
How to Use This eBook


List of Sidebars

Index of Photos and Maps


1 Corinthians

David W. J. Gill

Introduction to the Letter (1:1–3)

Thanksgiving (1:4–9)

Loyalties and Divisions (1:10–17)

Wisdom and Rhetoric (1:18–31)

Paul’s Arrival at Corinth (2:1–5)

God’s Wisdom and Human Wisdom (2:6–16)

Spiritual or Worldly Members of the Church (3:1–4)

Images of Christian Ministry and the Church (3:5–17)

“You Are of Christ” (3:18–23)

Fools for Christ (4:1–13)

Paul as Founder and Father (4:14–17)

A Kingdom of Power (4:18–21)

Immorality and the Church’s Response (5:1–8)

Limiting Associations (5:9–13)

Civil Litigation in Corinth (6:1–11)

Immorality (6:12–20)

Sexual Abstinence, Singleness, and Marriage (7:1–16)

Status and Calling in the Secular World (7:17–24)

Between Betrothal and Consummation (7:25–40)

Food Sacrificed to Idols (8:1–13)

Paul the Apostle (9:1–27)

Eating Food Offered to Idols in the Idol Temple (10:1–22)

Eating Food Offered to Idols in Private Gatherings (10:23–11:1)

Veiling the Head (11:2–16)

Divisions at the Lord’s Supper (11:17–34)

Now About Spiritual Gifts (12:1–13)

The Body of the Church (12:14–31)

The Priority of Relationships over Achievements (13:1–13)

Functioning in the Secular and Christian Ekklēsia (14:1–25)

Ordering Corporate Worship (14:26–40)

Evidence and Belief (15:1–11)

Immortality (15:12–34)

Resurrection (15:35–58)

The Issue About the Collection for God’s People (16:1–4)

Paul’s Plans (16:5–9)

Timothy’s Planned Visit (16:10–11)

Apollos and the Appointment of Leaders in the Church (16:12–18)

Greetings and Salutations (16:19–21)

Cursings and Blessings (16:22–24)

2 Corinthians

Moyer Hubbard

Greeting and Opening Blessing (1:1–7)

Paul’s Change of Plans (1:8–2:13)

Ministers of the New Covenant (2:14–3:6)

The Transforming Glory of the New Covenant (3:7–18)

Glorious Treasure in Jars of Clay (4:1–18)

Our Eternal Dwelling (5:1–10)

Paul’s Ministry of Reconciliation (5:11–6:2)

Paul’s Hardships (6:3–13)

The Temple of God and the Temple of Idols (6:14–7:1)

Paul’s Joyful Reunion with Titus (7:2–16)

Remembering the Poor (8:1–9:15)

Paul Defends His Ministry (10:1–18)

Paul’s “Foolish” Boasting (11:1–12:13)

Paul’s Impending Visit and a Final Warning (12:14–13:13)

Credits for Photos and Maps

The New International Version Appendix