Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
Abdelfattah, Alaa, 288–89
Abdo-Katsipis, Carla B., 11, 327–33, 349–50
Abiodun, Roland, 197
academic freedom, in China, 174–75
Adams, Gerry, 256, 258
Afghanistan, 7, 75–79, 129–30, 279, 346
AFL-CIO, 248, 249
African immigrants to United States, 59–63
Aguilar, Paloma, 228
Akef, Mohammed Mehdi, 287–88
al-Azhar mosque (Cairo), 36, 38–39, 42, 43
Algeria, 54, 261–63
Al Manar (TV channel), 313–15
Al Qaeda, 98–99, 130
al-Shabaab, 209
Alvarez, Walter, 56
Amarasingam, Amarnath, 163
American Presidency Project, 149
Ansar Dine movement, 98
Arab Institute for Women (Lebanon), 328–29
Arab Spring, 268, 286, 289–90, 290
Arbenz, Jacobo, 145
archival research, 106; Greer on, 59–60; King on, 245–52, 350; Krause on, 261–63; O’Rourke on, 142–49, 357; Trachtenberg on, 8, 135–40, 362–63
Argentina, 227
Aristotle, 85
Armenia, 307–8
Asad, Bashar al-, 272
Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC), 322
Awlaki, Anwar al-, 40
Azerbaijan, 307
Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-, 40
Balcells, Laia, 9, 225–30, 344
Banda, Kamuzu, 88
Bangladesh, 192
Becker, Howard, 328
Beddawi refugee camp (Lebanon), 84
Belfast Project/Boston Tapes, 255–58
Belmont Report, 158
Bemba people, 89–90
Benstead, Lindsay J., 114n2
bin Laden, Osama, 129, 130
biological weapons, 127–28
Birzeit University, 184
Black urban communities (U.S.), 58–63
Blanc, Clément, 137
Blaydes, Lisa, 114n2
Bleck, Jamie, 93–99
Bloom, Mia, 8, 156–66, 160, 344–45
Bosnia, 346
Boston Tapes/Belfast Project, 255–58, 257
Brazil, 71, 73, 238–44, 356
Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 249
Buber, Martin, 19
Bundy, McGeorge, 139
Burkina Faso, 202–8
Bush, George H.W., 250
Bush, George W., 279
Cairo, 36–43, 184, 286–92
Calarcá, Marco, 323
Cancian, Matthew Franklin, 7–8, 108–13, 345
Caribbean immigrants to United States, 59–63
Carter, Jimmy, 245
Catalonia, 198–99, 225–30
Cebolla, Héctor, 228
cell phones, 61, 105, 360; in India, 7, 102–3; in Japan, 72; in Lebanon, 65
census taking, in Brazil, 239–42
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 65, 279, 280, 283, 341–42; oversight of, 143; watch lists of, 68
Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), 261–63
Chad, 207
Chechen-Russian conflict, 303–9
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons (CBRN), 127–28
Chenoweth, Erica, 4, 10, 168n23, 267–70, 345–46
Chihana, Chikufwa, 89
Chile, 71–73, 227
China, 69, 174–79, 359–60; academic freedom in, 174–75; ethnic groups in, 175, 232–36
China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, 175
China Institute of International Studies, 175
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 175
Chishinga people, 89–90
Christia, Fotini, 7, 75–79, 346
Church, Frank, 143
CIA Records Search Tool (CREST), 148–49
civil resistance, 267–70, 281
civil rights legislation (U.S.), 246–52
Clemenceau, Georges, 136
Clifford, James, 24, 184
climate change, 281
Clinton administrion, 250
code of conduct, 273–75
Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey (CMPS), 63n1
collapsed states, 209–13. See also conflict zones
Collier, David, 83
Colombia, 279–83, 321–25, 346–47
color revolutions, 271–72
confidentiality concerns, 119, 131–32, 229; with archival research, 138; with Belfast Project, 255–58, 257; in China, 176–77; with classified documents, 138, 143; with deceased interviewee, 229; with election irregularities, 152; Electronic Frontier Foundation on, 163; of research subjects, 207, 287, 352; with sex traffickers, 333; with social media, 159–63, 160. See also research ethics
conflicts, personal, 108–13
conflict zones, 254, 344; Afghanistan, 75–79, 346; Colombia, 280–81, 321–25, 346–47; El Salvador, 116, 117; Iraq, 108–13; Mali, 94, 98–100; Northern Ireland, 258; Sierre Leone, 23–34, 354; Somalia, 209–13, 358–59. See also safety concerns
consent. See confidentiality concerns
conspiracy theories, 144, 270–71
core values, 273
Côte d’Ivoire, 29, 203, 206–7
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 139
Daly, Sarah Zukerman, 11, 321–25, 346–47
Darden, Keith, 8, 151–55, 347
Data Access and Research Transparency standards, 291, 309
data collection techniques: of Black ethnicity, 60–63; data sets and, 218–20; dishonesty with, 108–13, 155, 345; in Lebanon, 64–65; metadata and, 108, 228, 345; of social media, 158–59; in war zones, 75–79
data sets, 218–20
Dawson, Michael, 62, 63n3
“dead topics” of research, 59
Declassified Documents Reference System (DDRS), 149
Defense Advanced Research Project (DARPA), 284n1
democracy, racial, 238–44
Democratic Republic of Congo, 278
Department of Defense (U.S.), 279, 283; Minerva Research Initiative of, 270, 281
Dewey, John, 200
Digital National Security Archive, 149
dolo, 9, 202, 205–6
do-no-harm research, 75, 122, 229
doodles, presidential, 144–45, 146
Dugas, Michelle, 130
Dupree, Nancy, 76
dysentery, 341–43
Egypt, 36–43, 184, 286–92
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 140, 145, 146, 245
election irregularities, 152–55
Eliot, T. S., 350–51
El País (newspaper), 199
El Salvador, 115–22
Elster, Jon, 50
Ervine, David, 255
Estonia, 199–200
ethics. See research ethics
ethnicity, 199, 263–64; in Brazil, 239–40; Chinese policies on, 175, 232–36; in Israel, 259–60; of U.S. Blacks, 58–63; in Zambia, 89–90
ethnography, 119, 122, 310n4; “accidental,” 24, 42, 172; with extremists, 293–302, 356–57; “living,” 294
ethnonationalism, 277–78
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), 169, 172
expatriates, 75–76, 279, 361
“exstorience,” 100–101
Fabbe, Kristin E., 7–8, 108–13, 345
Family Support Acts (U.S.), 250
FARC. See Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
fascist militia (Italy), 293–302
Fatah al-Islam organization, 84
Fearon, James D., 201n1
Fenno, Richard, 3, 91, 105
field experiments, 301, 346; in Mali, 93–100
“first principles” approach, 85–87
Fisher, Ali, 158
focus groups, 95
Ford Foundation, 239–40
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) documents, 149
Frampton, Martyn, 158
Francis, Megan Ming, 252
Franco, Francisco, 225–29
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, 143, 148
Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), 116
Fujii, Lee Ann, 207, 328; on “accidental ethnography,” 24, 42, 172; on metadata, 228
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 240
Gaddafi, Muammar, 94
Gambetta, Diego, 51
García Fernández, Carlos Mauricio, 324
Geertz, Clifford, 24, 184
gender issues, 132, 242–43; in Afghanistan, 7, 76–78; in Lebanon, 66–67; LGBTQ rights and, 169–73; machismo as, 118–19; in Mali, 95–98; in Russia, 169–73; sex workers and, 172; in Sierra Leone, 23–34; with terrorist interviews, 128–29
General Social Survey (GSS), 59–60
genocide, 133
Germany, Nazi, 227, 231n3
Ghana, 203
ghazawat (ISIS media raids), 157
Gillum, Rachel M., 114n2
Google Corporation, 285n1
Granda, Rodrigo, 323
Greece, 49–56
Green, Amelia Hoover, 8, 115–22, 348–49
Greer, Christina M., 7, 58–63, 347–48
groundnut soup, 23, 25, 27, 32–33, 365
Guatemala, 145
Gush Emunim settlers, 20
Hajj, Nadya, 3, 7, 83–87, 348, 365
Hamas, 68, 128
Hamel, Jacques, 157
Hamlet Evaluation System, 54
Han, Enze, 9, 232–36, 348
Harkat ul Mujahideen, 128–29
Hassan, Nidal, 40
health concerns, 336, 339, 340–41, 344, 358
Hezbollah, 64–69, 312–17
Hitchens, Christopher, 318n3
Hughes, Brendan, 255
human relations approach, 338
human rights activists, 169–73, 184
human trafficking, 327–33
Hunter, Monica, 205
al-Husayn mosque (Cairo), 36–38, 37
Ibrahim, Attalah, 66–67
identities, 284; born versus chosen, 254–64; ethnonationalities and, 277–79; racial, 58–63, 238–44
India, 277–78; fieldwork in, 93–101, 188–94, 340–43
Ingham, Bernard, 144
Inner Mongolia, 232–34
Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World, 334n6
Institute for World Politics, 240
institutional review board (IRB), 4; Abdo-Katsipis on, 327–28; Balcells on, 229, 231n1; Chenoweth on, 268; on criminal activities, 327–28; Darden on, 152; Green on, 117–18, 121; Hajj on, 84; McCauley on, 202–8; Michelitch on, 100–101; research exempt from, 132, 158, 163, 172; Stern on, 131; virtual research and, 157–58; Wiegand on, 68–69, 363
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), 240–41
International Islamic Front, 130
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 278
internet research. See social media
interpretivism, 40
interview techniques, 328; Abdo-Katsipis on, 328–32, 349–50; appointment strategies and, 102–6, 361; Balcells on, 226–29; Christia on, 76–78; Daly on, 346–47; Darden on, 152–55, 314; with focus groups, 95; Fujii on, 328; Greer on, 61–62, 347–48; Hajj on, 84–87, 348; King on, 249–51; Michelitch on, 95; for political elites, 105–6, 107n1; Posner on, 88–91; religion as factor in, 114n2; Ross on, 359–60; Saideman on, 73–74; Sperling on, 172, 361; Stern on, 127–33; with violent people, 117, 127–33, 297–99, 303–9, 356–57; Wiegand on, 64–69
Iran, 130, 271
Iraq, 75, 108–13, 279
IRB. See institutional review board
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 255–58
ISI (Pakistani Intelligence agency), 129
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 40, 109; online platform of, 156–66, 345, 368; recruitment methods of, 156
Israel, 15–22, 259
Italian fascist militia, 293–302
Jaajaa, Maurice, 327
Jacob Hiatt Institute (Jerusalem), 15–16
Jamal, Amaney, 9, 215–20, 349, 366
Johnson, Kimberley, 252
Johnson, Lyndon B., 245
Jordan, 83–84, 86, 215–20
journaling, 344–45
journalists, networking with, 75–76, 128, 130
“just show up” strategy, 105–6
Kadyrov, Ramzan, 308–9
Kalyvas, Stathis N., 4, 6–7, 49–56, 248, 305
Kantian ethics, 301
Kaplan, Fred, 138–39
Karadzic, Radovan, 133
Kashmir, 188–93
Kassim, Rachid, 157
Kato, Daniel, 252
Katznelson, Ira, 252
Kennedy, John F., 139, 144–45, 245
Kenney, Michael, 161
Kenya, 279
Khalil, Fazlur Rahman, 128–29
Khouri, Laith Al, 162
kidnapping threats, 210–11
kidney stone, 337–38
King, Desmond, 9–10, 245–52, 350
Klotz, Louis-Lucien, 136
Kolbert, Elizabeth, 55–56
Krause, Peter, 1–12, 254–64, 350–51, 364–68
Krio language, 25
Kruglanski, Arie, 130
Kryder, Daniel, 252
Kull, Steve, 134n3
Kurds, 108–10
Lacina, Bethany, 7, 102–6, 351
Laitin, David D., 4, 9, 51, 196–200, 219, 351
Lebanon, 312–17; Hezbollah in, 64–69; Palestinian refugee camps in, 84–87; sex-traffickers in, 327–33
LGBTQ activists, 169–73
Liberia, 27, 28
Libya, 94
Lieberman, Robert, 252
“linked fate” theory, 62, 63n3
Linz, Juan, 198, 226
listening skills, 129–30, 328
Lokmanoglu, Ayse, 8, 156–66, 344–45
Loucheur, Louis, 136
Lozada, Carlos Antonio, 323
Luapulan people, 89–90
Lunda people, 89–90
Lustick, Ian S., 6, 15–22, 351–52
Lynch, Marc, 10, 261, 286–92, 352–53
Maghreb, 261–62
malaria, 30, 358
Malawi, 88–89, 91
Mali, 93–101
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 155n2
Mampilly, Zachariah Cherian, 10, 168n23, 277–84, 353, 364
Mansaray, Fatmatah, 33
Maqdisi, Abu Muhammad al-, 40
Marks, Zoe, 6, 23–34, 354
McAleese, Mary, 256
McCauley, John F., 9, 202–8, 354–55
McNamara, Robert, 138
Mead, Margaret, 155n2
Mearsheimer, John, 139
media raids (ghazawat), 157
medical concerns, 336, 339, 340–41, 344, 358
Mende language, 27
metadata, 108, 228, 345. See also data collection techniques
Michelitch, Kristin, 7, 93–101, 355
Microsoft Corporation, 285n1
Milgram, Stanley, 300, 301
Minerva Research Initiative (U.S.), 270, 281
Moloney, Ed, 255
Moore, Barrington, 52–53
moral hazard, 268–69
Mormons, 39–40
Morocco, 183–84
Morsi, Mohammed el-, 287, 290
Mubarak, Hosni, 286, 289
Mughniyeh, Imad, 312–13
Mujahideen, 128–29
Murcia, Erika, 117, 119
Muslim Brotherhood, 286–87
Myanmar, 188
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 247
Nagaland, 190
Nahr al Bared refugee camp (Lebanon), 84
Napoleon Bonaparte, 140
Narang, Vipin, 11, 340–43, 355
Nasrallah, Hassan, 313
National Black Election Study (NBES), 60
National Defense University (China), 175
National Election Study (NES), 59–60
National Liberation Front (FLN), 263
National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), 98–99
National Science Foundation (U.S.), 270, 281
NATO nuclear strategies, 137–38
Nazi Germany, 227, 231n3
neo-Nazis (U.S.), 128
Netherlands, 132–33
networking, 210; Abdo-Katsipis on, 328–29; anonymous contacts versus, 154–55, 161–62; Balcells on, 227; with expatriates, 75–76, 361; Jamal on, 215–20, 349, 366; Lynch on, 352–53; Stern on, 128, 130
New Deal policies, 252
New Institutional Economics, 85
Nielsen, Richard A., 6, 36–43, 355–56
Niger, 207
Nigeria, 196–98, 200
9/11 attacks, 129–30, 132. See also War on Terror
Nobles, Melissa, 9, 238–44, 356
Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes (NAVCO) data set, 268–70
Northern Ireland, 188, 190–91, 255–58, 257
nuclear weapons, 127–28, 137–38, 340–41
Obafemi Awolowo University, 197
Obama, Barack, 335–39; Russian sanctions of, 169–71, 170
Occupy Wall Street movement, 268
Office of Radio and Television in Mali (ORTM), 93–100
Office of Risk Management guidelines, 213
“onion principle,” 9, 196–200, 351
oral histories, 13, 226–29, 255–58
Orientalism, 21, 290
O’Rourke, Lindsey A., 8, 106, 142–49, 357
Orsini, Alessandro, 10, 293–302, 356–57
Ottoman Empire, 151–52, 154
Padgett, John, 50
Pakistan, 128–31, 341–42
Palestine, 15–22, 184, 259–60
Palestinian National Front, 20
Palestinian refugee camps, 83–87, 368
Paris, 135–37, 188
Parks, Robert, 261
PATRIOT Act, 68. See also War on Terror
Peace Corps, 196, 204
peacekeeping soldiers, 281
Pearlman, Wendy, 8–9, 173n2, 183–87, 217, 357, 366
Pendleton Act (U.S., 1882), 246–52
Pentagon Papers, 144
people power movements, 268, 271–72. See also Arab Spring
Perry, Ravi, 11, 335–39, 358
Petersen, Roger, 50–51
Philippines, 69
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 151–52, 154
“political correctness,” 177
Portes, Alejandro, 83
positionality of research, 228; Han on, 234–36, 348; Krause on, 9–10, 254–64, 351, 366–67; Mampilly on, 280–84, 353; Nobles on, 241–44; Szekely on, 9–10. See also subjectivity
positivist political science, 40–43, 115, 235
Posner, Daniel N., 3, 7, 88–91, 203, 358
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 133, 162, 227
Prima Linea (terrorist group), 298
principal-agent theory, 73
prison system: Colombian, 322–24; United States, 248–49
privacy. See confidentiality concerns
property rights, of Palestinians, 85–87
prostitution, 171, 171–72. See also sex-trafficking
Prucha, Nico, 158
Putin, Vladimir, 170
Qaradawi, Yusuf al-, 39
Qualitative Transparency Deliberations, 276n5
Qualtrics software, 108–9, 112, 345
Quandt, William, 263
Qur’an, recitation of, 36–43, 366
racial identities, 58–63, 238–44. See also ethnicity
racial inequality, structural, 245–52
Ramadan War (1973), 18
Ramírez, Sandra, 323
Rand Corporation, 138
Ranstorp, Magnus, 285n4
rape, 132
Reagan, Ronald, 145
refugee camps, 83–87, 368
regime change, 142–43, 145
Regini, Guilio, 291
Reno, Will, 9, 209–13, 358–59
research: collaboration in, 274–75, 274; “dead topics” of, 59; do-no-harm, 75, 122, 229; engaged, 268–69, 272–75; funding of, 270, 274, 280–83, 345–46, 360; hidden costs of, 61, 355; among insurgents, 64–69; journal of, 344–45; political implications of, 269–72; unintended consequences of, 268–69, 274. See also archival research
research assistants, 117–20; acknowledgment of, 71, 79, 275; gender issues with, 77, 96–98; hiring of, 70–74, 77, 96; pay of, 71, 79; supervision of, 78–79, 108–13
research ethics, 4, 10; accountability for, 275; Balcells on, 229; Bloom on, 161–66; Chenoweth on, 267–75, 345–46; code of conduct, 273–75; Green on, 120–22; Krause on, 257–58; Lustick on, 352; Lynch on, 290–91; Michelitch on, 100–101; Orsini on, 297–302; Souleimanov on, 306–9; Stern on, 131–32; Szekely on, 315–17. See also confidentiality concerns
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 280–81, 321–25
Revolutionary United Front (Sierra Leone), 23, 26, 29
Rihawi, Imad, 327, 330, 331
risk management. See safety concerns
Roig, Montserrat, 231n3
Romero, Oscar, 116
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 245
Rosenhan, David, 301
Rosenzweig, Franz, 19
Ross, Robert, 8, 174–79, 359–60
Russia, 271, 272; Chechen conflict with, 303–9; Estonia and, 199–200; gender discrimination in, 169–73; Ukraine and, 151, 154, 169–70; U.S. sanctions against, 169–71, 170
Sacrifice (fascist militia), 293–302
safety concerns, 11, 360; Abdo-Katsipis on, 327–33, 349; Bloom on, 160–63; Chenoweth on, 271–72; Daly on, 321–25; Darden on, 153; Krause on, 256–57; Lynch on, 286–92; Mampilly on, 279; medical, 336–39, 340–41, 344, 358; Michelitch on, 99–101; Nielsen on, 44n4; Nobles on, 242–43; Orsini on, 294–95, 356–57; Reno on, 209–13, 358–59; Stern on, 130, 131, 133; Wiegand on, 65. See also conflict zones
Saideman, Stephen M., 7, 70–74, 360
Salem, Waleed, 291
Sankoh, Foday, 23, 25–26
Saudi Arabia, 129
security. See safety concerns
self-censorship, 299–300
Semple, Michael, 76
Sen, Amartya, 278
sex-trafficking, 327–33
sexual harassment, 169–70. See also gender issues
sexual tourism, 171
sex workers, 171, 171–73
shingles, 336–37
Sierra Leone, 115, 120; fieldwork in, 23–34, 354; secret societies in, 25; war crimes in, 29
Singapore, 188, 192
Sinn Féin, 256–58, 257
Six-Day War (1967), 19
Skocpol, Theda, 52–53
social desirability bias, 206
social media, 218, 344–45, 359; ISIS’s use of, 156–66, 345, 368; research subjects’ use of, 280, 288–89
Social Services Employees Union, 60, 62
Somalia, 196, 209–13, 358–59
Soufan Center, 156
Souleimanov, Emil Aslan, 10, 303–9, 360
South Africa, 205
South China Sea disputes, 69
South Korea, 71
South Sudan, 278–79, 283
Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), 225–30
Sperling, Valerie, 8, 169–73, 361
Spontaneous Order theory, 85
Sri Lanka, 189, 194, 279
Staniland, Paul, 9, 188–94, 217, 361
Stephan, Maria, 267–68
Stern, Jessica, 8, 127–33, 362
Strahan, Randall, 83
subjectivity of research, 9–10, 263–64, 351, 366–67; Daly on, 346–47; Han on, 234–36, 348; Mampilly on, 280–84, 353; Marks on, 354; Nobles on, 241–44
Sundstrom, Lisa McIntosh, 169–70
survey research, 345; in Afghanistan, 77; in Burkina Faso, 204–8; in Colombia, 324; in Iraq, 108–13; in Lebanon, 64–65; in Mali, 96–98; in New York, 60–63; in Spain, 228
Syria, 83–84, 272
Szekely, Ora, 1–12, 312–17, 362, 364–68
Taiwan, 176
Tamil Tigers (LTTE), 189, 194, 279
Tanzania, 278
taxis, 72, 117–19; Brazilian, 242–43; Irish, 255–56; Palestinian, 20–22; Ukrainian, 151–55
Telegram platform, 156–66, 368
terrorist organizations, 270, 293–302; Al Qaeda, 98–99, 130; al-Shabaab, 209; as “freedom fighters,” 235; Harkat ul Mujahideen, 128–29; interview techniques for, 127–33, 297–99, 356–57; ISIS, 156–66, 345; Prima Linea, 298. See also War on Terror
Thailand, 188
Thatcher, Margaret, 144
“third gender,” 7, 76–78
Thompson, Debra, 252
Tibet, 233
Trachtenberg, Marc, 3, 8, 135–40, 362–63
translation difficulties, 66–67, 70–74, 102–3
transportation difficulties, 72
Truman, Harry S., 245
Tuareg people, 94
Turkey, 271, 307
Ukraine, 151–55, 199, 200; Russia and, 151, 154, 169–70
Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), 255
uniformitarianism, 56
United Kingdom Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act, 165
United States Information Agency (USIA), 50
Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), 116
Utas, Mats, 24
utilitarianism, 301
Uyghurs, 233–36
Van Evera, Stephen, 139
vegetarianism, 183
Venezuela, 271, 272
Versailles Treaty (1919), 136
Vietnam War, 144
virtual research. See social media
visa requirements, 355
Wampler, Bob, 137
war crimes, 29, 132, 133
War on Terror, 68, 129–30, 132, 279, 280, 284. See also terrorist organizations
war zones. See conflict zones
Washington, D.C., 142–49, 245–52
WeChat messages, 175
Wedeen, Lisa, 40, 195n1
West, Cornel, 338
WhatsApp communication platform, 109, 112, 159
White House Tapes collection, 143–44
Wiegand, Krista E., 7, 64–69, 363
World War I reparations, 135–36
Xinjiang, 232–36
Yanukovych, Viktor, 151
Yemen, 75
Yerevan Khanate, 307
Yom Kippur War (1973), 18
Zambia, 88–91
Zimbardo, Philip, 301