghana 20, 231; Guinea 231, 239; Kenya 231, 239; Latin America 68; Malawi 408409; Mauritania 411; Mauritius 405; Muslim politics 140143; neopatrimonialism 67; no-party 265267; perceived supply 289; popular demand 276279; progress in Africa 235236; rule of law 67; satisfaction 281282; South Africa 30, 317; support for 276278; Uganda 239

democracy promotion: conclusions 412; competing objectives/donor deficiencies 409410; decline 411412; description 404405; difficulties 409; effectiveness 408411; impact 408409; recipient countries’ counter-leverage 410411; types 406407; why promote democracy? 405406

Democratic Alliance (South Africa) 30

Democratic Experiments in Africa 60

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): autochthony 116; Barza Inter-Communataire 220; China, 420; civil war 174; collapse of state 341; conflict 2; death of president 231; federalism 2526, 3233, 35; ICC 219, 220221; insecurity 391; Ituri province 221222; military/ rebel groups 54; mineral wealth 417; peacebuilding 206, 211; politics of ethnicity 95; private security 54; Rwanda 204; slavery 87; UN peace operation 208

Department for International Development (DfID) of the UK government 258, 332

Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DKPO, UN) 203

Development Round (WTO) 299

Diarra, Seydou 195, 197

Diouf, Abdou 136

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) 204

Djamous, Hassan 173

Djibouti 231, 239

Dodd-Frank Act (2010) (US) 187

Doe, Samuel 167

Domitien Elizabeth 148

Dyncorp International (security company) 5354

East Africa al-Qaeda (EAAQ) 395

East Africa Customs Union (EACU) 385386

East African Common Market Organization (EACMO) 376

East African Community (EAC) 377378, 381, 382, 386, 387

Eboua, Samuel 113

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA, UN) 377, 378379, 380

Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) 378379, 381383

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): Conflict Prevention Network 203; Côte d’Ivoire 195; Gbagbo, Laurent 238; Liberia peace process 198; regional integration 377379, 382383, 386

Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) 300, 385386

economic policy in post-independence Africa: from development to crisis (1970s) 296297; globalization and ‘partnership’ (from mid-1990s) 299303; structural adjustment and stagnation (1980s and early 1990s) 297299

‘economic voting’ 246

economy of affection: concept 335; conclusions 344; conflicting institutions 341342; description 335337; informal institutions 337338; political governance 342344; structure and agency in political analysis 334335; substitutive institutions 338340

ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) 386

Egypt 85

electoral authoritarianism and multi-party politics: Africa’s regimes 228229; conclusions 235236; emergence 229231; introduction 227228; party systems 231235

Elf-Aquitaine oil company 179, 184

emerging legislatures: ‘coalitions for change’ 259261; constituency service and campaign finance 268269; conclusions 262263; essential need for democracy 252253; four core functions 253254; incentives 254255; performance measurement 261262; resources 256258; rules 255256

Empress Zauditu 147148

Endorois (ethnic group) in Kenya 100

Equatorial Guinea: EITI 186; oil 412

Eritrea: Ethiopia 1, 150

Ethiopia: al-Shabaab 400; elections 239; Empress Zauditu 147148; Eritrea 1, 150; federalism 25, 3435; food and aid 310; Ogaden National Liberation Front 394; post-conflict peacebuilding 211; Productive Safety Net Programme 310; PSNP 316, 318; security 243, 394

ethnic exclusion (economic logic of): colonial legacies 167168; resource constraints 169; wealth accumulation 168169

ethnic groups 12, 95106, 349350

ethnic politics see politics of ethnicity

Ethnic Power Relations dataset 166

European Commission (EC) Ituri investment 221

European Economic Community (ECC) 376377

European Overseas Development Fund (FEDOM) 376

European Union (EU) and Africa: democracy promotion 407, 409; Economic Partnership Agreements 305; elections 238239; EPAs 300, 385; Everything but Arms scheme 300; regional organizations 382; tribunals in Kenya 411

Everything but Arms scheme (EU) 300

Executive Outcomes (EO) (security company) 49, 5254

exports, aid, and investment in sub-Saharan Africa (1980–2010) 300

extent of democracy 280; see also Afrobarometer

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) 185186

Fabianism 331

Failed States Index 391

Federal Executive Council (FEC) in Nigeria 1819

federalism and decentralization: architecture and attractions 2427; conclusions 3435; constraints 2728; decentralised unitary states 3134; federation 2831; introduction 24

Feminist Activist Coalition (FEMACT) in Tanzania 160

‘first lady syndrome’ 152

‘first people’ term 101

Fondation Reine Elisabeth pour l’assistance Médicale aux Indigènes (FOREAMI) 324

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 326, 417

Force Nouvelles (FN) in Côte D’Ivoire 195

Forces Nationales de Libération (FNL) in Burundi 194

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 1977 (US) 184

foreign direct investment (FDI) 180

Foreign Military Financing (FMF) in US 21

Forum for China–Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) 421423

Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) in Uganda 160

Francophone Sahel (Senegal, Mali, and Niger) 134, 135137, 140141, 143

Freedom from Hunger Campaign (FFHC) 326

Freedom House 3, 3839, 44, 228, 262, 281, 408

Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO) 33

Friere, Paolo 331

Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi (FRODEBU) 171, 193194

Front Populaire Ivoirien (FPI) 195, 197

frontline states 405

Futa Djallon 86

Gabon: death of president 231; repression 230

Gacaca courts in Rwanda 222

Gaddafi, Colonel 384, 387

the Gambia: democracy 405

Gbagbo, Laurent 116, 195197, 231, 238

GDP (gross domestic product): agriculture 372; cabinet sizes 169; CAR 18; China 418; Gulf of Guinea 180; judicial independence 39; per capita growth in sub-Saharan Africa (1990–2011) 302; social policy 310, 319; South Africa 55, 381; trade ratio 362

Gender and Development Action (GADA) 159

gender politics: authoritarian regimes 152153; qualitative research 148

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 366367, 371

Ghana: ABANTU network 160; autochthony 117; Centre for Democratic Development 2; chieftaincy 350; ‘demand-side’ of public and private goods 245247; democracy 20, 231; economy 91; ‘first lady syndrome’ 152; gender politics 152; local justice 354; National Assembly 257; National Democratic Congress (NDC) 238; New Patriotic Party 247; no-party democracy 265267; oil 187; parliament 260; ‘Public Tribunals’ 40; Rassemblement de Républicans 195; Rawlings, Nana Agyeman 152; religion 128; rule of law 40; slavery 87; UNIGOV 266; ‘wifism’ 152; women in nationalist politics 151; women’s movements and political change 160

Ghana Bar Association 42

Global Women’s Conference (1985) 149

Gluckman, Max 86

‘good governance’ 78, 90

Google 2

Gouled, Hassan 231

Govender, Pregs 155

Gowon, Yakubu 18

Grillo, Ralph 86

Group4Securicor (security company) 5556

Guellah, Ismail Omar 231

Guinea: class 85; democracy 231, 239; women in nationalist politics 151

Guinea-Bissau: proportional representation 192; women in politics 150

Gulf of Guinea (oil): companies 182183; development in 1990s 178180; importing states 183184; international ‘progressive agenda’ 185186; states 180182

Habilitationsschrift 117

Habre, Hissene 173

Habyarimana, Juvenal 167, 171

Hart, Keith 91

Herbst, Jeffrey 3

Herfindahl index (export concentration) 362365

Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) 301

HIV/AIDS 7, 129, 315316, 370, 386

Horowitz, Donald 190

Houphouët-Boigny, Felix 114116, 169

hudud penalties 137

Human Rights Watch (HRW) 184, 218

Hutu (ethnic group): Burundi 193194; refugees 116

Hutu Power 171

‘hybrid’ regimes 229

Impact Tribu-Une 113

import substitution industrialization (ISI) 296

In Larger Freedom (UN report) 206

‘indigenous’ concept 101, 109

informal practices of civil servants: ‘area of suspicion’ 73; bureaucracy 7678; clientelism 72; conclusions 7879; contempt for anonymous users 7374; corruption 7074; ‘culture of impunity’ 74; favours 74; formal and real 72; introduction 70; logics 74; ‘one-selfism’ 73, 75; other logics 74; practical norms 7476; ‘priveligism’ 73

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in South Africa 12, 30

Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) 2

institutional conflict: collapse 341; reform 342; stalemate 341342

Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) 377, 382383, 385

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) 148

Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Desertification (IDADD) 381

International Criminal Court (ICC) 215, 218222

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) 216, 217, 219, 220222

international financial institutions (IFIs) 180, 184

International Labour Organization (ILO) 91, 313314, 315316

International Military Education and Training (IMET) in US 21

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 6, 39, 79, 91, 114, 185, 297298, 300, 318

international NGOs (INGOs) 202, 318, 328, 329330, 336

International Olympic Committee (IOC) 418419

introduction to African politics: African state and identity politics 35; Afrobarometer 3; conflict continent 5; democratic transitions and political development 57; Google 2; regional and international dimensions 7; summary 13

Islam: Africa 401; movements 4; Muslim and the West 144; new realities 127128, 129; public role 233; religious change 139; Somalia 4

Islamic Armed Group (GIA) 144

Islamic Courts Union (ICU) 393

Islamic feminism 141

‘Islamic revival’ 139

ivoirité’ term 115116

Ivoriens de souche (of the trunk) 115116

Izala movement in Nigeria 139

jihads 8587

Johnson, Prince 198

Johnson-Sirleaf, Ellen 228, 241

juju 128

Kabbah, Ahmed Tejan 53

Kahwa, Mandro Panga 221

Kalenjin (ethnic group) in Kenya 98, 100, 343

Kaunda, Kenneth 1617, 90

Kazibwe, Wandera Specioza 153

Kenya: African Peer Review Mechanism 46; al-Qaeda 395; assassinations 16; authoritarian legacy 20; capitalist society 92; constituency development funds 258; democracy 231, 239; Endorois 100; EU-funded tribunals 411; federalism 26, 3132, 35; ILO report 91; Kalenjin 98, 100, 343; Kikuyu 351; majimbo constitution 13; Maasai 98; National Assembly 258, 262; nationalism 1314; negative political conditionality 408; NGOs 328329, 410; one-party states 15; parliament 257, 260; pastoralist communities 98; pirates 411; political governance 342343, 344; politics of ethnicity 95; power-sharing 191; private security 5556; rule of law 40, 4243, 45; stability 6; women’s movements and political change 159

Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) 13

Kenya African National Union (KANU) 13, 15, 17, 31 ‘Kenya crisis’ 344

Kenyatta, Jomo 14, 1617, 40

Kerékou, Mathieu 20

Khama, Ian 21

Kibaki, Mwai 343

Kikuyu (ethnic group) in Kenya 13, 97, 343, 351

King Leopold II of Belgium 87

Kinigi, Sylvie 153

Kirkley, Leslie 325

Konare, Oumar 150

Kufour, John 198, 261

La Nouvelle Expression 112

Lady Chelmsford League 325

Lagos Plan of Action 378379

laïcitié principle 135, 141

Lakwena, Alice 127

Latin America: social welfare policies 313

Le Sage, André 391, 394, 401

le village electoral 112

leadership 350

Least-Developed Countries (LDC) 367, 372373

legislatures: constituency service 253; institutional mechanism 253; legislation 253; oversight 253; see also emerging legislatures

Lekhanya, Justin 238

Lentz, Carola 117

Lesotho: old age pensions 318; textile industry 364

Liberia: China State Construction Engineering

Corporation 419; conflict 5, 54; Doe, Samuel 167; military/rebel groups 54; National Transitional Legislative Assembly 198; peacebuilding 206; Perry, Ruth 148; post-conflict power-sharing 197199; private security 54; Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson 147, 156, 228, 241; women in democracies 156

Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) 197

Lijphart, Arend 189191

Linas Marcoussis agreement in Côte d’Ivoire 195196

Lindberg, Staffan 230, 241

‘lineage mode of production’ 347

Lome Convention (1975) 385

Lonsdale, John 121

Loraux, Nicole 118

Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda 204, 218

Lugard, Frederick 137

Maatshe, Thoko 154

‘magical charms’ 128

Maendeleo ya Wanawake 151

majimbo (regionalist) constitution in Kenya 13

makwere-kwere (South African immigrants) 117

Malawi: authoritarian legacies 20; challenges for courts 46; democracy 408409; NGOs 318; rule of law 40, 42, 4445; ‘town chiefs’ 355

Malawian Congress Party (MCP) 20

Mali: Boni, Yayi 234; democratization and Muslim politics 140141; elections 238; Family Code 233; federalism 26, 33; Muslim groups 141; Touré, Amadou 234

Malkki, Liisa 117

Mandani, Mahmood 209

Mandela, Nelson 200

Mano River Women’s Peace Network 159

Marshall Plan 296

Marx, Karl 8384

Maasai (ethnic group): Kenya 98; Tanzania 100

Matembe, Miria 157

Mau Mau (Kenya) 13

Mauritania: democracy 411; military rule 18; religion 135

Mauritius: democracy 405; multi-party elections 227; public welfare 319; success 7, 91; welfare state-building 315; women in democracies 153

Mbeki, Thabo 200, 257

medicine and religion 128

members of parliament (MPs): constituency development fund 258; constituency service 253255; contact with electorate 257; elections 254; managerial staff 257; PR 253; one-party states 16; salaries 256, 259

memorandum of understanding (MOU) 386, 387

Merafhe, Mompati 384

Military Professional Research Incorporated (MPRI) 5354

Millenium Challenge Account (MCA) in US 407

Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in US 43, 301

Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) 300, 316

Minani, Jean 194

Minerals (non-fuel): 417

Minimum Income on School Attendance (MISA) 318

Mitterrand, François 112

Mobutu, Joseph 32

Moi, Daniel arap 15, 40, 42, 231, 408

Moodie, Dunbar 86

morality issues 352

Mossi (Burkina Faso) 110

most favoured nation (MFN) principle 371

Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) 197

Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in Zimbabwe 14, 154

Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) 179

Mozambique: decentralized unitary state 33, 35; democracy 239; federalism 26; FRELIMO 33; indigenous leadership 350; proportional representation 192; rebel movements 20

Mugabe, Robert 14, 154, 231, 318

Museveni, Yoweri 7, 31, 46, 204, 265, 317, 384

Muslim politics in West Africa: democratization 140143; description 134135; introduction 133134; religious change 138140; state context 135138; ‘war on terror’ 143144

Muslim Sahel groups 168

Mutharika, Bingu 45

Namibia: control and civil liberties 14

National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) in Zimbabwe 154

National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana 238

National Endowment for Democracy in US 407

National Liberation Front (FLN) in Algeria 151

National Oil Companies (NOCs) 179, 182183

National Party in South Africa 30

National Resistance Movement (NRM) in Uganda 31, 147, 265

National Transitional Legislative Assembly in Liberia 198

National Women’s Commission in Nigeria 153

nationalism, one-party states, and military rule: authoritarian rule 1419; introduction 1112; nationalism and after 1214

Ndadaye, Melchior 171

Ndebele (ethnic group) in Zimbabwe 97

Ndi, John Fru 112

‘neopatrimonialism’ concept 3, 59, 166, 268, 341, 351

neopatrimonialism and political regimes: conceptual shortcomings 6168; conclusions 68; definition 6061; delineation 62; history 5960; introduction 59; operationalization 6264; politics and administration 6465; regimes 6668; subtypes 6566

New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) 203, 210, 383, 386

New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Ghana 247

New Public Management 79, 347

New World Disorder 411

New World Order 109, 411

Niger: corruption 341; democratization and Muslim politics 140141; Muslim groups 141

Niger Development Commission 185

Nigeria: al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb 144; amalgamation of north and south 137; class 86; committee system 257; elections 245; federalism 25, 2829, 3435; ‘first lady syndrome’ 152; Francophone Sahel 143; gender politics 152, 153; international ‘progressive agenda’ 184; Izala movement 139; military rule 1819; Muslim politics 137138; National Women’s Commission 153; oil politics 179; politics of ethnicity 95; private security 55; regime change 172; sharia law 142; slavery 86; Sokoto Caliphate 137; Sufis and anti-Sufis 139; ‘wifism’ 152; women in nationalist politics 150; women’s movements and political change 159160

Nigeria Women’s Union 150

Nkrumah, Kwame 14, 15, 40, 151, 265, 377

Nkurunziza, President Pierre 21, 194

Nlep, Roger 112

no-party democracy 265267

non-governmental organizations (NGOs): bureaucracy 77; case study: Oxfam in Tanzania 330332; civil society actors and the state: NGOs from 1990s 329330; colonial period 325326; conclusions 332; ‘contracted agents’? NGOs from 1980s 327329; corruption in oil industry 185; democracy promotion 406407, 410; description 322323; development is politics: from relief to development 326327; disease control and food provision (oil states) 181; gender politics 152; Ghana and women’s movements 160; government influence 301; historical reliance 7; indigenous people 101; indigenous resources 349; international NGOs 202, 323324, 328, 330331; gender and democracy 154; introduction 322323; Kenya 410; leaders’ relationship 350; local problem solving 356; Malawi 318; Mali 233; population survival 91; private security 55; reformist agenda in oil producing countries 187; research 2; ‘second-generation integration’ 380; trade agreements 298; types 323; voluntary sector 324325; what is the NGO? 323324; see also Freedom House

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 239

Northern Nigeria Penal Code 137

Nyalali, Frances 42

Nyerere, Julius 1617, 40, 151, 331, 340

Obadango, Olusegan 142

Obote, Milton 17, 172

Odinga, Raila 343

official development assistance (ODA) 322, 328329, 371

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) in Ethiopia 394

oil: companies 182183; importing states 183184; reserves 91, 416417; states 180182

oil politics: contemporary challenges to reform 186187; international ‘progressive agenda’ 184186; introduction 178; oil development in 1990s 178180; oil states, oil companies, and oil importers 180184

Okoya, P. Y. 18

Ondimba, Omar Bongo 200

one-party states 4, 1517, 22

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): anti-corruption convention 184; Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Reconstruction Network 203; democracies 232; donor cartel 423; education 310; political parties (1960–2000) 271; women in politics 147

Organization of African Unity (OAU) 174, 377378, 379, 383

Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) 179

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 415

Ouattara, Alassano 195197

Ouddei, Goukoni 173

Oxfam: Kirkley, Leslie 326; Tanzania 330332

Pacific Architect Engineers (security company) 53

pan-Africanism and regional integration: conclusions 387; external actors 385387; fast-track continental integration 383385; introduction 375; schemes 375379; schemes (second phase) 380382; security 382383; unity 14; weaknesses in schemes 379380

parallel importing 369

Paris, Roland 207

Parliamentary Powers Index (PPI) 262

Parti Démocratique de la Côte D’Ivoire (PDCI) 15, 195

Party and Its Government (PIG) in Zambia 17

‘path of least resistance’ (country policy choices) 307

patrimonialism: term, 59; developmental 352353; see also neopatrimonialism

peacebuilding (post-conflict): concept and practices 203205; conclusions 212; contested politics 210212; introduction 202203; liberal governance 206207; local participation and ownership 209210; perspectives 205210; social justice 209; stabilization 207209; United Nations 203

Perry, Ruth 148

Pew Charitable Trusts: Research Centre 143;

Global Attitudes Project 397398

Ping, Jean 385

political bargaining in uncertainty environment: co-conspirators and commitment problem 172; ethnic bargaining as commitment problem 171172; ethnic bargaining as two-level game 170171; introduction 170; regime change and commitment problem 172173; substituting civil war risk for coup risk 173174

political parties: Africa 267269; authoritarianism 267; cartel thesis 270271; comparative perspective 269272; definition 267268; frontiers 272; no-party democracy 265267

political regimes: consolidation 275, 286; diversity 275, 286288; hybrid systems 275, 286

politics of development: conclusions 355356; developmental patrimonialism 352353; going with the grain 347349; going with the grain criticisms 350352; indigenous resources 349350; introduction 346347; local anchorage 355; practical hybrids 353354

politics of ethnicity: conclusions 105; context 4; elections 16; ethnic invention, imagination, and motivations 9699; introduction 9596; negotiation and renegotiation 99102; political salience 102104

Politique Africaine 115

Polity Project 3

‘Poor governance’ 70

post-colonial Africa: first three decades 3942; rule of law and multi-party era 4346

Post-Conflict Fund (PCF) 203

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) 301, 304, 410

power of elections: conclusions 247; ‘demand-side’ of public and private goods in Ghana 245247; elections in Africa 239241; introduction 238239; repression and toleration 241244

power-sharing: Africa and consociational democracy 189; Africa (recent) experience 192199; introduction 189; path dependency 200

Preferential Trading Area (PTA) 378379, 381

‘president for life’ 350

presidentialism 229231

private military corporations (PMCs) 53, 57

private security companies (PSCs) 5556, 57

Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) 310

proportional representation (PR) 192, 253, 261

public opinion and democratic consolidation: conclusions 288290; ‘democracy’ term 276; diverse trajectories 286288; introduction 275276; perceived supply of democracy 279283; popular demand for democracy 276279; regime consolidation in Africa 285286; regime consolidation model 283285

Public Tribunals in Ghana 40

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) campaign 185, 187

Quakerism 331

radio trottoir 129

Rajoelina, Andry 238

Ranger, Terence 12, 89, 97

Rassemblement de Républicans (RDR) in Côte d’Ivoire 195

Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (RDA) in Guinea 151

Ravalomanana, Marc 272

Rawlings, Jerry 40, 152, 197, 266

Rawlings, Nana Agyeman 152

reformist agenda in oil producing countries 186187

regional economic communities (RECs) 382383, 384, 386, 387

‘religio’ term 123

religion and politics: Africa 350; conclusions 130; intellectual categories 122125; introduction 121122; nationalist effect 125126; new realities 126129; spiritual insecurity 129130

religious demography of West Africa 133134

religious leaders 138

Republic of Congo: elections 239; natural resources 243

Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in Sierra Leone 53

Richmond, Oliver 212

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 405

rule of law and the courts: challenges 46; conclusions 4647; introduction 3739; post colonial Africa 3946

Rwanda: Arusha Agreement 171172, 192193; autochthony 116; Democratic Republic of Congo 204; ethnic bargaining 171, 171172; Gacaca courts 220; genocide 6; Habyarimana, Juvenal 167; Hutu 116117, 192; ICTR 220; peacebuilding 211; politics of ethnicity 95; reform 342; regime change 172; RPF 353; Tristar 353; Tutsi 116; women in democracies 156

Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) 171172, 217, 219, 221, 353

Sahel: education 354

Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) 144

Salafists 138, 401

Saracen International (security company) 53

Saro-Wiwa, Ken 184185

Sasol (South African oil company) 417

Sassou-Nguesso, Denis 21, 167, 230

satisfaction with democracy 281282; see also Afrobarometer

Sawyer, Amos 198

security and privatization of force and violence: conclusions 57; everyday security 5556; introduction 4950; public/private distinction 5052; war and conflict 5255

security sector reform (SSR) 204

Seko, Mobutu Sese 405

Senegal: authoritarian legacies 1920; corruption 341; decentralized unitary states 33; democratization and Muslim politics 142; economy 361; federalism 26; Muslim politics 136; one-party states 15; women in democracies 153

Senghor, Léopold Sédar 14, 136

Service Auxiliaire de l’Assistance Médicale aux Indigènes (SADAMI) 324

sharia (Islamic law) 133, 137, 142143, 400

Shongwe, Dzeliwe 148

Sierra Leone: class 85; Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration 204; Executive Outcomes 49; legal pluralism 219220; peacebuilding 206; politics of ethnicity 95; privatization of military power 53; violence 5; women in democracies 156

Simone, AbdouMaliq 109

Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson 147, 156, 228, 241

social assistance and social insurance expenditures 311

social policy: conclusions 319320; introduction 309311; origin and post-war eclipse by ‘development’ 311313; slow expansion of spending in post-war Africa 313315; social change, democratization, and welfare state-building (late 20th century) 315318

Sokoto Caliphate in Nigeria 137

Somalia: al-Shabaab 398, 400; CIA 393; collapse of state 341; indigenous leadership 350; Islam 4; military/rebel groups 54; research 2; Saracen International 53; surveillance 410; Transitional Federal Government 25, 54, 393, 394, 396; USAID 399

Somalis (ethnic group) in Horn of Africa 98

Sonangol (Angolan oil company) 422

Songhay (Mali) 85

Soro, Guillaume 195197

South Africa: affirmative action (women in politics) 159; African National Congress 12, 14, 30, 147, 257, 261, 316317, 391; apartheid 1, 12, 89, 147, 315; capitalism 89; control and civil liberties 14; democracy 30, 317; federalism 25, 34; Freedom Charter 14; HIV/AIDS 7, 316; Inkatha Freedom Party 12, 30; legislative support for political parties 232; makwere-kwere 117; Mandela, Nelson 200; Mbeki, Thabo 195, 200; miners’ strike 86; MPs 257; National Party and Democratic Alliance 30; private security 55; proportional representation 192; social assistance programmes 312; social reality 92; Truth and Reconciliation Commission 216, 217; United Democratic Front 14; welfare state-building 315; women in democracies 155156; Women’s National Congress 155; xenophobia 117

South Africa Native National Congress (SANNC) 12

South Africa Police Service 55

South Sudan: ‘Comprehensive Peace Agreement’ 193; separation from North 1

Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 376

Southern African Development Community (SADC) 150, 153, 316, 377, 379, 382383, 385387

Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) 378, 380

Special Court for Sierra Leone 219

state: capacity 3, see also authoritarian rule; one-party rule; neopatrimonialism

state-owned enterprises (SOEs): Africa; 296, 298; China 418, 420

Stewart, Patrick 396

Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) 297303, 305, 380, 410

substitutive institutions: charisma 340; clientelism 338339, 341; pooling 339; self-defence 339340

Sudan: al-Qaeda 395; Comprehensive Peace Agreement 27, 31, 193, 204; federalism 25, 3031, 35; post-conflict peacebuilding 211; South/ North separation 1; see also South Sudan

Sudanese Women’s Union 151

Sufis: militancy 144; Nigeria 130

Sufism 136, 138

Sultan of Sokoto 86

sungu sungu (vigilante group) in Tanzania 339

Sunnites 138

superstitio’ term 123

supply of democracy (2002–08) 283; see also Afrobarometer

support for democracy (2008) 276278; see also Afrobarometer

Supreme Military Council (SMC) in Nigeria 18

Swaziland 148

Taiwan: China 418; ‘dollar diplomacy’ 421

Tandja, Mamadou 46

Tanzania: authoritarian legacies 1920; Chama Cha Mapinduzi 234; cut flowers 366; democracy 239; education 314; federalism 25; FEMACT 160; land conflicts 353; Maasai 100; Nyerere, Julius 40, 151; Oxfam NGO 330332; political governance 342343; sungu sungu vigilante group 339; women in democracies 154; women’s movements and political change 160; Zanzibar 35

Tanzanian African National Union (TANU) 1516

Tanzanian Women’s Union 151

Taylor, Charles 197198

terrorism, security, and the state: conclusions 400401; contested concepts 390391; ‘hearts and minds’-securitization of development and humanitarian aid 396399; introduction 390; rethinking ungoverned space 395396; securitization of state building 393395; terrorist threats 399400; ‘ungoverned space’ and security threats 391393

terrorist threats: al-Qaeda 399400; radicalization of African diaspora 400

The African Poor 314

Thwala, Ntombi 148

Tiako-i-Madagasikara 272

Titi, Bibi 151

Togo 231

Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) 421

Touré, Amadou 234

Touré, Sekou 151

Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 367, 369370

trade: African countries’ membership of trade organizations 367369; trade orientation (of sub-Saharan African countries) 362363

Trans-Saharan Counter Terrorism Partnership 392

Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Somalia 25, 393, 396

transitional justice after atrocity: conclusions 222; hybridity and holism 219222; introduction 215216; neo-colonialism and foreign transitional justice 218219; peace versus justice and human rights advocates 217218; unclear objectives 217218

Tristar (Rwandan company) 353

Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa 216, 217

Tswana (ethnic group) in Botswana 98

Tutsi (ethnic group): Burundi 193194; Rwanda 116

Twa (ethnic group) in Central Africa 98

Ubu’s kingdom 74

Uganda: affirmative action (women in politics) 157, 159; courts 46; democracy 239; federalism 26; Forum for Women in Democracy 160; ICC 219, 220221; Lord’s Resistance Army 204, 218; Mengo Hospital 325; military rule 1718; National Resistance Movement 31, 265; no-party democracy 265, 267; peacebuilding 208, 211; presidential elections 317; regime change 172

uhuru (freedom) in East Africa 14

un état laïc 135, 142

União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) 53

UNIGOV proposal in Ghana 266

Union Africaine et Malgache du Coopération Économique (UAMCE) 377

Union Douaniere de L’Afrique de l’Ouest (UDAEO) 377378

Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) 381

Union pour le Progrès National (UPRONA) in Burundi 171, 193194

United Democratic Front (UDF) in South Africa 14

United National Independence Party (UNIP) in Zambia 1517

United Nations (UN): An Agenda for Peace 203204; Department of Peacekeeping Operations 203; disease control and food provision 181; Human Rights Commission 419; In Larger Freedom 206; indigenous populations 108; Kenya 55; Rwanda 217; security sector reform 394; Special Court for Sierra Leone 198; Women in Development 152153; women in politics 147

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 300, 318

United Nations Decade for Women, Development and Peace (1975–85) 149

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 203

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) 377

United Nations High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change 205, 207

United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) 208, 221

United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) 208

United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (UNPBC) 202

United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations 108

United States (US): ‘3Ds’– defence, diplomacy, and development 397; Afrobarometer 3; CIA and Somalia 393; Congress 262; democracy promotion 407, 409; ‘fixing failed states’ 393; Foreign Military Financing 21; International Military Education and Training 21; Millenium Challenge Account 407; Millenium Challenge Corporation 43, 301; National Security Strategy 392; Somalia 393

United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) 1112, 2122, 180, 392393

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 258, 329, 399

Uwilingiyimana, Agathe 153

von Oppen, Achim 117

Wade, Abdoulaye 136, 153, 305, 387

Wahhabis 138

‘war on terror’ 7, 207

‘wealth-in-things’ concept 117

Weber, Max 5051, 57

welfare reforms 320

welfare state 319

West Africa Cotton Improvement Program 372

Westminster Foundation for Democracy in UK 407

‘wifism’ 152

Witchcraft 351, 355

Wolpe, Harold 89

Women in Development (WID) 149150, 152153

women in politics: affirmative action 157159, 160; African nationalism 150151; Africa’s democracies 153156; conclusions 160; elections 241; gender politics 152153; global picture 149150; introduction 147149; movements and political change 159160; political independence 151152; regional statistics 157158

Women’s National Congress in South Africa 155

World Bank 2, 6, 39, 90, 114, 186, 203, 296299, 301, 305306, 315316, 386387, 419

World Conference (1995) 150

World Trade Organization (WTO) 7, 298300, 305, 361, 366370, 371373, 385

Zaire see Democratic Republic of Congo

Zambia: authoritarian legacies 1920; Bounding Villages 117; China 420; ethnicity 268; miners 88, 90; rule of law 4045; UNIP 17

Zanzibar: federalism 25; Tanzania 25

Zetaheal Mission (religion) in Ghana 129

Zimbabwe: electoral authoritarianism and multi-party politics 230; Mugabe, Robert 14; Old Age Pension Act 318; politics of ethnicity 95; power-sharing 191; welfare 318; women in democracies 154155

Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) 14, 154155

Zolberg, Aristide 3

Zuma, Jacob 257